CME Heads for Mars


SPACE WEATHER FORECAST FOR MARS: A bright CME blasted off the sun yesterday, Oct. 22nd, and it appears to be heading for Mars. Analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab expect the cloud to reach the Red Planet on Oct. 26th (forecast track). A brief discussion of what CMEs can do to Mars follows this SOHO image of the eruption:

Mars has a unique response to solar storms shaped by the planet’s strange magnetic topology. Unlike Earth, which has a global magnetic field, Mars is patchily covered by dozens of “magnetic umbrellas”–remnants of an over-arching planetary field that decayed billions of years ago. When Mars gets hit by a CME, the resulting magnetic storms take place in the umbrellas. Circumstantial evidence collected by Mars Global Surveyor in the 1990s suggests that the tops of the umbrellas light up with bright ultraviolet auroras during such storms. Because the structures are distributed around the planet, these auroras can appear even at the equator.

Mars rovers and satellites should be alert for aurora equatorialis on Oct. 26th.

Bonus: Magnetic umbrellas are at the heart of one of Mars’s greatest mysteries: What happened to the atmosphere? Billions of years ago, the air on Mars was thick enough to protect vast expanses of water on the planet’s surface. Now, however, the atmosphere is 100 times thinner than Earth’s and the surface is bone dry. Some researchers believe that magnetic storms in the umbrellas could rip parcels of atmosphere away from Mars and propel air-filled magnetic bubbles into space. In this way, space weather could be directly responsible for the desiccation of the Red Planet.

A Note fr/Jim Self on The New Waves

The Waves Keep Coming – Part 2

Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Tuesday, 18 October, 2011  (posted 20 October, 2011)

As the waves of light step up more and more, light, wisdom, and knowledge become increasingly available to us. The more you can anchor the light and re-member “you” the quicker the awakening will be and the more “play” time you get to experience. You will enjoy yourself and become more fluid and flexible in assisting others.

For many, the coming months and years will be very confusing and emotional. Those who rely on the emotional patterns of sympathy and empathy in order to understand or experience others will experience a charged emotional electromagnetic pull into those feelings, beliefs and thoughts of others. Let me say that again: If you rely on empathy and sympathy you will find these charged electromagnetic patterns will pull you into the feelings, thoughts and drama of those standing in front of you.

Reaction Vs Response

Most of us can clearly remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard about the events of 9/11. As the event unfolded, two waves of energy moved around the world:

  • A 3-D Reaction wave of energy, steeped in fear.
  • A 4-D Response wave that asked, “What can I do? How can I help?”

The people in New York got the first wave of fear in their space, followed by the second wave which moved many people into a 4th dimensional vibration of compassion that involved no thinking and no conditions. All that mattered was that well-being was brought back into balance. These two waves are moving again and you have the choice of moving between them on your terms. You need to stay observant, clear and purposeful and hold a vibrational tone that keeps you above the vibrations of the lower three chakras.

Many of us are now dissolving and releasing much of these past/future time-loop patterns. You are losing or releasing memories, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and habits that no longer have importance to you but, through the Law of Attraction, they are still magnetizing similar experiences into your life. Have you found that old thought patterns are coming up through your reality?

These patterns are being taken out of your space, so don’t try to stop the patterns or argue with them or ask why they are there. It is old stuff that is being released. It isn’t important where it came from, so just allow yourself to let it go. Then shift your attention to something that is uplifting and be happy. If you can do that you will also find these patterns are being dissolved from the world around you. Soon you won.t even remember a lot of those old patterns because they’re being erased from your 3rd dimensional time-loop.

As you remove a past experience that you were projecting into the future you will be moved right into a present time consciousness where the opportunity to choose is becoming readily available. If you ask why, stay in blame, or look for answers, you will find that those old emotional patterns get stuck. The more patterns you can let go of by just being happy, the easier you will get through the next few years.

An earlier article asked the question, “Do you know where you start and where you stop?” The aura of a balanced person extends about an arm’s length away from their physical body. It radiates in every direction. Hold your arm out in front of you now and pretend you are holding a rose between your fingertips. Using your imagination, envision the universe starting on the other side of that rose. Do the same to the left and right of you and behind you, leaving a rose at each of those points, then place a rose above your head. If you trace imaginary lines and join all the roses you will create a four-sided pyramid around you. Its base will be running through your heart chakra and its apex will be about 18 inches above your crown. Repeat this exercise, only this time place a rose about 18 inches below your feet and connect more imaginary lines to create a downward-pointing pyramid. Connect the bases of each pyramid (base to base) at the level of your heart. This creates an 8-sided, diamond-shaped pattern around you called an octahedron. Next, fill the eight sides (8 triangles) with light. The space inside this geometry is you and everything outside this field defines the rest of the universe.

If you stay within this geometric template of light, you will not be the effect of other people’s emotions, thoughts and erratic behaviors and you will not take on their feelings as if they were your own. Without this geometry in place, and without knowing where you start and end, you feel the effect of other people’s energy. Outside energies have been influencing how you experience yourself all of your life. From inside your octahedron, other people’s energy will feel more like a soft rain pelting against a windowpane instead of like being caught in a raging monsoon.

Remember: What other people think of you, or how other people vibrate, is really none of your business. Your business is only about you. Your safety, your joy, you enthusiasm, your education, and your ability to express yourself are all about you and your path. As you build this geometry and play in it, allow yourself to observe everything from within it. You are going to find that much of the 3-D noise and attention that you have felt from others begins to drop away.

Jim Self is an author, international speaker, and teacher of  the Tools for Mastering Alchemy. This work is in co-creation with Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. Free DVD and Free Tele-Classes. Jim is presenting Free in-person classes and the weekend seminar, Creating the Personal Power Field around North or 775-851-8950 ~ Copyright: You may share this article with your friends as long it is kept whole and our website is included. Thank you.

fr/Judith Orloff: Laws of Energetic Attraction

The 4 Laws of Energetic Attraction

Dr. Judith Orloff
a message from Dr. Judith Orloff
Monday, 10 October, 2011  (posted 19 October, 2011)

Are you longing for relationships that do your heart good and generate stronger connections? In my book, Positive Energy I discuss how to radically improve your health and relationships by bringing positive people and situations into your life. Knowing about energy can transform your ability to build positive relationships, prevent loneliness and ward off fatigue. By making the energetic shifts described here, you can draw good things to you.

Law No. 1: We attract who we are

The more positive energy we give off, the more we’ll receive. Ditto for negativity. It works like this: Love attracts love. Grumpiness attracts grumpiness. Passion attracts passion. Rage attracts rage.

First, define what being positive does and doesn’t mean for you in terms of attitude and behavior. Don’t worry if you’re far from a positive place. It’s an evolution. Give thought to what you value most in yourself or other. You can then strengthen these traits in yourself, and attract the same.

The idea is to find reciprocally nourishing interactions, not to win a popularity contest. (Of course, it feels good to be liked. But I’ve seen this need turn into addiction.) The following exercise will help you boost your positive signals.

*Identify your best qualities and project them to the world. Before meeting new people or going to important events, prime yourself. Think, “I’m not going to focus on my insecurity but on a strength like my sensitivity, compassion or humor; I’m going to feel and trust the positive energy inside me. I’m going to claim my full power.” Such selective attention puts your best parts front and center.

Law No. 2: Intuition clarifies smart choices

Relationships are tricky; they can be a big blur even when your eyes are open. We’ve learned to draw conclusions from surface data: how nice someone seems, looks or is educated, or how a situation adds up on paper. But attraction goes deeper; to make it work for you, other ingredients must be considered. Respect your intuitions about relationships and identify those that highlight compatible matches.

What may obscure the picture is anxiety or intense sexual attraction. If so, go slow until you get a keener intuitive read. In my book, Positive Energy I give exercises to help train you to act from instinct, not impulse.

*Tune in. Choose a relationship or situation that needs clarification – perhaps you’re confused about a friendship or vacation. Run it by your intuition criteria: Do you feel troubled and nervous or energized and safe?

*Act on vibes. Insecurity, ego, lust or stubbornness can obscure your better judgment. If a person feels positive, explore the possibilities. If the vibes are mixed, take a pass or at least wait. If all you sense is negative, have the courage to walk away, no matter how tempting the option seems. Then observe how listening to energy in this way leads you to the juiciest opportunities.

Law No. 3: Seeing the best in people magnetizes them

Instead of reflexively accentuating the worst in a person or situation, choose to energize positive qualities. The object isn’t to flatter, make nice, be politically correct or ignore intuitive red flags – nor to deny someone’s dark side or placate abusers. Your goal is to mine the gold in positive relationships and elevate the communication in more difficult ones.

We want to have the goodness in us acknowledges. If you want to connect with someone, notice his or her assets. Let’s say a co-worker is snitty. Realize that happy people don’t act this way. So instead of being snitty back or constantly miffed, redirect the energy. Comment on the long hours she puts in, or her dynamite shoes. Use this approach for a week – as well as the ones below – and watch the vibes change.

*Tell at least two people you love what you’re grateful for about them.

*Tell at least two people you don’t love what you’re grateful for about them.

*Adjust your perception. Spend an afternoon noticing the positive qualities of everyone you meet.

*Praise other people’s abilities.

Law No. 4: Soulful giving generates abundance

Giving is supposed to feel good; if not, something’s wrong. Soulful giving enlarges your capacity to be more caring – you give for the joy of it, expecting nothing in return. In contrast, codependent giving bleeds life force; it’s driven by obligation, guilt or a martyr-complex, and it leaves the giver feeling sucked dry, unappreciated and put upon.

You want to give for reasons that energize you, not because you’re taking inappropriate responsibility for others. The following strategies will generate bountiful vibes for you and the receiver. If you give from your heart, your vitality will soar.

*Give spontaneously. Any time is right to offer simple tokens of appreciation to friends or colleagues; a candle, rose, small plant, fragrant soap or funny card.

*Give anonymously. Walk an old lady across the street; hold open an elevator; let a car go before you in traffic; or do something nice behind the scenes for someone, but don’t get found out. Such good deeds add light to your energy field and ultimately draw the same goodness back to you. As a 14-year-old friend told me, “The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer up someone else.”

Use these “laws” to mobilize excellence and kindness in your relationships. Emphatically say “no” to anything that doesn’t further the heart. Cheer each success. Don’t cheat your joy by jumping too quickly to the next ambition. Instead, pledge to value even the tiniest of triumphs. That’s what the art of positive living is about.

Judith Orloff MD is bestselling author of the new book Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, 2011) upon which these tips and article are based. Her insights in Emotional Freedom create a new convergence of healing paths for our stressed out world. An assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA, Dr. Orloff’s work has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, and in Oprah Magazine and USA Today.

October 16-22

Overall Color for the Week:    Light Lavender

Once again, this is an hold-onto-your-hats kind of week as the energies shift, change, and collide.  The old and the new will become more and more incompatible.  You will see this on all levels and in all areas of your life, as well as in the world at large.  There is sorrow attached to much of this.  Honor your feelings and know that they are at this time an important type of catharsis.  By allowing them their process, you can move through many issues and turmoils in your life. This is not a week for holding tightly or strongly to things around you, rather it is a time for being firmly grounded in WHO you are and centered in your Core Self.  Go to the heart for counsel when you are unsure.  Listen to your intuition.  And know that your connection to the Universal Consciousness is clear, strong, direct, and  infallible.  Do not give in to uncertainties.  Go to your heart center when you are unsure, and listen the advice that comes forth from there.  Also, you are probably aware that there is a kind of shift going on with your senses.  It seems that you are seeing things differently.  Food preferences are changing.  There might be a ringing in your ears.  And the smells, where are they coming from.  Even your fingers pick up different vibrations when touching something.  This is all an indication that you are reacting to the settling of these new energies as they move into your field.  Do not feel concerned or upset, changes are happening even within your physicality.  This is part of the Shift.  Be calm with it. Continue reading

October 9-15

So, whoever said things cannot go crazy.  Well, they are crazy now and getting crazier still.  This will be evident in your personal life as come relationships and friendships begin to crumble.  You do not even have to say what you mean, people are out there interpreting things for themselves, and because they are feeling threatened by the general tenor of unrest that is sweeping the world, they do not listen to what  you are saying.  They cannot.  They must see what they feel is right and true.  As for you, it is time to know WHO you are and what is most important for you.  This will be the things that holds you together and strong as things spin more and more out of control.  People are feeling the shift and they do not know what to do.  More and more people are choosing to check out by whatever means available.  Take time this week to know what it is that keeps you strong and in touch.  You are part of Universal Consciousness, and as such you can see, know, understand  and be in control of all that matters to you.  This is a week for compassion and understanding, but for strength also as you will have choices coming up this week that must be made.  Choose wisely, and always from your heart, then all will be well.

Sunday, October 9:    Grainy Orange

There can be some clashes today concerning different perspectives, opinions, and objectives.  It is important for you to be centered and grounded in WHO you are in order to see these things for what they really are.  Moreover, you to need to know for yourself what it is that is truly important and meaningful.  These days. there are challenges on every level and in every incoming vibration.  Clear seeing, far seeing, seeing with the eyes of the heart, will allow you to understand what it is that is really happening, to sort out the nuances and agendas, and to be strong in your own path and destiny.  Right now, things are crazy everywhere. but they need not make you crazy if you will just remember what it is that is truly important for you and be one with making that your reality.  It is time to discover and use your own personal mantra.

Crystal Energy:    Ruby Spinel in Biotite Mica—-A strong and powerful grounding and balancing combination, these energies bring focus and direction.  Resonates with the Root Chakra.

Monday, October 10:    Lemon Yellow

Columbus Day:    Everything appears to be on the up and up.  People seem happier than they have been for a time.  There is a sense that things are going along more smoothly than they have for a long time, and yet you are harboring a sense that something is up.  Be aware of your intuition.  Honor those crazy urges not to go somewhere, to do something out of character, to get out of weird conversations.  This will all be to your benefit.  There is a lot of tipping going on today and a lot of tipping points being reached.  Stay away from controversy and arguments.  Nothing will be settled that way.  Look to the comfort of your good friends and clarifying conversation. These kinds of things can bring a perspective on just what is going on.

Crystal Energy:    Fluorite—-This stone can assist in bringing a sense of calm to otherwise somewhat chaotic situations.  Its energy counters negativity and opens to the energies of the Universe.

Tuesday, October 11:    Red Violet

Full Hunter’s Moon:    This is an uh-oh, up and down kind of day.  Pay attention to your health.  If you are tired, take a few minutes to center and breathe.  You will need your wits about you as the day progresses.  Challenges will appear from all sides, and even things that you thought were dependable and written in stone can show themselves to have a hidden side.  Emotions will be close to the surface as news comes forth of things going on that you were not aware of.  Personal situations and relationships too will have a hard time finding any kind of even keel.  The best way to approach these energies is as the observer.  Watch hat is happening.  Feel the feelings, and go within to understand what it all means for you.  There is a greater picture evolving now and as it attempts to come into focus, a lot of things get twisted and turned about.

Crystal Energy:    Burro Creek Agate—-This stone can open one to what is truly going on, while bringing into focus the larger picture. It assists in forgiveness.  Resonates with the Crown and the 12th Chakras.

Wednesday, October 12:    Frosty White

You will need to look deeply into things that people have said, promised, sworn to,etc.  There is duplicity in the air, and with all the shifting energy it may be hard to determine just where it is coming from.  This is not a time to jump the gun in make decisions and/or accusations.  Rather, look within and see how peoples’s words and actions resonate with you on  a heart level.  There is much to be learned in the energy of the day about people and their motivations, just do not let yourself get so caught up in the obvious that you miss what is coalescing below the surface.

Crystal Energy:    Wavellite—-This mineral works to assist one in the skill of discernment, to see things dispassionately as they truly are.  Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras.

Thursday, October 13:    Dark Violet

Take extra time today in all that you do.  Even though there are things around you that make you feel you need to hurry, do not give into that kind of nervousness.  It is much more important to be aware of what is going on around you today.  The details are of great importance, especially in terms of some personal life changing projects,. ideas, and goals that you are working on.  Do not get caught up in other people’s stuff.  It is time for you to know and understand that your own stuff is more important to you than anything else.  Take time to work on and know your priorities.  Things are falling into shape right now, and in order for you to find your own true fulfillment, you must be certain, sure, and empowered in WHO you are.

Crystal Energy:    Green Prase—-This mineral brings balance by strengthening the foundation, moving through the heart and resonating with the vibrations of the Universal Consciousness.  Vibrates with the Root, Heart, and Crown Chakras.

Friday, October 14:    Bright Yellow

Take care today in what you do, what you think, and what you choose.  There can be surprises for you if you do not follow your own innate truth.  Take a look at some of the people you deal with and determine whether these are contacts you wish to pursue or just let go of.  THis is a decision making day.  There is clarity in the air which can assist you in making your choices, but you have to want to see things as they really are.  It is much easier to go with how things have been, the old paradigm may be somewhat toxic, but at least it is familiar. What are you choosing today.  Take some time to deal with WHO you are and what it is that you truly want.  Think about a plan.  Not too long term.  Things are shifting too quickly and too much to deal with long term, but a plan for what you want in your life by the end of this year …. or next year.  It does not matter.  The point of the exercise is taking time to feel what is right for you.  This involves a strong, long look at things as they are right now.

Crystal Energy:    Pearl —-Not really a crystal, but definitely an energy, an energy of making the most out of what you are given.  Take the lessons learned from the pearl to know your personal worth.  Resonates with the Third Eye Chakra.

Saturday, October 15:     Magneta

There is an air of unreality about today.  You are not going to feel connected to what is around you. You will, however, have the sense that something else is calling you, beckoning you, becoming very important in your life.  Look towards that urge.  There are messages there that can help you unlock some of the secret places in your life and your heart that have puzzled you because they seemed so out of character, so unrelated.  You are becoming more of WHO you are.  That can be scary, but it also can become more comfortable as you try it on and see how it all fits.  There is a lot of stuff going on around you today.  It is important to focus.  A lot of the stuff you once thought was important…. It is time for a garage sale.

Crystal Energy:    Clear Danburite—-The energy of this mineral is highly charged and directional, and, like lightning, it can illuminate, overcome, and wound.  It is a stone to use with caution and preparedness.  Vibrates to the Crown Chakra.

The Book of Aquarius

Alchemy and the Philosophers’ Stone are real. This is not a joke or a scam. This book covers the full theory and practice of alchemy and how to make the Philosophers’ Stone, capable of reversing the aging process and curing all disease to the effect that one could live forever. This is an ancient secret which has never before been publicly released. Please read the book before making any judgement on it; this world is not what it seems to be. The Book of Aquarius is free and public-domain (no copyright). You may copy and distribute the book in any way.

Read more and Download the book for Free

Solar Storm Attacks Earth

Spacecraft Sees Solar Storm Engulf Earth

August 18, 2011: For the first time, a spacecraft far from Earth has turned and watched a solar storm engulf our planet. The movie, released today during a NASA press conference, has galvanized solar physicists, who say it could lead to important advances in space weather forecasting.

“The movie sent chills down my spine,” says Craig DeForest of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado.  “It shows a CME swelling into an enormous wall of plasma and then washing over the tiny blue speck of Earth where we live.  I felt very small.”

CME Engulfs Earth (splash, 558px)

A wide-angle movie recorded by NASA’s STEREO-A spacecraft shows a solar storm traveling all the way from the sun to Earth and engulfing our planet. A 17 MB Quicktime zoom adds perspective to the main 40 MB Quicktime movie.

13 Year Old Uses Fibonacci Sequence to Increase Solar Power Output by 50%

After studying how trees branch in a very specific way, Aidan Dwyer created a solar cell tree that produces 20-50% more power than a uniform array of photovoltaic panels. His impressive results show that using a specific formula for distributing solar cells can drastically improve energy generation. The study earned Aidan a provisional U.S patent – it’s a rare find in the field of technology and a fantastic example of how biomimicry can drastically improve design.

Read more: 13-Year-Old Makes Solar Power Breakthrough by Harnessing the Fibonacci Sequence

August 14-20

The time is coming when the truly worthy will be acknowledged and honored for their truth and strength.  At the same time, those who have manipulated and told lies will be shown for what they are.

Overall Color for the Week:    Red Violet

This is a week in which it is well to listen to your own intuition.  The things that will be bantered about as fact or real will show themselves to be partially true at best.  This is not because, in every case, people are trying to get the upper hand, rather it is due to the fact that the energy is so confused and things are so unpredictable that what once was a sure bet no longer can be seen as such.  This can lead to some interesting and unsettling events in relationships, and you may find that it is better to step back and listen, reserving opinion or judgment for later.  It is a very good idea to get as much background on things as possible before doing so, even before taking on some new task or opportunity. There may be stuff behind the scenes that is not being discussed or even is not anticipated.  Take time this week with your self and others to be patient and understanding.  Compassion is growing within the world as a whole.  Many are moving out of their old patterns and activities, realizing that their true fulfillment will be found in other areas.  There is a shift going on at this time, and the energy of this week mirror this.  As with all shifts and changes, emotions will be at the forefront.  This is not a time to stifle them, rather let them run their course.  Take a moment and see where they are coming from.  You will also be finding that with the continuing thinning of the veils, your sense can be registering more things, things that you might not have noticed before.  This is intriguing.  And take some time for joy.  Go within, recognized the potential of your true knowing and the beauty of your heart.

On the larger scene, things will be happening in pairs this week.  When you hear of or read of something occurring, look and listen for there will be second instance either of the same type of thing or something completely the opposite.  So if the Stock Market has an incredible rise one day, the next will come an equally incredible fall.  Look for events in the weather following one after the other, the same with volcanoes, earthquakes, and floods.  The lesson is one of how things hinge upon one another. Another theme of this week is surprise. Things are going to take odd and unusual turns in many areas, politics, wars, sports, etc.   Anomalies will begin to pop up, and they will be so frequent, that they cannot be glossed over by the media.  This week will feature also many slips of the tongue.  Listen to what people are saying.  There will be blatant examples of how promises made are not being fulfilled.  This theme will affect religious groups and institutions, even spiritual communities.  Much disappointment and sorrow are on the horizon.  It is time to be strong in WHO you are.  And GROUND. The energies of the planet will assist.

Sunday, August 14:    Daffodil Yellow

This is a good day to let new things into your life.  It is also a time for you to take a look at all that is going on and clear out the old clutter.  Things need to be gotten rid of so that new things can come in.  This applies also to worn out ideas, thoughts, lifestyles, preconceptions, opinions, etc.  You have moved beyond these, but you still keep them around as a reminder.  A reminder of what? You are becoming the person that you always wanted to be and holding onto stuff that does not allow you to recognize and achieve your true potential is neither healthy nor worthwhile.  Take time today to see things in a new light, and in that radiance, you may discover much about what it is that you have been doing.

Crystal Energy:   Clear Quartz—-The energy of this so abundant crystal brings one into the potentiality of the Earth and all that it can do.  It is a friend in need who will never let you down.  It is well to listen to the counsel of this stone, a good companion at all times.

Monday, August 15:    Pale Apricot

Emotions and feelings will be taking center stage today.  Old stuff can rise to the surface and bring about a feeling of longing, even of confusion.  This is a day for taking things as they come, one by one.  Do not try to rush through anything.  Look at what is in front of you.  Think about what is said.  Feel what is going through you at all times.  This is a day on which you will begin to know more what connection means, and that connection exists on all levels, not just in relation to people close to you.  There is a mystery behind it all, and you are at the center of your own mystery. Every event, every intuition, every heart felt instance brings you closer to the truth of the mystery that is WHO you are. Today there are clues, and if you can understand some of them, you will find great joy by the end of the day.

Crystal Energy:    Rose Barite—-Desert Rose.  The energy of this concretion opens you to the potentials within what seems so small. There is beauty everywhere, and you are being reminded of this.  Resonates with the Third Eye.

Tuesday, August 16:    Orange Red

A lot of things are coming out in all areas and some of the things that you are discovering today can unsettle you in ways that you were unaware of.  People can mean well, but in other contexts and behind the scenes, they can act differently and even spread tales that were thought to be confidential.  Be forgiving today in all areas, and you will find that this has been a rewarding day.  If, however, you allow yourself to react without thinking, things might be said and actions done that you will come to regret.  It is okay to be angry.  It is just prudent to allow the anger to settle, to be analyzed, to be felt through, before taking precipitate action.  There is much to lose in those kinds of situations.  Everyone makes mistakes.

Crystal Energy:    Lavender Idiocrase/Vesuvianite—-The energy of this mineral has the power to connect you to the Universal Consciousness. It is cautioned that you must be strong in WHO you are to receive the intensity of the messages that will come through.  Use it with a grounding mineral, such as hematite. Resonates with the Crown and higher chakras.

Wednesday, August 17:    Lime Green

Today is a good day for a rest.  Take it easy and be the observer. There have been ups and downs in the past few days, and now it is time to see things for what they really are.  It is time to think about what it is that you are truly wanting in your life.  And to think about how the things, people, places, etc. that you are spending time with, thinking about, obsessing over, fit into that pattern.  Change is part of the hexagram at this time, and it is important to be open to that change.  Are you?  Take time today.  Look around,  Dream a bit.  Then do some creative activity to get in touch with the true essence of WHO you are  You might just discover some interesting things.

Crystal energy:    Rhodonite—-The energy of this mineral both soothes and balances, bringing ease to the heart.  It assists you in being strong against outside influences.  Vibrates to the Root Chakra.

Thursday, August 18:    Bright Green

This is a good day to spend some time with friends, to catch up on old stories, and to make some plans.  The energies also favor entrepreneurial activities, so if you are planning some sore of new job venture or creative activity, go for it.  There is support for you in unexpected areas.  Do not discredit people, places, and things that you thought had not importance.  What is and what can be are close together if you will just make a few shifts of perception. There is much to be learned.  And some fun.

Crystal Energy:    Turtleback Stone—-This mineral assists in cleansing while adding strength to situations in which one needs to make decisions and make it through.  Resonates with the Heart and the Root Chakras.

Friday, August 19:    Deep Purple

There are some surprises in the works.  You might just be hearing things said that you did not think could ever happen.  It is a time for listening, learning, and shifting.  Friends have messages for you, some of comfort, some that will make you wonder what this friendship is all about.  That is all part of the energy of the day. There is no shoreline in sight, so enjoy the voyage.  If you spy an horizon, know that it can hold new wonders, but there are choices to make before you put into shore.  Things that have taken a very, very long time to realize are becoming the new theme.  There is no longer time to put them off.

Crystal Energy:    Quartz Geode—-The energy of this mineral connects one with the totality and the mystery within.  Resonates with the Crown and Upper chakras.

Saturday, August 20:    Pale Gold

This can be everything a Saturday is meant to be.  But it is important that you know what that means.  There are surprises, and things are not always what they seem.  Look for a communication from someone who has been out of touch for a while.  This is not a time for judgment.  Just to listen.  The words of others who trip back into our lives for just a short time are there to remind us. to make us think, to help up let go.  This is a good time for setting things up anew.  Get rid of the old stuff.  Green paper with numbers on it is not all it is cranked up to be.  You have the power, and you have the determination.  Put them together and you cannot be stopped.

Crystal Energy:    Datolite—-The energy of this stone assists in getting rid of old layers, habits, illusions, patterns, etc.It also helps you in adjusting to new energies.  Resonates with all chakras.

New Spin on Antimatter

New Spin Revealed on Mysterious Antimatter

by Clara Moskowitz, LiveScience Senior Writer
Date: 14 July 2011 Time: 08:42 PM ET
Warped space-time around galaxy
The spinning of a massive body like a galaxy bends and warps space-time according to the rules of general relativity.
CREDIT: University of Warwick

The puzzling prevalence of matter over antimatter in the universe might be related to the bizarre space-time stretching caused by our galaxy’s spin, a new study suggests.

Antimatter is a strange cousin to the stuff that makes up galaxies, stars and us. For every matter particle there is thought to exist an antimatter partner with the same mass but opposite charge. When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate, converting their mass into energy in a powerful explosion.

Though the universe today is almost completely made of matter, scientists don’t understand why. The Big Bang that created the cosmos 13.7 billion years ago should have produced equal parts matter and antimatter, which would have annihilated, leaving the universe barren of either. Luckily, it didn’t (hence the Earth and the life it supports are here).

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