Doctors Speak Out on GMO’s

Doctors Against GMOs – Hear From Those Who Have Done the Research

The evidence is mounting – GMOs are a danger to health. Long-term studies have revealed organ damage, cancer, and reproductive damage in second and third generation animal studies. There are doctors who are willing to publicly take a stand against genetic engineering. Here are a few of them.

Dr. Mehmet Oz

Dr. Mehmet Oz

Dr. Mehmet Oz is a renowned heart surgeon and the host of the popular television show, The Dr. OZ Show.

Whether you support genetically engineered crops or not, the freedom to make an informed choice should belong to consumers. The bill in Congress this month proposing to block states from independently requiring labeling offers a coup to pro-GMO groups.

As a scientist, I am not that concerned about GMOs themselves, but I am worried about why they were created. Highly toxic herbicides would kill crops unless they were genetically modified, but with the genetic upgrade, these plants can be doused with much higher doses, with potential complications to the environment. The WHO believes that glyphosate is “probably a human carcinogen.” Perhaps we are all showing “disdain for science and evidence-based medicine,” but I would argue that unleashing these products creates a real-time experiment on the human species. Sure, we will eventually know if these pesticides are a problem, but at the expense of the pain and suffering and disease in real people. I owe my kids more. And so do you.

Dr. John H. Boyles

Board certified in the American Environmental Medicine and the American board of Otolaryngology, Dr. Boyles currently practices medicine in Centerville Ohio at the Dayton Ear Nose & Throat Surgeons, Inc.

This exchange of DNA between the species is totally against nature.  We simply don’t know what it will produce.  We don’t know if it is safe, and it has not yet been proven to be safe.

We do not fully understand how gene spicing works within a single species.  We certainly can’t predict how it will work when attempting to combine more than one species.

Yes, the means by which to prove safety was developed around the year 2000. No companies performing the gene splicing will use the procedures, because if their product were to be proven unsafe, then they cannot sell that product. 

Patients at Dayton Ear, Nose, & Throat Surgeons, Inc. were tested for allergies with organic and genetically modified varieties of foods. Some of the patients tested reacted both to the organic soy and the altered soy. Other patients reacted to the GMO soy, but had no reaction to organic soy.  Another group tested positively to the organic, but had no allergic reaction to the GMO soy.  And some patients had no allergic reaction to either the GMO soy or the organic soy.

It has come to our attention that by altering genes, scientists are creating a separate allergy to foods that did not exist in patients before. By changing or altering the structure of the plant, GMOs can cause separate reactions from the same food.

 You owe it to yourself and your family to make healthier food choices. Any allergic person can benefit from a diet with increased organic foods. Control what you can, and steer clear of GMO foods.

Dr. Emily Lindner

Dr. Emily Lindner

Dr. Emily Lindner is an internist with a dual practice of Internal Medicine and Complementary/Integrative Medicine. She is certified in Functional and Nutritional Medicine.

I tell my patients to avoid genetically modified foods because in my experience, with those foods there is more allergies and asthma. And what emanates from that is everything. Lots of arthritis problems, autoimmune diseases, anxiety… neurological problems; anything that comes from an inspired immune system response.

When I change people from a GMO diet to a GMO-free diet I see results instantaneously in people who have foggy thinking and people who have gut symptoms like bloating, gas, irritation. In terms of allergies, it might take two to five days. In terms of depression, it starts to lift almost instantaneously. It takes from a day, to certainly within two weeks.

Dr. Robin Bernhoft

Dr. Robin Bernhoft is a surgeon who retrained in environmental medicine after suffering from an environmental illness caused by the toxic skin scrubs used before surgery. He has since regained his health.

“…all physicians should prescribe non-genetically modified food for all patients, and that we should educate all of our patients on the potential health dangers, and known health dangers of GMO food.”

Dr. Mercola

Dr. Mercola

Dr. Mercola is an osteopathic physician and an entrepreneur. He is known for being a strong proponent of alternative medicine.

Monsanto and other biotech companies claim genetically modified (GM) crops have no impact on the environment and are perfectly safe to eat.

Federal departments in charge of food safety in the US and Canada have not conducted tests to affirm this alleged “safety,” but rather have taken the industry-conducted research at face value, allowing millions of acres of GM crops to overtake farmland.

These foods, largely in the form of GM corn and soy (although there are other GM crops, too, like sugar beets, papaya and crookneck squash), can now be found in the majority of processed foods in the US.

In other words, if you eat processed foods, you’re already eating them… and these crops are already being freely planted in the environment. But what if it turns out that Monsanto was wrong, and the GM crops aren’t actually safe?

Monsanto is the world leader in GM crops, and their Web site would have you believe that they are the answer to world hunger. Thanks to their heavy PR campaign, if you’ve been primarily a reader of the mainstream press, you’ve probably been misled into thinking GM crops are, in fact, the greatest thing since sliced bread, that they provide better yields of equal or better quality food, pest and weed resistance, reduced reliance on pesticides, and more… But thankfully, the truth is unfolding and the tide is finally beginning to turn.

Dr. Russell Blaylock

Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon. He practiced medicine for 25 years before pursuing his nutritional studies and research full time. He now owns a nutritional practice, and is a health practitioner, lecturer, and author. He is known for confronting controversial issues in medicine and backing up his arguments with impeccable research. He warns that most of the studies on GMOs are terminated within or at ninety days and test animals are destroyed – with good reason. The following comments are in response to a long-term GMO study published in the journal, “Food and Chemical Toxicology.”

Virtually all of these studies use rats and are terminated at 90 days.This study clearly shows that most of the harmful effects of GMO foods occur after 90 days.

In this study, animals were fed the GMO corn for two years in concentrations commensurate to what people would eat. What they found is beyond shocking.

The animals fed GMO food died two to three times more often than the animals eating a normal diet. Male rats demonstrated liver damage 2.5 to 5.5 times more often than control rats.

Of extreme concern was the finding that the females developed massive breast tumors at a high rate in the GMO-fed animals.

Even more frightening is that almost half of all babies are now being fed soy-based formula. This is not the only study to find problems with GMO foods, but it is the most damning.

In my estimation, all GMO foods should be removed from stores, and GMO crops should be destroyed. The implications of this disaster is almost beyond belief and GMO crops are being heavily promoted all over the world by the IMF, Council on Foreign Relations, and other international organizations.

Dr. Richard Lacey M.D., Ph.D

Dr. Lacey is an expert in food safety issues who served for four years on a U.K. government advisory panel on food as it relates to human and animal health. In 1989-1990, he warned against the practice of feeding cattle rendered meat from sheep and other animals, predicting the “mad cow” epidemic before it occurred. He has written five books on food safety, including one published by Cambridge University Press in 1994 containing a detailed discussion of genetically engineered food. He does not believe GMOs are safe and clearly reminds us that their safety has never been established.

It is my considered judgment that employing the process of recombinant DNA technology (genetic engineering) in producing new plant varieties entails a set of risks to the health of the consumer that are not ordinarily presented by traditional breeding techniques. It is also my considered judgment that food products derived from such genetically engineered organisms are not generally recognized as safe on the basis of scientific procedures within the community of experts qualified to assess their safety.

Recombinant DNA technology is an inherently risky method for producing new foods. Its risks are in large part due to the complexity and interdependency of the parts of a living system, including its DNA. Wedging foreign genetic material in an essentially random manner into an organism’s genome necessarily causes some degree of disruption, and the disruption could be multi-faceted. Further, whether singular or multi-faceted, the disruptive influence could well result in the presence of unexpected toxins or allergens or in the degradation of nutritional value. Further, because of the complexity and interactivity of living systems — and because of the extent to which our understanding of them is still quite deficient — it is impossible to predict what specific problems could result in the case of any particular genetically engineered organism.

To the best of my judgment, neither genetically engineered foods as a general class nor any genetically engineered food in particular is generally recognized as safe among those experts qualified by training and experience to evaluate their safety…

…In my opinion, the number of scientists who are not convinced about the safety of genetically engineered foods is substantial enough to prevent the existence of a general recognition of safety. Second, there is insufficient evidence to support a belief that genetically engineered foods are safe. I am not aware of any study in the peer-reviewed scientific literature that establishes the safety of even one specific genetically engineered food let alone the safety of these foods as a general class. Few properly designed toxicological feeding studies have even been attempted, and I know of none that was satisfactorily completed. Those who claim that genetically engineered foods are as safe as naturally produced ones are clearly not basing their claims on scientific procedures that demonstrate safety to a reasonable degree of certainty. Rather, they are primarily basing their claims on a set of assumptions that, besides being empirically unsubstantiated, are in several respects at odds with the bulk of the evidence.

The main assumptions are: (a) that producing food through recombinant DNA technology in itself entails no greater risks than producing it through sexual reproduction between members of the same species and (b) that the same safeguards commonly employed by breeders using conventional techniques will suffice for genetically engineered foods.

As far as I can ascertain, the current policy of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is primarily based on these two assumptions. Therefore, although it claims to be “science-based,” this claim has no solid basis in fact. The only way to base the claims about the safety of genetically engineered food in science is to establish each one to be safe through standard scientific procedures, not through assumptions that reflect more wishful thinking than hard fact.

American Academy of Environmental Medicine

This is an official statement from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine.

Genetically Modified Foods

According to the World Health Organization, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are “organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in such a way that does not occur naturally.” This technology is also referred to as “genetic engineering”, “biotechnology” or “recombinant DNA technology” and consists of randomly inserting genetic fragments of DNA from one organism to another, usually from a different species. For example, an artificial combination of genes that includes a gene to produce the pesticide Cry1Ab protein (commonly known as Bt toxin), originally found in Bacillus thuringiensis, is inserted in to the DNA of corn randomly. Both the location of the transferred gene sequence in the corn DNA and the consequences of the insertion differ with each insertion. The plant cells that have taken up the inserted gene are then grown in a lab using tissue culture and/or nutrient medium that allows them to develop into plants that are used to grow GM food crops.

Natural breeding processes have been safely utilized for the past several thousand years. In contrast, “GE crop technology abrogates natural reproductive processes, selection occurs at the single cell level, the procedure is highly mutagenic and routinely breeches genera barriers, and the technique has only been used commercially for 10 years.” 

Despite these differences, safety assessment of GM foods has been based on the idea of “substantial equivalence” such that “if a new food is found to be substantially equivalent in composition and nutritional characteristics to an existing food, it can be regarded as safe as the conventional food.” However, several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food consumption including infertility, immune dysregulation, accelerated aging, dysregulation of genes associated with cholesterol synthesis, insulin regulation, cell signaling, and protein formation, and changes in the liver, kidney, spleen and gastrointestinal system.

There is more than a casual association between GM foods and adverse health effects. There is causation as defined by Hill’s Criteria in the areas of strength of association, consistency, specificity, biological gradient, and biological plausibility.  The strength of association and consistency between GM foods and disease is confirmed in several animal studies. 

…Also, because of the mounting data, it is biologically plausible for Genetically Modified Foods to cause adverse health effects in humans. 

In spite of this risk, the biotechnology industry claims that GM foods can feed the world through production of higher crop yields. However, a recent report by the Union of Concerned Scientists reviewed 12 academic studies and indicates otherwise: “The several thousand field trials over the last 20 years for genes aimed at increasing operational or intrinsic yield (of crops) indicate a significant undertaking. Yet none of these field trials have resulted in increased yield in commercialized major food/feed crops, with the exception of Bt corn.”  However, it was further stated that this increase is largely due to traditional breeding improvements. 

Therefore, because GM foods pose a serious health risk in the areas of toxicology, allergy and immune function, reproductive health, and metabolic, physiologic and genetic health and are without benefit, the AAEM believes that it is imperative to adopt the precautionary principle, which is one of the main regulatory tools of the European Union environmental and health policy and serves as a foundation for several international agreements. 

…With the precautionary principle in mind, because GM foods have not been properly tested for human consumption, and because there is ample evidence of probable harm, the AAEM asks:

  • Physicians to educate their patients, the medical community, and the public to avoid GM foods when possible and provide educational materials concerning GM foods and health risks.
  • Physicians to consider the possible role of GM foods in the disease processes of the patients they treat and to document any changes in patient health when changing from GM food to non-GM food.
  • Our members, the medical community, and the independent scientific community to gather case studies potentially related to GM food consumption and health effects, begin epidemiological research to investigate the role of GM foods on human health, and conduct safe methods of determining the effect of GM foods on human health.
  • For a moratorium on GM food, implementation of immediate long term independent safety testing, and labeling of GM foods, which is necessary for the health and safety of consumers.

(This statement was reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine on May 8, 2009.)


In America, there is a fascination and an appreciation of most new technologies. Before GMOs were widely adopted more medical professionals and scientists marveled at the technological advancements making genetic engineering possible; this awe and wonder was widespread long before the downsides of GMOs became well known. It turns out they are worse than almost anyone thought.

Now that GMOs have been widely adopted in the American diet, more and more doctors are discovering that GMOs are devastating to our health. It is becoming more common for doctors to advise their patients to avoid GMOs. Recently, members of Sermo, an online community of physicians, were surveyed as to whether or not they support GMO labeling. The majority, 68% of them are in favor of requiring food manufacturers to label products containing GMOs.

For years, there has been a tired argument that if you’re against GMOs then you’re against science, but just because we have the technology to do something, it doesn’t necessarily follow that we should. The majority of new technologies are abandoned due to flaws that become painfully apparent after they have become widespread. At present we are feeling that pain.

Be sure to check out Doctors Against Vaccines and Understanding and Detoxifying from GMOs.


List: GMO Free Companies

Blacklisted: GMO Supporting Food Companies to Avoid Hot

A genetically modified rose by any other name may smell sweet, but it could still have frankenthorns that might independently detach themselves and lop off your finger while you’re smelling it.  That’s not unlike a trip to the grocery store these days. There are a lot of ugly surprises in pretty, charmingly-named packages.

It seems like no matter how hard you try to avoid them, GMOs and toxic foods creep into your life.

Take for example, the earthily-packaged “natural” foods that are showcased in your grocery store aisles.  They cost twice as much, have obscure brand names, and tout their health benefits and natural sources.  You can almost smell the freshly tilled soil when you pick up the box.

Unfortunately, this is nothing more than corporate sleight-of-hand.

Many of the products that seem so good are actually just subsidiaries of the companies that were most complicit in blocking GMO labeling, aided and abetted by everyone’s favorite purveyor of death, Monsanto. (Monsanto, incidentally, donated $7,100,500.00 to the fight against the labeling of GMO-containing products.)  Don’t forget that Monsanto is now above the law due to the Monsanto Protection Act, a traitorous rider that Senator Roy Blunt managed to attach to a bill that was subsequently signed into law by President Obama. (you know, that guy in the White House, who made the labeling of GMOs one of his 2007 campaign promises?)

I wish I could make a comprehensive list, but there are more stealthily labeled toxins on the shelves every single day.  It all boils down to a these big companies that own nearly all of the foods sold in the United States. Some of the quietly owned subsidiaries may surprise you.  Included is the amount that the company (and its subsidiaries) donated to defeat California Proposition 37 which would have required GMO labeling.

Not every item on this list contains genetically modified ingredients. The list is based on the duplicitous marketing of the companies.  More consumers are trying to make healthy choices at the grocery stores, but it’s difficult when companies push their toxic wares and dress them up as health food. Young people in particular fall victim to these schemes.  You have to give a kid credit for purchasing something called “Vitamin Water” over a soda pop, and it’s infuriating that the kid, trying to make a good choice, has been tricked into the purchase by deceitful advertising and marketing.

Some of the products listed, may in fact be exactly what they are portrayed to be, but I choose not to financially support the corporations behind them.

Protect your health and help starve the beast by avoiding products distributed by these companies and their subsidiaries:

Campbell’s – $250,000.00

  • Healthy Request
  • Wolfgang Puck Soups
  • Pace Foods
  • Pepperidge Farms
  • V-8

Cargill, Inc – $202,229.36

  • Truvia Natural Sweetener
  • Shady Brooks Farms
  • Diamond Crystal Salt
  • Liza
  • Nature Fresh
  • Peter’s Chocolate
  • Wilbur Chocolate
  • Honeysuckle White
  • Rumba Meats
  • Good Nature

Coca Cola –  $1,164,400.00

  • Vitamin Water
  • Smart Water
  • Dasani
  • Nestea
  • Minute Maid
  • Honest Tea
  • Odwalla
  • Vitaminenergy

Con-Agra – $1,076,700.00

  • Orville Redenbacher’s Organic
  • Hunt’s Organic
  • Lightlife
  • Alexia
  • Healthy Choice
  • Hebrew National

Dean Foods –  $253,950.00

  • Horizon
  • Silk
  • White Wave

General Mills – $908,200.00

  • Nature Valley
  • Fiber One
  • Cheerios
  • Cascadian Farm
  • Muir Glen
  • Lärabar
  • Gold Medal Organic
  • Food Should Taste Good

Heinz- $500,000.00

  • ABC
  • Bagel Bites
  • Complan
  • Daddies
  • Delimex
  • Farex
  • Greenseas
  • HP Sauce
  • Heinz
  • Lea & Perrins
  • Ore-Ida
  • Smart Ones
  • Tater Tots
  • TGI Friday’s
  • Wattie’s
  • Weight Watchers
  • Wylers


UPDATED TO ADD:  Heinz has divested itself of Hain-Celestial stock over the past couple of years.  Two sources report that the primary investors for Hain-Celestial are companies of extremely dubious consideration for our health:  Phillip Morris, Monsanto, Citigroup, Exxon-Mobil, Wal-Mart and Lockheed Martin.  (Farmwars and Home for Health)

  • Earth’s Best
  • Spectrum Organics
  • Garden of Eatin’
  • Casbah
  • Rice Dream
  • Soy Dream
  • WestSoy
  • TofuTown
  • MaraNatha
  • Mountain Sun
  • Walnut Acres
  • Fruiti di Bosco
  • Health Valley
  • Bearitos
  • Bread Shop
  • Celestial Seasonings

Kellogg’s – $632,500.00

  • Kashi
  • Muslix
  • Nutrigrain
  • Bear Naked
  • Morningstar Farms
  • Gardenburger

Kraft – $551,148.25

  • Snapple
  • ReaLemon
  • Triscuit
  • SnackWell’s
  • South Beach
  • Boca
  • Back to Nature
  • Nabisco

Nestle –   $1,169,400.00

  • Pure Life
  • Pelligrino
  • Perrier
  • Poland Spring
  • Gerber
  • California Pizza Kitchen
  • Tribe Mediterranean
  • Sweet Leaf Tea

PepsiCo $2,249,661.61

  • Miss Vickie’s
  • Sun Chips
  • Aquafina
  • SoBe
  • Harvest Crunch
  • Dole
  • Ocean Spray
  • Tropicana
  • Miranda
  • Tazo
  • Quaker
  • Naked Juice
  • Mother’s

Unilever – $467,000 (source)

  • Salada
  • Knorr
  • Ben & Jerry’s Ben & Jerry’s Go GMO Free

A little bit of good news…

It isn’t all bad news.  There are a few companies you can still count on – keep in mind that corporate mergers take place every day.  When businesses change hands, there is no obligation to notify the public.  One such cautionary tale took place with the company Dean’s, which acquired Horizon Foods.  They quietly phased out the use of organic products without making any changes to the label and used non-organic milk produced under factory farm conditions.  As well, they dropped the quality of their organic soy and began purchasing cheaper harvests from Asia.  Meanwhile, unwitting retailers had no idea that the company had ceased producing the items organically, and continued to promote the products as they had previous to the acquisition.

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Right now, these are some of the GOOD LABELS to look for:

  • 7th Generation
  • Amy’s Kitchens
  • Apple and Eve
  • Applegate
  • Azumaya
  • Blue Diamond
  • Bob’s Red Mill
  • Bossa Nova
  • Cal Organics
  • Cedarlane
  • Cell-nique
  • Choice Organic Teas
  • Clif Bar/ Nectar Fruit
  • Coombs Family Farmers
  • Cosorzio All Natural
  • Country Choice
  • Crystal Geyser Alpine Water
  • Doctor Kracker
  • Dr. McDougall’s
  • Dr. Praeger
  • Eat Raw
  • Echo Farms
  • EcoMeal
  • Eddie’s Pasta
  • Eden Foods (The only company NOT using harmful plastic in the lining of their cans as bonding agent!)
  • Edward and Sons
  • Endangered Species Chocolate
  • Ener-G
  • EnvironKiz
  • Fantastic Foods.
  • Giving Nature
  • Golden Temple
  • Go Naturally
  • Greenway Farms
  • Harvest Bay
  • Hawthorne Valley
  • Ian’s Natural Foods
  • Koyo Organics
  • Lakewood
  • Lesser Evil
  • Let’s Do…Organics
  • LifeStream
  • Living Harvest
  • Lundberg Family
  • Madhava
  • Murray’s Chicken
  • Nasoya
  • Native Forest
  • Natural by Nature
  • Nature Factor
  • Nature’s Path
  • Newman’s Own Organic
  • Organic Prarie
  • Organic Valley
  • Pacific Naturals
  • Pamela’s
  • Peace Cereal
  • Petalumi
  • Rapunzel
  • Real Foods
  • Republic of Teas
  • Road’s End Organics
  • San J
  • Sensible Foods
  • Seven Star Farms
  • Sunergia
  • Tasty Bite Indian
  • Terra Nostra
  • Texmati
  • Theo chocolates
  • Think Organic
  • Turtle Island Tofurky
  • Vermont Mystic Pie
  • Vitasoy
  • Vita Spelt
  • Vivani Chocolate
  • Wizard’s Saucery
  • Woodstock Farms
  • XOXOXO chocolate
  • Yogi Tea
  • Zija
  • Zoe’s Granola

Another way to avoid unscrupulous food producers is through an App called Buycott.  If you happen to have an iPhone, this App can be used to check a product that you see in the stores to see what corporate links exist.  You can find it HERE. (Thank you to Miranda for this link!) If I had a cellphone, I would definitely download this tool.

What you can do

Of course, the best ways to avoid GMOs and toxic additives are to avoid packaged foods altogether.


Suppressing Natural Healing Modalities

AMA to Gag Doctors Practicing Alternative Medicine

Why are natural solutions so suppressed?
Print Friendly
Christina Sarich
by Christina Sarich
Posted on July 3, 2015

The American Medical Association certainly doesn’t want you to seek ‘alternative’ treatments or therapies for disease, since this would put a dent in pharmaceutical drug sales. In order to shore up their monopoly on your health more completely, they are calling many MDs ‘quacks,’ suppressing natural alternatives and gagging doctors with stiff penalties.

The AMA says they plan to ‘actively defend their profession, but this means that they will ‘discipline doctors for violating medical ethics through their press involvement.’ In other words – doctors will say what the AMA wants them to, or they are in big trouble. So much for freedom of speech!

The AMA has plans to gag doctors like Dr. Oz who recently went up against GMOs and the shills who work for Monsanto, publicly calling them into question. If the AMA has their way, this kind of ‘pseudoscience,’ or in other words, logical questioning of damaging crops, or medications, will be stifled via all radio, TV, newspapers, and websites. Censorship is not dead.

The resolution of the AMA was crafted, not by a doctor, but a medical student, and uses Dr. Oz’s influence as an example of what they are trying to control:

Vox was told in an interview:

“Dr. Oz has something like 4 million viewers a day. The average physician doesn’t see a million patients in their lifetime. That’s why organized medicine should be taking action.”

The AMA, part of an organized ‘medical mafia’ in large part, doesn’t want public icons like Dr. Oz creating a stir around GMOs. They don’t want doctors who question mainstream medical science and who question pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, who have ties to Monsanto.

The AMA is not the voice of the medical profession. It represents only 17% of MDs, and many of those are free memberships given to medical students.

What the AMA does represent is a bunch of lobbyists who spend more than $218.8 million a year influencing the government for everything from medicare prices to medical coding laws.

Integrative practitioners are being attacked by the AMA because more and more doctors are waking up to the unfortunate atrocity that conventional medicine has become. When doctors can’t even use terms like ‘super food,’ ‘antioxidant,’ or ‘probiotic’ without losing their license or facing jail time here and in the EU, you have to question what happened to the medical system.

Argentina Lawsuit Challenges Monsanto

Federal Judge in Argentina Accepts Class Action Lawsuit Against Monsanto

Will Monsanto be able to bully itself to victory?
Christina Sarich
by Christina Sarich
Posted on June 27, 2015

While Monsanto tries to dodge a class action lawsuit in California by requesting that it be dismissed by the court, a federal judge in Argentina has accepted a class action lawsuit that would force GMO labeling and provisionally suspend the cultivation of genetically modified crops.

The lawsuit targets Monsanto for causing a seed monopoly through mono-cultivation. It argues for a complete ban on GMOs and on:

“. . .the application of pesticides used for farming until their safety for the environment, ecosystems, biodiversity, the health of living beings, the cultural heritage of the Argentine people, and the sustainability of the production model is scientifically proven.”

Residents of the country of Argentina believe that the commercialization of seed through companies like Monsanto should be forbidden. The lawsuit is titled:

“Gimenez Alicia Fanny and others against the national government, Monsanto and others, over environmental damage.”

Monsanto is not the only party listed as a defendant. Also listed are:

  • The Argentine national government
  • The Federal Council for the Environment
  • A group of companies, including Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, Novartis, Nidera, Dow AgroSciences, Pioneer, Agrevo, Ciba Geigy, Argenbio, and Bayer Sciences

Monsanto is currently trying to remove their class action suit being filed by T. Matthew Phillips to federal court in order to “prohibit inconsistencies in ruling,” but they also want to have the class action suit dismissed.

Previously, more than 30,000 doctors and health professionals in Argentina asked that glyphosate be banned. The doctors are part of FESPROSA, Argentina’s Union of medical professionals.

FESPROSA explained:

“In our country glyphosate is applied on more than 28 million hectares. Each year, the soil is sprayed with more than 320 million litres, which means that 13 million people are at risk of being affected, according to the Physicians Network of Sprayed Peoples (RMPF). Soy is not the only crop addicted to glyphosate: the herbicide is also used for transgenic maize and other crops. Where glyphosate falls, only GMOs can grow. Everything else dies.”

The doctors also talk about vindicating one of their own:

Our trade union, the Federation of Health Professionals of Argentina (FESPROSA), which represents more than 30,000 doctors and health professionals in our country, includes the Social Health Collective of Andrés Carrasco. Andrés Carrasco was a researcher at [Argentine government research institute] CONICET, who died a year ago, and showed the damage caused by glyphosate to embryos. For disseminating his research, he was attacked by the industry and the authorities at CONICET. Today, WHO vindicates him.”

If the federal judge who reviews this case prior to the end of the month has any moral fiber, he will stand against Monsanto for a fair trial as Argentina has.

The TPP, Confederate Flag, & Multinationals


ECONOMIC SLAVERY FOR ALL: While we were distracted with the Confederate flag flap, Congress quietly forfeited our entire economic future via fast-track trade authority

(NaturalNews) While America was distracted by a contrived, pre-planned Confederate flag distraction, the U.S. Congress forfeited the entire economic future of the country by quietly passing so-called “fast-track authority” which will allow President Obama to approve the TPP “free trade” agreement.

The TPP, as you may have heard, outright surrenders U.S. sovereignty to multinational corporations, handing them total global monopolies over labor practices, immigration, Big Pharma drug pricing, GMO food labeling, criminalization of garden seeds and much more. In all, the TPP hands over control of 80% of the U.S. economy to global monopolists, and the TPP is set up to enable those corporations to engage in virtually unlimited toxic chemical pollution, medical monopolization, the gutting of labor safety laws and much more.

Plus, did I mention the TPP will displace millions of American works as corporations outsource jobs to foreign workers? While corporations rake in the profits from new global powers, everyday American workers will lose their livelihoods and their jobs (not to mention their pensions).

Political sleight of hand: It was SOOOO easy to distract the American people with a flag flap!
Essentially, America just got sold out by people like Marco Rubio. And it was incredibly easy to pull off, too. First, America was distracted by a contrived, pre-planned mass hysteria / outrage event now known as the Confederate flag flap. Hilariously, this literal false flag controversy doesn’t even involve the actual Confederate flag. It involves a battle flag that people mistakenly think is the Confederate flag. (But who needs historical accuracy when there’s hysteria to spread?)

While was frantically deleting Confederate flag products from its website and everybody was going bat-crap insane over the 1970’s comedy TV series Dukes of Hazzard and its use of the so-called Confederate flag on a hot rod car, Republicans and the President were busy committing outright treason at the highest levels: surrendering American sovereignty and economically enslaving all of America’s future children.

And that’s the tragic irony of all this: While the political left falsely believed it was denouncing slavery by pressuring every online retailer and government entity to ban the Confederate flag, the U.S. Congress was busy enacting a whole new level of total economic enslavement for everyone, regardless of their skin color.

While ignorant “activists” ran around in mass hysteria, thinking they were banishing a symbol of enslavement to the history books, they were actually providing the necessary public distraction for quiet passage of the TPP’s fast-track authority.

In other words, they played right into the hands of the real slave masters: the globalist, monopolist corporations and their fascist government puppets who betray the People at every opportunity.

Believe me: These corporations don’t care about the skin color of their slave workers. They gladly enslave everyone, including you and me, if we’re stupid enough to allow our own elected representatives to forfeit America’s future (which they just did).

Screw the Confederate flag issue, folks: All Americans are now the “property” of multinational monopolist corporations that have turned national governments against their own people. The Confederate flag flap was merely a useful distraction to trick the population using political sleight of hand to fool everyone about the real agenda being pursued in Washington.

America is now officially a nation of slave workers beholden to multinational corporate interests. How does your silly flag outrage feel now?
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Global March Against Monsanto


March Against Monsanto explodes globally… World citizens stage massive protests across 38 countries, 428 cities… mainstream media pretends it never happened

(NaturalNews) The March Against Monsanto exploded across the planet today as protesters took to the streets in 38 countries and 428 cities to protest the world’s most evil corporation: Monsanto. (Tweet this story #MarchAgainstMonsanto)

Protesters from New York, London, Berlin, Paris and even across South America, Asia and India rallied against the toxic agricultural practices of Monsanto, a corporation whose business model depends on poisoning the citizens of the planet, destroying the agricultural ecosystem, monopolizing the seed supply and hiring online character assassins to attack anyone who opposes its agenda.

Protesters worldwide took to the streets today to demand GMO labeling and bans on Roundup (glyphosate), the toxic herbicide chemical that even the World Health Organization recently linked to cancer. “We need to stop feeding humanity such a vile toxin,” said one protester.

Watch the protest compilation video from RT here: (see more pictures below)

Photo credit h/t to John Graf for the above two photos.

Mainstream media totally compromised, refuses to cover massive global uprising against Monsanto

As expected, virtually the entire “sellout” mainstream media refused to cover the event, pretending that the citizens of the world aren’t rising up against an enormous corporate evil that threatens the future of our planet.

The Associated Press ran a story mentioning local protests in Hawaii but refused to print the words “March Against Monsanto” or to even mention that these protests were taking place in over 400 cities across the globe.

Nearly the entire western media has been infiltrated and corrupted by Monsanto, including the once-respected magazine National Geographic which now functions as the propaganda arm for the life-destroying biotech industry. National Geographic’s magazines are now filled with multi-page ads for Big Pharma and Big Biotech, while its editors ludicrously attempt to paint scientists and citizens who have concerns about GMOs as tin foil hat-wearing lunatics.

Once-celebrated newspapers like the Washington Post have also been entirely overrun by Monsanto infiltration and disinformation. The paper’s science editors function as nothing more than Monsanto puppets and propaganda mouthpieces, pushing biotech talking points as if they were scientific fact while utterly ignoring the realities of cancer-causing glyphosate, seed supply monopolization, genetic pollution and Monsanto’s lawsuit attacks on farmers.

Today, only the Independent Media covers the truth about Monsanto, GMOs and glyphosate. Every mainstream media news source has sold out humanity to pure evil.

Here are some of the photos from RT’s March Against Monsanto video:

New emphasis on glyphosate (Roundup)

This year’s marches featured increased emphasis on the toxicity of Roundup (glyphosate), Monsanto’s weed killer chemical that’s sprayed liberally on crops.

Glyphosate has been linked to cancer by the World Health Organization, and researchers around the world believe glyphosate is linked to increased risks of cancer tumors in humans and animals that consume GMO crops.

This photo from the Seralini study shows how glyphosate and GMOs caused massive, fatal tumors in laboratory rats:

Learn more about glyphosate toxicity and the dangers of GMOs at these important websites:

Glyphosate is also now strongly suspected of contributing to the autism epidemic. Dr. Stephanie Seneff from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is now warning that if the chemical poisoning of our world isn’t stopped, nearly half of all children born in the United States by the year 2025 will be autistic.

Watch this video from Next News Network for more details:

Hillary Clinton’s ties to Monsanto exposed

Natural News has been key in exposing Hillary Clinton’s deep ties to Monsanto. Now known as the “Bride of Frankenfood,” Hillary Clinton is a pro-Monsanto operative who hired a top Monsanto lobbyist to help run her campaign.

She also represented Monsanto as a lawyer with her now-infamous Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. Clinton is so pro-Monsanto and pro-GMO that she even spoke on behalf of the Biotechnology Industry Organization.

If Hillary Clinton becomes President, Monsanto will occupy the White House. This is why it’s absolutely crucial that the Democratic party find someone else to win the primary who isn’t a Monsanto puppet.

If Hillary Clinton becomes president, you can expect the full Monsanto agenda to be aggressively pushed as national policy:

• A nationwide federal ban on GMO labeling.

• Immediate USDA approval of all experimental GMO crops.

• Extreme, politically motivated attacks against all anti-GMO activists, scientists and journalists.

• Huge increases in taxpayer-funded subsidies for farmers who grow GMO crops.

• Aggressive corporate imperialism push to overturn bans on glyphosate and GMOs by other nations.

• Possibly even attempts by the FDA to outlaw non-GMO Project Verified labels in the same way they attacked hormone-free labels for cow’s milk.

Make no mistake: A vote for Hillary is a vote for Monsanto.

Spread the word


USDA Introducing Non-GMO Label

Huge Victory: USDA Introduces Official Non-GMO Label

Government to launch first non-GMO label
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Mike Barrett
by Mike Barrett
Posted on May 14, 2015

For years the public has been asking the U.S. government to institute mandatory labeling for any products containing genetically modified ingredients. Now, in response to the sounds of public outcry and vital activism, the United States Department of Agriculture is being forced to do something. The agency has developed a new government certification which companies can use to show that the product is completely free of GMOs.

Though the food advancement is arguably just tip-toeing around mandatory GMO labeling, it is definitely a sign that our government agencies are being forced to listen to our collective voice, and that they are really recognizing that there needs to be something in place that can clearly differentiate GMO-riddled and non-GM foods.

Currently, companies have the option to use either the non-profit Non-GMO Project’s verified seal, developed in 2007, or the USDA’s certified organic label. The difference with the newly-created USDA certification and these seals, however, is that the new seal is government-certified (the Non-GMO Project seal isn’t), and the USDA Organic seal comes with many more strict food rules than just being GMO-free. In other words, not all GMO-free foods are 100% organic.

“Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack outlined the department’s plan in a May 1 letter to employees, saying the certification was being done at the request of a “leading global company,” which he did not identify. A copy of the letter was obtained by The Associated Press.

…Vilsack said the USDA certification is being created through the department’s Agriculture Marketing Service, which works with interested companies to certify the accuracy of the claims they are making on food packages — think “humanely raised” or “no antibiotics ever.” Companies pay the Agricultural Marketing Service to verify a claim, and if approved, they can market the foods with the USDA process verified label.”

The new seal is voluntary, and companies would have to pay for it. The food products adopting the label would have a seal that says “USDA Process Verified” with a claim that it is free of GMOs.

“Recently, a leading global company asked AMS to help verify that the corn and soybeans it uses in its products are not genetically engineered so that the company could label the products as such,” Vilsack wrote in the letter. “AMS worked with the company to develop testing and verification processes to verify the non-GE claim.”

Vilsack said in the letter that the certification “will be announced soon, and other companies are already lining up to take advantage of this service.”

The downside of the USDA label is that it goes hand-in-hand with bills that are designed to block mandatory GMO labeling efforts across the country. A bill that was introduced last year provided the USDA cert, but wouldn’t make it mandatory – AND the bill would override any states laws that the citizens fought so hard for. An example can be seen with Vermont’s recent passing of a mandatory GMO labeling bill that will go into effect next year.

However, with the complications of a national food system, I see this seal as a victory. As long as the seal is attainable and doesn’t cost caring companies an exuberant amount of money to implement, it will be enough to clearly show which companies care enough to go GMO-free and which companies choose to use GMO ingredients.

Thanks to your vital activism and voice, the government is finally seeing that something needs to be done about GMOs in our food, and that is good news.


Gluten Intolerance – GMO’s

Is it Gluten Intolerance or are We Being Poisoned?

Via on Mar 8, 2015

2013 Stockholm_Demonstration_against_Monsanto

Eleditor’s note: Elephant is a diverse community of sixteen million readers and hundreds of writers (you can write too!). We are reader-created. Many blogs here are experience, opinion, and not fact or The One Right Point of View. We welcome all points of view, especially when offered with more sources and less invective, more frankness and less PR. Dislike this Op-Ed or opinion? Share your own take here.

I have Celiac Disease symptoms in the USA, but not in Italy or most places in Europe that regulate their food and lean “bio” or organic.

The incidence of Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance and all the gut-wrenching, bloating, and autoimmune disorders it can cause has exploded over the past 10-15 years, and now we may know why.

I began having symptoms like terrible stomach and gut pain, severe bloating (five pounds of fluid in an hour that lasts for days), fatigue, joint pain, rapid weight loss, migraines and malnutrition in the Midwest right when these herbicides began being used in my beloved Heartland, and now they’re used all over—and much more.

As someone close to the farming process and those who farm, including friends whose farms were bought out by Monsanto, making them employees of this behemoth, I can tell you that there are many other chemicals used in planting, during the growth phase and pre and post-harvest. Researchers are focusing on one in particular, a chemical in Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup named glyphosate. This toxic compound has been shown to cause Celiac-like symptoms in animals.

You think?

Since glyphosate-based herbicides appeared on the market in the 1970s, the incidence of Celiac in America have skyrocketed by 400 percent.

Coincidence? Or maybe much more.

As someone who grew up in the Midwest where Monsanto and their herbicides began moving into our food supply—and as someone who developed this disease at the exact same time, after being alive for 15 years without any symptoms whatsoever, I can tell you this company is no joke and they don’t care about your health—just the bottom line.

They and other companies like them are the factory farms of vegetables and grains.

If we as yogis or supporters of small, family, organic farms and if we are at all concerned about the wellness of ourselves and if we wouldn’t let our children eat Oscar Mayer hot dogs three times a day, or give them a spoonful of herbicide once a year—then why are we participating in, and then mystified when strange illnesses begin presenting themselves after a few years of eating those “regular old” bagels, pasta, muffins and tofu?

Now, I’m aware that there are genetic markers for Celias Sprue (aka Celiac Disease), and some people are absolutely unable to ingest wheat or other gluten-containing products. I’m not advising you to go to Italy with me and chow down on a fettucini Alfredo, and I know other countries, including Italy, are exhibiting Celiac as well.

However, it’s worth noting that many, many people without the genetic marker are reacting to gluten. And some with the genetic marker, myself included, react far worse to conventional or GMO or sprayed wheat, corn and soy, than non-GMO and non-chemicalized product. In countries like Italy, where GMO and chemicals are not as ubiquitous as in the States and Canada, we see the disease rearing its ugly head at a fraction of what it is here.

I believe all people, whether you are exhibiting symptoms or not, would do well to cease their support of non-organic foods containing pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics and other crap.

I believe we are intelligent enough to stop arguing about the fact that we should no longer swallow—or support companies that spray their products with things that kill life forms like insects, plants and animals–and, quite possibly—us too.

What do you think? Is Celiac Disease something our bodies just suddenly all made up at once?

Or is it environmentally caused by this company and others like it?

What are you gonna do about it in your own diet?

Here’s how I’ve decided to be the change I want to see in my own body, and the larger world community:

I’m personally boycotting products made from Monsanto-produced food, other pro-chemical companies and as many GMOS as I can suss out of my daily diet. I am going to focus solely on small, organic family farms.

And please—remove saccharin and aspartame (fake sugars and things containing them).

Our bodies are trying to get us to listen to the simple fact that we cannot continue arguing Mother Nature.

She will always win.

Will you do this with me? A company can’t thrive if we don’t buy…


Monsanto’s Debunking Dept.

Monsanto Scientist Lets a Massive Secret Slip


Monsanto RoundupThere’s nothing better than seeing those who work for the devil get their feet caught in their mouths. There have been two events recently that make one cheer for our side as Monsanto embarks on challenging the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) analysis of Roundup as a carcinogenic that was published in the March 2015 journal The Lancet Oncology.

Monsanto’s vice president of global regulatory affairs Philip Miller asserted the following:
“We question the quality of the assessment. The WHO has something to explain.” In other words, we think we have the clout to make sure the WHO discredits this finding as “unscientific”.

After all, Monsanto has managed to keep their false PR front up for a couple of decades while getting scientists who question Monsanto’s science discredited, their publications removed, and even fired from long term academic positions. Nasty bunch they are.

Interesting that Monsanto challenges independent studies while not producing their own funded research studies for scrutiny. A lot of scientists are on the dole with Monsanto. But it appears Monsanto’s bad karma may be catching up with them.

Monsanto’s Discredit Bureau

Daily Koss posted an article by occupystephanie  where she attended a talk to agricultural students by Dr. William “Bill” Moar, whose mission it is to assure everyone of Monsanto products safety. Here’s what she revealed:

One student asked what Monsanto was doing to counter the “bad science” around their work. Dr. Moar, perhaps forgetting that this was a public event, then revealed that Monsanto indeed had “an entire department” (waving his arm for emphasis) dedicated to “debunking” science which disagreed with theirs. As far as I know this is the first time that a Monsanto functionary has publically admitted that they have such an entity which brings their immense political and financial weight to bear on scientists who dare to publish against them. The Discredit Bureau will not be found on their official website.

The challenge for Monsanto’s Discredit Bureau is steep in attacking the unimpeachably respected Lancet and the international scientific bodies of WHO and IARC. However, they have no choice but to attack since the stakes are so very high for them. Glyphosate is their hallmark product upon which the majority of their profits are based. Make no mistake, this is extremely bad news for Monsanto.

Monsanto holds up the sheer abundance of their own well-funded studies citing the safety of Glyphosate, done over only the past twenty years which is a short period of time in scientific inquiry particularly when dissenting research is actively suppressed.  They also hold up the findings of regulatory bodies, particularly in the United States where the revolving door between agrochemical corporations and government spins at high speed.


Controversial Funny Interview That Went Viral; Another Blow to Monsanto’s Image

The clip comes from a French documentary soon to be released where Dr. Patrick Moore is being interviewed about Monsanto’s Golden Rice. The interviewer throws a curve at Moore about Roundup’s safety and Moore quips that it’s so safe you could drink it without harm. What happens next is a hoot!

The controversy whirls around who Patrick Moore actually is. Monsanto says he’s not a lobbyist. Monsanto mouthpiece Forbes jumps all over that fact and introduces that factoid that he’s from Greenpeace. tumblr_inline_n51vbny9lt1qgfflu

Greenpeace claims he’s simply a PR whore for whomever will pay, and after his short stint with Greenpeace Canada years ago he went into representing various industries that Greenpeace was opposing while claiming to be an environmentalist.

From Greenpeace International’s site: “Media outlets often either state or imply that Mr. Moore still represents Greenpeace, or fail to mention that he is a paid lobbyist and not an independent source.” The Greenpeace site lists Moore’s resume’ representing polluting industries after a brief stint with Greenpeace of Canada years ago.


He is most likely a shill who is covertly supported by Monsanto, just as former Greenpeacer Mark Lynas, an author and “environmental climate change activist”  has become an international spokesman for Monsanto and the biotech industry after doing a bit of GMO bashing prior to his conversion.

Nothing confuses those uncertain about GMOs  more than outspoken shills, paid covertly, who claim to be environmentalists now preaching how they “see the science” of GMOs for saving the world from any future food crisis without polluting the environment.


And Now – GMO Apples

USDA Approves GMO Apples. Here’s How to Know The Difference

GMO ApplesToday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) let down U.S. apple growers and the public by wasting resources on a useless and risky food. To make matters worse, these new genetically engineered apples are NOT required to be labeled and consumers will not know that the sliced apples they are feeding to their children have undergone genetic modification. What’s more is that this genetically engineered specialty fruit has been created to prevent apples from browning over time, as if that is an important issue worth harming the environment and consumer health.



They are called “Arctic Apples” and have the ability to resist browning when sliced, something apple growers and consumers have been able to deal with forever. This is a mere cosmetic trait which can mislead consumers into thinking they’re eating a fresh apple when in fact they are eating apples on the verge of rotting.

Ecowatch reports:

The USDA’s environmental review received 73,000 comments that overwhelmingly opposed the commercialization of Arctic Apples. This decision marks the first approval of an aesthetically-improved genetically engineered food and will expand the reach of GMO products into the produce aisle, which currently only offers a small number of GMO foods.

The USDA has neglected to look at the full range of risks from these apples. In its environmental assessment, the USDA glossed over the possibility of unintentional effects associated with the technology used to engineer these apples, potential economic impacts on the U.S. and international apple market, effects of potential contamination for non-GMO and organic apple growers and the impact of the non-browning gene silencing which also can weaken plant defenses and plant health.

The new method used to modify the apple is known as RNA interference. RNA is similar to DNA and deals specially with gene coding and regulation. Mounting evidence has shown that meddling with the genes can result in unintended effects within the plant and within those who eat the plant.

The genes altered in this apple are heavily involved in a plant’s natural defense system against pests and disease. This could lead to apple trees that are more susceptible and therefore require more chemicals to produce a crop. It begs the popular question, why is our food being made and modified by chemical pesticide and herbicide companies? That is a huge conflict of interest in and of itself. Besides, this wouldn’t be the first time an unintended result from genetic engineering resulted in an exponential increase in the amount of poison sprayed on the food supply.

The amount of Roundup used on the biggest three GE crops has increased 1000% from what it was before the introduction of genetically engineered seeds.

gmo glyphosate chart

One huge con to genetically engineered food is that the crops have been known to infect organic crops on the other side of town through pollen drift. This can spread like wildfire and devastate the local organic and even conventional industry. This is a major reason the domestic apple industry opposes the new franken-apple which will be marketed as Arctic Granny and Arctic Golden.

Some food companies have stated that they would not sell Arctic Apples. The U.S. Apple Association, Washington Apple Commission and other grower groups have spoken up and pointed out the negative impact GMO apples could have on the apple industry and environment. Even GMO-peddlers Gerber and McDonald’s stated that they would not use GMO apples in their food products.

The bottom line is that the GMO apple is a risk that is unnecessary. Cosmetic issues should be the last priority for an industry that claims they want to end world hunger, which of course is a lie. The world has enough food, people are starving because there isn’t enough money to pay for it. They really just want to sell more pesticide.

The biotech industry is in a prime position.  They modify the food supply which creates crops dependent on more and more poisonous pesticides and herbicides, have monetary ties to giant pharmaceutical corporations that bank off of sick people, and all the while they are the ones selling these very same pesticides and herbicides, which make people sick.

Consumers and the industry have dealt with browning apples successfully forever. The USDA has let down hard-working farmers who go back generations in America, again. They have let down the everyday consumer who wants to know what they are eating. They have jeopardized the environment and the health of the very citizens these alphabet governmental agencies are supposedly meant to protect. And for what? A prettier apple? Yeah, one that tastes like shit because it’s seconds away from rotting. But you won’t know that until you bite into it.
