Some Considerations

(Link contains complete article)

Masks: Have You Been Captured by This Psyop?

I walked into my recently resumed Sunday morning dance class to hear one of the teachers, struggling to proclaim through her mask, “Freedom is the opportunity to do what’s rightso let’s do what’s right ladies, and do our part to end this pandemic.”

The phrase “what’s right” echoed in my mind like a haunting.

What if her “right” is different than mine? What if doing her right harms me? Does that still make it right? What is “right” anyway? Does it mean kind, good, just, accepted, evidence-based, popular?

In the absence of clear answers to these internal questions, her enthusiastic rallying-cry struck me as the propagation of Stockholm Syndrome, or identification with and defending the parentified aggressor.  …

I imagine that this woman is so sensitive to human suffering that she feels lionized to end it in the way that is most available to her and to encourage others to do the same. But is it her responsibility to champion the reduction in human suffering according to her adopted narrative? Or is her only responsibility to take care of herself in the way that makes sense to her?  …

Those who design public media and marketing efforts, i.e. expert propagandists like Edward Bernays, know human sensitivities and the concept of social responsibility well. They know that we long to be seen as “good people” in the eyes of authority and also as a competitive advantage over our wrong-doing, pain-causing, problem-making peers. 

To be right, to be good, to be loved

For generations, children the world over have been raised in authoritarian households, defined by hierarchical power dynamics, punished for deviant individual expression, and rewarded for sheepish compliance, ultimately disconnected from their own drives, interests, and intuition. As I wrote in my book, Own Your Self:

“At best, we were parented by “fair-weather parents” who were nice and kind or cold and sharp, depending on how our behavior suited them in the moment. At worst, we were abused, manipulated, or abandoned, left to feel like we were worthless or were some sort of an asset to be used. And this was how we learned what love is.  …  Remember that we are several hundred years into a medical paradigm that is basically an arena for warfare on the body (antibiotics, antidepressants, anti-hypertensives). We don’t care about the why; we just want the symptom to go away….

And this is how we learned to experience obedience and rulefollowing as a virtue. In our survival-based programming, we abandon ourselves, our needs, and even the investigation of our beliefs in a flight toward “doing the right thing.”  …

…That’s also why those who are shaming maskless civilians don’t exactly appear to be concerned for the well-being of those they are shaming, nor even concerned for their own health necessarily, but rather, are pouring from quite empty cups to garner a little hit of power.

Anatomy of a psyop

So if we, for the most part, share the same vulnerability — fear of authority, from which we also seek protection — what happens when, without any socioculturally ritualized passage into adulthood, we transfer that locus of authority from our parents to the government when we come of age?

Government, a word that etymologically means“to control.”

Control comes in many forms, and specifically, the tactic with the highest yield for domination is trauma-based mind control. The instrument of mainstream media, over which there are 6 ruling corporations, exists for the sole purpose of tell-a-vision programming of your conscious and subconscious mind toward behavioral compliance with government agendas. When all mainstream channels are telling you to look over here, you better believe it’s because they don’t want you to look over there, and because the headline-making event will likely set the conditions for the problem→reaction→solution of increased control and capture. This is why, the most important question to ask is, what is their ultimate plan, and how does granting or restricting a particular freedom serve that plan?

Rosie Koire has been a whistleblower for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals known as Agenda 21, a long-standing globalist effort toward one-world dominance that involves divesting the average citizen of his/her rights to individuality, bodily sovereignty, free commerce, and property ownership under the pretense of the greater good, preserving nature, and fair trade.  

And, because the vast majority of us are still operating with our power center externalized from our being — traumatized and imprinted — and terrified of death, we are easily controlled.  …

Psychological operations (or “psyops”), which include the selective presentation of emotionally-provocative information for behavioral manipulation, have been employed by governments for decades to retain and advance population-based control and financial servitude. Project Mockingbird, Operation Paperclip, and MK-Ultra are but a few of the publicly acknowledged secret programs that included human experimentation that utilize brainwashing techniques to deceive, program, and manipulate behavior. Often, these operations seed our consciousness with divisiveness while overtly appearing to support societal victims.   …

For example, I bet you thought that the hard-won woman’s right to vote was a correcting of decades of systemic misogyny. I certainly did. When freedoms are selectively doled out, they are only offered because they serve a greater intention, as Aaron Russo details here, stating that women in the workforce allowed for taxation of the other half of the population and commandeering of the child for early-access conditioning. 

What does this have to do with Corona?

A new addition to, Kevin Ryan writes in his article, Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psyop that it shares these qualities with other historical fear-mongering for social manipulation psyops:

  1. Fear-based and globally directed
  2. Media saturation with bias toward fear
  3. Data manipulation and propaganda
  4. Censorship of opposing views
  5. Intelligence agency control of information
  6. Preceded by exercises mimicking the threat
  7. Series of claims made that are later proven false
  8. Response threatens democracy
  9. Large increase in wealth and power for a few; increase in social inequality
  10. Increased government control of the public and reduced individual freedoms
  11. Response kills far more than the original threat
  12. Evidence for manufactured events

You might also be shocked to learn that “manufactured events” or false flags involve crisis actors, fake footage, CGI, and the disseminated media talking points with associated censorship of any dissenting perspectives on these theatrical events passed off as news. Censorship can come from Gates- and Soros-funded fact checkers, but it can also come from your neighbor or a holier-than-thou FB commentor. It is the deputization of the average civilian that is necessary for suppression of those who might question the narrative, and this is how and why mind control is effective. We electively participate, police ourselves, and others in a dynamic evocative of sibling rivalry where one toddler kicks the other while tattling to mommy about how she’s not following the rules.

The story behind the story 

Never before in human history have the well been quarantined and everyone in the population of the world recommended to be masked. Never. 

What is going on here?  …

This confusion, obfuscation, and inconsistency is part of the psychological operation. …

If we are going to enact large-scale medical interventions for the “greater good,” I, for one, would like to see some quality science to support this novel approach to “wellness” and “health.”

So let’s take a look…

But first, a disclaimer, I don’t believe in germ theory because I know that, never in the history of mankind, has a virus been properly identified, purified, or demonstrated to cause an illness, according to conventional medicine’s own postulates. 

The history of so many “theories” originates with a fraudulent agent (Pasteur) offered the spotlight by (secret society) elite who wish to leverage certain “scientific” information in order to maintain population-based control, submission, compliance, and dependency on the pharmaceutical industry. What works better than to convince people to be scared, not only of their own bodies and other people’s bodies, but also of invisible demons that can attack you randomly. And there is nothing you can do except hide, and in a worst case scenario, present to the temple of the hospital for salvation. Oh, and you can also repeatedly inject yourself with unstudied chemicals and fetal and animal tissues for “protection.”


The body is far more sophisticated than that, and there is far more innate purpose and psychoemotional meaning in our symptoms than the system would have you believe. In fact, Antoine Béchamp, Pasteur’s contemporary, and one of the original contributors to terrain theory (or lifestyle medicine), presented his findings in pleomorphism demonstrating that intracellular entities (microzymes) transform into and mobilize as tissue-specific bacteria when the body needs help clearing damaged tissue. And what we call viruses may be no more than bodily exosomes (also known as “viral like particles” because they are literally indistinguishable from what conventional medicine calls viruses), designed for detox-based, inter-individual and cross-kingdom communication of nucleic-based information. What we are calling“microbes” are the result and even the support of resolution of disease, not the cause. 

Through this lens, the facts stack up as such:
  1. there is no new disease in the world, only patented fragments
  2. all available tests for covid-19 are unreliable and scientifically invalidated
  3. associated statistics on incidence and mortality are fraudulent

But, even if we return to the chess board to play the germ theory game, the science of facial covering and even surgical masks (that were never designed for viral-sized fragments but rather for the much larger mycobacterium tuberculosis), speaks for itself. As excerpted from Stand For Health Freedom:

Mandatory Masks Can Cause Considerable Harm and Are Not Proven Effective
(See Link for excerpt)

And to sample from the extensively referenced writing of Dr. Rancourt

No RCT [randomized controlled trial] study with verified outcome shows a benefit for HCW [health care workers] or community members in households to wearing a mask or respirator. There is no such study. There are no exceptions.

Likewise, no study exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public…

Furthermore, if there were any benefit to wearing a mask, because of the blocking power against droplets and aerosol particles, then there should be more benefit from wearing a respirator (N95) compared to a surgical mask, yet several large meta-analyses, and all the RCT, prove that there is no such relative benefit.

Masks and respirators do not work.

So, if, according to establishment organizations, and published science itself, this is not an effective, necessary, or even safe intervention, then why is this happening?  It’s happening because we are letting it happen.  …

We have been taken hostage and our civil liberties stripped by the globalist agenda of an uncredentialled technocrat who comes from eugenicist stock and has no medical or scientific expertise, dictating international “health” policy while he invests in GMOs, 5G networks, and is the top peddler of vaccines the world over. Houston, we have a problem. Can you see how the dots connect and that this may never have actually been about a virus?

To those people, masks are a part of a ritual, and that ritual serves further control and ultimately biopolitical capture of the human body through:

  • dehumanization: a mask covers essential facial features, limits freedom of speech, and evokes illness and danger imprints
  • perpetuation of fear and vigilance: masks remind us that we are still in the “time of the virus” and that we must remain afraid, even as we engage in normative behaviors
  • submission signaling: obedience is now demonstrated visibly, so that those who are non-compliant are exposed
  • recruitment of the healthy: while the medical industry has captured most of the world population through toxicant-induced disease, the healthy can be entrapped when they too are recruited for the greater good

It’s time to Own Your Self

The first step to reclaiming your power from a system that does not reflect your values or serve your interests is to take responsibility for your health. With whistleblowers, dissenting physicians, and citizen activists speaking out, it’s clear that there is not a consensus around this unprecedented medical intervention. And wherever there is polarization, there must be choice. There is no place for mandated medicine in a free country. …

It shouldn’t be hard to imagine that, even if you agree with mandated masks as a condition for participation in society, there may come a time when you don’t agree with a bodily mandate. When a certain “safety measure” strikes you as inappropriately invasive. And then what? The precedent for commandeering of choice may already be in place.


While many businesses have signage stating masks are required to adhere to mandates, consumers do have the choice to wear or not wear a mask in the majority of locations. Most county ordinance afford exemptions from mask wearing without required documentation (in accordance with HIPAA/ADA).

The following script may be used to help empower consumers to exercise the choice that is in their health’s best interest.

Consumer Script

As you enter a store to respectfully shop and / or seek services, in many cases, employees will not inquire or mention the mask requirement. In the case that you are told masks are mandatory or asked to put one on, here is an example script:

Business: Masks are mandated in our store. Do you have one you can put on? 

Individual: I am health exempt from wearing a mask. (Or: I have a medical exemption).

After stating an exemption, in the majority of cases(>95% in our experience), most businesses will be aware of the ramifications of questioning you further and will allow you to proceed.

Business: What is your exemption, can you explain it further?

Individual: The state (or local) mandate exempts individuals that have a medical or behavioral condition or disability. Here is a copy of the exemptions (print a copy of your local exemption list to bring with you).

Business: Can you explain your medical condition further?

At this point if the conversation continues, you can ask to speak to a manager, choose to educate the individual or spend your dollars elsewhere.

As you see fit, you may also choose to share your experience with friends and family or on social media, as well as educate yourself on discrimination rights and practices in public and business settings.

Individual: No, I respectfully will not. It is private information and I am not required to disclose that information.



Propaganda + Repetition + Economic Devastation = Reaction

In today’s episode of COVID fakery on rye and hold the apocalypse, we begin with a bevy of quotes from Edward Bernays (1891-1995), the acknowledged father of modern public relations, aka propaganda. I include his statements as a warm-up backgrounder—

“This is an age of mass production. In the mass production of materials a broad technique has been developed and applied to their distribution. In this age, too, there must be a technique for the mass distribution of ideas.” (1928)

“The engineering of consent is the very essence of the democratic process, the freedom to persuade and suggest.” (1947)

“It is sometimes possible to change the attitudes of millions but impossible to change the attitude of one man.” (date unknown)

“When I came back to the United States, I decided that if you could use propaganda for war, you could certainly use it for peace. And ‘propaganda’ got to be a bad word because of the Germans using it, so what I did was to try and find some other words. So we found the words ‘counsel on public relations’.” (date unknown)

“When Napoleon said, ‘Circumstance? I make circumstance‚’ he expressed very nearly the spirit of the public relations counsel’s work.” (1923)

“Domination to-day is not a product of armies or navies or wealth or policies. It is a domination based on the one hand upon accomplished unity, and on the other hand upon the fact that opposition is generally characterized by a high degree of disunity.” (1923)

“The public relations counsel, therefore, is a creator of news for whatever medium he chooses to transmit ideas. It is his duty to create news no matter what the medium which broadcasts this news.” (1923)

“The only difference between ‘propaganda’ and ‘education,’ really, is in the point of view. The advocacy of what we believe in is education. The advocacy of what we don’t believe in is propaganda.” (1923)

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.” (1928)

“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.” (1928)

“If you can influence the leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway. But men do not need to be actually gathered together in a public meeting or in a street riot, to be subject to the influences of mass psychology. Because man is by nature gregarious he feels himself to be member of a herd, even when he is alone in his room with the curtains drawn. His mind retains the patterns which have been stamped on it by the group influences.” (1928)

The news heads and the talk show heads and the sports heads and the advertisers and bureaucrats and politicians and public health flacks and celebrities are assuring television viewers, with no shame: We’re all in this together. Over and over. Night and day. On every channel.

This was the strategy during older wars. No time for disagreement or dissent; there must be a unified response and effort; otherwise, we could lose.

We’re all in this together means: fall in line.

If that’s share and care and love, it’s robot love.

Advertisers, despite their studies and their sophistication and their wall-to-wall profiling of consumers, still believe in the first principle of propaganda: repetition.

Get the name of your product and company out there and don’t stop. Do it a thousand times, a million times. As long as you have money to pay for ads, do it.

Look at the insurance company commercials. Progressive, State Farm, Liberty, Geico. The little vignettes they lay on are really the occasion for pasting their company name on the screen. Make these 30-second stories friendly and funny and crazy, but the money shot is the company name.

Pandemic ads and messages follow the same rule. In this case, it’s TOGETHERNESS. UNITY. Pounded on and on.

Why? If cooperation and love and togetherness are basic human impulses, why do people need to be reminded of that 24 hours a day, on television?

Does a husband who loves his wife need to see his face and his wife’s face on a screen, on every channel, without let-up, along with a message urging him to adore her?

On the other hand, a person who’s been thrown out of a job, who can’t find work, who sees his government checks fading down to zero…he needs pacification. That’s a tough sell. That sell-job requires a whole lot of repetition…

…In order to produce SHAME in him, if he feels cheated and exiled and screwed. The repetition of togetherness and fake love informs him that the collective citizenry isn’t on his side. It tells him his righteous anger has no place in the relentlessly upbeat messaging of “unity.” It keeps him feeling isolated.

Now we’re getting down to it. Don’t let the people who are economically devastated believe they can find each other. Shut them out. Pump them full of television public service ads that paint an “uplifting” picture from which they’re excluded.

They may be devastated, but television tells them they aren’t on the team if they give their own concerns first priority. If they do, they’re non-persons.

After all, when they sit at home watching TV, do they see a cropped video of another unemployed worker sitting in a dark room saying, “THIS IS CRAZY. I WANT TO WORK. I NEED FOOD. MY BOSS CLOSED HIS COMPANY. HE’S BANKRUPT. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?”

Are they offered that kind of unity? Togetherness?

“Hi. I’m an NFL cornerback. I’ve made thirty million during my career. Here I am at home with my kids. We’re playing games on the floor. I’m enjoying my family. We’ll get through this. All of us. Stay safe. Use the time to bring your family closer together.”

Major news outlets are under strict orders to keep “disturbing human interest stories” off the front page and away from their broadcasts. This is also part and parcel of the wartime effort.

It would have to be, since economic devastation is what this fake pandemic is actually all about. No one in the mainstream will let that cat out of the bag. It would be more than a mistake. It would be a confession. It would be suicide.


Propagandists know that a one-two punch of fear and then assurance works. Scare them with the virus, comfort them with togetherness.

But still, it’s a tough sell. It has legs for a while, but then the natives become restless, especially in the hinterlands. People who aren’t jammed together in big cities, who live in open spaces, tend to develop immunity to lies. Coiffed press hookers on television dispensing so-called news carry less punch. Farmers know if they can’t plant their crops on time, with workers side by side, they’ll go broke.

Generally speaking, people who don’t see other people who are sick, and don’t hear ambulance sirens, start wondering what’s happening.

Protests begin. Protests expand.

The fake night of obedience turns into the real day of rebellion.

It turns out that a story about an invisible virus isn’t quite the same as a line of enemy tanks approaching. All promoted wars are not equal.

Fauci knows this. Birx knows this. Bill Gates knows this. Mayors and governors know this. The CDC and WHO know this. They don’t really care whether you survive, but they know you care. So, for them, it’s a race against time. How long can they keep the lid on? How long can their preposterous messaging work?

Stage magic is an odd game. The performer has to run his tricks quickly, so people don’t have the luxury of sitting back and thinking about how he is fooling them. However, the public health magicians and the politician magicians and the news magicians are hemmed in—they’re basically one-trick ponies. Virus, virus, virus=together, together, together.

It looks good, but it wears out.

It’s wearing out now.

I’ll close this piece with a few more gems from Edward Bernays—to urge you to keep your eye on the ball. The real ball.

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it?” (1928)

“A single factory, potentially capable of supplying a whole continent with its particular product, cannot afford to wait until the public asks for its product; it must maintain constant touch, through advertising and propaganda, with the vast public in order to assure itself the continuous demand which alone will make its costly plant profitable. This entails a vastly more complex system of distribution than formerly.” (1928)

“No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any divine or specially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and clichés and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders.” (1928)

“Propaganda is of no use to the politician unless he has something to say which the public, consciously or unconsciously, wants to hear.” (1928)


Time for the Red Pill!

(Okay, so we are all getting a bit tired of hearing about this plandemic/scamdemic/whatever, but then the MSM is pounding it into the media everyday, so the alternate media needs to keep reminding us that we just might be being snookered.)

Just Like 9/11 Did, COVID-19 Is Shifting Human Consciousness In A Major Way

In Brief

  • The Facts:Major events have a lasting impact on human consciousness, and help people see what they once never saw before. This appears to be happening with the new coronavirus.
  • Reflect On:How do events like 9/11, and the new coronavirus impact human consciousness?

It’s truly an exciting time to be alive, and that’s because more and more people are “waking up” to concepts about our reality and the overall human experience that they were once previously unaware of. This has been happening for decades, but every single year it seems to amplify, and the process of our ‘awakening’ seems to accelerate rapidly.

This type of ‘awakening’ happens in all areas that surround human life. People learn deep truths about health and medicine, education, geopolitics, consciousness, extraterrestrials and much more. The idea that a small group of corporations and the people that run them have a strong hold on our perception, thoughts, emotions, and reactions regarding information and major world events is now far from a mere “conspiracy theory” in the eyes of many. It can be seen quite clearly, and mainstream media has been exposed as the true bearer of “fake news” by many people.

Events like the coronavirus simply accelerate the process of awakening, and expose mainstream media outlets for what they truly are in this moment. There’s a reason why mainstream media has such strong connections to intelligence agencies and have their roots in psychological warfare. You can find documentation and examples of that in an article I published a while ago here.

A quote from Edward Bernays, known as the father of public relations, is powerful because it sums up these thoughts quite well:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

Current Events & Collective Consciousness

When 9/11 happened, we were told that terrorists attacked the World Trade Centre. As the months and years went on, more and more people grew suspicious of their government’s explanation of what happened that day, this included many politicians and academics as well, further adding fuel to the fire. Evidence came forward, science was done and whistleblowers spoke out, giving us a very clear idea that what we were told happened that day, most certainly did not. Today, many polls show that more than half of the American people alone don’t believe the official explanation of what really happened that day. Since 9/11, hundreds of millions of people have become aware of “false flag” terrorism, which is the idea that the ‘powers that be’ created these events, fund terrorism, stage them, and then use these events to justify the infiltration of another country for ulterior motives. They basically create the problem, in several different ways, and then propose the solution.

Organizations like Wikileaks and whistleblowers like Edward Snowden have proved, as well as explained, how events like these are used to justify a heightening national security state, one where more and more of our basic rights and freedoms are stripped from us under the guise of ‘goodwill.’

But these events have shifted human consciousness. People become aware of how our world truly works and functions, a process we call ‘Breaking The Illusion‘ here at CE. People begin to see that the world they think is real is actually not, and that things like corruption exist within the geopolitical realm, an important realization if you wish to reflect on whether our political process truly serves us or not. This then changes the perception of people around the world, causing us to choose new paths and actions as to how to live our lives in society. Paths that would not change if we never ‘broke the illusion.’

Another major event is happening right now, the COVID-19 pandemic. When it comes to COVID-19, what has many people asking questions is the ban and censorship of information. For example, YouTube is now actively banning any content that contradicts anything that the World Health Organization (WHO) states with regards to the new coronavirus. Vimeo recently banned a documentary exposing “Big Pharma’s” influence within the WHO. These blatant forms of censorship have some upset, but many others see it as an eyebrow-raising moment, showing quite clearly the corruption that exists in our world and the efforts that are put forth to control the perception of the masses. We then begin to ask why?

Controlling information and what people think is important if you wish to control their lives. This is why ‘Breaking The Illusion’ is one of the first steps in the CE formula to shift consciousness. After all, why do you think people like Julian Assange are in jail, and people like Edward Snowden are living in exile?

How far have we sunk if telling the truth becomes a crime? How far have we sunk if we prosecute people that expose war crimes for exposing war crimes?  How far have we sunk when we no longer prosecute our own war criminals? Because we identify more with them, than we identify with their people that actually expose these crimes. What does that tell about us and about our governments? In a democracy, the power does not belong to the government, but to the people. But the people have to claim it. Secrecy disempowers the people because it prevents them from exercising democratic control, which is precisely why governments want secrecy. Nils Melzer (source)

With COVID-19, we are also seeing a large number of people questioning the measures that multiple governments have taken to lockdown countries. We are seeing people question the information that’s being put out by our federal health agencies, including the World Health Organization. We have seen a number of scientists in the field, as well as doctors, also question the official narratives, and we have seen people like Edward Snowden, and many more, explain how this ‘pandemic’ is being used for ulterior motives. You can access those articles at the end of this article if you’re interested.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we are now living in a time where a digital authoritarian ‘fact checker’ is patrolling the internet and censoring content it deems as ‘false.’ It does not matter if the information is true or false, backed by science or not, or whether it’s simply an opinion, if it doesn’t align with the mainstream narrative, you are not meant to see it or trust it. Should people not have the right to examine information, check sources, decide for themselves what is real and what is fake?

The Takeaway

COVID-19 has simply accelerated the process of awakening, and it’s also made even more people aware of the censorship of information that’s taking place. Along with the censorship of information, comes ridicule, and bashing by mainstream media in order to oppose and instantaneously shut down any opposite narrative.

Narratives that go against mainstream media narratives are not acknowledged or countered, they are simply ridiculed and deemed a “conspiracy theory.”

The point is, events like this serve the collective. They wake us up, they help us see, they help shift the perceptions about our world and our world ‘leaders’ and  serve as a catalyst for more people to start asking questions, and to see that what we are told is not always what is. This is why events as such, although hard in many senses, and real in many ways, do indeed move humanity forward in a ‘positive’ direction. What’s happening now is not a tragedy, it’s exciting, and it’s not as bad as they’ve made it out to be. But again, you can go into that type of discussion and many more, in the articles below.

Leading Scientist Claims Lockdown & Quarantine is a “Human Catastrophe” (New Interview)

Vitamin C For COVID-19: Critical Care Medicine Hospital Chief In Wuhan Provides Updates

Two Emergency Medicine Doctors On Why Quarantine “Just Doesn’t Make Sense”

If You Die of a Clear Alternative Cause, It’s Still Listed As A COVID Death” – Dr. Ngozi Ezike

Vimeo Bans Documentary Exposing “Big Pharma’s” Influence Within The World Health Organization

Wikileaks Highlights The Influence “Big Pharma” Has On The World Health Organization

New Study: The Flu Vaccine Is “Significantly Associated” With An Increased Risk of Coronavirus

Bill Gates’ Latest Instagram Post Has Been Bombarded With Accusations & Comments Against Vaccines

Renowned Microbiology Specialist On Why He Believes Coronavirus Measures Are “Draconian” (Video)

Renowned German Pulmonologist Questions Coronavirus Measures & If They’re Necessary (Video)

Updates On The New Coronavirus Vaccine – Are You Going To Take It? Will It Be Mandatory?

Spring Has Sprung In Sweden With No Coronavirus Quarantine Or Police Enforced Lockdown

Some New York Hospitals Are Now Treating Coronavirus With High Dose Vitamin C

Conscious Truth Behind Coronavirus Lockdown

Coronavirus Is Proving The Human Race Can Come Together, For Anything, At Anytime

White House: Out of 327 Million Americans – Coronavirus May Kill Up To 200,000

Edward Snowden: Governments Shouldn’t Have The “Mandatory Authority” To Keep People Inside

Scientist Predicts Second Wave of COVID-19 Because “Social Distancing” Has Prevented “Herd Immunity”

More Physicians Go On The Record Explaining Why COVID-19 Deaths May Be Exaggerated

Coronavirus Deaths May Be Miscalculated 

Dr. Ron Paul Gets Flagged As “Fake News” For Sharing His Opinion About Coronavirus

Donald Trump Says The Coronavirus Was “Artificially Induced.” 

Canadian Prime Minister Says We Won’t Return To Normal “Until A Vaccine Is Developed”

Bill Gates: We Won’t Go Back To “Normal Until” A Vaccine Has “Gotten Out To The Entire World”

LA Doctor: COVID-19 Patients Go From ‘Very Ill’ To ‘Symptom-Free’ In 8 To 12 Hours With Hydroxychloroquine & Zinc

Confirmed: High-Dose Vitamin C Has Successfully Treated 50 Moderate to Severe COVID-19 Patients


A Word From the Veterans

Never on My Watch! The Cabal’s Covid-19 Psyops, The Santa Claus Effect and Empowerment Resources

A Freedom Series by Steve Robertson

….    Before we begin please FORGET NOT THE WORDS OF:

DR. EDWARD L. BERNAYS, the Founding Father of Public Relations:
“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it…
…The conscious and intellectual manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”


JOHN F. KENNEDY’S  speech before the American Newspaper Publishers Association on April 27, 1961 (some two years before his assassination):

“We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence —-on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of election, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system that has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a ​tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations…
…Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, nor rumor printed, no secret revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.”

NOW, As you read ahead I ask that you remember and always consider the following very important questions, ones that I pray will never unring from your mind or anyone’s consciousness.  

…  Do you want to live in a world where you don’t want to stand close to someone or dance with them, shake their hand or hug them, strike up a conversation, express your most heartfelt care for someone who’s lost a loved one, injured themselves and experienced a loss, reach out and tenderly hug them or wipe away their tears because you’re afraid of getting sick?

Do you want to live in a world where you see everyone as an enemy carrier of some illness that you’re afraid of getting sick from or are compelled and forbidden by draconian laws to show open and loving affection?

“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety.” – Benjamin Franklin

If you’re an adult or parent, what will you tell your friends, lover, spouse, children or grandchild about this turning point in history?  I’m sorry, I acted like a coward and complied with the manipulating lies and propaganda that I was falsely fed and foolishly believed by authority figures whom I delusionally chose to believe had my best interest at heart.

Yes, I sort of sensed I was being manipulated and lied to and yet I forgot the axiom of following the money trail back to the criminals who would most profit from something like this.

“In every age, it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People.” — Eugene Victor Debs, Voices of a People’s History of the United States

And yes, I acted like a coward, I never put up a fight for my basic freedoms, those of my family, my friends and neighbors, and that of humanity. Yes, I chose to comply with the cruel and indifferent orders of the Cabal/Deep State/Illuminate/Kazarian Mafia…etc… orders that stripped me of my basic constitutional rights and threatened me, my family, and my loved ones and instead I voluntarily choose to comply like one of the millions of other cattle who were herded into giving up their freedoms and liberties and resigned myself, all I loved, and cared about to poverty, confinement or a detainment/concentration camps?  Yes, this is what I did.

“For PEOPLE to rule themselves in a REPUBLIC, they must have virtue; for a TYRANT to rule in a TYRANNY, he must use FEAR.”— William J. Federer

OR, Will you choose and will you help lead humanity to collectively awaken from this cowardice dream that presently allows misguided bullies to bioweapon humanity, engineer and inflict wars around the world, propagandize, imprison, endanger, victimize and/or harm ourselves, our families and/or the people of our world …WILL YOU/WE RISE-UP TO REALIE, PROCLAIM AND EXPRESS YOUR/OUR GREATEST HERO WITHIN AND BE KNOWN AS THE GLADIATORS OF THE HEART…WHO LIVED BY THE FAITH OF LOVING TRUTH AND CHOSE TO ACT IN TURN, WE WERE DESTINED TO BE, OUR TRUEST, MOST POWERFUL, SOVEREIGN AND LOVING SELF? 

Let us all collectively and courageously rise up to proclaim, Never on My Watch, Never on My Shift …I WILL NEVER NOW AND FOREVER MORE allow any tyrant to bully, harm, oppress, and rob me, my family, or anyone, of their natural-born freedom to be their best and live their dreams come true…because I know in my heart of hearts that Love Will Prevail and that Love Will Always Win!


Now that I’ve stepped down off of my soapbox, let us face the glaring reality of the propagandized Covid-19 pandemic.   Perhaps like yourself, and if you’ve been doing the research I have,  you’ve watched and noted numerous Youtube videos with huge viewership numbers in the millions that differ substantially from that of the mainstream media’s narrative about how Covid-19 is playing out locally, within our state, nation, and world.

These videos are by smart, well-educated, thoughtfully articulate leaders and credible; various Doctors, Scientists, Nurses, Thought-leaders, Attorneys and more, who are attempting to get the word out/whistle-blow on the various aspects of fraud about the pandemic and non-sensical, irrational, incongruent realities about what is substantiated by hard facts and/or science that they’ve been educated, field-trained on and know to be true based on various medical scenarios and realities they’re dealing with, specifically regarding people’s health issues and the lies, wrongfully directives and protocols they are being forced to comply with and by higher supervising authorities.

In truth these brave and heroic people are putting everything on the line… their career, reputation, and the primary sources of income to boldly and courageously face this global Psyops and hoax to make sure the facts are known and with integrity, call things out as they really are, different from the false script they’re being forced to read.  In other words, from the perspective of these heroic few and from their world view: rocks are hard and water is wet.  In their world, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck then it’s likely a duck, rather than a cow.

Yes, like you, I’ve noted almost all of these whistleblowing videos have a common theme that traces things back to the old saying, follow the money and who benefits most. You see most people don’t know there is a massive chessboard game for power and control going on here.  And the few who are aware of this, a very small percentage don’t understand know that this is a multi-layered chessboard game.

One related and important whistleblowing video that shows how the Cabal is calling the shots and playing a huge role in shaping the perverted perceptional lens of humanity is subconsciously been and remains programmed through the Music, TV, and Film industries run by Hollywood.

The documentary film “Out of Shadows” blew the lid off of the Cabal, the CIA, Hollywood, Sex Honey pots (like the Playboy mansion), and pedophilia rings around the world.   This film went totally viral in a matter of days and exceeded several million views.   Then,  almost immediately, it was taken down by Youtube and later showed only a few hundred thousand views.

Another video that went viral and ran a similar course of events, that of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (an MIT graduate and Robert David Steele’s interview, an extremely well educated and articulate man who was running for state office in Massachusetts who then dared to talk about and call out the Cabal being centered in and bookended in Massachusetts by the institutions of Harvard and MIT.

He likely didn’t know, interestingly, that Dr. Edward Bernay’s, Founding Father of Public Relations, a clear Rothchild/Illuminati, etc… agent, lived in Boston. Remember Edwards’ quote from above?   Yes, Dr. Shiva’s videos were also taken down along with so many more.

These videos are being taken down by the big and deadly-mind-manipulating-spiders/spider web of the Cabal: Youtube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, all mainstream media, and others who intentionally alter video viewership count numbers downwardly in order to minimize and perceptional bias the collective consciousness.

Ultimately, video takedowns or the manipulation the viewership counts is the way the Cabal attempts to diminish the credibility of such people/videos and thus slow down the progress of humanity waking up.

Yes, the above mentioned evil entities and the soulless trolls who work for them and who orchestrate these manipulating tactics are only an arm of much greater Villians who pull the black-magic strings on these puppets who attempt to implement the full-spectrum dominance of the Cabal.  To understand more go to:

You see the Cabal, as I’ve written about so many times, wants people to stay dumb, remain asleep, to continue watching mindless TV programs or sporting events and be persistently distracted from ever thinking, especially critical thinking,  enough to put their big boy or girl pants and deduce and/or more importantly realize …

Hey,  what I’m watching now is drool bucket stupid, it is not helping, empowering, teaching me and/or inspiring me to be, do or have anything that I know is spiritually or morally right, good and for the betterment of humankind and so why, am I allowing myself and/or my precious children to watch brutally violent cage fighting, ice-hockey, boxing, vulgar and/or sexually explicit content of any kind…

…and if I was to take my attention off of this foolish content and/or note the commercials/sponsors that are paying to advertise on these type of shows and promise to myself I’ll never ever buy their products or services again, maybe even write that company’s President a letter about my thoughts…maybe then funding for these shows would dry up, they would go away and perhaps be replaced by life-affirming content that helped to inspire the human spirit.

“A filmmaker has the unrestricted privilege of haranguing an audience for two-hour stretches–the chance to influence public thinking for good or for evil…“It is, therefore, his responsibility to emphasize the positive qualities of humanity by showing the triumph of the individual over adversities.” – Frank Capra, legendary filmmaker of “Its A Wonderful Life.”

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