Sound & Healing

Nine Insights Into Sound Healing
by Jonathan Goldman

Sound and music have been used since ancient times for healing and transformation. Yet there is today a growing re-emergence of interest in this field of sound healing with many different thoughts and ideas about the effects of sonics and their use as a transformative energy. Many of the major questions about sound healing are still unanswered. The following thoughts are just my own and may not be based upon the reality of anyone else. They may, however, prove to be useful insights and considerations for others.

One: We are all unique vibratory beings.

To begin, we address the concept that the basic principle of sound healing is that everything is in a state of vibration, including our organs, bones, tissues, etc. If these parts of the body become imbalanced they may be healed through projecting the proper and correct frequencies back into the body. This works for imbalances and over-or-underactivity in the chakras and the energy fields.

I believe that this concept is correct. I merely question whether the various frequencies that have been tabulated by numerous scientists and sound healers as being the frequency for the liver, for example, or the root chakra, are correct. My reason for questioning this information is that first, usually none of these frequencies that have been tabulated agree with one another. The second is, do you really believe that you have the same vibratory rate as anyone else?

When I first began this work nearly fifteen years ago, I was involved in a project researching and investigating the effects of tone upon the chakras. I found dozens of different systems that used different sounds to achieve the same result. How could this be? I wondered. Later on, I came across the works of different scientists who used different frequencies to achieve the same result (and, I might add, with apparent success.)

This led me to create the formula:

Frequency + Intent = Healing

The only commonality in many of these different systems was that the practitioner had the intent of vibrating or balancing a particular area or field with sound. However, this formula also stemmed from my own work with students, healers, and healees. It seemed that the more experience I had teaching and showing how to use sound as a transformative modality, the more validation I received that no one and nothing were the same. Which led to my believe that we are all unique vibratory beings, in a constant state of fluidity and flow.

On a cellular level, there may be generic tones for specific organs. However, we may be lacking certain information regarding the proper understanding of this. Along with a frequency for the structure of the organ, there may also be a modulated frequency which is the pulse of the organ (how the organ interacts with the various energy which passes through it–is it slow or fast? etc.) The brain, for example, pulses at different frequencies (alpha, beta, delta, theta,) but these are not the frequencies of the tissues of the brain. There may be at least two very different types of sonics which influence and affect any organ.

To make the assumption that we are all at the same level of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual development, (and therefore that our chakras all behave the same and resonate to the same frequencies,) is rather simplistic. In Tibet, it seems that different chakras receive different mantras as sounds to resonate them, depending upon the level of development of the student. An “Ah” sound, for example, might work for the throat chakra at one level of development, while it might work for the heart chakra at another level.

Years ago, a student of mine found a system for working with sound and the chakras which used the note “C” for the root chakra and went up the chakras diatonically (“C,” “D,” “E,” “F,” etc.) so that the seventh or crown chakra vibrated to “B.” In principle, it was a very neat system, though it did not strike me as being correct for several reasons: First, it seemed that low frequencies affected my root chakra while high frequencies affected my crown. If the diatonic scale system were true, then that would mean that a low “B” would affect my crown chakra while a very high “C: would affect my root chakra, which did not seem to be the case. Also, is that note “C” resonating the root chakra before or after coffee? Early in the morning or late at night? Before or after meditation? It well may be that these activities and ingestions affect the frequency rate, not only of our physical body, but also of the chakras and the etheric fields.

So, to the question, “Do I believe we all resonate to the same frequency?” I answer, “No! I do not.” I believe we are all unique and different vibratory beings with different frequencies for our bodies, brain, and energy centers. And these frequencies can change.

Two: Because of the uniqueness of the human vibratory rate and the uniqueness of our response to music, it is difficult to accurately test the effects of music upon the human body and energy fields.

One of the most effective measurements for testing the effects of music upon the body is kinesiology, a method of muscle testing. While highly trained practitioners of kinesiology can sometimes determine profound insights, kinesiology is a very difficult and specific tool if the practitioner is not skilled or clear about its purpose. It is necessary that the persons doing the testing be well trained in the various subtleties of kinesiology, and that they be extremely clear, with nothing to prove when doing the testing. Thus, one sometimes questions the results of kinesiological testings, particularly involving music, if the person doing the testing has anything to prove.

Here is one final thought on using kinesiology to check for the positive or negative effects of music. Given that if a practitioner checks a patient while the music is on, both parties will be influenced by the music and the results are not balanced nor accurate. However, if one of the persons wears headphones while listening to the music, it is speculated that headphones actually add their own influence into the kinesiological testing and change the results. The ultimate answer would be to use a machine that used the same amount of pressure each time. However, while such a machine does exist, it is not commonly found nor used.

Three: The energy inherent on recordings may be as important as the sound reproduction of the recording.

As we move more and more into audiophile consciousness, with the advent of high-tech recording and playback equipment, a certain bias is developing which insists that for recorded music to be beneficial, it must be well recorded, without any distortion. There is an aspect of truth in this. “Clean,” clear music, without distortion, etc., is very nice to our ears. It’s great in fact, and I prefer it to poorly recorded sounds. But let’s fact it, clean music isn’t necessarily therapeutic. If one believes that there is an energy form (we’ll call it “intent” for this purpose) outside the actual frequency range of the music, then something else is also going on when we listen to music.

Have you ever heard a poorly recorded “bootleg” of a fabulous concert that absolutely sent you soaring when you heard it, then when you heard the same song released on the album that was clean and clear, it did nothing for you? I have. I have a number of recordings of chanting from various spiritual masters on which the fidelity is questionable. But the energy inherent in these recordings is marvelous and somehow the healing or transformative energies are still transmitted through the sounds.

If someone is so biased that they cannot bypass the audio fidelity of a recording, I have no doubt that these people will not allow themselves to access the energy inherent on poorly recorded cassettes and discs. This may be a problem unique unto the individual and not inherent in the actual recording.

Let us not bias others with our own biases. It certainly qualifies and quantifies what’s good and bad for us.

Four: No one recorded sound medium is better than another.

This brings us to the insight of whether analog recordings (cassettes and record albums) are more beneficial than digital recordings (or vice versa.) The sonic jury is still out on this. No one knows. No doubt, both analog and digital are very different and, no doubt, they both can have positive results.

When kinesiology was first used as a method of testing the effects of music, it really seemed that digital was not beneficial. At the time, this may have been true. The early digital recordings sounded different: they were clear, but cold. Some people would develop headaches while listening to them. Still later, as digital continued to develop, I found people who believed that digital recording created sounds that were not beneficial to the cells of the body or auric field. There may be truth to this. It is difficult to accurately test the effects of music.

More recently, a friend of mine who is a fine musical magician suggested that I was anti-digital because I was afraid of new technology. “Once you stop being afraid, you’ll be able to work with digital and synthesized sampled sounds as a sonic form that can be worked with (and influenced) like any other sound.” His words rang true. “Besides,” he added, “digital is working with quartz based technologies and you know how you love to work with quartz crystals.”

I listened to my friends advice and began to incorporate some digital and synthesized sampling technologies in my work. For example, during the recording of Angel of Sound, I utilized both analog and digital studio techniques. In addition, during the recording, I consciously asked Shamael, the Angel of Sacred Sound, to come into the recording (regardless of whether it was analog or digital.) From all reports, the Angel is there.

One last thing: Some purists tend to think of analog as being a purer sound than digital. More real. Conceptually, this is true, until you add all the other elements of recording and playback to this. When you take an analog recording such as a cassette and play it back through a transistorized system (which most of us have,) that analog signal is significantly changed. The sounds that come out of the systems are no more “real” than anything else. Prerecorded music is in some way altered and changed from what it originally was. Therefore no one recorded sound medium is really better than another.

Five: All tunings from different instrument have healing potential.

Many people believe that only harmonically related tunings are healing. Without getting too technical, let me say that the tunings of keyboards are, for the most part, tempered tunings. This means that the natural harmonically related intervals and ratios of different notes, when played together, are changed and different. On a piano, the ratios are logarithmically related, not harmonically, They don’t possess the naturally occurring ratios that are a part of the harmonic series. Blame it on Bach, if you like, since he pioneered equal tempered music. It did change the intervals on the keyboard, but it also allowed players to be able to change keys without hitting “bad” notes.

There are those who feel that only music which has harmonically related intervals created either by the voice or by instruments that are not equal tempered have therapeutic value. As the author of a book which focuses on harmonics I understand this belief, though it doesn’t resonate with me as being true. Too many people have received healings, experienced transformations, and generally had wonderful times listening to music that was created by instruments such as the piano which uses equal temperaments. One cannot denegrate these healing experiences by proclaiming that tunings must be harmonically related to be healing.

Six: Both intent and frequency create the transformation experience.

In my book Healing Sounds and in the workshops which I teach, I focus a lot of energy and thought on the importance of intention: the energy behind the sound. I point out how important intention is in the healing process. Never, however would I say that intention is the only thing. Remember,

Frequency + Intent = Healing.

It’s not just one or the other. As the saying goes: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” As another writer pointed out, the path between conception and execution can be quite distant. If, for example, I want to calm someone and I shout in their ear, my intent may be one thing, but the actual sound I make may be quite another thing and create quite a different effect.

Intentionality is extremely important and something that needs to be worked on consciously and consistently by sound healing practitioners. Frequency is equally important and not to be ignored. We need to be aware of the psychophysiology of sound, how we use sound, and how sounds affects us. We are vibratory beings and different sounds will resonate and influence us, unless we get to a level of attunement practiced by certain masters.

Perhaps it is regarding this ideal level of mastery and attunement where most people get confused. Few of us have achieved this vibratory level or the clearness of intent inherent in it. Usually, we are working at a level where we still need to clear ourselves when we’re working with projecting intention. Just having a desire to be clear doesn’t mean we’re there yet. Probably when one has reached a mastership of clarity, where one can truly project divine intention–the difference between “Thy will” and “My will”)–one can make any sound and have a desired effect. However, this is not often the case.

It’s important, as we go through our spiritual evolutionary process when working with sound, to become aware of the effects of the sounds that we are projecting, as well as our proposed intentionality. It is the only way.

Seven: Sound is subtle.

We still live in the old paradigm of “more is better,” and particularly, louder and longer is better. However, when working with sound, the volume, duration of frequency, and the effect of the sound are not necessarily interrelated.
We all know about how loud volumes can cause hearing loss. Also, in terms of physiological response, loud sounds do have specific and not particularly therapeutic effects. They trigger the fight or flight response, release adrenaline, raise heart beat, respiration, and brain wave activity, and may interfere with immunological functions.

There are therapists, for example, who use music played at very high volumes to elicit certain responses. This is valid, but we must remember that this is a specific use of music for a specific purpose.

It may be that when working with sound, loud volumes actually have less ability to make those changes down at a molecular level than do soft, gentle sound. Very loud sounds may be too overpowering to achieve a desired and long lasting effect, merely passing through the body without creating change. So louder is not better and neither is longer necessarily better.

While we may still have a “more is better” consciousness, this is not necessarily true in terms of sound. A frequency, or tone, may be effective when listened to or chanted for a brief period, but the effects may nullify or even become adverse over too long a period of time.

There may be a minimum amount of sound duration that is necessary to make changes in the physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual body. Some sound healing practitioners say that five minutes is needed for a tone to really make change. Others say ten and others, twenty minutes. There are some sound practitioners who have people sound or listen to music for many hours. Since we are all unique vibratory beings, I believe it differs from individual to individual. I certainly have observed extraordinary changes in individuals who have received sound for only a couple of minutes or less.

With the various sonic equipment and recordings that are now available which create specific sounds, there may be people who will be sounding or listening to a particular frequency all day long. Depending upon the individual and their needs, this may be fine, or it may not be healthful. More is not necessarily better and with sound, too much can possibly be debilitating to the nervous system or other systems of the physical and etheric bodies. Balance is an extraordinarily important aspect of any transformative or healing work and principles of balance should be applied to sound.

Eight: Sound and light/color are different forms of energy.

This thought may be quite controversial for some who believe light and sound are the same. No one really knows. My belief is that sound and light are related, but they are not the same. One way to look at this relationship is through the harmonic series. Harmonics are the notes created from a fundamental tone which display universal principles of whole number ratios. A note vibrating at 100 cycles per second will affect any note that is a harmonic of this. This means a note vibrating twice as fast at 200 cycles per second, a note vibrating three times as fast at 300 cycles per second, and so on. This is the sonic equivalent of the ancient Hermetic Principle: “As above, so below.”

We can therefore conceptually take that 100 cycles per second note, and say it is harmonically related to a note 1 million cycles per second. However, this does not mean it is the same note nor will it necessarily have the same effect.

What has happened with the sound-as-light phenomenon is that mathematical scientists have either taken the frequency of a note and then doubled it forty times, until this frequency is within the same range as a particular color of light, or taken the frequency of a color and halved it forty times until this frequency is within the same range as a sound. Then these scientists have said, “This is that.” It may be, but no one has actually turned a sound into light.

Different colors have been assigned to different notes, with devices like light organs, but it’s still all theoretical. No one has been able to take one sound frequency and jump it up forty octaves, without relying on putting it into different instruments or computers which, of course, change the natural process of a sound wave.

It may be that as a frequency enters a different energy state (sound would have to turn into many different types of energy such as heat before it became light,) the frequency goes through a conversion process and the mathematics are very different. As energy is transduced, the math may become much more complicated than we know. The simple doubling process may not be relevant.

My thoughts are that sound and light are complementary energy forms, but not necessarily the same. Assigning specific colors to specific tones may be an oversimplification of a process we do not yet understand. It may be that we can encode any color upon any frequency. This is another idea that I wanted to share with you, as long as we’re on the subject. No one really knows the answers to this insight at this time.

Nine: All music potentially has therapeutic qualities.

Many people believe that only New Age Music is healing, or whatever type of music you want to substitute for “New Age.” This gets into the same conundrum I experienced many years ago when I first began this sojourn into sound. Everybody wanted me to talk about how rock’n’roll was the devil’s music and bad. I wouldn’t. It is my belief that any music, depending upon the time, the place, and the need of the individual can have therapeutic effects. It is not that any music will have therapeutic effects, but that it can, if it is correct for the individual.
Knowledge of the psycho-acoustic effects of sound is helpful here. Certain sounds will often create similar physiological responses in many people. Slow pulsed music, for example, will have a tendency to slow down our heart rate, respiration, and brain waves. Often, fast music will have the opposite effect. If it’s three o’clock in the morning, I’m tired and driving home from a party, and I put on a piece of deeply relaxing music, what happens? I become even drowsier and such music would probably be extremely hazardous to my driving. However, if I were to play some loud, up-tempo music, most likely it would stimulate me, keep me awake, and under those conditions be quite therapeutic. This is not the same situation if it’s three in the morning and I’m trying to find music to help me sleep. Very different responses required. Very different types of music are needed.
Knowing how you want to use music is extremely important, as is understanding the potential psychological and physiological effects that are inherent in the music. Slow pulsed New Age music is excellent, of course, for relaxation but it’s not ideal for dancing. Yet, if dancing (and the extraordinary energy release found by dancing) is desired, slow New Age music is not ideal. What is your purpose for using a specific piece of music? Is it for meditation, guided imagery, dance, deep recollection, or for emotional release?
Realizing that every type of music has the ability to resonate with us on many different levels, it is possible that any type of music can have positive results. We should be open-minded about all music and the possible transformative and therapeutic results that can occur from it.

One of the best ways of working with music is to create a musical prescription for yourself. Find out what types of music you respond to best. What specific music makes you feel joyful? What music makes you feel sad? Write down the different music that elicits different responses and use this music when you want to create a feeling or a mood. No one piece of music will affect everyone the same way, especially when it comes to our emotional responses to music. You can not expect someone else to have the same experiences as you do with any music. However, frequently, with our own experiences, if we have had a specific emotional response to listening to particular music, we will have a similar response when listening to that music again.

When working with others, you must find out what music works best for them in order to help create their musical prescription. It may be possible that a person is blocked from enjoying certain types of music because the sounds resonate imbalances within them. For example, one time a student could not listen to very low sounds, particularly those produced by chanting Tibetan monks. This was a response to a blockage in the lower chakras. Once this person was able to acknowledge the situation and open to the resonances created by the deep sounds, the blockages disappeared and they were able to release the imbalances. It was quite a transformational experience. This story illustrates how it is possible to find music that we really dislike, which can actually be useful in helping us to encounter and heal imbalanced aspects of ourself.

My final suggestion is to allow the potentiality of healing to occur in every piece of music. Music can reach into aspects of our psyche that we may not have a clue even exist. There are people working solely with classical music, or “sacred” music, or New Age music. The reality is that all forms of music, from rock, to country, to jazz, to all the world musics that are now available to us, may have the potential of reaching further into our bodies, minds, and souls to initiate healing and transformation. Be open to all possibilities. You can never know what may transpire until you have tried.


Sound & Healing

How can sound, in whatever manifestation, assist in healing and human transformation?
by Jonathan Goldman
This is an extraordinarily vast question, because sound has almost unlimited abilities to assist in healing and human transformation. Sound can affect us on the physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual.

On the physical, sound has the ability to rearrange molecular structure. This is a scientific fact. As we know, everything in the universe is in a state of vibration, from the chair you may be sitting in to the pages of this magazine. All the various parts of our body are also in a state of vibration, from the various organs, tissues, bones, etc. When we are in a state of health, all these bodily parts are working together in harmony, creating an overall harmonic of health. If one of these parts begins to vibrate at a different rate, this is what we call disease. One of the basic concepts of healing with sound on the physical body is to project the correct resonant frequency of the organ, or whatever is out of balance, back into the body.

On the emotional and mental bodies, music is very effective. In particular, music affects the limbic system, that aspect of the brain which governs emotional response. Through using specific music (specific for the individual), we can help elicit certain emotional responses that may be very therapeutic and transformative in their nature.
For the spiritual body, both sound and music can be equally effective. In particular, I believe that self-created sounds such as mantras, vowel sounds and harmonics are most powerful, though of course, listening to either recorded or live music or chanting can also be very effective.

Naturally, since we now know of the inter-relationship between the mind and the body, that which affects the emotional or mental will also effect the physical and vice-versa. This includes the spiritual body as well, of course.


For working with the physical body, we are dealing with the concept of resonant frequency healing–that is, projecting the correct resonant frequency of an imbalanced area back into the body–in order to affect a healing. This can be done through various external instruments or it can be done using what I consider to be the most natural and effective tool on the planet–our own voices. There are a number of different people who are working with different electronic or acoustic technologies to achieve this.
I have been researching this area of sound healing for quite a while and one of the interesting paradoxes is that the different people working with finding the correct resonant frequency of, say the heart or the liver, will all seemingly have great success with their frequencies. And yet, these frequencies will all differ.

When I first encountered this paradox, I was mystified. I couldn’t understand it. This also seemed to hold true for the frequencies for the different chakras, as well as mantras for different chakras. Then, I came up with this formula, which is stated in my book HEALING SOUNDS. It is this: FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING. What this means is that the energy that occurs when a sound is created (the “intent”) is of equal importance to the actual sound (the “frequency”) that is used. Intent is the energy behind the sound and it is something that should be considered whenever we make a sound, particularly a sound for healing or transformation.

In my Healing Sounds Seminars, I teach students how to learn to resonate their physical body and their chakras with their own self-created sounds. This is fairly simple to learn to do and very powerful. Exercises for how to do this are found in my book HEALING SOUNDS and in the “Healing Sounds” Instructional tape. What is most interesting, is that these sounds may change from day to day, particularly the sounds for the chakras. I teach a method working for with the vowel sounds to resonate the chakras which is very effective. Often, my students will verify that while the vowel sounds seem to stay the same, the pitches for these vowel sounds will change, depending upon what state or condition they are in.

I also teach how to create and use harmonics, which are sounds within sounds, in order to resonate the brain. It is my belief that we will find out in the very near future, that self-created sounds may be the only way we can actually stimulate different parts of the brain through mechanical resonance. Now, there are various technologies that are being offered in which sound travels through the ear into the brain in order to affect the brain. But this is a different phenomenon–what I’m talking about is a direct resonance of the brain using our own sounds. I believe it is possible to make new neural-synaptic connections in the brain with sound. And that it is possible to stimulate the various glands such as the pituitary and pineal with these sounds.

I’d like to suggest that the brain may be just a transmitter and receiver of different frequencies. The brain may be thought of as a kind of radio that can be tuned to different signals. If we can learn to tune the brain to different frequencies using sound, we can open up to many different aspects of consciousness and energy.

As I mentioned before, music seems to work best on the emotional and mental. However, music does also affect us physically. An quick example of this is that our heart beat, respiration and brain waves all entrain, or synchronize with different rhythms. Slow music tends to slow down our heart rate respiration and brain waves. Fast music has the opposite effect, tending to speed us up.

This little bit of information can be very effectively used by your readers, who no doubt intuitively understand this but may have never given it much conscious thought. If you want to speed up your heart rate, respiration and brain waves for activities such as movement or even staying awake, then fast paced music is your best bet. But if you want to relax, usually, it’s the slower music that works best. One of my recordings, “Dolphin Dreams” was created initially for the birthing process and features the sounds of ocean, heart beat, choral voices and dolphins. It contains a lot of frequencies designed to help slow down our body and brain rhythms is also ideal for relaxation and sleep. I wouldn’t personally use it if I were jogging or doing some sort of activity that required stimulation. I know of one very famous artist who uses it for painting and others who use it for enhanced creativity. But this is different than physical stimulation.

On an emotional level, we all have different tastes in music. I think there is about a 60% agreement in the way people respond to different music’s. Everyone is different and has different tastes. One piece of music may bring a person to states of euphoria while the same piece of music might depress someone else. So in terms of music affecting our emotional states, it really depends on what we like and don’t like. If we could take a sort of musical Rx for ourselves and write down what particular pieces of music created specific emotional states for ourselves, we could use these different pieces of music to help elicit different emotional states. If we were depressed and knew of a certain musical selection that made us feel joyous, playing that music would be helpful in changing our emotional state. Obviously, then, depending upon the time, place and need of the individual, what music works best to elicit different emotional and mental states depends upon the person.

In terms of affecting our spiritual states, I have seen incredible experiences occur with my students through working with specific mantras, as well as working with vowel sounds and harmonics. In my book HEALING SOUNDS, there is another formula which I would like to share. It is this: VOCALIZATION + VISUALIZATION = MANIFESTATION. This formula seems to be found in the spiritual sound work of most of the great mystical traditions of the world. One chants a mantra, for example, “Om Mani Padme Hum”, an ancient Tibetan Mantra, while visualizing becoming the Buddha of Divine Compassion, for whom this mantra is specifically designed. In my workshops, after chanting this mantra for twenty-five minutes, you can actually feel the presence of this Buddha. People have mystical visions and many other extraordinary and transformative experiences. Chanting in group creates a group consciousness that is synergistic, with the whole being greater then the sum of the parts. It is amazing!

Listening to certain types of music can also help elicit these spiritual states, though perhaps not as effectively as actually chanting in a group which has a focused intention. My latest recording “Song of Saraswati” is an extended chant to Saraswati, the Hindu and Tibetan Mother Goddess of Music and Science. Many people are able to achieve not only deep relaxation when listening to this recording, but to travel on the sound and achieve higher levels of consciousness. I give thanks.

It is my belief that we are all unique vibratory beings and because of this, one sound or one type of music will effect one person in one way and effect another person in a very different way. So that if we can begin to become aware of the effects of music, and in particular, our own self-created sounds, we can really begin to use sound and music to affect us on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.

I believe that not only are we unique vibratory beings, I believe that we can learn to shift our frequencies–that is to change our vibratory level. I think that really, this is the key to healing and transformation–being able to shift frequencies. We are living in extraordinary times. There are frequency shifts occurring on both personal and planetary levels. We can learn to use our own sounds to consciously affect our own vibratory patterns and align with these energies for health and transformation.


Edgar Cayce, the “Sleeping Prophet”, predicted that sound would be the medicine of the future. And the future is now. There are many amazing tools now being developed and appearing in the marketplace which use sound to affect our brain waves, our physical body–all sorts of different things. There are so many different instruments beginning to appear that I am hesitant to start naming them. Perhaps it would be best just to credit a few of the early pioneers such as Dr. Peter Guy Manners, M.D., who invented the “Cymatic Instrument”, which uses direct application of specifically tabulated sound frequencies on the body for healing, Robert Monroe, whose “Hemi-Sync” showed that it was possible to synchronize the left and right hemispheres of the brain, affect brain wave activity and induce altered states of consciousness using sound and Dr. Alfred Tomatis, M.D., whose “Electronic Ear” has been proven very effective for working with all sorts of learning disabilities and for emotional imbalances as well.

I would just like to conclude by saying that while I believe that all the instrumentation that is coming forth is quite extraordinary, it is important to remember that we have within ourselves that most amazing and god given instrument of sound for healing and transformation. That instrument is our voice. It is natural, cost effective and does not require batteries or electricity. And perhaps most important, once you get into using your voice for frequency shifting–for healing and transformation–you’ll find it will give you a lifetime of joy. What more could you want?


Light Is Not a Metaphor

The following is excerpted from Gift of the Body, published by the Essential Light Institute. 


Light is real, more real in its being eternal than the temporary structures it shines down upon. If you want to live an authentically spiritualized life, you need to see and feel the need for the light so badly that it becomes the only thing that you can’t live without. With the light, everything is possible. Without it, nothing really matters. When you are living in the awareness of being constantly bathed in light, you will see that up until that point you had been living your life looking through a cloud. The cloud is composed of the energetic material of your mistaken belief that light is merely a metaphor, a poetic spiritual image or that if it really exists, Light is reserved only for saints or the tiny fraction of humanity that can be called enlightened. Or perhaps that He/She—the Divine Intelligence, God, the Numinous, the Great Spirit or whatever term you give to that ultimate power—is the owner of the Light, parcels it out sparingly, and that you with all your faults are an eternally unworthy supplicant of it. All lies.

In terms of our discussion on the emotional body, what is useful to know is that, when you connect directly with Divine Light, anything in your HEV which does not match the vibration of that light has two choices. It can raise itself up, or it can leave.

Energetic congestion is dense and slow without being calm. Light is fast and high without being shrill. When the two meet in your emotional body, the interface of the long-held denseness with the light will shake the emotional body. It can feel like a battle, when really it is just a serious conversation. One part is holding on. Depending on how enamored you are with your stubbornness, it will hold on more or less tightly. The light is calling, cajoling, demanding that stuck material to, “Come on, let’s go.” The dance between these two energies can throw you around for a while. You might feel worse for a time. You certainly will feel more emotional turbulence than you are used to. You might even get sick. It is like a stream that becomes temporarily dirtier than it usually is because the stuck garbage that was hidden along its banks is getting peeled away by a speeding up of the flow of the water. Soon the debris will be swirled away, leaving the stream clean.

When the interaction of the Light that you invited to do its thing in you meets your congestion (which for many years has been used to the homeostasis)—when that Light starts to bend its way into the hidden places of your pain, stuff starts to move for real. You cry more, you shake, you dream intensely, you cleanse in lots of ways, on lots of levels. (Remember that the emotional body is the drain for all the bodies.) This clearing process can last a while, which is why it’s best to do it with the help of people who are ahead of you in their own healing process, preferably professionals. But your friends, your family, and community all have a part in helping you to move through what can look and feel like dying.

What will in fact happen if you go through it, is that you will be re-born as a free person. But in the short run, you can doubt that you will get through and question whatever possessed you to make that prayer for light to come and free you. For a while, you need folks to tell you it’s going to be all right, to keep you calm and feeling safe, while you feel naked and unprotected, because the boulder of emotional material that you’ve carried was ballast and shield for you. After a while, you will start to feel way better.

Is it a strange process? You betcha. Is it worth it? Guaranteed. The process is necessary because everything that you are carrying in your emotional body that is causing you pain is from the past, and mostly the distant past. You have been an energetic sponge—or a vault with emotion locked inside, or a sponge locked inside a vault—full to bursting, but with nowhere to burst. You have collected, and then held on to, emotional forms that have kept you living in the past, and that have been making you sick. Because you want to make room for light, because you love truth, and because you seek pleasure, you come to see that what you may need to undergo in order to get free is ultimately worth it, and that the only way out is through.

The key to authentic healing is to love freedom with its risks more than convention with its safety, and to demand and cultivate the love of the sensation of freedom in your bodies. Freedom is not just a concept, and not just the absence of rules. It is a palpable force.

Congestion in the emotional body feels like being in solitary confinement. We have to break out of prison with the key of light. But light doesn’t just open the door to the cell. It also cleans the prisoner of what got him isolated in the first place. Getting out of prison is a huge step. Refusing the habits that would put us back behind the familiar bars, and creating new habits that serve us to stay clean and present, is called “walking the path”. We need protection, but not the protection that comes from being emotionally loaded.

Emotional cleansing, that is motivated by the desire for freedom and held in Light, is almost always accompanied by the release of spiritual attachments. These are energetic hangers-on, thoughts and emotions and entities that have actual energetic, non-physical form, that need to be gently but firmly conducted from your HEV into that Light, which will in turn take them to a type of cosmic recycling station where they can be transformed away from you. Again, this is not metaphorical, nor is it actually “woo-woo.” Every- body on earth that lives in open contact with nature, or who relaxes their death grip on materialism, understands that the non-material population of our planet far exceeds that in any kind of material bodies. There are worlds within worlds. There are such things as spirits, angels, helpers, guides, nature spirits, and tricksters. These all have what we can recognize as consciousness, even if most of us can’t see them. They interact with this material world within strict rules of engagement. They are the small voice that whispers a warning (that you may or may not listen to) when you are about to do some- thing particularly stupid. They are the inspiration out of nowhere that gives you the creative idea you’ve been waiting for that resolves the seemingly impossible problem you are facing. They are the radiation that comes through a healer’s hands. They are the celestial voice that comes from a singer’s mouth. They are the non-material protectors and advisors that stand by you, as you choose to do the things that you came to earth to do. And they are the ones that will trip you up time and time again, until you learn to pay attention—and to recognize what comes with love and what comes with fakery. They are the ones reported on by every religion or spiritual path of every stripe—usually rendered with ideological interpretations that turn them into something cartoonish—yet still manage to convey a pure truth concealed underneath for those whose inner eyes have been opened and whose powers of discernment have been sharpened.

The fact that some of these energies are attached to you and exaggerate your pain is not really a stretch to comprehend, unless you have narrowed your vision to such an extent that you believe that all there is to reality is what you can access with your most rudimentary senses. That limited, materialistic attitude puts you in a tiny category, in terms of the totality of people who have lived on earth through the ages in deep relationship with the natural world and the layers of energetic reality that compose it. Discounting what is the major part of reality might make you imagine that you are sophisticated and intelligent according to a narrow definition of what is rational, but the exclusive reliance on physical senses and scientific inquiry to define reality isolates you, cuts you off from your true connection to the natural world, from your own life force, and your own wonder-filled spiritual being.

In our modern, present-day world, this attitude is understandable given the lack of actual spiritual education available to most of us. But as my teacher, José Rosa, once said to me, “It’s a good thing reality doesn’t depend on your opinion.” It is my hope and intention that your vistas are being broadened a bit as you read this book. Don’t believe it because I say it. Those days are past. Check it out for yourself. To do that, you need to allow the unfamiliar, humble thought that what you know is tiny and narrow, and reality is huge and wide and deep. Then get quiet, inside and out. Wait for an internal space where you don’t care one way or the other what the answer is to your questions. You just want the truth, as much of it as you are ready to handle. And then ask whomever, whatever, whichever you relate to, to show you, tell you, intuit you the truth of the matter. Be patient, and don’t let the possibility of being surprised out of cherished notions deter you from the truth.

What I learned through that experience is that we all have guides, or whatever you choose to call the unseen presences that assist us and may possibly disturb us, or both. It may be your great-grandmother that you never met who comes to you in the twilight world between sleeping and waking; the almost-seen person who is there in every dream that you wake from knowing that this was more than just a dream. Or the voice that comes from the right or the left side of your head, that you know somehow is male or female, young or old, that is always there to test you, challenge you, maybe even to try and drive you crazy so you come to know yourself. These protectors, guides, entities, whatever you choose to call them, are each hooked into you somewhere. They literally (although not materially) live somewhere in your HEV. What they are there for is for you to discover through meditation, prayer, and the gradual process of awakening awareness called dis-identification. There is, in you, both “you” and “not-you.” By learning the discernment to know who is who, you learn who is you.

Some of these consciousnesses are there permanently as your companions on your life walk. They have been there all along. When you are done with this vehicle, they will be sitting in the seat next to you on the new conveyance that will bear you back home. Some are there because, when you were one or five or twelve years old, you had a need to survive a life situation that felt overwhelmingly threatening. You called out to the inner planes for help, and along came help in the form of a protector being. Along with keeping you from saying/doing/feeling what was dangerous for you to experience or express in that setting, they gave you a necessary “bonus”; they kept emotional material in your energy body from being naturally processed and released. So when you get to that stage of being ready to be free, and you call the light to free you, the light comes to clean and transform that material. And then those no longer useful functionaries of your past internal program get challenged with the opportunity to get a new job. Your savior has become a prison guard, habitually holding in the prisoner who has realized their parole is up to them. They are functionaries doing their job long after the job has become obsolete. Some of them just need to be gently directed to look up. They go happily with a wave good-bye. Some others grip on and make every excuse as to why you are making the biggest mistake of your life to let them go. You will learn a lot about who you are in the process of re-negotiating the contract you made with them.

And when they leave, there is a lot of emotional material that they have been holding back that will swirl out. Knowing it is just part of the process allows us to, so to speak, step aside and hold the door open for the releasing to proceed without too much of our involvement. It goes much faster that way. It is, after all, just e-nergy that has been put into motion. The flowing energy of emotion is meant to enliven and connect us with our environment and with each other. It is not intended to run the show, or to be a show. Constant indulgence of emotion, living one’s life only according to how the winds of feeling blow, acting out emotion under the excuse of freedom, is not fundamentally different than repressing it and acting that out. Those who make a huge deal out of emotion in their reaction to imposed repression, both familial and societal, are giving emotion a prominence that it was not intended to have.

The information that we receive from accessing what we want, what we desire, is not the same as accessing accurate intuition. Intuition tells us what is best for all beings, including ourselves. That is oftentimes at odds with what our lower self wants, in its pursuit of what will satisfy its hunger. Intuition has to feel right, but in the short run, sometimes it doesn’t feel good. Desire and intuition come from entirely different places in our bodies. One is not better than the other, but they have different agendas and will guide us to different ends. It’s useful to know who and what we are following, both externally and internally. This discernment is absolutely necessary for living a useful spiritualized life, guided by something other than ideology.

We can learn the art of literally transforming our emotional material— from being painfully stuck into vitally moving. Then we become enlivened, and a tiny but real portion of the energetic atmosphere of the planet is eased. When we join with others doing the same, we become examples of joyful aliveness and community healing, however that is expressed. People who love freedom in their own bodies also support freedom for others in theirs. And complementarily, people who really inhabit their bodies, who embrace their emotional body as the alive-making mechanism that it is, without blowing its importance out of proportion, are also respectful of boundaries, both personal and societal. This doesn’t mean that we accept boundaries without question, or that we don’t choose to push through them at times, or even bust them once in awhile. Living freely demands a constant re-evaluation, in order to overcome the tendency of matter to stagnate and institutions to become self-preserving parodies of their original intent. To be grounded in the reality of our true emotions takes us simultaneously into inner contact with ourselves, and makes us better able to see other people without distortion, as not just an extension of ourselves.

As such, the world is not just a stage for your emotional expression or repression. We see that everyone is swimming in the vast sea of energy; we see the need to help each other to avoid the rocks, to care for each other when we flounder or become hurt. The boundaries are seen and acknowledged and respected, even as they are questioned and stretched.

People who love Light, and come to recognize it and cherish it as the liberating force for themselves, as that which heals and guides them, also come to recognize where it is absent both inside them and out in the world, and where it is only pretending to be present. When we are aligned with Light, with what is real, we are less likely to be fooled by pretty words covering empty promises. If we are temporarily fooled by the mist of unresolved emotion rising up, or by the mind’s attachment to a particular storyline, our inviolable link to Light will shortly remind us (through our intuition) of what is true. By our connection to Light, we become healers in our families and communities, and better citizens, even as we continue our own healing in our own bodies. We live out the truth that Light is everywhere, that Light is free and freeing, and that abundance is the truth of the universe. How far beyond our individual lives and our small groups can that commitment to Light reach? The answer depends on how many of us link-up, what we create when we follow that Light, where it wants us to go and what it guides us to do.


Jonathan Goldman on Healing Sounds


Jonathan GOldman on Frequency & Intent

Shifting Frequencies: Frequency + Intent
by Jonathan Goldman
From “Sedona Journal Of Emergence”
July 1996
This is Jonathan Goldman and Shamael talking to you about frequency shifting and the power of sound. Jonathan will deal with the psycho-acoustics of sound, as well as his own experiences. Shamael will deal with the inter-dimensional aspects of this work. We will unify as one voice for this experience with you.

To start, let us say, that everything is vibration. From the chair that you may be sitting in to the paper of this magazine you are holding, everything is in a state of vibration. This is not a new idea. Your ancient mystics have known this for many a millennium, but now your scientists are beginning to understand this and agree with this. It is a wonderful start.

From the electrons spinning around the nucleus of an atom, to the planets spinning around suns in the galaxy, everything is in movement. Everything is in vibration. And if it is in vibration, it is putting out a sound.

Now, whether or not we can hear this sound is a different matter. Sound travels as a wave form. First, let us say that one way of measuring sound is how fast or slow this wave form is moving. These waves are measured as cycles and sound is measured in cycles per second. This is called its frequency. Very slow waves make very low sounds. Very fast waves make very high sounds. The lowest note on a piano is about 24 cycles per second. The highest note on a piano is about 4,000 cycles per second. Now, we hear from around 16 to about 16,000 cycles per second. Yet just because we can’t hear something does not mean it is not vibrating, nor creating a sound. Dolphins can project and receive information upwards of 180,000 cycles per second, more than 10 times that of humans. And this to them is sound. Do not let the notion that if you can not hear an object it is not vibrating or making a sound. There–we have solved the old Zen Koen asking about a tree falling in the forest.

Every object has a natural vibratory rate. This is called it’s resonance. One of the basis principles of using sound as a transformative and healing modality is to understand the idea that part of the body is in a state of vibration. Every organ, every bone, every tissue, every system–all are in a state of vibration. Now, when we are in a state of health, the body puts out an overall harmonic of health. However, when a frequency that is counter to our health sets itself up in some portion of the body, it creates a disharmony that we call dis-ease. This is very simple to understand, yes?

Now, if we were somehow able to create the correct resonant frequency for something that was vibrating out of harmony, say for example, the liver, and we were able to project this frequency into that area, one could conceivably create a condition of healing by restoring the imbalanced area back to its own resonant frequency. It is as though your body and all its parts are like some wondrous orchestra that is playing some sort of “Symphony of the Self” when we are healthy. But what happens when the third violin player from the end looses their sheet music? Soon this player begins to play out of harmony and rhythm. They are not only playing the wrong notes and the wrong timing, they begin to affect the whole string section. Pretty soon the entire orchestra begins to sound badly. This is what happens when a counter frequency sets into the body.

Currently, our medical approach to dealing with this problem is simply to either give the poor string player enough drugs so they collapse and are no longer in the orchestra–either that or to cut the head of this player off with a broad sword. This does alleviate the initial problem. The string player is no longer playing the wrong notes. In fact, they are no longer playing period. But what if it were possible to somehow give this player back their sheet music. What if it were possible to somehow encode and project the correct resonant frequency back into the organ and get it vibrate to its proper frequency? This is the basis of using sound for healing; to restore back to harmony some portion of the body that is vibrating “out of tune”. This is a marvelous concept and one which is becoming more and more understood as time goes on.

There is another aspect of sound healing which we will deal with later. It has to do with the use of sound frequencies to nullifies the vibrations of that which set the body portion off its normal resonance in the first place. We will clarify this concept in the future. For now, the first is enough for your understanding.

Many of your new spiritual scientists, discoverers and therapists are working with this concept of resonant frequency healing to create balance. Many are successful. They have developed different instruments, machines, tapes and other sound devices which project the healthy resonant frequency of a body part, (or, for the matter, of the chakras) into a person.

We are all for the various devices and what we call “toys” that you on the Earth plane seem so fascinated with. We would like to suggest that while some of these devices may be very effective for restoring resonance back to that which is vibrating out of harmony, you all have within yourselves the most powerful, effective and wondrous device for healing that you can imagine. It is free, extremely efficient and it does not require batteries or electricity. It is your own voice. Your own, if we may, God given instrument for sound healing. It requires only a little training to use, does not require another operator to be applied, and it allows your to find the exact frequencies for resonance. This does not happen with many of your toys which are “locked into” specific sounds for specific parts. This does not allow for frequency shifting, which is the change of the vibratory rate of either a part of the body, or the whole body and its associated energy centers as well. We will discuss more of this later as well.

You on the Earth plane like your toys. Your hospitals and medical centers are full of many toys that project sound and other vibrations. You now have catalogs full of these toys that you can use in your home to induce meditation and what not. Many of your new researchers have developed sound devices that project different frequencies into you for different effects. They are useful and sometimes very fun and we encourage them. However, it is important to realize that they are merely tools producing and effect. And this effect can be achieved without them if you are interested in doing a little work on yourself. What is most interesting, however, is that while many of these sound devices and recordings do create positive change, the actual frequencies or notes that they use are not the same.

To illustrate this, let us discuss your chakras for the moment. They are these spinning discs that feed energy into what becomes the physical body. When Jonathan was first researching this area many years ago, he came across a simple system that worked with the 7 chakras using the seven notes of the C major scale. In this system, your root chakra was vibrating to the note “C”. The next chakra resonated to the note “D”. The next chakra to the note “E” and so on, with the crown chakra vibrating to the note “B”. It was a very easy system and Jonathan was quite pleased to find this. However, as he continued with his investigation into this, he found many other systems that worked with many different notes besides these. The variety of different notes that was used was quite extraordinary. And none of them was in agreement. This caused Jonathan some perplextion as he could not understand how all they different systems were not in agreement with each other and yet all of them seemed to work to some degree. Then he developed a formula which he first put forth in his book HEALING SOUNDS.

The formula is this: “FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING”. Frequency of course, is the actual sound used. Healing was a term he used back then to describe the process of putting something into its healthy resonance. He would today use the term “Frequency Shifting”. Intent, in this formula, is the important ingredient. Intent is the energy behind the sound. It is the consciousness that is encoded into the sound. Intent is very important.

Jonathan began to realize that it might be possible for two people to make the same sound and have a very different response, depending upon the energy that was put into the sound. Have you ever had someone you were not particularly fond of see you at a party and say in a snake-like tone “Good to see you” and felt as though you immediately wanted to leave the party. While the words (or the frequency) may have been one thing, the intention (or energy behind the words) said quite another. And the effect was not one of welcoming, but rather something very different. This is an illustration of how intentionality affects the outcome of the sound.

Returning to the subject of the chakras, Jonathan found that even specific mantras would resonate different chakras, depending upon the intentionality of the person giving them. The “Om” might resonate the heart chakra, or the belly chakra or the third eye–it all depended upon what a spiritual master might be teaching to a person. As Jonathan began to realize the importance of intention, he began to spend considerable time in his teachings stressing the important of this. And at the time, it was necessary to do this. However, we admit that he went a little overboard. Initially he began by talking with scientists and medical doctors who were so interested in examining only the frequency of the sound that the idea of intention was a new (and somewhat ridiculous idea to them). Nevertheless, Jonathan continued sharing the importance of intention in his workshops, lectures and writing. And as usual, things got a little out of alignment. People began to think “Well, it doesn’t matter what sound I make as long as my intention is there”.

On one level, this is true. On another level, it is not. The formula which Jonathan was given was “FREQUENCY + INTENT = HEALING”. This formula was created for the 3rd Dimensional Earth plane as it is currently evolved in your time and space. While it is true that in higher dimensionalities, Intent (and consciousness) does create all, very few beings on your planet have reached the level of development, where the actual sound they create is unimportant and the intention is everything.

Now undoubtedly, there are spiritual masters on your planet who can belch or create any such sound and produce miraculous results. However, a majority of you (while you may perceive you are spiritual masters, and you may be) have not reached the state of development where you can do this. We illustrate this point by saying that if you wish to calm someone down with a sound and then you shout in their ear, the result will be that your shouting will undoubtedly produce severe reactions of agitation in the individuals. Their heart beat, respiration and brain waves will all escalate and they will probably not enjoy your shouting in their ear, regardless of your intent. So we say that until you can levitate or dematerialize or do any of a number of frequency shifting exercises that you will ultimately be able to do, we urge you to pay attention to the frequencies that you are using. As well as the intentionality that you are putting into these frequencies.

About the authors:

Jonathan Goldman is an international teacher and pioneer in Sound Healing. He is the author of HEALING SOUNDS, president of Spirit Music and director of the Sound Healers Association in Boulder, Colorado. Jonathan has created numerous recordings, including “Angel of Sound”. He travels throughout the world presenting Healing Sounds Seminars. He may be reached at (303) 443-8181.

Shamael is the Angel of Sound, an inter-dimensional being whose energy has been on this planet since its inception. Shamael is the true name of the angelic presence known as “Metatron”, guardian of the Kabalistic energies of Kether. He is present on any sacred sound. He is a consultant of Jonathan. He may be reached by chanting “Eheih Shamael”.