Luzon, Philippines Earthquake

Moderate earthquake at intermediate depth below San Juan, Luzon, Philippines

Last update: June 14, 2013 at 5:43 pm by By

Update 17:36 UTC : PHIVOLCS report a somewhat different picture mentioning a Magnitude of M4.9 at a depth of 26 km. A little more dangerous, especially for landslides.
Phivolcs does not expect damage and/or aftershocks. They are reporting an Intensity II at – Laoag City; Sarat, Ilocos Norte; Santa, Ilocos Sur and Baguio City. is a little more sceptical about this earthquake. Based on the Phivolcs data (preliminary of course) we would not be surprised that minor damage has occurred.
Phivolcs puts the epicenter right on the coastline vs more inland by USGS. It will take a little more time before seismologists have manually recalculated the data.

Image courtesy Phivolcs, Philippines

Image courtesy Phivolcs, Philippines

Update 17:35 UTC : The earthquake occurred at 1 AM when most people went to bed. Many of them will not have felt the shaking.

USGS reports a depth of 56 km (preliminary data) which makes this earthquake to be felt in a rather wide area (hundreds of km) but we are convinced that due to the depth this earthquake will not generate any damage.

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0km (0mi) S of San Juan, Philippines
14km (9mi) NE of Bangued, Philippines
37km (23mi) ENE of Bantay, Philippines
38km (24mi) ENE of Vigan, Philippines
340km (211mi) N of Manila, Philippines

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.9

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-15 01:00:24

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-14 17:00:24

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 60 km


Earthquake – Eastern Turkey

Moderate earthquake in Eastern Turkey (Van) – Cracked buildings in several villages

Last update: June 13, 2013 at 8:19 am by By

This quake is given with Magnitude 4.6 by Turkish authorities. According to Turkish news agencies, medical teams who are working in Van district reported minor cracks to a couple of houses in different villages close to the epicenter. They are currently checking the affected areas for larger damage. So far there are no reports of injuries.
The Turkish Van province was hit by a devasting M 7.1 quake in October 2011, killing hundreds of people. Since then this region is regulary affected by weak to moderate aftershocks, which sometimes generated minor damage.


Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.5

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-12 22:02:53

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-12 19:02:53

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 10 km


Torrevieja Area in Spain – Earthquakes

Second earthquake today in the Torrevieja area (San Fulgencio), Spain

Last update: June 13, 2013 at 2:31 pm by By

Update 14:05 UTC : We do not expect that this earthquake will be seriously damaging, however minor damage like cracks can always occur. Normally damage is only reported in this area and fault type from approx. M4 and above.

Again a very shallow (8 km depth) earthquake, which means that it was seriously felt by people living in the direct area of the epicenter.

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360 km NW of Algiers, Algeria / pop: 1,977,663 / local time: 14:24:23.0 2013-06-13
41 km E of Murcia, Spain / pop: 436,870 / local time: 15:24:23.0 2013-06-13
6 km E of Formentera de Segura, Spain / pop: 2,765 / local time: 15:24:23.0 2013-06-13

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 3.3

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-13 15:24:24

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-13 13:24:24

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 10 km


Santa Cruz Islands Aftershock

Very Strong earthquake (aftershock) at the Santa Cruz Islands

Last update: June 5, 2013 at 8:36 am by By

Update : The Focal Mechanism is Reverse Faulting = stress or accumulates pressure inside the plates. This is a subduction area were the Australian plate is subducting the Pacific plate at a speed of 10′s of mm/year. The hypocenter today (65 km depth) reflects that this is a subduction earthquake. The Santa Cruz Islands are however a complex faulting area with a lot of shallow transform faults criss-crossing the islands.

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Update : People living in this area of the world are used (can someone be used of course ?) at very strong earthquakes. According to the USGS 8000 people will have felt a moderate MMI V shaking, noting special for the Santa Cruz Islands.

Screen Shot 2013-06-05 at 10.14.39

A late aftershock has reminded on the cruel earthquake and tsunami of last February 6 at the island of Nendo. Today’s earthquake was more to the south, but a link with the mainshock in February cannot be excluded.

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89km (55mi) SSE of Lata, Solomon Islands
466km (290mi) NNW of Luganville, Vanuatu
725km (450mi) ESE of Honiara, Solomon Islands
734km (456mi) NNW of Port-Vila, Vanuatu
1057km (657mi) N of We, New Caledonia

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 6.1

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-05 15:47:25

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-05 04:47:25

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 42 km


North Honduras Coast earthquake

Moderate earthquake off the coast of Northern Honduras (near Sandy Bay)

Last update: June 2, 2013 at 8:56 am by By

Moderate earthquake off the coast of Northern Honduras, close to Sandy Bay

Today's earthquake is at the borrom of the page - The big balloon on this map is a 2009 M7.3 earthquake !

Today’s earthquake is at the borrom of the page – The big balloon on this map is a 2009 M7.3 earthquake !

235 km N of Tegucigalpa, Honduras / pop: 850,848 / local time: 02:33:15.0 2013-06-02
27 km SW of Roatán, Honduras / pop: 7,514 / local time: 02:33:15.0 2013-06-02

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.6

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-02 02:33:15

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-02 08:33:15

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 10 km


Taiwan – Dangerous Earthquake

Very Strong dangerous earthquake below Taiwan – 2 person killed, 1 missing and at least 21 people injured (3 seriously)

Last update: June 2, 2013 at 3:08 pm by By

Update 06:06 UTC : USGS has also changed the depth to 14 km, still very shallow. The Maximum shaking now reported by USGS is V or moderate shaking. This means that according to USGS no important damage or injuries can be expected. They are maintaining however there Magnitude at Mw 6.5

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Update 06:03 UTC : USGS has changed the location of his epicenter which looks a lot better now than before but we call it still dangerous for damage and injuries. USGS gives also a higher Magnitude than the other agencies : M6.5

25km (16mi) SE of Buli, Taiwan
39km (24mi) E of Lugu, Taiwan
49km (30mi) ESE of Nantou, Taiwan
49km (30mi) ESE of Zhongxing New Village, Taiwan
734km (456mi) ENE of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Update 06:02 UTC : The earthquake occurred in the central mountains area but was very shallow and close to a number of villages at the western side of the mountains.

Very shallow dangerous earthquake close to Buli, Taiwan

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4km (2mi) NE of Buli, Taiwan
32km (20mi) E of Zhongxing New Village, Taiwan
35km (22mi) ENE of Nantou, Taiwan
36km (22mi) ESE of Taichung, Taiwan
725km (450mi) ENE of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 6.2

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-06-02 13:43:04

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-06-02 05:43:04

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 20 km

Update 15:12 UTC : A second killed person is confirmed by the authorities. One more is still missing. Number of injuries rises 21, still only 3 of them were seriously injured. Most of this persons were wounded by the rockfalls and landslides which were triggered by the quake. Also the two killed person died by rockfalls. 3 persons suffered minor injuries by broken glass.

Update 10:58 UTC : Number of injuries rises to 19. 3 of them are seriously injured.

Update 10:12 UTC : 1 killed, 2 seriously injured and 16 slightly injured persons are reported now.

Update 08:48 UTC : And yet another video recorded in Nantou (not so close to the epicenter we think), but nevertheless showing the shaking.

Update 08:43 UTC : The well informed Chinanews reports that at least 17 people have been slightly injured, 1 seriously injured and 1 killed during this earthquake.

Update 08:39 UTC : Another private video showing the damage at a house in Nantou county. Most of the houses in Taiwan have been build according to strict seismic building rules and we see in almost every important earthquake that the damage is after all limited. The house/building structure has a lot of resistance. The damage part is at the end of the video.

Update 08:20 UTC : Some of the stranded tourists are being injured

Update 08:08 UTC : We are searching for more details but most of the reports are to vague to be printed here

Update 07:59 UTC : 3 aftershocks so far respectively M3.1, M3.6 and M3.8

Update 07:58 UTC : Luckily no more fatalities at this point (lets hope it remains like this). At least 7 climbers injured by rockfall. A woman was hit by a landslide while driving with her car, she was severely injured.

Update 07:54 UTC : We talk a lot about reported rockfall. Hard to imagine what it looks like? Check the image below from one of the scenes

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 09.53.33

Update 07:44 UTC : Taiwan’s “Defense Ministry” has requested to complete the first five combat zone troops preparedness, disaster relief initiative to help the public. We have various reports of collapsed walls in houses.

Update 07:42 UTC : more than 1000 tourists are trapped on a mountain platform, because the cable railway was destroyed by landslide

Update 07:40 UTC : Taiwanese police reports that many people have been slightly injured by debris from ceilings.
Sunday afternoon in Taiwan means that many people enjoyed the mountain scene, which is in part the reason that so many people are trapped in these areas.

Update 07:30 UTC : Euronews reports that at least 1 person has been killed in Taiwan due to the earthquake. The killed person was a mountain climber who was killed by rockfall.

Update 07:24 UTC : these are the landslides which happened in many places in Taiwan. Hopefully you are not on the path of the slide

Screen Shot 2013-06-02 at 09.25.57

Image courtesy and copyright

Image courtesy and copyright

Image courtesy and copyright

Update 07:24 UTC : USGS revised shaking map  (now increased to VII MMI = very strong shaking)

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Update 07:20 UTC : More than 1000 tourists are trapped in Nantou county due to many landslides. Power is off in some areas.  Cable car service is suspended.

Update 07:17 UTC : We get reports of many injuries in the Central Part of Taiwan due to rockfall. Rescue teams are being send to these locations.

for more information, go to:

Santa Barbara, CA Area Earthquake

Update 20:19 UTC :
– Another M2.5 aftershock was almost unnoticed by people.
– We hate to say it, but social media are again rumoring that a stronger earthquake will occur later today. Such rumors are TOTALLY NONSENSE. Even when such a stronger earthquake would occur, NOBODY in the world can predict such events today (hopefully in the future). You should be prepared for an earthquake at all times. DROP, COVER and HOLD until it is over.
– The authorities and local press are still maintaining that there was NO damage or injuries.
Our ER team continued to search for signs of damage and came up with the following felt reports :
– Goleta: dishes on counter broke after hit by something falling off shelves.
– Goleta : Clock almost fell off wall but nothing broken. Small crack in wall.
– Undefined location in the area : “Running at the beach and saw some big chunks come off the cliffs. Good time to be especially careful near the tops and bottoms of the bluffs!”
– earthquake related or not : A major natural gas leak in Thousand Oaks prompted evacuations on a half-mile radius, Thousand Oaks is just south of Oxnard (MMI of III was felt there) they don’t know what caused this. The gas leak was reported 3 hours after the earthquake.

MMI radius map

MMI radius map

Update 17:25 UTC : Don’t be blind for the always appearing standard text “There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries” who are published soon after an earthquake from this type. Although the text is right at the time of writing, people often do not report fallen objects, fissures in walls, etc. Based on our experience, it would really surprise us that no minor damage was inflicted. We will continue following up local reports and will bring them to you if we find them.
The current status is still : The Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department, Office of Emergency Management and Fire Department said they had no initial reports of injuries or damage.

Update 17:06 UTC : The local press is still writing that USGS did decrease the Magnitude from 4.9 to 4.6 which was indeed the case BUT after a new update USGS has now reported a magnitude of 4.8. if you are a journalist reading this, please adapt your content. A M4.8 earthquake at a depth of 8 km is a rather strong event for California.
The M2.6 aftershock which occurred 12 minutes after the mainshock will not have been felt by many people.

Update 17:03 UTC : News Channel 3 Santa Barbara is receiving reports of minor damage such as glass breaking and small objects falling from walls, exactly what we wrote a few minutes after it happened.

Update 16:52 UTC : The seismograph at ABC7 KABC-TV LOS ANGELES, CA has been building the seismogram of this event.

Update 16:31 UTC : USGS has updated his values to M4.8 at a depth of 8 km.
Shaking values at the following locations :
Moderate MMI V shaking : Isla Vista  23,000 and  Goleta 30,000
Light shaking MMI IV : Santa Ynez 4,000, Buellton 5,000, Solvang 5,000 and Mission Canyon 2,000
The Human impact map has been changed as follows :

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Update 16:09 UTC : Below the Focal Mechanism of this earthquake (reverse faulting mechanism). Today’s earthquake was right on the coastal fault. The stress comes from the Oceanic plate pushing towards the North American plate (South-West – North-East direction.  As you can see on the fault map below, the whole area is very complex.
On our map below, you can see that the strongest earthquake in the area was a M6.2 earthquake in 1925 followed by a M5.8 in 1978, both in the direct vicinity of Santa Barbara.

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Fault map courtesy

Fault map courtesy

Update 15:09 UTC : No reports of damage so far (far to early to bu sure about that). Based on our California experience incoming MMI’s are higher than normal, so minor damage is still possible.

Update 15:06 UTC : Maximum shaking as expected by USGS MMI VI (this is also the maximum we are getting from our readers).

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Based on the many I Have Felt It reports we are receiving, people have been really scared by the shaking. In average we get a moderate MMI V shaking. Goleta , closest to the epicenter has the strongest incoming MMI’s
We expect at least some minor damage in Goleta (minor damge like fallen objects, cracks in walls, fallen rooftiles, etc).

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5km (3mi) W of Isla Vista, California
8km (5mi) WSW of Goleta, California
20km (12mi) W of Santa Barbara, California
36km (22mi) W of Carpinteria, California
484km (301mi) SSE of Sacramento, California

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.6

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-05-29 07:38:02

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-05-29 14:38:02

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 2 km


Wales — Unusual earthquake

Unusual earthquake along the coast of Wales, United Kingdom

Last update: May 29, 2013 at 10:29 am by By

Update 09:10 UTC : In a statement BGS reports:

The earthquake of the 29 May 2013 occurred at 03:16 UTC (04:16 BST), with an epicentre approximately 13 km NW of Abersoch, Gwynedd. The instrumental magnitude was determined at 3.8 ML, and the earthquake was located approximately 21 km WSW of the magnitude 5.4 earthquake that occurred on 19 July 1984 (a magnitude of 3.8 is approximately 256 times smaller than 5.4). The estimated area over which an earthquake with a magnitude of 3.8, and depth of 8 km, would be felt was calculated to be a distance of up to 75-100 km from the epicentre (at intensity 3 EMS). Analysis of the results from an automatic online questionnaire survey agrees with this. Almost 100 felt reports have been received. Of those, almost all of them came from within a 50 km radius, from Abersoch, Caernarfon, Bangor, Holyhead and their surrounding hamlets. Reports generated in a north-easterly direction from the epicentre. A little further afield, reports were received from Conwy and Rhyl area (75-100 km to NE of epicentre), whilst single reports were received from Southport, Merseyside (140 km to NE of epicentre), the Isle of Man (140 km to north of epicentre). There are also reports of the earthquake having been felt on the east coast of Ireland (110 km east of epicentre).

Most people described having been awoken from their sleep by the moderate shaking strength of the earthquake, which had a trembling effect. The sound strength was also described as moderate. Many of the reports stated that windows and crockery rattled. Reports described “the bed was shaking too scared to look at anything else”, “loud rumbling sound woke me, then noticed s sound of mirror rattling on bedside cabinet”, “gradually grew louder. Classic underground train passing sensation“ and “woke the household any many neighbours”

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Update 08:42 UTC : This great image goes viral on twitter as being the damage triggered by the Wales earthquake. Welsh great humor ! :)

Damage in Wales :) - Twitter image courtesy @Leighsheps

Damage in Wales :) – Twitter image courtesy @Leighsheps

Update 07:55 UTC : As expected we have not found 1 single report of damage so far, a report which we like a lot :) . If you have any knowledge of damage near the epicenter, even cracks in walls, please let us know.
– Geofon Germany just comes up with a Magnitude of 4.3.
– Seismology is a very difficult science and data may differ a lot according to the reporting seismological agency. values to local data always as “probably” the most accurate simply because the local agencies have the most instruments closest to the epicenter. The world press seems to think that USGS is the God of seismology. We favor more USGS as one of the Gods and a very good one :) .

Update 04:55 UTC : We have now a report from BGS (British Geological Survey) mentioning a Ml Magnitude of 3.8 at a depth of 8 km. As earthquake location is mentioned Lleyn peninsula (epicenter is the green arrow).  The villages of Pennlech and Porth Colmon are closest to the epicenter. Based on these (to be trusted) data, the chance of even minor damage has been decreased.

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Update 04:42 UTC : We assume that most Welsh journalists haven’t felt it as there are NO reports so far in the local press (at least not the many we have consulted).

Update 04:35 UTC : Based on what we are reading from the many I Have Felt It reports below, we expect some minor damage on the nearby Wales peninsula. Minor damage means in this case fallen objects, cracks in older walls, fissures or even collapsing chimneys, fallen roof tiles, etc. We do not expect injuries. The damage, if any, would have been proportionally bigger with an epicenter below land.

Update 04:28 UTC : Only EMSC has reported this earthquake. The local British Geological Survey hasn’t even mentioned it in his website. The last significant earthquake in the United Kingdom happened in Market Rasen, Lincs, on February 27 2008. That one was more powerful at M5.2.

Update 04:12 UTC : EMSC has shifted the location of the epicenter more into the Irish Sea, weakening that way the impact of this earthquake.
As you can see on our bottom map, nothing important occurred in the area since 1900.

This earthquake was initially reported by EMSC as a M5.5 earthquake, which would surely have been damaging. But even at the current still preliminary value of M4.3, we can speak of an unusual strong earthquake for the United Kingdom.

The coastal area of Nefyn Bay, closest to the epicenter - Image courtesy John Goodall

The coastal area of Nefyn Bay, closest to the epicenter – Image courtesy John Goodall

90 km SE of Dublin, Ireland / pop: 1,024,027 / local time: 04:16:26.0 2013-05-29
59 km SW of Caernarfon, United Kingdom / pop: 9,836 / local time: 04:16:26.0 2013-05-29
44 km W of Pwllheli, United Kingdom / pop: 3,904 / local time: 04:16:26.0 2013-05-29

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-05-29 04:16:29

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-05-29 03:16:29


Earthquakes – Algerian Coast

Moderate earthquake near Bejaia (Algeria) – At least 11 people treated for various injuries

Last update: May 27, 2013 at 8:50 am by By

Update May 27, 08:39 UTC : Several houses and buildings showed cracked walls in Tichy, Baccaro and Aokas, east of the city of Bejaia. These areas were closest to the epicenter. According to the same sources, the Aokas mosque was slightly damaged.

Slight damage at mosque tower in Aokas - image courtesy Aokas forum

Slight damage at mosque tower in Aokas – image courtesy Aokas forum

Update 22:12 UTC : Local press reports are indicating that 11 people have been treated for various indications in local hospitals. 2 students were injured while jumping out of a window in panic (never do that yourself).  Other people had nervous breakdowns. None of the injured had direct shaking injuries as far as we could see.
Widespread panic was reported from the locations closest to the epicenter (including Bejaia). People ran out in the streets and stayed there for a while out of fear for aftershocks.
We expect a better roundup tomorrow morning.

Update 17:24 UTC : According to some Twitter sources, 4 persons are reported injured (to be confirmed).
This earthquake can be called an aftershock of the M5.5 earthquake which struck the same area on May 19.
The city/village of Aokas is closest to the epicenter. As the epicenter was however in the Mediterranean Sea, the shaking impact will have been weakened somewhat.

Image courtesy Madi Nasser - View of Aokas

Image courtesy Madi Nasser – View of Aokas

Update : On vous invite de nous envoyer votre témoignage par le formulaire ci-dessous. Merci d’Avance.
We would like to invite you to send us which shaking you have experienced when you have felt this earthquake. Thank you.

The moderate earthquakes at the Northern Aleria coast seem not to stop the last couple of weeks. This time the epicenter was located close to the Bejaia coast. Bedjaia is a big city with 164000 inhabitants.
We expect at least some minor damage from this earthquake.

image courtesy EMSC

image courtesy EMSC

194 km E of Algiers, Algeria / pop: 1,977,663 / local time: 17:00:57.0 2013-05-26
12 km E of Bejaïa, Algeria / pop: 164,103 / local time: 17:00:57.0 2013-05-26

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 5

Local Time (conversion only below land) : 2013-05-26 17:00:57

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-05-26 16:00:57

Depth (Hypocenter)  : 8 km


Koreas Earthquake

Moderate earthquake along the coast of North Korea and South Korea

Last update: May 18, 2013 at 12:57 am by By

A moderate earthquake struck along the coast of North and South Korea.It was felt as far as Seoul.

Screen Shot 2013-05-18 at 2.52.45 AM

187 km SW of Pyongyang, North Korea / pop: 3,222,000 / local time: 07:02:25.0 2013-05-18
111 km SW of Haeju, North Korea / pop: 222,396 / local time: 07:02:25.0 2013-05-18
78 km SW of Ongjin, North Korea / pop: 64,247 / local time: 07:02:25.0 2013-05-18

Most important Earthquake Data:

Magnitude : 4.7

Local Time (conversion only below land) : Unknown

GMT/UTC Time : 2013-05-17 22:02:25
