Of Clots, Nanoparticles, Graphene, and mRNA “Vaccines”


Do you remember back during the Planscamdemic when Dr. Charles Lieber of Harvard University’s chemistry department was arrested for not disclosing financial relationships with…(cough)… laboratories in China? Do you also remember when it was revealed that his “specialty” was revealed to be how to use nano-particles and how they might in turn be used to carry drugs into the brain past the blood-brain barrier? And do you remember who that touched off an internet scramble to investigate all the implications of nano-particles and covid mRNA injections, and how people quickly found patents by Baal Gates who wanted to create an “updatable” quackcine technology that you wore in your body, and updated like those never-welcome-take-forever Windows updates? Remember how some people speculated that to make such a technology work, it would have to be via nano-particles being implanted somehow in the body (hmmm…. I wonder how?), particles which in turn would respond to certain types of electromagnetic signals contituting the “update” from the quackcine company? (For convenience’s sake, let’s call that company Microcrud-Nanoshinola LLC).  Do you remember when some started drawing connections between all of this and the quackcines and the adverse reactions? Remember how The Science and The Media said that making connections between all of this – the planscamdemic, the arrest of Lieber, the patents and quackcine schemes of Baal Gates – were all kooky conspiracy theorists/

Well… two doctors in Korea are confirming at least part of this scenario according to the following article shared by V.T. (with our thanks):

Korean scientists claim Pfizer, Moderna mRNA vaccine vials contain self-assembling nanoparticles that can form into clots

Note the following:

Confirming what many suspected to be the case, two Korean scientists have found that the mRNA vaccine vials from both Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna contain self-assembling nanoparticles that form into the white clots that many embalmers are discovering inside the bodies of the “fully vaccinated.”

The findings of these two scientists closely resemble what Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, found when he reported on these embalmer clots back in January 2022. (Be sure to check out this report highlighting the footlong clots found in some fully vaccinated dead bodies.)

What Adams apparently found concerning these clots is that they are not composed of actual human tissue, nor do they contain amyloid proteins, according to Dr. Ruby – so what are they, exactly?

If that’s the case, then what of the mechanism for the update from Microcrud-Nanoshinola LLC?  What is interesting to me is that this article actually goes there; what was “conspiracy theory” a few short years ago is now a possibility that is being considered:

The clots in question apparently contain magnetic graphene that grows in both arteries and veins. In some cases, the resulting clot is upwards of three feet in length and could be used as an antenna system for WiFi signals to connect the fully jabbed to “the borg.”

“Can you hear a high pitch frequency that increases in amplitude at night?” the X account that reiterated all of this asked of Dr. Ruby, who confirmed that she is aware of this having “broke the worldwide story of La Quinta Columna and the graphene oxide as well as the first embalmer report.”

The real question left unanswered by the article’s high octane speculation is why would one want to inject such nano-particles into someone for the purposes of Wifi signal reception, when the injection only causes the people receiving them to die? What use is a dead antenna? Is it, as the appended video in the article suggests, to somehow create “zombies”, a “fake general resurrection” by creating massive nervous reactions in dead people via strong electromagnetic pulse? (It sounds crazy, I know, but then again, these people are bat-shinola crazy.) Perhaps, perhaps not. What is intriguing here is the apparent discovery of graphene and other metals in some of the injections, which can act as antenna.

I find all this intriguing because I have a friend with Morgellon’s disease, remember that one? This was a strange disease that some people began to report during the 1990s and early 2000s. We were assured by The Science and The Media that there was no such disease and that it was just all some sort of mass hypercondria.  But what many of these people reported was a sensation of tingling, like ants crawling under their skin. They reported lesions, and these in turn would be focuses for the feeling that insects were crawling under their skin. Some reported being particularly sensitive to increased electromagnetic background noise.  Then in my friend’s and a few other people’s cases, a physician, Dr. Hildegard Stavanger, stepped forward to actually investigate – that’s called science, folks, as distinct from The Science – and what she discovered was nothing less than amazing: tiny “plastic” nano-fibers, many of them growing in the lesions of her patients. These in turn acted like tiny nano-antennae, and when electromagnetic background radiation increased, sure enough, the Morgellon’s victims’ pain increased.  Many, as a result of these early findings, speculated that the nano-fibers were entering the bodies of the victims through the so-called “chemtrail” spraying that many alleged was going on. Others looked to genetically modified foods. The latter may seem an even more unlikely candidate, but it should be remembered that in the wake of quackcine skepticism during the planscamdemic, it was alleged that members of the Technokookracy including Baal Gates advocated putting the quackcines into the GMOs, and with that, the nano-particles, GMO foods, and whatever sick and twisted agenda was behind all of this, linked up again. The story about Gates, so we’re told, was false:

Tweet suggesting vaccines in food is fabricated

What’s interesting, however, is that the basic conceptual point is not denied by the “fact check” in that vaccine-via-food is an admitted research goal:

Researchers have studied edible vaccines for years, but no such program is active in the United States.

Uh huh. Just like no program of nano-particles was being studied here by Dr. Lieber, either.  And as for genes crossing into other species, check this out:

My point here is that all of this high octane dot-connecting is not implausible.

All of this brings us to the real question squatting like a big fat ugly toad in the middle of all this swirling cloud of disconnected dots: who is poisoning us, and why? It seems evident to anyone with a real brain who is not leaping onto the propaganda bandwagon of The Science and The Media, that someone very much wants us dead; our food supply is poison, our drugs are poison, our “vaccines” have been redefined so that hugely experimental injections can be called vaccines and tested on human populations under the guise of a “health emergency”, and many people taking those “safe and effective” injections are suffering, or have died, in cruel fashions.   And The Media and The Science are silent (and The Science is enjoying a well-paid retirement, apparently). So… again… who wants us dead so badly, and why?  I have a few ideas, but I’d like to hear yours.

But whatever we make of it, some doctors in some countries haven’t entirely lost their minds, and are willing to say what needs to be said. Shame on all the big networks of the American propataintment media for not even bothering with the story.

See you on the flip side…

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from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2024/08/korean-doctors-discoer-slef-assembling-nanoparticles-in-the-quacines/