Brain Waves to Brake your Car

Mind Over Matter: Braking Your Car With Brain Waves

PHOTO: Braking car with mind control

July 29, 2011

It’s the future. You’re racing down the highway when, all of a sudden, the driver ahead of you slows down. You know you need to hit the brakes to avoid an accident, but your foot can’t move as fast as your brain. You’re about to rear-end the guy, except. …

… except that your car has read your mind. It picks up your brain wavesand automatically slows down. Accident averted.

This is not fantasy. Researchers in Germany have run an experiment with drivers in a car simulator, and they report in the current issue of the Journal of Neural Engineering that they were able to identify brain waves that corresponded to a driver’s wish to press the brake pedal. They tried the experiment with 18 test subjects, each of whom wore a cap wired with EEG sensors. If the drivers wanted to slam on the brakes, the car did it a crucial fraction of a second more quickly than they could.

“Waiting for the driver’s response can lead to a slow response in emergency situations,” wrote Stefan Haufe of the Berlin Institute of Technology. “Therefore, in order to obtain a faster confirmation, our study suggests that it is feasible to detect a driver’s intention to brake, which naturally precedes any observable actions.”

On average, in the study, brain waves told the car to hit the brakes 130 milliseconds faster than the driver’s foot did.

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June 19-25

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Green Blue

The predominant element of this week is air.  Be aware of your breathing and how the air comes in and out.  You may find yourself with some difficulties in that area.  The winds are shifting, and with them is coming energy from other places and other sources.  These can cause you to feel light headed or uncertain.  Confusion is a major theme this week.  If you have decisions to make, be sure that you have all the facts and that you have taken a look at all options. This is a week for a good sense of humor.    Stuff is not always as important as it seems on the surface. Take your time.  Be patient.  Things started this week can end quickly, blown away with a quick gust.  Emotions will be close to the surface.  This is not a good time for stifling them.  Feel the feelings, and let the emotions pass through you.  This week brings a kind of catharsis o many levels, and your inner knowing is responding to this by a release of emotional baggage.  As the week progresses, you will find yourself feeling more able to see things in a new light as your perspective shifts.  Priorities are changing also, and you need to accept that.  Look around at the people in your life.  Communities are forming, and things and people have to be let go of in order that other new things and people can come in.  Take time this week to be with yourself and to work with WHO you are through some sort of meditative activity.  And Breathe.  When things become overwhelming, take a moment just  to center in your core and breathe through it all.  You will feel better. Continue reading

Canine Connection

Canine Connection: Study Explores How Dogs Think and Learn About Human Behavior

ScienceDaily (June 9, 2011) — Dog owners often attest to their canine companion’s seeming ability to read their minds. How do dogs they learn to beg for food or behave badly primarily when we’re not looking? According to Monique Udell and her team, from the University of Florida in the US, the way that dogs come to respond to the level of people’s attentiveness tells us something about the ways dogs think and learn about human behavior. Their research, published online in Springer’s journalLearning & Behavior, suggests it is down to a combination of specific cues, context and previous experience.

to read more, go to:


June 12-18

Overall Color for the Week:    Clear

There are many things that will be coming to the surface this week, and in all areas.  Much has been hidden, hinted at, and/or redirected.  The many facades around these things will come tumbling down.  This can lead to disruption, emotions, reactions, and re-evaluations.  Many of these are way overdue.  This is week when  the energies will attempt to bring what is happening on the Earth into sync with the changes that are going on in the Universe. There is much resistance to this, and you will see this all around you.  People that you know will step out of their usual patterns in an attempt to convince themselves and others that things are not changing, that things are staying the same, that there is no need to look at the world from a new perspective.  When they cannot convince themselves of this, the emotions will follow, and oftentimes, the blame. People do not like to admit they are wrong, and they will, therefore, look outside themselves for someone to pin it on. Unfortunately there are mirrors everywhere, and they tell us what it is that we are unwilling to see for ourselves. This will not be an easy week, however if you are alert to the energies and the possibilities, you will find, with time, that this week was crucial for you in being able to move forward in your own power and to find the success that you know is yours.  This week is characterized by clarity.  This is in all areas.  That means that you may just have to confront your own hidden truths and secrets.  Stay centered, stay grounded, and you will find this one of the best weeks of your life. Continue reading

Your Focus Muscle

Things today can get pretty crazy, however if you are grounded and focused, you can actually accomplish quite a lot.  Focus is the key to many things these days.  In Taoism, Buddhism, and Neo-Confucianism, they speak of a single-minded focus.  Single-minded focus, in itself, is somewhat difficult to achieve, but, with practice, you can find yourself able to center in on your desire without falling into all the myriad distractions that are always out there vying for attention.

To gain focus, I have developed an easy and relatively quick exercise for your ‘Focus Muscle’.  Think of a particular intention, item, or goal you are wishing to achieve or create.  Around that item, as you think of it, there will be other things popping up their heads and asking for their own bit of attention.  Rather than trying to negate these or otherwise ignore them — mainly because, you know that never works, rather it has just the opposite result and that is to bring that item to the forefront — what you need to do is to engage your internal spotlight.

Take a moment and just have a sense of what a spotlight is and what it does. Basically a spotlight is a really, really bright light that is used to show up what is most important in a given scene.  So, go within and just imagine a spotlight.  Play with it for a bit, and get an idea of how it works.  Once you are in control of that internal spotlight, it is time to put it to work.  Think of what it is that you are wishing to create in your life.  As you do, you will see those sneaky little distractions beginning to sneak up into the foreground.  This is the time to use your focus muscle and turn that spotlight on.  Send the beam of light to your true intention.  All the other stuff will disappear into the background, as your desire moves to the forefront.   There in the light is the thing that you are wanting to bring into your life.

This does not mean that the distractions are totally gone or that they have ceased, rather it is a way of acknowledging go to yourself that what is truly important is the intention that is having light shone upon it.  This need not be a long practice or particularly laborious.  Start with short intervals, and with time, you will discover that your “focus muscle” is much stronger, and little by little your real intentions take center stage.

Thoughts and Definitions

ABILITY is being what you truly are.

ANGER, when RIGHTEOUS, is standing up for what you love.

BEING is a dip in the waters of time.

CHANCE is the big picture becoming focused.

CHOICE means that things can be different.

COMMUNITY is oneness shared with others.

DIFFICULTY is what you choose it to be.

DIRECTION, when true, is focus plus desire.

DONATION is gratitude made manifest.

FAILURE is the turning away from what you desire.

FEAR is focus in the wrong direction.

FOCUS is being directed by Universal Consciousness and the heart.

GRATITUDE is a heartfelt link between one’s inner joy and the object.

HAPPINESS is a perspective that makes sense.

INTENTION is thought directed towards desire.

JOY is what you make when coming truly from the heart.

LOVE is if you let it be.

MIRACLES are true desires made real.

NOW is the essence of all time.

OUTCOME is the pause between acts of doing.

POWER is a direction of energies into a focused whole in order to achieve certain ends.

RESPONSIBILITY is accepting WHO you are and what you do.

STILLNESS is the womb of creativity.

SUCCESS is the feeling of being whole.

TIME is being in motion.

VISION is seeing the true potential of time.

YOU are what you make yourself to be.

2010 — The Year of the True Path

Bid farewell to 2009 with gratitude and relief.  It was a year of lessons to be learned.  It was a year in which both the best and the worst could occur, but most often it was a case of the worst with a splash of the best.  2009 was a set-up-for-action year.  Choices that were made, things that were done, stuff that was gotten rid of, all of these are part of honing oneself for true manifestation and for readying one’s energy to deal with the dimensional shifts that will become stronger and stronger as 2010 progresses.

2010 is an action year.  Be ready for action, to do what it is that you truly desire to do.  This is a year of no excuses.  If you do not embark or continue on your path, then the path will no longer be the same.  This is a year for potentials to blossom and become realities, but it all takes commitment on your part.  Too often we fear our own potential and as  a result, we are satisfied with second best, with second place.  But in your own life, you should never take second place.

Look clearly, long, and hard at the things that are out there around you.  Be ready to say to things and people ‘I don;t think so!’ if they are not right for you.  And then, give yourself an huge pat on the back for being so courageous as to stand up for WHO you are.

There has been too much in the past, too much of people. places. things.  It was easy to fall into the illusion.  But illusion will no longer hold power this year.  Illusion is based in fantasy  The changes that are coming are based in the shifting of the dimensions, the movements to more rarefied densities.   Along with everything else, this year of 2010 brings a choice —what do you choose to be your own reality.  If you buy into the media-induced stupor, then get ready for a rocky ride.  If you buy into an energetically motivated free-fall, be ready to own and use your own power.

Another theme of this year is the letting go of logic.  Allow your intuition to make choices for you.  If you are faced with two options and one seems logically more reasonable, however the other just feels right just once go with your heart-centered intuition.  Start small in order that you do not frighten yourself, too large steps taken too early can engender a fear that is hard to overcome.  Once you begin to see that the guidance of heart-centered intuition brings about happy results, then you are setting up a new pattern of going with the flow.  Your true heart is always centered in the flow of the Universe, and getting in touch with that will bring peace, joy, and abundance.


Fate includes both what you are and what you are becoming.  Each person has a kind of fate in their life towards certain happenings, etc., but it is not unchangeable.  Rather, fate is the working out of the wishes and lessons of the individual in becoming the WHO you wish to experience in this turn of the wheel. It is sort of like being on a stage with   a role to play, other actors, props, etc.  But just as much as you are the lead actor, you are also the director and you can change things to suit you as you go along.

That is how it is with fate.  It is what you have decreed for yourself at this time, and this means that both necessity and freedom have parts to play. The necessity derives from the physical situation, the time in which you live and all the variables of that environment.  Added to that are the experiences that you wish to have as part of your unfolding of your experience of being universal consciousness.  The freedom derives from the fact that at any time, you can rewrite the script.  You have power for change in your life.

There are people who have done a complete turnabout, oftentimes after some life changing event, say a Near Death Experience.  These things, however, come frequently as the result of some seemingly small happening.  When they happen, it is like you have skipped a grade in school.  You have compressed a bunch of lessons into one, and you are ready to move on along a different track.  Necessity is being fulfilled, you are experiencing consciousness as this person that you are, and freedom is at work, time to move on to something new.

So fate is not static, carved in stone, or immutable.  Fate is active and works with you as you change.  As the unfolding of the Universe accelerates, you too accelerate in your own development.  And the end result of that is the joy of ever-growing self knowledge and love.

Know This

A few thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and inspirations.

Know the future is truly now and with it all the shifts and changes.

Know that true and focused intention can create what you would consider miracles, which are merely, in fact, the way things are meant to be.

Know that much of what you call ‘the way things are’ are merely illusions to be looked through in order to see the true nature and essence of all things, into the lessons to be learned as things develop at this time.

Know that you choose and are chosen.

Know that this is a great task you have chosen, and not a light one.

Know that your time is now.

Know that it is for you to put aside all those petty concerns of the quotidian for there is no room for them in the realm into which you are moving and that all those quotidians will be taken care of by the Quotidian Doers.

Be prepared to see things in a new way, and fear not your conclusions for they are correct.

2009, New Energies and the Companionship of 2


This year of 2009 brings promise, opportunity, wonder, and self-fulfilling prophecy, so watch what you wish for. Things are definitely changing. Everyone is aware of the changes on some level, but know that one change will precipitate another. This is because events will happen in pairs. When one thing happens that brings a sense of something new, wait for another, and look for meaning in the two. These pairs can either be complementary or opposites, so do not be overly quick to interpret. Continue reading