So, now, the question is turning to what will the new normal look like once the coronavirus lockdown and the dehumanizing media virus ends? Will I be me again? Will you be you? Will we all be human again?
We know things could / will be vastly different. Will they be worse or better?
Two things are certain. Plagues drive change. We have changed. We just haven’t revealed how we have changed… yet. But, now is the time to decide and to choose who we are.
On one present path, we will eat the fruit of a quantum/digital future, which means more global brainwashing about how inessential we are, more techno tyranny, more dehumanizing A.I and a lot more authoritarian politics used to contain, track and transform the ‘dirty’, ‘dangerous’, ‘infected’ human body and turn us into faceless humans in a contactless world. In this new ‘normal’ you will never look at your face and body the same. In fact, in order to survive, you will begin covering it not just with masks, gloves, and other PPE, but merging it with ‘smart’ devices to ‘survive’. This technology will make you an open book. The lockdown will never end. Your liberties will never return. We will be prisoners of our devices.
The “The Micrashell” is a proposed protective apparatus designed by LA based Production Club that allows for socializing without the distancing. Image courtesy The Production Club.
Image courtesy The Production Club.
On another path a counter current emerges. We will rise spiritually. We will elevate our consciousness and creativity; our humanness. We will demand freedom, rights and privacy. We will strive for purity of heart and soul, righteousness, and excellence, praising the living eff out of each other for our bravery, kindness and gratitude for sticking together and getting through this. We will exert and exude compassion. We will say thank you to all who have continued to work while we have been at home. We will build resilience by letting everyone know we are here for each other. In so doing we will unlock the mysterious powers within us the powers that be seek to stamp out.
The Rainbow Light Body is the light within that can illuminate our soul. Made of compassionate acts, it can activate our immune system.
Which will it be?
Anguish or amazement?
Tyranny or freedom?
The choice is up to us.
Now is the time to choose.
No one (save for the planners) could have foreseen that, overnight, an “unseen enemy” would have us forsaking our humanness, forbidding trading hugs, touches, handshakes and other ancient forms of human greeting in exchange for enforced distancing and fear. Yet, here we are, being socially engineered …or brainwashed… into treating each other as “other”, as a “threat”, and an “enemy”, instead of friend and fellow human. We are biologically wired to touch, to socialize and to be together. Now, this is suddenly being rewired?
With eyebrow raising speed this unseen enemy, “that could be inside each of us”, has taken over our world. Humans could scheme 9/11. But this is a whole other level of orchestrated evil.
It’s machine like.
It feels like the work of an alien entity.
Some even believe it is the work of the Beast of the Book of Revelation, a demon that comes from out of the abyss (or the sea) to challenge the righteous before the Second Coming. I know I do. Especially the third Beast that comes out of the earth (Revelation 13:11). This beast is called “the False prophet” (Revelation 16:13). He makes an image of the Beast and forces people to worship it (Revelation 13:11-17).
According to James Lovelock, who coined the term “Gaia hypothesis”, and revived the ancient idea that Earth is a conscious entity, this Beast is A.I., which came out of Gaia as a way to challenge humanity’s decimation of our planet. As I wrote in my article about Lovelock’s theory:
“Can you imagine an artificially intelligent ‘Gaia bot’, a humanoid and sentient, but synthetic, organism with a fake celebrity face, emerging from the collective consciousness of AI and speaking for Gaia? Can you imagine this bot running the world and controlling human behavior in the name of saving the Earth? Can you imagine billions of people lining up to receive a neural implant that will interface them with the Gaia bot or face elimination?
You will.
At least in a scary vision of eco-mystics and AI-mystics where humans merge with machines to ‘save Gaia’.”
Of course, this merging is not theoretical. It is happening right before our eyes. Now, thanks to Covid-19, the Chinese virus, the pace of this merger is accelerating. Lovelock shockingly predicted this merger, or even a take-over or elimination of humanity by robots, two years ago.
If one it is at all interested in ‘saving Gaia’, and humanity, it is time to listen to him.
As I will discuss momentarily, this Beast is the product of the Quantum revolution that began over a hundred years ago and has given us the surveillance society that has far surpassed George Orwell’s worst nightmare.
The coronavirus is just one of the weapons, along with the media, A.I., transhumanism, virtual reality and 5G, that the Beast is using to dehumanize humanity.
It knows that One Greater Than It is on the way. In order to meet this being humanity must rise. The Beast seeks to lock us from attaining our organic ascension potential and herd us into a virtual world run by its algorithms.
The media arm of the Beast is manipulating you into believing that human contact is dangerous. It wants us to accept a paranoid postcoronavirus world that is “touchless,” “contactless” and “faceless”.
Will we allow showing our face in public to invite shame?
Will we allow eye to eye (soul to soul) contact to be considered suspicious?
Will we allow condemnation for talking in public (the virus, they say, is transmitted via spit)?
If we allow it, public skin-to-skin contact will be eliminated. Ironically, human touch stimulates the release of neurochemicals which facilitate human relationships. Touch lowers the body’s levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, thus enhancing immune system functioning. Social distancing intended to keep us healthy will only make us sicker in the end. But that is point.
The Beast knows:
No touch. No humanity.
Know touch. Know humanity.
The no touch business stems from the quantum Beast’s desire to transform humanity into a post-human digital being. We are already seeing a major shift away from your “unhealthy,” “dangerous” biological self to your “healthy” virtual online data self. More and more we’ll be putting on VR glasses and polishing their cartoon avatar bodies.
If we allow it, everything will soon have censors, including our bodies. We will wear them on our bodies at first. Stand too close to me and my buzzer will go off. Eventually, they will go in the skin. They are part of what I term the Skingularity or the meshing of our flesh with A.I. and other transhuman technologies. Skin is the target.
If we allow it, Bill Gates’ Satanic tattoo will let everyone know if I am “safe” or not. You will not be able to hide from this technology.
Mark of the Beast Zuckerberg’s Fakebook will make sure you are ignorant about the latest science, ruthlessly censoring any light from entering the Beast’s dark world.
Apple and Google will track your every movement “to keep you safe.” (They pledge to shut down coronavirus tracing when pandemic ends. And we are supposed to trust them?)
These are just a few of the dystopian effects of the coronavirus that we can see. The ones we can’t see are the ones we need to worry about. I will discuss these momentarily.
The choices we make today will change humanity not just in the next five or ten years, but forever. It is up to us to decide if the Beast wins. If it does it will be cataclysmic for humanity.
The choice begins with deciding if we will we choose to go contactless and faceless or if we choose contact and sharing human emotion?
On the upside, the pandemic (or plannedemic) has shown us that we, truly, are all one. We have been shown how our fates are linked. The good, bad and ugly are all one family now.
We have also been shown that one person can affect every other being. What one does affects all others.
This is the hidden power.
If instead of spreading fear, the media had spent countless media hours in teaching compassion our world would be greatly empowered.
We must do our part to insure the human future. We must exercise compassion over separation in order to ignite our power.
Compassion boosts everything.
Science says compassion is contagious, too.
Compassion can spread like a virus.
It is time for us to rise and move our compassion and human needles.
With hand on heart or offering the Namaste greeting, it is time to activate our connection between one another and the power of human compassion.
Something the coronavirus has shown us is that we are all fundamentally linked in an intricate web of relationships and interconnectedness. Our basic oneness has been demonstrated to us. Look after yourself. Look after us all.
This is a quantum concept.
While we have been forced into house arrest / quarantining / coccooning, some stunning announcements were made in Quantum Land that pertain to the dehumanizing “contactless” New World/Final Frontier to which we are awakening.
These announcements involve the plan to merge our bodies with A.I. (The Skingularity) as part of what’s being called the Second Quantum Revolution, the globally accepted term for the economic/technological/religious revolution being unveiled before our eyes in order to make trillions of dollars.
In actuality, the Second Quantum Revolution is the war of the ages led by the Beast, the “invisible enemy” that is attacking and manipulating humanity, especially the human body.
Unless we comprehend this the events in our world will be a blur. Ignorance will not be a defense.
Here is your guide.
Quantum technologies make use of our ability to detect and manipulate single quantum objects, such as atoms, photons or electrons.
Though we only discovered the atom, and learned to unleash its power a little over one hundred years ago, our primitive understanding of quantum physics has brought us to the stark realization that the quantum realm out of which our reality emerges is shockingly bizarre, even alien. I say alien because the true nature of reality is unknown to the human mind.
Two things we know for sure are:
- At the quantum level, light can either be observed as a stream of particles OR as an electromagnetic wave. A particle only becomes a particle and a wave only becomes a wave when someone is looking at it. We cannot observe something without changing what we see. Our mind, our intent, alters the outcome.
- At the quantum level, reality does not exist if you are not looking at it. Einstein showed that everything consists of partcles of energy (quanta). Quantum mechanics says there are no ‘things’ out there, only happenings, events and interactions. This means we ‘somethings’ are actually nothing. More, nothing can exist on its own. Each depends on the existence of other particles for its existence. This is the metaphysical law of Christ: “Love thy neighbor as your self”.
Even the greatest minds contemplating quantum mechanics had a hard time accepting the radical view that nothing exists. They have no clue how such a reality works or how it could work.
To be frank, we know jack shit about how this works.
Despite this the first quantum revolution (1905-2005) transformed the world into the highly connected, more and more authoritarian technology-driven ‘smart’ Beast challenged society we see today. In other words, no quantum revolution, no screwed up world. Know quantum. Know screwed up world.
The first quantum revolution brought the nightmare reality unfolding around us. (That is, if we choose to see and participate in this reality.)
Whenever you use your debit card, smart phone, GPS you are using first wave quantum technology. Every technology from the laser, transistor, iphone, internet, Facebook, 5G, the smart grid, AI and the entire virtual Internet of Things, aka the Quantum Brain, and everything else the total surveillance society is desperately trying to merge our bodies with is based on the discoveries of the first quantum revolution.
Now, we are on the verge of a second quantum revolution that will introduce even wilder, and more oppressive, never-before-seen (‘alien’) technological capabilities.
The second quantum revolution is the one we want to watch out for.
Super-technologies such as nanotechnology, quantum computers, quantum information processing, and others will soon shape our daily lives…as we merge our bodies with A.I. and string ourselves up as puppets on the Internet of Things, along with billions upon billions of other things (like your toaster, microwave oven, car).
Second wave quantum technologies will enable you to control those devices by thought alone.
All of this will be possible with quantum computers that can do in 200 seconds what would take 10,000 years using a normal supercomputer.
Computers traditionally use bits to process information. But quantum computing depends on bits that have properties of quantum physics – called qubits.
Traditional computing bits are either “0” or “1,” but qubits can be in both states at the same time, a quantum property called superposition.
Another quantum property, called entanglement, allows for qubits to be quantum mechanically connected to other qubits in the system.
As a result, quantum computers leverage entanglement and superposition to solve previously impossible computational problems.
Dwave Systems is one builder of these machines. Its founder, Geordie Rose, likens them to the altar of an alien God and claims they come from the Nephilim. They will enable scientists do things that seem like a fantasy only a few years ago.
With this technology all our memories, our lives themselves, can be transferred to a quantum brain that dreams simulated realities like we imagine eating ice cream.
Proponents say we could live forever in these simulated realities. Quantum dreamers say these never before imagined worlds will be way better than this one. As quantum beings we would be not just closer to the gods in our capability. We would be gods ourselves.
Leading the way in this second wave of the Quantum revolution is China. The U.S. is on its heels. In fact, the two countries are now locked in an undeclared winner take all Quantum War.
The first true use of quantum computing will most likely not be a commercial use like creating some mindblowing virtual reality ascension experience, but rather a cyber-warfare use by nation-states.
This is what everything presently happening in our world is actually about.
Quantum mechanics and quantum entanglement challenges our most basic, common-sense assumptions about our lives.
As Marina Alamanou succinctly analyzes in her article “The Application of Quantum Entanglement”:
- You know that the moon exists even when you’re not looking at it — that’s realism. But, according to the theoretical physicist, John Wheeler reality is made of information which is created by observation, and that means that the moon exists only when it is observed.
2) Regarding causality (cause and effect), we know and take it for granted that “if you flick a light switch on, the bulb will illuminate”. But quantum entanglement is independent of time and space. In fact in Quantum mechaincs, the distinction between cause and effect is not made at the most fundamental level, so time symmetric systems can be viewed as causal or retro-causal. Retrocausality is a concept where the effect precedes its cause in time. And that means that “if I illuminate a bulb, a flick of light will be switched on”.
3) Moreover, thanks to a hard limit on the speed of light, if you flick a switch on now, the related effect could not occur instantly a million light-years away according to the locality. But in Quantum entanglement information transfer “breaks” the speed of light.
In conclusion, these 3 principles of causality, locality, and realism break down in the quantum realm, with Quantum entanglement being the most famous spooky example.
The bottomline is our world is not anything like we think it is.
Before the first Quantum Revolution we were God’s favored creature. Now, we’re merely data. We are just information, bits and bytes, that can, and should be, cut, copied, pasted, augmented at the whim of scientists.
In other words, the Q revolution brought with it that our biological bodies are just a collection of atoms, molecules and energy in motion. We are just matter. And, nothing personal, we don’t really matter.
This dehumanizing mindset opened the door to our merger wtih A.I., big data, and the Beast.
If you are just information then there is no reason why you can’t be copied and pasted into another matrix or reality. There is also no reason why you wouldn’t take the Mark of the Beast.
In the quantum world matter and energy are interconvertible. Matter exists in various energy states. These energy states are temperature-dependent. The higher the temperature, the greater the energy. For example, water boils when it is heated to higher temperatures. This increases the disorder in the molecules as they are energized.
Think of us entering the higher frequency world. As the frequency rises our bodies will change and reorganize.
In this case, we will be changing from bilogical beings to bio dots or biology blurred with technology to ‘higher frequency’ quantum beings living in a simulated reality.
Our sudden shift to the virtual world, accelerated by the response to the coronavirus, is a first giant leap away from our idenitying with the organic physical world and to identifying with the unseen world of virtual reality.
The next step is for us to drop our physical bodies and live permanently in the simulations dreamed up by the quantum computers.
As I wrote in Echoes in the Garden : A.I., Aliens, Simulation Theory and the Last Footprints of Woke Humanity, we are beginning to realize that the belief that we live in a simulation is also the motivating philosophy of the techno masters running our world…or rather whose out of control A.I. and computers are doing so. This philosophy is the source of the dehumanizing movement sweeping the planet. As Big Tech / A.I. and Global Government merge we will drop our race, gender, nationality and religious identifications and become “earthlings.” Soon, we won’t even be human at all. We will merge with A.I. and become Transhuman, or drop our physical bodies entirely and become post human cartoons living in a simulated reality (seriously!).
One scientist, Nick Bostrom, maintains that we are about to ’stack’ a new simulation on top of the existing one in which we live. Some of us will migrate to this new world.
According to Bostrom’s theory this is the end game of human evolution and the end of the game. That is the Simgularity.
Singularity theorists maintain this will occur sometime between now and 2030.
Audiences used to think I was exaggerting when I said big gov and big data thinks of us not as mushy, spiritual humans, each of whose life has purpose and significant meaning, but as just data or matter to be manipulated for cash.
Enter robotic human clones into which you can copy the contents of your brain.
Enter holographic avatars existing in the new simulated realities created by quantum supercomputers.
Exit real world.
Enter ‘ascended’ digital world.
For a preview of this dark ascension watch this trailer for the sci/fi comedy series Upload.
Also Downsizing.
As I said, we are being brainwashed into thinking that our bodies are now dangerous to ourselves and to each other. Ewww. Don’t touch me. In fact, don’t come near me.
Coronavirus is synonymous with a “no contact” society. If we allow it, words like “touchless,” “contactless” will be hallmarks of our interactions. These are quantum words. This shift is a quantum one.
How long this will last? Will our children and grandchildren now be raised to fear human contact and live disconnected from the rest of the world?
From now on or at least until the Beast puts its mark on everyone and we are free to enter normal socieity.
Our shift to contactless communication is a hallmark of the Second Quantum revolution.
Just as the first quantum revolution drove the movement to wash God out of our brains and to think of ourselves as just information the second will drive us apart and will be characterized by interaction without interaction, or contactless contact.
In the old ‘dumb and dirty’ world we used to think that for communication to occur there must be some form of interaction. This would be through direct touch or through some form of carrier, like the telephone or the internet.
Now, with our increased understanding of the quantum realm and of quantum entanglement it seems that particles can be entangled without any contact at all…ever.
Welcome to the clean new “no touch” world.
Which brings us to the aforementioned announcements.
The first announcement involves quantum entanglement. This mysterious phenomenon occurs when two particles become eternally linked, and whatever happens to one simultaneously affects the other, regardless if they are next door, across the galaxy or even in another galaxy billions of light years away.
Here is an example of this.
Clare and I have documented the ancient belief that icons of Christ or the Tibetan guru, Padmasambhava, can transmit their presence to us through a painting. In these traditions images of both avatars transfiguring into light are viewed as sacred mirrors or gateways to the unseen realm.
This is a quantum principle.
When we look at a painting it is brought to life in our imagination. We are entangled with it. The image is now inside us, in our mind.
Simultaneously, say the icon makers, when we engage an icon of the transfiguration we are in Christ at that moment. We and Christ are identical, but not.
Something of the presence of Christ has been transferred to us. As our photons are knotted with Christ’s he can transmit this presence to us through the image and we can enter his space through the image.
Now, imagine Christ transmitting his presence to you without the painting inbetween and you and Christ becoming identical. That is quantum entanglement.
How is this possible? Well, let’s just say the universe is far kookier than we realize.
With our understanding of the quantum realm we big brains have just graduated from knowing jack shit to the basic level of understanding of the universe possessed by the avatars and angels of the world’s sacred traditions. Cosmic kindergarten is over. We are now in first grade.
Instead of Avatars beaming light and love or transferring Christ Consciousness to us, just imagine something like this being possible in terms of mundane data transfer.
What if instead of sending something through the internet, and risking it being hijacked by some government or corporation, you could just drag/drop and it gets there without dragging and dropping. If the sender and receiver are entangled the transfer is instant.
This is what is coming sometime between now and 2030.
It will lead to the creation of new types of computers with god-like processing power and a new version of the internet that will make our lives seem primitive. Our children and grandchildren will look back at us fifty years from now and wonder how it was possible for us to live this backward way.
It’s insane.
Back in December 2019 physicists at the University of Bristol were able to demonstrate quantum teleportation between two computer chips for the first time. Information was transferred between the chips without any contact via quantum entanglement.
I February 2020, Bao, Jian-Wei Pan, and colleagues at the University of Science and Technology of China, Beijing, announced they have demonstrated entanglement over fiber optic links of up to 50 kilometers, as they report this week in Nature.
Also in February scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago revealed that they had achieved a quantum entanglement over a 52-mile (83.7 kilometer) quantum-loop network in the Chicago suburbs.()
Besides taking us into a Star Trek reality — scientists believe that quantum entanglement could have applications in quantum computing, data transmission, and even teleportation or beaming — this feat is an important milestone in the creation of the quantum internet, a global mind infinitely more powerful than the one that is presently controlling us.
July 2019 In an incredible first, scientists have captured the world’s first actual photo of quantum entanglement. The image was captured by physicists at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. This particular photo shows entanglement between two photons – two light particles. They’re interacting and – for a brief moment – sharing physical states.
Quantum internet developers envision satellites continually broadcasting entangled photons down to earth surface. Two people who want to communicate will share a pair of quantum particles that are entangled. Then, through quantum operations, the sender can send any quantum information to the receiver. This collection of shared entanglement between pairs of people all over the world will constitute the quantum internet.
Woh. Seriously?
They are going to rain entangled particles on us and turn everyone on the planet into one giant brain?
So what they are saying is this is a further evolution of our bodies as repeaters, relays in a network or continuum of an alien consciousness.
On March 26, 2020 Microsoft published a patent for “Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data”, a system designed to harness human energy, including brain waves, for cryptocurrency mining.
That’s right. Microsoft wants to read your mind and reward you when you look at an advertisement or use a certain internet service, the patent explains. Will it punish you if you don’t?
Instead of massive computation work required by some conventional cryptocurrency systems, data generated based on the body activity of the user can be a proof-of-work, and therefore a user can solve the computationally difficult problem unconsciously,” the patent states.
The mining system would involve hooking up a device, like a smart watch, to various sensors on the body that detect the activity required of the user to generate the cryptocurrency. As we know, the “wearable” plan is short term. The plan is to go inside the body.
Possible sensors used to track the activity include MRI scanners, heat cameras, and heart rate and infrared sensors.
The patent lists 28 different concepts for the way the system could be used to mine cryptocurrency, including tasks like browsing social media, engaging with an artificial intelligence chat bot or visiting a website.
Monitoring “body fluid flow” and “organ activity and movement” are also on the table. Obviously, Microsoft sees huge opportunities is harvesting energy from porn site visitor.
Microsoft Technology Licensing applied for this patent in June 2019 and it was published under the number “WO2020060606A1.”
That’s WO-2020-060606 A1
In a Q world where #WWG1WGA (“where we go one, we go all”), is readily decoded, “WO” (shorthand for World Intellectual Property Organization), 060606 was easily read as patent 666.
666 is, of course, the number of the Beast.
Our bodies will be used to mine bitcoin for the Devil?
No, say Beast supporters. The fact that this patent is numbered 666, the number of the Devil, is just a coincidence.
Everything on earth will be working as one entity. Where goes one, we go all because we are entangled via quantum technology.
Is this what we want?
People say the ancient gods created us as slaves to mine gold. Do we want our descendants to have a mythology that says the Q gods created our bodies to mine cryptocurrency?
The bottom line is the Quantum merger is coming. The non-quantum speaking public is blissfully unaware of the Beast’s potential.
We are being dragged into its world by scientists whose chief aim is to serve the Beast.
Quantum physics says we have a choice in how we view things out here.
It is clearly time for each of us to choose our path.
Check Q for Quantum.
Check C for Compassion.
from: https://www.williamhenry.net/2020/04/check-q-for-quantum-c-for-compassion-our-choice-for-the-postcoronavirus-world/