Seriously folks, you just can’t make this stuff up. If you read my blog on Monday, you’ll have become aware of a potential Soros connection to the whole corona virus narrative. I suppose in one sense that’s to be expected, because this story has more twists and turns than a pretzel, and Soros, baggy eyes and all, certainly looks to me like a pretzel; he has more twists, turns, and rationalizations than a spy for the Byzantine Empire. Well, now – thanks to this article shared by M.D. – you can add Elizabeth Holmes and her once-touted Theranos Silicon Valley company to the mix.
Remember them? Holmes claimed she wanted to have a home-testing kit that would, from a tiny drop of blood, be able to test for all sorts of diseases, right there, in house, on the spot. I’ve blogged many times about her claims, her patents, and the physics implications of those claims and patents on this website, so I won’t rehearse them again here.
” Just how does Theranos figure into this?” you might ask.
Well, here’s how:
And in case you missed it:
Updated Remember Theranos? The blood-testing company worth billions whose CEO Elizabeth Holmes became a celebrity right up until the point when it became clear its revolutionary testing machines didn’t actually work as described?
Well, Theranos is dead, and Holmes is still dealing with the legal repercussions, but her vampire company has come alive again – and in the very worst way: its reincarnation is suing another medical testing company for patent infringement.
It gets worse. While Theranos’ patents, obtained by an outfit called Fortress Investment Group in 2018, do not relate to a testing machine that actually works, they are being used to sue a manufacturer whose medical-testing machine not only works but is being used to detect the presence of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
That’s right: a private-equity-turned-investment group is using patents it picked up from a collapsed testing company – which imploded because its tech didn’t work – to sue a company whose machines actually do work and which is on the front-line of tackling the worst pandemic that the world has known for 100 years.
It’s (sic) dense legal language designed solely to extract money out of a legitimate business. And while Labrador Diagnostics may sound like a legitimate testing company, there is no evidence that it exists on anything but paper. It was created as a limited liability company in Delaware literally this month. Within three days of it existing, it sued the testing equipment maker in question: BioFire.
BioFire, meanwhile, is a real company with real people doing actual work. The technology that “Labrador” claims is infringing its patent – which it calls FilmArray technology – is being used to develop three much-needed tests for COVID-19.
Ok… I can buy that interpretation. Anyone who has read Wall Street investigative journalist John Carreyrou’s book on Holmes and Theranos, Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Start Up will come away with a clear picture of the malfeasance and heavy-handedness of Ms. Holmes and her corporation.
…but… as I pointed out in my previous blogs on Theranos, some of the basic concepts behind her idea were sound. The concept needed time to develop and to get working properly (in my opinion). So what if there might be something to the claims in the lawsuit, that Theranos’ concepts might indeed be being applied to testing for COVID-19?
If so, then we’re left with two possibilities, neither of which are very reassuring: (1) some have raised the issue of the accuracy of COVID-19 testing and the returns of false positives. Could it be that some of the tests are based on faulty technology, perhaps stemming from Theranos’ patents and concepts as the lawsuit alleges? Well, maybe, but if so, then that raises all sorts of nasty implications about the testing industry and government “oversight.” (2) But conversely, if the article is accurate and more accurate tests are available, then why have we seen so many stories about the relatively high percentages of false positives in tests? More to the point, what is the technology behind those tests, both the accurate and inaccurate ones?
More importantly, if one looks at this (w)hole narrative about the corona virus story, consider just this odd set of circumstances: (1) we now have connections to Harvard University via the arrest of Dr. Charles Lieber for allegedly not disclosing his relationship to the Wuhan laboratory which was researching respiratory diseases, while Lieber himself was also connected to nano-technology research; (2) we now have some sort of murky corporate connection between Chinese bio-research firms and George Soros, as outlined in last Monday’s blog; and (3) now we have the remnants of Theranos weighing into the mix with lawsuits for patent infringement of its testing patents. And lest we forget, the Theranos board once included heavy hitters from the US military-industrial complex: former secretaries of state George Schultz, Kissinger, and former secretary of defense William Perry, not to mention Riley Bechtel, and General Mattis, and that’s just for starters. We had Chinese spies at the Canadian level four facility in Winnepeg Manitoba, the sudden resignation of Bill Gates from Microsoft and Berkshire-Hathaway, his continued pronunciamenti about pandemics, sponsorship of Exercise 201, and so on.
from: https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/04/another-strange-corona-virus-connection-theranos/