Hello, Dallas! Here We Come!



November 18, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

So many people sent me versions of this story it would be impossible to thank each individually, but the numbers of people who did so clearly indicate that our “Gizars” are still on top of their game. Indeed, I am blogging about this story because it has my suspicion meter in the red zone. Here’s a version shared by M.G.:


What’s the story? Basically the NASDAQ stock exchange is considering pulling up stakes, and leaving its New Jersey/New York home, and heading for Texas, Dallas to be specific. And NASDAQ isn’t the only exchange considering such a move. There are rumors that the NYSE itself might consider a move to Texas.

From the article:

Officials from Nasdaq and other major stock exchanges will meet with Gov. Greg Abbott on Nov. 20 in Austin to discuss a possible move from New Jersey to Texas, nbcdfw.com and the Dallas Morning News reported.

The meeting comes on the heels of the exchanges threatening to move their trading platforms out of New Jersey, the report said.

Abbott and other Texas officials plan to boast the state’s business-friendly environment during the meeting.

“Texas continues to be the premier economic destination in the country, attracting more leading businesses than any other state,” spokeswoman Renae Eze said in a statement to The Dallas Morning News. “The governor looks forward to meeting with Nasdaq and showcasing Texas’ business-friendly environment, skilled workforce, robust infrastructure, and low taxes, all of which foster greater economic growth in the Lone Star State.”

According to The Dallas Morning News, Abbott’s office has been talking with Nasdaq and other exchanges about moving their data centers to Dallas because of a potential tax on financial transactions in New Jersey. (Emphases added)

Now this article, one might have noted, is a bit peculiar in several respects. For one thing, it mentions – twice – “NASDAQ and other exchanges,” the clear implication being the NYSE itself. But that’s only one of what might be “other exchanges.” We’ll get back to that in a moment. Then there is a second peculiarity in that the article specially mentions that what is being moved are the “trading platforms” and “data centers”. I strongly suspect that the language here is meant to be reassuring to the low information news consumer, because the language implies that the actual exchange floors themselves – you know, that image we have in our minds of people on the floors of those exchanges shouting bids at each other and waving papers around. They’re just moving the data centers and not the actual exchanges themselves.

Except in the modern world of dark pools and algorithmic trading, to move the data center so far away from the actual trading floor is a big clue, because in the dark pool world of quants and algorithmic trading, moving the data center is moving the trading floor, at least, the virtual one. And whatever may be left of real humans on the real trading floor shouting buy and sell orders at each other won’t be far behind. THe reason? Because in the world of algorithmic trading, trading/data centers need to be as close to “the action” as possible, because trades are executed in nanoseconds. The farther the distance – even at the speed of light – the greater the risk that certain trades won’t go through in time.

Which brings me back to “the other exchanges.” The article, I suspect, has already given us the “public spin version” of the reasons for the move: higher taxes. But I suspect the deeper reason is the insanity of the political culture in the “blue states”, and their increasing fiscal unsoundness and lack of stability. It’s difficult – even in a dark pool – for traders manning the phone banks and computers to execute trades by following arrows on the floor, wearing masks, and “social distancing” (which Abbot will have to explain too). One needs sane environments in which to conduct market activities. So one wonders if “other exchanges” means that commodities exchanges – like in Chicago, another “blue” city with a mayor competing with DiBlasio for the nuttiest mayor of the year award – might be looking at Texas as well.

Which brings me to my high octane speculation of the day, for I do not for a moment think that this is just happenstance. All the mentioned “reasons” in the article seem to be to be a bit contrived. After all, New York and New Jersey have had high taxes for years if not decades. So what has changed? For one thing, the political and cultural climate. For another, the financial one. Texas is a producing state. It produces things: crops, cattle, horses, technologies, rockets, airplanes, cement… New York produces, hmmm… well, crops, horses, some technology, and things like that. But it’s biggest product is “financial paper”, or what I call “crapitalism.” And it’s produced a lot of that. And it also produces lots of taxes. So if one is entertaining the idea of a financial reset, or even a “coming split” in the country, one wants to be “where the action is,” and that’s not New York or California, it’s Texas.

And while we’re talking about splits and financial resets, Texas has something else New York doesn’t, and that thing makes me wonder if we’re looking at the public face of plans – detailed plans – that were set in motion some time ago…:

Texas has a state bullion depository. And isn’t it funny how they’re all of a sudden talking about crypto-“currencies” “backed” by gold…

All New York has is the Federal Reserve… which tends to lose massive amounts of gold on occasion. Just ask Hjalmar Schacht…

It’s much easier to re-hypothecate and otherwise lose gold if one is dealing in currencies that aren’t really currencies…

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/11/nasdaq-considering-move-to-texas/

This is Information Everyone Needs —Take Some Time to Listen

This is really important information for EVERYONE to pay attention to. It is time for everyone to wake up because all of our lives are at stake, and it is not because of some virus .  It is because of the manipulators behind the curtain:

The Future of Banking?

Major Bank Official: Banks Are “Preparing for an Economic Nuclear Winter”

Posted by August 30, 2016

nuclear winter-compressed

By Matt Agorist | Activist Post

After years of giveaways to megabanks, marketed to the taxpayers as ‘quantitative easing,’ the crutches shoved under the banker-controlled global stock trade are about to snap. Bankers now say they are preparing for the collapse.

In June of 2015, former Congressman Ron Paul predicted that these crutches would fail, and the financial bubbles created by them would send the stock market into a free-fall.

The consequences will not be minor. Surprises will be many, since we are in uncertain waters and the world has never faced the gross misallocation of capital that exists today. The process is self-limiting. It will come to an end, and it’s not going to be far into the future.

Now, as chaos in the EU and weak corporate earnings create a tornado of uncertainty, banks are preparing for the worst.

According to CNBC quoting a major lender, banks are “preparing for an economic nuclear winter situation.”

The chaos in the market has major bank officials running for the hills. According to CNBC, European banks, in particular, have had a very tough six months as the shock and volatility around Brexit sent banking stocks south. Major European banks like Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse saw their shares in free-fall after the referendum’s results were announced. In the U.K., RBS was the worst-hit, with its shares plunging by more than 30 percent since June 24.

On Sunday, a source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, due to the fact that revealing this information can get bankers killed, a source from a major investment bank told CNBC “that financial services firms have put together a strategy in place that takes into account the worst-case scenario that could happen by the end of this year.”

“This could mean triggering Article 50, referendum in other European nations leading to a break-up of the euro or sterling hitting below $1.20 or lower. The banks are ready for anything now,” the source said.

This grim warning comes after the Royal Bank of Scotland has warned its investors of a “cataclysmic year.” In an eerily ominous note to its clients early this year, the megabank predicted another worse case scenario.

Sell everything except high quality bonds. This is about return of capital, not return on capital. In a crowded hall, exit doors are small.

In the note, RBS’s credit chief Andrew Roberts told investors how Quantitative Easing has failed and was expected to fail.

We have been told for 7 years now since the credit crunch, under QE, to borrow money and invest it in one of 3 things: 1) EM 2) credit 3) global equities. This is a big picture, multi-year bet that has been taken, which has worked fine, and stopped working 10 months ago, (this is NOT NEW).

As the Guardian’s Larry Elliott points out:

Markets have been supported for some time by low-interest rates, stimulus measures from central banks including quantitative easing, and hopes of economic recovery. But with the Federal Reserve raising rates and the Bank of England expected to follow suit, that prop is being removed.

Those who pay attention to the effects of central bankers looting their respective countries have long pointed out the mathematical certainty that is an economic collapse.

The collapse of global markets is inevitable as it is a natural correction to the wholesale fleecing of the citizens through the unscrupulous actions of central banks.

Ron Paul sums up the situation perfectly:

The credit and new money, when created by a central bank, is delivered to the market in a political fashion for which the one percent receive special benefits. It allows the pyramiding of debt to fractional reserve banking, which compounds the long-term problems.

It may be fun while it lasts, but it always ends with a crash.

from:    http://consciouslifenews.com/major-bank-official-banks-preparing-economic-nuclear-winter/11125063/

Tough Economic Times

The Stock Market Crash Of 2016: Stocks Have Already Crashed In 6 Of The World’s 8 Largest Economies

June 17, 2016

Network-Earth-Continents-Public-DomainBy Michael Snyder

Over the past 12 months, stock market investors around the planet have lost trillions of dollars. Since this time last June, stocks have crashed in 6 of the world’s 8 largest economies, and stocks in the other two are down as well. The charts that you are about to see are absolutely stunning, and they are clear evidence that a new global financial crisis has already begun. Of course it is true that we are still in the early chapters of this new crisis and that there is much, much more damage to be done, but let us not minimize the carnage that we have already witnessed.

In general, there have been three major waves of financial panic over the past 12 months. Late last August we saw the biggest financial shaking since the financial crisis of 2008, then in January and February there was an even bigger shaking, and now a third “wave” has begun in June. Not all areas around the globe have been affected equally by each wave, but without a doubt this new financial crisis is a global phenomenon.

The charts that I am about to show you come from Trading Economics. It is an absolutely indispensable website that is packed full of useful data, and I encourage everyone to check it out.

Let’s talk about China first. The Chinese economy is the second largest on the entire planet, and since this time last year Chinese stocks are down an astounding 40 percent…

As things have started to unravel in China, the Chinese have been selling off U.S. debt and U.S. stocks like crazy. The following comes from Bloomberg…

(CHECK OUT LINK FOR CHARTS: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/06/the-stock-market-crash-of-2016-largest-economies.html)

For the past year, Chinese selling of Treasuries has vexed investors and served as a gauge of the health of the world’s second-largest economy.

The People’s Bank of China, owner of the world’s biggest foreign-exchange reserves, burnt through 20 percent of its war chest since 2014, dumping about $250 billion of U.S. government debt and using the funds to support the yuan and stem capital outflows.

While China’s sales of Treasuries have slowed, its holdings of U.S. equities are now showing steep declines.

Unfortunately for China, their economy just continues to slow down, and George Soros is so alarmed by this and a potential “Brexit” that he has been selling off stocks and buying enormous amounts of gold in anticipation of an even bigger global downturn.

Japan has the third largest economy in the world, and over the past year Japanese stocks are down a total of 26 percent from the peak…

Personally, I have been extremely alarmed by what has been happening in Japan lately. Japanese stocks were down almost 500 points last night, and overall the Nikkei is down a whopping 1,800 points so far in June.

Of course the Japanese economy as a whole is essentially a basket case at this point. For a detailed analysis of this, please see my previous article entitled “Watch Japan – For All Is Not Well In The Land Of The Rising Sun.”

Germany has the fourth largest economy in the world, and over the past year their stocks have fallen 19 percent from the peak of the market…

(GO TO: http://www.activistpost.com/2016/06/the-stock-market-crash-of-2016-largest-economies.html FOR CHART)

The key thing to watch for in Germany are serious troubles at their biggest bank. I wrote a long article about the slow-motion implosion of Deutsche Bank last month, and just this week Deutsche Bank stock hit an all-time low.

The fifth largest economy on the planet belongs to the United Kingdom, and since last June their stocks have fallen about 13 percent…

(LINK:  http://www.activistpost.com/2016/06/the-stock-market-crash-of-2016-largest-economies.html)

One week from today, the “Brexit” vote will be held in the UK, and if they vote to leave the EU that could have very serious economic and financial implications for them and for the rest of Europe as well.

France has the sixth largest economy in the world, and over the past year French stocks are down 20 percent from the peak of the market…

The French economy is really struggling these days, and we have not heard much about it in the U.S. media, but there have been tremendous riots in major cities in France in recent weeks.

The seventh largest economy on our planet belongs to India. Even though India is facing some very serious economic problems, their stocks are doing okay for the moment. Even though stocks in India are down over the past 12 months, we have not seen a major financial crisis over there just yet.

But there is definitely a major crisis in the eighth largest economy in the world. Italian stocks are down a staggering 32 percent from the peak of the market. That means approximately a third of all stock market wealth in Italy is already gone…

(LINK:  http://www.activistpost.com/2016/06/the-stock-market-crash-of-2016-largest-economies.html)

Earlier this year, I wrote about the horrifying collapse of the Italian banking system that has greatly accelerated since the start of 2016. It looks like virtually all of their big banks will ultimately need to be bailed out, and this threatens to become a far bigger crisis than the crisis in Greece ever was.

And let us not leave off the ninth largest economy in the world. Not too long ago, CNN ran an article entitled “Brazil: Economic collapse worse than feared.” So not only are they admitting that the ninth largest economy on the globe is collapsing, they are also admitting that it is even worse than what the experts had anticipated.

So did I leave anyone off the list?

Ah yes, I haven’t even addressed what has been going on in the United States yet.

U.S. stocks did crash last August, but then they recovered.

Then they crashed again in January, but then they recovered again.

Now U.S. stocks have been taking another tumble here in June, but we are being assured that there is nothing to worry about.

Meanwhile, the underlying numbers for the U.S. economy just continue to get worse and worse and worse.

Hopefully this article will clear a lot of things up. In this piece, I have presented undeniable evidence that a new global financial crisis has begun over the past 12 months. We have not seen global stock declines of this nature since the great financial crisis of 2008, but much worse is still to come.

I would love to be wrong about that last part.

It would be wonderful if the worst was now behind us and good times for the global financial system were ahead.

Unfortunately, every single indicator that I am watching is telling me just the opposite.


from:    http://www.activistpost.com/2016/06/the-stock-market-crash-of-2016-largest-economies.html

Bank Bail-ins Threaten Savings

A Crisis Worse Than ISIS? Bail-Ins Begin

by Zen Gardner Dec 30, 2015


While the mainstream media focus on ISIS extremists, a threat that has gone virtually unreported is that your life savings could be wiped out in a massive derivatives collapse. Bank bail-ins have begun in Europe, and the infrastructure is in place in the US.  Poverty also kills.

At the end of November, an Italian pensioner hanged himself after his entire €100,000 savings were confiscated in a bank “rescue” scheme. He left a suicide note blaming the bank, where he had been a customer for 50 years and had invested in bank-issued bonds. But he might better have blamed the EU and the G20’s Financial Stability Board, which have imposed an “Orderly Resolution” regime that keeps insolvent banks afloat by confiscating the savings of investors and depositors. Some 130,000 shareholders and junior bond holders suffered losses in the “rescue.”

The pensioner’s bank was one of four small regional banks that had been put under special administration over the past two years. The €3.6 billion ($3.83 billion) rescue plan launched by the Italian government uses a newly-formed National Resolution Fund, which is fed by the country’s healthy banks. But before the fund can be tapped, losses must be imposed on investors; and in January, EU rules will require that they also be imposed on depositors. According to a December 10th article on BBC.com:

The rescue was a “bail-in” – meaning bondholders suffered losses – unlike the hugely unpopular bank bailouts during the 2008 financial crisis, which cost ordinary EU taxpayers tens of billions of euros.

Correspondents say [Italian Prime Minister] Renzi acted quickly because in January, the EU is tightening the rules on bank rescues – they will force losses on depositors holding more than €100,000, as well as bank shareholders and bondholders.

. . . [L]etting the four banks fail under those new EU rules next year would have meant “sacrificing the money of one million savers and the jobs of nearly 6,000 people”.

That is what is predicted for 2016: massive sacrifice of savings and jobs to prop up a “systemically risky” global banking scheme.

Bail-in Under Dodd-Frank

That is all happening in the EU. Is there reason for concern in the US?

According to former hedge fund manager Shah Gilani, writing for Money Morning, there is. In a November 30th article titled “Why I’m Closing My Bank Accounts While I Still Can,” he writes:

[It is] entirely possible in the next banking crisis that depositors in giant too-big-to-fail failing banks could have their money confiscated and turned into equity shares. . . .

If your too-big-to-fail (TBTF) bank is failing because they can’t pay off derivative bets they made, and the government refuses to bail them out, under a mandate titled “Adequacy of Loss-Absorbing Capacity of Global Systemically Important Banks in Resolution,” approved on Nov. 16, 2014, by the G20’s Financial Stability Board, they can take your deposited money and turn it into shares of equity capital to try and keep your TBTF bank from failing.

Once your money is deposited in the bank, it legally becomes the property of the bank. Gilani explains:

Your deposited cash is an unsecured debt obligation of your bank. It owes you that money back.

If you bank with one of the country’s biggest banks, who collectively have trillions of dollars of derivatives they hold “off balance sheet” (meaning those debts aren’t recorded on banks’ GAAP balance sheets), those debt bets have a superior legal standing to your deposits and get paid back before you get any of your cash.

. . . Big banks got that language inserted into the 2010 Dodd-Frank law meant to rein in dangerous bank behavior.

The banks inserted the language and the legislators signed it, without necessarily understanding it or even reading it. At over 2,300 pages and still growing, the Dodd Frank Act is currently the longest and most complicated bill ever passed by the US legislature.

Propping Up the Derivatives Scheme

Dodd-Frank states in its preamble that it will “protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts.” But it does this under Title II by imposing the losses of insolvent financial companies on their common and preferred stockholders, debtholders, and other unsecured creditors. That includes depositors, the largest class of unsecured creditor of any bank.

Title II is aimed at “ensuring that payout to claimants is at least as much as the claimants would have received under bankruptcy liquidation.” But here’s the catch: under both the Dodd Frank Act and the 2005 Bankruptcy Act, derivative claims have super-priority over all other claims, secured and unsecured, insured and uninsured.

The over-the-counter (OTC) derivative market (the largest market for derivatives) is made up of banks and other highly sophisticated players such as hedge funds. OTC derivatives are the bets of these financial players against each other. Derivative claims are considered “secured” because collateral is posted by the parties.

For some inexplicable reason, the hard-earned money you deposit in the bank is not considered “security” or “collateral.” It is just a loan to the bank, and you must stand in line along with the other creditors in hopes of getting it back. State and local governments must also stand in line, although their deposits are considered “secured,” since they remain junior to the derivative claims with “super-priority.”

Turning Bankruptcy on Its Head

 Under the old liquidation rules, an insolvent bank was actually “liquidated” – its assets were sold off to repay depositors and creditors. Under an “orderly resolution,” the accounts of depositors and creditors are emptied to keep the insolvent bank in business. The point of an “orderly resolution” is not to make depositors and creditors whole but to prevent another system-wide “disorderly resolution” of the sort that followed the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008. The concern is that pulling a few of the dominoes from the fragile edifice that is our derivatives-laden global banking system will collapse the entire scheme. The sufferings of depositors and investors are just the sacrifices to be borne to maintain this highly lucrative edifice.

In a May 2013 article in Forbes titled “The Cyprus Bank ‘Bail-In’ Is Another Crony Bankster Scam,” Nathan Lewis explained the scheme like this:

At first glance, the “bail-in” resembles the normal capitalist process of liabilities restructuring that should occur when a bank becomes insolvent. . . .

The difference with the “bail-in” is that the order of creditor seniority is changed. In the end, it amounts to the cronies (other banks and government) and non-cronies. The cronies get 100% or more; the non-cronies, including non-interest-bearing depositors who should be super-senior, get a kick in the guts instead. . . .

In principle, depositors are the most senior creditors in a bank. However, that was changed in the 2005 bankruptcy law, which made derivatives liabilities most senior. Considering the extreme levels of derivatives liabilities that many large banks have, and the opportunity to stuff any bank with derivatives liabilities in the last moment, other creditors could easily find there is nothing left for them at all.

As of September 2014, US derivatives had a notional value of nearly $280 trillion. A study involving the cost to taxpayers of the Dodd-Frank rollback slipped by Citibank into the “cromnibus” spending bill last December found that the rule reversal allowed banks to keep $10 trillion in swaps trades on their books. This is money that taxpayers could be on the hook for in another bailout; and since Dodd-Frank replaces bailouts with bail-ins, it is money that creditors and depositors could now be on the hook for. Citibank is particularly vulnerable to swaps on the price of oil. Brent crude dropped from a high of $114 per barrel in June 2014 to a low of $36 in December 2015.

What about FDIC insurance? It covers deposits up to $250,000, but the FDIC fund had only $67.6 billion in it as of June 30, 2015, insuring about $6.35 trillion in deposits. The FDIC has a credit line with the Treasury, but even that only goes to $500 billion; and who would pay that massive loan back? The FDIC fund, too, must stand in line behind the bottomless black hole of derivatives liabilities. As Yves Smith observed in a March 2013 post:

In the US, depositors have actually been put in a worse position than Cyprus deposit-holders, at least if they are at the big banks that play in the derivatives casino. The regulators have turned a blind eye as banks use their depositors to fund derivatives exposures. . . . The deposits are now subject to being wiped out by a major derivatives loss.

Even in the worst of the Great Depression bank bankruptcies, noted Nathan Lewis, creditors eventually recovered nearly all of their money. He concluded:

When super-senior depositors have huge losses of 50% or more, after a “bail-in” restructuring, you know that a crime was committed.

Exiting While We Can

How can you avoid this criminal theft and keep your money safe? It may be too late to pull your savings out of the bank and stuff them under a mattress, as Shah Gilani found when he tried to withdraw a few thousand dollars from his bank. Large withdrawals are now criminally suspect.

You can move your money into one of the credit unions with their own deposit insurance protection; but credit unions and their insurance plans are also under attack. So writes Frances Coppola in a December 18th article titled “Co-operative Banking Under Attack in Europe,” discussing an insolvent Spanish credit union that was the subject of a bail-in in July 2015. When the member-investors were subsequently made whole by the credit union’s private insurance group, there were complaints that the rescue “undermined the principle of creditor bail-in” – this although the insurance fund was privately financed. Critics argued that “this still looks like a circuitous way to do what was initially planned, i.e. to avoid placing losses on private creditors.”

In short, the goal of the bail-in scheme is to place losses on private creditors. Alternatives that allow them to escape could soon be blocked.

from:    http://www.zengardner.com/a-crisis-worse-than-isis-bail-ins-begin/

Reflections on the Monetary System

Is it Time for a New Monetary System?

No matter what problem we look at today, regardless of scope or gender, demographic statistic or geographic location we can provide a solution; if we throw enough money at it…

And therein lies the actual problem.

The fundamental problem the human species faces today is the current monetary system. I submit that only by completely revamping the monetary system will we be successful as a species.

Currently the monetary system is controlled by a “for profit” Central Banking system. The major problem with this system is the idea of profit itself. Profit means “to obtain a financial advantage or benefit”. Unlike barter, the concept of profit necessitates a winner and a loser in any transaction. Most people are not aware that the current monetary system is a for profit system designed to create wealth and power for those that control the system, just as one would profit from the oil or manufacturing industry. Central banking is the business of controlling the monetary system to enrich only those that wield control of the system.

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws” ~ Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

The business of banking rests on two pillars. One is foreclosure, the other is usury, or more commonly called interest.

When a man or company or Government takes a “loan” from a bank, the bank actually creates a new digital entry into the system under the borrower’s associated account. It is imperative to understand that this is a digital entry for new “never before been in existence” digital currency.

Regarding the business of foreclosure, if the “borrower” never pays the “loan” back, the bank can foreclose on an outstanding “loan” and then gains control of a tangible asset like a car or a property. Yet the fact is that the bank never risked anything to begin with. The digital currency created at the time of the “loan” is not a tangible thing. It doesn’t exist. It’s like getting the “blessing” of the Bank to go and purchase something. This is a simplification of the system but it is basically a correct understanding. This scheme has worked like a charm for them…

“They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability”. ~ Edward Mandell House

Regarding the business of usury, whenever a “loan” of non-existent currency is created there is also an interest charge built into the contract. When the borrower pays back the “loan” they are also required to pay back an interest charge that is over and above the newly created currency. The point to understand here is that the interest due was not created along with the new digital currency and thus a shortfall of currency is actually built into the system. Thus bankruptcy is a fundamental component of the current monetary system because there is always a shortage of currency. If every dollar of debt in existence today were to be paid back right now, all the interest would still be outstanding. This is the mathematical formula that has been used for centuries in order to steal tangible wealth from the actual creators of that wealth.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. ” ~Henry Ford

Having said all that, you might be intrigued and start to gain the understanding that only the bankers can win, but you might also say “so what”? People should be able to profit, after all, profit is the motivating factor in our world.

I submit that the concept of profit is the fundamental core of what is destroying the human species. If a larger, stronger man takes control of another man and subjugates him simply because he can, that is tyranny, and we as a species have evolved to see that this ethically wrong. Now we as a species have to evolve our understanding of the current monetary system to see that we are being subjugated into continuing to propagate the greatest control mechanism ever developed on this planet.

Let’s play the “If” game for a second.

If profit was taken out of the equation; do you think that cancer would still be a major threat to our species?

If profit was not a requirement; do you think that we would be using oil as the fundamental energy source used throughout the world today?

If the concept of profit was not in the human consciousness; do you think that “health” centres would ever refuse to treat the ill? Or actual cures for diseases would be shelved by Big Pharma?

If profit was not the driving factor of agriculture; do you think that we could easily feed the population of the world?

If everyone on the planet never had to worry about shelter or having enough food to eat or clothes to wear, would having more than you need be a consideration?

The concept of “profit” is what is holding us back as a species. We have been indoctrinated into a short term “take what we can NOW” philosophy that is based on the fallacy of continuous growthand competition. I submit that we would be far better off if we forged our future by cultivating the creative use of our finite resources using a co-operative intellectual methodology.

Study after study has shown that the world’s hunger and housing problems could be solved very quickly if a certain amount of money where to be thrown at those two problems. Studies show ending world hunger would cost around 30 billion dollars per year (vs $684 billion for the 2010 U.S. military budget). The fact that we as a species have not eliminated hunger proves that this problem is actually being facilitated. Is that acceptable to you? If it is, then all of us (but the few of the elite at the top of the control pyramid) are doomed.

Profit stifles as much creativity as it generates. Just look at the alternate technologies that have been suppressed because they would have upset the current paradigm, technology such as almost free and truly sustainable energy and anti-gravity devices. If either of these technologies ever went main stream the oil economy would take a huge hit and there would be an immediate shift in the controlling power structure.

The concept of profit is the paradigm that must be shed in order for us to move forward as a compassionate, free and intelligent species. It is the concept of profit that is the shovel we use to dig our own graves.

“Problems are best solved not on the level where they appear to occur but on the next level above them….Problems are best solved by transcending them and looking at them from a higher viewpoint. At the higher level, the problems automatically resolve themselves because of that shift in point of view, or one might see there was no problem at all.” ~David R. Hawkins

Abandoning just one concept, the concept of profit and our species will thrive for centuries to come.

About the Author

Rod Morin operates Barrie Tai Chi & Qigong studio in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, focusing on Yang-style Tai Chi, Taiji Qigong and Ziran Qigong. Rod has taught hundreds of students basic tai chi and energy work while striving to incorporate the profound teachings of taiji philosophy into his daily life. Please visit his website at www.barrietaichi.com.

For more ideas and a potential solution to economic subjugation, please visit Secodnary Money System.


 – David R. Hawkins. 2009. Healing and Recovery. Sedona, AZ; Veritas Publishing, p. 176.

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

fr0om:    http://themindunleashed.org/2014/11/time-new-monetary-system.html

Growth of Bitcoin

Whistleblower: Federal Reserve “Highly Alarmed” After Modeling Shows Bitcoin Conquering Dollar by 2021

The Federal Reserve is apparently very worried about bitcoin disrupting the monetary system.

According to an alleged whistleblower’s post on Reddit, Fed governors were “highly alarmed” by internal economic modeling that showed Bitcoin has the potential to completely displace the dollar by as early as 2021 (which they called “worst case”).

The whistleblower, who currently remains anonymous, claims to work for the Federal Reserve as a researcher who was tasked with doing “econometrics and related modeling” for Bitcoin.

He writes:

The Dirty: We were directed to upgrade our modeling of bitcoin from developing currency to a major currency. In addition to all of the common modeling and forecasting that task entails, we were instructed to do full simulations of money flows, interest rates, multi currency derivative baskets, risk metrics, and their effects on global macro monetary policy and trade agreements. What we found was shocking. Even with a mediocre adoption rate and variable growth rate, bitcoin severely disrupts how we model, forecast, and ultimately understand currency interactions to make monetary policy decisions. This is a huge technological, monetary, and policy disruption which leaves the Fed, the US govt, and other entities with much less control.

Our best case scenarios are modeled upon current bitcoin adoption rates which have simulated a tipping point for the year 2026 (worst case 2021); this time frame projects the Fed (via the dollar) to lose its dominant global monetary policy maker status – instead everything will superseded by bitcoin.

I presented this updated report along with all of our modeling work and simulation outputs which were statistically and independently verified to the Board of Governors. The Board was highly alarmed and interrogated me and my fellow researchers in a 3 day session trying to understand every point of our research. It must be remembered that unlike politicians, the Board of Governors is a very well educated and empirical group with an ability to conceptually grasp complicated research.

The ramifications of this internal analysis could be huge. Pressed by the Reddit community to verify his claims, he is said to be working with journalists to release proof or his employment and of the report itself

from:    http://www.activistpost.com/2014/08/federal-reserve-highly-alarmed-after.html#!bxnvYn

Math, Power, & the Language of the Universe

Math: Your Secret Weapon Against Wall Street and the NSA

Edward Frenkel wants you to understand mathematics so economists, bankers, corporations, and intelligence agencies can’t manipulate you anymore.

—By and

| Fri Feb. 28, 2014
Edward Frenkel. Elizabeth Lippman

As Edward Frenkel sees it, the way we teach math in schools today is about as exciting as watching paint dry. So it’s not surprising that when he brings up the fact that he’s a mathematician at dinner parties, eyes quickly glaze over. “Most people, unfortunately, have a very bad experience with mathematics,” Frenkel says. And no wonder: The math we learn in school is as far from what Frenkel believes is the soul of mathematics as a painted fence is from “The Starry Night” by Van Gogh, Frenkel’s favorite painter.

The Russian born University of California-Berkeley mathematician, whose day job involves probing the connections between math and quantum physics, wants to change that. Rather than alienating drudgery, Frenkel views math as an “archipelago of knowledge” that’s universally available to all of us, and he’s been everywhere of late spreading the word. In particular, Frenkel is intent on warning us about how people are constantly using (or misusing) math to get our personal data, to hack our emails, to game our stock markets. “The powers that be sort of exploit our ignorance, and manipulate us more when we are less aware of mathematics,” said Frenkel on the latest episode of the Inquiring Minds podcast. If you hated math in high school, maybe that will catch your attention.

Frenkel’s paean to math begins with an emphasis on its unifying nature. To him, math—not religion—is the one shared body of firm, unchanging knowledge that we all possess and that nobody can ever take away from us. “You meet someone, you don’t know where they come from, what language they speak, what is their background,” he says. “But you already know that there is so much you have in common, because all the mathematical ideas that have ever been discovered, we all share them.” If you met an alien intelligence, the same would be true. Math never changes. It sometimes has discoverers, but never authors or owners. “It’s a great equalizer,” Frenkel says.

The implications of math’s universality, incidentally, are downright spooky. Take this New York Times essay by Frenkel, contemplating whether the fact that math works so perfectly and without fail suggests we might be living in a Matrix-like simulation. For a while, it was the most viewed article on the paper’s website. The question of why math works to describe the universe, even as we also just happen to have brains that can understand it, is a pretty momentous one. Or as Galileo put it:

Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the letters in which it is composed. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one wanders about in a dark labyrinth.

Such contemplations have driven more than one scientist to God. But then, hey, it could just be Agent Smith.

Deep philosophical dives aren’t Frenkel’s only approach to math popularization: His leading approach is egalitarian. Liberal. He argues that today, and often to our peril, we leave the tough math to experts—whether they are working on quantum physics, stock market trajectories, or encryption systems that are supposed to protect our data.

But our mathematical illiteracy can have disastrous consequences. Case in point: Frenkel blames the global economic crisis of 2008-09 on inadequate mathematical models used by bankers and traders to predict the financial markets. “We should all have access to the mathematical knowledge and tools needed to protect us from arbitrary decisions made by the powerful few in an increasingly math-driven world,” writes Frenkel in his book, Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality. “Where there is no mathematics, there is no freedom.”

Or take another example: Last year in Slate, Frenkel explained how the NSA manipulated math in order to install secret “backdoors” in the encryption systems that are supposed to protect our data. That’s what allows the agency to hack into our emails and personal information. The math is very high level, involving a field called “elliptic curve cryptography,” but in this highly watched YouTube video Frenkel explains it pretty simply:

Or take yet another example of people using math to take advantage of us. Frenkel has also explored how attempted changes to the formula for calculating the consumer price index, or CPI—a measure of inflation that is crucial to any number of economic policies and decisions—in effect represent a stealth way to raise our taxes and cut Social Security benefits. But we just shrug because it’s math, says Frenkel. “I’m not even going to try to understand what this formula is,” he says, summing up the typical thought process. “If they’re telling me it should be replaced, it should be replaced.”

In other words, you might call it the politically progressive, look-out-for-the-little-guy case for math literacy. “Mathematics equals rigor plus intellectual integrity times reliance on facts,” adds Frenkel in his book.

Certainly, Frenkel makes a strong case that going through the world in a math-illiterate state is equivalent to having your defenses down. You won’t understand the algorithms that Facebook, Amazon, and Google are using to populate your screen with stuff they want you to buy. You won’t know how safe you are on the internet. And you won’t see the next big economic shenanigan coming until it’s too late.

But the question is, is such understanding really possible or plausible for most people? Most of us think that in order to truly appreciate the mysterious beauty of mathematics, we need to study it intensely for a long period of time. Not so, insists Frenkel. While most of us learn the basics of biology in school and have at least a rudimentary understanding of fundamental concepts like genetics and evolution, we generally don’t even know what the fundamental concepts of high-level mathematics are. But Frenkel insists that we need not suffer through years of math study to grasp the key mathematical ideas. Rather, we can learn “a few chords,” he says, just as we can on the guitar.

So here comes one of those chords: Frenkel thinks that rather than learning something ancient and dry like Euclidean geometry, we should all understand the principle of symmetry. It’s a very simple idea, but also a concept that is “incredibly powerful,” says Frenkel, and one that is relevant across geometry, algebra, and other aspects of math. An object is symmetrical insofar as it is the same no matter what you do to it; it is invariant despite transformations. Like a round glass: “If I turn away, and you rotate it, and I look back, I will not know the difference,” says Frenkel.

Symmetry may seem like a simple idea. But the mathematics of symmetry quickly grow elaborate, and thinking about symmetry actually played an important role in the discovery of quarks, the elementary particles that comprise protons and neutrons.

Certainly, symmetry is not the kind of thing that you learned in your boring high school math classes; and for Frenkel, that’s the problem. “What most people talk about when they say the word ‘math’ is not really math—it is painting fences,” says Frenkel. Not only is that a tragedy, it’s a disadvantage.

And that’s why you should care about math. Forget the idea that it’s alienating and hard. According to Frenkel, life is hard without it.

To listen to the full podcast interview with Edward Frenkel, you can stream below:

(Check out link for podcast)

This episode of Inquiring Minds, a podcast hosted by neuroscientist and musician Indre Viskontas and best-selling author Chris Mooney, also features a discussion about whether offshore wind farms can protect our coasts from hurricanes, and new insights on the possible physical location of memory within the brain.

from:    http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2014/02/inquiring-minds-edward-frenkel-math-doesnt-suck

On Bitcoin

Bitcoin: The Technology That Could Phase Out the Fiat Central Banking System and Free Humanity From Debt Slavery

| January 8, 2014


Flickr Commons: Image provided by Antana

Every decade or so, a group of like-minded people will invent something so revolutionary that it will change our life and how the world operates. The last time something that incredible happened was during the invention of the internet. Fast forward to 2014 and we are living in a time when incredible changes are occurring so fast that they are happening right in front of our eyes. Whether we are aware of these great changes or not, they will alter how we view our financial, religious, educational and political systems. One of them is known as the Bitcoin Revolution

In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published a research paper on cryptography that sparked the movement of Bitcoin. He stated that he found a way to create a decentralized network that can achieve consensus or agreement without the use of central authority systems, such as a central bank. Before he published his work, no one has been able to solve the byzantine generals problem, which was the obstacle that was preventing a decentralized network to achieve consensus.

I first heard of Bitcoin in early 2013, but I decided not to investigate it and brush it aside. Big mistake! Why? Because Bitcoin is one of the signs that I have been waiting for many years. Bitcoin isn’t just a digital currency. More importantly, it’s a cryptography technology that has amazing potential. If used correctly, it could phase out the central fiat banking system and free us from debt slavery! Bitcoin can do this because it’s an open source technology that isn’t controlled by anyone, just like the internet. However, certain greedy and controlling wealthy elites will try to control it, but the chance of them succeeding is slim.

Who controls the current central banking system?

The people who control most of the central banking systems of the world are part of a secret organization known as the New World Order (NWO). This organization is made of many different groups of secret societies. Fortunately, not everyone who is a part of the NWO supports its dark agendas. The controlling groups of the NWO need a highly controlled system to survive, which is why they love the fiat central banking system. This banking system is the main entity that allows them to steal our wealth through inflation and enslave us through debt. It also gives them the power to bribe politicians into supporting their phony wars and dark agendas.

Since the current centralized financial and political systems are heavily controlled by controlling factions of secret societies, if we want to achieve success or accomplish our goals, we have to overcome many of the obstacles set in place by them. For example, to make it big in the entertainment industry in the current state of our society, you need to sign a contract with major media companies. The problem is that they are mostly owned by secret societies; therefore, if you want to succeed, you will have to become their puppet. This is why most famous celebrities are tools of the NWO. If you want strong evidence of this, read this empowering article.

The dark forces or NWO can’t thrive in a society that uses peer to peer cryptography technologies in a responsible way. As more of these systems emerge, the dark forces will lose more of their controlling power, because these systems don’t rely on a centralized system to operate. These decentralized system will also motivate us to become more responsible. As we become more responsible, the NWO will have a harder time controlling us. It’s hard to control a responsible society that doesn’t rely heavily on controlling systems, such as a centralized government that answers to corporations and banking elites. Once the controlling systems of the NWO phase out, it will become a lot easier for us to achieve success and accomplish our goals.

The cons of Bitcoin

The cryptography technology that Bitcoin is based on is so revolutionary that if used correctly, it could help establish world peace and stop poverty. However, in the wrong hands, it could do the opposite. Fortunately, it’s hard to control a technology that is powered by the people, which is why the dark forces will have a hard time winning this battle.

Like the internet, some people will use Bitcoin for negative purposes, but it’s only a small percentage so they shouldn’t be able to disrupt the Bitcoin Revolution. A lot of people who hack computers to steal personal information are employed by certain controlling factions of governments; therefore, without large centralized entities to support them, a lot of these people won’t have the funds to support them to continue their work. In addition, cryptography technology is nearly impossible to decode.

Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin still has a lot of evolving to do, just like how the internet had to go through a lot of tweaking before it became reliable and useful. Even though it is still in its early stage, cryptocurrency is already more secure and has more potential than credit cards or any other digital currency. Remember, Bitcoin is a technology that utilizes the awesome power of cryptography to create pretty much any digital system, including but not limited to digital currency and stock programs.

As Bitcoin evolves, it will become harder and harder for corporations and centralized governments to control it, just like the internet. If we, the people, can unite and support cryptocurrency, we can help create a world where we can compete with big corporations and the elites, because it levels the playing field by shifting financial power back to the people.

Benefits of Bitcoin

  • No third party
  • Decentralized (no bank and government control)
  • Super secure (more secure than credit cards)
  • Central banks can’t manipulate or destroy its value through printing fiat money
  • Very little fees

For more information on Bitcoin, visit Bitcoin.org.

Check out these videos also for more information:

from:    http://omnithought.org/bitcoin-technology-phase-out-fiat-central-banking-system-free-humanity-debt-enslavement/760#

Sol Luckman’s Predictions for 2014

SPRING SUN by Sol Luckman

SPRING SUN by Sol Luckman

By Sol Luckman

I don’t consider myself an expert on anything. That’s a good thing. In my book, to borrow an old saying, an “expert” is someone who knows more and more about less and less—until he ends by knowing everything about nothing.

Also, I don’t have “insiders” telling me their secrets. That’s really a good thing as well. As we’ve seen abundantly in recent years, whenever predictions are made based on “insider” information, there’s virtually a 100% chance said predictions will come to nothing.

I’m also not a fortune teller, financial advisor or political analyst and don’t play any of these roles on TV. I’ve been wrong many times in the past—and will probably repeat similar mistakes in the future.

With these caveats, I do fancy myself a keen observer of people, events, and trends. I mean, I knew the first time I saw Justin Bieber the guy was going to be a superstar. It was written all over him.

Call me “gifted.” Of course, it helps that I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Seriously. Take the following fourteen predictions for 2014 with a grain of salt, and perhaps a pinch of pepper, and—if all else fails—go make yourself some popcorn to eat while watching AMERICAN IDOL.

Drumroll please …

1. Banksters and goldbugs are going to hate this one, but bitcoin will break the $2K barrier on its way to the stratosphere and—not without a fight from the crumbling Powers that Be trying to keep their fiat monetary system on life support—gain increasing acceptance worldwide. Yes, we’re seeing the Cabal go after bitcoin—but that’s like trying to stop an avalanche with an umbrella. Simply put, bitcoin, an idea whose time has come, is the currency of the resistance. Get used to it. If you still haven’t heard of bitcoin, I’m really glad I’m not reading your predictions for 2014.

2. On another technology note, by the end of the year, 3D printers will start to become a household item. This trend is happening already—but expect it to really begin following in the footsteps of the PC and HDTV by year’s conclusion. You can print just about anything—including many items of questionable legality—with even a halfway decent 3D printer. Look into it and discuss.

3. Joining bitcoin and 3D printing, crowdfunding is the third of a triumvirate of disruptive technologies that will begin to do a lot more … disrupting in 2014. Bankster-bashing MP George Galloway plans to fund his London mayoral bid through crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is democracy in action, where people directly control what their money supports: something that has been a long time coming and is a revolution in itself. Combined with decentralized crypto-currencies such as bitcoin, and the incipient cottage industry for fabricating everything from handguns to automobiles enabled by 3D printing, expect the world economy to shift in dramatically people-empowering ways throughout 2014 and beyond.

4. Former professional wrestler and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura will announce his bid for the US presidency. Howard Stern will be his running mate. Their platform will be revolutionary and center on ending American aggression against the world by putting the kabosh on the NSA and bringing our troops home, like, immediately. Of course, the Powers that Be and the mainstream media they control will attempt (ironically, as it were) to paint Ventura and Stern as buffoons. But support for the message—if not the messengers per se—will rapidly build as libertarian heavyweights like Ron Paul and millions fed up with the status quo get behind the ticket. Expect to watch bitcoin and crowdfunding play a significant fundraising role as well. Regardless of the ultimate outcome, eventually seeing Ventura, who isn’t exactly known for pulling his punches, in the presidential debates would be, as Mastercard says, priceless!

5. The year 2014 will see a global currency reset of some sort as the moribund petrodollar is officially abandoned as world reserve currency. The dollar could lose half its value in rapid fashion and Americans could face some tough sledding for a while, much like Russia did after the fall of the Soviet Union. Herein lies our collective challenge as well as reason for hope: if Russia could get back on its feet and restore something resembling democracy, so can we. (Cue Leonard Cohen’s Democracy Is Coming to the USA.) What will replace the dollar remains to be seen. My vote is on bitcoin.

6. Obamacare will prove to be a complete and unmitigated disaster. Wait. That already happened. As a result, more and more states will follow South Carolina’s lead and simply nullify this monstrosity of fascist legislation. “If you like your freedom, you can keep your freedom.” Make this mantra viral.

7. On the subject of nullification, this pushback strategy will be a major trend in 2014’s resistance movement. Do yourself (and all of us) a favor by researching and getting behind this historical brain child of none other than Thomas Jefferson, who designed nullification as a last resort for We the People to say no to government tyranny and idiocy. Seeing as how we live in a veritable Golden Age of government tyranny and idiocy, I highly recommend that you check out the Tenth Amendment Center, the OffNow Coalition, this recent edition of the CORBETT REPORT, and these videos on jury nullification—and then roll up your shirtsleeves and lend some elbow grease to the cause.

8. Increasingly, along with drones, American airspace will be filled with the sounds of secession. Secessionist movements are popping up like wildfires from California to Colorado and Texas to Vermont. The only thing most of these disaffected would-be secessionists can agree on is that they agree with absolutely nothing the Federal Government is doing. (See historically low and plummeting-as-we-speak approval ratings for the president and Congress.) This common ground may be just enough to initiate a groundswell to break apart the Union and create the UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA, returning decision-making power to more grassroots levels. One can only hope. Stay tuned.

9. After much ado about nothing, comet ISON (what’s left of it anyway) will finally leave us humans on planet earth alone again with our own problems and all the doomsdayers, fearmongerers and Armageddon-heads out there will have to find something else to obsess and panic over. But have faith: this shouldn’t take very long. All that’s needed to get the stress hormones flowing again is a little bad news blown completely out of proportion. Expect the Cabal to explore creative ways to capitalize on this truth.

10. That said, there’s a high likelihood that one or more federal alphabet agencies will finally be caught red-handed perpetrating a false flag attack on the US so much so that even the mainstream media will have no choice but to report on it. The Cabal’s plan to use manufactured problem-reaction-solution to further enslave the people might very well backfire on a scale that will dwarf the Boston Scareathon Bombing and Syria Scam. This might be like the first domino falling in an avalanche of public awakening that will initiate the dismantling of the New World Order in earnest.

11. Good news came on the GMO labeling front recently when the island of Hawaii basically banned GMOs and Connecticut signed into law a still somewhat symbolic bill theoretically requiring Monsanto and other perpetrators of biotech abominations against the populace to (gasp!) actually label their genetically monstrosified products as such. Expect a torrent of GMO outlawing and labeling initiatives, both at the state and local levels, in 2014, accompanied by the slow but steady implosion of the biotech industry. Good riddance. I propose a bill to relegate GMO proponents to their own tiny island, where their penance is to subsist solely on Golden Rice for eternity.

12. In addition to GMO labeling, cannabis legalization, which is an integral part of the global political awakening long feared by the likes of Zbigniew Brzezinski, will make a lot of headlines in 2014. Following in the footsteps of the brave states of Colorado and Washington, we just saw Uruguay become the world’s first country to terminate the failed policy of prohibition and the genocidal war on drugs and simply “legalize it.” It won’t be the last. Regardless of what you think about marijuana, it has been proven to be a remarkably safe substance; a medical miracle for conditions ranging from Alzheimer’s to cancer; and (in the case of hemp) a multiuse industrial cash crop capable of sustainably revitalizing local economies—while simultaneously diverting resources away from dehumanizing, environmentally devastating corporations worldwide. Now, that’s what I call a win-win situation!

13. The truth is, they’re out there. Thanks to high-quality media productions such as ANCIENT ALIENS and Stephen Greer’s SIRIUS, combined with the tireless efforts of ufologists and exopoliticians around the globe, more and more people are becoming aware of the ongoing ET cover-up and the need to uncover it ASAP. The results of disclosure, which I see gathering steam in 2014, will eventually culminate in the release of suppressed free energy technology and absolute proof not only that we’re not alone—but that we have friends we never knew we had. Oh, and I almost forgot: genuine disclosure should greatly speed up the toppling of the Cabal’s global control system, which is really just a house of cards to begin with.

14. If there’s a connecting thread to the predictions outlined above, it has to be freedom consciousness rising in the people. We’re currently witnessing an unprecedented acceleration of awareness of what’s happening in our world to limit our freedom and what needs to be done to correct what’s happening. My own contribution to this massive Collective Consciousness Shift in 2014 is a new novel, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, the epic tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. All of our dreams are potentially world-changing; we just have to be willing to follow them. My humble prediction is that at least one person will be inspired by SNOOZE to implement a dream with the potential to make the world a freer place to live. And if only one person is so catalyzed, that’s good enough for me.

Copyright © 2014 Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

Sol Luckman is a prolific visual artist and critically acclaimed author. His books include the international bestselling CONSCIOUS HEALING and its popular sequel, POTENTIATE YOUR DNA. Sol is also author of the BEGINNER’S LUKE Series of seriocomic novels characterized by Reader Views as a “modern-day ALICE IN WONDERLAND” and by Apex Reviews as a “mind-bending journey through the mind of the ultimate iconoclast.” His latest novel, SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, set for release in 2014, is the riveting, coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams. View Sol’s paintings, read his blog and learn more about his work at www.CrowRising.com.

from:    http://consciouslifenews.com/2014-preview-buckle-wild-ride-freedom/1169472/