May 15, 2020
Elana Freeland, researcher and authoress of Under an Ionized Sky, made the observation in an interview I did with her (in this website’s members’ area), that “There’s no longer any such thing as natural weather.” Her point was that in addition to the ability to modify and manipulate the weather, that it has been done for so long and to such an extent that even natural weather is to some degree a product of that manipulation even if there is no direct manipulation in play: the systems have been modified so much that we could be looking at long term effects of modification. This is even truer when one finds “unusual ‘natural’ events” such as storms, earthquakes and so on occurring in suspicious political circumstances. These types of observations have led Catherine Austin Fitts and I to propose a basic rule of thumb: if strange weather events, wild fires, earthquakes, or tsunamis occur in a political context, chances are the events were engineered, either as messages or punishment, or both.
In aid of that hypothesis, we’ve proposed various examples: (1) The Fukushima tsunami and earthquake: this occurred after a change in the Japanese government, and proposals from Japan to have its Emperor visit Beijing to smooth out relations with China, and after the same Japanese government stepped up pressure on the US to close its base in Okinawa. Then Secretary of Defense Robert Gates then issued what can only be termed a threat to that government that if it persisted, there would be dire consequences. Then came the Fukushima tsunami, earthquake, and reactor meltdown. After that, came a change of governments, and in came Shinzo Abe, who, let it be noted, stepped up Japan’s defense spending, while reversing course on the state visit and mouthing America-friendly phrases and becoming the first Japanese Prime Minister to visit the Pearl Harbor memorial. Message received.
(2) The Haiti earthquake: This I found highly suspicious for a number of reasons, not the least because it is(or at least, was) a major money laundering center, and a hub in the human trafficking trade. Suspicious, too, was the fact that the quake appeared only to shake the Haiti side of the island of Hispanola; we never heard about aftershocks or anything of the sort in the neighboring Dominican republic. Then, a few weeks later, there was an earthquake near Paral Chile, with tsunamis predicted (which, again very suspiciously, did not occur). At the time I speculated that it was an “earthquake” war of sorts, since Paral was close to a then major hub of post-war Nazi activity (think Cologna Dignidad).
(3) The Soviet earthquakes prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union: you may or may not recall that during the tumultuous days of the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union itself, two major quakes shook the Soviet Union, and particularly Georgia, home of the then Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shervednadze. A few weeks later, Chancellor Kohl pulled off the shotgun “wedding” of East Germany to West Germany, the wall came down, and Germany was one big happy Reich again. Many speculate that ionospheric heaters can somehow cause earthquakes. I have no idea, but it is intriguing that the European version of HAARP, EISCAT, is a consortium operation, with Germany being the biggest member. Hmmm…
(4) The Indonesian tsunami: This Catherine Fitts has spoken about many times: noticing a weird sell-off of Indonesian securities for no apparent reason, she wondered what was going on. A week later, the tsunami struck, and she had her answer: Foreknowledge of a tsunami implies the technology to cause it. And incidentally, during World War Two, there were secret projects investigating how to cause tsunamis; an attempt was being made to weaponize them prior to an Allied invasion of the Japanese home islands.
(5) The California fires: much has been written about these and the highly anomalous nature of the damage manifest – trees and shrubs unburned right next to buildings that have been leveled. Much has also been noticed about the placement of those fires, how they seem to follow high speed rail route projections, or real estate wanted by Silicon Valley, and so on.
On and on one could go, but I suspect the reader gets the point. Some things are a little too coincidental to be coincidental.
So in the “there’s no more natural weather” category, ponder the implications of the following links shared by E.F. and many others:
Baldwin County firefighters to assist in battling wildfires in Santa Rosa County Saturday
And in case you’re wondering what the connection may be, here it is:
Kissinger: Failure to establish post-COVID new world order ‘could set the world on fire’
Kissinger, pictured in the article in all his toad-like splendor, has this to say, after an endless recitation of globaloney dogmas:
Kissenger warned that failure either to conquer the coronavirus or to build the post-coronavirus world order might lead to global catastrophe.
“The historic challenge for leaders is to manage the crisis while building the future,” he concluded.
“Failure could set the world on fire.”
When the author of Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy talks about setting fires, particularly in the context of a recitation of globalist dogmas, I tend to sit up and take notice, especially when Florida is one of the few states not to lock down during the Fauci virus hysteria in spite of tremendous pressure on Florida Governor DeSantis to do so.
Or to put it “country simple,” yea, my suspicion meter is in the red zone with this Florida fire…
See you on the flip side…
from: https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/05/florida-fires-kissinger-and-the-fauci-virus/