New Types of GMO’s COming

Stealth GMOs Are Coming: Approved & Unlabeled Everywhere

September 6, 2013 by admin

Genetically modified organisms are a terrifying development when we know they exist, but there’s a new system of creating GMOs that’s getting a complete pass. By fiat, our governments are allowing a process that produces genetically modified ‘foods’ for sale with absolutely no oversight. They can be called natural, or simply not labeled. Nothing, absolutely nothing, interferes with their introduction into the food supply.

DNA for Businessby Heidi Stevenson

Genetic engineering means changing the genetic material of a living plant, fungus, or animal. What we’ve been fighting is merely one type, recombinant DNA, in which the gene from one species is transplanted into another. But it isn’t the only way to change genes. Another technique has been developed and patented, technically called oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis (ODM), but branded Rapid Transit Development System (RTDS) by Cibus, of San Diego, California.

A type of rapeseed has already been developed using this technique. The UK’s  Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE), a part of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), reviewed this product back in 2011 and concluded:

ACRE considers that herbicide tolerant (HT) oilseed rape plants produced by Cibus LLC have been developed using a form of mutagenesis. It considers that this technique does not involve the use of recombinant nucleic acid molecules. Consequently, the HT oilseed rape plants could be excluded from the GMO Deliberate Release legislation in accordance with Annex 1B of Directive 2001/18/EC.

In other words, an organism that’s been genetically mutated by ODM/RTDS is not being treated by the government as a genetically modified organism! This technique is sliding around the concerns of genetically engineered plants and animals by using a technique different from recombinant DNA.

New Zealand has taken an equivalent stance. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) told Cibus back in 2004 that they could go ahead with no need to go through an approval process and absolutely no oversight!

Cibus has filed for patents from the EU on several crops, including:

  • Glyphosate-tolerant crops, including corn, wheat, rice, barley, soybean, cotton, sugarbeet, oilseed rape, canola, flax, sunflower, potato, tobacco, tomato, alfalfa, poplar, pine, eucalyptus, apple, lettuce, peas, lentils, grape, turf grasses and Brassica species (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc.).
  • Sulfonylurea herbicide-tolerant canola/rapeseed.

These crops are being sold as natural! They are even claiming that these genetically engineered crops were developed using a technique that’s been in use since World War II, which is obviously untrue.

What Is Oligonucleotide-Directed Mutagenesis?

First, let’s define some terms:

  • Nucleotide: The basic structural unit of DNA.
  • Oligonucleotide: A molecule that contains a small group of nucleotides. Therefore, an oligonucleotide is a small string of the units that make up DNA.
  • Mutagenesis: Something that can cause a mutation.

ODM involves the use of synthetic oligonucleotides. They call this molecule a Gene Repair Oligonucleotide (GRON). It contains the desired genetic change, which consists of a single nucleotide. This chain of nucleotides is inserted into the DNA of an organism. However, it’s done in such a way that the organism sees an error. So, the organism’s own DNA repair system is enlisted to fix the error. In that error-repairing process, the genetic change is affixed into the organism’s DNA.

How does this actually happen? In fact, no one knows! The technique works, but the Senior Vice President of Cibus, Peter Beetham, has admitted that the means by which the repair occurs is “elusive”. The Institute of Science in Society tells us:

Mismatch repair is ordinarily used by the cell following mistakes in DNA replication or recombination as well as in DNA damage. It relies on enzymes that recognise the mismatch by comparing the strand to a template strand’s homologous region … after which the DNA mismatched sequence is cleaved out, the correct bases synthesised and the DNA re-ligated back together. This is a highly complex process essential to the integrity of the DNA and the cell. However, this remains a speculation, and others have suggested that homologous recombination, transcription as well as DNA replication processes are involved.

So, this absolutely critical process is, essentially, a mystery. Whether it could create serious damage to DNA is unknown. Whether it might affect other parts of the DNA is unknown. Whether it has the potential of causing changes that might prove harmful to anyone who eats the resultant produce is unknown! In other words, the only thing that’s known about this process is that the desired change is made in a species. Whether other changes are made or that change might prove harmful in some as-yet unknown way is unknown.

Yet, our governing agencies have seen fit to not only rubber stamp the ODM process, but to give it a complete pass. Cibus is allowed to sell obviously genetically engineered products as “natural”. They are not required to submit to any oversight of any sort. They can churn out stuff with no labeling of any sort and leave the public entirely in the dark about the fact that they are, indeed, eating genetically engineered foods that haven’t even undergone the pathetically limited oversight of governmental agencies for GMOs produced by Monsanto and other corporations.

You thought that Monsanto was scary? Welcome to Cibus, Monsanto on steroids!


Upcoming TED Talks Topics


The top twelve TED talks coming soon from Obama, Merck, Kim Jong-Un, Tyson Foods and other leaders in humanitarian thinking (satire)


Thursday, September 05, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Range

(NaturalNews) You may have heard by now that the much-ballyhooed “TED” group is censoring scientists who discuss consciousness. The idea that you are a conscious being with free will is apparently just too much for the TED organization to stomach. They prefer to be stuck in the materialism view of reality that took hold in the late 1800’s and still dominates so-called “scientific” thinking today.

That “flat Earth” view of modern science includes delusional ideas like the body is a biological battleground that should be carpet-bombed with chemicals to restore health (the pharma “science” view), no animals have consciousness of any kind, all humans are “biological robots” with no free will and are therefore not responsible for their own actions (“victimization” science), nothing exists beyond what we can see or detect with instruments — there is no spirit, no “mind,” no connection between anything, and the universe is not holistic in any way whatsoever, etc.

With all this in mind (ha!), I’d like to share TED’s next twelve talks to be released to the public. I received this super-secret list from a super-secret TED insider who, just like TED’s “science advisory board,” doesn’t want his name made public for fear of being asked to explain himself.

So here’s the list of the top 12 future TED talks coming soon:

Top 12 upcoming TED talks

1. Why GMOs are so good for the planet (and how to raise the IQs of children by adding glyphosate to sugary breakfast cereals). Talk by Monsanto CEO Hugh Grant.

2. Trust your government. Why the centralization of power is good for humanity. Talk by Kim Jong-Un, dictator of North Korea, where TED’s science advisory board resides.

3. Why all children need to be put on psychiatric drugs to make them happier. Talk by Merck scientists.

4. Animal abuse is okay because animals don’t have awareness. Talk by the president of Tyson Foods, Inc.

5. War is peace. Talk by Barack Obama, with a special introduction by John Kerry called, “Violence is compassion when committed by a Nobel Peace Prize winner.”

6. How chemical additives in foods make children smarter and more successful. Talk by the Grocery Manufacturers of America president Pamela G. Bailey.

7. How the surveillance state protects your freedom (and why government needs to read your emails). Talk by U.S. Gen. Keith Alexander.

8. Keeping the lower class impoverished is good for society. Talk by Fed chairman Ben Bernanke.

9. Why mercury in vaccines is good for children: Mercury as an “essential nutrient.” Talk by former head of the CDC (now V.P. of global vaccines for Merck) Dr. Julie Gerberding.

10. Why toxic chemicals in the environment are good for you and your children. Talk by American Chemistry Counsel president Cal Dooley.

11. Monoculture feeds the world. Why pesticides, herbicides and glyphosate will save humanity and make everyone smile. Talk by Dr. Henry Miller, with a free pack of genetically modified seeds for all attendees.

12. Why the suppression of free energy technology is good for humanity: The joys of fossil fuels. Talk by British Petroleum director Bob Dudley.

Don’t miss these exciting talks by our world’s thought leaders as filtered through the TED censorship machine! These are, after all, ideas with spreading, sort of like Human Papillomavirus making the rounds at a college fraternity…

The Consciousness Revolution


MINDS, NOT MINES: Why the real revolution is being achieved with consciousness, not bombs

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) I don’t know if you can see it yet, but you are living through the unfolding of the most profound revolution in human history. This is a revolution of raising consciousness, advancing real science, holding corporations accountable and empowering individuals. Sites like Natural News are hubs of this revolution, but the real power comes from readers, bloggers, customers and activists like you.

What kind of revolution is underway, exactly? Well, there are several of them happening all at the same time, and all of them are bloodless:

• Honest food revolution where food corporations are held accountable for what’s really in their food (GMOs, heavy metals, BPA, contaminants and more)

• Food freedom revolution where farmers, homeowners and commercial growers are now demanding increased freedom to grow what they want to grow. It’s only a matter of time before prohibition against industrial hemp is lifted.

• Independent media revolution where all the big-name media outlets are practically in free-fall collapse as more and more readers flock to independent “truth” media sites like this one. It seems the population has finally decided it’s tired of being lied to all the time!

• Personal liberty revolution where more and more people are standing up and demanding freedom from government surveillance, oppression, censorship, punitive tax audits and suffocating governance. This is true across the political spectrum: both conservatives and liberals are fed up with war, NSA spy surveillance and the crushing economic cost of a police state government gone wild.

• Consciousness revolution where an increasing number of people are waking up to the reality that consciousness is real, “minds” exist beyond the physical, animals such as dolphins have memories and consciousness, and our universe is far more than the reductionist physical construct worshipped by conventional science. See my article on Rupert Sheldrake to really understand the consciousness revolution happening right now, in more detail. Or watch this video by Graham Hancock, “The War on Consciousness,” which TED has viciously censored. (TED Talks are now the high priesthood of status quo thinking, and TED goes out of its way to silence the world’s brightest scientific minds who “accidentally” got scheduled to talk.)

Revolution at the speed of the internet

Thanks to the internet, revolutions can now spread at the speed of broadband connections. New findings can be spread to tens of millions of people literally overnight, bypassing the mainstream media information controllers and political spin doctors.

Although social media sites and search engines were all set up from the get-go by NSA-funded groups that we now know have “backdoor access” for spooks to spy on users, these same tools can also be used to spark peaceful revolution by spreading information that leads to heightened awareness followed by action.

For example, the very structure of the internet was first created by none other than DARPA, a military research organization. The TCPIP packet structure of internet traffic was specifically designed to maintain data connections even when nuclear bombs destroyed internet traffic hubs.

But today we use this DARPA-created infrastructure to do things like spread the truth about the mysterious fibers found in Chicken McNuggets. We use the internet to distribute investigative reports and critically important food safety data that would have traditionally been completed censored by the mainstream media. And later this year, Natural News is going to announce information about food that dramatically impacts consciousness (and no, I’m not talking about psychedelics…).

It is the combined efforts of all of us — bloggers, tipsters, whistleblowers, journalists, readers, sponsors and more — who power this great engine of total transparency that ultimately leads to bloodless revolution.

Because in a world where corporations are subjected to total transparency, all the crimes they routinely commit against humanity are inevitably halted. The GMOs get outlawed. The predatory banking practices get exposed. The death-pushing pharma CEOs get arrested and prosecuted. These are the kind of positive, revolutionary outcomes we can fully expect to see happen as we drive forward with a shared goal of total transparency, total truth and total dedication to serving the public good.

The Health Ranger thanks you for participating in the greatest revolution in human history

So I want to take this opportunity thank you for your support, your energy, your contributions and your positive intentions in making these revolutions reality.

We are winning on so many fronts that it’s easy to forget just how much progress we’ve made. Monsanto is on the verge of losing its war against humanity as GMOs will soon be shut out of the marketplace. Pharmaceutical medicine is on the verge of collapse followed by rebirth of a new era based on holistic principles. The dead, pasteurized, processed food system is also on the verge of collapse as the truth about the links between nutrition and health become undeniable.

As more and more of this information comes out — on consciousness, nutrition, liberty and more — it sooner or later becomes impossible for the status quo to deny these realities any longer.

The most powerful revolutions are silent revolutions

Revolutions take place when a set of ideas that has been slowly building up in the minds of the people is suddenly catapulted across the remaining population and becomes “common sense.” Real revolutions are powerful precisely because they are so subtle: all of a sudden an idea that used to be considered outlandish is widely accepted as being obviously true (like the idea that you are more than your physical body or that you are a conscious being, not a biological robot like most “modern” scientists continue to claim).

These kinds of revolutions are more powerful than bullets and bombs. They are what shape the future of human civilization. And we are shaping these ideas right now, together, as we explore breakthroughs in consciousness, liberty, food, farming, nutrition, self-healing and more.

That’s why right now, instead of dropping bombs on nations like Syria, we should be dropping bombshell ideas on the entire world like the idea that we are all conscious beings who share in the powerful common interests of sustaining life on our planet and ending suffering everywhere (through lifelong empowerment, not band-aid handouts).

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I assure you the real fun has only just begun.

Anti-GMO Catholic Sentiment


Roman Catholics join call to end GMOs

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes


(NaturalNews) Several Roman Catholic priests and Catholic laymen are seeking to convince some in the Church hierarchy to publicly denounce genetically modified organisms as they prepare to publicly honor a trio of scientists largely responsible for GMO development.

In an open letter to Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, who is set to honor the three scientists in Des Moines, Iowa, Oct. 16-18, Brother David Andrews, a senior representative of Food & Water Watch and the Committee on World Food Security, among other groups, says he wants the Church to reconsider:

As you know, the United States government and agriculture giant Monsanto have been seeking the support of the Holy See for genetic modification of food for years.

During my last visit to the U.S. Ambassador Miguel Diaz, just before he resigned, Diaz sung to me the praises of Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, because he supported GMOs. I wonder what you will say, particularly given your leadership of the synod on Africa and the strong advocacy that Monsanto and the U.S. government have for transforming African agriculture through the G-8’s New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition.

Monsanto pushing the Vatican for endorsement

In his letter, Andrews says the U.S. has “repeatedly” pushed the Holy See to endorse GMO seeds “as a moral obligation,” but that the “policy of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace has been to resist officially adopting GMOs.”

“While the Academy of Sciences has recurrently hosted one-sided conferences on GMOs in 2004 and 2008, the Holy See formerly has not done so. Cardinal Renato Martino, your predecessor at the justice and peace office, came close but backed off, and you yourself have been quite careful,” David writes.

He goes on to say that the U.S. has typically taken the position that the world, and the African continent in particular, has to produce more food, and that the best way to do so is through the implementation and use of GMO seeds, most of which are pushed by Monsanto (one of the three scientists to be honored is a Monsanto executive and the founder of Syngenta Biotechnology).

Most African farmers, however, disagree, David says, “believing instead that agro-ecology is the better way to go: through methods of production more in harmony with their own cultures and traditions, and more realizable by small-scale farmers and women producers.”

Continuing, he writes:

In my meetings with the U.S. Agency for International Development, the State and Agriculture Departments and congressional staff, this method of production – agroecology, which was endorsed by the United Nations through the 2008 International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology in Development – is referred to as eco-topian thinking, theology or faith-based reasoning. Yet more than 50 countries endorse that study, conducted by hundreds of scientists and agriculturalists.

U.S. working behind the scenes

He also points out that U.S. farmers have complained that Monsanto owns upwards of 60 percent of the seeds planted in American soil, just to limit the availability of other seeds. He calls that an unhelpful track record on the part of Monsanto, saying also that “the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition fails to provide adequate guidelines for responsible agricultural investment.”

“I hope you will speak to the U.S. public about the important issue of GMOs in your World Food Prize address in Des Moines,” David concludes.

Other open letters have similarly requested that the Vatican refrain from endorsing GMO seeds.

Says Dr. Brian John, at “These open letters reflect the debate within the Roman Catholic church about GMOs and the ongoing diplomatic offensive by the U.S. administration to push the interests of Monsanto and the other biotech multinationals within the Vatican and within the Roman Catholic church generally. The Wikileaks cables gave us some indication of how the US works behind the scenes.”

EPA Raises Levels of Glyphosate in Food

EPA to American People: ‘Let Them Eat Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Cake’

EPA30th July 2013

By Sayer Ji

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

The EPA, whose mission is to “to protect human health and the environment,” has approved Monsanto’s request to allow levels of glyphosate (Roundup) contamination in your food up to a million times higher than have been found carcinogenic.

If you haven’t already heard, it’s now official. Monsanto’s request to have the EPA raise allowable levels of its herbicide glyphosate in food you may soon be eating has been approved [see Final Rule]. Public commenting is also now closed, not that it was anything but a formality to begin with.

Here is the original registration application, lest detractors claim it was not Monsanto behind this bold move to legalize what an increasingly educated public considers a form of institutionalized mass poisoning:

1. EPA Registration Numbers: 524-421, 524-475, and 524-537. Docket ID Number:EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0132. Applicant: Monsanto Company, 1300 I Street NW., Suite 450 East, Washington, DC 20005. Active ingredient: Glyphosate. Product Type:Herbicide. Proposed Uses: Add wiper applicator use over the top to carrot and sweet potato, add preharvest use to oilseed crop group 20, add the use Teff (forage and hay), and conversion of the following old crop groups to the following new crop groups: Vegetable, bulb, group 3 to vegetable, bulb, group 3-07; vegetable, fruiting, group 8 to vegetable, fruiting, group 8-10; fruit, citrus, group 10 to fruit, citrus, group 10-10; fruit, pome, group 11 to fruit, pome, group 11-10; and berry group 13 to berry and small fruit, group 13-07. Contact: Erik Kraft, (703) 308-9358, email address: [emphasis added]

Notice above, the proposal includes “Add wiper applicator use over the top to carrot and sweet potato,” revealing that one reason why Monsanto wants tolerances on glyphosate raised is because this chemical will be applied directly not just to Roundup Ready plants but to non-GMO crops as well, virtually guaranteeing that unless you eat 100% USDA organic concentrations of grave concern will end up in your food and body.

How grave? The Food Poisoning Bulletin describes the new tolerances as follows:

Under the new regulation, forage and hay teff can contain up to 100 ppm (100,000 ppb) glyphosate; oilseed crops can contain up to 40 ppm (40,000 ppb) glyphosate, and root crops such as potatoes and beets can contain 6000 ppb glyphosate. Fruits can have concentrations from 200 ppb to 500 ppb glyphosate. These numbers are magnitudes higher than the levels some scientists believe are carcinogenic.[emphasis added]

Indeed, only last month, a new study found that glyphosate has ‘xenoestrogen‘ properties and stimulated breast cancer proliferation in the parts per trillion range – that would be six orders of magnitude lower levels than presently receiving the EPA’s Monsanto-friendly stamp of approval. So how does the EPA address the potential for carcinogenicity in section 3 of their Exposure Assessment? They state their position as follows:

EPA has concluded that glyphosate does not pose a cancer risk to humans. Therefore, a dietary exposure assessment for the purpose of assessing cancer risk is unnecessary.

According to this ruthless logic, since the EPA designates itself a higher authority than the independent scientific evidence clearly signaling glyphosate’s carcinogenicity (view the toxicological data yourself here), it requires no safety testing. Let the exposed populations eat Roundup Ready cake and fester in an epidemic of cancers, as it turns a self-blinded eye to the problem.

The EPA has just made such a mockery of its own mission statement, which is “to protect human health and the environment,” that one wonders why they have not already declared themselves a wholly owned subsidiary of Monsanto.

The obvious reason why Monsanto and its ‘EPA cheerleading division’ successfully raised the tolerances of glyphosate in your food, is because the contamination is getting so bad they had no other choice. Either limits are raised, or Monsanto breaks the law (by contaminating our food and poisoning us beyond the “acceptable level of harm” already determined by the EPA) and the EPA is shown to be completely impotent to enforce anything resembling its mission statement.

But despite Monsanto’s latest apparent success, a growing grassroots movement comprised of millions of concerned citizens is defiantly expressing their own form of “glyphosate-resistance,” armed with a growing body of published toxicological data linking the glyphosate herbicide to over 30 health problems. This movement is mirrored poetically by the “super weeds” emerging throughout the Roundup Ready monocultured farmland of the world. In both cases, the center of real power is shifting away from Monsanto back to the people who are realizing that unless they retake back control over their food, they will be coerced and poisoned into a form of biological slavery the likes of which this world has never seen before, and if it manifests fully, will likely never recover from.

Learn more at our research page on GMOs: Health Guide: GMO Research


Targeting GMO Activists

As always, do your research.

New Investigation Alleges US Military, Monsanto Targeting GMO Activists and Independent Scientists


29th July 2013

By Sayer Ji

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A highly concerning new investigative report from the largest daily newspaper in Germany alleges that Monsanto, the US Military and the US government have colluded to track and disrupt both anti-GMO activists and independent scientists who study the adverse effects of genetically modified food.

As revealed by Sustainable Pulse, on July 13th the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung detailed information on how the US Government “advances the interests of their corporations,” focusing on Monsanto as a prime example.

The report titled, “The Sinister Monsanto Group: ‘Agent Orange’ to Genetically Modified Corn,” described a ‘new fangled cyber war’ being waged against both eco-activists and independent scientists by supporters and former employees of Monsanto, who are described as “operationally powerful assistants” and who have taken up sometimes high ranking posts in the US administration, regulatory authorities, and some of whom have connections deep within the military industrial establishment, including the CIA.

Monsanto contacts are known to the notorious former secret service agent Joseph Cofer Black, who helped formulate the law of the jungle in the fight against terrorists and other enemies. He is a specialist on dirty work, a total hardliner. He worked for the CIA for almost three decades, among other things as the head of anti-terroism. He later became vice president of the private security company Blackwater, which sent tens of thousands of soldiers to Iraq and Afghanistan under US government orders.”

“Thanks to Snowden and Wikileaks, the world has a new idea of how these friends and partners operate where power and money are concerned. The whistle-blowing platform published embassy dispatches two years ago, which also included details about Monsanto and genetic engineering.”

“For example, in 2007, the former US ambassador in Paris, Craig Stapleton, suggested the US government should create a penalties list for EU states which wanted to forbid the cultivation of genetically engineered plants from American companies. The wording of the secret dispatch: “Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU.” Pain, retaliation: not exactly the language of diplomacy.”

The report details the case of Australian scientist Judy Carman, whose work on GMOs underwent heavy criticism by Monsanto supporters. Soon sites that published her work were attacked by hackers with apparent military connections:

Hackers regularly target various web pages where Carman publishes her studies and the sites are also systematically observed, at least that is the impression Carman has. Evaluations of IP log files show that not only Monsanto visits the pages regularly, but also various organizations of the U.S. government, including the military. These include the Navy Network Information Center, the Federal Aviation Administration and the United States Army Intelligence Center, an institution of the US Army, which trains soldiers with information gathering. Monsanto’s interest in the studies is understandable, even for Carman. “But I do not understand why the U.S. government and the military are having me observed,” she says.

The report went on to describe the ongoing though mostly failed crusade of the United States, seemingly on behalf of Monsanto, to open up the European Union’s markets to genetically engineered food and feed crops. According to the report:

“The USA is hoping that negotiations started this week for a free-trade agreement between the USA and the EU will also open the markets for genetic engineering.”

The Americans want to use the Free Trade Agreement to open the European GMO Market. The negotiations will be detailed. Toughness will rule the day. US President Barack Obama has therefore appointed Islam Siddiqui as chief negotiator for agriculture. He has worked for many years for the US ministry of agriculture as an expert. However, hardly anyone in Europe knows: From 2001 to 2008, he represented CropLife America as a registered lobbyist. CropLife America is an important industry association in the United States, representing the interests of pesticide and gene technology manufacturers – including of course Monsanto. “Actually, the EU cannot accept such a chief negotiator because of bias”, says Manfred Hausling, who represents the Green Party in the EU parliament.

If this report is accurate, we can assume that Monsanto has so thoroughly populated both the government and military industrial complex with its own supporters that any remaining illusion of there being a division of Corporation and State has now been dispelled.  Worse, we are bearing witness to the preeminence of the Corporation over State, the very definition of a corpocracy.


Monsanto Looks to Patenting Conventional Crops


Monsanto gives up on GM crops in Europe, pursues patenting of conventional crops

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer


(NaturalNews) The world’s most evil corporation, Monsanto, has announced it will cease trying to introduce any new genetically-modified (GM) crops into Europe following years of widespread public opposition to the controversial and untested technology. Instead, the multinational biotechnology behemoth will re-focus its efforts on controlling the conventional seed market in the European Union (EU), an outlandish move that proves the seed giant is still determined, in one way or another, to dominate global agriculture.

Monsanto’s President and Managing Director for Europe, Jose Manuel Madero, recently told Reuters in a phone interview that his company will be withdrawing all existing approval requests for new GMOs in Europe within the next few months. These include five pending approval requests for at least one new variety of GM corn (maize), as well as GM soybeans and GM sugar beets. As of this writing, there is only one GM crop, Monsanto’s MON810 maize, currently approved for cultivation anywhere in Europe.

No matter how hard Monsanto and various others in the biotechnology industry have tried in years past to force GMOs on Europe, the result has almost always been the same: failure. The people of Europe have repeatedly expressed loudly and clearly that they do not want to eat GMOs, and the European Commission (EC) has tended to align its approval process for GMOs with this public sentiment in mind. Thus, GMOs continue to remain largely absent from the European market, with the exception of widely-used animal feed.

“(The requests) have been going nowhere fast for several years,” says Brandon Mitchener, a Monsanto spokesman, about the company’s failed efforts to force GMOs on Europe. “There’s no end in sight.”

Monsanto: If we can’t force Europeans to accept GMOs, we will instead take over their conventional crops

This is good news for Europeans, of course, who will finally have the opportunity to rest a little easier as far as the integrity of their food supply is concerned — this is with the exception of GM animal feed, of course, which is currently imported into the country from places like the U.S. and South America at a rate of more than 30 million metric tons yearly, according to Reuters.

But what Europeans will now have to worry about, sadly, is Monsanto’s new pursuit of controlling their conventional crops. As we here at NaturalNews have been reporting on recently, Monsanto has been taking advantage of a little-known loophole in European patent law that allows the company to literally draw patents on natural crops like broccoli and green beans.

You can read more about this here:

“In the coming weeks, around a dozen new patents will be granted (to Monsanto), covering species such as broccoli, onions, melons, lettuce and cucumber,” explains the food freedom watchdog coalition No Patents on Seeds! about Monsanto’s new business approach. “Monsanto and Syngenta already own more than 50 percent of seed varieties of tomato, paprika and cauliflower registered in the EU.”

In other words, since it could not have its way with GMOs in Europe, Monsanto simply turned to the earth’s natural bounty and gradually claimed it as its own — and the European Patent Office (EPO) continues to facilitate this takeover of the natural food supply in Europe, mostly because the European people remain in the dark about what is actually happening to their agricultural system.

You can help fight Monsanto’s takeover of the European food supply by signing the No Patents on Seeds! online petition:

Additives That Contain GMO’s


Processed foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from GMOs.
Aspartame (also called AminoSweet®,    NutraSweet®, Equal Spoonful®, Canderel®,  BeneVia®, E951)
baking powder
canola oil (rapeseed oil)
caramel color
citric acid
cobalamin (Vitamin B12)
condensed milk
confectioners sugar
corn flour
corn masa
corn meal
corn oil
corn sugar
corn syrup
cottonseed oil
food starch
fructose (any form)
glutamic acid
glycerol monooleate
high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
hydrogenated starch
hydrolyzed vegetable protein
inverse syrup
invert sugar
lactic acid
malt syrup
malt extract
milk powder
milo starch
modified food starch
modified starch
mono and diglycerides
monosodium glutamate (MSG)
oleic acid
phytic acid
protein isolate
soy flour
soy isolates
soy lecithin
soy milk
soy oil
soy protein
soy protein isolate
soy sauce
stearic acid
sugar (unless specified as cane sugar)
teriyaki marinades
textured vegetable protein
tocopherols (vitamin E)
vegetable fat
vegetable oil
vitamin B12
vitamin E
whey powder
xanthan gum
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) although usually derived from corn, is probably not GM because it is not likely made in North America.


GMO Labeling, Farm Bill, Monsanto


How the Farm Bill could undermine the future of GMO labeling by individual states

Friday, June 21, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

(NaturalNews) The Republicrats in the U.S. Congress have once again betrayed their constituents by voting down an amendment to the upcoming Farm Bill that would have openly recognized the right of individual states to choose whether or not to label genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). And even though the federal government does not actually have the power to regulate the labeling decisions of individual states, the failure of Senate Amendment 965 to garner enough support could end up undermining future GMO labeling initiatives.

As reported by Katherine Paul over at, the Senate on May 23 voted down S.AMDT.965, also known as the Sanders Amendment, in a vote of 27-71, effectively killing what would have been recognition at the federal level that individual states already have the right to mandate the proper labeling of foods, beverages, and other edible products that contain GMOs. Each individual state already has the right under the U.S. Constitution to label GMOs if they so choose, regardless of the amendment’s passage, but S.AMDT.965 would have expressly acknowledged this to avoid confusion.

But with typical food industry pandering, a majority of state Senators rejected the amendment, which leaves the future of GMO food labeling hanging in the balance. States still have the right to pass GMO labeling laws in accordance with the Constitution, of course. But the rejection of S.AMDT.965 creates the illusion that this is somehow not the case, as language in the amendment presupposes that states need some kind of magical “permit” from the federal government in order to pass GMO labeling legislation, a permit that will now not be granted.

Federal government has no legal authority to block states from passing GMO labeling legislation

No such permit exists, however. In fact, the federal government has absolutely no jurisdiction over individual states as it pertains to GMO labeling, as the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution expressly reserves all powers not explicitly granted to the federal government to the individual states and the people. In other words, the federal government itself does not have the necessary “permit” to offer any input into the matter whatsoever – the individual states are free to decide for themselves how to handle the GMO labeling issue without federal government interference.

“The 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution firmly establishes states’ rights and many states represented by members of the House Agriculture Committee use their state sovereignty to enact laws that protect their citizens from invasive pests, livestock diseases, maintain quality standards for dairy products, ensure food safety and unadulterated seed products,” said Representative Jeff Denham (R-Ca.) recently in regards to the so-called “King Amendment,” an ominous Farm Bill rider that specifically seeks to strip individual states of their ability to regulate food and other consumer goods.

“The biotech industry knows that it’s only a matter of time before Washington State, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut and other states pass GMO labeling laws,” adds Ronnie Cummins, National Director for the Organic Consumers Association (OCA). “Rather than fight this battle in every state, Monsanto is trying to manipulate Congress to pass a Farm Bill that will wipe out citizens’ rights to state laws intended to protect their health and safety.”

Health and Harms

Connecting the Dots: Vaccines, Heavy Metals, GMOs and Brain Damage

Intelligence and memory loss symbol19th June 2013

© Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

America’s Invisible Crises – Connecting the Dots (Part 2):

Three years ago, I wrote an article linking early signs of brain dysfunction/damage with the toxic ingredients in Chemtrails. See:

This is one of the most dangerous, covert, and global operations to which we have ever been exposed; and this is very difficult for people to understand: the serious implications of products (cell phones and Smart Meters) and invisible environmental toxins that damage our ability to think clearly. This is a major contributing factor to our diminished cognitive functions. However, it is not the only source of harm.

When we begin to connect the dots to the thousands of unsafe and often highly toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and hormone disruptors to which we are exposed daily, we then can collectively see that this is not just a one-issue health crisis we face. Rather, with corporations allowed free reign to poison us with impunity [the new Monsanto protection bill is the latest crime against us], we do not have any way to have any redress of decades of grievances. The ramifications of this are enormous.

Vaccines & Heavy Metals Dangers

The idea that a vaccine can give a person or animal protection from some disease has been around since even before the 19th century. It seemed like a reasonable idea, and it took off in the 20th century with a giant push from the pharmaceutical corporations and backed by a covert agenda of harm. So, by the mid-1950s, American children were required to get about 4 vaccinations, including the polio vaccine.

What was hidden from us, and never taken into any public account even in 1960, was that the polio vaccine was prepared using the African Green Monkey. Even then, this primate was known to be a carrier of a cancer-causing virus known as Simian Virus 40 (SV40). This virus crosses species to humans. The Salk vaccine contains this carcinogenic virus; but Americans were never told about the dangers. As with so many other poisons, federal agencies knew, but these vaccines were never removed from the market, until it was very late. The harm done to unsuspecting people was huge. See:

Today, American children are given more than 40 vaccines. This starts on the very first day of life when they are given the Hepatitis B vaccine. A newborn’s immune system is immature; and so, from day one, a baby’s health is already compromised with toxic ingredients in this vaccine. In addition, there are 3 more recommended doses of the Hep B vaccine during the baby’s first year. Ingredients in the Hep B vaccine include: Polysorbate 80 [also known as Tween 80, used as an emulsifier in cosmetics, and is known to cause infertility, grand mal convulsions, spontaneous abortions, and life-threatening anaphylactic shock]; formaldehyde [a known carcinogen and reproductive or developmental toxicant]; and aluminum sulphate [toxic to the reproductive system, mucous membranes, skin, causes bone loss, and damages brain function]. Aluminum is known as a persistent neurotoxin.(2) It is also one of the ingredients in the deadly aerosol Chemtrails, in the form of nano-coated fiber Aluminum.

Why are these poisons in a supposedly “protective” vaccine? Does it make any sense to a rational person? This is a vaccine that is supposed to “prevent disease.”(1) Hepatitis B vaccine is given for “high risk behavior” persons. Does a newborn baby qualify for being a high risk? How long can we still believe the lies and enormous decades-long deceit from agencies bought off by the corporations?

There are numerous other ingredients that are unsafe and toxic that are included in vaccines. The various flu vaccines are loaded with poisonous ingredients. See “Dangers in the Shots”:

There also are the toxins in the HPV vaccine now pushed on children as young as 11 – even when there have been many deaths! This has all been preventable were parents informed of vaccine dangers. Earlier this year, Judicial Watch sued the US government for “Secrets on HPV vaccine deaths.”(4) See: and

For decades, Robert Kennedy Jr. has also been writing and speaking about another dangerous ingredient in vaccines, the mercury derivative known as “thimerosol.” He documents that “government health agencies colluded with Big Pharma to hide the risks.”(3) It is used as a vaccine preservative, so that more doses can be made and give Big Pharma far more profits.

Going back to ancient Rome, mercury has been known as a poison. Used in vaccines since the 1930s, mercury has a centuries-long history of causing cell injury and cell death. It is known to destroy the central nervous system. It is also linked to brain damage and to the explosion of ADD, ADHD, and other early cognitive troubles that were rare until children were forced to have more shots. In an Orwellian world gone amok with criminality, the governments deny any of these dangers. See:

And see also  Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s TV interview on vaccines and thimerosol:

Forced vaccinations are a breach of ethics, informed parental and human rights.

Mercury is also one of the major toxic ingredients in dental amalgam “silver fillings.” Millions of Americans have these fillings in their mouths. Over a lifetime, each filling leaches mercury into the bloodstream. It takes decades for mercury to show its lethal impact on brain function. Amalgam fillings are a major contributing factor to brain damage and cognitive dysfunction seen in elders.

mercury-fillingsBoth my grandfather and mother were leading dentists who spoke out about the dangers of amalgam fillings. In 1910, my grandfather was opposed to using amalgam fillings as a dental restoration. That was 103 years ago! Then, my mother continued his research and lectured worldwide on these known dangers. She had a 47-year dental practice in New York and opposed the American Dental Association [ADA] for its heinous support of amalgam use.

These well-based warnings were never heeded. So, today millions more people have toxic mercury – instead of safer alternatives – leaching into their bloodstreams. Both these leading dentists urged the use of gold [foils, inlays, or crowns] as a safe and lifetime dental restoration. See:

PLEASE NOTE: removal of amalgam fillings must be done by a dentist with experience needed for the specific heavy metals Haz-Mat protocol. This is both for the safety of the patient and the dentist. The fillings cannot just be drilled out without a specific safety procedure. This mercury then must be disposed of properly.

Mercury is also found in other products. It was removed from glass thermometers because of the known dangers. But mercury is still in constant use. Light bulbs have now been replaced with supposedly “energy-saving” long-life light bulbs that also contain mercury. When one of these bulbs breaks, it becomes a Haz-Mat site. These new compact fluorescent light bulbs contaminate our environment with 30,000 pounds of mercury annually:

There is no safe level of mercury. Further, there is enough overwhelming medical evidence that mercury-based products cause enormous harm. There has never been any precaution in manufacturing vaccines, or toxic light bulbs, or dental fillings. Greed has trumped any precaution and safety, while we continue to suffer harm. The deliberate lies and the massive “vaccine hoax” perpetrated on unknowing and un-informed consumers is over. See:

Genetically Modified Organisms [GMOs]

Splicing genes from one species to another to create genetically modified organisms has contaminated the web of life throughout our planet. When the Big Agra businesses decided to create GMOs, there was barely any public discussion in America; and laws were passed without any precaution or long-term testing. Crops that are GMO – corn, soy, rapeseed oil, some species of wheat, and cotton – have been grown in heavily damaged soil using glyphosate [product name, Round-Up], and have poisoned millions of acres of land belonging to farmers who do not grow GMOs. In India, the suicide rate among farmers is 46 per day – with a staggering total of 270,940 farmers’ deaths since 1995.

Corporations, such as Montanto, can take these farmers to court for growing GMOs because of the rigging of the legal system to favor corporate crimes. These tragic deaths are often linked to the control of the seed supply. Dr. Vandana Shiva, one of India’s greatest women [author of 20 books, more than 500 articles, and 1993 recipient of the Right Livlihood Award], notes:

“Monsanto and its PR men are trying desperately to delink the epidemic of farmers’ suicides in India from its growing control over the cotton seed supply. For us it is the control over seed, the first link in the food chain, the source of life which is our biggest concern. When a corporation controls seed, it controls life. Including the life of our farmers. The trends of Monsanto’s concentrated control on the seed sector in India or across the world is the central issue.

…Through patents on seeds, Monsanto has become the ‘Life Lord’ on the planet, collecting rents from life’s renewal and from farmers, the original breeders. Patents on seed are illegitimate because putting a toxic gene into a plant cell is not the “creation” or invention of the plant. They are seeds of deception -the deception of Monsanto being the creator of seeds and life, the deception that while it sues farmers and traps them in debt, it is working for farmers’ welfare and ‘improving farmers lives’- the deception that GMOs feed the world.”(5)

From the beginning, in Europe, there has been far more transparency about the toxicity of GMOs. The oldest environmental magazine is the UK’s “The Ecologist” founded 43 years ago by the brilliant Edward Goldsmith – a recipient of the 1991 Right Livelihood Award [the alternative Nobel Prize]. In 1998, this magazine devoted an entire issue to GMOs called “The Monsanto Files.” This is an excellent source of background information that was not reported here. The company has a very long history of harm. See:

GMOs have never delivered what they purportedly were supposed to do: increase crop yields, and use less herbicides and pesticides. None of this has happened, because there were lies and deception from the beginning. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, one of the world’s leading scientists, and director of London’s Institute for Science in Society (ISIS), has long been an opponent of GMOs; and she has published several books and numerous scientific papers on transgenic dangers. ISIS published “The Case for a GM-Free Sustainable World.” The following is part of the Executive Summary:

“The instability of transgenic lines has plagued the industry from the beginning, and this may be responsible for a string of major crop failures. A review in 1994, stated ‘while there are some examples of plants which show stable expression of a transgene these may prove to be the exceptions to the rule.’ In an informal survey of 30 companies involved in the comercialization of transgenic crop plants…almost all of the respondents indicated that they had observed some level of transgene inaction. Many respondents indicated that most cases of transgene inactivation never reach the literature.”

“In the United States, glyphosate-tolerant weeds are plaguing GM cotton and soya fields, and atrazine, one of the most toxic herbicides, has had to be used with glyfosinate-tolerant GM maize.”(6)

In the US, about 85 percent of the corn grown in genetically modified. Why would anyone want to eat corn that has been poisoned by atrazine and glyphosate? The links between serious illness and GMOs are well documented. ISIS has published one scientific report after another documenting these dangers.

This executive summary also includes major concerns about GM food safety, dangerous gene products being incorporated into crops, and terminator crops spreading male sterility. These broad-spectrum herbicides are “toxic to humans and other species.” The list of dangers goes on and on, and there is more than a decade and a half of reported GMO toxicity in the scientific literature.

Birth defects and sterility have been linked to genetically engineered crops and Round-Up as well as enormous harm to animals, humans and plants. A new website is documenting the worldwide scientific research, and can be found here (7):

F. William Engdahl’s book “Seeds of Destruction” is also another damning indictment of GMO dangers and what devious practices have transpired behind the scenes with the multi-national agra corporations. This also is essential reading! On June 4, Engdahl also published a new article, “The Monsanto Protection Plan”: Monsanto’s Deception Game on GMO in Europe”:

Two other recent events give us hope that GMOs will soon be banned and the corporations that have wrecked such havoc will be held accountable for massive and criminal poisoning of our food supply.

John Graf picsFirstly, there was a 56-nation Monsanto protest and march two week’s ago on May 25. People are fed up with the lies and deceit; and this was the largest worldwide protest against the poisoning of our food supply. Here are some pictures taken by photographer John Graf in Los Angeles.

The day before this global protest, Dr, Mae-Wan Ho and Dr. Eva Sirinathsinghji published a scathing GMO indictment on ISIS: “Ban GMOs Now. Health & Environmental Hazards Especially in the Light of the New Genetics.” THIS IS MUST READING FOR EVERYONE! SO, PLEASE SHARE THIS! Here is the link:

No one has the legal or moral right to patent life! We will stop these heinous crimes.

Hormone Disruption

Our endocrine (or hormone) system is a collection of glands that secrete various hormones (chemical messages) into our bloodstream. These impact and influence almost every one of our cells, organs, and bodily functions. There are literally millions of chemical products globally that affect the endocrine system and, in fact, DISRUPT it.  Some of the earliest evidence of hormone disruption dates back to the 1970s, when frogs and other amphibians were found with 5 legs, and there were other indications that 18-20 percent of adult frogs were feminized.

Something was amiss; but scientists were puzzled about what was wrong and how it was already impacting wildlife. One of the early scientific published reports showed “that atrazine causes tadpoles of the classic ‘laboratory rat’ of the frog world, the African clawed toad, Xenopus laevus, to become hermaphroditic as adults.” The atrazine levels were low, but still did enormous harm.(8)

There are chemical disruptors that mimic hormones, and are known to affect production of estrogens, androgens, other hormones, and normal sexual development. They are also known to block hormonal action and alter and disrupt hormonal chemical messages. The list of extensive harm that results is enormous. Products includes: industrial chemicals [PCBs, and dioxin]; and pesticides [such as DDT, one of the first used, that still causes long-lasting harm, even though it was banned in 1973  in the US].

Rachel Carson warned us in 1962 about DDT toxicity. Her warning was ignored. One of the long-lasting impacts of DDT is that girls exposed to it before they reach “puberty, are 5 times more likely to develop breast cancer in middle age.” See:

Another group of hormone disruptors are a group of chemicals known as phthalates. They are used to make plastics soft, are found in thousands of household products [cosmetics, childrens’ toys and thousands of baby products, including baby bottles and pacifiers, rolls of food wrappers, and food packaging –that off-gases and then leaches into food]. They are ubiquitous around the world. About 1-billion pounds of phthalates are produced annually. See:

Ten years ago, when I included phthalates in a section of my book “The Uterine Crisis,” most women did not know about the devastating effects on reproduction. Phthalates off gas; and we are constantly exposed to the chronic harm they cause. These include damage to: egg production; prenatal development; offspring’s development and sexual maturity. Women are not the only ones negatively affected by exposure to phthalates. For men, this includes: a reduction in sperm motility; damaged sperm; and lower sperm count. Male sperm count is now down 50 percent from where it was in the 1970s.

One of the other devastating effects of phthalate exposure is that it is linked to obesity. See:

While mainstream controlled news focuses on the problems with our food supply [and yes, the toxic chemicals in food are a big problem], the phthalate link is rarely addressed. However, a new report recently issued by the World Health Organization [WHO] documents the extreme dangers of phthalates. See:

One of the best books, written for the general reader is by co-author Dr. Theo Colburn: “Our Stolen Future”. The book was written in 1996; and the website has become an important resource for all the updated dangers of what these chemicals have done to all humans and other life forms, and how this systemic toxicity is now in the gene pool. See:

There are no safe levels of phthalate use (or even BPA-free). These chemcals have already caused massive devastation and global harm. For our safety and future, all these chemicals need to be banned. There are safe alternatives.

These toxins connect some of the important dots to the evidence of the tremendous amount of poisoning to which we are constantly assaulted every day. If we think we are safe, it is an illusion. Much of this is invisible and, therefore, off our radar. But early signs of worldwide brain dysfunction and damage do fit into this picture. There are thousands upon thousands of scientific and medical reports and decades of research showing the insidious dangers of each and every toxin mentioned in this article.

When one begins to add up the thousands of poisons and what they do to any living organism, it is not surprsing that we have staggering rates of cancers, multiple immune diseases, global hormone disruption, and a worldwide population that is crippled with harm. The damage done to our children and grandchildren is incalculable. As co-author Dr. Theo Colburn has written: 1 chemical plus 1 chemical does not equal 2. It could equal up to 1,600 times the original poisoned dose. We now have a mathematical nightmare of staggering proportions with this highly toxic spew.

What can we do?

We continue to be cannon fodder and experimental lab animals for the elites and their multi-national corporations. Their bottom line is massive profits, and billions of people buy their toxic products. We all are expendable for their $$$! As David Icke said a few days ago: “We are looking at an historic moment, in terms of the history of exposure.”(9)

Please share this information widely. Stay tuned for Part 3 next week. I do have a workable plan and want to ask for your help! This nightmare is fixable!

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