Overall Color for the Week: Light Sky Blue
It is time to reach for the stars.
The Earth is shaking, crying, wailing, and blowing. This summer will bring more hurt and destruction than this globe has seen in eons. No place will be untouched. People need to awaken and know what is truly important. By the end of the year, many, many people will find that their concepts of life, living, what is necessary, what is important, etc. will have changed. And when this happens, those with a new perspective will see clearly the illusion of what the media and those in power have told us is paramount, necessary, good. Plastic surgery. Material possessions. Big houses. The “Right” people. Hollywood glamor. Gossip magazines. Stuff. The Earth will have led us to evaluate what makes life worthwhile. This week, this summer, and the slide into next year will hold up a mirror to us all. What we see in it will be the truth. We can choose to accept or turn away. There is no blame. We do the best we can. Continue reading