Humanoid Piglet — Oh, My!

Piglet Born with Humanoid Face

By Natalie Wolchover, Life’s Little Mysteries Staff Writer
09 September 2011 1:51 PM ET
 On Sept. 3, a Guatemalan news channel reported the birth of a misshapen pig, which has a face that looks more human than swine. The night before the pig’s birth, villagers say they witnessed unexplained bright lights hovering in the sky, and so they attributed the piglet’s bizarre features to foul play by aliens.Members of the local media ran with the UFO theory — are aliens tampering with our livestock, or is this somehow a side effect of radiation from spaceships?

“The whole idea that it could be aliens or a cross-species outcome is ridiculous,” Max Rothschild, director of the Center for Integrated Animal Genomics at Iowa State University and coordinator of the USDA National Pig Genome Project, told Life’s Little Mysteries. Instead, there is a perfectly ordinary explanation for the creature’s humanoid appearance. [Watch video of the humanoid piglet]

One to 2 percent of pigs are born with defects, Rothschild said. They aren’t mutants, exactly — there’s usually no genetic mutation to blame — instead it’s usually more of a mechanical error that arises in the womb, during development. They can result from “something in the feed or just bad luck, such as cells not dividing properly. There’s a replicative mechanism and sometimes that just doesn’t go right.” [The 6 Craziest Animal Experiments]

Rothschild, who has done extensive research on birth defects in pigs, thinks the most likely problem with the piglet in the video is hydrocephalus — the buildup of fluid inside the skull, which causes it to swell. He wasn’t startled to see its deformed face, either: “Snout problems are common. I have a two-headed pig in a jar in my office. But it has no genetic basis — it just happens during development,” he said.

He pointed out that the offspring of all mammals, including humans, can experience developmental defects during gestation. This can sometimes lead to a silent miscarriage early in the pregnancy. “In pigs where you have multiple births, you could have crowding or some other issue that creates the defect [later on].”

source and to see the video, go to:

Russian Cosmonauts on ET’s

Russian cosmonaut Popovich:

ETs warn Cataclysms will unify human consciousness

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd

About Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, author of EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE   His website is:

A group of prominent Russian scientists, including Russian cosmonaut Dr. Marina Popovich, PhD, as well as Victoria Popova, Dr. Sc., Ph.D., and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. have announced a discovery of extraterrestrial communications in pictograms that extraterrestrial intelligence has placed in crop circles and in stone monuments around the world. The group has created a dictionary of over 250 extraterrestrial pictograms for interpreting crop circles and stone monuments such as “Stonehenge and Avebury stone circles in the UK, Machu Picchu, Chavin de Huantar and the Nazca Lines in Peru, the pyramid of Chichen-Itza and the pyramids of the moon and the sun in Mexico and the Moai of Easter Island and others.”

Dr. Marina Popovich, PhD, Victoria Popova, Dr. Sc., Ph.D., and Lidia Andrianova Ph.D. write in their co-authored book “Letters of Extraterrestrial Civilizations: The Last Warning”, “Extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC) warn: the weakening of Earth’s magnetic field has reached a critical value, and threatens the life of mankind. ETC’ instructions in crop circles indicate how to escape from global cataclysms which will begin very soon.”


ET pictograms predict global cataclysms

The Russian scientist group states that the extraterrestrial pictograms communicate that “Extraterrestrial civilizations (ETC) predict three preliminary catastrophes followed by global cataclysms of a magnitude beyond anything experienced in living memory. There will be a short time period between all these events.”

They continue, “ETC warn that civilization has to be pre-informed about the scenario of global cataclysms [before the] beginning [of the] event. A civilization that is not informed has no chance to make the Transition in time and to prolong life. First pre-cataclysm will be related with interruption of global system of communication — phone, Internet. Pre-informed civilization will avoid shock and chaos of super-powerful disaster and has a chance to make the Transition in time.”

The Russian scientist group “emphasizes that this is a natural cycle of the planet. Part of this process is the development of human consciousness to a point where humanity will have a ‘window of opportunity’ to make the transition to a higher plane of existence. They explain that this point in history can be seen as a kind graduation for humanity to a higher and more subtle level of experience, a type of metamorphosis for humanity connected with ascension. Nobody can be saved individually, as the transition can be made only through the synchronous unification of human consciousness.

The Russian scientist group states, “The time for humans to escape the devastation through the unification of consciousness will be shortly after the first pre-cataclysm. After second pre-catastrophe humanity will have no chance to prolong life because number of people [remaining alive] will be not enough to start up the mechanism of the transition. In the future humanity will join a galactic community of evolved extra-terrestrial civilizations, linked through consciousness.”


Cosmonaut Dr. Marina Popovich

Dr. Marina Popovich “(born July 20, 1931) is a retired Soviet Air Force colonel, engineer, and legendary Soviet test pilot who holds 107 aviation world records set on over 40 types of aircraft. She is one of the most famous pilots in Russian history, and one of the most important female pilots of all-time. Marina Vasilieva became a Soviet Air Force pilot and in 1964, a military test pilot. She authored nine books and two screenplays. Among many other awards, she has been honored as Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of Courage (presented personally by Vladimir Putin in June 2007)and a star in the Cancer constellation bears her name.”


Popovich and UFOs

One source states, “Dr. Marina Popovich has been outspoken about UFO reality. She wrote a book called UFO Glasnost (published in 2003 in Germany) and given public lectures and interviews. She has mentioned over 3000 UFO sightings by Soviet military and civilian pilots. Although qualifying that her statements are not official, she says that the Soviet Air Force and KGB have fragments of five crashed UFOs in their possession. The crash sites mentioned were Tunguska (1908), Novosibirsk, Tallinn/Estonia, Ordzhonikidze/Caucasus, and Dalnegorsk (1986). Popovich said debris was analyzed and the conclusion was that it wasn’t manufactured on Earth with terrestrial technology In 1991, she also displayed what she claims is the last photo taken by the Russian probe Phobos 2, before it lost contact with Earth and disappeared. This photo shows an unexplained cylindrical figure, which could be a camera artifact.”


Russian scientists Popova and Andrianova — Barkhausen effect

According to their biographies, “Dr. Victoria Popova has over 100 scientific publications and 14 patents. She is the best inventor of NCC HS. Dr. Lidia Andrianova has over 50 scientific publications and 4 patents. Their dissertations were based on research of the Barkhausen effect and its application for nondestructive testing and evaluation of ferromagnetic materials. Later we understood that just the Barkhausen effect can explain the mechanism of global cataclysms beginning…. On the basis of decoded information we have written 12 books. Two of our books we have published in co-authorship with Dr. Marina Popovich.” One source states, “The Barkhausen effect is a series of sudden changes in the size and orientation of ferromagnetic domains, or microscopic clusters of aligned atomic magnets (spins), that occurs during a continuous process of magnetization or demagnetization. The Barkhausen effect offered direct evidence for the existence of ferromagnetic domains, which previously had been postulated theoretically. Heinrich Barkhausen discovered that a slow, smooth increase of a magnetic field applied to a piece of ferromagnetic material, such as iron, causes it to become magnetized, not continuously but in minute steps.”

Watch video presentation by Russian scientists explaining extraterrestrial communications

Russian scientists Popova and Andrianova have created a series of 15 brief videos in English outlining the critical components of their discovery. Readers can access video #1 at the following URL:

to read more and see the videos, go to:

More on Elenin—Tetrahedral Shield?

id Comet Elenin cause the latest Sumatra earthquake and Japan’s typhoon? Is it really a comet? Is there any evidence that it’s an alien spaceship? Here is the latest information on Comet Elenin and some of the latest theories on it.

Comet Elenin (C/2010 X1) was at first regarded by some in December 2011, to be a possible ‘Doomsday comet.’ The comet is however now disintegrating and becoming less bright.

Some believe that Elenin is causing earthquakes. In the last few days, some have pointed out that most of the earthquakes have been happening a lot more in the southern hemisphere and they have been shifting the tectonic plates of South America. Check out one man’s theory here:

(here is that link:

What about it being an alien ship with an energy shield?

Respected science author Richard C. Hoagland wrote, “Here is the latest Enterprise Elenin imaging – produced from an original NASA STEREO-B satellite video, the latter recorded during Elenin’s recent encounter with a solar CME (coronal mass ejection), August 19th. The new image-composite (made from THREE “40-second HI-1 cameraframes“) reveals several additional, startling details about Elenin’s now strikingly “tetrahedral shield” (which we discovered only last week) – that is apparently protecting “Elenin the spacecraft” (deep inside this shield) from excess solar radiation…. The full dimensions of this extraordinary “geometric force structure” now measures more than ~300,000 miles along each edge – more than 1.5 times the distance of Earth from the Moon! Needless to say, there is NO QUESTION now regarding the artificial nature of this object/structure” reported, “August 22-30 satellite data shows that claims of Elenin’s break up may not be as conclusive as first thought, despite the period of diminishing luminosity recorded by Mattiazzo. In fact, Elenin appears to have regained luminosity during its passage suggesting that there is some other explanation for what was earlier observed.”


On August 25, 2011 Elenin seemed to have been hit with a plasma energy. The comet emitted what looked like a tetrahedral shield. A tetrahedral shield is something you’d expect to see in a sci-fi movie. Observers believe it’s a space shield for an artificial craft. Check out the video here


(here is that link:

Don Yeomans of NASA’s Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and David Morrison of the NASA Astrobiology Institute at the NASA Ames Research Center answered questions related to the comet and dispelled fears about its approach.Yeomans says: “Comet Elenin will not only be far away, it is also on the small side for comets, and comets are not the most densely-packed objects out there. They usually have the density of something akin to loosely packed icy dirt. So you’ve got a modest-sized icy dirtball that is getting no closer than 35 million kilometers [about 22 million miles). It will have an immeasurably minuscule influence on our planet. By comparison, my subcompact automobile exerts a greater influence on the ocean’s tides than comet Elenin ever will.”

The closest approach to the sun is on September 11. If Elenin is not a comet and is an alien ship…could something out of the ordinary occur on September 11? Could Hoagland be right?

for more on this, go to:

ET’s and Dolphins

Dolphin Studies Could Reveal Secrets of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Keith Cooper, Astrobiology Magazine
Date: 02 September 2011 Time: 01:49 PM ET
Analysis of Dolphin Communication
Analysis of dolphin communication with Information Theory has shown it to be surprisingly intricate and possibly second only to human communication in terms of complexity on Earth.
CREDIT: Wild Dolphin Project.

How do we define intelligence? SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, clearly equates intelligence with technology (or, more precisely, the building of radio or laser beacons). Some, such as the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, suggested that intelligence wasn’t just the acquisition of technology, but the ability to develop and improve it, integrating it into our society.

By that definition, a dolphin, lacking limbs to create and manipulate complex tools, cannot possibly be described as intelligent. It’s easy to see why such definitions prove popular; we are clearly the smartest creatures on the planet, and the only species with technology. It may be human hubris, or some kind of anthropocentric bias that we find difficult to escape from, but our adherence to this definition narrows the phase space in which we’re willing to search for intelligent life.

Technology is certainly linked to intelligence – you need to be smart to build a computer or an aircraft or a radio telescope – but technology does not define intelligence. It is just a manifestation of it, perhaps one of many.

Astrobiologists see intelligence a little differently. The dictionary defines intelligence as the ability to learn, while others see it as the capacity to reason, to empathize, to solve problems and consider complex ideas, and to interact socially.

Intelligence in the universe

If we take these characteristics to be a broad working definition of intelligence, our view of intelligent life in the universe suddenly looks very different. No longer are we confined to considering only life that has technology.

To be fair to SETI, at this moment in time it cannot search for anything other than beacons – the vast distances across the cosmos coupled with our own baby steps into the Universe mean that we don’t have the capability to search for any other form of intelligent life other than those that can deliberately signal their presence. However, what a wider definition of intelligence tells us is that we are not alone, not even on our own planet Earth.

Professor Robin Dunbar, an anthropologist and evolutionary psychologist from the University of Oxford, was one of the first to put forward the theory that the evolution of intelligence is driven by social factors, allowing animals to survive, interact and prosper in large and complex social groupings. These include notions of reciprocal altruism (I scratch your back, you scratch mine), politics (forming sub-groups and coalitions within the larger group) and understanding the emotions of others (empathy, which in turn relies on theory of mind, the ability to be aware of one’s self and others).

Looking at it that way, modern social networking on media such as Facebook may just be a symptom of what helped drive us to become intelligent in the first place, many tens of thousands of years ago.

Here’s the trick – to be social, you must be communicative. Staying quiet is anti-social. Personal interactions require communication, of some form, and the more complex the interaction, the more complex the communication. So if intelligence and social behavior is linked – and many people agree that it is – then the best place to start looking for intelligence is in animals that like to chat with one another.

And that brings us to dolphins.

to read more, go to:

Oltissis ET Connection?

Earthfiles Viewer Letters About Oltissis

Kubaba is the Hurrian Goddess of the city of Carchemish, Turkey,
on the Euphrates River, at the Syrian border. She was usually depicted
as a regal woman wearing a long robe, either standing or seated on a throne.
She holds a mirror in her left hand and a pomegranate in her right hand,
symbols respectively of magic and fertility. She was adopted by the Hittites
after the fall of the Hurrians, and eventually evolved into the Phrygian Goddess
Cybebe, later known as Cybele to the Romans. Source:
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara, Turkey.

July 7, 2011  Albuquerque, New Mexico – Since my Earthfiles and Coast to Coast AM radio reports on June 30 – July 1, 2011, I have received many viewer and listener emails about dragonfly drone eyewitness “Ted Connors” and the library book he says was confiscated by NSA and Homeland Security agents at his work place on December 22, 2010, concerning the subject of “Oltissis” referenced in the confiscated book. Ted says he looked through old books on a table at a local library and checked out one entitled, Ancient Greek Gods and Lore Revisited © 1962 by Fredrico Ionnides (words/spellings as remembered by Ted Connors, who is searching for original checkout information.) Ted found three references to Oltissis in the index. One reference was a footnote that the name Oltissis referred to historic pleasure palaces in Greece and China’s Xanadu. See Websites below.

The following emails are from Earthfiles viewers joining the book search with valuable insights of their own about the once-great, ancient Greek civilization on this planet lasting from the the 8th to 6th centuries B.C. through the beginning of the Early Middle Ages with the rise of the Byzantine era following Justinian I.

to read more, go to: