On June 29th, 2015, a UFO “cube” was seen emerging out of the clouds by multiple people in Texas.
The video of the photo compilation was released by YouTube user secureteam10.
Walter C. Lance of El Paso, Texas was the first person to submit the photographs to secureteam10. Lance stated he took the photographs on June 29th, 2015 around 1PM central time during his lunch break.
According to secureteam10, Lance stated that it began to get very windy outside when a portion of the clouds began to “swirl and circle in on one another forming this portal shape”. The area within this circular vortex turned “jet black” which is when Lance took out his cellphone to take the following pictures:
This is what the UFO cube looks like when zoomed in on the image:
The first thing that comes to mind is the cube shape and how the cube is tied to Saturn, which in astrotheology is “Satan” which I go into a lot more detail in the article, “Saturn – Why Are We Worshiping The Cult Of EL?“.
The following is an excerpt from that article:
Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El” who is the supreme deity and represented by a black cube.
If you look at the etymology of the word Kabbalah, Kabba = cube and alah (allah) means God, so you get the Cube of God.
Saturn is the Cult of EL
the Kabbala is the Cube of God
Saturn is the Lord of the Rings
there is a hexagonal cube on the north pole of Saturn
Pan is the God of Saturn
Saturn is Satan in astrotheology
… then who are we truly giving our energy to?
A third image captured on film shows a rectangular shape to this UFO:
A second eye witness also saw this cube shaped UFO about a mile away from the first eye witness as she was returning back to work from her lunch break. She noticed a “square shaped figure moving through the clouds and thought it was a balloon but after watching it, she realized the enormity of its size with designs around it and a “faint, magnetic oscillation-type humming” that seemed to emulate from the craft.
She was also able to get a picture of this UFO:
Zoomed in and enhance filter photos:
The following is her UFO testimony:
Cubes and Spheres?
In recent news, contactee Corey Goode speaks of the Blue Avians, who are benevolent extraterrestrials that are watching over our planet in blue spheres, which is in sharp contrast to the cube shape:
Are benevolent beings here watching over us and helping us to a new level of spiritual evolution? Goode has a Facebook page called Sphere Being Alliance, where you can follow his latest news.
At the highest level of Freemasonry, the motto is “Ordo ab chao” which means “Order out of chaos”. It’s apparent that we are being set up for the “end times” to which we are living in right now and this is all based on chaos because when we live in fear, we can be easily manipulated.
Is it possible that we’re being set up for a false flag alien invasion via a Project Bluebeam type scenario?
Are malevolent, archontic-type beings here siphoning our energy through fear?
It’s quite obvious that an official UFO disclosure is imminent but one thing we can be assured is that it will be skewed towards the viewpoints of the church and military industrial complex. Unless benevolent ET’s can broadcast their message on every channel, in every language, and in every country, you can be assured that the mainstream media will twist any official disclosure to benefit those in power who have kept us in subservience, control, and conformity for thousands of years.
As for the cube shaped UFO, it is unclear whether this is a real UFO or possibly a PSYOPS hologram created by those in power as a test to see how we would react to this anomaly.
What my gut is telling me is
If this is a real, cube-shaped UFO, then it probably is not here in humanity’s best interests based on my research of the cube and its ties to Saturn/Cronus/Satan.
Most likely, it’s some elaborate hoax, a marketing ploy, a hologram, or a PSYOP designed to classically condition our minds in preparation for an “official” UFO disclosure.
This shocking footage is causing quite a stir online.
Some have already branded the clip definitive PROOF of alien lifeforms.
The video – which is reportedly shot from the International Space Station – shows three unidentified flying objects blast out of Earth’s atmosphere.
The lights leave our planet seconds before the live video feed is cut by NASA due to a reported “loss of signal”.
Live streams from the International Space Station have triggered hundreds of viral videos claiming to show proof of alien crafts.
Critics claim the alleged UFO sightings on the live feed are simply down to NASA’s poor camera and this latest sighting is, according to the same critics, likely to be a ‘distorted view of the Moon’.
An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) was captured by a young boy in a smartphone on Wednesday morning.
The boy, belongs to Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, captured the image while taking early morning pictures of clouds and spotted the ‘flying saucer’ like object.
As soon as he noticed this, he informed his parents.
When asked Abhijit Gupta, the child said, ‘I like nature photography and when I saw various shapes of clouds in the sky I started clicking pictures on my phone. While I was going through the clicked pictures in the photo gallery, I saw a round object in the photographs and when I zoomed to take a closer look at it, I noticed it was a UFO’.
Abhijit’s father Santosh Gupta too confirmed that the object did look like an UFO.
Santosh said, ‘When we checked the pictures snapped by son, we saw red light spotting around the white coloured round object and it appeared as if white smoke was emitting from the centre of the object.’
He even claimed that the photograph taken in his phone is real and he is ready to give it for verification in the laboratory.
UFO Entrance/Exit Holes Found In Ural Mountains, Russia May 2015, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 2015
Location of sighting: Ural Mountains, Russia
These holes are appearing all over the Ural Mountains and all they have are some good guesses, but scientists are still baffled by the exact cause. I do believe that a UFO that is being transported below the ground could cause such a thing, however it is unique and probably only caused by one particular species. The area seems to have many holes so its possible an active alien base is below the Urals. SCW
RT News states:
Subterranean Soviet missile stations – or tunnels to the center of the earth? A whole host of theories have emerged after a large hole appeared near Russia’s Urals mountains. An emergency situation committee has yet to say what caused it, or how they’re responding. Meanwhile mysterious sinkholes have also appeared elsewhere in the region.
I think many of you will find this interesting. This is a Russian book on extraterrestrial races that was transcribed into English. It was originally written in 1946-47 and has been updated throughout the years
You’ll notice several common extraterrestrial races such as the Pleiadians, Zetas, Reptilians, and the Anunnaki with slightly different ways of spelling these races.
The book also mentions the Council of Five, which are five extraterrestrial races who are allegedly protecting the Earth and its inhabitants for millions of years. They realized that once the Anunnaki tampered with our DNA, we would eventually unite with other benevolent star families.
The Council of Five consists of the following extraterrestrial races: Orela, Egarot, Ginvo, Redan, and Emerther.
The Emerther are reportedly one of the most influential races and according to this book, they have met with President Dwight Eisenhower three times along with high ranking Soviet officials three times as well. Apparently, they were interested in meeting with President Nixon, but Nixon was too paranoid about the possibility that the extraterrestrials could read his mind (and possibly his malevolent intentions).
To view this book in full screen, just click the square in the upper right hand corner of the image below.
Dulce, New Mexico is a quite little town located about 7,000 feet on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation. It is home to about 900 people with one major motel and a few stores. It’s not your typical resort town and it is not bustling with activity. However, this sleepy town harbors a deep, dark secret hidden below the tangled brush of Archuleta Mesa. A secret so deep, that it involves a joint government-alien bio-genetic laboratory designed to carry out bizarre experiments on humans and animals.
The Dulce Base is believed to be the largest Reptilian and Grey Alien base in America where there are allegedly conducting experiments including: atomic manipulation, cloning, mind control, animal/human crossbreeding, chip implantation, abduction, and feeding off of humans.
The video below contains extraordinary notes taken by a scientist who was commissioned by the government to visit alien crash sites and observe alien life (the scientist is now in hiding). In it he reveals top secret information on the Dulce Base and its inner workings. HOWEVER, I must warn you, the information is the video is top secret, and just by reading it, it puts a target on your back, people have been killed for sharing this knowledge. So please watch with caution….
These pictures were allegedly smuggled out of the base by a Dulce security officer named, Thomas Costello. He and his family are missing & presumed dead by the public.
The following document is the alleged result of the actions of one or more scientists creating a covert, unauthorized notebook documenting their involvement with an Above Top Secret government program. Government publications and information obtained by the use of public tax monies cannot be subject to copyright. This document is released into the public domain for all citizens of the United States of America.
Two more massive UFOs have been spotted in SOHO images today. Streetcap1 of Youtube found two more and that make three this week. Look at the right angles on the ship that looks like a giant crystal tower in space. Its beautiful. You can even make out the lines along its edges. I count 17 right angles on it! Remember this is a photo taken by a SOHO satellite whose soul purpose is to photograph our sun. These images are very clear and made with best tech NASA has to offer. The second ship looks equal in size, but its center is thinner and less obvious.
I see two possibilities.
1. Aliens are meeting at or in our sun to convene a United Worlds kind of meeting.
2. Aliens are sending massive ships to suck our suns energy. If we are sharing our sun…its not going to last the 5 billion years scientist predicted it at, but may drop below a billion years before its used up.
Weather experts baffled, are UFO’s the cause of these strange clouds?
Ufologists suggest the possibility of UFO’s
No explanation has been provided yet as to what causes strange clouds
Strange clouds are worldwide phenomena
Mystery surrounding the appearance of strange cloud formations has baffled both residents and experts alike of the State of Washington and British Columbia in Canada.
This mysterious yet beautiful phenomena for some, is something that experts are having a hard time explaining. The phenomena of the appearance of the disc shaped clouds is a mystery that apparently defies logic according to some meteorologists and is something that has been spotted often in the skies.
In March 2015 a very strange cloud was discovered in Bulgaria, whose appearance was identical to a cloud formed in Mexico last year. What is puzzling in this story is that meteorologists do not seem to understand these sudden formations, since many of them are formed in clear sky.
Some users in different social networks argue that these abnormalities which appear in the skies worldwide provide evidence of UFO activity. Ufologists have also suggested the possibility that unidentified flying object can actually hide inside these artificial clouds.
The fenomeen of the appearance of these mysterious clouds has proven to be a worldwide phenomena as people from different continents have managed to photograph these formations in the sky and all of them are similar in one or another way.
More interestingly this phenomena has caught meteorologists by surprise as they have yet to understand and propose a theory why and how these cloud formations of particular nature appear in the sky.
Whether this is in fact something that can be connected to unidentified flying objects, and whether the online community is right regarding these formations is something that cannot be answered at present, as more research is needed to form a conclusion. At present anything is possible.
Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV. This website is dedicated to educating and informing people with articles on powerful and concealed information from around the world. I have spent the last 30+ years researching Bible, History, Secret Societies, Symbolism
Disclaimer: All information, data and material contained, presented, or provided on WorldTruth.Tv is for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed or intended as providing medical or legal advice. Decisions you make about your family’s healthcare are important and should be made in consultation with a competent medical professional. We are not physicians and do not claim to be. Any views expressed here-in are not necessarily those held by WorldTruth.Tv
Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs as they are commonly known, have been witnessed by millions of people all over the world and have been recorded in history books, myths, legends and traditions for thousands of years. However, many accounts that are recorded in ancient texts are dismissed as mere myths and legends, while UFO sightings that have taken place in the last few centuries have been classified as misinterpretations of natural phenomena, illusions, or conspiracy theories.
History has shown us time and again that a plethora of so-called ‘myths’ have their basis in reality. It is possible, and indeed likely, that stories and legends were a way for people to explain real—and perhaps perplexing—events using the knowledge and beliefs of their time. In support of this theory, a number of events described in mythology, which were once considered mere fairy tales, have now been proven through archaeology to have existed. A famous example is the city Troy, which is central to Homer’s ‘The Iliad’. Long considered to be a city of myth, Heinrich Schliemann’s discovery of the actual site in 1868 elevated it to a place in history. Nevertheless, the remainder of The Iliad is still viewed as a myth and fantasy without any serious attempts being made to investigate whether or not there may be more truth behind the tale. The same goes for many accounts of ‘flying machines’, which we find reference to in countless mythologies from numerous different cultures around the world.
Many cultures contain pictorial and written records of ‘flying machines’, yet these are usually dismissed as myth and legend.
It is common to see people selectively decide what is real and what is not and all of this on the unsubstantiated assumption that ancient people were primitive and had little to no knowledge compared to us today. On the contrary, many ancient civilizations, like the Sumerians, Indus Valley, and Egyptians existed with complex social structures, legal systems, art, astronomy, mathematics, and technology, some of which is still not fully understood today. The Antikythera Mechanism, for example, is a 2,200-year-old mechanical device that is still not completely understood despite decades of research by top scientists around the world.
Ancient Astronaut Theory
The topic of flying objects and supernatural beings from out of our world is one in which we find multiple references in mythologies. All of these myths and legends, along with archaeological evidence such as rock art depictions, have created a wave of theories that gave birth to the ‘Ancient Astronaut’ perspective, which links all of these ancient references and depictions to UFOs, and posits that extra-terrestrials visited Earth and made contact with humans in antiquity and prehistory, influencing the development of human cultures, technologies, and religions.
Unfortunately, there are numerous charlatans who have tried to ‘cash in’ on this movement for profit or publicity, or who have diminished it with caricatures of little green men, resulting in the ancient astronaut perspective being widely criticized and attacked for its lack of credibility. Consequently, what is in fact a plausible and possible explanation for what we see in ancient art and texts, is now rarely examined by scholars, who fear being ridiculed or having their professional career seriously undermined.
UFOs in art: “Battesimo di Cristo” 1710; Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
UFO sightings in recent history
But let’s leave the ancient past for a while and examine just the last 80 years of human history. Millions of people all over the globe have witnessed unidentified flying objects. Many have been recorded in detailed reports witnessed by police, pilots, astronauts, government officials, pilots, military personnel and, of course, ordinary citizens. Some of the more well-known cases were witnessed by thousands of people at one time. Historical records make it evident that UFO appearances magnified during and after World War II, including the example of the famous ‘Foo Fighters’.
While most sightings can be explained either by celestial phenomena, airplanes, planets, weather phenomena, military exercises, or in some cases drug use or mental instability, there still exists a small percentage that cannot be accounted for by any of these explanations. This is what makes the phenomena important and not to be ignored, particularly considering that sightings are frequently reported around military bases and airfields and are therefore, at the very least, a matter of both national security and air safety.
It is an undeniable fact that there are cases of unidentified objects in our skies. It has been acknowledged by the major governments from all over the world simply through the very fact that official research has been conducted on the matter in the US, UK, Russia, Europe, China, South America, and many others. All of this research, in every single case, concluded that there is a percentage of phenomena that cannot be explained.
In the past decade, many countries have declassified their UFO research files, releasing thousands of documents through the Freedom of Information Act and making numerous UFO cases available in the public domain. One recently released document from the UFO files in Britain, revealed how Churchill, concerned about the UFO issue, ordered a shutdown of information for at least 50 years to prevent mass panic and the potential to undermine religious beliefs. The document in question was also published on the BBC news site in 2010.
By doing careful research on the topic, passing over obvious scam and fake stories, it is clear to see that unidentified flying objects do exist. So the question is not whether they exist or not, but rather, what are they? Are they of terrestrial or extra-terrestrial origin? And what is their purpose?
UFOs and the limits of science
Many prominent scientists have already stated that other civilizations must exist in the Universe, and that it would be statistically impossible for this not to be the case. However, with our knowledge of science and technology today, we cannot yet support the means for interstellar travel, and since we have not discovered intelligent life in our solar system, the assumption is made that there must be no way that extra-terrestrials could have travelled to Earth. However, this argument is of course flawed because it is based within the framework of our own understanding of the universe, and does not take into account the capabilities of civilizations that may be millions of years ahead of our own. It also hinges on the following assumptions:
We know everything about physics and reality and therefore there is no way that such distant travel can be achieved.
We are using our means to try to contact other civilizations (e.g. SETI’s attempts to pick up radio or communication signals) and since we don’t perceive any signals of OUR type, nothing must exist.
We are looking for organic forms of life exactly like us and for planets with the exact same conditions as ours.
It is clear that these arguments show the arrogance of mankind, a mankind that may just be an infant in the Universe. And this is not new. During the history of humanity, in every single period of time, we believed that we knew the truth, only to have it replaced later on by new ‘knowledge’.
There is nothing new to be discovered in physics now. All that remains is more and more precise measurement, Lord Kelvin, 1901, physicist
Quantum physics, still a relatively new and unexplored field in Science, has shown that reality could be completely different to what we believe it to be. Powerful telescopes have shown distant planets in solar systems that could possibly sustain life. Theories of wormholes and warp drives have shown that at a theoretical level we could achieve interstellar travel. Yes, we would require incredible amounts of energy to even think of trying to achieve something like this, so according to our standards today it is impossible to achieve, but in theory it can be achieved.
“It now seems quite clear that Earth is not the only inhabited planet. There is evidence that the bulk of the stars in the sky have planetary systems. Recent research concerning the origin of life on Earth suggests that the physical and chemical processes leading to the origin of life occur rapidly in the early history of the majority of planets within our Milky Way galaxy–perhaps as many as a million–are inhabited by technical civilizations in advance of our own. Interstellar space flight is far beyond our present technical capabilities, but there seems to be no fundamental physical objections to preclude, from our own vantage point, the possibility of its development by other civilizations.” Carl Sagan, Ph.D. (Late Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Cornell University)
Reluctance to engage with the UFO subject
The reason that the scientific community is not dealing seriously with UFOs is because the topic has been extensively ridiculed both by the media and in academic circles, with false information spread everywhere. For similar reasons, military personnel, astronauts, pilots, and other categories of professionals do not want to talk because, either they have been forced to sign confidentiality agreements, or because of fear that their careers would be destroyed. This is why we have seen many examples of ‘death bed confessions’.
One such case was with astronaut Gordon Cooper, who told the world about his experience encountering a UFO during his flight in the Mercury capsule in 1963. Before he died he stated: “for many years I have lived with a secret, in a secrecy imposed on all specialists in astronautics. I can now reveal that every day, in the USA, our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us”.
While great efforts have been made to ridicule and disparage anyone who lends support to the existence of UFOs, the fact remains that there are numerous high-profile cases that are supported by solid evidence, and which should not be dismissed.
Recorded UFO sightings with extensive witness support
Below I present a very limited list constituting strong evidence for the existence of unidentified flying objects in the last 60 years.
It all happened in the early hours of February 25 in 1942. An aircraft flew over LA County that sparked an air raid alert (it was in the midst of WWII). Searchlights and guns were locked onto the aircraft for about an hour. The picture below appeared in the LA Times in a story about the Battle of LA It clearly shows a night time defensive response to an air raid. The aircraft was not hostile and obviously was not damaged by the attack. The Government stated that the craft they were shooting at was unidentified.
It all happened in the early hours of February 25 in 1942. An aircraft flew over LA County that sparked an air raid alert (it was in the midst of WWII). Searchlights and guns were locked onto the aircraft for about an hour. The picture below appeared in the LA Times in a story about the Battle of LA It clearly shows a night time defensive response to an air raid. The aircraft was not hostile and obviously was not damaged by the attack. The Government stated that the craft they were shooting at was unidentified.
This incident involved a group of American servicemen stationed at a military base in Suffolk that contained a storage centre with nuclear weapons. There had been three consecutive night of sighting objects in the sky over the base, in some cases shining a light down upon the nuclear weapons storage. On the third night, approximately two dozen servicemen were sent into the forest to investigate one set of mysterious lights. The men reported seeing a spacecraft on the ground in close proximity to them and three extra-terrestrial beings. One serviceman claimed to have touched the craft. The whole incident was filmed and photographed by one of the servicemen, but all photos and videos were removed by the US military. When the British Government released the UFO files, the Rendlesham incident papers were missing – as reported on BBC.
In November, 1986, a Japanese crew of a jumbo freighter aircraft witnessed three enormous unidentified objects while flying over Alaska, USA. This sighting gained international attention when the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that it was going to officially investigate this sighting because the Air Route Traffic Control Center in Anchorage, Alaska, had reported that the UFO had been detected on radar. The UFOs in this case were tracked on both ground and airborne radar, witnessed by experienced airline pilots, and confirmed by a FAA Division Chief.
Illustration of the object, with the Boeing 747 airplane on the right. Credits: UFO Reporter
The Belgium UFO wave began in November 1989. The events of 29 November would be documented by no less than thirty different groups of witnesses, and three separate groups of police officers. All of the reports related to a large object flying at low altitude. The craft was of a flat, triangular shape, with lights underneath. This giant craft did not make a sound as it slowly moved across the landscape of Belgium. The Belgium UFO wave peaked with events on the night of 30/31 March 1990. On that night, unknown objects were tracked on radar, chased by two Belgian Air Force F16s, photographed, and were sighted by an estimated 13,500 people on the ground – 2,600 of whom filed written statements describing in detail what they had seen. Following the incident, the Belgian air force released a report detailing the events of that night.
The Phoenix Lights (also identified as “Lights over Phoenix”) was a UFO sighting which occurred in Phoenix, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico on Thursday, March 13, 1997. Lights of varying descriptions were seen by thousands of people between 19:30 and 22:30 MST, in a space of about 300 miles (480 km), from the Nevada line, through Phoenix, to the edge of Tucson. Witnesses claim to have observed a huge square-shaped UFO, containing five spherical lights or possibly light-emitting engines. Fife Symington, the governor at the time, was one witness to this incident; he later called the object “otherworldly.”
On the night of August 30, a cluster of multi-colored lights was seen floating in the sky above Osaka. Several people reported to Twitter that they saw a group of lights forming a triangular shape and flashing green, red and white in the night sky above Izumi city in Osaka Prefecture. The sightings caused a commotion on Twitter after one user wrote: “Everyone in Osaka, go outside! There’s a UFO!” prompting others to grab their cameras and snap up photos of mysterious luminous object.
At approximately 16:15 CST on Tuesday November 7, 2006, federal authorities at Chicago O’Hare International Airport received a report that a group of twelve airport employees were witnessing a metallic, saucer-shaped craft hovering over Gate C-17.
The object was first spotted by a ramp employee who was pushing back United Airlines Flight 446, which was departing Chicago for Charlotte, North Carolina. The employee apprised Flight 446’s crew of the object above their aircraft. It is believed that both the pilot and co-pilot also witnessed the object.
Several independent witnesses outside of the airport also saw the object. According to the Chicago Tribune’s Jon Hilkevitch, “The disc was visible for approximately two minutes and was seen by close to a dozen United Airlines employees, ranging from pilots to supervisors, who heard chatter on the radio and raced out to view it.”
The incident took place on May 2007 at 14.00 local time in Lima Peru. A series of moving lights resembling an armada of flying objects appeared in the skies. The story was reported on the news and was seen by thousands of people.
An unidentified flying object that disrupted air traffic in Hangzhou for an hour on Wednesday, 10th of July 2010. A flight crew preparing for descent first detected the object around 8:40 p.m. and notified the air traffic control department. Aviation authorities responded within minutes, grounding outbound flights and diverting inbound ones to airports in Ningbo and Wuxi. Eighteen flights were affected. A spokesman from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) confirmed to ABC News that the matter is under investigation. He declined to disclose further details. A day after the sighting, however, an anonymous source told China Daily that authorities already discovered the identity of the UFO after an investigation but could not publically disclose the information because “there was a military connection.”
Xiaoshan Airport UFO Incident, China
Many would say that the above examples constitute irrefutable proof that extra-terrestrial UFOs exist. So why isn’t the public told about it? Imagine the implications that disclosure would have and what it would mean. Acknowledgment of extra-terrestrial civilizations having visited Earth would mean that many of the myths and legends of the past are in fact based on reality. It would suggests that humanity has been influenced for millennia by other-worldly beings, beings that in the past were considered gods. Disclosure would entirely topple the status quo and the balance of powers in society, and turn upside down what we know about the history of mankind.
The acknowledgement of the UFO phenomena is an event with the power to bring a global revolution in every sector of our lives today – technology and energy supply, communication and environmental concerns, society and religion. Is this what governments and corporations are afraid of – a shift in balance and their loss of their positions of power and control? Or is it that the powers that be are afraid of re-writing our human history?
“When the long awaited solution to the UFO problem comes, I believe that it will prove to be not merely the next small step in the march of science, but a mighty and totally unexpected quantum leap.” Dr J. Allen Hynek, Scientific Advisor to the U.S. Air Force
An unknown radio signal, which may have come from a black hole, colliding neutron stars (or – for those who ‘believe’ – alien life), has been picked up by astronomers live for the first time ever. Its origins remain mysterious.
The fast radio bursts are quick, bright flashes of radio waves that last only milliseconds, but still emit as much energy as the sun in an entire day.
This is the first time that these radio waves have been spotted live. The first burst was picked up in 2007 by sifting through old data at the Parkes Radio Telescope in Eastern Australia. Only seven others have been seen since then.
This time, the mysterious waves were picked with the use of 12 telescopes in Australia, Chile, Germany, Hawaii, India, California and the Canary Islands.
Because they observed the radio waves in real time, they were also able to try and find other wavelengths, like x-rays or infrared to find out their source…but remained unable to find anything.
“The fact that we did not see light in other wavelengths eliminates a number of astronomical phenomena that are associated with violent events such as gamma-ray bursts from exploding stars and supernovae, which were otherwise candidates for the burst,” Daniele Malesani, of the University of Copenhagen, told Astronomy Magazine.
The radio waves were polarized, which suggests that they were near an object with a large magnetic field.
“The theories are now that the radio wave burst might be linked to a very compact type of object – such as neutron stars or black holes – and the bursts could be connected to collisions or ‘star quakes,’ he added.
The radio signals originated up to 5.5 billion light-years away, from outside our Milky Way Galaxy and that they were caught by astronomers possibly up to a decade after they happened.
The catch took place in May 2014, but the results of the study got published this week in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
No one knows where exactly such waves come from, or what causes them. Astronomers have postulated that the mysterious signals might be emitted by exploding stars or supernovas; a collision of binary neutron stars or binary white dwarf star could also be a source.
One more possible reason could be a blitzar – a supermassive neutron star that should have become a black hole, but is spinning so fast that it is temporarily prevented from collapsing.
“We found out what it wasn’t. The burst could have hurled out as much energy in a few milliseconds as the Sun does in an entire day. But the fact that we did not see light in other wavelengths eliminates a number of astronomical phenomena that are associated with violent events such as gamma-ray bursts from exploding stars and supernovae, which were otherwise candidates for the burst,” Malesani said.
Having set “the trap,” the team is now waiting to catch another burst and maybe get some answers to the mystery.