1st Crop Circle of 2011

First 2011 Crop Circle Reported in Indonesia.

On Sunday, January 23, 2011, a resident named Yudi of the Rejosari village
in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, southeast of Jakarta, reported that at 5 AM he discovered
a crop formation in a rice field below a peak called Mount Suru. Yudi says he was
outside from 3 AM on and all was quiet, while other residents said they
heard what sounded like a helicopter pass over. Also see Disclose.tv



Color:    Rose Tint

There is a shadow over the start of this year, only partially diminished by the January eclipse.  Expect for more clarity as the Spring Equinox approaches.

FALLING AWAY OF OLD FRIENDSHIPS, ETC.:    Many of the old relationships that we hold onto are dictated by habit.  They do not really hold for us the kind of companionship or joy that once was there.  Time passes, interests change, and communications can break down.  Expect this to happen for you in this year, and know that the letting go of the old relationships that are not working for you is a letting free of all parties concerned.

PHYSICAL ISSUES:    In response to the subtle movement of energies on all levels, bodies are tingling and shifting.  This can cause difficulty if you attempt to move back into how it used to be.  Acting against the movement of energy can precipitate blockages.

CHANGE OF PRIORITIES:    Things will be shown to be no longer as they were.  The time is right for moving fully into your own truth and letting the other stuff go.



SENSE OF URGENCY:    There is the sense that there is no longer a lot of time for dealing with the little stuff.  It is time to get on with your real work.  Impatience is both desirable and productive.

IMPORTANCE OF FOCUS:   zKnowing what it is that is essential and going for it.


DISCLOSURE:    The impetus for disclosure is growing on a daily basis.  There will be more and more evidence, both in the skies and from within the Earth that we are not alone in this Universe.  Along with this will come some archaeological discoveries that make it clear that there has been the involvement of extra-terrestrials in the development of species on this planet.  Although attemptswill be made to explain these things away, they will not be credible.





DISCONNECT BETWEEN CAUSE AND EFFECT:  Old patterns and expectations are shifting.  Along with this, seemingly invaiable causal connections will be breaking down this year.

SECOND CHANCES:    This year many of the opportunities, friendships, potentials, etc. that you let go in the past will return, albeit in a new guise.  You will once again have the possibility of re-doing or even beginning one or more of these things that slipped by.

THINGS COMING OUT ABOUT MANIPULATION ON ALL LEVELS: Things will be coming out more and more from people in all areas, many of them former conservatives, which will expose manipulation and conspiracy theory.

January Weather Update


January 2011 will host Major Quakes, severe and bitter cold weather, hyper solar actvity, tsunamis, floods, perilous storms, cyclones erupting volcanoes explosions, strong deluge of water, land and mudslides, extreme weather around the world per floods, tornadoes weird weather with records being broken.
January starts out with a Partial Solar Eclipse and Capricorn New Moon on January 4th
The eclipse reaches maximum @ 1:51:42 AM PT or 4:51: 42 AM @ ET
Then a Full Moon in Cancer @ 29 degrees on January 19th @ 1:21 PM PT or 4:21 PM ET
these events add to massive seismic shifts and extreme weather around the world

Punch Hole Clouds

fr/ spaceweather.com

pretty cool photo —

TRIPLE PUNCH HOLE CLOUDS: “I’ve lived by the sea for many years, but never seen anything like this,” reports Wesley Tyler of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. “On Friday, Jan. 7th, there were three punch hole clouds in the same place.” He grabbed his camera and recorded the phenomenon:

2011: Year of Wonder – US Government Changes Stance on Flouridation of Public Water Supplies

Many of us have been reminded to expect major changes in our everyday lives for 2011, either by sources we respect, or by our own inner guides. Already seven days into the new year and several changes have cropped up in my own life. To add to that bliss, I was very pleasantly surprised to read this news article yesterday.

In a remarkable turnabout, federal health officials say many Americans are now getting too much fluoride because of its presence not just in drinking water but in toothpaste, mouthwash and other products, and it’s causing splotches on children’s teeth and perhaps more serious problems.

Full article

To say I was slack-jawed after reading this news would be an understatement – this is great news! Sure, it’s not a 100% reversal, but it is a step in the right direction. And that is what 2011 is should be all about.

Article from WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/news/20110107/us-wants-to-reduce-fluoride-in-drinking-water

Mass Animal Deaths-Update

Since the end of 2010, the following mass deaths of birds and fish have been recorded (some dates may be off by a day or so due to when they were reported):

12/30:  Paranagua, Parana, Brazil:  15 tons of sardines, croakers, and catfish

12/31:  Beebe, Arkansas:  More than 5000 blackbirds and approximately 100,000 drumfish

1/3:  Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana:  Approximately 500 red-winged blackbirds

1/4:  Coromandel beaches, New Zealand:  100’s of snappers

1/4:  Falkoping, Sweden:  Approximately 100 jackdaws.

1/5:  Faenza, Italy:  Possibly thousands of dead turtle doves, many with a blue stain on their beaks.

Tests are being made to determine the causes of these unfortunate deaths.  To date, it does not appear that they were due to illness.

Check out this Earthfiles.com link for more detailed information, speculation, and photographs:


The Energies of the New Year

This is a year in which the vibrations of color will be making themselves more and more pronounced.  Moreover, if you are aware, you will feel within the colors elements that are affecting both your auditory and olfactory senses.  The varied vibrations of things are coming together to intensify and reinforce each other.  For some, this can be overwhelming and the tendency can be to shut down.  For others, these experiences will be invigorating and life affirming.  If you can hook into the clear light of these vibrations, you will fiind a new clarity within. Additionally, you will find that many of the distressing physical symptoms and limitations felt will be falling away. You will sense a subtle “youthening”, so much so that when you look in your mirrors, you will be pleasantly surprised. This is the quickening of time you came to experience on this beautiful planet.  Yet that experience is collective and interactive, implying your participation in bringing to fruition the potentials of Gaia.

The new energies that are flooding into the Earth at this time have a strong and somewhat unpredictable momentum. They are pegged into the wishes and desires of each individual. This can lead to unexpected and quick manifestation. Definitely a time of ‘watch what you wish for’, but equally a time for staying centered and in clarity within your deepest core.

This is a good time for unloading a lot of things, and many of those things relate to all the emotions and expectations with which we weigh down our true desires.   In these cases, what happens is that the ‘stuff’ surrounding our intentions becomes manifest as the real intention instead of what was really desired.  A sincere analysis can reveal where we became overly involved in the stuff, leading us to sabotage our true wishes.

In many ways, 2010 was the Year of the Cave.  In the dark and damp of caves many things are nurtured and planned upon. The motives behind them are hidden or, at least, unclear.  With the dawn of 2011, things are coming to the light in all areas. This will be true in personal relations, in regards to the nature of the Earth and things below the surface, the oddities of planetary motion, the unpredictability of the Sun, political intrigues, financial manipulation, human potentials, new ways of healing, extraterrestrial communications, etc.

To keep an open mind at this time is very important.  This is a time for open analysis.  This involves moving out of the comfort of your preconceptions and established patterns to an attitude of ‘anything can happen, so what is this all about…’

The message of this time is of such importance that literally each and every core-oriented-Universally-connected teacher is putting it forth.  Each of these wise ones is giving the same message clothed in a different garb. This is so that it can reach the widest possible audience.

Earth Magnetics and You

It is time there was a more general recognition that Earth’s magnetics are shifting.  This is affecting plane travel, insect movement, bird migrations, and the activities of our friends in the oceans.  It is also having an effect on us, on how people are acting and reacting.   We all are bio-electric and hence bio-magnetic, beings.  We vibrate, shift, and respond to magnetic impulses. We attract, and we repel.  We have an internal polarity that permeates every part of our being.  As things shift in the external environment, we cannot help but feel on some level.

There is a new vibration in the Universe and within the Earth that, as magnetic and energetic beings, we are aware of on a cellular and even molecular level.  There is a perceiver within that is responding to the shift that is going on which can be thought of as a new frequency of magnetic enervation.  We feel things, perhaps some unexplained vertigo.  We sense things, that something is not quite right.  We see things, but not as clearly as before.  We are confused by these perceptions.  They are out of our ordinary realm of experience, but they are perfectly within the scope of this new field of magnetics and attraction. We need to accept the fact that the world is not as it always has been;  There is a shift going on and an intensification of fields and field energies which are happening, slowly now, but which will gain momentum overtime.

It is important to understand that flux is the nature of this time.  It is a growing flux but there is an incredible rightness to it.  This is a good time to be a little crazy, because that very craziness will allow us to accept things that might previously have seemed impossible, unbelievable, untrue.  It is a good time to connect with the inner knower whom many call The Fool, the one who is willing to take chances in order to further his/her path.  The fool may seem haphazard on the surface, but s/he is connected to the larger picture, the Universal Consciousness.  S/He experiences much, and each experience draws her/him closer to the truth, the essence, the All.  So acknowledge The Fool within.  Honor the wisdom of the child.  Join with whimsy and be open.

It is time to allow our energetic selves to interlock and come into phase with the new magnetics.  In responding to the shifts of the Earth and the Universe, we will experience a gradual deepening of awareness.  The patterns and rhythms of things will become more clear.  We will begin to see the lines of attraction and repulsion that hold things together and keep them apart.  It is all part of the grid, the net that energizes.  It is a dynamic structure, both set and ever-changing.

And as we allow ourselves to feel the shift in the magnetics, our vision will become clearer.  We will begin to see patterns where once there just was randomness or curiosity.  We will feel the inner knowing that will being us to places and experiences that we could not imagine.  And then there will be the people, the groups and communities that are drawn together by their magnetic resonance.

It is time for us to center within our hearts, to honor our feelings and to open to the new magnetics of the Universe.  We are truly persons of the Universe.  We came from stars!  We are of star material. It is time to acknowledge that and connect with the macro and the micro.

As we connect with our inner being, and feel the vibratory nature of WHO we are, we become aware of the energies of attraction that we generate.  In this way, we can achieve greater harmony within. 

Moreover, you will be attracting to yourself new persons, things, and experiences that will assist you in this shifting of the magnetics.