Moderate earthquake in the France Pyrenees (below Lourdes and close to Tarbes)
Last update: April 29, 2014 at 12:55 pm by By
Update : For the people living in France, take a look at the Historic earthquake list below this link. France has hundreds of years ago been struck by a couple of devastating earthquakes!
Update 08:34 UTC : The French press is treating this earthquake as a “faits divers” . Hardly any updates are given in the local press. We will continue searching for additional information however as we think that besides power cuts people may report some slight damage.
Update 08:07 UTC : Argelès-Gazost until Val d’Azun have lost power this morning. The earthquake was felt until Toulouse (as we mentioned earlier).
Nos excuses pour la qualité du moteur de traduction automatique de Google – On sait que ca semble a rien, mais on pense que c’est mieux que rien du tout.
Update 07:59 UTC : The strongest earthquake in the greater epicenter area was a M5.7 earthquake to the south of the current epicenter and just across the Spain border. It happened in 1904! (see bottom map)
Update 07:55 UTC : No news so far from Lourdes, the sanctuary where thousands of people gather daily to pray for the holy Mary. We do not expect anything serious but slight damage is always possible. We have to add however that this area has relar earthquakes like today’s (mostly they are not exceeding M4 however).
Update : Power was down in some areas. The map below shows the shaking intensity. We expect at least some slight damage in a radius of 20 km around the epicenter, which includes Lourdes
Update : Magnitude est augmenté a M4.7! (Increase in Magnitude to M4.7 n- slight damage like cracks in walls, fallen tiles etc is likely)
Update : Premieres informations : epicentre aux Pyrenées Magnitude 4.0 Profondeur 2 km – Des légères dégats sont possible
Close to Tarbes and Lourdes
Basé sur un nombre croissant de visiteurs qui nous rejoignent de Tarbes et environs, nous croyons qu’un tremblement de terre a été ressenti. Lorsque vous êtes l’une des personnes qui sentaient les secousses, veuillez bien remplir le formulaire ci-dessous “J’ai ressenti une tremblement de terre non rapportée” en haut de la liste. On vous remercie.
144 km NW of Andorra la Vella, Andorra / pop: 20,430 / local time: 09:03:24.0 2014-04-29
17 km SW of Tarbes, France / pop: 52,106 / local time: 09:03:24.0 2014-04-29
1 km NE of Lourdes, France / pop: 15,786 / local time: 09:03:24.0 2014-04-29
Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 4.4
Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2014-04-29 09:03:24
GMT/UTC Time : 2014-04-29 07:03:24
Depth (Hypocenter) : 5 km