Earthquake Xinjiang Mountains, China

Very strong moderately dangerous earthquake in the Xinjiang mountains, China

Last update: August 12, 2012 at 12:47 pm by By

The USGS shaking map below is based on a Magnitude of 6.3 at a depth of 9.7 km. The Chinese parameters would considerably weaken the shaking pattern.

Shaking map USGS – courtesy USGS

Update 11:30 UTC : Chinese seismological agency reports a Magnitude of 6.2 at a depth of 30 km. The biggest danger for this earthquake is some landslides in the steeper valleys. Landslides triggered by earthquakes are the most important secondary damage element after tsunamis of course.

A M6.2 earthquake occurred a shortwhile in Hotan district, Xinjiang China
Early reports are mentioning a very shallow earthquake.
We are currently trying to verify the data in China but their servers are down.
In a first overview of the location, the epicenter looks to be in a wilderness area in the mountains with no or very few people around.
Theoretical intensity should not go over VI MMI (strong shaking).
Based on other specialized organizations, the number of people in a radius of 100 km around the epicenter is max. 10000

Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : Mw 6.3 (USGS) and Ms 6.2 (China)
UTC Time : Sunday, August 12, 2012 at 10:47:06 UTC
Local time at epicenter : Sunday, August 12, 2012 at 06:47:06 PM at epicenter
Depth (Hypocenter) : 9.7 km (USGS) and 30 km (China)
Geo-location(s) :
Approx. 100 km of Keriya, China
Approx. 100 km of Keriya, China
282 km (175 miles) ESE of Hotan, China

Update 12:40UTC : As we are in a very remote area of China, it may take many hours (probably until tomorrow morning local time) before emergency teams (both aid and assessment teams) have reached the small settlements in the mountains (mountains as high as 6820 meter).

Earthquake epicenter mountains – beautiful but with many earthquake faults – image courtesy and copyright Garmo92

Update 11:47 UTC : The closest populated centers near the epicenter are Keriya and Niya. We do not have specific population numbers for Keriya and Niya, but Keriya county counts 220,000 people and Niya (Minfeng) county 30,000. The biggest city in the greater area is Hotan (also seismological headquarters), but Hotan is far away from the danger zone (282 km).

Update 11:40 UTC : There are NO hydrodams or Nuclear Plants in the vicinity of the epicenter (source GDACS)

Update 11:34 UTC : WAPMERR, the theoretical damage data engine is predicting 0 to 10 deaths and 0 to 100 injured. These numbers refer only to shaking and NOT to landslides. At we think that besides landslides and based on the depth of 30 km, no important damage or injuries will be sustained.
Initial predictions like we are making are taking into account as much as data as we can find. Often local obtained data are the most accurate as these organizations are often highly specialized and have a lot of instruments in the earthquake area. The more instruments, the more accurate data are! The WAPMERR data are based on the UGS data (in this case) which refer to a M6.3 and a depth of less than 10 km. If the Chinese parameters are correct (what we believe), there is a huge difference in damage potential in between the 2 data sets.


Earthquake — Fiji

Fiji earthquake

Last update: August 8, 2012 at 11:52 am by By

USGS Fiji Aug 08 10:57 AM 5.8

Strong earthquake in the greater Fiji area
234 km (146 miles) N (353°) from SUVA, Fiji
73 km from Yangganga, Vanua Levu
104 km from Yasawa
A person from Ba, Fiji reported a very weak shaking. We do not expect any problems with this earthquake although the islands closest to the epicenter have felt a strong shaking.
According to USGS the max. shaking was light shaking experienced by 78000 people. This estimate countradicts with people reporting a strong shaking at Vanua Levu island



Los Angeles Area Earthquake

Greater Los Angeles earthquake

Last update: August 8, 2012 at 11:52 am by By

Moderate earthquake in the greater Los Angeles area
A moderate shallow M4.4 earthquake (preliminary data) occurred at 11:23 PM California time. The epicenter is located at 2 km from Yorba Linda and 7 km from Placenta. 12 km from Orange.
We do not expect any serious damage or injuries based on this earthquake.
Max. moderate shaking has been expected by specialists (MMI V), which seldom generates damage (not even minor)
We expect however aftershocks which may seriously hamper the nights sleep.
Update : As expected by, the LAPD or Fire brigades have NOT received reports of damage or injuries so far.
The video below shows the shaking of some material at a Budweiser plant in Anaheim



Peru/Brazil Border Area Earthquake

(Major) Earthquakes list August 2, 2012

Last update: August 2, 2012 at 6:29 pm by By

GEOFON Peru-brazil Border Region Aug 02 09:38 AM 6.0

Deep very strong earthquake strikes the Peru – Brazil border area
We consider this earthquake to be harmless based on the (normal) deep hypocenter of 130 to 140 km.
These data are preliminary and have to be confirmed after manual recalculation.
32 km (20 miles) E (89°) from Pucallpa, Peru. In the case of deep earthquakes is the distance from the epicenter to the city less important than in the case of shallow earthquakes. The shaking will of course be stronger close to the epicenter but if you add the depth to this distance, you will immediately understand that even at a Magnitude of 6 the shaking will be max. MMI IV or light shaking. This light shaking will have been felt by 469000 people. 2.7 million people (also in the neighboring countries) will have felt a weak to very weak shaking.


New Ireland, PNG Strong Earthquake

Very powerful earthquake east of New Ireland, PNG

Last update: August 2, 2012 at 6:29 pm by By

Very powerful earthquake east of New Ireland, PNG

USGS New Ireland Region, Papua New Guinea Aug 02 09:56 AM 6.3 70.6

A very strong earthquake at intermediate depth to the east of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. The earthquake was felt as a light shaking 180 km to the north. Theoretical calculations from USGS did expect a moderate shaking (MMI V) at the closest populated areas at Southern New Ireland. PNG people are experiencing often very strong to massive earthquakes. does not expect any serious damage or injuries from this earthquake.  This is the second very strong earthquake in the area in only a couple of days. The Magnitude was to weak and the depth to deep to generate even a small tsunami.


Mexico-Guatemala Coast Earthquake

Strong earthquake along the Mexico / Guatemala coast

Last update: July 29, 2012 at 12:52 pm by By

Strong earthquake along the Mexican coast
An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of M6.0  has occurred in the Pacific Ocean
Epicenter in the Pacific ocean in the Guatemala / Mexico (Chiapas) ocean area
29 km (18 miles) SSW (210°) from Suchiate, Chiapas, Mexico
64 km (40 miles) S (187°) from Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico
Hypocenter is reported by USGS at 35 km
We do not expect damage from this earthquake and based on the visiting numbers in our site, the shaking will be mostly weak to very weak. Theoretical analysis from USGS reports a max. light shaking (MMI IV) for 3.6 million people. People in this part of the world are very much acquainted to earthquakes and are used to today’s kind of shaking.
Update : EMSC reports for the same earthquake a Magnitude of M5.5 at a depth of 80 km.

(Major) Earthquakes list July 29, 2012 – Moderate Earthquake close to Lima, Peru

Boznia & Herzegovina Earthquake

Earthquake below Zenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – Minor damage

Last update: July 28, 2012 at 8:55 am by By

Earthquake(s) in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Based on the number of visitors from Bosnia and Herzegovina, we think that an earthquake must have been felt
The earthquake has a preliminary Magnitude of M4.5 at a depth of 2 to 5 km
Please fill in a I Have Felt It form to tell us how you have experienced this earthquake
9 km NE Zenica (pop 164,423)
18 km NW Kakanj (pop 12,406)
Based on the preliminary data from the seismological agencies, we do not expect that this earthquake will generate serious damage or injuries.
Update : USGS reports a slightly higher Magnitude of M4.6 at a depth of 5.2 km
Update : 140,000 people are living within a 10 km radius of the epicenter
Update : The earthquake happened 5km from Zenica. The nearest populated places are: Carica (16km), Gusti Grab (15km), Sebinje (15km), Donji Banjevac (18km), Busovaca (14km), Kaonik (12km), Kruscica (18km), Kakanj (13km), Lasva (10km), Vitez (16km), Gacice (16km), Dubravica (13km), Gornji Cajdras (8km), Puhovac (9km), Brajkovici (16km), Brnjic (13km), Stranjani (11km), Guca Gora (19km), Gornja Gracanica (4km), Vranduk (9km), Pepelari (10km), Loznik (13km), Nemila (13km), Mitrovici (20km), Begov Han (15km), Serici (19km). The closest civilian airport is Sarajevo Butmir (53km).
Update : Cracks in walls cannot be excluded with this extremely shallow depth
Update 28/7 – 00:09 UTC : An aftershock measuring M4.2 has occurred 30 minutes after the mainshock
Final update 08:37 UTC : We have counted 3 major aftershocks so far (M4.2, M3.5 and M3.3). As we have stated shortly after the earthquake, the extremely shallow depth may have created cracks in walls. This became reality and some pictures and reports are showing also fallen stones from roofs. We have NO reports of injured people (partly because the earthquake happened at 01:12 local time, a time that most people are inside.
People in Zenica took to the streets immediately after the shaking and stayed there for some time because of fear for aftershocks. The earthquake was felt in most parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in cities like Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Goraždue, Bihac as well as in Serbia


Earthquake off coast of New ireland, PNG

Very strong earthquake off the coast of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea

Last update: July 28, 2012 at 8:35 pm by By

Very strong earthquake off the coast of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
4000 people will have experienced a moderate MMI V shaking. A lot more a light or a weak to very weak shaking. The depth of the hypocenter makes that the earthquake will have been felt in a radius of hundreds of km. Earthquakes with this Magnitude and depth are fairly common in Papua New Guinea.
The biggest city in the area is Rabaul and is located at a distance of 124 km from the epicenter.
Epicenter is at least 50 km out of the coast.
Unless for the always present danger of submarine landslides, this earthquake will not be able to generate a tsunami. NOAA has also confirmed that a oceanwide tsunami (Pacific Ocean) is not posible.


Strong Earthquake – Sumatra, Simeulue

Very strong earthquake causes 1 death in Indonesia (Sumatra, Simeulue island)

Last update: July 25, 2012 at 9:55 am by By

Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : M6.4 (BMKG), M6.4 (USGS)
UTC Time :   00:27:45 UTC, 25th July 2012.
Local time at epicenter : 7:27:45am WIB, 25th July 2012.
Depth (Hypocenter) : 10km (BMKG), 22km (USGS)

Geo-location(s) :
28km (17mi) NW of Sinabang, Indonesia
64km (101mi) S of Meulaboh, Indonesia
260km (161mi) W of Kabanjahe, Indonesia
275km (170mi) WSW of Binjai, Indonesia
620km (385mi) W of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Update 09:40 UTC : – Local sources are reporting cracked walls and loosened ceilings in many buildings like mosques, cultural centers etc.
– Electrical current is still down in the central part of the island (8 hours after the earthquake). Power company personnel is working hard to repair the damage.

Important update : Mr. Puyong was unfortunately killed (district of Teupah Barat) when he fell running out of his house. The death cause was probably due to high blood pressure because of an illness.

Landscape at the western part of Simeulue island, Aceh province, Indonesia image courtesy Haris Aceh

This is named as an indirect death, and mean that this earthquake will be labeled CATDAT Orange.

The earthquake was felt strongly in the Simeulue district with many people running out of their houses in fear.

The shaking was felt as about a intensity V.

Update : 190000 people are living within a radius of 100km of the epicenter.

Update : 5000 people will have experienced a MMI VI (strong shaking) (parameters based upon theoretical calculations). 89000 people felt a moderate MMI V shaking and 415000 people a light shaking.

Update : Seismological agencies do not seem to agree on the epicenter location. USGS locates the epicenter in a bay to the east of the island. Local BMKG, west of the island. BMKG reports a depth of 10 km. An epicenter location in the Ocean has a  weakening effect on potential damage.

Update : BMKG, the Indonesian seismological agency did report that there was no risk for a tsunami. In general earthquakes below M7 do normally not generate tsunamis

The epicenter of the earthquake was in a bay at the eastern part of the island of Simeulue, an island district of Sumatra. Simeulue is the closest island to the mega subduction fault line who was responsible for a number of cruel earthquakes and tsunamis the last 15 years. A lot of people lost their lives. In other words earthquakes are common at Simeulue but most of the time the origin is in the Ocean. Today’s earthquake was the first powerful one since many months.


Iran Earthquake

Moderate shallow earthquake in Iran

Last update: July 24, 2012 at 7:18 am by By

Moderate very shallow earthquake in Iran
36 km SW Borujan (pop 52,654)
Iran is one of those countries which we always follow very closely as earthquakes in this country are often very damaging even at lower Magnitudes. Today’s earthquake looks harmless according to the Magnitude, but the preliminary extremely shallow depth makes us reluctant. We will try to get more details from the Iranians themselves and will update this text whenever needed.
Update 07:13 UTC : The Iranian Seismological agency reports a Magnitude of 5.1 at a depth of 10 km. Epicenter following the Iranians : 7 Km of Boldaji, Charmahal va Bakhtiari, 12 Km of Gandoman, Charmahal va Bakhtiari, 19 Km of Gahroo, Charmahal va Bakhtiari, 424 Km of Tehran, Tehran.
