Earthquake – Siri Dam in Turkey

Moderate earthquake at the Siri Dam in Turkey

Last update: July 22, 2012 at 9:53 am by By

Central Turkey Jul 22 09:26 AM 5.0 7.6

Moderate earthquake in Turkey (5.0 ac. to USGS)
Based on preliminary data from EMSC, the shallow earthquake happened 26 km W Kahramanmaras (pop 376,045). The Sir dam (reservoir) dominates the area. Normally earthquakes with this moderate Magnitude should be NO problem for  hydroelectrical dams. does not expect any serious damage or injuries from this earthquake.
USGS reports a fundamentally different epicenter approx. 30 km away from the dam. USGS reports a Magnitude of 4.9 at a depth of 9.7 km


Northern California Earthquakes

2 moderate earthquakes along the Northern California coast

Last update: July 21, 2012 at 11:45 am by By

2 moderate earthquakes along the Northern California coast
While looking into the details about these earthquakes, we found a number of coincidences which may be realated to each other. The series started with a M4.0 earthquake at a depth of 10.1 km (6.3 miles) along the Blanco fracture zone in front of the Oregon coast. Nothing special as the stress in the part of the fault is generating regular earthquakes up to M6.0.
1 hour and 18 minutes later a more powerful M5.1 earthquake occurred along the Gorda ridge fault (separating plates), but this time more to the south in the Californian sector. The depth was set to 10 km or 6.2 miles but this is the usual depth which is set if the data are not accurate enough.
Finally (at least up to now) a M5.2 earthquake  occurred at a depth of 0.6 km approx. in the same sector than the earlier M5.1 earthquake. The depth of the last M5.2 earthquake (even poorly constrained) is attracting our attention.  We do not sea anything special on the sea floor except some stress scars and ridges (red lines on the three maps below).
There is certainly no proved relation in between the Oregon and California events, but if ER detects patterns, we like to share them with our readers. The separating plates (spreading center) have been related in the past to a number of volcanic ridge eruptions (like they often are occurring in the spreading ridges of the Oceans). Evidence of such an eruption may be noticed by a coloring of the surface waters. Satellite imagery will probably give us a clue later today.
Only few people at the Eureka coast have reported the shaking at USGS. All of them reported a weak to very weak shaking.

California coast M5.2 earthquake - Image courtesy USGS
California coast M5.1 earthquake - Image courtesy USGS
Oregon coast M4.0 earthquake - Image courtesy USGS


Sea bed at the epicenter area of the 2 California earthquakes
Detailes plate tectonics along te California and Oregon coasts - Image courtesy Wikipedia
Seismogram at Mount Pierce, relatively close to the epicenters of both CA quakes



Moderate earthquake in Australia.

Last update: July 20, 2012 at 1:17 pm by By

Moderate 4.5M earthquake 117km from Canberra, Australia.
A 4.5M earthquake struck 13km from Moe, Australia at a depth of 10km (USGS). This could be felt as a V (moderate shaking) around this area and as weak to light far away. We at earthquake report think this earthquake will not cause injuries or heavy damage and only light damage like fallen objects.

There have been a number of felt reports from Melbourne coming in.

The Geoscience Australia website was down momentarily.

The quake will be felt around V intensity. Seismologist at the Seismology Research Centre, Gary Gibson, has confirmed that the latest shake has been a magnitude 4 earthquake east of Thorpdale.

13km (8mi) SW of Moe, Australia 21km (13mi) W of Morwell, Australia 34km (21mi) W of Traralgon, Australia 77km (48mi) ESE of Cranbourne, Australia 114km (71mi) ESE of Melbourne, Australia


Earthquake — India/Myanmar Border

Dangerous (shallow ?) earthquake near the India / Myanmar border (Manipur province)

Last update: July 14, 2012 at 10:03 pm by By

Earthquake overview : A dangerous extremely shallow strong earthquake occurred at 01:25 AM approx. 20 km from the Myanmar border in India. What looks like a moderate earthquake becomes dangerous because of the shallow depth of the hypocenter (6,5 km) reported by USGS.

Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : M 5,6 (USGS), M5,5 (EMSC and GFZ) and M5,3 (CENC)
UTC Time : Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 19:55:12 UTC
Local time at epicenter : Sunday, July 15, 2012 at 01:25:12 AM at epicenter
Depth (Hypocenter) :
Geo-location(s) :
24 km (14 miles) S of Phek, India
43 km (26 miles) ESE of Kohima, India
57 km (35 miles) S of Zunheboto, India

Update : Phek, the village at 24 km from the epicenter has a population of 12863 (last census). One of the greatest dangers in the area will be the potential for landslides. Depending on the weather and the deforestation, which is common in India, landslides can easily occur. The city of Kohima has endured a MMI V , moderate shaking and counts 92000 people (we do not think however that major damage has occurred in this city). We have almost no data from the Myanmar side of the border, but we know that the area is very sparsely populated.

Update : Due to the darkness and the kind of terrain (very hilly forested area) it will take several hours before we expect to hear more news.

Update : 66000 people are living in the area which calls at risk, mainly because of the building methods in the area (a lot of brick and adobe houses) and because of the occurrence of the shaking in the middle of the night. A lot of the houses are also in wood and bamboo and can resist strong shaking.

Update : Based on the USGS data (M5,6 @ 6,5 km depth), 19000 people will have experienced a MMI VII very strong shaking. 91000 people a strong shaking.

Update : If the CENC and USGS data are right (even with the lower CENC Magnitude), we call an area of 20 km around the epicenter as highly vulnerable for damage and injuries.

Update : We did hesitate to start up an in-depth earthquake report because of the confusing data. A 6 km deep earthquake (USGS and CENC) and 40 to 45 km (GFZ and EMSC) can be related to “very dangerous” to “harmless)

This is what we wrote in our daily (major) earthquake overview : What looks like a moderate earthquake becomes dangerous because of the shallow depth of the hypocenter (6,5 km) reported by USGS. This depth is preliminary and has been contradicted by GFZ and EMSC who are stating an intermediate depth of 45 and 60 km. We have set the color of this earthquake to Orange because of this uncertainty. It would be green by 60 km and red by 6,5 km. The coming hours will tell us more about this! Indian seismologic agency has no live Internet data.
CENC, The Chinese seismological agency who is very reliable in this area reports a M5,3 at a depth of 6 km. If CENC data are correct, we will have to maintain the orange color of moderately dangerous.

for more information and updates, go to:

Bulgaria — Aftershock

Moderate earthquake (aftershock) in Bulgaria

Last update: July 14, 2012 at 1:07 pm by By

EMSC Bulgaria Jul 14 12:52 PM 4.5 10.0

Moderate earthquake (aftershock) in Bulgaria
The earthquake will be probably harmless as based on our experience in Bulgaria the Magnitude has stayed just below damaging levels.
Todays aftershock proves that the fault area has not reached its stabilization.
Today’s epicenter gain in the immediate vicinity of Pernik. Pernik is one of the major Bulgarian cities and is located very close to Sofia, were people will have felt this aftershock very well



Melbourne, Australia — Strong Earthquake

Strong earthquake in the greater Melbourne area, Australia

Last update: June 19, 2012 at 2:38 pm by By

Summary 14:00UTC:

This was recorded as the largest quake in Victoria since the 1903 Warnambool events (Mb 5.3), however the 1969 event of Ml5.3 and 1982 event of Ml5.4 are also in the same ballpark. The Seismological research center of ES&S still has the earthquake recorded as an Ml5.5.

A number of foodstock losses will also occur at various supermarkets with many items being thrown off the shelves.

A number of houses have recorded damage in the form of cracks to walls, ceilings and in other concrete as well as other minor damage such as fallen tiles.

Update 13:10UTC:

Still waiting for further damage reports from the ground, with at least 25 potential instances of damage being recorded at this point through the SES. VicSES has implemented a Quake safety awareness and response program “QuakeSafe” in the past few years.

Update 13:05UTC:

Residential property has sustained minor damage from the tremor. Some residential properties in Moe and some in the La Trobe Valley appeared to be the hardest hit.

“There’s been cracks in walls, damage to ceilings and windows, and possibly some building damage so far” said SES Spokesman Lachlan Quick talking to news services in Australia.

The instance of damage from further afield in Moe has brought the potential estimated damage bill to between $0.7 and 4.1 million AUD from rapid loss estimation packages but further calibration is required on the intensities from the ground before any concrete estimate can be released.

Summary 13:00UTC:
– A shallow Mb5.3 earthquake struck just after 20:53 (8:53pm) local time around the Latrobe Valley at Childers, south of Trafalgar.
– Over 35 calls have been put into the Victorian SES for assistance.
– No major damage reported as yet.
– Around 7000 people live in the VI intensity area, with many more in the V intensity area.

Update 12:56UTC: Anyone living in or near Childers with Internet access would be very much appreciated to submit a felt report. Thankyou to all Victorians for their responses – it really helps us to pinpoint the damage area!

Update 12:50UTC: Just to show the effect of this quake around 10-12 km away from the epicenter in Trafalgar – “Have experienced lighter tremors in this area before i.e. Mid Gippsland eminating in South Gippsland Region, but this was clearly the most dramatic…. Previous ones were around 4.3. Whole house shaking with this one i.e. quite violently more of a 5 or above and accompanying strange sound/noise. All the neighbours ran out into the street afterwards. Felt at first like a sudden wind”.

From Mirboo North – “Shaking and noise lasted about 20 seconds? I have never felt anything so violent in my life.”

From Moe – “Was in the car, felt like people jumping on it. Got home stuff over the floor and cupboard doors opened.”

The seismogram at Toolangi (about 120km away)

Update 12:48UTC: For people interested in the economics of the region, East Gippsland has a $1.72 billion GDP mainly due to the manufacturing and construction industry. The area affected however, is slightly west of this area, and has a capital stock of around $65 million with less than 1% damage expected, meaning that there is likely to be less than $1 million damage at this stage based on historic statistics, if any! Trafalgar used to have a cheese factory but was closed in 1990, meaning the cruel fate seen to the cheese in Italy, will not occur here.

Update 12:44UTC:  VICSES has recieved 35 requests for assistance so far from the broader Gippsland area and parts of metropolitan Melbourne.

Update: At least 7,000 people would be within potentially damaging area. With the main towns being Yarragon (1100+), Trafalgar (2600+) and Mirboo North (2000+) within this area. The larger towns/cities of Moe-Newborough, Morwell, Yarragul and Leongatha are far enough away to have only very slight to no damage.

Update: The quake would have been felt for around 30 seconds looking at the following seismogram of the event. The Victorian State Emergency Service (SES) have received 20 requests for assistance in the broader Gippsland area and parts of Melbourne. No significant damage has as such been recorded however. Mirboo North could also have sustained cracks in houses.

Update: It has also been felt at about Intensity V in Morwell. Childers is expected to have an intensity of VI or VII.

The local view of the epicentral area. Childers is a small rural community. Courtesy: Homesales.

Update: The epicenter was located about 10km south of the Princes Highway, the main truck and transport route around Australia.

Update: Mb5.3 as recorded by Geoscience Australia – also SW of Moe. This will cause slight damage such as broken windows and cracking in the immediate area. It has been recorded near the village of Childers near Yarragon North. This is located south of Trafalgar. Being dark given that it is winter in Australia, it will be difficult to evaluate the damage.

It should be said that the earthquake hypocenter location has not been finalised from Geoscience Australia yet.

Update: The 1922 earthquake was the last earthquake to cause damage in Victoria with a magnitude higher. Since the 1800s, there have been at least 15 damaging earthquakes in Victoria of significance, the last being in 2009. The famous Warnambool earthquakes of 1903, and the Selwyn Fault quake of 1932 have been the most famous. – CATDAT Damaging Earthquakes Database.

Update: Ml5.5, 10km depth. Residents have recorded shaking of up to 40 seconds, with some soft soils in the area meaning shaking would have been felt longer than expected for such a magnitude.

Update: USGS has the epicenter out near Trafalgar, SW of Moe. Felt reports from Trafalgar would be appreciated.

Update: The earthquake has been given as Ml5.5 by some sources. The earthquake is far enough away from power stations to not have any problems, but some local lines may be affected.

Update: Victorian Police say they have received a number of calls in relation to the tremor. They say they do not have any reports of major damage which is expected with the intensities seen. The news caused immediate panic on the internet. The Geoscience Australia website crashed as people flocked online to see what had happened. We will keep you posted.

Update : This earthquake has been felt at a V intensity at Moe-Yallourn, IV at Morwell, III in Melbourne and other areas. It is likely to have caused some minor damage near the epicenter.

All historic damaging earthquakes in Australia can be seen in this paper here on the socio-economic effects of Australian earthquakes.

Update : Moe and Latrobe Valley is a famous coalmining and electricity production industry area. In addition, they have had earthquakes recently near Mt. Baw Baw of the same magnitude in 1996, Ml5.0.

The coal mining and electricity production industry (Wiki)

Update : The epicenter is in the greater Melbourne area, very close to Trafalgar, Narracan and Moe
The earthquake is very shallow and has a Magnitude who can inflict some minor damage.
Based on the overwhelming number of reports we are receiving, a merely light top moderate shaking has been experienced by many people.

An earthquake of magnitude 5.2 occurred in the highly populated region of Victoria in Australia. The earthquake happened 5km from Trafalgar. The nearest populated places are: Mirboo North (18km), North Mirboo (18km), Boolarra (16km), Darlimurla (14km), Hallston (19km), Allambee South (14km), Delburn (10km), Thorpdale South (11km), Yinnar (14km), Childers (10km), Hazelwood (15km), Thorpdale (5km), Narracan (4km), Allambee (14km), Trafalgar South (3km), Gainsborough (20km), Cloverlea (17km), Coalville (6km), Morwell (18km), Yarragon (12km), Haunted Hills (13km), Darnum (17km), Yallourn (15km), Moe (9km), Trafalgar East (8km), Tanjil South (16km), Shady Creek (19km), Willow Grove (19km). The closest civilian airport is La Trobe Regional (25km).

Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 5.2 (USGS), 5.3 Mb (body wave magnitude) Geoscience Australia.
UTC Time : Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 10:53:29 UTC
Local time at epicenter : Tuesday, June 19, 2012 at 08:53:29 PM at epicenter
Depth (Hypocenter) : 9.9 km USGS, 10km GA
Geo-location(s) :

for more information and updates, go to:

Turkey/Syria Border — Earthquake

Strong damaging earthquake hits Turkey near Sirnak and Syria border – 18 injured.

Last update: June 14, 2012 at 2:23 pm by By

The Kandilli Observatory seismology center said a magnitude 5.5 quake struck at a depth of 5.4 kilometers (3.3 miles) on Thursday morning at 8:52 am. ( 05:52 GMT)

At least 18 people have been injured by jumping out of windows and general panic in Silopi. Part of a minaret has also collapsed. This has been deemed CATDAT Orange.

The 18 people wounded in various parts by the panic caused by the earthquake have been discharged from hospital. Aftershocks continue to occur and people are waiting outside. People have been warned not to go back into their homes. The Silopi State Hospital patients due to the earthquake were administered aid in tents.

An initial damage assessment will be undertaken with some slight damage to houses.

Does not enter people’s homes are often warned of the Mayor’s announcement devices. Silopi State Hospital patients due to the earthquake, both installed to discharge into the tent.

Municipal teams had alerted all of the units with their own means creating a crisis desk. Municipality initiated a damage is detected.



Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 5.5Ml (KOERI), 5.3Mb (USGS)
UTC Time : 05:52:53 AM, Thursday, June 14th 2012
Local time at epicenter : 08:52:53 AM, Thursday, June 14th 2012
Depth (Hypocenter) : 5.4km, 9km
Geo-location(s) :

  1. 2km (1mi) ESE of Silopi, Turkey
  2. 20km (12mi) WNW of Zakhu, Iraq
  3. 28km (17mi) ESE of Cizre, Turkey
  4. 31km (19mi) S of Sirnak, Turkey



Turkey – Earthquake 6/11

Very strong earthquake along the Fethiye, Turkey coast creates panic among tourists and injures +50 people

Last update: June 11, 2012 at 1:18 pm by By

Earthquake overview :  A very strong dangerous earthquake occurred on June 10 at 15:44 local time along the Turkey and Greece Coast and scared hundred thousands of people in tourist destinations like Dalaman, Oludeniz and Fethiye. the earthquake was also well felt in many of the Greek Islands.

: As can be seen on the seismic hazard map below, today’s earthquake does not come as a surprise. The hardest hit locations like Fethiye, Oludeniz and Dalaman are very close to an important fault zone (as well as Rhodos in Greece). Powerful earthquakes may occur up to several tens of km distance from the fault line.


Seismic hazard map including the faulting zone

Update : Based on the many reports from readers, the highest intensity (shaking) values are reported from Calis, Oludeniz and Fethiye.

Update : Awaiting further news from the epicenter area and because the epicenter looks to be closer to the coast than initially expected, we have raised the Alert status of this earthquake to RED.

Update : A reader in Oludenir reports : Standing on the beach, heard buildings rattle, people shouting then vibration that lasted around 2 seconds. Very slight rock disturbance on mountain to south of beach.

Update : Many aftershocks have been noticed so far and will continue the following hours and days. Tourists will not be sleeping well tonight, locals are more used to earthquakes but are seldom confronted with heavy earthquakes like this one.

Update : USGS has increased his Magnitude to M 5.8, but – good news – the depth was decreased to 39 km (less dangerous). USGS puts his epicenter at only 24 km Oludinez.

Update : Electricity and Mobile communications have been lost in Fethiye. Our readers are reporting heavy shaking in Damalan and Fethiye.

Update : USGS reports a M5.7 Magnitude at a depth of 20 km. 275,000 people will (according to USGS) have felt a moderate shaking. If USGS is right in his expected intensity, believes this earthquake not to generate serious damage.
The epicenter of the earthquake is only 31 km SW Fethiye, Turkey (pop 60,437)
Luckily the epicenter is below the sea floor, but the impact will still be considerable in the Turkish cities of Fethiye and Dalaman. Both cities are also Tourist destinations.

Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : Mw 5.8 to M6.0 depending on the reporting agency
UTC Time :  Sunday, June 10, 2012 at 12:44:17 UTC
Local time at epicenter : Sunday, June 10, 2012 at 03:44:17 PM at epicenter
Depth (Hypocenter) : 39.6 to 43 km depending on the reporting agency
Geo-location(s) :
Approx. 25 km from Oludeniz
31 km SW Fethiye (pop 60,437)
40 km from Dalaman
63 km (39 miles) E of Rodos, Dodecanese Islands, Greece

Update 11/06 – 13:16 UTC  :
– 64 people were treated in the hospitals for “jumping” injuries.
– A big rock avalanche in Fethiye was a major concern but had a happy end
– Some minor damage occurred near the epicenter area

Update : The Turkish authorities told the press that 57 people were counted as injured (52 from Fethiye and 5 from neighboring villages). They said NO tourists were among the wounded …

Update : does thank the many ER readers who have shared their experience with the rest of Turkey, their homeland and the world. We truly appreciate it.

Update 23:55 UTC : At least 51 injured so far. All of the injured have been linked to jumping from balconies and windows. No collapsed houses but cracks have appeared in some walls. The shaking was said to last 1 minute.
As said earlier, Fethiye and Oludeniz are most hurt by this earthquake. More than 30 aftershocks have been reported.

7-8 citizens have been transferred to the hospital. They jumped off their balconies in fear. Apart from that, no damage has yet been reported.

Update 14:28 UTC : At least 15 aftershocks have been noticed so far. Turkish press talks about 7 injured people who are treated in hospitals. All of them have been jumping from their balconies! The Turkish specialized earthquake forces are currently making assessments of eventual damage, but we have no reports from them so far.

for more information and updates, go to:

Dangerous Earthquakes in Afghanistan

Afghanistan – 2 strong earthquakes hit a populated area! 3+ fatalities + 70 feared dead after landslide

Last update: June 11, 2012 at 3:35 pm by By

On 6/11/2012 5:02:17 AM UTC (about 09:32h local time) an earthquake of magnitude 5.4 occurred in the highly populated region of Baghlan in Afghanistan. The earthquake happened 169km from Kabul.

27 minutes later, a stronger shallower earthquake has occurred. Most people would have been out of their house by the second quake, reducing casualty potential.

Most important Earthquake Data:
Magnitude : 1st- 5.4 Mb AND 2nd- 5.6 Mw
UTC Time : 05:02:17AM, Monday, June 11th, 2012 AND 05:29:14AM, Monday, June 11th, 2012
Local time at epicenter : 09:32:17AM, Monday, June 11th, 2012 AND 09:59:14AM, Monday, June 11th, 2012
Depth (Hypocenter) : 49km (USGS) AND 31km (USGS)
Geo-location(s) : The nearest populated places are: Yakhpaj (19km), Khoshkak (17km), Gavmordeh (8km), Wuch (14km), Daragi (14km), Pashakhana (6km), Godri (2km), Gozar-e Langar (19km), Nahrin (15km), Aqsay (20km), Saqaw (13km), Chashmeh-ye Rabat (16km), Gawmurda (16km), Larak (13km), Akakhel (20km). The closest civilian airport is Kunduz (77km).

– Rescuers have so far pulled two bodies of women from the rubble of the landslide in Baghlan province and expect many others were buried.
– Afghanistan officials said on Monday that some 70 people were trapped in rubble after mud houses collapsed from two strong earthquakes. Landslides typically cause many deaths from earthquakes.
– The U.N. confirmed one other death and said houses were destroyed across five districts.

– 3 people have been confirmed dead so far
– More than 20 houses have been buried in a landslide .
– some mud houses have been severely damaged
– Afghan SAR forces are searching the rubble to find corpses and even more survivors of the earthquake.
– Similar earthquakes in the past have also been devastating and caused a lot of fatalities
– 10 houses had been destroyed in Ishkamish district in neighbouring Takhar province. No news of injured or death from this area.

UPDATE: The earthquake has been felt III in Kabul, and III-IV in Bagram Airfield (about 120-130km from the earthquake epicenter)

UPDATE: We hope to get some confirmation from military forces in the area as to the effects of this earthquake.

UPDATE: 50 deaths and 150 injuries were seen from a 2002 earthquake occurring very close to the present epicenter with Mw5.8. Almost 1200 fatalities were also seen from the 25 March 2002 event.  (The number of fatalities in this earthquake was uncertain due to political situation in Afghanistan at the time of the earthquake. However, United Nations figures estimate approximately 1,200 fatalities in the Nahrin region with at least 100 deaths in the town of Nahrin itself. Another 7,000 people were injured and more than 20,000 were rendered homeless. Many of the injured were flown out by helicopter to the neighbouring towns of Baghlan and Pol-e Khomri.) – ASC-India.

UPDATE: The CATDAT Damaging Earthquakes Database has seen over16 damaging earthquakes within 100km of the epicenter since 1900. An earthquake in 1972 in Baghlan of Mw6.4, a destructive earthquake in north Afghanistan occurred. It destroyed approximately 7,000 houses, killing 450 and injuring 3,000 people in the Baghlan district. The shock caused serious damage and loss of life in the coal mines in the district. The earthquake was felt as far as Tashkent, Murgab and Tarbela, over an area of a radius of 520 km.

UPDATE: The earthquake was felt strongly in Baghlan Province. PAGER is indicating only a 35% chance of fatalities.

An earthquake of magnitude 5.6 occurred in the highly populated region of Baghlan in Afghanistan. The earthquake happened 173km from Kabol. The nearest populated places are: Gavmordeh (12km), Wuch (15km), Daragi (17km), Pashakhana (7km), Godri (5km), Gozar-e Langar (18km), Nahrin (17km), Safedreg (18km), Saqaw (13km), Chashmeh-ye Rabat (13km), Gawmurda (14km), Larak (10km), Akakhel (17km). The closest civilian airport is Kunduz (74km).

for more information and updates, go to:



Turkey-Greece Coast Earthquake

Very strong earthquake along the Turkey and Greece Coast

Last update: June 10, 2012 at 1:52 pm by By

Very strong earthquake along the Turkey and Greece Coast
The epicenter of the earthquake is only 31 km SW Fethiye, Turkey (pop 60,437)
Luckily the epicenter is below the sea floor, but the impact will still be considerable in the Turkish cities of Fethiye and Dalaman. Both cities are also Tourist destinations.
Update : USGS reports a M5.7 Magnitude at a depth of 20 km. 275,000 people will (according to USGS) have felt a moderate shaking. If USGS is right in his expected intensity, believes this earthquake not to generate serious damage.
Update : Electricity and Mobile communications have been lost in Fethiye. Our readers are reporting heavy shaking in Damalan and Fethiye.
Update : USGS has increased his Magnitude to M 5.8, but – good news – the depth was decreased to 39 km (less dangerous). USGS puts his epicenter at only 24 km Oludinez.
Update : Many aftershocks have been noticed so far and will continue the following hours and days. Tourists will not be sleeping well tonight, locals are more used to earthquakes but are seldom confronted with heavy earthquakes like this one.
Update : A reader in Oludenir reports : Standing on the beach, heard buildings rattle, people shouting then vibration that lasted around 2 seconds. Very slight rock disturbance on mountain to south of beach.
Update : Awaiting further news from the epicenter area and because the epicenter looks to be closer to the coast than initially expected, we have raised the Alert status of this earthquake to RED.
