The Horrifying Specter of Geo-engineering

As always – Do your research, think for yourself!

Be the POWER you know yourself to be:

The Ultimate Weapon in the Toxic War on Humanity and Mother Earth

by Zen Gardner

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Geoengineering, the ultimate weapon in the toxic war on humanity and Mother Earth. How to protect yourself in this escalating battle.

Willem Felderhof

The irreversible awaking of humanity to the fact that we are under attack by the psychopaths in power is exponentially ongoing. More and more people are waking up, and are experiencing the reality of the fact that we are at war and under a vicious multi layered attack. The realization of this undeniable fact is a crucial element in our fight to save the future of humanity and the planet itself. Millions of people are realizing the implications and devastating effects of the geoengineering, climate engineering and weather modification programs.

The enormous amount of information that is available on the dynamics and mechanisms of these programs and how they work in conjunction with each other is boosting  general awareness in an unprecedented way. Now it is time to take the next steps in order to fuel the reversing momentum. The toxic multi level assaults on our health make us weak and powerless and that’s exactly one of its goals. Epidemics of all kinds of diseases and health problems are exploding, while this information is mostly ignored or falsified in the corporate owned mainstream media. However, factual information on the reality of this ultimate health crisis is widely available on the Internet for anyone who does proper research.

But those who are awake don’t have to look much further than their immediate vicinity to realize that there is something seriously wrong on the matter of health. In this crucial phase of the war against humanity we should strengthen ourselves on a physical and psychological level, and the good thing is; there are ways to protect yourself against the intensifying attacks by the maniacs that are losing their power.

Awakening of the Inner Warrior

inner warrior

A very essential and powerful step in your protection against the ongoing attacks to your health and life is the realization that you are under attack. You have to realize and accept the fact that you are part of a relentless “silent’ war, and the increasing attacks you are experiencing are part of a well planned agenda designed by psychopaths. It is a war against you, your loved ones and the planet you live on. Once you can see this, your instinctive reaction to this reality will trigger your sleeping inner warrior. And because of that you’re back in business, regardless of the situation you’re in.

At this point you have to make the crucial decision; do I stay a victim, a passive bystander, or will I be the fearless active warrior. When the realization that you are under attack sets in, your fight/flight mechanism will trigger all kinds of powerful biochemical responses that will serve to protect you on a physical level against the enemy. It does not matter what enemy we are facing, your ancient fight/flight instincts will wake up the inner warrior. And the warrior in you will come up with strategies in your battles.

You can stop digging in your past with your therapist or psychiatrist because most of the health problems you are experiencing are the result of the ever increasing exposure to the multilevel toxic attack, and have nothing to do with personally inflicted stress. The highly damaging effects on a physical and psychological level as a result of the structural exposure to the ongoing slow killing programs like Geo engineering, EMF radiation, GMO’s and processed foods are the real source of the escalating health crisis. The message to yourself should not be “I am NOT OK , I have all kinds of health problems” but “I am 100% OK and perfect, my body is only reacting to vicious attacks from all directions”. This strong core understanding that you are 100% OK will have a profound effect on a cellular level and will protect you in your life in the toxic microwave. The realization that you are OK will reduce the resonating tendency of your cellular system on foreign unnatural EMF intruders. It will also reduce the FFR (frequency following response) in the brain.

With this liberating perspective your actions will not be any longer focused inside or on your past for healing or solutions. You will change the dynamics of your actions 180 degrees. You’re no longer a powerless victim in fear but a fully aware fearless warrior willing to take any action that is needed to survive. As stated before, you are back in business. From here it is you who decides what the next action will be. And the only right decision you can make if you are awake is to get involved with intelligent and powerful action. NOW. You will forget your own story and your irrelevant personal problems and goals, when you understand what we are facing. I will speak more in depth about this powerful element of protection during my coming tour in Europe. And also on different ways to detoxify your body and mind.

Preparing for the mother of all false flag attacks

The Kardashianation of Vladimir Putin in the alternative media is feeding the distraction of society in a highly effective way. The passive obsession with the actions of this noble oligarch in the Middle East perfectly serves the worn out geopolitical script. While we are being distracted by the staged geopolitical chaos with all the insane wars and crises, the geoengineering architects are paving the way for the mother of all false flag attacks. Despite the fact that a lot of people are waking up, most people are not familiar with the concept of false flag attacks. They are still in the doomed mindset of accepting the idea that we are continuously attacked and under threat by an enemy their elected officials and media presents to them.

While the conditioning of the minds of the masses to accept geoengineering as a normal phenomenon is taking place, frameworks are being created to make geoengineering programs legal. When this stage is completed the road is free for a next Hegelian show. While numerous false flag attacks in history like the 9/11 attacks in NY, the sinking of the Lusitania, Pearl Harbour, Tonkin incident, Sarajevo bombings, Charlie Hebdo, the 7/7 bombings, MH-17 etc, etc have been used to lead us into useless illegal devastating wars which served only the globalist elite and NOT the people, the one that is coming to us will be the most disastrous one ever. Corrupt puppets in the pathetic global political arenas and even the pope are helping to prepare our minds: “Global Warming is our common biggest threat”.

To fight this manufactured enemy we need a one world centralized government to save humanity and the planet. And in this battle the ridiculous slogan “either you are with us or you are with the terrorists” will be even more applied. The terrorist in this case however will not be a synthetic terrorist in a cave, but anyone who will oppose geoengineering as a solution for global warming. In other words: YOU.

Do a reality check, wake up the inner warrior in you and join the forces with intelligent and powerful action. We live on borrowed time; it’s the perfect moment to lose all your fears and act out of your box. Our children and Mother Earth are calling us and have waited long enough.


On the Heart-Brain Connection

Not Just Brain To Body: Researchers Discover That The Heart Sends Signals To The Brain


A group of prestigious and internationally recognized leaders in physics, biophysics, astrophysics, education, mathematics, engineering, cardiology, biofeedback and psychology (among other disciplines) have been doing some brilliant work over at the Institute of HeartMath. The Institute of HeartMath is a (well recognized) non-profit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and understand something that is commonly overlooked in mainstream biology: the intelligence of the heart and its effect on the brain.

A large portion of their research dives into heart and brain interaction, how they communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness. For example, when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out a different message, and because the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, the institute has been able to gather a significant amount of data.

According to Rolin McCratey, Ph.D, and director of research:

“Emotional information is actually coded and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing the information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us. We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.” (source)

The Heart Sends Signals To The Brain

“One important way the heart can speak to and influence the brain is when the heart is coherent – experiencing stable, sine-wavelike pattern in its rhythms. When the heart is coherent, the body, including the brain, begins to experience all sorts of benefits, among them are greater mental clarity and ability, including better decision making.” (source)

Scientists have long believed that it was the brain that sent information and instructed the body on what to do, and when to do it. This includes the heart, but we now know (thanks to researchers like those at HeartMath) that the heart actually sends signals to the brain, just as the brain sends signals to the heart. In fact, the heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends in return. What’s even more amusing is the fact that these heart signals (from heart to brain) actually have a significant effect on brain function.

To me, this is amazing. The fact that the heart produces the largest electromagnetic field in the body, and the fact that it sends more signals to the brain rather than vice versa shows us that the heart plays a much larger role in our biology than what we previously believed, and that it (the heart) may be a major commanding center of the body, in the same way we think of the brain.

So far, the researchers have discovered that the heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways:

  • Neurological communication (nervous system)
  • Biophysical communication (pulse wave)
  • Biochemical communication (hormones)
  • Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields)

Why This Is Significant

“HeartMath research has demonstrated that different patterns of heart activity (which accompany different emotional states) have distinct effects on cognitive and emotional function. During stress and negative emotions, when the heart rhythm pattern is erratic and disordered, the corresponding pattern of neural signals traveling from the heart to the brain inhibits higher cognitive function. This limits our ability to think clearly, remember, learn, reason, and make effective decisions. In contrast, the more ordered and stable pattern of the heart’s input to the brain during positive emotional states has the opposite effect. It facilitates cognitive function and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability.” (source)

This brings into question the consideration of consciousness. Consciousness is the way we perceive the world (and everything in it) around us. It’s how we think, and it’s how we feel. It’s directing our attention towards something with a specific intention and can be explained in a number of ways. So what does consciousness have to do with science?  Well, some physicists today are starting to believe that consciousness is actually a state of matter, just like a solid, a liquid or a gas. (source)(source). This is because a number of publications, more so in the field of quantum physics, have demonstrated that consciousness actually has a direct affect on our physical material world. This is most notably demonstrated by the quantum double slit experiment, one that found factors associated with consciousness to “significantly” correlate with the make up of our physical material world. You can find out more about that in an article we published last year titled “Consciousness Creates Reality: Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual.

“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”  – R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University ,  “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (source)

For a selected list of downloadable peer-reviewed journal articles reporting studies that deal with human consciousnesss and its influence on the phsyical material world, mostly published in the 21st century, you can click HERE

It’s important to understand what these physicists are saying in conjunction with the research being conducted at the Institute of HeartMath, because the researchers there have shown how certain emotional states (consciousness) can code different information into the heart’s electromagnetic field, sending out a different signal depending on factors associated with consciousness (feelings/emotions), as well as send signals to the brain.  While all this is going on, we have quantum physicists showing that consciousness can, again, have an effect on our physical material world. This could mean that conscious states of love, gratitude and compassion have a different effect on physical reality (one that is not known), than opposite emotions like hate, fear and greed have on it. We know that these different emotional states do indeed have an effect on our biological makeup and send a different type of signals to the brain, as mentioned earlier, which brings me to my next point…

Do Our Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions & More Originate In The Brian, The Heart, Or From Somewhere Else?

Just to recap, researchers at the institute have found that the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain does to the heart, and that different emotional states send different signals to the brain, which directly effect our cognitive functions, our ability to learn and more. The question to ask here is, where do these emotional states come from? What triggers them? A certain event in our lives could be the catalyst for a certain type of emotional response (depending how we perceive that event). For example, if someone loses a loved one, they will experience ‘negative’ emotions, thus triggering the heart to send certain signals to the brain. But where do these emotions generate from? Do they generate from our brain, with regards to how we perceive the event which determines our reaction? Where do these states of consciousness originate?

“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer” – Nassim Haramein

These states of consciousness could be altering our world in ways we do not know, and we know they alter the way we feel, think and perceive, which in turn can effect our biology.

Below is a great video from Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona, discussing whether consciousness is a product of the brain or a receiver of it. It’s a little overview of a subject that is full of peer reviewed scientific research that not many people have the time to go through.

“QM [quantum mechanics] has questioned the material foundations of the world by showing that atoms and subatomic particles are not really solid objects—they do not exist with certainty at definite spatial locations and definite times. Most importantly, QM explicitly introduced the mind into its basic conceptual structure since it was found that particles being observed and the observer—the physicist and the method used for observation—are linked. According to one interpretation of QM, this phenomenon implies that the consciousness of the observer is vital to the existence of the physical events being observed, and that mental events can affect the physical world.” – Dr. Gary Schwartz (source)


Some White Flour Considerations

Still Consume White Flour? After Reading This, You Won’t…

| October 9, 2015

 Still Consume White Flour? After Reading This, You Won’t…

by Amanda Froelich
True Activist

These five facts will inspire you to ditch refined, processed flour for good.

Refined, white flour is one of the main perpetrators to many modern-day diseases of affluence. It is now well known that white flour spikes the blood sugar, is devoid of most nutrients, and can block the internal villi in the intestinal membrane, contributing to ailments such as leaky gut syndrome (a root symptom to many ‘diseases’ today).

But those aren’t the only ill effects caused by consuming a diet high in refined foods which include white flour. Following are 5 shocking facts about white flour that will inspire you to switch to whole, unprocessed foods for good.

1) White Flour Has NO Nutrients

Because foods have been processed and refined, manufacturers have to fortify certain nutrients (which your body does not metabolize and utilize as efficiently as when derived from whole foods) because they no longer contain them! Concerning white flour and bread(s), when the wheat seed’s bran is removed, it’s six outer layers and the germ (which contains 76%) of the vitamins and minerals is lost. 97% of the dietary fiber is also removed, which is why constipation and cancer of the bowel are so prevalent in ‘developed’ nations.

In addition, processing and bleaching white flour removes ALL of its vitamin E, 50% of its calcium, and 70% of its phosphorous, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins.

So what you’re paying for when you spend less on white bread and baked goods is… literally nothing. Except a hefty healthcare bill down the road if you don’t start consuming real foods right now.

2) Carcinogen Potassium Bromate Is Added – You Don’t Want This

Once all the layers, nutrients, and fiber are removed, flour is bleached, preserved and aged with chlorine dioxide. Manufacturers continue to further refine it by adding chalk, alum, and ammonium carbonate to make it seem more appealing texture-wise and visually.

Unfortunately, they then add potassium bromate to the mix. This ingredient is a very powerful oxidizer that damages cells. Potassium bromate is also considered to be a category 2B carcinogen (= possibly carcinogenic to humans), as classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Banned in most developed countries in 1994 (including all countries in the European union, UK, and Canada – but NOT in the United States), it is an ingredient every household should avoid.

3) White Flour Is A Natural Insecticide

Like harmful glyphosate-containing insecticides produced by Monsanto, white flour will KILL bugs that creep into bags of it and begin to consume it.

It KILLS bugs that attempt to live off of it. What could make one think it’s ideal for human consumption, then?

4) Contains The Amino Acid L-Cysteine

Yes, you need amino acids (the building blocks of protein) to survive, but this non-essential amino acid is introduced to most conventional baked goods only to speed industrial processing. Perhaps this is also another link in the huge allergy epidemic many people experience in the US when they consume baked goods, but not in Europe where more quality and care is given to producing food.

L-cysteine is found in most pizza doughs, cookies, pastas, pastries, and fast food buns. While it can be produced for cheap, more economical sources include duck feathers and human hair. Other L-cysteine sources include chicken feathers, cow horns, and petroleum byproducts. Most L-cysteine sources also come from China, where there is a history of poor regulation.

We don’t know about you, but that’s disgusting.

5) White Flour Is A Known Contributor To Diabetes

Diabetes has quickly become a global epidemic, and it is now predicted to become the 7th leading cause of death by the year 2030. The ‘disease’ is largely caused by a diet high in refined foods (including baked goods made from white flour and artificial sweeteners), not enough fiber, and less than the daily recommendation of unprocessed fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens.

One way white flour is a main contributor to this disease of affluence is that it contains the ingredient alloxan, which is what makes bread look fresh and clean. Studies show, however, that alloxan destroys the beta cells of the pancreas. In fact, the effects of alloxan are so severe, the Textbook of Natural Medicine calls the chemical “a potent beta-cell toxin.”

Unfortunately, the FDA still deems this ingredient to be “safe,” and, therefore, companies continue to use it and include it in many foods. Yikes.

According to research done by Dr. Gary Null, however, which is documented in the Clinicians Handbook of Natural Healing, vitamin E effectively protected lab rats from the harmful effects of administered alloxan. That means, fortunately, that it is possible to reverse the dreadful effects caused by alloxan production.

First step: ditch all white flours from your diet; second step: start eating more almonds, avocado, and healthy sources of fat with abundant stores of Vitamin E. You’ll likely notice your skin improves from these added nutrients, as well.

All in all, refined, white flour is utilized in many products of today because it is cheap. But if there’s anything that should be common sense by now, it should be the understanding that there are no shortcuts in life. The human body hasn’t even fully adapted from the inclusion of grains in the last 10,000 years; and now, it’s quite evident that a diet of processed, refined junk (including refined sugar and white rice) is devastating to the system.


On Homeopathy

In Defense of Homeopathy

In Defense of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is here to stay.  Despite relentless criticism from skeptics and fundamentalists, homeopathy has withstood the test of time. 

“…and this little piggy cried, woo woo woo, all the way home.”

Since its inception over 200 years ago, homeopathy has been the target of almost constant antipathy from the prevailing school of orthodox medicine. Given so much organized resistance from the mainstream, one would think that if homeopathy were much ado about nothing it would not have endured. It would have withered on the vine a long time ago. And yet it has persisted. No, it thrives—all across the globe—for a number of very good reasons.

When a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann discovered that a miniscule dose of a medicinal substance designed to mimic the symptom pattern of a sick person could paradoxically provoke a healing response in that same person, a medical revolution was set in motion. Dr. Hahnemann referred to this surprising phenomenon as the law of similars. As opposed to the conventional medical approach, which uses opposites to combat symptoms (antidepressants, anti-inflammatories, antihistamines, anticonvulsants, etc.), homeopathy represents a different approach to healing, one that uses “likes to cure likes.”

The standard treatment for a bee sting or a case of poison ivy might involve the use of an antihistamine to suppress the inflammatory swelling, redness, and itching. A homeopathic practitioner, on the other hand, might recommend a highly diluted dose of a medicine made from the honeybee in the former case, and a similar dose of a medicine made from the poison ivy plant in the latter. It’s a little bit like the use of anti-venoms to treat snakebites, only the doses used in homeopathy are much smaller.

The homeopathic principle of similars can be used to treat not just physical illness, but also mental and emotional issues. For example, in my own practice I have used homeopathic doses of a plant called Stramonium to successfully help hundreds of children who had suffered from nightmares, were afraid of the dark, and were unwilling to be alone at night. Ingesting Stramonium in its crude form can induce a type of delirium characterized by severe agitation and a tremendous state of fear. In its homeopathically diluted form, it is the antidote to similar states of fear and agitation. It can be a lifesaver for these kids and their families.

In its heyday in the latter half of the nineteenth century, there were more than 100 homeopathic hospitals in the United States, 22 homeopathic medical schools, 700 homeopathic physicians in New York State, and thousands more across the country. Homeopathy in the U.S. experienced a decline in the early 1900s, largely due to increased regulatory pressure from orthodox medicine. The same lack of vision regarding the future of health care is not necessarily true of other countries. Today, there are well over 200,000 homeopathic practitioners in India alone. Is it possible that so many doctors and patients could be wrong about a medical therapy that they rely upon for their own personal health and well-being? I think not.

Criticism of homeopathy

In spite of the remarkable growth of homeopathy and the testimony of millions of satisfied patients who swear by its effectiveness, critics insist upon spreading a number of unsubstantiated falsehoods regarding this unique healing modality. The worst offenders are the ones who call themselves scientific “skeptics.” Although they claim to speak for science, their willful refusal to consider the facts exposes them as anti-scientific defenders of scientistic dogma. Their pathological disbelief in all things holistic and unconventional is a violation of the open-minded spirit of genuine scientific inquiry.

Let me be clear; for those who seek to discredit homeopathy purely out of bias there should be no obligation on the part of homeopathy to defend itself. It is a waste of energy to quarrel with a relatively small band of medical fundamentalists who wish to argue their case using disingenuous tactics. The truth of homeopathy stands on its own merit for any open-minded individual to examine for him or herself.

Nevertheless, I will venture to answer skeptic’s criticisms for the benefit of innocent bystanders, many of whom are puzzled by the Salem Witch Trial-like atmosphere that surrounds homeopathy. Let’s examine these objections to homeopathy one by one and see how they stand up to scrutiny.

Objection 1. The principle of similars is not logical. It does not make scientific sense.

Some object to homeopathy on the grounds that treating an illness with a substance that can cause symptoms similar to that illness just doesn’t make sense. They fail to grasp that this is essentially the same idea behind many allopathic therapies including allergy shots and vaccines. The same principle applies to stimulant drugs used to treat hyperactive children. Amphetamine analogs like Ritalin and Adderall are known to have a paradoxical calming effect on the nervous systems of children with ADHD. The difference is that while these conventional treatments involve crude and potentially toxic doses that are administered uniformly to all individuals, homeopathy tailors its treatment to each individual with doses that are far smaller and, therefore, far safer.

Skeptics tend to dismiss homeopathy due to its so-called “implausibility.” This is a fancy way of saying that, given our current understanding of biology, it is not plausible to assign a cause-and-effect relationship between homeopathic doses and their observed effects. This is really just a tautological argument—a bogus use of logic—employed by skeptics to deny the validity of a phenomenon that medical science cannot explain in conventional medical terms. In essence, the claim is that, since homeopathy cannot be explained, it therefore cannot be possible. If we were to adopt this attitude toward all new unexplained medical phenomena, then medicine would remain forever static and impervious to change. The implausibility argument amounts to nothing more than a ridiculous self-fulfilling defense of conventional medical dogma.

Objection 2. Homeopathic doses are too small to have any effect. They are nothing more than placebos.

Homeopathy-hating skeptics love to mockingly claim that homeopathic medicines are nothing but water. After all, they surmise, if these medicines are diluted to the extent that homeopaths claim, then they must be devoid of all medicinal properties. Any observed effects are assumed, therefore, to be placebo effects.

Now, this might be true if homeopathic medicines were just another class of conventional drugs. Drugs are pharmaceutical grade chemicals that act on a biochemical level to alter or arrest physiologic processes. Although homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA as if they are drugs, no homeopath believes that they act in the same manner as conventional drugs.

Unlike drugs, which must often be taken on a regular basis to maintain their suppressive effects, homeopathic remedies act as bioenergetic catalysts designed to provoke a healing response from the life force. Dr. Hahnemann, himself, attributed all genuine healing to the innate wisdom of the “vital force.” Homeopathy is based upon a stimulus-response model of treatment. An effective prescription acts as a stimulus that initiates a self-healing reaction from the bioenergetic field of the human organism. Once a healing response has begun, there is no need to repeat the stimulus unless its effect begins to wear off.

Although analysis reveals the presence of material nanoparticles in homeopathic medicines, their impact on the life force is a bioenergetic one, not a material one. The bioenergetic strength of a remedy is not something that can be measured in quantitative terms. It is an energetic property that is gauged by the intensity, depth, and duration of effect that it has upon the living organism. As an energetic phenomenon, the mechanism of action of homeopathy is best studied by medical professionals with backgrounds in physics.

Chemical drugs have a reputation for the side effects that they can produce. As chemicals, their sphere of action and the extent to which they can influence biological systems is limited. Homeopathic remedies, on the other hand, can have a powerful and far-reaching energetic effect on the entire system. Those who insist that homeopathic medicines are placebos because there is “nothing there” make the mistake of applying a biochemical model to a bioenergetic therapy. They simply do not know what they are taking about.

In Defense of Homeopathy

Objection 3. Homeopathy is not scientific.

It’s not hard to see how someone who thinks that all medicinal agents must act on a biochemical basis, according to the tenets of mechanistic medicine, would automatically assume that homeopathy is unscientific. But this would be a naïve conclusion based on lack of information. When critics who have already made up their minds hear that homeopathy is really a form of energy medicine, their eyes start to glaze over and they begin to chant that familiar mantra, “woo woo, woo woo.”

The great irony is that most diagnostic imaging is energy-based. MRIs, CT scans, ultrasound testing, and thermography all involve energetics. They are made possible thanks to physics. I don’t hear critics crying, woo woo, over MRIs and CT scans. Even a treatment like radioactive iodine therapy, used to destroy the thyroid gland in cases of hyperthyroidism, is an energetic intervention. While radioactive iodine is an example of the destructive use of energy, homeopathy represents the cutting edge of the constructive use of bioenergetics designed to improve health and promote healing. Those who claim that homeopathy is unscientific because it is based upon bioenergetic principles demonstrate their lack of scientific understanding.

Homeopathic methodology itself is the very definition of scientific method. Medicinal substances are gathered and their capacity to cause symptoms in the human organism is studied. These substances are administered in diluted form to volunteers who are not told what they are receiving. The symptoms reported by these study subjects are then recorded in great detail. The symptomatic profile of each medicine is developed and documented in reference texts called materia medicas. Highly diluted doses of these medicines are then given to sick persons who exhibit similar symptom profiles. The responses are noted and used to confirm the symptom profiles of these substances and to expand the database of information regarding their uses.

In this sense, homeopathy is the most empirically reliable medical methodology ever devised. It is based upon direct experience and real time, real life clinical outcomes and patient feedback. Just because the mechanism of action of homeopathy is as of yet undetermined does not mean that it does not qualify as a science. No scientist in his or her right mind dismisses an unusual phenomenon simply because it cannot be explained. Homeopathy utilizes a sound scientific methodology that can yield remarkable results.

Objection 4. There is no scientific evidence to support homeopathy.

This particular objection to homeopathy is perhaps the most egregious of all. It is simply untrue. By any objective standard, it is a flat out falsehood. There is a growing mountain of research that demonstrates the positive benefits of homeopathy. Nevertheless, diehard skeptics who show no interest in factual evidence continue to spread lies to the contrary. When you hear the statement that there is no scientific evidence in support of homeopathy, you know you are dealing with someone who is either uninformed, willfully ignorant, a scientific zealot, or a mercenary for PhRMA.

Many who insist that there is no evidence are usually just parroting propaganda that they’ve heard elsewhere. At best, a skeptic will acknowledge the existence of a particular homeopathic study, only to then nitpick over the supposed flaws in that study. This is a common tactic employed by fundamentalist devotees of scientism. In any event, the studies are there to examine for all who are genuinely interested. A small sampling of homeopathic research references is provided at the end of this article.

When it comes to medical research, there are some real issues worth discussing. One such issue is the increasing unreliability of scientific studies, which are often funded and conducted by vested interests. When drugs approved by the FDA are taken off the market with such regularity, then the research that justified their approval in the first place must be called into question.

Another problem is the way in which we define scientific evidence itself. Modern scientists have convinced themselves that experiential evidence is not real evidence. Patient’s reports of their own experiences and physician’s firsthand observations of the patients that they treat have somehow become second-class forms of evidence. Skeptics tell us that this type of evidence is merely “anecdotal.” We are supposed to believe that direct firsthand experience is inferior to the abstract statistical data produced by modern research trials. A belief like this can only come from armchair quarterbacks who are out of touch with patient reality. As far as I am concerned, I glean far more practical information from individual patient case studies than from artificially homogenized trials involving large groups of patients.

It appears that the Emperor of Research is wearing no clothes. Society as a whole is dazzled by quantitative data—and seems to have lost its capacity for common sense and sound judgment. We have been bamboozled into believing that our own experiences cannot be trusted. This, to me, is the true crisis engendered by modern medicine. Its misguided beliefs regarding experiential evidence have had a dehumanizing and disempowering effect on doctors and patients alike.

This issue is particularly important to homeopathy because it is an empirical science. In other words, it places a great deal of emphasis on patient experience. Homeopathic evaluations are heavily influenced by the subjective information provided by patients regarding their own perceptions of their illnesses. The standards of evidence used by homeopathy are much broader than those of conventional medicine. Homeopathy is more inclusive because, in addition to research findings and objective diagnostic information, it respects the value of subjective patient input.

Conventional medicine places much higher value on objective factors like lab results and imaging tests. It shows little interest in the subjective evidence that is so important to homeopathy. However, none of this mitigates the fact that there are numerous conventionally designed clinical trials that point to the benefits of homeopathy.

Objection 5. Homeopathic treatment is dangerous because it prevents patients from obtaining the “real” medical care that they need.

This objection is just another red herring. Homeopathic treatment is known for its lack of side effects and unparalleled safety record. When compared side-by-side, allopathic medicine is far more prone to iatrogenic dangers including allergic reactions, side effects, adverse events, and complications.

Furthermore, the course of illness is not always predictable. Even a well-chosen antibiotic, for example, may not work, during which time the patient’s condition can worsen. A doctor may diagnose indigestion in a patient who later turns out to have appendicitis. These types of events occur all the time. And they can happen to practitioners of all stripes; allopathic, homeopathic, and otherwise. All practitioners have patients who take turns for the worse, and who get sick in spite of their best efforts. To argue that this is unique to homeopaths is ludicrous.

The reverse is also true. I have seen my share of patients who, in my medical opinion, could have avoided the side effects and complications from various drugs or surgical interventions had they chosen to consult me for homeopathic care in the first place. In fact, homeopathic physicians have an advantage in the sense that they have training in both conventional and homeopathic approaches. As it turns out, “real” medical care is not the exclusive province of orthodox medicine.

In Defense of Homeopathy

Homeopathy is here to stay

In spite of relentless opposition, homeopathy has withstood the test of time. It continues to endure deliberate misinformation campaigns designed to undermine its good reputation. Hard core skeptical ideologues hurl epithets like “junk science” and “pseudoscience.” Much of the rhetoric coming from these anti-homeopathy mercenaries amounts to defamation of character. They need to be identified for who they are and held accountable for their libel and slander. These self-proclaimed defenders of science are the most unscientific hucksters of all.

Homeopathic remedies are manufactured by legitimate pharmacies, regulated by the FDA, and in popular demand among consumers. But few U.S. physicians show any interest in learning about how homeopathy can help their patients. Furthermore, the corporate medical establishment views homeopathy as competition. PhRMA can’t own homeopathic medicines exclusively because they cannot be patented. You can draw your own conclusions about the motivating reasons behind FDA and FTC’s recent scrutiny of the marketing of homeopathic products.

Homeopathic medicines are exceptionally safe precisely because the material quantities involved are so minute. As such, the likelihood of an allergic reaction or adverse event is virtually nil. One can quibble over whether homeopathic medicines act as bioenergetic catalysts or whether the life force is a real thing or not. It doesn’t really matter, because the final results are what count. Millions of doctors and patients around the globe can attest to the positive benefits of homeopathic treatment.

As bioenergetic catalysts, homeopathic remedies have broad and all-encompassing effects on human health. Homeopathy is truly holistic because it acts on the whole person. Because homeopathic remedies have such deep effects, they are capable of getting to the root of chronic health problems. When a homeopathic remedy gets to the root of a problem, the life force ceases to generate symptoms because there is no further need to call attention to the problem.

Homeopathy is safe, inexpensive, and effective. It represents the cutting-edge of Space Age futuristic medicine precisely because it transcends the pitfalls of material medicine. In the immortal words of Bones McCoy, “I’m a doctor, Jim, not a car mechanic!”

Nuts to Health

Eat More Nuts to Lower Cancer Risks

Eat More Nuts to Lower Cancer Risks

The medical industry is losing the cancer battle. Arm yourself with cancer-fighting nuts. 

Despite a decades-long, multi-billion dollar war on cancer, the global burden of this deadly disease is expected to rise 50% in just the next five years.[i] A handful of nuts a day could help protect you.

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota took note of science finding that nuts are heart healthy.  They asked whether nuts could also protect against cancer.  They conducted a meta-analysis of 36 observational studies including 30,708 patients on the disease-preventive powers of nut consumption. They included 16 cohort studies along with 20 case-control studies.

Their results published in Nutrition Reviews concluded that nut consumption was linked with an overall decrease in cancer risk.  In particular, it was inversely associated with risk of colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, and pancreatic cancer.[ii]

The combined studies which ranged from 4.6 to 30 years of follow-up found that, compared to patients eating the least nuts, those consuming the most nuts had:

In addition, those eating more nuts had a 15% lower risk of cancer in general.

The authors found no links between nuts and other types of cancers.

The researchers noted some possible explanations for the cancer powers of nuts including fiber, protein, minerals, phytosterols, and phenolics compounds.  Some of the most powerful anti-cancer nutrients in nuts include vitamin E, selenium, quercetin, resveratrol, and folic acid.

Earlier studies had already established that nut antioxidants improve heart health. In fact, nuts have also been linked to a 20% lower risk of death in general.

Other studies have shown that nuts can also help:

Based on their research, the authors suggested eating five servings (28 grams each) of nuts per week.

And don’t worry about the fat content or calories.  Diets that include nuts have been proven not to increase body weight, body mass index, or waist circumference.[iii]

Just one caution.  Nuts can be difficult to digest because they contain enzyme inhibitors.  They are also high in phytic acid which can block absorption of minerals in the body.

Soaking nuts helps disarm the phytic acid.  Buy organic raw nuts and soak them in water salted with Celtic sea salt or another high quality unrefined sea salt. Most nuts can soak eight hours or overnight.  But some, like cashews, become slimy if you soak them more than six hours.

After they’ve soaked, drain the nuts and roast them on a cookie sheet in a warm oven at the lowest heat – about 200 degrees Fahrenheit.  Or use a dehydrator.

Click here for the top 3 cancer fighting nuts.


The Healing Power of the MInd

12 Stories To Make You Believe In The Power Of Your Mind To Heal You

October 2, 2015 

12 Stories To Make You Believe In The Power Of Your Mind To Heal You

by Dr. Lissa Rankin,

My book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself is full of data scientifically proving that the mind can heal—or harm—the body. But data can be dry, and sometimes what resonates most deeply within our souls are stories. So sit back, grab a cup of tea, and let’s have story time. I’m going to tell you a few true stories that will demonstrate to you how powerfully the mind affects your physiology.

1. Mr. Wright

As reported by Bruno Klopfer in the Journal of Projective Techniques in 1957, Dr. West was treating Mr. Wright, who had an advanced cancer called lymphosarcoma. All treatments had failed, and time was running out. Mr. Wright’s neck, chest, abdomen, armpits, and groin were filled with tumors the size of oranges, his spleen and liver were enlarged, and his cancer was causing his chest to fill up with two quarts of milky fluid every day, which had to be drained in order for him to breathe. Dr. West didn’t expect him to last a week.

But Mr. Wright desperately wanted to live, and he hung his hope on a promising new drug called Krebiozen. He begged his doctor to treat him with the new drug, but the drug was only being offered in clinical trials to people who were believed to have at least three months left to live. Mr. Wright was too sick to qualify.

But Mr. Wright didn’t give up. Knowing the drug existed and believing the drug would be his miracle cure, he pestered his doc until Dr. West reluctantly gave in and injected him with Krebiozen on a Friday.

To his utter shock, the following Monday, Dr. West found his patient walking around out of bed. Mr. Wright’s “tumor masses had melted like snowballs on a hot stove” and were half their original size. Ten days after the first dose of Krebiozen, Mr. Wright left the hospital, apparently cancer free.

Mr. Wright was rockin’ and rollin,’ praising Krebiozen as a miracle drug for two months until the scientific literature began reporting that Krebiozen didn’t seem to be effective. Mr. Wright, who trusted what he read in the literature, fell into a deep depression, and his cancer came back.

This time, Dr. West, who genuinely wanted to help save his patient, decided to get sneaky. He told Mr. Wright—that some of the initial supplies of the drug had deteriorated during shipping, making them less effective, but that he scored a new batch of highly concentrated, ultra-pure Krebiozen, which he could give him. (Of course, this was a bold-faced lie.)

Dr. West then injected Mr. Wright with nothing but distilled water. And a seemingly miraculous thing happened—again. The tumors melted away, the fluid in his chest disappeared, and Mr. Wright was feeling great again for another two months.

Then the American Medical Association blew it by announcing that a nationwide study of Krebiozen proved that the drug was utterly worthless. This time, Mr. Wright lost all faith in his treatment. His cancer came right back, and he died two days later.

2. The Hexed Girls

As described by George Engel in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Baltimore Case Study Number 469861 was an African American woman born 22 years earlier on Friday the 13th in the Okefenokee Swamp near the Georgia-Florida border. She was the third of three girls delivered that day by a midwife who proclaimed that all three girls, born on such a fateful day, were hexed. The first, she announced, would die before her 16th birthday. The second would not survive her 21st. And the patient in question was told she would die before her 23rd birthday.

The first two girls died within one day of their 16th and 21st birthdays, respectively. The third woman, terrified that she would die on her 23rd birthday, showed up at the hospital the day before her birthday, hyperventilating. Soon afterwards, before she turned 23, she died, proving the midwife’s predictions correct.

3. The Blind Women of Khmer Rouge

As described in Anne Harrington’s The Cure Within, 200 cases of blindness were reported in a group of Cambodian women forced by the Khmer Rouge to witness the torture and slaughter of those close to them, particularly the men in their lives. Examination of these women found nothing physically wrong with their eyes. The conclusion those trying to help them came to was that by being forced to view the unbearable, “they had all cried until they could not see.”

4. Multiple Personalities With Different Health Issues

Anthony Robbin’s Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement describes a case of a psychiatric patient with a split personality. One of her personalities was diabetic, while another was not. Her blood sugars would be normal when she was in her non-diabetic personality, but then when she shifted into her diabetic alter ego, her blood sugars rose, and all medical evidence demonstrated that she was diabetic. When her personality flipped back to the non-diabetic counterpart, her blood sugars normalized.

Psychiatrist Bennett Braun, author of The Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder, describes the case of Timmy, who also had multiple personalities. One personality was allergic to orange juice, and when this personality drank orange juice, Timmy would break into blistering hives. However, another personality was able to drink orange juice uneventfully. If the allergic personality was in the midst of an allergy attack and he shifted back to the non-allergic personality, the hives would disappear instantly.

5. Stamatis Moraitis

Stamatis Moraitis was a Greek war veteran who was living in the United States when he was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer and told he had only 9 months to live. He was offered aggressive treatment, but after 9 doctors apparently assured him that it wouldn’t save his life, he decided to save his money, decline treatment, and move with his wife back to his native Ikaria, a Greek island where he could be buried with his ancestors in a graveyard overlooking the Aegean Sea.

He and his wife moved into a small house on a vineyard with his elderly parents, where he reconnected with his faith and started going to his old church. When his friends got wind of the fact that Stamatis was back home, they showed up with bottles of wine, books, and board games to entertain him and keep him company. He planted vegetables in a garden, basked in sunshine, savored the salty air, and relished in his love for his wife.

Six months passed, and not only did he not die, he was actually feeling better than ever. He started working in the untended vineyard during the day, making himself useful, and in the evenings, he’d play dominos with friends. He took a lot of naps, rarely looked at a watch, and spent a lot of time outdoors. At one point, 25 years after his diagnosis, Stamatis went back to the United States to ask his doctors what had happened. Apparently, the doctors were all dead. Stamatis finally died this year in Ikaria. He was 102 years old.

6. Anita Moorjani

In her book Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing, Anita Moorjani tells the story of how she was dying of end stage Stage 4 lymphoma when she experienced the classic “white light” near death experience many have described. As she traveled to the other side, she was able to look down upon her loved ones, even though some of them were not in the same room with her. Her heart was filled with a feeling of profound unconditional love, and she was happy to be free of her dying, tumor-riddled body.

Then she was told that she had a choice. She could stay in the white light and die, or she could go back and share her story with others. She didn’t want to come back. Her body had been in so much pain, and her soul had been suffering. But she was told that if she came back, her cancer would be cured. She believed what she was told, and felt called to come back so she could share her experience.

Anita’s cancer was gone within several weeks. This all happened under the care of her bewildered doctors, who documented her spontaneous remission. Anita is now on the Hay House speaking circuit with me, spreading the message that death is nothing to fear. I will get to hug her this weekend at Hay House’s I Can Do It conference in Pasadena.

7. Hope heals

As described by Dr. Bernie Siegel in Love, Medicine and Miracles, a chemotherapy regimen called “EPOCH” was being studied in a research protocol for efficacy. Most of the study centers were reporting consistent results—some benefit from the chemotherapy, but nothing earth-shattering. But one study center was getting dramatically better results, so the research team investigated. What were they doing differently?

Turns out the doctor in the center with better results had renamed the chemotherapy regimen. Instead of telling his patients they were getting EPOCH, he rearranged the letters and dosed them with HOPE.

8. Fake surgery heals knees

In an article in The New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Bruce Moseley, an orthopedic surgeon renowned for the knee surgeries he performed on people with debilitating knee pain, reported about a brilliant study he designed to prove that his signature knee surgery was more effective than others.

The patients in one group of the study got Dr. Moseley’s famous surgery. The other group of patients underwent an elaborately crafted sham surgery, during which the patient was sedated, three incisions were made in the same location as those getting the real surgery, and the patient was shown a prerecorded tape of someone else’s surgery on the video monitor. Dr. Moseley even splashed water around to mimic the sound of the lavage procedure. Then he sewed the knee back up without actually doing anything.

As expected, one third of the patients getting the real surgery experienced resolution of their knee pain. But what really shocked the researchers was that those getting the sham surgery had the same result! In fact, at one point in the study, those getting the sham surgery were actually having less knee pain than those getting the real surgery, probably because they didn’t undergo the trauma of the surgery.

What did Dr. Moseley’s patients think about the study results? As one World War II veteran who benefited from Dr. Moseley’s placebo knee surgery said, “The surgery was two years ago and the knee has never bothered me since. It’s just like my other knee now.”

9. Fake surgery heals chest pain

In the past, ligation of the internal mammary artery in the chest was considered standard treatment for angina. The thought was that, if you blocked blood flow through the internal mammary artery in the chest, you’d shunt more blood to the heart and relieve the symptoms people experience when they’re not getting enough coronary blood flow. Surgeons performed this procedure for decades, and almost all of the patients experienced improvement in their symptoms. But were they really responding to the ligation of the internal mammary artery? Or were their bodies responding to the belief that the surgery would be helpful?

On a quest to find out the answer, one study compared angina patients who got their internal mammary arteries ligated with patients who underwent a surgical procedure during which an incision was made on the chest wall, but the artery itself was not ligated. What happened? 71% of those subjected to the sham surgery got better, whereas only 67% of those who got the real surgery improved.

10. What you believe affects your life expectancy

Researchers in San Diego examined the death records of almost 30,000 Chinese-Americans and compared them to over 400,000 randomly selected white people. What they found was that Chinese-Americans, but not whites, die significantly earlier than normal (by as much as 5 years) if they have a combination of disease and birth year which Chinese astrology and Chinese medicine consider ill-fated.

The researchers found that the more strongly the Chinese-Americans attached to traditional Chinese traditions, the earlier they died. When they examined the data, they concluded that the reduction in life expectancy could not be explained by genetic factors, the lifestyle choices or behavior of the patient, the skill of the doctor, or any other variable.

Why did the Chinese-Americans die younger? The researchers concluded that they die younger not because they have Chinese genes, but because they have Chinese beliefs. They believe they will die younger because the stars have hexed them. And their negative belief manifests as a shorter life.

11. Generosity is potent medicine

After 9 heart surgeries, Andy Mackie’s doctors had him on 15 medications, but the side effects made him miserable. So he decided to stop all his medications and spend his remaining days feeling as good as he could. His doctors said he would die within a year, so Andy decided to do something he had always wanted to do. He decided to use the money he would have spent on his heart medicines to buy 300 harmonicas for children, with lessons. And when he didn’t die the next month, he bought a few hundred more. Thirteen years and 20,000 harmonicas later, Andy Mackie finally passed away.

12. The mind affects hair growth

Thirty percent of patients who thought they were getting chemotherapy but were actually getting nothing but saline lost their hair. And bald men in the Rogaine trials who were getting nothing but sugar pills grew hair. Go figure.

Still Not Convinced? I have zero attachment to converting skeptics of mind-body medicine into believers. I’m just a curious scientist who can’t ignore the evidence that the mind is more powerful that we yet understand. If you’re curious like me, read more evidence of the mind’s power to heal the body in Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself or watch my Public Television special Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine (watch the trailer and check listings here.


Health Benefits of Cayenne

As Always, do your research:

Cayenne Pepper Stops a Heart Attack in 30 Seconds

Did you know that there is one natural remedy that can protect against every leading cause of death in Western countries?

It’s time for a new go-to remedy to join the ranks of coconut oil, raw honey, and apple cider vinegar. Cayenne pepper has so many amazing benefits; it has the potential to fight chronic diseases and also help with acute conditions.

Cayenne pepper fights against heart diseaseHeart disease is a term used to describe several problems related to plaque buildup in the walls of the arteries. As the plaque builds up, the arteries narrow and make it more difficult for blood to flow, thus creating a risk for heart attack or stroke. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States, and is also the leading cause of death worldwide.

Coronary heart disease costs the United States 108.9 billion dollars each year and is the most common type of heart disease. How much of this suffering and expense could be alleviated with the use of natural preventative remedies like cayenne pepper?

Cayenne pepper has long been used as a traditional treatment for cardiovascular and circulatory problems, as well as to help alleviate chronic pain and joint issues. The active compound, capsaicin, produces a sensation of heat which results in widening of the blood vessels and increased circulation. This helps the heart and circulatory system work more efficiently.

Since cayenne pepper stimulates a strong response in the body, herbal medicine experts even recommend its use for acute conditions such as heart attack. Veteran naturopathic doctors, Dr. David Christopher, Dr. Patrick Quillin and Dr. Richard Schulze have provided ample practical evidence to support the use of cayenne pepper as a remedy for heart conditions. One major scientific study published in the journal Circulation also backs up this idea.

When laboratory mice were induced to have a heart attack, a salve containing capsaicin was rubbed on the abdomen. It was found that the cayenne extract was able to prevent damage to the heart, with an 85 percent reduction in cardiac cell death caused by the episode.

Lead researcher Keith Jones, PhD, from the University of Cincinnati’s Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics, stated that this is the most powerful cardioprotective effect ever recorded. The scientists believe that this protective effect is thanks to “pro-survival” pathways triggered by the capsaicin.

There are a number of beneficial compounds in cayenne pepper, which could explain its widespread benefits. The spice contains an impressive array of plant nutrients, like antioxidants and carotenoids, which lower LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides. As well as widening the blood vessels for better circulation, cayenne also discourages platelet adhesion, which is the clumping of blood that can lead to dangerous clots.

While a human study on the ability of cayenne pepper to stop a heart attack would probably be considered unethical, holistic practitioners who have found themselves in an emergency situation report that drinking a cup of hot water with half to one teaspoon of cayenne pepper is able to stop internal bleeding and heart damage in a patient in less than one minute.

It is also possible to make a cayenne pepper tincture, which experts say can be dropped under the tongue of an unconscious person in an emergency situation. The ingredients of a tincture are as follows:

  • 1 cup of cayenne pepper powder
  • 1 to 3 fresh cayenne peppers
  • 2 cups of vodka

Place the powder in a one-litre glass bottle and cover with alcohol. Blend up the fresh peppers with a little alcohol to make a thick mixture and add to the bottle. This mixture should be shaken regularly while it infuses for at least two weeks, or up to three months. After this time period, the tincture can be strained and poured into a dark glass bottle for indefinite storage.

This is a good remedy to use on regular basis to improve circulation, fight free radical damage, improve antioxidant status and gain important nutrients such as vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium and potassium. It is also wise to keep cayenne tincture on hand in case of acute accidents involving bleeding, or any unexpected cardiac episodes.

Cayenne pepper fights several types of cancer     

Several scientific studies have found that among cayenne pepper’s many benefits is the ability to induce the death of cancer cells. This spice can be incorporated into a natural regimen to combat cancer. Research has been carried out in relation to several types of cancer, including leukemia, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and prostate cancer

Researchers have found that cayenne pepper, with its active compound capsaicin, is able to stop the proliferation of cancer cells and induce a process called apoptosis, which is essentially a programmed death of the dangerous cells.

Stroke may be preventable thanks to cayenne pepper

Stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases are among the top-five leading causes of death in our society. This refers to conditions involving the circulation of blood within the brain.

As we have already discussed, cayenne pepper is able to assist in the prevention of dangerous blood clots, and also improve circulation while halting an internal hemorrhage.

Stroke is caused by a lack of fresh blood delivery to brain tissues. Cayenne pepper can prevent this by invigorating mucus membranes and blood vessels so that clots are dissolved, which halts any further damage.

CayennePepperStopsHeartAttack_640x359Cayenne pepper against diabetes

Diabetes is another widespread cause of illness and death, costing the health-care system billions of dollars each year. This suffering and expenditure is unnecessary because type 2 diabetes is a condition that can be prevented and managed with lifestyle changes.

Along with smart diet and lifestyle changes, cayenne pepper can help to manage blood sugar imbalances and diabetes. Studies suggest that capsaicin found in cayenne pepper influences the way that the body processes glucose in the blood. It also stimulates the digestive process and improves tissue sensitivity to insulin. The result is that less insulin is required to facilitate the delivery of glucose from the blood into tissue.

Try making your own cayenne pepper tincture as an important addition to your natural remedy arsenal. It also makes a great addition to your diet, adding lively spice and flavor to a variety of dishes. What do you like to make with cayenne pepper?

— Liivi Hess

Liivi is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and is training to become a doula. She inspires women to find peace and personal power by taking control of health and fertility naturally. Liivi‘s passion is ancestral nutrition and primal lifestyle design. She and her partner Will live between Toronto, Canada and Queenstown, New Zealand.



Vitamin & Health

Vitamin D Found To Significantly Reduce Cancer, Yet Almost 90 Percent of The World Has Sub-Optimal Levels

by Mae Chan

There’s no doubting the magnitude of scientific evidence showing that the active form of vitamin D shuts down cancer cells. Higher levels of vitamin D are highly correlated with better chances of cancer survival and a new meta-analysis of existing data shows that increasing vitamin D status is associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing lung cancer.

“Almost every disease decreases in frequency and duration as we move towards equatorial populations, and the data shows that there is a minimum of a 1000 percent increase for many diseases in countries furthest from the equator, however we have obtained the same results based on data through populations and vitamin D supplementation,” said Dr. Anthony Petaku who studies the effects of Vitamin D2 and D3 on mutating cells.

Findings from the study, published in Cancer Causes & Control, suggest that the risk of lung cancer may be reduced by 5% for every 10 nmol/L increase of vitamin D intake.

The international research team, who worked in partnership with scientists at DSM, noted that while previous studies have suggested a link between vitamin D status and a variety of cancers, prospective observational studies examining the association between the circulating form of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D), and lug have so far provided inconsistent findings.

“This is a significant result, as lung cancer is one of the top five cancers diagnosed among men and women, as well as being among the most common causes of death in the world,” commented ProfessorLi-qiang Qin from Soochow University in China — who led the work.

“More research is needed to determine whether a further increase has positive effects in reducing the risk of cancer, however this outcome helps us raise awareness of vitamin D health benefits.”

In a recent study, author Dr Hui Wang, said: “The results suggest vitamin D may influence the prognosis for people with breast cancer, colorectal cancer and lymphoma, in particular.”

Meanwhile, Dr Weiguo Zhang, corresponding author from DSM Nutritional Products, China, noted that 88% of the world’s population has sub-optimal vitamin D levels — adding that studies like the current meta-analysis help to understand how micronutrients affect the human body and how certain conditions can be prevented with increased and targeted intake.

“The new study adds to a larger body of evidence which demonstrates the emerging roles of vitamin D in protecting populations from developing other cancer risks, for instance, colon and breast cancer,” added Dr Manfred Eggersdorfer, Senior Vice President, Nutrition, Science & Advocacy at DSM.


Li-qiang and his colleagues performed a dose–response meta-analysis assess whether different levels of vitamin D status were related to an altered risk of lung cancer.

The team analysed data from 13 reports in ten prospective studies, totalling 2,227 lung cancer events.

The meta-analysis found evidence of a non-linear relationship between 25(OH)D and lung cancer — finding a significant 5 % reduction in relative risk of developing lung cancer for each 10 nmol/L increment in 25(OH)D concentrations.

They noted that the greatest reduction in risk was found at a vitamin D status of around 53 nmol/L, which remained protective up to 90 nmol/L.

“Further increases showed no significant association with cancer risk, but scanty data were included in the analyses of high-level 25(OH)D,” the team reported.

“This dose–response meta-analysis of prospective studies suggests that 25(OH)D may be associated with reduced risk of lung cancer, in particular among subjects with vitamin D deficiencies,” they concluded.


“Considering that vitamin D deficiency is a widespread issue all over the world, it is important to ensure that everyone has sufficient levels of this important nutrient,” Dr Wang said. “Physicians need to pay close attention to vitamin D levels in people who have been diagnosed with cancer.”

Professional recommendations for supplementation are made for groups at risk of deficiency including pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under the age of five not fed infant formula, people over 65 and those not exposed to much sun.

It said taking too many vitamin D supplements over a long period of time could cause more calcium to be absorbed than can be excreted, which could lead to kidney damage and softened and weakened bones.

For this reason it’s very important to take a high quality calcium and magensium supplement with vitamin D such as Life Choice Opti-Cal/Mag Complex which also contains Vitamin K2 which in itself also has been found to prevent cancer and also improve bone, cardiovascular, skin, brain, and now prostate health.

Article sources:


Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

12 Incredible Facts Why Hydrogen Peroxide Should Be In Every Home

| September 30, 2015

12 Incredible Facts Why Hydrogen Peroxide Should Be In Every Home

For those of you who don’t know what hydrogen peroxide is, it is a germicidal agent composed of water and oxygen. It’s been a staple in medicine cabinets and first aid kits for generations. Hydrogen peroxide is considered to be the world’s a safest all natural sanitizer. It kills micro-organisms by oxidizing them.

Hydrogen peroxide has many different uses in a home, regarding our health, hygiene, and cleaning.

12 Amazing uses of hydrogen peroxide

Immune System Booster

Our bodies produce hydrogen peroxide via certain leukocytes, aka, white blood cells. It helps the body to fight off bacteria, viruses and toxins.

Water Purifier

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used for water purification. Add a pint of hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of the water you use and it will ensure that the water stays safe and sanitary.

Antiseptic mouth rinse

Hydrogen peroxide is a perfect mouth rinse. It will help you whiten your teeth and kill the germs responsible for bad breath. Hydrogen peroxide has been found to make a very effective and inexpensive every day mouthwash.

Common Cold

Hydrogen peroxide might help keep you away from a cold. According to some people, applying a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ears will keep the common cold at bay.


If you mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda, for example, you’ll get an effective toothpaste that will whiten your teeth and keep your mouth germ free.

Remove ear wax

Hydrogen peroxide can help you remove ear wax easily. Just put a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide into your ears. After a minute or two, put a couple of drops of olive oil. After few minutes, drain the fluid from your ears. The ear wax will come out.


The body produces hydrogen peroxide to fight infection which must be present for our immune system to function correctly. White blood cells are known as leukocytes. A sub-class of leukocytes called Neutrophils produce hydrogen peroxide as a first line of defense against toxins, bacteria, parasites, viruses and yeast.

Eye Care

You can use hydrogen peroxide to clean your contact lenses – it is very effective in eliminating the dust that can build up on the lenses over time.

Sinus Infections

Stuffy sinuses can be painful. A tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen peroxide added to 1 cup of non-chlorinated water can be used as a nasal spray. You can adjust the amount of hydrogen peroxide depending on the severity of your symptoms.

Toothache pain

Hydrogen peroxide can also help you cure toothache pain. Mix some coconut oil with hydrogen peroxide and use this mixture for gargling. The antibacterial properties of the hydrogen peroxide will help you eliminate the bacteria that are causing the toothache.

Disinfect your hands

Hydrogen peroxide works great for disinfecting wounds, and it can also be used for hand washing. Just dip your hands into it or spray them with a diluted version of hydrogen peroxide.

Keep your vegetables fresh

Hydrogen peroxide can keep your vegetables fresh. Add about ¼ a cup of food-grade hydrogen peroxide to a sink full of cold water and put your vegetables into it. Soak them for about 15 minutes, and then rinse them and leave them to dry.

Treat animal wounds

You can use hydrogen peroxide on animal wounds just like you would use it on human wounds. Be careful when using hydrogen peroxide on your pet, and it will heal its wounds within few days.




Cancer Fighting Foods

Scientific Review Reveals the 10 Best Cancer Killing Phytonutrients To Eat

10 Best Cancer Killing Phytonutrients To Eat

26th September 2015

By Sayer Ji

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Thirty years of research reveals 10 of the best food phytonutrients to ingest to protect against and even treat the root cause of most cancers.

A new medical model is fast emerging in line with ancient wisdom: one that aims to strike to the root cause of disease and resolve it permanently, and which some call “functional medicine.” In cancer treatment, this highly rational approach involves targeting the cancer stem cells (CSCs) at the root of cancer malignancy. Because we now know that CSCs are resistant to chemotherapy and radiation treatment, and may even increase in number and invasiveness when exposed to these outdated therapies, it is no longer ethical to continue with the conventional oncologist’s “standard of care.” Clearly, unless a cancer treatment is capable of selectively killing and/or inducing suicide programs (apoptosis) within cancer cells without harming non-cancerous cells, it is not going to produce a cure.

In light of this, we are excited to report on a review published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences titled, “Phytochemicals as Innovative Therapeutic Tools against Cancer Stem Cells,” which evaluated the evidence for what natural compounds within various foods and spices make for the most compelling treatments for targeting CSCs. (Download the review here.)

According to the review of 30 years worth of literature on the topic, the following 10 natural substances have been demonstrated to be the most effective chemopreventive dietary agents against CSCs:

  1. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)green tea extract

  2. Curcumin: The primary polyphenol in turmeric root 

  3. ResveratrolA phytochemical found in grapes, peanuts, Japanese knotweed

  4. Lycopene: A red carotenoid found in watermelon, pink grapefruit, and tomatoes

  5. Pomegranate extracts

  6. Luteolin: A flavonoid found in peppers and various green vegetables

  7. Genistein: A phytochemical found in soy, red clover, and coffee

  8. Piperine: A phytochemicals found in black pepper

  9. Beta-carotene: An orange carotenoid found in various vegetables

  10. Sulforaphane: A sulfurous phytochemical found in Cruciferous vegetables

The researchers described the discovery that phytochemicals can selectively target CSCs as “a milestone in the improvement of cancer treatment because the synthetic anticancer drugs that are currently used are often highly toxic for healthy organs and weakens the patient’s immune system.

They also pointed out that the phytochemicals or extracts identified above, due to their “low levels of toxicity for normal cells,” can be used in combination with other phytochemicals, “yielding powerful synergistic effects.

They identified several key areas of focus for the future:

  • Finding a way to combine these compounds into “very active cocktails of phytochemicals” to address the multiple areas of treatment resistance often found in CSCs.

  • Compare the effects of natural phytochemicals with synthetic drugs, the latter of which they anticipate will be found to be less efficient.

  • Further research should be performed on CSCs to better understand the signaling pathways that govern their self-renewal and survival.

The authors concluded, “[T]he use of phytochemicals may be a true therapeutic strategy for eradicating cancer through the elimination of CSCs.

If you have followed, you know cover the complex terrain of modern cancer treatment and its failures in various exposes on cancer overdiagnosis, the misunderstood nature of cancer, the reality of chemo and radiation resistance, the sorcerer-like power that doctors have over the health destiny of their patients, and the corrupt pharmaceutically-driven medical system that sacrifices ethics for profit. It is clear that while this is a harrowing task and topic, often fraught with darkness, the discovery that natural substances are superior to highly toxic chemotherapy and radiation in selectively killing the root cause of cancer is extremely promising and should help to usher in a new era of cancer prevention and treatment that looks at our dietary decisions as the most important factor in our health destiny.


About the author:

Sayer-JiSayer Ji is an author, educator, Steering Committee Member of the Global GMO-Free Coalition (GGFC), advisory board member of the National Health Federation, and the founder of – an open access, evidence-based resource supporting natural and integrative modalities. His writings have been published and referenced widely in print and online, including Truthout,, The Journal of Gluten Sensitivity, New York Times and The Well Being Journal.
