Time to Remember

The following was originally published on Kingsley Dennis’s website.

‘We are dreaming a symbolic world, only briefly waking to what is real’
Arthur Deikman, M.D.

‘He not busy being born, is busy dying’
Bob Dylan

Something is not quite right…you feel it…you may have experienced this feeling, this nagging, for a long time. So you most probably just try to ignore it and hope that it goes away; but sooner or later the persistent nagging finally brings an idea to your mind – there’s something very odd about the way the world is. Maybe you feel like you are at the cinema watching a film and yet you sense there must be something wrong about the film you are seeing. The images are all there, but there’s a feeling that something is out of sequence, or the frames are running out of ‘normal’ time. However, after a while you get used to the style of the film, and your senses adjust to its rhythm and you lose the sense of strangeness and you get pulled into the show and you go along with the ride…

…the film tells you that the world has no grand meaning, that human life is an accidental anomaly – but as you walk down the street, engage with friends, fall in love, follow your dreams, you experience meaning and significance…wait, there’s that glitch in the film again – something about its ‘randomness’ and ‘meaninglessness’ doesn’t make sense…your personal experience has shown you something different…and then there’s that nagging feeling again…somewhere – wasn’t there?

Life is life, and most people go through it with trial, joy, adventure, challenge, love, and all the rest. This is the same for all of us, yet it doesn’t always occur on the same playing field. There is a different perspective we can take – a different position vis-à-vis the world. We can see the world in which we live as solely an exterior phenomenon; or we can choose to view it as also an expression of our interior life.

I have come to regard the cosmos as not just the expression of mathematical equations, but as the play of lyrical forces that, like a living being, is intoxicated with love and wonder, and the joyful curiosity of adventure. And I often wonder what it would be like to live with the view that human life is the result of random, accidental forces; as a meaningless happening forced to live out its years on the back of a dead rock hurtling through a lifeless universe. I am reminded of the ‘Myth of Sisyphus,’ a figure of Greek mythology who was condemned to repeat for eternity the same meaningless task of pushing a boulder up a mountain, only to see it roll down again – and then to push it up again, ad infinitum. For me, this lifeless exterior view of life is truly absurd[i]. And yet the physical demands of a normal life compel us to focus our gaze continually on the external where our daily waking consciousness has to deal with all the impacts and noise coming from the outside – it is very physical work and can, and often does, occupy the whole consciousness and conscious awareness of a person. Yet for some people another gaze peers out onto the world – a gaze from within. I refer to this as the interior life, whereby a person deeply feels, intuitively knows, that there is another perspective upon life, one that is far richer, pervasive, subtle; and yet one that must be sought with effort.

There are many people – in fact, they may be the majority – who have never sought or felt an urge toward the interior life. They never stop to ask themselves not only ‘why am I here?’, but also ‘how did I get here?’ This is a fundamental question that appears to bother few people. It is not unfair to say that some people only know themselves by the name they wear through life. If pushed, they would find it difficult to truly distinguish themselves from others who bear similar conditioned attitudes and opinions. And yet this realization is often hidden from us. Perhaps the shock of such recognition would greatly disturb our mental and emotional balance. And so a majority of people continue to identify and individualize themselves through the given name they bear, or the job they have elected to perform. This is evident on the occasion when someone is asked who they are, they reply either with their name or their occupation. It’s a most unsettling question and for many people they can only answer this by their work function or their given name. It’s also true that most of the time this socially accepted question is only asked and directed to a person on the most superficial and banal level. And so who a person actually is remains a lifelong mystery. And this is a condition common to most of us.

…There’s that film again, and it’s telling you that your conscious experience is just a consequence of chemical brain functioning – I do this, I do that, I see this, I feel that, I think this – …but the ‘I’ is just a state of awareness that comes as a by-product from a complex of neurons…but wait a minute – haven’t I just been observing my own thoughts and feelings…standing back from the ‘I’? Is this then the real me? Or is this observer of my thoughts just another neuronal by-product observing the workings of another random by-product?…ah, here’s the film again, the glitch is gone…

It’s also the case that many people rebel against their essential nature, whether they know it or not. People may say a thousand things – or only one thing – and yet in each spoken moment they move away from the essential. Again, what is it to know oneself? To grow, to develop, to attain understanding and self-awareness – what do these things mean to the everyday person? At best, society has rendered them as abstract concepts, or as wishful thinking. Within our specific cultures we are so used to living at a primary, basic level – a survival level – that we spend very little time and attention upon the interior level. In fact, the notion of an interior world often remains a luxury for the few.  The rest of us have to get on with managing and coping with our normal lives.

And so we live with many unrecognized questions, failing to notice them or awake them from their slumber within us. Do we ever wonder why events have turned out this way? Or is it that the forces of division, polarity, and ignorance that drive our world are so convincing that we seek no other reason (or excuse?) for the oddities of our world and its incongruous reality? Perhaps we find no compelling need to want to see things in a different way. In fact, some people actively seek to forget.

The compulsion to forget is likely to be rationalized by calling it by another name. Through the seeking of pleasurable diversions and distractions through entertainment, challenges, or addictive pursuits, people are actually seeking to forget. Greek mythology tells of how before the human soul incarnates into this world it drinks from Lethe, the river of Forgetfulness – one of the five rivers of the underworld – so that it cannot remember its divine origins. Similarly, there is a Jewish legend that speaks of how we are struck on the mouth by an angel before birth so that we cannot speak of our pre-birth divine origins. We may come from inspired and sacred origins, yet when we arrive in this earthly reality we come dumbstruck and needy. Or rather, perhaps it is only that we lack the key, the crucial guide, to unlock our memories and unleash our interior gaze and soulful longing. The truth may be that rather than to forget we are in fact here to remember.

Sometimes it is a tragedy or catastrophe that triggers a person to remember and to seek answers. On a larger scale, perhaps it is necessary for humanity to reach a crisis point – in its materialism, commercialism, and social systems – for there to arise within people the need for something else. The interior life recognizes that it is the essential nature of being human to seek for something more, something beyond. This need for communion with something greater has largely been fed by the role of religious, and/or spiritual, traditions. However, the human being’s need for a meaningful, developmental life has still not been met by our societies, especially so among the highly industrialized cultures. We have developed our faith, our reason, our mental pursuits; we have established industry and created marvellous technologies – yet we have failed to work on ourselves. We have failed to grow our souls.

Soul-making as well as taking care of one’s soul are not specifically introverted or monastic pursuits – they do not require steadfast introspection or a dramatic withdrawal from the world. The Romantic Poet Keats said – “Call the world if you please, ‘the vale of Soul-making.’ Then you will find out the use of the world.” It is my opinion that ‘soul-making’ needs to be re-imagined and reintegrated into our societies. We need not go back to animism or alchemy to find soul-making. We can find it here, in the everyday Now. The genuine expression of a truth takes no fixed form. Self-development, or self-refinement if you prefer, is not an ideology or a fixed science. It is a basic human right. The interior life should be recognized as an inherent human need, and it should be socially acceptable and encouraged to direct part of our gaze in its direction. After all, if the outer sun rises but the inner sun does not, then nothing has been gained.

‘One is an architect of the interior – who works on interior architecture’


[i] No wonder then that the absurdist French philosopher Albert Camus wrote an essay titled ‘The Myth of Sisyphus’ (1942) describing man’s useless search for meaning in an unintelligible world.

from:   http://realitysandwich.com/320902/the-interior-life/

On Consciousness & What’s Real

Choose Your Reality! Connecting to a New Consciousness

Choose Your Reality Artwork Contact by Ira Ratry Choose Your Reality! Connecting to a New Consciousness

14th November 2014

By Lisa Young

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

What would life be like if you could choose between two completely different experiences of reality in every moment?

Just like Neo in the movie “The Matrix” having to choose between taking the red pill or the blue pill; Imagine if each choice moved you into a different consciousness which brought you a vastly different reality.

How would you choose between the two? How would you discern which “reality” you were focused on in any given moment?

This is not just a story line from a cool science fiction movie. It is happening on the Earth right now. It is our planetary reality, a unique cosmic moment in time on our beautiful and beloved planet. TWO realities, TWO paradigms, TWO consciousness’, and in a sense, TWO Earths, are residing simultaneously but in different dimensions and frequencies. And we have the chance to experience it first hand consciously in every second. We are choosing the red or blue pill, or between these 2 realities, constantly, with our thoughts, intentions and where we choose to focus.

What Are These 2 Realities?

Let’s say the “red pill” is the old reality which has been the dominant consciousness on the planet for hundreds of thousands of years. This consciousness is based on frequencies and beliefs of fear, scarcity, competition, unworthiness and greed. We all know it very well and can still watch it express itself in our movies, on the news, in government, business, and in the policies of separation and fear present in all of our outmoded systems and structures of life.

The other “blue pill” we can choose is a new consciousness that is aligned with the entire Universe and the Divine Order of Creation. It is a consciousness of Love, Infinite Abundance, Divine Truth, Compassion for all, and a knowing of our Oneness. It holds the remembrance of who we really are and why we choose to come to this planet at this time. It is the Essence of all Life.

So, how do you discern which reality you are presently living in?

Notice How You Are Feeling

If you are feeling and vibrating in love, gratitude, truth, joy, possibility, and trust, you are in the “new” consciousness. If you find that you feel all is possible more frequently, and that you are supported in being yourself on the planet, you are in the “blue”, Universal Consciousness. If you are finding that you are often in a “Flow” and things seem to align for you with greater ease, you are in the New. If you find you are feeling trust in yourself and trust in the Universe, God to create the life you truly want, you are operating in the “new.

If you are feeling or speaking from fear, lack, worry, lots of stress and limitation, you are aligned with the old consciousness on the planet. This is where still a majority of the collective lives and vibrates, so it has a very strong magnetic and familiar pull to it. And perhaps even a comfortable familiarity in the pain. There is no judgement around where each of us is “living” in any given moment. This is ultimately about
awareness and choice to create every moment of your life as you would like it to be. This is the opportunity to truly harness the new consciousness in a powerful way and become your full, empowered and magnificent Self.

How do you move into this New Reality?

Choose the Reality You Want to Live In

This seems too simplified but it is actually the key. YOU are a creator of your life, and as a creator, your choices determine the direction of your life. In your meditation, prayers, thoughts, consciously choose to align with the new source consciousness that is permeating the planet. Ask your spirit family and guides to assist you in living more in this reality. Find meditations and music, friends and new thought that support you in this new alignment.

Become Conscious of Your Thoughts

Notice if your thoughts are ones taking you into places of hope, excitement, empowerment and love, or into feelings of fear and limitation. Catch your thoughts and ask to shift them into more positive energies and focus. Notice again. Catch and shift the limiting thought into a thought that feels expansive, free, joyful or at least hopeful. Practice shifting thoughts. It is a training and in time your mind begins to move into a new groove. Over time you lay new neural pathways that vibrate in self love, self-trust, possibility, and abundance.

Watch Your Words

Words are incredibly powerful. The old adage from 12 step of “fake it till you make it” works. Say what you want to feel and believe. Even if you are not quite there yet and even if you can’t fully feel it. Say it anyway. For example, rather than talk about the money you do not have, say: “I am opening to the infinite abundance that is flowing towards me now in ways I cannot even imagine.” And take a long, slow deep breath. Say it again. Say it to your friends and family. Watch it open up channels of support you never dreamed possible.

Quiet Your Mind

This is a tricky proposition for most people. The mind has run the show for a LONG time and can put up a bit of a freak show at first. Practice sitting for 10 minutes a day and just breathing very slow, taking long deep breaths. Inhale, “quiet and peace”, exhale out “all thought”. Say this to yourself. Breathe again. And again. Feel your body slow down. As your body settles, your mind will often follow with practice. Put your hand on your heart as you breath. This will help bring your focus out of your mind and into your Heart. Imagine that your hand is breathing.

Connect to Source/Divine Creator/Universe

The new consciousness is pure Source consciousness. We are made of this consciousness and energy. Yet, to align with it in its purest state it helps to connect directly to Source at the Center of the Universe. Depending on whatever word resonates for you, it is connecting directly to God, Divine Creator or the Intelligence of the Universe that is pure, direct and in perfect alignment with You. You may find some helpful guided meditations on my website UniversalSoulSpa.com under the “enlighten” section.

Follow Your Joy and Your Heart

What makes you sing? What inspires you? What makes you feel most like your real self? Alive? Follow wherever this leads. Listen to the whisperings of your Soul for in this lay your purpose and your happiness. This new consciousness aligns perfectly with who you really are and assist you in remembering it.

Move Toward Higher-Frequency People

Once you set the intention to align with the new consciousness, and follow the above steps, you will begin to notice when you are around someone who lives more from this reality as well. You will feel a resonance that is uplifting and possibly even exciting. You may find that you are drawn to certain activities, articles, music, and even movies that seem to be also aligning with and bringing in new expression of this Christ Consciousness. You will begin to recognize it showing itself all over the planet.

It is an extraordinary time to be alive on Earth offering a unique opportunity and experience in a physical form. How often are we alive on a planet that is undergoing massive transformation and upgrade? This time offers unprecedented options for huge consciousness expansion and awakening for all beings.

Somewhere along the way we decided we wanted to be here.

Let’s choose the Reality that allows us to thoroughly enjoy the journey.

With Great Love, Lisa

Experience Source and Raise Your Vibration

Here is a powerful and short musical meditation created by my talented friends, Dominique Lacroix and Frits Evelein, with specific frequencies and visuals to assist you in Connecting to Source and Raising Your Vibration. Relax into it, take some deep breaths and open into a deeper connection with Source and the Divine Creator.

  • Main image by Ira Ratry.
  • Video courtesy of Zero Universal.
  • from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2014/11/14/choose-your-reality-connecting-to-a-new-consciousness/

Intuition & Future Knowing

Those Who Trust Their Intuition and Emotions Can More Accurately Predict The Future

A higher trust in your intuition and emotions may result in more accurate predictions about a variety of future events says a forthcoming article in the Journal of Consumer Research.

“All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or analysis, what they need to know.”
-Alexis Carrel 

The research was also featured in Columbia Business School’s Ideas at Work in late February 2012. In the research, the researchers conducted a series of eight studies in which their participants were asked to predict various future outcomes, including presidential nominees, the box-office success of different movies, the winner of American Idol, movements of the Dow Jones Index, the winner of a college football championship game, and even the weather.

Despite the range of events and prediction horizons (in terms of when the future outcome would be determined), the results across all studies consistently revealed that people with higher trust in their feelings were more likely to correctly predict the final outcome than those with lower trust in their feelings. The researchers call this phenomenon the emotional oracle effect.

In previous studies, researchers have suggested that early childhood education should focus on building behavioral, social and emotional skills just as much as building academic skills. Freed from distraction, your intuition will step in and guide you effortlessly through life.

Across studies, the researchers used two different methods to manipulate or measure how much individuals relied on their feelings to make their predictions. In some studies, the researchers used an increasingly standard trust-in-feelings manipulatio. In other studies, the researchers simply measured how much participants typically relied on their feelings in general when making predictions.

Due to the nature of our emotions and how they emerge from our unconscious mind, from our internal supercomputer, they tend to reflect more information than our rational mind. Buying a car or getting married are just the kind of decisions that seem to benefit the most from a more emotional, intuitive thought process.

Regardless of the method used, participants who trusted their feelings in general or were induced to trust their feelings experimentally were more accurate in their predictions compared to participants with lower trust in their in their feelings and participants in a control group.

Those who trusted their feelings were 25 percent more accurate than those who trusted their feelings less.

The researchers explain their findings through a “privileged window” hypothesis. Professor Michel Pham elaborates on the hypothesis. “When we rely on our feelings, what feels ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ summarizes all the knowledge and information that we have acquired consciously and unconsciously about the world around us.

It is this cumulative knowledge, which our feelings summarize for us, that allows us make better predictions. In a sense, our feelings give us access to a privileged window of knowledge and information – a window that a more analytical form of reasoning blocks us from.”

In accordance with the privileged window hypothesis, the researchers caution that some amount of relevant knowledge appears to be required to more accurately forecast the future. For example, in one study participants were asked to predict the weather. While participants who trusted their feelings were again better able to predict the weather, they were only able to do so for the weather in their own zip codes, not for the weather in Beijing or Melbourne. Professor Leonard Lee explains this is because “…they don’t possess a knowledge base that would help them to make those predictions.” As another example, only participants who had some background knowledge about the current football season benefited from trust in feelings in predicting the winner of the national college football BCS game.

Thus, if we have a proper knowledge base, the future need not be totally indecipherable if we simply learn to trust our feelings.

from:    http://themindunleashed.org/2014/02/trust-intuition-emotions-can-accurately-predict-future.html

Bringing Together Right & Left Brain

Integrating the Left and Right Brain

Those of us alive on the planet during this unique time in human history have truly chosen an exciting time to exist.  We live during a time where many ancient prophecies are upon us and where the rate of the expansion and acceleration of consciousness is increasing exponentially; a time of apocalypse if you will.  The word apocalypse finds it’s origin in the Greek language meaning to uncover, reveal, or disclose.  Apocalypse is the perfect description for the current shift happening.

Previously hidden knowledge, spiritual concepts, and energy technologies are being revealed throughout the collective consciousness.  Generally speaking what are considered ‘new age’ ideas to some, are more accurately ancient knowledge, sciences, and understandings.  Our ancestors, wherever they may find origin, seemed to have a more intimate and activated relationship with the world and the universe than most of us are accustomed to today.  Finally the time has come for us to re-connect with this knowledge.  Traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and many schools of herbalism are becoming widely practiced again.  Meditation, astral travel, lucid dreaming, and higher dimensions are becoming common terms in many circles and we are re-discovering and developing new technologies for transportation, power, and permaculture.  Yet, this precious cosmic knowledge presents our modern logical minds with a dilemma at times.

Throughout our lives our educational system, the tone of our culture, our politics, and the role of modern sciences and technology in our world can lead to a greatly developed logical and analytical mind while at times systematically de-activating our intuitive mind.  At the moment of planetary shift, we are still the product of colonization, the dark ages, and the long-term suppression of knowledge.  It seems we are in a place of choosing between the logical experience and the intuitive one; to choose either thinking or feeling, but not both.  In this way, we are at risk of going from one state of imbalance to another.  Therefore, as seekers of expanded consciousness, it is especially important in our left-brained culture to honor a balancing of both aspects of our dualistic brains.  We must understand that we need not accept every piece of information that comes our way if it doesn’t register with us both intuitively and logically.

Luckily, in roughly the past 30-40 years we have seen a gradual increase in scientific research and logical analysis of concepts that have previously fallen into the category of imaginary or unexplainable phenomena.  A primary cause for this lapse in understanding could be that the scientific field is actually in some ways not caught up to the level of knowledge being disseminated.  For instance, certain energies we speak of such as those of the various layers of the auric field may be or may have been too fine to be sensed by the instruments currently available for research.  Take also for example the major reigning theories in the field of physics.  For a long time Newtonian physics held that we lived in a material world of solid physical objects.  We now understand that everything we perceive is an expression of vibration in a virtual hologram.  The beauty of scientific thought in it’s regularity and insistence on process is also it’s weakness in progression.  A quantum leap in understanding in one field such as physics, may reveal a lapse within the perspectives of other fields which could take a very significant amount of time to catch up.  To also consider the role of corporate and governmental investment in the suppression of certain technologies being available would be another article entirely.

When we consider the revolutionizing of the scientific process, visionaries in the scientific fields such as Einstein and Tesla come to mind.  Upon examination, both were individuals who applied passion, excitement, and intuition to their airtight scientific processes and thereby originated concepts and technologies that completely changed, and are still changing the world.  We can take a lesson from this in our personal life.

Thinking again to our upbringing and education we will see that for many of us, if we spoke of other dimensional phenomena or responded to our intuitions as children, we were quickly taught by adults in our lives that this was silly.  Our experiences were dismissed or ignored.  This follows through in our education to a far greater degree.  The focus of institutional education is on information recall, retention, conformity, etc.  Many students are still lucky enough to receive small amounts of training in art, music, and creative fields, yet we are also often told that we can expect no future in these things, and are more encouraged in fields of science, business, technology, or mathematics.  While there is nothing wrong with these fields in and of themselves, the philosophy behind our training as youth is heavily imbalanced toward the value of information over free-thinking and conformity over expression.  Because of this conditioning, there is extra work to be done and many parts of our minds and abilities are yet to be fully explored and integrated.

Take for example the western scientific view of herbalism as compared to a traditional system of herbalism.  From a purely logical viewpoint, the value of any one plant as a medicinal substance would be analyzed in a very methodical way.  Trials would be done, constituents of the plant would be chemically analyzed, and conclusions would be reached as to the efficacy, safety, or suggested use of that plant or it’s constituents.  In an intuitive system of herbalism, a plant may be connected with as opposed to analyzed.  It will be understood and considered according not only to how it acts physically as a medicine, but also according to it’s energetic qualities.

In many herbal medicine systems plants are described as having ‘cooling’ or ‘heating’ properties or they may be described as ‘dampening’ or ‘drying’.  These terms are describing the essence or the feeling of that plant.  In traditional plant medicine of indigenous peoples throughout the world, the spirit inherent in a plant is communicated with as an autonomous expression of consciousness, a being.  In cases like these, patient and practitioner alike generally have a strong belief in the potency of the plant based on systematic experience and based on intuition.  This type of medicine can have astonishing results.  Is this merely the placebo effect?  Is the placebo effect not merely further proof that the feelings and intuition guide the outcomes of our perceived reality?  We can see where the line between the logical mind the intuitive mind becomes blurred.  In this blurry zone is a very powerful place of meeting and integration.  Certainly we will find that this distinction becomes more and more difficult to make as we continue on our path of conscious evolution.

Our brilliance and expansion does not happen with the exclusive expression of a part of ourselves accompanied by the complete denial of another.  The miracles of expansion, discovery, and expression are born when we learn to honor and integrate both dualistic expressions of the self in this dualistic dimensionality.  Integrating the “I think” self and the “I feel” self makes way for the “I know” self.  And from the space of knowingness all expansion, brilliance, and creation comes.


Laura Weber is a staff writer for The Mind Unleashed, a visual artist, and energetic healer living in New York City, New York. Somewhat of a modern renaissance woman, her art and healing work focuses in vibration, plant medicine, water alchemy, and awakening the creator consciousness in all people. To read other work by Laura visit www.cocreatingself.blogspot.com.

from:    http://themindunleashed.org/2014/02/integrating-left-right-brain.html

The Healing Power of Pets

Amy D. Shojai, CABC

Animal behavior consultant, author of 23 pet care books

3 Ways Your Pet Can Help You Heal

Posted: 9/4/11

Studies prove that pets provide physical health benefits, offer stress relief and detect or predict health challenges. Some pets now are used prior to health tests like MRIs to reduce patient fear.How can that be? Pets help keep us emotionally healthy.

They keep us connected to the world and other pet lovers, and offer a purpose to get out of bed in the morning. People who wouldn’t go to the store for themselves will make the effort to get dog food or kitty litter.

Sure, walking the dog means people exercise, but studies also show that walking a dog offers more benefits than walking alone. There’s a social and emotional benefit that has no equal.

Emotional Benefits Of Service Dogs

Service dogs have offered people assistance for many years as guides for the blind, ears for the deaf or even an extra pair of hands — fetching everything from the phone and clothing, to turning lights on and off. While we mostly think of dogs, other critters including parrots, cats, lizards and even horses do this work. But service animals also boost emotional health in surprising ways.

Researcher Karen Allen conducted a two-year study looking at individuals with a variety of challenges who had used wheelchairs for a year or longer. She compared the group who received dogs to those who didn’t. After a year, those with dogs showed dramatic improvement in areas such as self-esteem, psychological well-being and generally getting back into life. People were going out and having relationships, they made friends and a couple of people even got married.

This effect was also documented by researchers at the University of California Davis. They found people with pets were approached more often for conversation than when they were alone. Blind and wheelchair-bound kids with their dogs in public places were approached for social contact 10 times more frequently than without their dogs. Beside the day-to-day help service animals provide, they act as a social lubricant that emotionally heals.

When animals are present, Alzheimer patients are more responsive and more positive.But even healthy senior adults benefit emotionally from spending time with pets.

Pets Don’t Judge

Healing includes the mending of broken hearts, lost dreams and painfully poisonous ideas and beliefs. Pets make things safe for emotions. You can express anything to your pet — anger, sadness, joy, despair — without being judged.

Humans suffering from trauma or illness, grief or depression, often withdraw from the world to find a safe and healing place. Kids who are lonely, dealing with death or illness in the family or other trauma have better coping skills when they have access to a pet. Families going through divorce also benefit from this pet effect. People caring for a pet are less likely to suffer from depression.

Psychiatric service dogs alert people when they need to take medication, eat on time or assure them the house and environment is safe and relieve their fears. And pets won’t take no for an answer.

The Human-Animal Bond

The bond refers to feelings of love we have for pets — and they for us — and this biochemical process can actually be measured with blood tests. A study by South African professor Johannes Odendaal proved that the human-animal bond makes us feel good from the inside out. Pets feel it, too!

Our feelings, thoughts and attitudes are influenced by changes in brain chemistry. Odendaal measured blood levels and found that positive biochemicals phenylethalamine, dopamine, beta-endorphin, prolactin and oxytocin increased significantly for both the pets and people when bonding takes place.

People who interact with their own pets have even higher elevations. These chemicals stimulate feelings of elation, safety, tranquility, happiness, satisfaction and love — it’s more than simple contact, it’s the individual animal and the bond we share.

Pets insist on being noticed, yet their presence is safe. They listen without judgment, and are silent without offering unasked advice. Animals know how to just sit and be with someone for as long as necessary. And pets don’t turn away from tears and grief the way humans tend to do. Sometimes our beloved animal companions are the only bridge able to receive and return affection and show us the way home to emotional health.

Amy D. Shojai, CABC, is a certified animal behavior consultant and the award-winning author of 23 pet care books. She also writes for puppies.about.com and cats.about.com and appears on Animal Planet’s CATS-101 and DOGS-101. Check out Amy’s latest book, “Pet Care in the New Century: Cutting-Edge Medicine for Dogs & Cats” and on Red Room, where you can read her blog. 

from:   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/amy-d-shojai-cabc/emotional-benefits-of-pets_b_939715.html?ref=happiness

50 Questions to Ponder

50 Questions That Can Help Free Your Mind

These questions have no right or wrong answers.

Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer.

1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?

2. Which is worse, failing or never trying?

3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

4. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

5. What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?

6. If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?

7. Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

8. If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

9. To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?

10. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

11. You are having lunch with three people you respect and admire. They all start criticizing a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. The criticism is distasteful and unjustified. What do you do?

12. If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

13. Would you break the law to save a loved one?

14. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

15. What is something you know you do differently than most people?

16. How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?

17. What is one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?

18. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?

19. If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?

20. Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

21. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?

22. Why are you, you?

23. Have you been the kind of friend you want as a friend?

24. Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?

25. What are you most grateful for?

26. Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?

27. Is is possible to know the truth without challenging it first?

28. Has your greatest fear ever come true?

29. Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?

30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?

31. At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?

32. If not now, then when?

33. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?

34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?

35. Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

36. Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

37. If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?

38. Would you rather have less work to do, or more work you actually enjoy doing?

39. Do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?

40. When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?

41. If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?

42. Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?

43. What is the difference between being alive and truly living?

44. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?

45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

46. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?

47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing?

48. What do you love? Have any of your recent actions openly expressed this love?

49. In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?

50. Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?

from:    http://wakeup-world.com/2011/11/07/50-questions-that-can-help-free-your-mind/

On Intuition by Andrew Cohen

Authentic Intuition

Posted: 8/8/11 08:21 AM ET
Andrew Cohen, founder ENLIGHTENMENT Magazine

In many spiritual circles, everybody likes to talk about intuition. “Follow your heart,” “Listen to your inner guide,” teachers tell us. But I always get a little nervous when I hear that kind of advice because it all depends on who you’re talking to. To take a very extreme example, if you told a fundamentalist terrorist to follow his or her heart, we all know where that would lead.

When you tell anybody to follow his heart or to trust her intuition, you first have to know who you’re talking to, how developed he is, and to what degree she has actually evolved beyond ego. When we embark on the path of “Evolutionary Enlightenment,” we recognize that most of us are deeply identified with the individual and collective ego, and therefore our choices and actions are, more often than not, driven by unconscious fears and desires and culturally conditioned beliefs and values. As we begin to awaken to what I call the “Authentic Self,” or evolutionary impulse, and begin to identify more with that than with the individual and collective ego, the motivating forces for our choices and actions begin to shift. The goal in “Evolutionary Enlightenment” is for the individual’s center of gravity or locus of identification to significantly shift so that the influence of the “Authentic Self” becomes greater than that of the ego. But until this critical threshold is crossed, talking about intuition is a dangerous business.

to read more, go to:   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-z-cohen/authentic-intuition_b_918836.html


so, what do you think?………………….