You re What You Eat & Where You Eat

How to Raise Your Consciousness & Vibration Through Diet

by Elle

Bridget Nielsen

The growing question for many people in this time of awakening is, “what is a high vibrational diet?”  I have been asking myself since I was a little girl. I was the child who asked for bitter tea, a sprout avocado pita and strawberries for dessert. WHY? One good reason is because my dad put it on my plate, but there was more to it than that! From a very early age, I knew that there was a direct connection between my state and what I ate. In this blog I am going to explore how diet ties into your vibration, and how you can make simple changes (15 easy steps at the bottom) that can really assist you in these crazy awesome transformational times.

A high vibrational diet consists of foods that are ALIVE and that positively benefit the person, as well as the planet as a whole. High vibration means having more light, and thus less density.  Plants exemplify this by photosynthesizing light into energy.

In my experience I haven’t found the perfect, “highest vibrational diet” to follow. The idea of following is falling away. At this stage of the human game, it has become necessary to more fully rely on your own intuition in combination with experts and science you resonate with. We are meant to become self-empowered and know what is our own highest good. We are each soooo unique and in such different circumstances, that there is no one right diet. What I can say is there IS a very specific vibration and global reverberation to each food you eat.

Humanity is Lightening Up

person generating chi and life forceIn desiring to become more enlightened, you will naturally find yourself lightening up.  Humanity is awakening to its connection to Source and its ability to turn infinite accessible light into physical energy.

Monks and Chi Gong masters generate chi from their own internal Light Source, and can even generate enough energetic heat to sweat in the freezing cold. Breatharians “eat” light, like plants, by taking in the sun’s energy and breathing prana. When people become consciousness that bodies are densified light, then they will act as their own free energy devices.  In the meantime, you can prepare your body and mind for these new levels of energy conversion and generation with nourishing, high vibrational foods.

Expansion requires humanity to more fully embrace its connection to nature and simultaneously open to higher frequencies that extraterrestrials utilize. Humans are upgrading physically as well as energetically, to a higher density, enabling rekindled ET connections. Present humans are more sensitive and light than the humans of the past, thus requiring less dense and more living, natural foods.

Food is Very Personal

Food is a sticky subject. People are very identified with what they eat. In times of stress people often use food for emotional comfort. This approach is understandable based on the challenges of everyday life. There are more balanced, long-term ways of creating natural states of harmony through cleansing and dietary choice.

“Many people are not aware of how large of an effect their diet has on their state of being. Your physiological health is literally the platform for your consciousness. The Nero-transmitters and hormones responsible for your moods and state of being are directly correspondent to your nutritional intake, as well as the level of toxins that are present in your system. You are what you eat and if you’re eating dead chemical filled junk, you will feel like dead chemical filled junk…” -Patrick Haize, from Transformation Reversing Old Habits

One of the most important keys to raising your vibration through diet are the thoughts you create around it. Thoughts are vibration. Be kind to yourself and be aware of judgements you hold against yourself and other people’s dietary choices.  Whether you can circumstantially make these changes or not, sending love and gratitude to your food, and all that it took to get to your plate makes a big difference. Be present while you eat, chew, breath and feel appreciative for this energetic exchange.

Detox Before Listening To Your Body

You may have heard people say, “Listen to your body, it will tell you what to eat.”  This is only part of the equation. You also need to detox so you can clearly listen to what your body’s natural communication.

Presently, everyone on ec4b1-shutterstock_193567304-300x200the planet, unless you have done the following protocols, has a myriad of toxins in their body including: parasites, pesticides, heavy metals (from chemtrails & aluminum products), (minor) radiation, xeno/phytoestrogens (from plastics), GMOs, parabens, fluoride, putrefying undigested foods, and calcium phosphate… just to name a few.

Many of these things, from emotional imbalances caused by phytoestrogens to parasites throughout the body, even have the ability to dictate your thoughts.  Parasites are one of the few things on Earth that kill their own environment and we have them crawling in us. With all of these toxins in your systems, how can you can hear the call of our natural self?

The most important thing you can do to transition to a higher vibrational green body cleansing vegetablesdiet is to DETOX and CLEANSE the system so you can hear what your body and the world really needs. There are many ways to do this. Here are some great resources: Ken Rohla’s detox videos & productsDr. Shultz cleansing programs , The Zapper, Bashar’s simple detox recommendation.

Many of the nutrients and nourishing things you intake do not satiate the body’s needs because they are unable to be absorbed with toxins in the way. I recommend trying various cleanses and detoxification protocols to assist with this. After taking those steps, notice what your body craves, and how much more satisfied it feels with less.

Measured Vibrations of Food

Frenchman André Simoneton, an expert on electromagnetism, created an experiment in the 1930’s and 40’s measuring the electromagnetic waves of particular foods.  He found that for a human to be at good health they must maintain a vibration of 6500 angstrom. Source of this information:

fruits and vegetables shaped as heartFoods that he rated in his “first category”, with the highest vibration were, between 6,500 and 10,000 angstrom, included: fresh fruits, vegetables, olive, sweet almonds, sunflower seeds, coconut, soy (since been modified), peanuts, hazelnuts and whole grains (whole grains have since been chemically hybridized, read more below).

In the second category, with radiations 6,500 to 3,000 angstroms, are the vegetables cooked in boiling water, milk, fridge butter, eggs not freshly laid, honey, cooked fish, peanut oil, sugar cane and wine.

The third category, with very weak radiations below 3,000 angstroms, is comprised of cooked meats, sausages, coffee, (black) tea, (regular) chocolate, jams, processed cheeses and white bread.

The fourth category, exhibits practically no energy and includes margarine, conserves, alcoholic spirits, refined white sugar and bleached flour.

Using Simoneton’s method, consuming foods below 6,500 angstroms would hinder, and deteriorate our natural vibration and health.

Incorporating Raw Food

Nature gifted us foods that are naturally full of life. When you cook food and change its state by adding heat, you change its vibration, nutrient content and vitality.

There is a prevailing belief that you need to cook your food to kill harmful bacteria, but in doing this you also kill the life force of energy of food raw and cookedfruits and vegetables, as well as the nutrient content by about 1/3 or more. This is mainly done for preservation purposes and shelf-life. In the past we preserved foods by fermentation (the first ketchups) and other natural methods such as salting, cooling and drying foods, which maintained the life force as well as preserving it. Chemical additives used for preservation also toxifies foods.

I’ve found that everything my tastebuds dream of can be made raw from lasagna to pizza, brownies, berry jams and grain-free bread… it’s all possible. Often times we associate raw diets with eating only cold foods, fruits, vegetables and salads.  Transitioning to a highly raw diet takes time and doing it correctly is an art form. You can read what I have learned about it here and also take advice from the experts below.

Vegetable soups and other dishes can be warmed up to 105-115 degrees and still maintain their vibrational integrity.  When preparing legumes, root vegetables, and starches, soaking and higher temperatures are often needed to extract their medicinal benefits. According to Simoneton, the vibration of the foods we just named go up when properly“cooked” (click here to read more about how to properly prepare these items).

There are many longstanding pioneers in the raw food movement who I have come to trust two of which are Gabriel Cousens and David Wolfe. One of the most amazing examples of a raw food pioneer is 110 year old Fernando, the oldest man in America.

Quality of Food

The vibration of food is derived from the energy it was created with. The vitality of a wild herb found in a remote forest, is going to have a very different energy than a non-organic herb grown in a factory on the side of the freeway, just outside of metropolitan area.

energy picture of organic mushroom versus commercially grownIn the picture on the left, you can see the kirlian photography, which depicts the energy and aura radiating from two different mushrooms. You can see that the organically grown mushroom, on the left, has more light and vibrancy than one the commercially grown mushroom on the right.

The more natural and higher quality foods we can buy, the higher the vibration will be.  Growing your own food would be the best way to receive the most vitality from your food. When you grow your own food you have the ability to: Use spring water (upping nutrient content & reducing chemicals), feed plants with natural organic nutrient dense supplements, raise the vibration with ormus, grow with the cycles of the season & moon, utilize zeolites take out heavy metals and toxins, and connect the food with your DNA (popularized by the Anastasia books, explaining many processes like activating the seed with your saliva) and send them your own loving intention.  For more on amping up your garden, I highly suggest information by Ken Rhola from Fresh & Alive.beautiful organic healthy foods

When gathering food to eat just do your best. Some of the things you can implement if growing your own food is not available are: Shop at local farmer’s markets, join a crop sharing group, shop at local co-ops, buy organic non-GMO foods at the store, and biodynamically grown foodsThe nutrient content (and likely the vibration) goes down by 1/3 from transporting the food from farm to store, so shopping locally would increase the vitality of your food.  If money is a challenge and even if it is not, look for local fruit trees or edible treasures you can wild harvest. Often times the highest vibrational foods are freely given by nature all around you. Set up trade and barter with your local farmers by sharing your gifts and services. Everything is possible when you are open and willing to receiving the solution.

Repercussions of Food

dead pile of fish from fishing industryEverything and everyone is interconnected. Each action you take shifts your macrocosmic experience.

If the impact of the food being produced is negatively impacting the planet, then there’s a high likelihood that the food will have a lower energetic vibration. If a food has a high vibration, then it would by definition have been produced in a way that is in harmony with all the lifeforms touched in its production cycle.

I recommend reading Patrick Haize’s article, The Global Impact of Our Diets & Everyday Everyday Lifestyle Solutions for more on this subject. It parallels the theme of this blog and goes in depth on the global impact of diet, and has a rich library of educational resources and solutions.

“… Animal agriculture is arguably the most environmentally damaging industry in the world. Animal Agriculture takes up 45% of the entire world’s land-space and is alone responsible for 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, 80-90% of US water consumption, and 91% of Amazon destruction. It is also the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution and habitat destruction in the world, and this is only a small fraction of the statistics.” -Patrick Haize, The Global Impact of Our Diets & Everyday Everyday Lifestyle Solutions

No matter what society has become accustomed to eating, we are at a point where we must change what we eat and wean ourselves from foods that are irreversibly destroying the very planet that sustains us. If you eat an animal rather than a plant you’re getting your energy secondhand which is much less efficient. We will need to cut back and cut out certain animal products to bring the Earth back into balance, due to the disastrous effects of commercial farming, agriculture and fishing. If you were going to consume animal products, get them from sources that do not use hormones and antibiotics and treat the animals well. 
deforested amazon rainforest

It may be challenging acknowledge and to really feel the true impact of what it means to eat what you eat. It is scary to take responsibility for destruction on Earth, but a HUGE part of shifting your vibration is becoming fully conscious of your actions and choosing differently. It is time to be courageous, adaptable and open to positive change within yourself to effect the whole in a beautiful way.

Locational and Cultural Dietary Influence

The location of where you live has a vibration. Whether it is a city or a natural place, the pace and frequency will determine the diet of its inhabitants. The climate and products available are another determining factor of a locational cultural diet. Scientists are now discovering in teleportation, that location is a variable of the object. This means that location changes our human vibrational signature. Since location is a map of earth's power spotsvariable of your vibrational person, the place you live has a huge impact on who you are and what you eat.
What are the cultural food beliefs of your location? People are subconsciously, and sometimes very obviously influenced by those around us. Often times people’s choices are heavily influenced by an overruling collective momentum.  To shift your dietary choices, it is important to step out of collective programs, and the locations that house them and choose what you prefer from your own natural intuition.  This can can be done by taking time camping in nature to reset your system or visiting Earth power points that hold a more neutral collective energetic field.  Everything is possible everywhere, but certain lifestyle and vibrational choices can be made easier in certain locations.

My Personal Observations: I was raised on a vegetarian diet in Utah (born in 1987) which was quite challenging. My diet was the complete opposite of everyone I knew and I felt others relentless judgements of my choices.  Our family created a energetic bubble to make this dietary choice a reality because of the lack of cultural support. When I headed off to California for college, I immediately felt a new “cultural pressure,” as well as what the environmental offering, to eat fish. Because the Southern California culture is so physically healthy, I felt supported by having fresh juices, organic restaurants all around and a healthy lifestyle as the social standard. When I went abroad to Europe, the culture of those places left almost no room for me to be vegetarian (at the time). If I wanted to participate with others I knew I had to adapt so I began eating meat for a short time. As I moved from place to place, I could feel the programed dietary imprint of each place and culture. When I landed in midwestern US cities, I craved chocolate milk and heavy foods. When I was in away from people in nature, all I wanted to eat were light raw foods.  I found it very interesting how the culture, location and climate made such a big impact on me. I want to reiterate that every type of lifestyle and diet is possible anywhere once you become aware of any unconscious patterns and choose to act on what you prefer.

Incorporating Dietary & Lifestyle Solutions

Everyone has the ability to choose, in every moment, who they are and how they want to live.  As many of you know, fad and drastic diets shifts do not have long-term fortitude. One of my favorite things to do is incorporate dietary solutions before letting go old patterns.

The most important thing in shifting to a higher vibrational diet Water flowing in heart shapeis to be kind to yourself. Self-love and appreciation will allow any shame or self-sabotage to dissolve which will empower you to take baby steps in a new direction.  A question you can ask yourself each day is, “how can I nourish and better take care of my mind-body-soul today?”

Many of the “not so good for us” dietary decisions we make are due to jobs, relationships or lifestyles that are not in alignment with our natural selves, thus leading to “emotionally eating” to come back to equilibrium.  This is okay! Let yourself become aware of the choices that lead to these actions, and see what beliefs you can change to enable you to lead a more healthy and holistic life.

Healthy foods make a big difference to our energy states, but there other things you can incorporate that will assist your vibration such as conscious breathing, movement, dancing, time in nature, meditation and a million other activities you can do that will renew the mind-body-soul at a very deep level, thus leading to healthier dietary choices.

15 Simple Transitionary Dietary Solutions I Can Do Today!

As you look at this list, just choose 1 or 2 items to incorporate over the next few weeks. Then come back, and add in something else next month.  Baby steps. It is good for the body, mind and soul to transition at a natural pace.

  1. Determination and Willingness to be Different: The most important key to transition to a high vibrational diet is to change your beliefs. An open, willing and determined mental and emotional shift is required to make a longstanding difference. A commitment to yourself as well, as a plan to “stay on track” such this list here, to incorporate solutions and adapt to a new way of being.  It can be challenging being around friends and family who may make comments or start challenging dietary discussions. This comes with the territory of stepping out and being who you truly choose to be.
  2. Go Organic, biodynamic, wild, and local: Do the best you can to incorporate non-GMO and organic foods in your diet, as I shared above. This will make a huge difference!!
  3. Spring Water:  Tap water and many corporate water bottling companies have toxic chemicals such as fluoride, heavy metals, chlorine, BPA and other toxins. It is also stagnant and does not hold the life-force of energized natural water sources our ancestors used to drink from. Spring water has been contained underground in aquifers for thousands of years, not exposing it to the pollution and contamination on the Earth’s surface. glowing blue natural spring water in forestMany people are switching to reverse osmosis or kengan water which draws minerals from the body. In most areas throughout the world, there is accessible spring water to start drinking.  I suggest buying a few 5-6 gallon BPA free or glass water jugs, and making it a ritual to collect fresh spring water every few weeks. To find a spring in your area click here. If for some reason you can’t get spring water close to you, you can order Moutain Valley Spring Water, which ships throughout the US or add minerals, and structure, reverse osmosis water.
  4. Cleanse & Detox: I already said this above, but I want to reiterate it again. Cleansing will help your body optimally function and clear the way for you to absorb all of the nutrients you are taking in.
  5. Mineralize: Often times when you are hungry or tired, it is your body seeking minerals. Many foods lack the essential fulvic acids (rich minerals) that were once naturally in the soil. By eating super mineral rich foods and supplementing fulvic acid, we give the body what it really wants that our green plate of sea weedfruits and vegetables have lower amounts of.  Mineralized foods that are easy to incorporate: Sea salt (celtic is my favorite), sea vegetables (full of iodine and mineral rich) such as nori, kelp, irish moss and dulse, fulvic acid supplement, organic lemon water, organic non-gmo organic miso (Miso Masters or South River Miso) and other cultured foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut.
  6. Sugar:  Many of us know by now that refined sugar is really bad for us. We hear the stories of how native’s teeth would decay and have problems, only when introduced to sugar by Westerners. So what are our options? For me, I have a sweet tooth and there are plenty of ways to taste the sweet nectar of life without deteriorating your body. The brain needs “good” sugars to properly function. In our culture we get wayyy to much and part of the fresh raw honey drippingcraving is due to parasites, not necessarily our body’s needs.  After I did a parasite cleanse, my fruit and sugar intake naturally fell to about 1/3 of what I was consuming before. Good (low- glycemic) sugars include: raw honey (ammmazing for health and vibration), lucuma powder, raw coconut palm sugar, stevia, agave, real maple syrup, yacon, goji berries (to use in recipes) and dates.
  7. Have Guts – In your gut there is good bacteria that helps breakdown foods and assimilate nutrients, and “bad” bacteria and parasites that cause inflammation and even live off of the foods you intake.  Cultivating strong gut flora is very important to overall health. By taking probiotic supplementation and eating fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, coconut and yogurt kefirs you can begin building strong gut flora. Here is a good simple resource to get started and my friend Jennifer Lotus is very adept on the subject and hosts online courses on rebuilding the gut if you are interested.
  8. Go Green! Most people’s bodies are acidic from stress and toxic diets. When the body’s PH is not in natural balance, sickness, weight gain, depression and healthy diet chartlow energy can occur. By incorporating more high PH foods, such as green vegetables and fruits, the body can come back to equilibrium with renewed vitality. In some cases people take this too far and become too alkaline, but for the most part, transitioning to an alkaline diet is going to have very beneficial results.
  9. Get Soaked: Soaking raw nuts, raw seeds, legumes and ancient grains breaks down enzyme inhibitors allowing smooth digestion and nutrient assimilation. The standard soak time for all of the above is about 5-8 hours or overnight.
  10. Plant-based Proteins: A helpful consideration, especially to the planet, is cutting down on animal forms of protein and switching to plant-based sources. Ahhhhh, the biggest question I have heard all my life, “Where do you get your protein?” I will now ask you a question, “Where does a cow, chicken and elephant get its protein?” The animals get all the protein they need from a plant-based diet. Protein is in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds. seeds and nuts proteinsBroccoli is 50% protein! Cooking changes the molecular structure of animal proteins often rendering it unusable by the body. In most cases over half of the bioavailable protein in cooked meat is lost and even more in pasteurized dairy. My favorite forms of vegan protein are bee pollen (rich in vitamins & minerals and has 14.4g per 1/4 C), pea protein (super bio-available and 10.6g per 1/4 C & more from the protein powder), spirulina, flax seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, black beans, macadamia nuts just to name a few. Click here for a full list that I’ve put together & click here for a website with awesome vegetarian recipes!
  11. Good Fats: Incorporate good fats into your diet, cold-pressed organic oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, hemp oil and avacados! Doing this will increase brain function and make the skin subtle. Many of the fats in packaged foods and at restaurants, even in organic products, are rancid which clogs the gallbladder. Be aware of your choices and feel free to do occasional gallbladder cleanses to clear out built up rancid fats.
  12. Grains: Around the 1960’s the dawn of radiologically induced mutations where successive generations of chemically hybridized wheat cultivars shifted glutenin and gliadin from healthy protein to toxins, created wheat created allergies and sensitivities. Ancient grains (pre-modified) such as  likeemmer, spelt and einkorn (Click here to order awesome sourdough Einkorn bread from my friend) are more easily digestible and don’t cause body cooked wild rice on a spooninflammation. You can also choose from a variety of “grass seeds” or non-grain options if that works better with your system, such as: quinoa, buckwheat, hemp based products (granola, etc), coconut flour, almond flour, mesquite flour, wild rices. Remember to introduce soaking (#8) and fermentation (#6) to your baking and making, for better digestion and assimilation of these foods.
  13. Incorporate Raw: As I already shared above, fresh food have a high vibration, living enzymes and nutritional content is higher when it is left raw. Many foods, when cooked, become toxic which create antibodies in the removal of these toxin, rather than using the body’s natural digestive enzymes. A more raw, plant-based diet will bring back our body’s natural digestive enzymes, but you may need to supplement digestive enzymes as you transition your diet. In my explorations, almost everything you can dream of can be made raw like jelly, cakes, brownies, pizzas, lasagna… Yummy Kelp noodle pasta and asian cabbageWhen I first started, I thought raw meant living on apples and salad! Nope, there are so many possibilities.  Let this be a chance to curiously explore how you can keep your fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts alive! When you do need to warm or steam vegetables in the fall and winter season, tune into them and don’t over-cook.  Many legumes, starches, and root vegetables need to be “cooked” to make their medicines bioavailable.  Even when preparing these, a roaring boil means they’re taking their last scream of life before they die ? Click here to read the blog I wrote with recipe ideas and how to medicinally “cook” these items.
  14. Coffee & Stimulants: Intaking these substances gives you a false sense of energy and actually fatigues the adrenals which depletes the kidneys. Long-term, this leads to premature aging due to draining your essential life-force (known as “Jing” in Chinese Medicine). beautiful herbal latteThere are many coffee alternatives on the market now that have the tasty satisfaction without the crash: Teeccino or Chaga Tea to name a few.  If you can’t give up your coffee, at least lower your intake, or add in herbal kidney/adrenal balancers – Jing supplements. Coffee is acidic which lowers the body’s energy levels, but by incorporating a higher alkaline diet and gentle cleansing, you can regain your essential energy and may no longer need the pick me up. Here’s my friend’s tonic latte recipe.
  15. Take time for Yourself: Above all!! Take time to rest, get proper sleep, relax, do what you love and LAUGH. This is the best thing for your body-mind and soul.


Signs of Spiritual Awakening

25 Awakening Characteristics

August 31, 2015

25 Awakening Characteristics in5d in 5d body mind soul spirit

by Josh Richardson,

There is no doubt the Earth is evolving spiritually. People are experiencing intense changes within their life, work, behaviors and personal relationships. Many are awakening at a rate that can only be described as phenomenal. So how do we know if we are awakening? Here are 25 common characteristics you may find in yourself and others.

Some of you may experience things not on this list and I encourage you to share your experiences in the comments below. We are all unique and many of us are experiencing phenomenon that are difficult to explain at this time. We are all learning from each other.

1. Being in public places is sometimes overwhelming. Since our walls between self and other are dissolving, we haven’t really learned to distinguish between someone else’s energy and our own. If the general mood of the crowd is herd-like or negative, we can feel this acutely, and may feel like retreating into our own private space. When we have recharged our batteries with meditation, spending time in nature, far away from other people, or just sitting in quiet contemplation, we are ready to be with the masses again. In personal relationships, we often will feel someone else’s emotions as our own. It is important to have this higher sense of empathy, but we must learn to allow another person’s emotions while observing them and keeping our empathy, but, realizing that not all emotions belong to us. Social influence can dampen our own innate wisdom.

2. We understand our current paradigm, more than we understand ourselves. We see the big picture and marvel and the duality of our world including why polarity consciousness has brought us to where it has today. We no longer see life choices and right or wrong, good or bad, just choices defined by the neutral frequencies that we later define. Unity consciousness is allowing us to spread the message of unity consciousness to all of humanity that will allow us to heal our division and change the misery of our human beings to abundance within a global community filled with love for each other and not fear of each other.

3. We know things without having to intellectually figure them out. Often called intuitive awareness, we have ‘a-ha’ moments and insights that can explain some of the most complex theories or phenomenon in the world. Some of the most brilliant minds of our time just ‘know.’ Adepts and sages often were given downloads of information from higher states of consciousness after meditating or being in the presence of a more conscious individual; this is happening for more people with more frequency. As we trust our intuition more often, it grows stronger. This is a time of ‘thinking’ with our hearts more than our heads. Our guts will no longer be ignored. Our dreams are becoming precognitive and eventually our conscious thoughts will be as well.

4. We acknowledge our imperfection and how beautiful it is to be an imperfect version of our true selves. We thrive on challenging only ourselves, and not through competition at the expense of another, especially since we have no need to judge those who are exactly where they need to be.

5. Watching television or most of main stream media, including newspapers and many Hollywood movies is very distasteful to us. The mindset that creates much, but not all, of the programming on television and in cinema is abhorrent. It commodifies people and promotes violence. It reduces our intelligence and numbs our natural empathetic response to someone in pain.

6. We no longer have a need to attach our love to material things, understanding that it only leads to misery because we are not learning to love ourselves and others. The mentality only leads to further acquisition of more things. Although things too are part of consciousness, they do not allow humans to accelerate the mass consciousness required to change the world. Only love for ourselves and others can do that. Love is knowing the deservability and worthiness of all. We are loved so unconditionally by Creation that we can even choose to believe that we are not loved.

7. Lying to us is nearly impossible. We may not know exactly what truth you are withholding, but we can also tell that something isn’t right. We also know when you have other emotions, pain, love, etc. that you aren’t expressing. You’re an open book to us. We aren’t trained in counter-intelligence, we are just observant and knowing. While we may pick up on physical cues, we can look into your eyes and know what you are feeling.

8. We may pick up symptoms of your cold, just like men who get morning sickness when their wives are pregnant. Sympathy pains, whether emotional or physical, are something we experience often. We tend to absorb emotion through the solar plexus, considered the place we ‘stomach emotion’ so as we learn to strengthen this chakra center, we may sometimes develop digestive issues. Grounding to the earth can help to re-establish our emotional center. Walking barefoot is a great way to re-ground.

9. We tend to root for the underdog, those without voices, those who have been beaten down by the matrix, etc. We are very compassionate people, and these marginalized individuals often need more love. People can sense our loving hearts, so complete strangers will often tell us their life stories or approach us with their problems. While we don’t want to be a dumping ground for everyone’s issues, we are also a good ear for those working through their stuff.

10. We don’t feel the need to awaken every person we see. Within a few sentences we can interpret their level of comfort in discussions relating to consciousness. When necessary, we plant a seed and if it’s meant to grow it will. We understand that attempting to awaken those who are not ready is toxic to their sensibilities.

11. If we don’t learn how to set proper boundaries, we can get tired easily from taking on other people’s emotions. Energy Vampires are drawn to us like flies to paper, so we need to be extra vigilant in protecting ourselves at times.

12. We are all becoming healers. We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, yoga, massage, midwifery, etc. are fields we often find ourselves in. We know that the collective needs to be healed, and so we try our best to offer healing in whatever form we are most drawn to. We also turn away from the ‘traditional’ forms of healing ourselves. Preferring natural foods, herbs, and holistic medicine as ways to cure every ailment.

13. We see the possibilities before others do. Just like when the church told Copernicus he was wrong, and he stood by his heliocentric theory, we know what the masses refuse to believe. Our minds are light-years ahead.

14. We are creative. We sing, dance, paint, invent, or write. We have amazing imaginations.

15. We fully accept that we can only attract what is within our vibrational field. There are no experiences that we can obtain in physical form without attracting them from a vibrational perspective. That includes the most horrific experiences and the most beautiful ones. What we are learning to do is accept relationships and experiences for what they are. People and experiences are serving as reflections to teach us something about ourselves.

16. We don’t question what love is, why it is or how it presents itself. We know it is everywhere, in everyone and everything, all permeating and infinite.

17. We require more solitude than the average person.

18. We might get bored easily, but we are really good at entertaining ourselves.

19. We have a difficult time doing things we don’t want to do or don’t really enjoy. We really do believe life was meant to be an expression of joy. Why waste it doing something you hate? We aren’t lazy, we are discerning.

20. We are obsessed with bringing the truth to light.

21. We don’t live in fear of anything. Any and all changes coming, no matter how much they are perceived as negative or dramatic on our Earth, are being designed by us. We have passed the point of no return and the Earth is ascending to a higher state of consciousness. Nothing will stop it now.

22. We can’t keep track of time. Our imaginations often get away with us and a day can feel like a minute, a week, a day.

23. We abhor routine.

24. We often disagree with authority (for obvious reasons). Some people call it “anarchy” without a true understanding of what that word or our governments really are.

25. We will often be kind, but if you are egotistical or rude, we won’t spend much time with you or find an excuse to not hang out with people who are obsessed with themselves. We don’t ‘get’ people who are insensitive to other people’s feelings or points of view.

About the Author
Josh Richardson is blogger, healer, and a constant pursuer of the natural state of human consciousness.


Expanding your ‘Purpose’ in Life

Transpersonal Purpose - When We No Longer Have a Purpose But Become a Purpose - Copy

31st March 2015

By Steve Taylor Ph.D

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Transpersonal Purpose: When we no longer have a purpose but become a purpose.

To have a strong sense of purpose is always beneficial, but it’s important to remember that there are different types and levels of purpose, some of which are more beneficial than others.

The most basic type of purpose for all living beings – including human beings – is survival. Most human beings throughout history – and sadly, probably still most human beings alive today – have been mainly oriented around this purpose. Due to poverty, they’re forced to give most of their time and attention to trying to satisfy their, and their children’s, basic needs for survival, for food, shelter, safety and security. But survival usually isn’t enough in itself…

Even while they’re mainly preoccupied with trying to keep themselves and their children alive, most people need a more rarefied and meaningful type of purpose. Many people gain this through religion, by taking on a pre-existing belief system and aligning their lives with it. Psychologists have found that strongly religious people tend to have higher levels of well-being than the non-religious and the nominally religious, and this is probably largely because of the strong sense of purpose and meaning which religions provide. If you’re strongly religious, there is a clear purpose to everything you do: to follow the conventions and principles of your faith, to attain salvation, and/or to convert other people to your faith.

For many of us in the secular modern world, however, religion may not be a viable source of purpose. In that case, sport may serve a similar function to religion. If you follow a soccer or baseball team, you’re also part of a pre-existing framework of purpose. Your purpose is for the team to win the next match and overall, to win that season’s league or tournament, or at least to perform well, and finish in a good position in the table.

Others may take on what I call a ‘personal accumulative’ purpose. This means that the main purpose of our lives is to accumulate more wealth, more achievement or more status. We might aim to become famous or powerful, or to rise to the higher levels of our profession.

Altruism and Self-Expansion

If we move beyond a self-centered egoic orientation, our purpose may become altruistic or idealistic, where we’re not so concerned with our own well-being so much as other people’s. Our main aim might be to improve or contribute to their society, or contribute to the human race in general. We might devote our time and energy to aiding the development of other people, helping them to overcome obstacles or acting to alleviate their suffering. Significantly, research in positive psychology has found that, although a materialistic or ‘personal accumulative’ purpose can have beneficial effects, purpose is most beneficial when it is based on altruism.

Transpersonal Purpose - Power of Purpose

Another type of purpose which emerges when we move beyond an egoic orientation is self-expansion, or self-development. (Abraham Maslow referred to this as ‘self-actualisation.’) This is distinct from accumulation in that it’s not about adding wealth or status to yourself, but about uncovering and expressing your potential, and deepening and expanding yourself. For many people, this happens through creativity, or through hobbies and experiences which challenge them and help them to grow. This could include intellectual growth, based on curiosity and a desire to understand the world. It could also refer to spiritual growth. A person who is mainly oriented around a ‘self-expansive’ purpose may undergo therapy to try to overcome obstacles to their development, or meditate regularly in order to try to facilitate a shift in awareness. They may have an impulse to expand or intensify their consciousness, by following a spiritual path such as Buddhism or Yoga.

I’ve spoken about them separately, but often an altruistic/idealistic purpose and a self-expansive purpose combine. That is, people who are altruistic and idealistic are often focused on self-development at the same time. They’re both facets of trans-egoic development, when the main aim of our lives is no longer to protect, enhance and bolster the ego. (It’s also possible, however, that a person who is mainly oriented around a personal accumulative purpose may have be altruistic/idealistic purpose to some degree, and vice-versa. This might be the case when a person has partly – but not fully – moved beyond ego-orientation, for example.)

Transpersonal Purpose

When we follow an idealistic, altruistic, creative or spiritual purpose, we may reach a point where our purpose becomes transpersonal. This emerges as we move further beyond an egoic orientation, when our own desires, interests and fears begin to fade in importance, and we connect to a larger superconscious source, for which we become the expression. It’s a question of us uncovering a deep, authentic purpose inside us – a purpose which is natural to us, which is an expression of our innate potentials and inclinations – and aligning ourselves to it. Then we become the channel for a purpose which is flowing through us. Rather than us carrying the purpose forward, the purpose begins to carry us. We may not even have a clear idea about what our purpose is – but we trust it, and allow it to flow through us.

At this point, purpose becomes more effortless. We don’t need to strain or exhaust ourselves pushing our purpose forward, trying to realise our ambitions or achieve our goals. We don’t need to push anymore because we can just flow with the purpose, and allow it to take us forward. There can be an intoxicating sense of momentum, as if we’re swimming with the current of a fast-flowing river.

The important thing is for us to step aside – that is, to put our own personal interests, desires and fears to one side, so that we don’t block or distort our purpose. It’s especially easy for us to let our fears stand in the way of our purpose – for example, a general fear of attracting attention, of fear of embarrassment or humiliation, or of appearing arrogant.

Many creative artists experience transpersonal purpose. They follow their inspiration, and are never wholly sure where it’s going to take them, or what it’s going to express. I often experience it when I write books. I have a rough idea of where I’m going, a rough structure which I try to follow, but the book carries me along, and I’m always surprised at the material which comes through – connections, ideas and concepts which I was never expecting.

Transpersonal Purpose and the Impulse for Spiritual Development

Transpersonal Purpose and the Impulse for Spiritual DevelopmentMany people who devote their lives to spiritual exploration and development are following a transpersonal purpose too. Their urge to expand or intensify their consciousness stems from a deep-rooted evolutionary impulse which they may not even be consciously aware of. In my view, this impulse is fundamentally the same impulse which has impelled the process of evolution from the beginnings of life hundreds of millions of years ago: an impulse towards greater intensification of consciousness, by which living beings become more complex, more aware of reality, and more aware of themselves.

Spiritual traditions describe transpersonal purpose as a characteristic of the ‘awakened’ or ‘enlightened’ state, in which the individual no longer has a will of their own, but is the expression of the will of the divine. In the Taoist tradition, the individual who has realised their true nature as Tao follows the wu-wei chih-Tao, ‘the non-striving Way of Transcendence,’ in which the Tao flows through them. They live in a state of ‘actionless activity’ (wu-wei). In the Christian mystical tradition, phrases such as ‘self-annihilation’ and ‘self-naughting’ are used in a similar way – the mystic empties himself (or herself) in order to allow God to emerge and express Himself through them. Similarly, in the Bhagavad-Gita, a great deal of emphasis is placed on ‘unattached action’ – acting without being concerned about results, simply doing what is right and appropriate. While in Sufism, the ‘awakened’ state is referred as Baqa, and one of its characteristics is that the person has no will of their own, but lives in and through God, in a state of ecstasy. They no longer have a sense of planning their own life, or making things happen. Life unfolds naturally and spontaneously through them, by virtue of divine power.

With some types of purpose, particular the personal accumulative, there’s the possibility of becoming too future-focused, and losing our orientation in the present. We might become so focused on our goals, and so determined to reach them, that the present loses significance for us, and becomes just a means of reaching the future. We might spend so much time looking forward that we forget to look around. However, this certainly doesn’t have to be the case. So long as we’re not too rigidly focused on our destination, we can still live in the present at the same as moving with the flow of our purpose, in the same way that a person on a train journey can enjoy the experience of the journey. A sense of direction and purpose can actually enhance the journey, by giving us a greater sense of connection and appreciation. And at the transpersonal level, there is little focus on the future at all, just a surrender to the creative or spiritual force which is flowing through us. The invigorating impersonal momentum of the flow of purpose illuminates the present.

Human beings are naturally dynamic. Growth is an intrinsic part of our nature. Life on earth has always been dynamic, as expressed through the process of evolution. Life has always had innate tendency to grow towards greater complexity, to become more organised, and more conscious. So when we feel a sense of purpose, we’re really aligning ourselves with this dynamic impulse, which is possibly why following a sense of purpose feels so right, and is so beneficial. And at the transpersonal level, we become the manifestation and expression of this impulse, become a channel through which is flows directly. When we reach this point, we no longer have a purpose, we are a purpose.


Moving into True Seeing

Removing the Veil

Posted by February 15, 2014

FLickr-Nebula-NASA-GoddardDr. Stewart Bitkoff

“You yourself are under your own veil.” -Hafiz

Q:  I have been traveling the road to higher consciousness for many years and it has been a long hard journey. Fortunately there have been occasional Divine Breezes along the way, but I cannot say I feel any closer to God for my efforts. Also, sometimes traveling gets so lonely and I wish I had someone to talk to about this struggle; can you help me understand, why the difficulty and mystery?

Earth Phase: Physical & Spiritual 

“The lower self prevents you from remembering God.” -Traditional

In the spiritual journey, each traveler is both question and answer; goal and door which blocks the way. That is the Design, or earth phase, that we have immersed our self in; one of physicality and spirituality. This duality of knowing and not knowing; seeking and finding are one of the universal laws of our earth experience. Yet beyond this duality of knowing and not knowing, is the first universal law: Oneness of Creation.  For you see, knowing and not knowing while at polar opposites are both part of the One; this Oneness may be experienced in spiritual states like the Beloved’s Caress or Oneness of Creation experience.  These are sublime experiences and many seek to repeat these states over and over; yet, when thinking and working this way, they miss the point of the journey

One day, I asked my teacher; why this struggle? Why this struggle between the ego (daily consciousness/lower self) and the wisdom of our heart (continual awareness of God).  Wouldn’t it simplify things if we were all born being continually aware of the Divine?

He answered, the ego serves as a boundary between this world and the next. Without the ego, we would all be lost, absorbed in the splendor of God and of no use in this earthly life. This journey is much more than being continually absorbed in God; the journey is about serving others as God’s Servant. Added spiritual capacity is necessary for specific tasks and functions; these are a tool to manifest something Higher.

Manifesting the Real

In order for that which is hidden behind the veil of our daily awareness, to be revealed, 2 processes must be at work. And the outcome of both of these processes is always dependent upon Grace; because in this endeavor, ‘love is never earned it is bestowed.’

Quieting the Lower Self/Ego. The first process involves working on and refining our worldly consciousness or what has traditionally been termed ‘the ego.’ Often our worldly consciousness (lower self) blocks the higher consciousness with its concern for our physical, emotional and intellectual well being. We are multi-level beings and to fully enjoy and participate in this earthly experience, there are many stimuli, thoughts and experiences which are necessary for daily life. So, in this journey, of both physicality and spirituality, the traveler must learn to still and quiet the lower self; in order to allow that which is deeply hidden to manifest.

Often this stilling or quieting of thought, for a time, involves unlearning many things, examining how our consciousness operates and practicing techniques designed to still the lower self. Stilling the lower self is much different than destroying it; this aspect of consciousness, because it is very complex, as indicated, is needed to function in the world. Typically we cannot not have a thought, but can learn how not to act on it and minimize its effect on our total consciousness.  This pushing aside by quieting, temporarily, for most travelers takes much work and guidance by another.

Awakening of Spiritual Centers. The second process involves awakening our inner spiritual centers (or chakras) which must be done gradually and in a certain order.  This awakening of our spiritual centers can be done while the traveler is learning how to still troubling thoughts which create noise in the consciousness. This stimulating of spiritual centers is often accomplished through exercises, guidance of one of the teachers and the Grace& Mercy of God.

When the traveler is ready, spiritual centers can be awakened or activated by the Light at any time or place. It is a question of readiness and the process has been termed organic and part of a natural maturation.

Enlightenment & Misconceptions

When done correctly, adding of spiritual capacity is accomplished gradually so it does not disrupt others portions of a traveler’s life.  This adding of ability is mysterious to most travelers, because they have limited exposure to this learning structure, further outcomes and processes are rarely discussed.  Often this structure cannot be accurately put in words, it is multi-level; and because few have limited exposure to what is actually required and how this is being done, there are many misconceptions and resultant frustrations.

Typically most travelers view this developmental process like other learning situations in their lives. For example, look I have read all the books, said my prayers, given money to charity and talked to every ‘teacher’ I could find. I have been at this activity now for 4 years and worked very hard; certainly if I was going to high school or college I would have my diploma. Yet mystical states elude me, I still get anxious and worried and I certainly don’t feel God/Light aglow in my heart when the kids start fighting and screaming.

Enlightenment, or added spiritual capacity, typically occurs within the ordinary human personality. Enlightenment involves bringing forward latent spiritual skills and capacity to operate alongside all our other skills and capacities. This coming forward is additional capacity that we consciously use to serve the situation and Higher Destiny.  Typically, this ability is not for oneself but to help others and the majority of work to enable this function involves removing from consciousness, for a time, those thoughts, ideas and hidden motives which stand in our way.

Measuring Outcomes

I remember one day, I asked my teacher, look I’ve been at this spiritual study stuff now for 3 years and really don’t feel anything is happening. How do I know I am progressing? With a smile on his face and a kind voice, he offered, “do you think about God now more than you did before coming to see me?”

And of course my answer was, ‘yes.’  However I was looking for outcomes of a different sort: reading minds, knowing the future, being God’s BFF and living in peaceful harmony. Because of my expectations, I had created my own frustrations.

Strangers & Loneliness

One of the technical terms for the followers of the Path, is that travelers are ‘strangers.’  Strangers to themselves and others, yearning for something they cannot define and must find.  Each traveler has an unsettling awareness that they don’t quite fit into the world as most people define it, and for a time may be unclear what the inner unease and burning is about.

If you find yourself on the long road and it is raining and dark, to ease your pain, consider the following.

  • Talk to God/Light. Tell God how you are feeling and what you need. God is inside all of us and listens to all our prayers. Tell God what you want and need, and in time, as God Wills, it will be Given to you. “Remember, if you take one step toward God, God will take ten steps toward you.’
  • Call a friend and find out how they are doing. Share your feelings and experience.
  • Help another. Reach out and assist someone who is having a difficult time.
  • Get-up, do something physical that is fun or helps another. Get out of yourself. A healthy mind and body thrives on activity.
  • If you need the company of like minded believers, reach out and contact one of the many organizations set-up for this purpose. Remember be careful in your choices, there are many who would take from you.
  • Ask the Universe for whatever you need. You are the son/daughter of a King and this has been promised to you.

Just because you do not see a thing
It doesn’t mean it ceases to exist.
The sun also shines in the night.
-A. Hussain


ARchangel Michael through Ronna Herman


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-06-2013

Remember, my brave ones, you are living in the midst of eternity. The messages of cosmic wisdom we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma. Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you. As more and more of the masses are feeling a discontent initiated by their Soul Self, it is vital that the Wisdom Teachings of Ascension are reviewed and shared with those around you. You, the awakened STAR SEED, are the ones who will now spread the emerging WISDOM TEACHINGS of the future.

Whether aware of it or not, humanity and the Earth are in the midst of an accelerated evolutionary process. That is the miracle of these times, beloveds. The Supreme Creator is radiating throughout the Omniverse the full spectrum of Divine Light. This powerful, pure Light is filtering through each Great Central Sun, the mansion world of the Father/Mother God of each universe, out into every level of Creation so that gradually every Spark and fragment of Creation will have access to an appropriate level of Creator-consciousness. The Light of Creation or Adamantine Particles is being made available to every Soul that has ever been created; however, there are some rules that apply to this “Light Redemption” process: each Soul must prepare their vessel by lifting their vibrational patterns to a certain level of harmonious frequencies in order to receive these particles of God Light, and you must remember, after receiving these particles of Light, they must be activated by your loving intention. Love is the power source, the generator of these precious particles from the Source of All.

Ascension is about lifting, balancing and harmonizing your vibrational patterns so that the many facets of your Divine Self can descend and take dominion within your Sacred Heart core. As you delve more deeply into the wisdom of the cosmos, it is of vital importance that you maintain a state of mindful awareness. Humanity is emerging from a state of amnesia, or what could be called a limited awareness of Self and of the complex vastness of Creation. We have explained in the past, but it is time to refresh your memory about what is taking place as you traverse the many levels and sub-levels of consciousness. As you clear the distortions within your auric field, there is also an internal process taking place. Your entire physical structure is undergoing complex changes which are triggered by the higher frequency patterns you are integrating from the Creator Source via the great cities of Light. Your DNA, your chakra centers and your Sacred Heart/Mind contain your Divine Blueprint, and as you integrate more and more Adamantine Particles of God consciousness, all the distortions/imperfections that you have created from the concepts you have accepted as your truth are slowly being rectified. Many of these distorted concepts are being filtered into your conscious awareness to be healed or eliminated, and we understand that this can be an uncomfortable, disconcerting process.

You have a SACRED CENTER OF EXISTENCE within your Sacred Heart which we have named your DIAMOND CORE GOD CELL for this Sub-Universal experience. You have around you an etheric third- / fourth-dimensional GRAND TRIANGLE OF EXISTENCE, which contains your Pillar of Light and the Cross of Matter that you have built down through the ages. You exist in a GOLDEN OVOID (egg-shaped sphere), which expands and radiates more and more Divine Love-Light as you resonate with higher and higher frequencies of consciousness. Adamantine Particles of Divine Light contain living energy which has been programmed for a specific Divine Blueprint. When you access that living Light, you must activate it with your loving intention and program it with the desires of the Soul which are always in harmony with your Divine Blueprint. On the material planes of existence, the Creator Light must be encoded with your Essence as a cocreator, before it is ready to be radiated out into the world of form. It takes great courage and tenacity to become SELF-AWARE and SOUL-CONSCIOUS. A constant attitude of gratitude and thanks-giving is sustenance for the Soul.

You are becoming very proficient at analyzing new concepts and the plethora of information that is now available via the empowering gift of discernment. Now that you are more attuned to Spirit and the voice within, you can quickly ascertain if a concept is in alignment with your inner truth. If it is not, it behooves you to discard it without malice or judgment; or if you are not sure, put it aside and ask your Higher Self to validate it for you in some unmistakable way. We are aware that you are being bombarded with many new concepts, some of which are stretching the limits of your conceptual understanding. Please be aware, beloveds, that what you are experiencing is all part of the reunification and ascension process that you are in the midst of.

Many of you are experiencing miraculous events in your lives, and we ask you to be bold enough to share these wonders with your friends. Do not fear ridicule or criticism; you will find approval more often than disapproval and interest more often than disdain. The religious community, partially out of fear of losing their following, are beginning to incorporate some of the more moderate cosmic teachings. While it matters not how or why, it is all for the benefit of humanity, and it will assist in speeding up the transformation process of Earth and its inhabitants.

Examine your feelings of abundance and scarcity, beloved ones. If even one-quarter of the population of the world would believe, envision, invoke and then work towards prosperity and abundance for all, you would see a dramatic turn of events as those who hoard the wealth of the world and those who prey on the meek and poor begin to lose their stranglehold on the world’s economy. Are you fearfully holding on tightly to and hoarding your riches? Beware, dear ones that your hoard does not melt into thin air. It is only a form of energy, you know. Energy is meant to be circulated, recycled—used, reformed, expanded and refined. That which you hold onto too tightly will dissolve before your eyes.

A part of the initiation process is to surrender all that you hold dear, all that you possess to your Divine Self, to the highest good of all. This does not mean that you will lose what you surrender; it just means you are willing to allow the Divine plan to work through you, which is always for your highest good, even though it may not seem so at the time.

Do not be dismayed if your past is becoming only a hazy memory, especially the painful memories you experienced during this lifetime. It is time to heal and release the past, beloveds. It no longer serves you to delve into past lifetimes in order to heal yourself or to try to understand why you are acting or reacting a certain way in the present. That is the old way. The distortions of consciousness you created in the past cannot exist when you fill yourselves to overflowing with Adamantine Particles through the processes we have taught you. These magical particles contain the pure/perfect Essence of the Creator and will gradually transform/transmute any distortions in your auric field and your physical vessel. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. Remember, a slow steady pace forward on the Path leads to Self-mastery. It is the ego personality that desires more information and dramatic validation; it forever seeks excitement, drama and sensationalism. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now so prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.

Once again, allow us to give you an example of what is occurring as you traverse the path of en-Lighten-ment. You have heard that there are many mansions in heaven which, in truth, are the many dimensional and sub-dimensional levels of Creation. During the era that is now coming to a close, each person’s reality is composed of a combination of third- and fourth-dimensional frequency patterns made up of his/her beliefs/actions/deeds from the past and the present. Residing within each person’s mansion of existence are all those people who are attuned to and compatible with that particular level of existence. They share many beliefs and function under many of the same limiting concepts: scarcity, guilt, fear of the future, and they are usually controlled by racial /cultural / religious / traditional rules and standards. In this reality, the normal ego-driven personality usually has either a self-centered sense of entitlement or a martyr, self-sacrificing complex with many variations and extremes. Those who function within this frequency level of existence interact with each other, choosing those who mirror to them that which they are lacking (usually in a distorted, exaggerated way). They usually are not comfortable with those who resonate at a higher frequency level, and even though they are dissatisfied, they have difficulty in breaking free and moving out of their dysfunctional life patterns, which are their perceived comfort zone.

As you eliminate old habits, beliefs and actions, you gradually return to harmony within the accepted spectrum of polarity/duality. With each higher frequency level you attain, you leave behind those situations, people and things that no longer are compatible with your new level of awareness and resonance. It often seems as if you have stepped through a new dimensional doorway and a portion of the past is fading away. That is why many of you are experiencing the loss of friends and/or family members, and why you are changing jobs or beginning a new career. Many of you are also moving to new places, sometimes not really understanding why you have been guided to a certain area, but there is a deep inner-knowing that it was meant to be. Many of you are finding that the work you do, your recreational pursuits, hobbies and many things that interested you in the past are less satisfying, for they do not fit into your ever-expanding, evolving reality.

The multidimensional doorways of the past are closing, and the doorways of the future are opening at a faster and faster pace as the process of ascension accelerates. The fear of change has been a major controlling factor within your conscious awareness for a very long time. In the beginning of your journey into density, you sought a great variety of self-expression and change, and you delighted in each new creation. It has only been during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you were a cocreator endowed with a full measure of creative abilities and that you have a direct link to the Power Source of Creation, which has been named the River of Life/Light.

You, the STAR SEED vanguard, who have diligently labored to refine the resonance of your physical vessel and upgrade your emotional and mental nature in order to return to an accepted level of duality, are now in the process of clearing the residual, imbalanced frequencies within the astral planes of the fourth dimension. You have refined your column of Light so that you now exist in a world of your own making, which consists of the three higher sub-planes of the fourth dimension. Most of you who have faithfully followed our teachings have tapped into a stream of frequencies composed of a variety of fifth-dimensional frequencies, as well as a small trickle-down stream of Light from the sixth dimension. You might say this is a new formula of Light/Life you are creating.

Within the ancient esoteric teachings was this puzzling concept: “When an initiate on the path reaches a certain stage in the ascension process, there appears what is called The Dweller on the Threshold and the Angel of Presence. The Dweller on the Threshold is the one who stands before the gate of God and the portal of initiation. The Angel of Presence stands on the other side of the portal.”

Since so many of you on the Path are in the process of clearing the residual, imbalanced frequency patterns from the higher third and lower fourth dimensions, the time has come for us to explain this important facet of the initiation process. The Dweller on the Threshold is a memory Seed Atom in which, over time, the remaining, residual, negative thought patterns within the emotional and mental bodies have been encapsulated. When you have reached a certain level of en-Lighten-ment, with your Higher Self as the director, the Dweller on the Threshold slowly releases these challenging thought forms into your conscious awareness and then out into your world of form so they may be transmuted into harmonious frequencies of Light. The Angel at the Portal is a facet of your Higher Self who stands ready to assist you through these intense periods of testing. The Threshold is within your Diamond Core God cell; it is the innermost portal that leads to your Sacred Heart Core where the White Fire Seed Atom of our Father/Mother God resides. Once you gain entrance to the Golden Sun chamber of the Sacred Heart, you will be forever changed, for you will have experienced the bliss of communion with your God parents.

We understand that these are times of great challenge, beloveds, and many of you are wondering what you are doing to deserve such painful and trying tests when you have so faithfully stayed the course. We tell you, do not falter now, for as you face these latest tests with love and compassion, you will find that the Angel at the Portal will assist you to clear the way. With every challenge faced head-on, there will be miracles and blessings to encourage you to clear the remaining obstacles on the Path before you.

This is a critical step in the ascension process, for when you have succeeded in firmly establishing your Soul Song resonance within the higher fourth dimension, you will be ready to incorporate a larger measure of fifth-dimensional vibrational patterns. Before taking this leap in consciousness, it is vital that you have gained the discipline to stay centered within the required limits of duality. Your abilities to manifest in the world of form will increase dramatically, and if you are not well-disciplined mentally and emotionally, you will create more chaos which will, most likely, draw you back into a denser frequency pattern.

Brave bearers of Light, are you ready and willing to be a pathfinder, to open the doors to the many heavenly mansions/dimensions of Creation? Each dimensional level will offer new opportunities and will give you access to many new abilities and expanded wisdom; however, each higher level will also challenge you in many ways, and will require that you release those things which no longer serve your greatest good. You left many facets of your greater Self along the way as you traversed the descending pathway into the lower dimensions, and you must also be willing to release to the past those people, ways of being and things which do not fit into your present/future reality as you make your return journey into the higher dimensions.

Beloveds, we are assisting you in every way possible within the limits of universal law, and we are waiting patiently for you to join us in the various Pyramids of Light stationed throughout the universe. We have told you that you are not only creating your new earthly reality, but you are also creating your mansions in the heavenly dimensions. We convey to you all the radiance of Love/Light that you can contain. You are loved beyond measure.



On Intuition by Andrew Cohen

Authentic Intuition

Posted: 8/8/11 08:21 AM ET
Andrew Cohen, founder ENLIGHTENMENT Magazine

In many spiritual circles, everybody likes to talk about intuition. “Follow your heart,” “Listen to your inner guide,” teachers tell us. But I always get a little nervous when I hear that kind of advice because it all depends on who you’re talking to. To take a very extreme example, if you told a fundamentalist terrorist to follow his or her heart, we all know where that would lead.

When you tell anybody to follow his heart or to trust her intuition, you first have to know who you’re talking to, how developed he is, and to what degree she has actually evolved beyond ego. When we embark on the path of “Evolutionary Enlightenment,” we recognize that most of us are deeply identified with the individual and collective ego, and therefore our choices and actions are, more often than not, driven by unconscious fears and desires and culturally conditioned beliefs and values. As we begin to awaken to what I call the “Authentic Self,” or evolutionary impulse, and begin to identify more with that than with the individual and collective ego, the motivating forces for our choices and actions begin to shift. The goal in “Evolutionary Enlightenment” is for the individual’s center of gravity or locus of identification to significantly shift so that the influence of the “Authentic Self” becomes greater than that of the ego. But until this critical threshold is crossed, talking about intuition is a dangerous business.

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so, what do you think?………………….