Gregg Braden on Spirituality & Science

The Wisdom of a Spirituality-Based Science

Posted: 06/ 5/11 11:17 AM ET

During the last years of the Cold War, I had a front row seat as a senior systems designer in the defense industry to one of the most frightening times in the history of the world, and the thinking that led to it. During the last years of the most potentially lethal, yet undeclared, war in human history, the superpowers of the United States and the former Soviet Union did something that seems unthinkable to any rationally minded person today. They spent the time, energy, and human resources to develop and stockpile somewhere in the neighborhood of 65,000 nuclear weapons — a combined arsenal with the power to microwave the Earth, and everything on it, many times over.

The rationale for such an extreme effort stems from a way of thinking that has dominated much of the modern world for the last 300 years or so, since the beginning of the scientific era. It’s based in the false assumptions of scientific thinking that suggest we’re somehow separate from the Earth, separate from one another, and that the nature that gives us life is based upon relentless struggle and survival of the strongest

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June 5-11

Color of the Week:   Grainy White

This week can lead you to do things that might surprise you. Be prepared for that. There are experiences that will be coming your way that will be new to you. moreover there are people who will be coming into your field that will resonate with some deep held convictions. This is a week in which you cannot allow fear to take over. Caution is always well advised, but being overly cautious can lead to the loss of some opportunities. Continue reading

May 29-June 4

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Sky Blue

It is time to reach for the stars.

The Earth is shaking, crying, wailing, and blowing.  This summer will bring more hurt and destruction than this globe has seen in eons.  No place will be untouched.  People need to awaken and know what is truly important. By the end of the year, many, many people will find that their concepts of life, living, what is necessary, what is important, etc. will have changed. And when this happens, those with a new perspective will see clearly the illusion of what the media and those in power have told us is paramount, necessary, good.  Plastic surgery.  Material possessions. Big houses.  The “Right” people.  Hollywood glamor.  Gossip magazines. Stuff.  The Earth will have led us to evaluate what makes life worthwhile.  This week, this summer, and the slide into next year will hold up a mirror to us all.  What we see in it will be the truth.  We can choose to accept or turn away. There is no blame.  We do the best we can. Continue reading

May 22-28

Overall Color for the Week:    Pale Gold

While there will be those who will say that there was nothing especially memorable about this week, those with open eyes and questioning minds will recognize that the events of this weeks were both harbingers and turning points for the movement of the energy in the times ahead.  This is true on all levels, the personal, the communal, the societal, the political, and the global.  This is a week in which things that need to be said will come to the fore. This is a time in which people will begin to question a lot of what is going on around them. Complacency is no longer a safe haven. Continue reading

May 15-21

Overall Color for the Week:  Rose Red

This is a week of changes and changing.  There will be little time for rest on any level as the Earth continues its movements.  Discoveries will be made concerning the shifts in the crust of the Earth that were heretofore unexpected. Moreover there will be information coming out concerning the magnetics of the earth and a change regarding them. These things will be amended as footnotes to newscasts, etc., but they will be picked up by many as more and more odd Earth events take place. Continue reading

May 8-14

Overall Color of the Week:    Bright Blue

For all of those who are ” waiting for their real lives to begin”, it is time to realize that not only have your real lives begun, they are in process.  It is time to take hold of your life and your destiny.  This means evaluating everything and everyone that come your way in terms of what they mean to YOU.  What YOU think about them.  How they can fit in YOUR life.  Stop trying to adjust your wishes, wants, beliefs, and desires to the others out there.  They ultimately are not that concerned about you.  When they get up in the morning, the face they see in the mirror is their own.  And they are going to adjust that face to fit their own personal agendas.  You must do the same.  If you go down, it is always best to know that it was on your own terms because then you can learn the lessons and move on,  Additionally, you will find that those who have been blind to and oblivious of the changes that are happening all around will become even more so as time goes by. They need the semblance of normalcy to remain in this energy and to continue in their daily round.  This is not a time to attempt to change others.  This is a time to be centered in who you are, be open to your intuition, trust the thrust of Universal Consciousness, and act in accordance with the wisdom of your heart.

This week will try you on many levels, and while it may seem easier to give in, this is not the time to do so.  You know that which is right and proper for you, and it is your true destiny to be part of that.  It takes bravery on your part, however you will find that with each act of personal courage, your power will grow as will our confidence and your sense of destiny.  This is not a time to give in, although it is difficult.  Trust your heart’s knowing and go there when you are faced with difficult decisions.  This is your life, not that of any other person., and you must in all cases please yourself. That truly is the path to honoring WHO you are.

On a larger scale, you will see more and more coming out about politicians, repression, greed, and the ways in which those in power have attempted to control people.  This will be paralleled by a rise in the stock market, as that organization begins to take a very turbulent and unpredictable trajectory, confusing and confounding those who thought they had it all under control.  Gas prices will be coming down.  There is a sense within the grass roots movements that their power and influence are growing.  You will see this in little outbursts around the globe.  There is an incident involving Tibet that is fomenting.  Watch the volcanoes for they are the next natural force to be making their presence known, as the rest of the atmospheric powers take a bit of an hiatus during the week, although earth movements continue.  Meanwhile, there will be things happening in space that will be hinted at in the news. The Sun is beginning a new phase this week.

Sunday, May 8:    Silky White

Mother’s Day:    There is a lot of smoothness in the air.  Like everything else, there are positive and not so positive effects that can come from that. Things can flow easily, without complications, if you will let them. Be present in what is going on, and much can become clearer.  There are secrets and stories that want to be told, and the energy of the day is conducive to that.  This is a day for understanding and compassion.  Listen carefully, however to the words that people are saying. There is a lot of schmoozing going on. Know where you stand in relation to the people around you.  And be centered and aware of your power.

Crystal Energy:    Purpurite—The energy of this mineral is discriminatory and revelatory.  It is in tune with the crown chakra and can bring knowledge of past events.  It has an Atlantean resonance.

Monday, May 9:    Yellow Orange

As the morning begins, you might feel yourself somewhat out of sorts. There were dream events that have lingered into the day time.  You will encounter some bouts of deja vu which will bring a kind of clarity to the earlier uncertainty that you were feeling.  And then keep your senses alert for the synchronicity that will happen all around you, so much so that you might think that things are not quite real.  They are real, and there is a lightness and a joy to the afternoon and evening. It is a good idea just to enjoy.  Take some time also for a bit of meditation, journaling, or any other kind of centering activity you like.  There are messages that need to come your way.

Crystal Energy:    Arsenopyrite—The vibration of this mineral deals with clarity, community, and support.  It is discriminatory and sees through illusion, fear, and guilt. First Chakra.

Tuesday, May 10:    Frosty White

There is not a lot of clarity around today, so if there are decisions for you to make or important deals to be undertaken, it is a good idea to get all the facts straight, cover all your bases, and ask as many questions as you need.  There are those out there with information that they do not wish to share with you.  They are fearing that their positions are in jeopardy and that secrecy is the only thing that will guarantee them.  You have had some ideas that you were wishing to get out there.  Today might be a good day to do so as people are distracted with their own stuff and therefore, they will be more likely to let things go.

Crystal Energy:    Aquamarine—This stone assists with healing on all levels.  It resonates with water energies, and the body is largely water.  It also acts as a good communicator with the higher realms.

Wednesday, May 11:    Orange Flame

This is a day for beginnings, so take time and know what it is that you need to change and create in your life.  The energy is pervasive and persuasive, so if you are true and dedicated to that one thing, focus, and know that there is nothing that will stand in your way except yourself.  Trust your intuition.  It can take you to the places you have dreamed of,but despaired to encounter.  There is a kind of wild magic in the air today. Grab it if you dare or let it go if you wish.

Crystal Energy:   Blue/Green Smithsonite—The energy of this mineral works with the person to center and relate to others of like mind.  There is a warning and a caution here, but those who align with this mineral are aware. Heart and Throat Chakras.

Thursday, May 12:    Deep Salmon Red

Swimming upstream.  That is what today is all about.  You have a purpose, you have a goal.  There is something you are wanting to get done today, but the waters will be rough, and the way not clearly marked.  This is a day that can test your mettle, your desire, and your resolve.  There will be times when you can back down.  There will be those around you who will suggest that you just give up, tell you that whatever you are working on is not that important.  You must decide.  The energies call for one to be strong in WHO you are.  And if your choice is to do what others want you to, then know that is okay too.  It is your choice.,  There is no blame.  There is no judgement.  Just be aware.

Crystal Energy::    Tunnelite—-This mineral enhances connection and connectivity on all levels.  It can bring through messages that are needed to be heard.  5th through 9th Chakras.

Friday, May 13:    Bright Orange

Friday the 13th:    There will be things coming up and coming out, but many will not be noticed as there is so much stuff in your face this day. That makes it imperative that you analyze situations and events and words and actions in terms of their nuances.  The importance of these things will not be readily apparent, but with time, you will gain clarity.  In personal and financial situations, things can be heating up.  You may find yourself tending towards panic, but let that go.  Take the time to look at things more closely.  Review your options.  You have a much better grip on your world than you are giving yourself credit for.  The problem is one of perspective. This is a day for getting perspective and reminding yourself that things are all within your power to get done to your satisfaction.

Crystal Energy:    Brachiopod—-This fossil assists with survival issues, particularly in adapting to new environments.

Saturday, May14:    Full Blue

Get ready for some surprising things to happen today.  A few of them might actually be life changing.  This is a time in which revelations are coming out in all areas, moreover the energy favors relatively grand ones. As a result, you may find yourself off center and confused, as though some of the very foundations of your life have been shaken.  This is a chance to regroup, reestablish, and reevaluate.  The energy of the day will allow you to meet these challenges on a firm footing as long as you are centered in in WHO you are.  This is important to remember as when crises arise, the tendency is to react from panic, and this takes you out of your power. Stay away from fear.  Take everything as it comes.  Approach events with the true knowing of the heart, and this day can be life changing.

Crystal Energy:    Datolite—-This mineral is attuned to shamanic energies.  It assists in processes for making life changes.  It resonates withall the chakras.

Large Coronal Hole


CORONAL HOLE: NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a hole in the sun’s atmosphere–a “coronal hole.” It is the dark region circled in this extreme ultraviolet image taken during the early hours of April 28th:

Above: A composite 171-193-211 Angstrom EUV image from SDO. April 28 @ 06:28 UT

Coronal holes are places where the sun’s magnetic field opens up and allows the solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this coronal hole is expected to reach Earth on April 30th-May 1st. NOAA forecasters estimate a 35% chance of geomagnetic activity at that time


April 10-16

Color of the Week:    Yellow Red

There is something completely new in the works for this week.  The beginnings may be the only things that are perceived during this time, however there will be a crescendo of the energy associated with this new wave.  It will affect everyone and everything.  It can be a very disturbing kind of vibration on all levels.  It is important because of this to be grounded in all you do.

In the personal sector, you can expect more shakeups in relationships. There are health issues which will seem anomalous that will be affecting either yourself or those around you.  Be prudent in the use of electronics. There are blips along the way as well as ‘bugs’ in the works.  Watch yourself in traffic.  Plan ahead and leave extra time if you need to be somewhere at a specific time. This is also a week for being patient with yourself and those that you truly care about.  There is much out there that is in one’s face, and reactions can be quick and thoughtless.  Much is changing right now.  You must decide where you stand in that change, but do so from the heart.  Use your intuition in difficult circumstances, and you will find that things become much clearer.

On a larger scale, the theme of shake-ups will be continuing.  These will be on every level, political, economic, earth-related, animal-related, etc. The news will be quiet on much of this, regaling you instead with items of local interest.  You must be aware of the larger picture.  There is a pattern in the energies of the time.  Holograms and fractals will become more and more important as models of what is going on.  There is a general movement of the crust of the Earth which will not be stopping for many months.  The financial picture will be painted as rosy, but behind the scenes things are not that way.  There will be some conspiracy related issues and individuals that will be coming out, perhaps some leaking of plans in the works for the immediate future.  Expect also a cryptic announcement coming from China. The galactic energies are coming closer, and those star star emanations will be continuing.  There is something happening in Egypt around the pyramids as well as at the far reaches of the Upper Nile.  Archeological discoveries will bring unusual and unexpected time frames and artifacts to the eye of the public.  More information will be coming out that can only be related to extra-terrestrials races.

Sunday, April 10:    Fir Tree Green

There is finality in the air today, some sadness, and the urge to start anew. Confusion often occurs when too many options and experiences come your way.  You may find yourself uncertain, with your emotions right on the surface.  Honor the separate energies and look for your center throughout it all.  You have work to do, and some of that work involves moving beyond both past and present, leaving behind friends, ideas, theories, hopes, and dreams.  By letting go of a lot of this stuff, you are allowing in new ideas, concepts, adventures, and people.  Take time today to go within and know what it is that you truly want and need.  You have changed.  It is time to become aware of that and be the person you are becoming.

Crystal Energy:    Iris Agate—This stone works with the energies of the rainbow.  It assists in recognizing what is there and helping one to handle situations that arise.  Resonates with all chakras.

Monday, April 11:    Light Blue Grey

This is a day for getting to the core.  If there are things that you have been wondering about, this is the time to begin asking, to put your intention into finding out what they are all about.  There are answers out there and they are easier to find than they have been in a long time.  The energies favor chance encounters with interesting people, many of whom may have options and opportunities for you.  This is a day for allowing your intuition to guide you.  By so doing, you can find that things will start to open up for you.,moreover you will get a glimpse of your true power.

Crystal Energy:    Garnet—This crystal supports one’s personal power and can ward off harm.  It also promote loyalty and companionship.

Tuesday, April 12:    Bright Lime Green

There is a kind of serendipity in the air today.  Along with that, the Trickster is abroad.  This is a day for second looks and second thoughts. You can enjoy the company and the work, but if things seem off to you, take time to analyze why that is so.  There is a shift of perspective in the air today, as the dimensions do a little dance.  You may feel yourself a bit unsettled as this happens, perhaps a bit of vertigo.  Once again, take time and look at what is going on when that happens.  There are messages all around.  Take the time to find out what they are really saying, and you will truly find this a joyful day.,

Crystal energy:    Lavender Vesuvianite—This is a most powerful and auspicious stone of great protection which connects one with the essences of the divine.  Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Wednesday, April 13:    Hazy Orange

This is a day on which you can be questioning just what it is that you are doing.  It seems as though that strong sense of purpose that you had at one time in waning.  Take time to look at just WHO you are and what you feel will bring you a sense of fulfillment and achievement.  The present energies can add to the confusion, but staying in your power and being aware of the signs will assist you in moving through this. Take care and know the consequences before you speak out.  There is a message coming your way regarding someone in your life that you care about.  DO not take it at face value.

Crystal Energy:    Peach Moonstone—The energy of this mineral can act as a good friend, consoling and soothing those who are in need, while bringing compassion to the hard hearted.  Heart Chakra.

Thursday, April 14:    Hazy Red

Tempers may run hot, but energy can run low.  If you are feeling tired or unable to deal with stuff, take a break — center, ground, meditate, breathe.  Close your eyes, clear your head, take in a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, then exhale.  Do this as often as needed to regain a sense of calm and connection.  Nothing is settled today, so do not expect to get things done.  A good day for observing.  Listen to your inner voice when you see things that do not seem right.  There are lessons to be learned there.  Things are happening around you for a reason.  If you stay alert, it will all fall into place.

Crystal Energy:    Eudialyte with Riebeckite—This crystal combination is good for the integration and movement of energy within the body. It is good for centering, grounding, and connecting.

friday, April 15::    ???

This is a ‘don’t even ask’ kind of day.  So let it go.

April 3-9

Overall Color for the Week:   Purplish-Blue

Sometimes, when things are very much at the forefront and in one’s face, you can lose sight of what is going on in other places.  This is and has been happening with the situation in Japan.  This week, and for some time to come, there will be other elements that are heating up around the globe. They might be noted, but will generally be glossed op ver.  It is important this week to look below the surface of the news as there are new themes and elements developing that will be needing close attention as the weeks go on.  It is time to become prepared.  You need to determine what that means for you.  This is also a week in which quick changes and reversals are possible, and that means in all areas —- weather, decisions, allegiances, etc.

On the personal level, things will be pretty much up in the air and as they will be for most of this week.  This is not a good week for large projects or important conversations.  If you attempt either, there is both frustration as well as lack of closure in the air.  Take time this week to just be.  Watch what is happening around you.  Everyone is responding and reacting to what is going on in the news in different ways.  A lot of people are feeling themselves lost and friendless.  There is much disillusion, worry, and fear out there.  You will find this as you go through the week.  If you are strong in WHO you are, not only will this week be a positive experience for you, but things will fall into place, and you will come out with a new concept of your own abilities.

On the larger scale, there is more and more shifting of the plates of the Earth.  No continent will be immune.  As the plates shift, the winds and waters stir up, both on the surface of the Earth and in the air.  This is a week in which many will wonder what is going on, and then again, many will be leaving.  There is a sense of sorrow that is growing larger and larger. This is a sign that with time, joy will follow, but it is necessary to be strong and centered in WHO you are.  As things shift on the surface of the globe, in terms of politics there will be some ups and downs.  There are going to be some surprise alterations in power in a number of smaller countries, particularly those in the Middle East area.  Also, there will be more and more grassroots movements coming about.  People will be standing up for what they know is right, and they will not allow the interests and threats of others make them back down.  This movement of the grassroots is gaining momentum, and as that happens, people will begin to become aware of their own power and how to use it.  In the financial sector, there will be news of great stuff, but it is mere facade.  On a different note, something is poised to fall from the sky.

Sunday, April 3:    Flesh Pink

So the energy of the day has to do with what is happening on the surface. This means that you will be seeing a lot of stuff going on, but will not be able to pinpoint the why and wherefore.  It is a good day to relax and take it easy.  Do not expect big things.  Nothing big is ready to happen within your world.  Sit back and get to know WHO you are within your own skin. Do things you have always liked to do — garden, paint, watch a favorite movie. But,  by all means take time to regroup.  Then you will be ready to address the coming week in your own power.

Crystal Energy:    Pyrrhotite—The energy of this mineral assist one in dealing with differentiation, of the self from others, of the child from the mother, of the truth from the illusion.  It resonates to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras.

Monday, April 4:    Light Periwinkle Blue

You may be feeling tired today.  Energies are low, as is ambition.  This is not a good day to realize what it is that you desire.  DO not plan to get a lot done in terms of the tangible.  Rather, take time to watch and see what is going on outside of you. This is a day for looking outside.  What is going on inside needs time to ferment and grow.  As the week progresses, you will become more aware not only of your strengths but also of what it is that you need to move forward with your desires.  There are hints in the air today.  Be aware of them..  Note them down.  They are transitory and will not return.

Crystal Energy:    Clinochlore—The energy of this mineral aids in focus and follow through.  It resonates with all Chakras.

Tuesday, April 5:    Apricot

There is a playfulness in the air today, but along with that comes the Trickster.  It is important to discriminate what is what.  This is a day on which it is important to use your vision and trust your intuition.  Much is happening today on all levels, but where you put your focus will determine what it is that you are aware of to the exclusion of everything else.  It is important also to be open to synchronicity as that will point you in the right direction.  There is a message coming form someone that will bring you joy.

Crystal Energy:    Unakite—This mineral allows for one to be flexible in response, while at the same time resonating with the energy of the heart. Heart Chakra.

Wednesday, April 6:    Night Blue

There is much that will be done in secret today.  If you are wanting to get to the bottom of things, you will need to be very thorough in your approach and follow through.  People will be feeling that they have a lot at stake, and because of this they will not be forthcoming.  There are allies for you in unexpected places, be open to helping hands.  Right now the energies are shifting crazily so much is up in the air in terms of personal relationships. The good news is that the true friends made at this time will become part of your emerging community.

Crystal Energy:    Pecos Diamond—- This stone assists one in dealing with whatever situation comes your way.  It brings calm, lessens stress, and alleviates negativity.  Resonates to the Heart Chakra.

Thursday, April 7:    Scarlet

There is a ‘dreams can come true’ energy about today.  take time to dream and to dare the Universe to bring to you your heart’s desire. Although it may not be completely manifest in today’s energy, when the seeds of heartfelt desire are sown in the energy of true possibility, much can be achieved.  You will find that there are those out there who have things to say to you, and that some of them are those you would least expect.  Take time to rest tonight.  The day’s energy will be frenetic, and you will need to recover.

Crystal Energy:    Bronze—This metal combines both the masculine and feminine energies.  It carries vibration into matter and resonates with all levels as well as all Chakras.

Friday, April 8:    Pale Lavender

There will be some deja-vu around.  Do not let it startle you.  Combined with the continuing thinning of the veils, you might think sometimes that you are going crazy, but no.  Craziness is just the way things are right now. This is a good day to check things twice, including taking a second look before going out into traffic.  The air of the day is also somewhat distracting so not only you, but everyone else will be feeling it.  Take some time to appreciate the beauty of nature.  Feel its authenticity and give thanks.

Crystal Energy:    Selenite—The energy of this mineral allows for grounding in the Now, while giving a sense of what is to come.

Saturday, April 9:    Slate Blue

There are things that will be coming out related to you that can make you wonder.  There are those who will be recognizing you for your efforts in the past.  And that too can make you wonder.l  You might be feeling a bit out of control of things around you, but do not get shaken up about this.  Rather this is a good day for appreciating the fact that you are making a difference to people and things.  Sometimes you forget.

Crystal Energy:    Vermiculite—This mineral is good at absorption and cleansing.  It can assist one in lightening up.