Nine states propose 16 anti-fluoridation bills in 2013 to protect public against poison
Thursday, December 19, 2013 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
(NaturalNews) Things are heating up on the fluoride front as states and municipalities all across the country rethink their official water fluoridation policies. According to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), some 16 pieces of legislation across nine states were introduced or passed just within the past year to protect the public against this pervasive poison.
In Utah, for instance, the Safe Drinking Water Disclosure Act was passed back in April, requiring that all shipments of fluoride chemicals coming into the state be accompanied by certificates of analysis detailing the presence of any outside contaminants. The law reportedly took effect on July 1, allowing local water utilities to end their fluoridation programs in the event that certificates are not provided.
Fluoride additives, as you may recall, are often laced with other poisons like arsenic, cadmium and even radioactive isotopes that persist from the waste liquids used by the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum manufacturing industries to capture pollutants. These pollutants, not the natural environment, are the source from which the artificial fluoride chemicals added to water supplies are derived.
Tennessee, a leader in anti-fluoridation legislation, introduced two similar bills earlier this year requiring fluoride manufacturers to disclose the full contents of their chemicals. House Bill 1215 and Senate Bill 1274 were also accompanied by HB 1186 and SB 1211, two bills that would allow local voters to decide whether or not to continue fluoridating their water supplies. Statewide, Tennessee also introduced HR 130, which would prohibit state employees or agencies from endorsing fluoride.
“In years past the dental lobby has been successful in getting pro-fluoridation bills introduced in state legislatures across the United States, including legislation that would mandate statewide fluoridation — a law 13 states presently have. But the tables are turning,” explains FAN. “In 2013… instead of the introduction of pro-fluoride bills, we saw the exact opposite, with the introduction of 16 anti-fluoridation bills in 9 states.”
Five states introduce legislation to eliminate fluoridation mandates
Concerning statewide fluoridation mandates, New Jersey successfully thwarted attempts by some legislators to require that its 9 million residents be forcibly medicated with fluoride poison. And at least five bills have been introduced, one each in South Dakota, Connecticut, Minnesota, Illinois and Arkansas, to end longstanding fluoridation mandates.
“With the exception of the Illinois bill, all of these proposals are still being considered and are expected to have public hearings in 2014,” adds FAN. “In preparation, FAN has been working with our point people and local groups within these states to organize grassroots campaigns in support of the legislation.”
Besides the aforementioned bills, a handful of other anti-fluoride bills were introduced this year in Kansas, Massachusetts and New York. HB 2372 in Kansas now requires that warnings about fluoride and its effect on IQ — a Harvard University study recently confirmed that fluoride exposure lowers IQ levels in children — be printed on water bills.
In Massachusetts, a similar bill would require an infant fluoride warning similar to the infant warnings currently issued in New Hampshire; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Austin, Texas. And in New York, A 141 has been introduced to require that all fluoridated communities lower their poisoning level from 1.2 parts per million (ppm) of fluoride to 0.7 ppm of fluoride, in accordance with new recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
“It doesn’t take an expert to see that the tide has shifted, that state legislators are discovering the truth about fluoridation, and that the momentum is clearly on our side going into the 2014 legislative sessions,” concludes FAN.
To support the work of FAN and to keep up to date on fluoride legislation in your own community, visit:
Research has linked fluoride in drinking water with sperm damage and other threats to reproductive health
Fluoride may have damaging effects on the process by which sperm are attracted toward an egg (sperm chemotaxis), which plays a critical role in allowing fertilization to occur
Sixty animal studies have found that fluoride adversely impacts the male reproductive system
Clean pure water is a prerequisite for optimal health. Industrial chemicals, drugs and other toxic additives like fluoride really have no place in our water supplies
In the US, where about two-thirds of drinking water supplies are fluoridated, men may be putting their fertility at risk with every sip of water from the tap.
Research has long linked fluoride in drinking water with sperm damage and other threats to reproductive health, although many Americans remain completely in the dark about the association.
Yet, most of the studies on fluoride use sodium fluoride, which while extremely toxic is pharmaceutical-grade fluoride — NOT the kind added to water supplies. So researchers set out to determine the toxicity of the fluoride compounds that are actually in most water supplies. Here’s what they found…
Fluoride in Drinking Water May Be Toxic to Sperm
First a bit of background… sodium fluoride was the first of the fluoride waste materials to be used for fluoridation, but now is rarely used. It’s the most well known, as this is ‘pharmaceutical grade’ compound used in toxicology studies and other research into the potential health dangers of fluoride.
The other two types of fluoride, sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid, are the compounds actually used for water fluoridation. Sodium silicofluoride and hydrofluorosilicic acid are the waste products from the fertilizer industry and are actually classified as hazardous wastes.
The new study compared the toxicity of three fluoride compounds – sodium fluoride and two silicofluorides used for water fluoridation – to determine their effect on the growth, feeding and reproduction of roundworms. They found:1
“Exposure to these compounds produced classic concentration-response toxicity profiles… This suggests that silicofluorides have similar toxicity to NaF [sodium fluoride].”
Since sodium fluoride appears to be equally toxic as the fluoride chemicals added to drinking water, it raises serious concern about another recent study, which found sodium fluoride may damage sperm chemotaxis, the process by which sperm are attracted toward an egg, which plays a critical role in allowing fertilization to occur.2Though this study involved mice, if the findings apply to humans it could put men at risk of becoming infertile…
Fluoride May Be Dangerous to Male Fertility
Past research, too, has shown that fluoride has potentially disastrous effects on the male reproductive system. The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) reported:3
Exposing ram semen to 0.38 parts per million (20 umol/L) of fluoride for five hours caused a “statistically significant decrease in the motility of spermatozoa” along with other changes that would “undoubtedly affect the physiological function of the sperm.”
Infusing testes with modest amounts of fluoride (4.75 parts per million) inhibited the synthesis of testosterone
Sixty animal studies have found that fluoride adversely impacts the male reproductive system, including:
Decreases in testosterone levels
Reduced sperm motility
Altered sperm morphology
Reduced sperm quantity
Increased oxidative stress
Reduced capacity to breed
It’s not only animal studies that have shown an emerging problem, however. As FAN explained:4
“Consistent with the in vitro and animal research, studies of human populations have reported associations between fluoride exposure and damage to the male reproductive system. Most notably, a scientist at the Food & Drug Administration [FDA] reported in 1994 that populations in the United States with more than 3 ppm fluoride in their water had lower ‘total fertility rates’ than populations with lower fluoride levels …
While 3 ppm is a higher concentration than used in water fluoridation programs (0.7 to 1.2 ppm), it is still considered a ‘safe’ level by the EPA. To date, no U.S. health agency has attempted to replicate… [these] findings.
However, three studies of highly fluoride-exposed populations in China and India have found that high fluoride exposure is associated with reduced male fertility. In addition, five studies from China, India, Mexico, and Russia have found that high-fluoride exposure is associated with reduced male testosterone levels.”
Fluoride Is an Undeniable Poison to Your Entire Body
to read more, go to:
We are being poisoned. This mass public poisoning has been going on for over a century, and it has been gradually increasing. You and those you care about are being harmed almost continuously. We are being abused with multiple poisons in small doses on purpose.
The more of us that become aware of some of the most common ways this is happening, the better chance we have of reducing or ending exposure to at least some of the poisons.
This highly toxic chemical warfare agent has been added to public water supplies since about 1910 as a disinfectant. The now common health problems of circulatory disease and cancer became widespread only after the masses started being chlorinated regularly. Drinking it, bathing in it, breathing it and soaking it up in our showers, and consuming it in most food and beverage products made with city water, makes chlorine one of the most common public poisons.
The fluoride added to municipal water and dental care products is not really good for your teeth. It is a cancer causing, apathy inducing, intelligence reducing chemical, a waste product of aluminum and phosphate manufacturing. It was accumulating at production plants in the 1940s and ruining local ground water.
The industry first tried to get rid of excess stocks of fluoride by marketing it as rat poison, but not enough was sold. Then in the 1950s they concocted the scheme of convincing the American Dental Association to recommend it be added to public water supplies and oral care products to harden teeth. In the long run, it actually makes teeth brittle and mottled, while diminishing people’s IQ, minimizing active interests and shortening lives.
Aluminum has long been used in cookware and food service material. As people learned of its toxicity, they started abandoning aluminum pans and avoiding heating food wrapped in foil.
Extremely fine particles of it are the main component of the “chemtrail” sprays disseminated over virtually all areas in North America under the rationale of “geo-engineering” to counter “global warming”. Since the concern about global warming from carbon emissions due to human activity is fraudulently promoted to expand control of the population, this widespread chemical spraying is really being done for other reasons, from weather manipulation to public poisoning. The bizarre streaks often sprayed in the sky by aircraft are not normal jet contrails.
Aluminum is another neurotoxin that reduces intelligence and memory. It is considered a major contributor to early senility and dementia.
Mercury & Vaccinations
For the millions of us that received “silver” dental fillings, long term mercury contamination is likely. That highly toxic heavy metal was an ingredient in the amalgam. Mercury is also used in the thimerosal preservative in most vaccines, including those given to children, even infants.
Mercury is another neurotoxin and is blamed for the incredible rise in the numbers of autistic children, many of whom are radically changed within a few days of vaccination.
Vaccinations and flu shots do not really protect us from infections. Rather they are seriously harmful, especially to the infants that receive an overwhelming mixed vaccination cocktail. Further, vaccines are sometimes contaminated with rogue viruses, and are a debilitating stress to the human immune system.
Pharma Drugs
The approval of pharmaceutical medicines by a government agency does not mean that they are safe to take. Many of them have terrible side effects, often blocking biological systems and fostering long-term illness. Then additional drugs are prescribed. Many of the routine medications today are psychotropic, further reducing intelligence and enthusiasm.
Radioactive Fallout
Radioactivity emanating from the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster, as well as from leaks at other nuke facilities, the depleted uranium ammunition used by the military, the radioactive metals such as barium and thorium in the chemtrail sprays, and the lingering particles from the nuclear testing of the 1950s and 1960s, is another major contributor to the cancer epidemic.
The artificial sweetener aspartame is promoted as an ingredient in diet products for weight loss and diabetes. In addition to worsening each of those conditions, it is a terrible neurotoxin. It turns to methanol (toxic wood alcohol) and formaldehyde in the body, impairing the brain, weakening eyesight, damaging the pancreas and liver, and making some people crazy. Why was this poison ever approved for consumption?
Aspartame is now added to even regular chewing gum, as well as to flavored water. Read labels for ingredients to avoid this poison.
Monosodium Glutamate is used as a flavor enhancer. It is both an “excitotoxin” that stresses cells, and a neurotoxin bothering the brain and nerves. It diminishes intelligence, can cause bloating and digestive distress, and may harm the heart as well.
Bisphenol Acetate is an estrogen mimicker that is permitted to be in food service and household plastics, including plastic water bottles. This and similar plasticizers such as Bisphenol Sulfone (BPS) are causing sexual imbalances and alterations and cancers of the breast and sex organs.
This toxic herbicide and other harmful chemicals used in agriculture will not simply wash off of the produce.
Glyphosate is reported to be a factor in both infertility and cancer. Most other agri-chemicals are also debilitating. Glyphosate and other runoff chemicals are commonly found in drinking water as well.
Genetically Modified Organisms, usually used in concert with agricultural chemicals, include the common food crops corn, soybeans, canola oil and sugar beets. In the United States, nearly all of each of these widely consumed foods are genetically modified, much of the milk and dairy items contain BgH growth hormone, and most meat animals’ feed contains GMOs, with no indication on labels.
Genetically altered foods are hard on the digestive system, and usually damaging to cells and organs.
Electromagnetic fields from cell phones, computers, televisions, “smart meters”, transmission wires and towers, etc., are seriously weakening and impairing health in people, animals and plants. The more you have EMF frequencies in proximity, the greater the damage. Use a cell phone sparingly and switch ears often if holding it near the head.
Why Are We Being Poisoned?
We are being systematically POISONED ON PURPOSE, and need to raise awareness about it enough to get it STOPPED.
Why are we being massively exposed to a range of serious poisons while being falsely told that they are not harmful or even good for us? The elite power controllers do this:
* To foster apathy
* To weaken resistance
* To reduce intelligence
* To increase susceptibility to entrainment and hypnosis
* To experiment on an ignorant populace
* To test longevity methods for their benefit
* To develop distracting and incapacitating health problems
* To generate business for the medical industry
* To foster infertility and infanticide
* To cause people to die younger
* To reduce the population
* To eliminate independent small farmers and businesses
* To control food production, weather, land and resources
* To profitably (cheaply) dispose of industrial waste
* To make maximum profits
* To fully control this world
* To secure lasting tyranny
This has been done gradually, stealthily and incrementally.
Last updated on September 3, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News
by Eden Shetiyah
Having trouble meditating, or remembering your dreams, or just feeling lost and disconnected from the Source? The problem may be a blocked (or calcified) pineal gland.
The pineal gland, referred to as the Third Eye, the Eye of Horus or the Seat of the Soul, is a small pine cone shaped organ inside your brain that secretes hormones like melatonin, serotonin and DMT (Dimethyltryptamine), also known as the Spirit Molecule.
Melatonin and serotonin are responsible for sleep or meditative states, and emotional states of well-being, bliss and euphoria. DMT effects range from time dilation, time travel, journeys to paranormal realms to encounters with spiritual beings from other dimensions.
On the energy level, the pineal gland is the physical manifestation of the 6th Chakra – Ajna, associated with true mystic potential, perception of non-physical reality and spiritual wisdom.
Because of its pine cone shape, the pineal gland is often symbolized by a pine cone.
In fact, many religions and mystical traditions around the world reference the pineal gland through the pine cone symbolism: the staff of the Egyptian god Osiris has two intertwining cobras meeting at the pine cone (Kundalini energy rising up to the Third Eye), the Pope’s staff also features a cone, sacred ruins of Angkor Wat in Cambodia are also pine cone shaped, and numerous other examples.
What causes the blockage of the pineal gland?
This organ is your spiritual vision apparatus, your bridge between two worlds – physical and metaphysical. It allows you to have mystical and lucid dream experiences that are essential to your spiritual evolution. They are the messages from the Soul, and the pineal gland is the antenna designed to receive them.
Yet most people’s pineal gland is shut down by the time they’re 12 years old. You probably noticed it yourself – kids are all intuitive and spiritual by nature, but we loose these abilities when we grow up. Why?
The problem is the calcification of the pineal gland. This gland actually has a water-filled interior, which means that it calcifies with age, and for other reasons. What specifically causes the calcification?
• Fluoride in toothpaste and in water
• processed “junk” food
• soda and other carbonated beverages
• refined sugars, fats, flour
• limiting beliefs
• lack of spiritual practice
Step 1: Say Bye-Bye To Fluoride
Fluoride is the greatest enemy of your pineal gland! It’s harmless in very small quantities – in fact, it occurs naturally in water. However, fluoride in our tap water and toothpaste is not at all a naturally occurring fluoride, and the amounts of it far exceed the safety limits.
The pineal gland accumulates fluoride, so it has the highest concentration of fluoride in the human body, and that is the primary cause of the pineal gland calcification.
70 percent of US water supply is fluoridated. We’ve been told that fluoride is safe and that it prevents tooth decay, but it’s a lie. Research shows that there is no difference between fluoride-using and no fluoride-using countries. And as for safety…each year over 20,000 calls are made to Poison Control Centers in the U.S. due to acute fluoride toxicity from ingesting toothpaste. This is why a warning is required on all fluoride toothpaste tubes to avoid accidental swallowing: it’s a known poison. In fact, until recently fluoride was an active ingredient in rat poison.
I’m not going to go into the reasons why the US government (and some other countries) in its infinite wisdom decided to put fluoride in our water, food and toothpaste – make your own conclusions.
But whether or not you believe it, the fact is: fluoride is poisonous, and it shuts down our most important spiritual organ. If you’re interested, the documentary “DMT: The Spirit Molecule” explains why people having spiritual experiences might not be good for the ruling class.
So the number one thing you can do to activate your pineal gland is reduce your intake of fluoride.
• Use only natural no-fluoride toothpaste and decline fluoride gel treatments at the dentist
• Drink purified or filtered water, and keep in mind that bottled water can also be fluoridated
• Eat fresh organic food – the more processed the food is, the more fluoride it contains
• Avoid processed beverages like sodas, juice drinks, instant and bottled teas, sports drinks
• Avoid cooking with non-stick pans, they increase the fluoride content of food
• Drink organic wine. Wine (particularly red wine) is proven to be good for you in moderation, but because of heavy use of fluoride pesticides on vineyards in the United States, wines that are made from U.S.-grown grapes are the main source of fluoride
• Avoid any kind of processed meat (e.g., chicken fingers, chicken nuggets) – a mechanical de-boning process contaminates the meat with higher levels of fluoride-laden bone particles
• Drink teas that are made from young leaves (e.g., “White tea”) or yerba matte – a herbal tea from South America
• A lot of fluoride is absorbed through the skin when taking a shower or a bath. I know some people like taking a long shower or a nice long relaxing bath, in which case I recommend installing a fluoride filter in your bathroom. Otherwise, try rinsing your body and turning the faucet off, then lathering up, and then rinsing the soap off at the end. This way you’re conserving the water and minimizing your fluoride absorption.
• Avoid calcium supplementation as it is not absorbed into the bones and just ends up clogging your organs, including the pineal gland.
Step 2: Take Out The Trash
Cleansing is another important step in activating your pineal gland. This is to remove fluoride that’s already accumulated in your body over the years.
•Tamarind fruit or paste. I attended a spiritual retreat not long ago, and I heard someone saying that tamarind paste is the best way to decalcify the pineal gland. So when I came back, I researched it. Turns out, it’s true. Recent studies show that tamarind is highly effective in removing body fluoride through excretion of urine, and even in mobilizing deposited fluoride from bone.
•Borax (boron) supplement is another known antidote to fluoride. A teaspoon of borax in one liter of water can be taken in small quantities throughout the day.
•Liver cleanses are crucial to our physical and spiritual well being. A good liver cleanse can remove heavy metals and numerous toxins from our body, including fluoride. The one I recommend is a coffee enema or a coffee colonic. Of course, those should be done only after cleansing your colon, otherwise the toxins will get stuck, and then re-absorbed into the blood.
•Sauna or a sweat lodge ceremony are great for removing fluoride and other toxins from the skin as it’s excreted in the sweat. Wipe your body of the sweat often to prevent re-absorption and drink lots of water. Hydration is crucial if you consider this method!
Step 3: Spiritual Practice
The third step in activating your pineal gland is spiritual practice. Some argue that this is the most crucial step.
While it’s important to change your diet and maintain a healthy body, nothing substitutes a daily spiritual practice that allows for the healing to occur naturally, trains the mind to be still, and prepares you to experience higher states of consciousness.
•Meditate, Meditate, Meditate. There’s a number of meditations you can practice to target your pineal gland, for example, meditating with the word “Love”. Sit with your back straight, your eyes closed and your tongue between your teeth. Gently bite the tip of your tongue. Vibrate the word “love” through your teeth as you purse your lips.
•Breathing through your Third Eye is another technique you can employ to activate your pineal gland. Breathe in the brilliant silver light through your Third Eye, hold it, then visualize it surrounding your pineal gland. See it vibrating with that silver light, see that calcified shell breaking and deteriorating, see your pineal gland shine as luminous light is breaking through the barrier of calcium. Practice for about 15-20 minutes a day.
•Simply placing your awareness in your Third Eye is effective in stimulating the pineal. When you do it, you’ll notice a feeling of slight pressure in your forehead area, which is a good sign. Just hold your attention there and be mindful of your body and mind.
•The pineal gland can also be activated by Kundalini yoga which works with your Kundalini energy symbolized by the serpent. Kundalini can rise from the root chakra at the base of your spine all the way to the crown chakra and beyond. The idea behind Kundalini yoga and meditation is to create a gradual energy buildup that would activate your chakras one by one naturally.
•You can utilize gemstones and crystals. Gems that work with the Third Eye chakra are deep blue stones like lapis lazuli, sapphire or sodalite. Communicate with the stone. Ask it to help you awaken and heal your pineal gland. You can hold the stone during a meditation or place it on your forehead to increase the effect.
There can be many reasons why you don’t question everything.
1) Because you have always taken for granted all that is around you is true.
2) Because it is the ‘norm’.
3) Because everyone else does it, or believes it to be true.
4) Because that’s the way it’s always been.
5) Because some “authority” person, be it your parents, a teacher or professor, a doctor or a lawyer, a political figure, a minister, or the television news tells you it’s so.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe, ‘they’ were wrong?
The majority of people used to believe the world was flat and only a few believed it to be round, and the minority who thought the world was round were laughed at.
Or that the Earth was the center of the Universe – Galileo taught the Sun was the center of the [known] Universe. Following mounting controversy he was tried in 1633, and found “gravely suspect of heresy,” and was sentenced to indefinite imprisonment. This was subsequently commuted to house arrest, under which he remained for the rest of his life – for stating a truth. But we now know what he proposed was absolutely true.
Let’s start with some simple questions
Have you ever asked why the directions on certain shampoo bottles instructs you to shampoo, rinse and shampoo and rinse again? Could it be because you are using twice as much shampoo so you have to buy it twice as often and double the profits of the corporation that is selling the shampoo? Or is it because the shampoo is inadequate, not strong enough to clean your hair the first time?
Why does your tube of toothpaste state you must call Poison Control Center if you swallow more than a toothbrush full of toothpaste? Because it’s poison, that’s why! It has sodium fluoride in it, and that is the poison.
This leads to the next question. Why do the water treatment plants add sodium fluoride to your drinking water if it’s a poison? You were told it would help reduce tooth decay but there are no studies proving that the fluoridation of drinking water prevents tooth decay. None, zilch, nana.
In 1986, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report in which concern was expressed about the incidence of dental problems caused by there being too much fluoride in public drinking water supplies.
To all this we must add the fact that since drinking water supplies already contain a number of chemicals such as nitrates which accumulate because of the use of fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, chlorine and aluminum sulphate which are added deliberately, and lead or copper from the pipes which are used to supply the water to our homes – adding fluoride to the mixture increase the risk of a dangerous interaction between the various chemicals in the water.
Dr. Dean Burk, PhD, with 34 years at the National Cancer Institute said:
“In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer than any other chemical.”
Follow that question with this one. Why, and who recommended we drink eight, 8-ounces of water daily? The most commonly cited source for the 8×8 myth is the U.S. government-sponsored Food and Nutrition Board from 1945. And what year did they start putting fluoride in the water? 1945. Coincidence? And is it a coincidence that in 1942-45, the Nazis put fluoride in the drinking water of those in the concentration camps to keeps the prisoners docile?
If a toothbrush full of toothpaste is swallowed and you are warned to contact Poison Control, why are they recommending eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily – that is full of fluoride? Why no warning to call Poison Control when drinking fluoridated water? You’re getting more fluoride in 64 ounces of fluoridated water than you are in a toothbrush full of toothpaste.
It stands to reason that if sodium fluoride is a poison, along with all the other chemicals, the more water you drink, the more poison (fluoride) you bring into your system. Why would a 5’2″ female weighing 107 pounds need the same amount of water as a 6’3″ male weighing 220 pounds? The report doesn’t specify size and weight, just that we should all drink eight x 8-ounces of water per day. Could it be because ‘they’ want you to drink more water so you will get more sodium fluoride (poison) in your system? It has even been recommended that tranquillizers be added to drinking water supplies to calm people down… although I doubt that will ever happen.
Try questioning where the water goes when you take a shower or a bath. The fluoridated water that doesn’t go down the drain is absorbed into your body. Some of you may be thinking, “No, it doesn’t”. But think about it; why would nicotine patches be sold to help you stop smoking or why would the medical profession give you a patch that releases pain medication if it isn’t absorbed into the body through the skin?
Now you are asking yourself:
Now why would ‘they’ want to poison us? Why would ‘they’ do that? And who are “they” anyway.
The ‘why’ is for money, greed, and power. “They” are the huge corporations that are running the world. Let’s talk about Monsanto for example, which is a gigantic corporation. They spent 40 million dollars in preventing the labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). You should question why Bill Gates (the Microsoft Gates) purchased 500,000 shares of Monsanto stock.
Now why would a huge corporation spend that amount preventing citizens of the United States and many other countries from knowing what they are eating? Why hide it unless it is something Monsanto doesn’t want you to know.
Did you know that those who produce organic foods MUST purchase an expensive organic certification? Certification is handled by state, non-profit and private agencies that have been approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Ask yourself why an organic farmer has to pay big bucks for a certification to let people know they are getting organic foods and Monsanto doesn’t even have to label their artificial food?
What’s wrong with this picture? And by the way, “organic” and “natural” labels are not the same. In the U.S., this “natural” label means “minimally processed”.
Let’s step up our questions!
Why do you pay the state to get a marriage license? Because that’s the way it’s done; everyone does it; that’s the way it is.
Ask yourself why you must pay the government/state to get a marriage license to get married. From the beginning of time no one had to get a marriage license to get married, not even ex-presidents such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln had to obtain a marriage license. It wasn’t until 1856 in Shawnee, Kansas that the first person had to ‘purchase’ a license and get ‘permission’ from the government to get married.
Getting a license is the same as getting ‘permission’ from the government to do what we have every God-given right to do in the first place. At one time interracial marriages were not allowed – the government didn’t give them ‘permission’ to marry. Gays cannot marry because the government won’t give them ‘permission’ – won’t issue them a license.
Why is no there no maximum wage? The government gave us a minimum wage but they have not given themselves a maximum wage? They can vote in their own wage. Why are men paid more than women for the same identical job? Why do the citizens of the United States pay into the social security system (whether we want to or not) and collect a small amount when we retire, if we live that long, yet our elected officials don’t pay into social security and can receive their annual income for life when they retire?
Why must we wear a seat belt if we have an airbag? The airbag is released on impact, yet we must wear a seat belt by law and if stopped by the police and you aren’t wearing one, you will get a ticket and fined?
Why must we get ‘permission’ from the government to purchase a license plate for our car, and then renew it every year? Who made that rule up? Who voted on it? Did you get to vote?
Ask why you must purchase a hunting or fishing license from the government/state just to go fishing or hunting. It used to be that anyone could hunt or fish anytime they wanted. Does the government own all the fish and animals in the world? Do they own all the land? And who did they buy the land, the animals and the fish from? God? Who are they to tell us we can’t hunt or fish without their permission? Or that if we do that we must ‘purchase’ a license from them. Ask yourself why you must purchase a dog license from the government.
They are like the school yard bully.
Question inequity
Why must you get a license (permission) from the government to carry a firearm to protect yourself and your family? You have to have a license to sale, to buy, and to repair firearms. The President has secret service men around him at all times (who carry guns) and a bullet-proof vehicle and a private plane. He is well protected but they want everyday citizens to be on our own with no way to protect ourselves unless we get ‘permission’, a license from the government to carry a firearm. Even the Pope has a Popemobile with 3″ bulletproof windows, surrounded by security.
In most cases you even need a license to work, to earn a living. For example, you go to automotive/mechanical school for two years and you learn how to repair vehicles. The school gives you a certificate. Why do you need to go to the government and purchase a license (obtain permission) to work in that field?
Ask yourself why an illegal immigrant mother of seven is given food stamps, meds, housing, and Social Security for 20 years and we have so many people starving and living on the streets here in America? Senior citizens with barely enough to eat, eating cat food, or starving. Can’t afford to pay the electric bill so they freeze during the winter? I’ve seen citizens arrested for feeding the homeless in a park.
Ask why it is illegal to sell raw milk? To grow a garden on your own property? To save rain water in a rain barrel on your own property? Does the government now think they own the rain water? Ask why you must pay personal property tax on your home when the bank actually owns your house until it is completely paid for? If the bank owns your house and can foreclose, why aren’t they paying the property taxes on the house?
Question 911
Let’s look at one of the worst days in American history – 9/11. Why did Building 7 implode like the Twin Towers when it was not even hit with a plane? Why did the newscaster announce that Building 7 fell 20 minutes BEFORE it actually fell? Why did Larry Silverstein buy all three buildings (The Twin Towers and Building 7) on July 24, 2001 and why did he purchased terrorists insurance a couple of months before the so-called terrorists flew into the Twin Towers? Who in the hell buys “terrorist insurance”?
[Silverstein was interested in acquiring the entire World Trade Center complex, and put in a bid when the Port Authority put it up for lease in 2000. Silverstein won the bid when a deal between the initial winner and the Port Authority fell through, and he signed the lease on July 24, 2001.]
Why were the Twin Towers the only buildings to implode in history, to come crashing down because of the fire. No other building in known history has ever fallen down (imploded) due to a fire. Why did firemen and police say they heard explosions in the Twin Towers before the buildings imploded? Why did engineers state that metal will not melt until it reaches a certain temperature and fire does not cause metal to reach the temperatures high enough to bring down a building?
Why were all the camera’s confiscated from the surrounding buildings and business around the Pentagon and why didn’t we ever get to view those videos? Why were there only fire trucks and no ambulances at the supposed plane crash into the Pentagon? Why were there no plane parts or people or luggage at the supposed plane crash in Pennsylvania on 9/11?
Question “disaster” events
Why do many major explosions, bombings, and massacres happen in and around mid-April?
April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing
April 20, 1999 Columbine High School Massacre
April 16, 2007 Virginia Tech Massacre
April 20, 2010 Gulf Oil Spill
April 17, 2013 West, Texas Fertilizer Co. Explosion
April 18, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings
Take the Columbine High School Massacre. Are you aware that in addition to the shootings, there was a complex and highly-planned attack involving a fire bomb to divert firefights, propane tanks converted to bombs placed in the cafeteria, 99 explosive devices, and bombs rigged in cars? Ask yourself, did two high school students really do all this? Were they really capable of doing all this? Where did these two high school students get the money to purchase all these bombs, propane tanks sawed-off shotguns, and other incendiary items?
Have you asked yourself why most of the perpetrators of these explosions/bombings/massacres commit suicide at the scene or are captured almost immediately afterwards? With the Boston Marathon bombings one was shot and killed and the other shot in the throat so he can’t speak. Coincidence?
Question war
Why has the United States been at war with countries in the Middle East Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Jordan? They go from one country to another. Why? We are told the other countries have nuclear power. So what, we have nuclear power. We can have nuclear power but other countries can’t? Why are they using drones to kill civilians, women, children, and babies in those Middle Eastern countries? What are our American boys/men going to foreign countries and fighting for? Certainly not for our freedoms because we are losing more and more freedoms on a daily basis. So what are they fighting for?
Why is it that we, the United States, have built 82 military bases in 18 countries? How would you feel if Russia or China came into the United States and built military bases in your neighborhood? You would be outraged (or should be), but we have built military bases in other countries. Ask yourself why we have all those military bases in other countries.
Question media
Ask why just a few corporations own and control most of the television and radio stations, major newspapers and magazines If they own the news, they control what information you receive and what you don’t. But they don’t own the internet and that is really the only place you can get alternative news. But they are working to control what you can see or not see on the world wide web. China is already controlling what their citizens may view on the internet with the use of a firewall. Ask yourself why they want to control what you see on the world-wide web? What are they afraid you will find out?
Question history
We have not been taught the true history of mankind on Earth. Why not? We have been taught that our world is roughly 6,000 years old. The Koran states 6,000 and yet the Sphinx is much older. How could it have been built before the beginning of mankind?
We now have the accepted evidence that there absolutely had to have been a race of intelligent people on Earth who were highly civilized as early as 10,000 years ago. Most of the ancient history has been destroyed, libraries destroyed, ancient documents destroyed.
The Nag Hammadi Codices were found in 1946, yet a facsimile edition in twelve volumes was not available for all interested parties to study in some form until about 30-40 years later. Why did it take 30 to 40 years to make them available? What were they hiding? What did they change? Did it disagree with the accepted Biblical gospels?
Instead of asking what time that reality show is on, what time the basketball game starts, or what the Kardashians are doing, ask what is happening in your world.
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored
What we are experiencing isn’t new, it’s been happening for thousands of years. It’s just that the internet has brought it to the public’s eyes. That’s another reason why the “powers that be” want to control the internet like they do the television programs (called programs because they are “programming” you), news, newspapers, magazines, movies, the sports and music industry.
Ask yourself… are you really free, living in a free country like you were taugh?
Free to drink raw milk?
Free to get married without the government’s permission?
Free to know what’s in the food and water you are eating and drinking?
Free to go fishing if you wish?
Free to own a firearm to protect your family?
Free to decide if you want to vaccinate your child with over 30 different vaccines before (s)he starts school?
Free to work without being forced to take vaccinations? (Some healthcare workers and nurses have been fired because they refused to be vaccinated)
Ask yourself, is this freedom?
Personally, I am free because I say I am. Government can pass legislation and laws and have the police/military enforce them all they want, but my freedoms are not negotiable. I don’t know about you but my God-given rights are not theirs to take away, or to give me if I pay them a fee.
Major Victory as Portland, Oregon Votes NO on Water Fluoridation
June 04, 2013
By Dr. Mercola
We are beginning to win the battle. The tide seems to have turned as a major victory was achieved late last month when Portland voted against fluoride – thanks much in part to the national support they received.
Because of your support, I was able to help fund this effort and took a few lumps in the media as self-serving, as I sell a non-fluoride toothpaste. Desperate campaigns go to desperate measures, making personal attacks the norm.
It would have been a dangerous victory for the CDC had they won, Portland was a prime target as it is the largest unfluoridated city in the US.
Fluoride, of course, is a toxic substance that is biologically active in the human body. It accumulates in sensitive tissues over time, wreaking havoc with enzymes, and producing a number of serious adverse health effects —including neurological and endocrine dysfunction. Fluoride should never be ingested intentionally.
Yet despite the scientific evidence against the practice, the United States lags far behind other nations in acknowledging the mistake and ending this tragic “public health” measure. As usual, the big lie must continue to protect faith in long term public health policies and agencies.
As a result, individual communities around the US have taken up the fight to end water fluoridation in their own local areas. On many occasions, I’ve asked you to support such efforts and today, I’m very pleased to report that the latest fight has ended in victory. Your hard work to share this information or contribute to the campaign proved essential, and I am so proud and grateful to our motivated supporters.
Science and Integrity Wins in Portland, Oregon
Portland, Oregon gets its water from the Bull Run watershed; a 102-square mile protected watershed that is so pristine and pure the city was even granted a waiver from having to build a water treatment plant.
On May 21, Portland residents voted on whether or not to fluoridate their unusually pristine water supply, with “No” getting 61 percent of the votes.
It’s been a rocky ride for Portlanders who even had to fight for the right to vote on the issue—for the fourth time!
Citizens had already voted ‘no’ on water fluoridation for Portland in 1956, 1962, and 1980. But after more than a year of secretive planning, fluoride lobbyists finally convinced the Portland city council to begin fluoridating Portland’s water supplies. The decision was set to take effect by March 2014.
Luckily, the citizens of Portland stood together by gathering enough signatures to force the decision to a vote yet again. As reported by Fluoridealert.org1:
“’We are proud of our Portland colleagues who used science and integrity to defeat fluoridation and the public relations blitzkrieg that backed it,’ says Paul Connett, PhD, FAN’s Executive Director.
… Fluoride chemicals are the only chemicals added to public water for the purpose of medication. Most western countries, including the vast majority of Europe, do not fluoridate their water.
“Most of Portland’s media falsely reported that fluoridation promoters had science on their side and that opponents used emotion,” says Connett. ‘Those opposed did their homework, relying on recent scientific findings from the National Research Council (NRC) and Harvard that raise serious questions about the safety of current fluoride exposures.’
Six months ago, fluoridation was also rejected by voters in Wichita, Kansas by a 20 percent margin. In April, Israel announced it will end its mandatory fluoridation program, and Ireland has proposed legislation2 that would make water fluoridation a criminal offense! Canada has also seen a 25 percent drop in fluoridation programs over the past five years as a result of increasing public awareness about the associated dangers.
Coordinated Smear Campaign Lost Out to the Truth
Portland residents did face a very tough battle. The American Dental Association (ADA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the PEW Charitable Trusts spent significant time coordinating their lobbying efforts to the Portland City Council, which eventually led to the Council unanimously voting to force fluoridation chemicals on their citizens.
Fluoridation proponents also spent close to $1 million on their propaganda efforts leading up to the May 21 vote—four times the amount raised by the anti-fluoridation campaign—which they used to flood Portland with misleading ads and editorials touting fluoridation as “an urgently needed tool for solving the dental crisis in the city’s poor neighborhoods3.”
Portland was the largest non-fluoridated city in the US, making it a major target for pro-fluoridation advocates. Fortunately, they failed big time. Portland has now set the tone for other cities’ campaigns to rid themselves of this toxic and unnecessary chemical.
Proper diet, dental practices and access to mercury-free dental services are the solutions to the problem of dental cavities. Since we know that sugar causes cavities, perhaps if the ADA, CDC, PEW and others really wanted the fluoride to go to the right people, maybe they could lobby the junk food companies to add fluoride to their soda and candies, opposed to fluoridating drinking water. That would make more sense if you believe fluoride can solve the problem of tooth decay, wouldn’t it?
Water Fluoridation = Mass Medication Without Prescription
Fluoride is not a nutrient. And while there is prescription-grade fluoride, the fluoride put into drinking water is not a prescription drug but an industrial waste product. However, it is put into the water as a “drug” to help oral health, and it is done without the consent of those receiving it. Even if you accepted the premise that it works systemically, opposed to topically only, there is no justification to force it on people under the premise of slightly lowering tooth decay, as everyone has the option of using it topically as a toothpaste if they so choose…
The fluoride chemical typically added to water is hexafluorosilicic acid (HFSA), which is a byproduct of the fertilizer industry. It is a hazardous material they cannot easily dispose of. In fact, it’s illegal to dump it into rivers and lakes or release the parent gases into the atmosphere. And municipalities that decided to stop fluoridating their water had to keep going until all the chemicals were used up because they couldn’t afford the hazardous waste disposal fees!
Dr. William Hirzy from the EPA has pointed out that if it goes into the air, it’s a pollutant. If it goes into the local water, it’s pollution. But if the public water utilities buy it and purposely pour it in our drinking water, it’s no longer a pollutant. All of a sudden, by some magic sleight of hand, it’s a beneficial public health measure… But dilution is not the solution to pollution.
Fluoride Chemicals Also Pollute Drinking Water with Arsenic
A recent study also shows that 90 percent of toxic arsenic in our tap water comes from fluoridation chemicals. As reported by Living Green Magazine4:
“Industrial-grade fluoride chemicals added to US public water supplies contain arsenic that the EPA classifies as a human carcinogen. Switching to low-arsenic pharmaceutical-grade fluoride will save society $1 billion to $14 billion annually, according to research published in Environmental Science & Policy, led by former EPA senior scientists who are experts in chemical risk assessment, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
Although never studied for safety or efficacy, hydrofluorosilicic acid (HFSA) is added to public water supplies as a purported cavity preventive. The industry-funded group that regulates water additives, NSF International5, allows several toxins in HFSA, including arsenic.
We need to end this outdated practice. Adding hexafluorosilicic acid to drinking water to prevent tooth decay is based on politics, not science. Why should a water department be given the power to medicate anyone when they don’t take a health history, they don’t pass out a listing of side effects, monitor the dose or the effect? This is tantamount to gross negligence.
According to a 2006 report on water fluoridation produced by the US National Research Council, the benefits from fluoride are topical only, and cannot be achieved through ingestion. It also detailed positive associations between fluoride ingestion and bone fractures, cancer, reduced IQ and dementia.
I predict that water fluoridation will become known as one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated against the public in the 20th and 21st century. In the future, water fluoridation will be compared to tobacco science, DDT science, asbestos science, and thalidomide science—all grossly manipulated to hide an incredibly costly truth.
Why Water Fluoridation Is a Scam
Water fluoridation was invented by brilliant schemers who needed to get rid of toxic industrial waste that would cost them hundreds of millions of dollars for proper disposal. They duped politicians with fraudulent science and endorsements, which is not science, and sold them on a “public health” idea in which humans are utilized to filter this poison through their bodies, while 99 percent simply goes down the drain. Adding insult to injury, they now MAKE hundreds of millions of dollars selling this hazardous industrial waste, rather than having to pay for its disposal.
In his 2012 article Poison is Treatment—“Edward Bernays and the Campaign to Fluoridate America”6, James F. Tracy reveals the PR campaign that created this fake public health measure:
“The wide-scale U.S. acceptance of fluoride-related compounds in drinking water and a wide variety of consumer products over the past half century is a textbook case of social engineering orchestrated by Sigmund Freud’s nephew and the ‘father of public relations’ Edward L. Bernays,” he writes. “The episode is instructive, for it suggests the tremendous capacity of powerful interests to reshape the social environment, thereby prompting individuals to unwarily think and act in ways that are often harmful to themselves and their loved ones.”
I highly recommend taking the time to read Tracy’s informative expose on how good PR can trump science and keep you in the dark for decades, lest you dig a bit deeper. The oft-quoted phrase that water fluoridation is one of the greatest public healthachievements of the 20th century was also created by a Public Relations firm, not hard-core facts.
The Health Ramifications of Mass Medicating with Fluoride
Scientists from the EPA’s National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory have classified fluoride as a “chemical having substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity,” and 25 studies have now reported an association between fluoride exposure and reduced IQ in children—including a recent study out of Harvard, in which the authors noted:
“The results support the possibility of an adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children’s neurodevelopment.“
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 41 percent of American adolescents now have dental fluorosis—unattractive discoloration and mottling of the teeth that indicate overexposure to fluoride. But that’s not all. Studies have shown fluoride toxicity can lead to the wide-ranging problems listed below.
This is what the science is telling us about the ramifications of fluoride use. And yet, rather than taking the precautionary approach and stopping fluoridation until we know more, our policymakers continue to blindly forge ahead; refusing to give the scientific evidence the attention it deserves.
Congratulations on Keeping Portland’s Water Safe!
According to the EPA’s local’s president, Bill Hirzy, a chemist in the EPA’s Office of Toxic Substances, water fluoridation remains a government policy because of “institutional inertia [and] embarrassment among government agencies that have been promoting this stuff as safe.”
This is probably true, yet it’s shameful that the ADA, CDC and other agencies would spend so much money trying to coerce the continuation of this hazardous practice instead of just yielding to the wishes of communities.
Clean pure water is a prerequisite to optimal health. Industrial chemicals, drugs and other toxic additives really have no place in our water supplies. So I urge you to join the Fluoride Action Network’s efforts7 and your local anti-fluoridation movements in the US and Canada.
Please remember, people have been misled for generations – be patient with your friends and families who have been improperly educated about fluoridation chemicals. The tide is turning, we are making a difference when we bring organic consumers, environmentalists, and natural health advocates together.
NaturalNews) America is the land of the free. You are free to choose to consume any products you want to, whether they are toxic or whether they are organic. Most people, if given the choice, would like to avoid cancer, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s disease, but how many people are fooled by labels on products and by the doctors, nurses, dentists, hospitals, FDA and food scientists who actually recommend toxic food stuff, as if its good for you? How many millions of people in the USA alone are falling for the greatest addiction of them all, junk science? (
Doctors and nurses in hospitals across the country recommend Ensure for protein when recovering from surgery or sickness, but what’s in this toxic box of liquid other than basic protein? What chemicals, heavy metals and food agent “criminals” are waiting to infect your system?
The soy craze hit the USA over the past couple decades, when people figured out that most meat came from CAFOs, where the corporate farmers load up the animals with artificial growth hormones, antibiotics, and even add ammonia to most meat to kill bacteria. But how is soy toxic? Is this just another BAD choice for protein, including tofu, soy milk, and soy sauce? It’s time to do that research and “opt out” of toxic protein sources posing as nutrition.
Canola oil is rapeseed oil with a little less toxicity. Oh, you didn’t know? It’s in just about everything that has vegetable oil in it these days. It’s in the fresh food bar at the beloved Whole Foods, it’s in most salad dressings, and people fry stuff at high heat with it all the time, adding to their blood acidity and turning nutritious food rancid in seconds.
Nestle wants to take over the world’s water supply. They’ll probably add fluoride to all the potable water, a known insecticide that tears up human cleansing organs and leads to prostate and bladder cancer. Are you supporting this massive corporate evil mission? What else do you buy that’s manufactured, bottled, bagged or boxed by Nestle?
Whole grains! Whole wheat! Natural 7 grains! Quick, grab that cereal and that bread and those muffins off the shelves and shove them down your throat, or give them to your kids, because they’re so good for you, right? Did you know wheat in the USA is being genetically modified to contain pesticide you can’t wash off? Did you know whole grains cause inflammation, along with table salt, MSG, animal fat and Aspartame? The country that eats worm killer, weed killer, and bug killer just can’t seem to find the cure for cancer, but everybody should keep donating money and marching around like we’re searching for a way to stop dying from eating pesticide, herbicide, fungicide and insecticide, because that makes a lot of sense.
Yes, Stevia is a natural sweet leaf from Brazil that is ground up and makes a cup of coffee or tea taste sweet, without all those sugar calories, and without synthetic ingredients that screw up your liver and your kidneys. But did you know that Stevia sold out to a corporation, and Truvia is Stevia mixed with chemicals in a lab, and THAT is synthetic? Truvia is GMO. You better know the difference, or it might come back to “bite you” with that “c” word nobody likes to talk about.
( (
Americans go to stores and buy bottled water, mostly thinking some big 18-wheel truck with a huge reservoir tank drove up to some mountains and captured some perfect mountain spring water loaded with minerals, hauled it back to the factory, put it in harmless plastic bottles, and delivered it in time for them to drink up and stay hydrated! Nothing is further from the truth. Most bottled water (like Dasani) and flavored waters are made from tap water, fluoridated and chlorinated DEAD water, with no nutrients and no minerals to speak of, and then the plastic bottles seep BPA, Bisphenol-A, into the water, especially when the bottles get heated or are older than a couple months, and all you’re drinking is toxins. (
Diet meals are mostly processed and contain artificial sweeteners, which cause cancer. Chemotherapy is a chemical treatment for a disease which is fueled by chemical consumption. Is this the kind of diet you want to be on? This diet will help you lose weight, all of it, when they write your epitaph and put you six feet under ground. Eat real food. Juicing raw organic vegetables is the best way to lose weight and get to your natural balanced weight and stay there for life. Keep reading: (
The biggest lie, the biggest hoax, the biggest scam in the nutrition business today is multi-vitamins and vitamin C that is dead, toxic, and synthetic pollution for the body. Vitamin complexes like One-A-Day, Centrum, Equate and other “popular brands” you find at Walmart, Kmart, pharmacies and grocery stores are doing the exact opposite to your body than the intended purpose. It’s time to stop eating rocks and get vitamins that make you healthy and keep you healthy, like they’re supposed to. Check out the well-researched “Mega” vitamins the Health Ranger inspects and recommends: (
Get the inside scoop on the top 10 toxic and tricky food stuff “criminals” being dished out like candy
1. Ensure (served up in hospitals as protein); You gotta have your protein! ( There are plenty of proteins in raw vegetables; don’t let them fool you.
7. Deer Park’s absurdity of “added fluoride” to bottled water and Dasani tap water revealed! Check your ‘brand’ for fluoride: (
8. Investigate protein powders; like soy, whey, and casein (like in protein shakes and powdered coffee creamers): (
10. Multivitamins; great reviews and the inside scoop on typical synthetic “trash” posing as vitamins and minerals: (
Stop choosing poison for food and water. Stop eating toxic proteins and rocks for minerals. Eat live, raw organic food, drink real mountain spring water, take organic multi-vitamins, and detoxify your blood using superfoods and natural remedies. Don’t fall for the hype and don’t believe any product is good for you if it is advertised on television, in the newspapers or anywhere else Big Pharma advertisements appear!
I remember in grade school that some of the boys in class were being disruptive by talking and the nun told us all to stand and put out our hands so she could smack our hand with a ruler. About half the class stood up and put out their hand but when they saw that the rest of us were still sitting at our desks they slowly sat back down. The bewildered nun didn’t know what to do and finally told us to open our books.
That’s what happens when a person in authority threatens you and you all stand up to them. They expect you to obey and when you don’t they back down. In other words, they are nothing more than the school yard bully.
The government is so out of control and making laws that are insane. People are now being fined for the simplest things. Remember the slogan, “Buckle Up – It’s the Law”. You can be fined for not wearing a seatbelt in your own car. You can be fined for using a rain barrel to save water to irrigate your small garden in the back yard; you can be arrested for selling raw milk which has been a staple for thousands of years. You can be fined or arrested for photographing the police abusing someone and your camera confiscated. The government mandates you get vaccines for your babies and children when legitimate research tells you it is harmful. A woman was fined $81 for parking her car with the windows rolled down. The police classified it as an unsecured vehicle that could easily be broken into. Another woman was recently fined for growing a small garden in her front yard. What would happen if we all planted a small garden in our front yard? Actually, that might not be a bad idea. We would have some GM free veggies. Are you really going to obey these ridiculous rules or laws? If you do they will keep adding more.
The elite think they can rule you by starting out slowly. I’m sure you’ve heard the story of putting a frog in a pan of lukewarm water and then slowly heating it up and the frog doesn’t realize that he is being boiled alive until it’s too late to get out of the pot. Mostly that’s what the government does to us. First one license or fine which they got away with, then another, then another, and now we have well over a hundred different licenses we are required to obtain and fines we are expected to pay. Another manner in which the government controls you is by fear.
The government tells us the laws are for our safety. They won’t label GM food because they know it will harm your health; even the wild animals won’t eat it; rats fed Monsanto GM corn developed shockingly large cancer tumors. They add sodium fluoride to our water and to our toothpaste which is a rat poison; they fill our skies with chemicals, they fill the atmosphere with all sorts of radiation including cell phone towers. If they are for our safety, why do they hide many of those health-threatening cell phone towers in trees, and church steeples and crosses, water towers, and schools? I’ve even seen them in palm trees. Churches and schools love these because they generate big bucks. Dr. Mercola states on his website:
As school budgets shrink, some are getting money from an unlikely and controversial source: cell phone tower installations. Local schools can make hundreds of thousands of dollars from leases on towers.
Why did you get a marriage license? Most people get one because everyone else does; it’s the norm; it’s the law. My research showed the first marriage license was issued in 1856 in Shawnee, Kansas. So since the beginning of recorded time it was the norm to marry without a license until 1856.
Was Adam & Eve married? Did Adam & Eve need a license, the authorization of some man or government? It is plain to see that God recognizes a couple as married when they “cleave unto” each other. Genesis 2:23-24 (not when a government gives them a license/permission).
Did you know there are Pastors who will marry without a marriage license and they are more common than you think? All you have to do is go online or open up your local phone book and call the numbers in the churches section. Sooner or later you will find a man of God who hasn’t sold his soul applying for a 501(c) corporate status with the IRS and who believes that there ought to be a separation between church and state and marriage and state.
Pastor Trewhella of the Mercy Seat Christian Church in Wisconsin stated;
“You should not have to obtain a license from the State to marry someone anymore than you should have to obtain a license from the State to be a parent, which some in academic and legislative circles are currently pushing to be made law”. ~
When Pastor Trewhella marries a couple, he always buys them a Family Bible which contains birth and death records, and a marriage certificate. Record the marriage in the Family Bible. What’s recorded in a Family Bible will stand up as a legally binding document in any court of law in America. Both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were married without a marriage license. They simply recorded their marriage in their Family Bibles. So should we. What happens if no one acquires a marriage license from the government? Well, outside of the obvious, we wouldn’t have to ask permission from the government to get a divorce.
If every American refused to obey these insane laws what will the elite do? The same thing as the nun or the school yard bully when not obeyed – brute force and if that doesn’t work, they will back down. Just like the schoolyard bully who takes your lunch money every day. A day comes when you tell him “no” and he beats you up. You don’t give him your lunch money the next day and he beats you up again. Then he looks for someone else who will ‘obey’ him. Where would that school yard bully be if no one gave him their lunch money? Where would the government be if no one asked for permission and never got another license or paid another fee or fine?
Let me clarify what a license or permit is. It is simply asking permission from the government and paying the government a fee for what we have every God-given right to do in the first place – for free, without asking anyone for permission. Burn that statement into your mind. Memorize it, use it as a chant. If that’s not bad enough, we must renew many licenses’ periodically and pay again and again. What if we all decided we would no longer get or renew our driver’s license and pay them for the right to drive our own car? What if we all stopped getting a license of any kind? They could fine us. But what if we didn’t pay the fine? We might go to jail. Where do a few get off telling the many we can’t get married, defend ourselves, or drive a car or go fishing or hunting or any of our other God-given rights without their permission? I don’t need the government to give me permission to purchase a gun to defend myself. Why aren’t you outraged? Just because you grew up under these insane rules and you accepted them as normal you don’t have to obey them anymore. They aren’t normal; they’re insane; you are obeying insane laws. You don’t have to stand up and put your hand out so the nun can whack it with a piece of wood or give your lunch money to the school yard bully anymore. Like the frog, you’re slowly being boiled.
Every permit, every license, and every birth certificate has a number on it. You even have a social security number. Have you ever asked why you and everything you do has a number on it? It’s to keep track of you, what you do, where you do it and when you do it. If you move you have to notify various government agencies of your new address. Why is that? Why isn’t just notifying the post office of a change of address enough?
Why can the government get away with these insane laws and fines? For several reasons. You do what you’re told because you believe it to be the norm; it’s what everyone else does. That doesn’t make it right. Another reason people follow these ridiculous laws is because of fear. If I don’t get my children all the vaccines the government mandates my children won’t be able to get into school and I fear the law will come down on me, maybe arrest me and put my children in Children’s Services. I must get this flu shot because if I don’t I fear I will get the flu. Besides, my doctor told me to get a flu shot, television told me to get the flu shot, the local drugstore advertises the flu shot. I believe the reason my classmates sat back down when they saw the rest of us still sitting is because they feared us more than they feared the nun with her little ruler.
If a slave owner can tell his slaves what to do, what does it mean when the government tells you what you can do? It means you’re a slave to the government. Yes, it’s the same government that tells you that you are a free man living in a free country.
There is a story about two frogs hopping down a country road and they happen to hop into a bucket of fresh milk. They begin thrashing about and swimming in the milk and the older one got really tired and gave up and died. The younger one kept on swimming until he felt something solid under his feet and hopped out. (No, it wasn’t the body of the dead frog!) He thrashed so much and so long he turned the milk into butter.
The moral of the story is “there are butter days ahead”…if we all decide NOT to OBEY.
If we all stop obeying these insane rules the government places upon us, there will be better days ahead with true freedom, but you gotta fight for it by being passive – by not obeying – by not applying for anymore licenses and paying them a fee and obeying them. Freedom is not going to come softly in the night while you sleep. Don’t leave it for the “other” guy. Remember, you are the “other” guy to everyone else.
New research reveals a startling new finding: fluoride is likely contributing to the epidemic of cardiovascular disease by stimulating calcification of the vascular system, including the coronary arteries.
In a study published in the journal Nuclear Medicine Communications this month (Jan. 2012), researchers assessed fluoride uptake and calcification in the major arteries of 61 patients who were administered sodium fluoride, the active ingredient in most fluoridated toothpastes. The study revealed:
“The coronary fluoride uptake value in patients with cardiovascular events was significantly higher than in patients without cardiovascular events.”
They also found that there was a signification correlation between fluoride uptake and calcification observed in most of the arterial walls, indicating that the fluoride itself likely stimulates the precipitation of calcium within the arteries.
It is already well-known that vascular calcification is highly correlated with cardiovascular disease mortality. The hardening of the arteries associated with atherosclerosis is in part due to the calcification of plaque which subsequently becomes brittle and susceptible to breaking off into an artery-obstructing clot.
Even taking elemental calcium supplements (sourced from limestone, bone meal or oyster shell), at doses as low* as 500 mg a day, was shown in two meta-analyses last year to increase the risk of heart attack by up to 27%.
What is novel about this new study is that it indicates howcardiovascular calcification may be occurring. Beyond the excessive consumption of inorganic calcium, fluoride may be an essential factor in mediating calcium’s contribution to enhanced cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Fluoride exposure is now ubiquitous, thanks to the fluoridation of public drinking water, medications like Prozac (fluoxetine), non-stick cookware, to name but a few common routes of exposure.
Fluoride-induced calcification is not a new finding. Back in 2001, autopsies on cadavers revealed that fluoride accumulation in the pineal gland is associated with enhanced calcification of that endocrine organ.
*The National Osteoporosis Foundation, whose corporate sponsors include elemental calcium supplement manufacturers Oscal and Citracal, recommend 1200 mg a day for women over 40.
About the Author
Sayer Ji is the founder of, the world’s largest, evidence-based, open-source, natural medicine database
The Consumers for Dental Choice ( is a nonprofit corporation established in 1996 by consumer advocates, mercury poisoning victims, scientists, and mercury-free dentists. It aims to educate the public about the health and environmental dangers of mercury fillings and to ensure better government oversight on amalgam. Part of its education work is demanding the full flow of non-deceptive information between dentists and their patients, including helping put an end to the American Dental Association’s notorious “gag rule” that attempts to silence mercury-free dentists, and to the promotion of mercury amalgam under the misleading term “silver.”
Charles G. Brown is National Counsel, Consumers for Dental Choice. Formerly Attorney General of West Virginia. His legal expertise covers antitrust, consumer protection, administrative, and government relations. Brown is a Yale Law graduate, author of First Get Mad, then Get Justice: The Handbook for Crime Victims, and editor of The Sherman Brigade Marches South: The Civil War Memoirs of Colonel Robert Carson Brown, which was penned by his great-grandfather.
Mercury amalgams, so-called “silver fillings,” are one of the primary sources of toxic mercury exposure in consumers. To learn more about the dangers of this archaic practice, and support our ongoing efforts to eliminate this neurotoxin from dentistry around the world, please join us on Facebook!
The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) is an online and grassroots 501(c)3 public interest organization promoting health, justice, and sustainability. It prides itself as the only organization in the United States focused on promoting the views and interests of the country’s estimated 76 million organic and socially responsible consumers. The OCA participates in the important issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability, and other key topics
Ronnie Cummins is the founder and Director of the Organic Consumers Association. He has been a writer and activist since the 1960s, with massive expertise in human rights, anti-war, anti-nuclear, consumer, labor, environmental, and sustainable agricultural areas. He is the author of several published articles, a children’s book series called Children of the World, and Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers.
Organic food is ‘real food,’ and as such, the Organic Alternative is a matter of survival.
The Fluoride Action Network(FAN), founded in May 2000, aims to broaden public awareness on the toxicity of fluoride compounds and the health impacts of current fluoride exposures. It brings comprehensive, up-to-date information on fluoride issues to scientists, policymakers, and citizens, along with vigilantly monitoring government action that may affect the public’s fluoride exposure. Its work has been cited by Scientific American, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, National Public Radio, and Prevention Magazine, and other national media outlets.
Dr. Paul Connett is the Executive Director of the Fluoride Action Network. He is a Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York and is a co-author of The Case Against Fluoride: How Hazardous Waste Ended Up in Our Drinking Water and the Bad Science and Powerful Politics That Keep It There.
Communities that fluoridate their municipal water supplies purposely disseminate a toxic drug to entire populations, without regard for differences in age or health status, and most importantly, without individual consent
Founded in 1982, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is a national charitable, non-profit educational organization. NVIC launched the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America in the early 1980s and its three decade mission has been to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths through public education and protect the informed consent ethic in medicine. NVIC monitors vaccine reactions, research, development, regulation, policy-making and legislation and works to protect vaccine exemptions in state health laws.
Barbara Loe Fisher is President of the National Vaccine Information Center, which she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children. A graduate of the University of Maryland, she worked as a writer and community relations professional at a teaching hospital before becoming a mother to three children. She is co-author of the seminal 1985 book DPT: A Shot in the Dark and author of The Consumer’s Guide to Childhood Vaccines and Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic. A video blog commentator for the NVIC Vaccine E-Newsletter and on, during the past 20 years she has served as a consumer member of vaccine advisory and stakeholder committees at the Food and Drug Administration, Institute of Medicine and Centers for Disease Control.
The right to voluntary informed consent to any medical intervention, including use of a pharmaceutical product such as a vaccine that can injure or kill you or your child, is a human right that must be protected at all cost.