Julia Griffin on Moving Forward Now

The Bridge In Time

The Bridge In Time

Story by: Julia Griffin

For months, I’ve felt the bridge in time, the elusive strands of energy between the Piscean and Aquarian Age. The turning between ages is like a wheel; the spokes turn and open in the space between ages, offering a dispensation of light.  When we are between two ages, there is a great deal of light and less physical energy due to the oscillation between the two worlds.  A Precession of Ages likely doubles or triples this gift of light.

Many of us felt disappointment when the energy shifted around the solstice. While “heaven on earth” did not miraculously appear, many of us felt the impetus of a new energy.  No one could deny that the world is touched by change.

Personally, I perceived a significant increase in light and a substantial shift in the energy on the winter solstice. The earth is changing too. The fairytale beauty of blossoming pear and peach
trees lingers outdoors, in ridiculous cold, accompanied by flowers that shouldn’t bloom for months. Some days they are covered in ice but continue their blooming without a pause.

Perhaps, we’re a bit like the flowers. We move forward with self-expression and the sharing of light, then backwards with the return of winter and dormancy, like an intricate dance. Sometimes, the beautiful energy fills us with joy and spontaneous direction. Other times, it’s impossible to do anything besides rest. (I never thought my sofa would become so familiar.) It’s exhausting and exciting all at once.

Like my plants blossoming with their strange timing in the season, the energy seems to have an odd time warp quality. Some desires come into fruition by merely speaking them, and other desires take a tremendous amount of focus, arriving unexpectedly but months after the initial projection. A series of events can arrive full-blown in a single day, or it can take a long time for the beginning of movement with spaces between the necessary actions. Time appears to slow down and speed up in particular patterns during the day.

When talking with my gifted friends, we noted a few recent changes. Additional meditation, exercise and focus are needed to retain a calm nature. Our practices, which were natural and enjoyable, now come first with the change brought by the new energies. When it’s secondary, we find it more difficult when dealing with emotions or other people. Establishing a relationship with the universe can take more work.

We’ve also lost our ability of merging and remaining invisible in crowds. People look deeply in our eyes or bump into us with a clear desire to convey connection or hostility. Of course, becoming visible to others in everyday life is somewhat humorous. How did we expect to remain disguised, knowing that truth exposes everything during the time of the apocalypse?

Apocalypse means revelation of hidden truth, and it appears in governments, global finances, relationships, conversation and within the self.  The act of becoming more intuitive makes our inner dialog, agenda and subconscious patterns become obvious to ourselves and others. The term “subconscious patterns” refers the repetition of emotions and events that evoke a lower response in life or physical reality. (As we clear our inner patterns, we actually clear many negative patterns in the outer world.) As we see the truth within ourselves, the truth must appear in the outer world.

Light composes the substance that we seek, but light also illuminates the darkness, bringing shadows to the surface. For seekers who’ve experienced the outpouring of light, the opening of the heart, we already know how light stirs the substance of our lives. It can cause tiredness, re-evaluating relationships, and changing jobs or careers.

Certainly, experiences with light open the heart and move us toward love, but the shift can feel baffling and confusing. While in the midst of group conscious awakening, we’re watching the reconfiguration of the world.

There’s turmoil in the outer world. It’s easy to feel the fear of the population at large or see lovely landscapes when connected into the heart. At this time, the universe supports change, but those – who understand positive energy – must direct it.

When we sit in deep connection with the light and see a better world for ourselves and others, we are creating it. Most of us understand that our light is important. We know that we’re here on a quest to learn more about co-creation and bring love into the world, a world with less duality and negativity. Every day, we learn more.

Here are a few tips:

Stay with the light. Reflect on the heart often. (In individual practice, meditation is used to listen to the heart. We learn to associate a rhythm, feeling and sensation with ideas associated with the pulse of the heart. We also make an effort in listening and acting on repetitive intuition, which is information linking us to the soul.)

  1. Understand how you co-create. Direct the force during the meditation.
  2. Conscious co-creation connects you with other people. It also teaches you about the thoughts and feelings used in creating your current reality. Observe it.
  3. The veil is thin. Many emotional feelings come from others, not the self. Practice detaching from the sea of mass consciousness by connecting to the light or focusing on happiness.
  4. Ask for a vision of your higher reality. Asking questions directs the heart toward truth.
  5. Project calm and peace whenever possible.
  6. With the alteration taking place in only 3 or 4 months, our bodies are not accustomed to the changing energies so we may feel tired or lack energy periodically.  Rest when tired. Save projects for times of inspiration and power. (It slows down the process to push when tired.) Don’t use reserves of energy.
  7. If you have super-powers (and you know who you are), let go of the people who drain you. Use your gifts. The world needs you.
  8. Reflect on the beauty of this time and the inherent opportunity for mastery.
  9. Focus on the important practices, which give light and energy in abundance


from:    http://spiritofmaat.com/magazine/april-2013-the-firewalk-issue/the-bridge-in-time/

Julia Griffin on Current Energies

The Eye of the Storm

By Julia Griffin

After passing through the end of the Mayan calendar, dark astrological predictions and prophecy with bleak portent, we caress the concept of light through dates like 11-11-11. The internet turns ripe with speculation, bearing rumors of days that bestow enlightenment, with hope of a great dispensation—salvation from travail on earth. In truth, numeric sequences and astrological configurations only offer energetic frequencies as potentiality.

Kali Yuga–which is the last of four periods of time in Hindu religion, referring to a time of great darkness when people are as far removed from God (source-consciousness) as possible–approaches its end. The New Age is also referred to as the “apocalypse”, defined as the lifting of the veil and revelation of the hidden truth. It’s a real possibility that the corner has been turned; yet, we continue to wait for illumination, as a respite from chaos, the upheaval of the Shift of the Ages.

Wild weather rages through the world with tsunamis, droughts and snowstorms. Outer structures crumble, while finances teeter on a dangerous roller coaster ride. New science discovers the value of intention, including the reprogramming of the DNA through positive affirmation, emotion and action. Princeton’s Global Consciousness Experiment monitors global consciousness, proving that group emotions make a measurable impact on the world. “Everything is energy” is the catch phrase of the new century, but the desired enlightenment is often illusive.

We can seek shelter in the storm of polarities, the riot of energy experienced as part of the coursing change, through the simple tenets of hermetic law. By abiding in the safe habitat of these laws, the final product offers “centering”, the practice of balanced thought, spirituality, emotion and body. The spectacle of centering is actually the desired result of all alchemy, represented in the marriage of opposites. Sacred geometry presents the concept of centering through figures such as the dodecahedron and the stellated dodecahedron, which are also depicted in Kabala as the “Tree of Life.”

Shift of the Ages

The current changes of light and earth frequency emphasize the necessity of centered thought and action. Knowledge of the “storm of the shift” brings insight to accelerate understanding of personal and global challenges.

Acknowledgement of the need for centering is important, but comprehension of “The Turning of the Ages” is required for perception of the implications and inherent possibilities, as conferred by a given point in time and space.

“The Turning of the Ages” is loosely defined as the movement of the sun through all of the astrological signs, as a completion of a twenty-six thousand year earth cycle. The sun moves through an astrological sign in about 2,160 years, comprising an “Age.” The turning of the ages bestows additional light for the evolution of the soul. (It’s important to keep in mind that self-mastery is key to soul evolution.)

In each Age, an element predominates and influences mass consciousness, including icons and symbols. The last Age, the Piscean Age, was symbolized by the element water and two fishes swimming in opposite directions. (Previous ages include the ram or Aries during the time of Moses and the bull or Taurus during the Egyptian reigns.)

The Aquarian Age is governed by an air sign, ruled by Uranus, which influences the quantum field or akasha. (Aquarius is symbolized by a man pouring water into the air or akasha, and the highest emanation of water/emotion is love. The akasha is ruled by Uranus.) It’s interesting to note the influences of the Aquarian age or the movement toward the Quantum Field or the akasha. Man or Woman is composed of four bodies: spirit and mind (fire + air=electrical) and emotions and body (water + earth=magnetic), thus we are electro-magnetic beings on an alchemical basis.

The akasha is the substance that links each of us on a psychic basis, operating as a long distance telephone for our thoughts and emotions. (Thus, a person receives your true feelings, regardless of words or expressions. As the akashic element strengthens, the likelihood of transmitting one’s true emotions or thoughts is heightened.) The akashic field also links us to higher emotions, such as love, joy and gratitude. The fifth sense, or intuition, is regulated to the Field or the akaska. The element of the akasha unifies — it is literally the experience of the One in the All.

The change in earth frequency/consciousness has been referred to as the crystalline grid. A grid acts as a planetary blueprint for the organization for all the structures of life. It distributes and aligns the elementary components, including life force and the planetary frequency spectrum. Some speak of the geometric structure as the stellated dodecahedron or Christ grid. They tell us that the Stellated Dodecahedron is about adding conscious awareness — impeccability, self-responsibility, and integrity — as a means to the open heart to create Christ Consciousness realization.

The properties of a crystal include amplification of the reception and projection of frequencies or waves. If we consider the earth’s structure as taking on a more crystalline formation, then it’s easy to speculate that the population’s inner communication (inner dialog) is broadcast at a higher, more rapid frequency. In the past, radios operated on crystals, and the extension of the antenna determined the band of reception. As an analogy, the inner state acts as an antenna, dictating the broadcast received by the senses.

Earth scientist, Greg Braden, identifies the shift of the ages as associated with the loss of magnetism and/or possible polar shift. According to Braden, the earth pulses in a Base Resonant Frequency, which is the heart beat of Earth. It has increased in frequency from 7.8 cycles per second in 1958 (Schumann Frequency) to approximately 9 cycles per second in 1996, with a projection of 13 cycles per second at the time of the actual shift of the ages. This increased frequency also affects the pulse of the physical body.

Metaphysically, magnetism refers to emotion and sensation (water and earth elements) in the human body. If the heart frequency of the earth and population rise, then perhaps we will shed the lower emotions and sensations, which are commonly experienced in life as separation and suffering. When unity consciousness is achieved, even momentarily, there is only perfection and light.



Unity consciousness is the sensation of experiencing “reality” as an individual in union with the “all.” Alchemically known as the realization of First Matter, it is a glimpse of the underlying fabric of the universe through an open heart chakra. Centering is part of this experience, but the practice has many applications, which exist in many philosophical systems –ranging from Hindu, Tibetan and Chinese physical/meditative practices to those described in Hermetics.

At its height, the practice aspires to the achievement of alchemical balance within the chakras and/or elements of the body—and the more esoteric details are revealed through symbolism. Regardless of the system or complexity of practice, centering refers to the balancing of the elements—fire, air, water, earth and akasha, of the human form (including meridians and chakras.) The value of centering lies in the cultivation of a higher state, so that the seeker is lifted above momentary problems and sights the divine order of the universe.

Whenever the true order of the universe reveals itself, order is regulated in the material world. Whether through a feeling of calm, composure in the mind, vitality of the physical body, or inspirational movement of the soul, centering offers a different perspective of the world. It lifts us above our troubles and into the safe hands of the divine, where all good abides.

Centering begins in the heart by seeking a spiritual connection with the Divine. It is most effective when the seeker concentrates on the heart area by breathing in and out, while imagining balance between the upper and lower three chakras. The practice of similar exercises develops awareness of the inner truth of the heart chakra. The heart becomes the guidepost, and the axiom states, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.”

The concept behind the meditation is detecting the directive of the heart space at all times. This state comes through continually living in a state of prayer, which leads toward love. A state of love, or high frequency state, is needed to transcend the illusion of separation. The illusion of separation relates to the concept of suffering—and only connection with divine can supersede this human condition or provide protection from storms in the inner or outer world.


Practical Notes and Tips

Many forms of centering are mentioned extensively in spiritual teachings. The simplest exercises consist breathing in light; breathing in pain and breathing out light; imagining a state of centeredness between the planet and the heights of the universe; and observation of the self.

– The shift of the ages brings a great dispensation of light; however, the new energies can be disconcerting—often causing imbalance from the influx of new energy. It’s helpful to realize that the emotional states and thoughts may last for a few days or weeks. One of the lessons on the soul journey is discarding preferences—just because we feel one way on one day doesn’t mean that we won’t feel differently on the following day. Work for acceptance of both states and remember — in the big picture, we live in an exciting time.

– Metaphysics theorizes that all problems result from vibrating at a lower frequency. Through identification with a problem, we typically “think” or review the problem at regular intervals. This process is known as resonance. Answers to difficult problems are rarely found in the logical mind, so it’s helpful to work for a “jump” or leap in consciousness.

– Staying with a meditation practice can be a life saver, and the endorphins generated by exercise help incredibly. These two practices balance mind, body and emotion.

– Energy from other people can impact your field. As consciousness grows, many people discover that they “feel” the person next door or read the thoughts of a co-worker on a psychic level. Intuitive readers are emphatically aware of the presence of “other people” when reading the field of an individual. For example, everyone has experienced a sudden emotional plummet when visiting with an unhappy person. Our energy fields over-lap and affect one another, particularly when encountering truth about world conspiracy or earth changes. (Global Conciousness)

– Observation is one key in the shift. Observe phone calls, trips, errands and note energy level before and after encounters. Change communication accordingly. Ask often to be cleared from other people’s energy or mass consciousness, particularly after visits or interaction with media, such as television or even you tube.

– Physicist Werner Heisenberg postulated that observation causes an electron to exist. It doesn’t exist prior to observation or measurement. He stated, “Atoms form a world of potentiality or possibility rather than one of things or facts.”(Werner Heisenberg) Stay focused on your personal, positive vision of the world, and don’t allow the media’s take on world events to rock your inner world.

– The identification of any troubled state as part of our personal consciousness can be freeing. Whether or not we actively participate, some part of our psyche is attached to the overall scheme of events. Often, the best solution lies in patience. Clear guidance can come from objective observation, acceptance of a state and meditative awareness.

Ultimately, human beings, who quest for enlightenment, work for the accomplishment of balance in the physical and spiritual worlds. Mastery is earned through work. When in a centered state, we no longer move between the illusory and real, for it is possible to perceive the fabric of the invisible spiritual world, as well as its direction. We are also open to the voice of the higher self, which directs our motions and advises us well. It is in this state of consciousness that we perceive the beauty and flaws of the physical world with compassion and gratitude, so that love and light meet with us, as companions on the path of enlightenment.


About Julia Griffin

Julia Griffin


Julia Griffin is an intuitive healer,  alchemist, astrologer, herbalist and Reiki master. She has the ability to communicate with plants and animals…. Julia offers a free monthly newsletter that includes manifestation, meditation and energetic techniques, the One True Self enewsletter at www.onetrueself.com

from:    http://www.spiritofmaat.com/dec11/eye_of_the_storm.html