A Change is Coming

Universal Law The Last Word

GillilandJames Gilliland – So many people are asking what is going on, will there ever be justice. The answer is yes. There is a saying Nature is slow to react but thorough.

People are awakening, the fake news and mind control programs are failing. The division games with cultures and religions are no longer viable. The crooked politicians, wayward agencies power abuses, deep state as well as the puppet masters, the global elite are imploding.

It is a byproduct of compression by the higher dimensional beings, their consciousness and Universal Law. Think of the Earth herself expanding ascending, then add the higher consciousness and energies pressing in. Add what the scientists are finally revealing about the solar system going through a highly energized place in the universe, the cosmic, ultraviolet, infrared rays, the Schumann resonance are off the scales.

The dark realms are being squeezed, forced into the light and they are lashing out, influencing and possessing people trying to create as much havoc as possible.

Healers and light workers around the world are asking what is going on. Their clients friends even family are losing it with emotional outbursts, some acting as if possessed. We are in those times.

The hidden and real agendas are being exposed. By their fruits you will know them, their actions will define their character. There is a lot of double speak, lots of posing, leaders in every walk of life are being exposed and their followers are having meltdowns trying to ignore the obvious. It looks as if the world is going crazy yet it has always been crazy, it is now being revealed. The world of opposites is ending, the chaos is the healing.

So how does one discern? There are many questions that need to be asked. One are we creating heaven on Earth? Are we operating under Universal Law, Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All?

Are the leaders self-serving? Where is their funding coming from? Who are they associated with? Where do the donations go? The main question is what is their income from?

Words without deeds are dead. I had a wise man tell me there are many Archon walk ins, wolves in sheep’s clothing. They prey upon people’s empathy, compassion, and good nature. They are placed into high positions of power and by nature people want to believe them. They are referred to as planned opposition. They usually have massive egos, are narcissistic, shameless and cannot tell the truth no matter how much evidence is garnered against them.

The tyrants realized people will revolt without a savior so they create one, usually with the above-mentioned characteristics. They remain in full control of that person with promises of notoriety, power and wealth to control the narrative.

These puppets take the podium, shake their fists at the government yet at the same time they are being paid by dark factions within the government, the global elite. These false icons brag about their high-level connections regardless of the fact these connections are Lucifarians, pedophiles, in some cases murderers.

They prey upon the gullible and the ignorant, blind followers who refuse to look at or do their own research. People who do not trust their own heart, their own inner guidance. If you were clairvoyant or clairsentient you would feel and see what is within and standing behind these people, it isn’t pretty.

These sacred senses are being activated. What would happen if you stopped giving your power away? What would happen if you made your own personal connection to God/Creator/ Great Spirit?

Did you know contact comes with enlightenment? Did you know you are not just a body and a personality? You are a spirit and that spirit is multidimensional.

Did you know you don’t need anyone or have to pay thousands of dollars to connect to Source, see ships or make contact? All that is necessary is pure intent, discernment, a few tools and spiritual discipline.

Get out in Nature. Walk away. It is an inner journey, always has been. The external is the distraction.

I want to leave you with two gems. One – no matter how hard you try you cannot separate yourselves from Omnipresent Creator. You can however be distracted. Two – the Earth’s history is a series of colonizing and terraforming experiments going back over 600,000 years according to true archaeology.

You want to see an ET, check out your DNA and look in a mirror. There is so much more to the story. The bottom line is those who are not frequency specific to the Earth’s ascension and act out of alignment with Universal Law will be eventually removed after some very hard lessons.

Karma is real and it is accelerating. Choose kindness as your religion. Be kind to each other and the planet.

Be well.

SF Source Eceti Jul 2018

from:    https://www.shiftfrequency.com/time-to-stop-giving-our-power-away/#more-111914

James Gilliland on Coming Changes

The Event, Bankster Suicides And The Return Of The Anunnaki

by James Gilliland

It has been a while and it is time for an update. A major portal has been opened on Maui, the heart chakra of the planet. There have been 20 others. The Earth now is being flooded with light and higher dimensional light beings. Yes, this includes their light ships as well. These higher civilizations (which we will refer to as the greater family of man rather than ET which has been given a fearful twist by Hollywood, the disinformation campaigns, etc.) is appearing globally, keeping the UFO reporting centers extremely busy. I might add some of the UFO reporting centers are not operating from the highest integrity as many know the ongoing UFO activity at ECETI has virtually been ignored. This is a precursor to what many call the EVENT.

The Event

The timing of the event is tied into critical mass, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is now foreseen as spring or early summer. This is not coming without challenges. Whenever a higher consciousness and energy enters a system due to sympathetic resonance, the lower consciousness and energy must rise to meet it. This creates chaos, yet chaos is the letting go of the old paradigm in order for the new paradigm to take its place. The intellect and the ego must surrender to the heart. The heart is your soul connection and the soul is the path to God/Creator/Spirit. Sometimes a little prayer and some sleep work the best in adjusting to these new energies.

Bankster “Suicides”

Many ask about the death of so many top level bankers. The banking system is corrupt, riddled with fraud beyond belief. The treasury has been robbed repeatedly, keeping the manufactured lack and enslavement through dependency going. This is coming down. Some bankers know too much and they have been removed, do to cooperation with global investigative authorities. Other banksters can’t live with what they have done and know the hammer is about to fall. Only 8 (suicides) have reached the press, yet the true numbers are close to 20 and this will continue.

Beyond the Controllers Control

This entire economic system is not frequency specific to the evolution of humanity and the Earth.  It is completely out of alignment with Unity Consciousness and Universal Law. There are forces beyond the Fallen Anunnaki, the regenerate ETs, and demonic realms which were virtually unchecked in the past. These are forces beyond the Illuminati, their major corporations and their treasonous political puppet whores. There is a grand awakening on a soul level which was not factored in, nor was there awareness of the source of this grand awakening.

The Parasitic Removal

The benevolent Annunaki, the bearded Gods of old and the council of 12 now mostly women are back and there is a grand recall, and reconciliation of the fallen ones left to oversee. They are standing before the councils in extreme embarrassment for what they have done outside of Universal Law. The Andromedan, Arcturian, Pleiadian, Lyrian, Sirian and Orion Councils of light are also coming into play ending the prime directive hands off program of the past. The controllers, parasites and predators (Regenerate ETs, Demonics, Etc…) who have hijacked the Earth’s evolution are being removed, not so gracefully I might add. This is happening for those with eyes to see. The physical effects of this are soon to follow.


We can all do our parts here on Earth by practicing love and kindness, setting boundaries with those who are not and holding space. We can pray to our representative of Source and welcome the benevolent beings, the beautiful many asking for their assistance in our own personal awakening and healing as well as the Earth’s awakening and healing. Stop participating in anything that is enslaving or harmful to humanity and the Earth. Let the beast consume itself as the prophecies foretold.

There is an old Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone it isn’t good.” This should apply to our foreign policy as well. We need to be careful of calling for democracy. Democracy means the corporations can move in and exploit the people trading one tyrant for corporate tyranny. The republic is a better model with a strong constitution, for the people and by the people. This is something that was forgotten in America, along with its Bill of Rights.

This spring, the people will remember. They will come to realize the source of their pain suffering, the war and disease profiteers, the genocidal psychopaths behind the veil of ignorance. Those veils and masks are coming down.

Be well, Godspeed, walk with courage and impeccable integrity. There is no security or future without it.

James Gilliland


In5D Addendum: In addition to James’ mind-blowing material, Freeman Fly added that the banksters are looking for some kind of “technological advancements to save their souls or to spare themselves through this.”

In recent news, an article entitled, “Beyond Cern: Now physicists prepare to construct the even Larger Hadron Collider” shows how there is a desire to create an even larger portal into other dimensions, which is discussed in the above video.

James stated that “The Event” would most likely occur between March and July of 2014.

“They’ve been telling us that between March and July, everything is gonna get turned around. There is going to be massive change on every level: social, economic and physical as we go through this shift. The good news is, it’s out with the old and in with the new. Between now and 2016, we’re going to undergo some incredible changes. Chaos is a good thing. It means that the old system is breaking down. We need to be aware that chaos is part of the process and it means that something new is coming in to take its place.”

from:    http://in5d.com/the-event-bankster-suicides-anunnaki-return.html