Blue Whales, UFO’s, and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012
(NOTE: As always, use your own discretion, but do your research. THngs are not always what they seem.)
By Richard O’Connor. M.D.

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales (called Mysticeti).[3] At 30 metres (98 ft)[4] in length and 180 metric tons (200 short tons)[5] or more in weight, it is the largest known animal to have ever existed.[6]
We are told that blue whales exist, but I have never seen a blue whale. Unlike UFO’s, there is no information war, ortruth embargo, currently in place which attempts to obscure the reality of the existence of blue whales. We are told that blue whales, living at this moment throughout the oceans of this planet, are the largest animals that have ever existed! Other people have seen and photographed them, confirming their real existence for us, and there is really no reason that we should doubt that blue whales do in fact exist. There are many photographs and videos of blue whales. I doubt that the presence of a blue whale has ever been documented by radar, but UFO’s certainly have been so documented through photos, videos, and on radar many, many times. It is estimated that Earth’s population of blue whales currently stands at 5000 – 12,000 worldwide, yet I (and probably you) have never seen a blue whale. We are talking about the largest animal which has ever existed and is claimed to still be living today, yet neither you nor I have ever seen one. How could this be? I have swum and even snorkeled in the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea, but I have never had the good fortune to find myself in the physical presence of a blue whale, and no one that I know personally has ever seen a blue whale. I hope to and would be thrilled to see a blue whale one day, before I am gone or before they are gone, but so far I have never been in the right place, at the right time, to actually see one with my own eyes. Think about these things, and then contemplate the following.
Ongoing and Unexplained Phenomena
We have several ongoing and as yet unexplained categories of events, or phenomena, occurring in our world today. These recurring events are not rare and virtually every single day, if one cares to look at sources beyond our mainstream media, a report will be found from somewhere around the world which strongly suggests the real existence of the UFO phenomenon, the Crop Circle phenomenon, theanimal dissection (aka “cattle mutilation”) phenomenon, and the alien abduction phenomenon. The details of these phenomena are ignored by many because we have been deliberately and methodically seduced (defined: “act of leading aside”) into the belief that these events are mutually unrelated and that these are fringe topics which we should perceive to have little or no relevance to our daily lives in which obtaining an education, advancing one’s career, raising a family, saving for retirement, maintaining a social life, or simply paying the rent must, of necessity, remain our primary focus in order that we and those we love may continue to thrive. Through our mainstream media this social engineering has been very effectively implemented in an effort to preserve the normalcy of our nation’s society and the very foundations of our global civilization in their present form for as long as possible, and there are many compelling reasons why those who have controlled this information have chosen this path for us. For those like myself, who daily follow new developments with regard to these phenomena, it is becoming increasingly evident that the winds of change are blowing and that we will, in the very near future, find ourselves in the midst of a gale. We need to be prepared for this.
There is no debate that the evolution and maintenance of our present day human civilization has been a very necessary and long-term project, sometimes painful, and oftentimes difficult. Civilization is an ongoing enterprise that should not to be taken for granted and should not be profoundly amended without due cause but, as recent events such as Occupy Wall Street demonstrate, changes in the underlying foundations of our civilization are sometimes wise, justifiable, and in fact necessary as we strive “to create a more perfect union”.
UFO’s and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012
(Wikipedia): The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) maintains that “the breadth of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act’s (NDAA) detention authority (by the U.S. military of U.S. citizens on U.S. soil) violates international law because it is not limited to people captured in the context of an actual armed conflict as required by the laws of war.”
I propose that the recently passed US Defense Authorization Act of 2012 may be considered as a pre-emptive preparation for the coming gale which will result when Disclosure of the reality of the above listed phenomena, and of their relevance to the present and future of our civilization, is either officially announced or, when it simply unfolds as, perhaps, in some type of District 9 scenario. If you haven’t seen the movie, a large UFO quietly parks itself over Johannesburg, South Africa, with no further contact for three months. Imagine if such an event were to actually transpire tomorrow.
Those who have had a “need to know” fully realize that Disclosure is not completely under their control, and that Disclosure may be precipitated on any given day by the Extraterrestrial Intelligence(s) which have arrived here and which are in fact the group(s) most likely responsible for these otherwise unexplainable yet ongoing phenomena listed above. The specific provisions codified in the NDAA of 2012 manifest unprecedented and blatant infringements upon several amendments in the Bill of Rights of our U.S. Constitution which we have all taken for granted as our protection against actions being taken against us by our own U.S. military in the absence of due process. Now, one decade after 9/11, and with no additional major incidents of terrorism having occurred upon U.S. soil, what imaginable anticipated event could and would motivate, and in fact truly warrant, the passage of the these new and specific provisions of NDAA 2012 which have been willingly signed by our President Barak Obama? And, what nature of event would enable those military personnel so ordered, who are also U.S. citizens, to feel justified in following an order to take military action against their fellow U.S. citizens? One does not need to stand ready the entire U.S. military to deal with a single terrorist, or a small group of terrorists, on U.S. soil. The particular and curious provisions of the recent NDAA of 2012 imply that the ground-work is being laid in anticipation of an event of such profound significance to U.S. national security that the passage of this NDAA 2012, with its blatant disregard of several provisions within our U.S. Constitution, is clearly regarded by our nation’s leadership as justified and necessary.
Those “in the know” have thus far successfully dissuaded the majority of our citizenry from any concerns linking the growing base of evidence which confirms the real existence of these phenomena. These ongoing, recurring phenomena now clearly indicate at least this: we are not alone in this universe and we are currently being contacted by likely more than one alien civilization. Our nation’s leadership must insure that they will always remain one step ahead in order to effectively provide for our nation’s security. They must realize the inevitability of an event which comprises an inescapable tipping-point of irrefutable and undeniable evidence of ongoing visitation of Extraterrestrial Intelligence to our planet is just around the corner, as this is most certainly the reality. Video cameras are now everywhere and a single event, obtained under just the right circumstances and with an adequate ensemble of willing-to-testify eyewitnesses, is all that stands between a normal today and Disclosure tomorrow. Those who believe thatExopolitics is of little concern among those who participate in the think-tanks of Washinton D.C., I believe, are gravely mistaken. Through steps such as NDAA 2012, which are now being taken by the U.S. government / military, when Official Disclosure occurs, or, more likely, when unofficial Disclosure self-manifests, the recently passed provisions of NDAA 2012 will insure that the necessary legal means are already in place to maintain law and order through (now legal) U.S. military action against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. While there is no question that the specific provisions of NDAA 2012 constitute an obvious and blatant disregard of several amendments within our U.S. Constitution, and while many have for many years disagreed with the philosophy and means by which the “truth embargo” regarding these phenomena has been deliberately manipulated and obscured by those with an officially declared “need to know”, we must also realize that official or unofficial Disclosure, when it occurs, is going to bring a day unlike any other day which has ever dawned for mankind. Our U.S. federal government and our U.S. military are the only extant agencies which will have the mandate and the means to effectively maintain our nation’s security and deal with the potential firestorm which will very likely ensue when our world comes to a full measure of conscious realization of the following:
The Short List of Concerns and Grievances post-Disclosure
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