Hello, Dallas! Here We Come!



November 18, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

So many people sent me versions of this story it would be impossible to thank each individually, but the numbers of people who did so clearly indicate that our “Gizars” are still on top of their game. Indeed, I am blogging about this story because it has my suspicion meter in the red zone. Here’s a version shared by M.G.:


What’s the story? Basically the NASDAQ stock exchange is considering pulling up stakes, and leaving its New Jersey/New York home, and heading for Texas, Dallas to be specific. And NASDAQ isn’t the only exchange considering such a move. There are rumors that the NYSE itself might consider a move to Texas.

From the article:

Officials from Nasdaq and other major stock exchanges will meet with Gov. Greg Abbott on Nov. 20 in Austin to discuss a possible move from New Jersey to Texas, nbcdfw.com and the Dallas Morning News reported.

The meeting comes on the heels of the exchanges threatening to move their trading platforms out of New Jersey, the report said.

Abbott and other Texas officials plan to boast the state’s business-friendly environment during the meeting.

“Texas continues to be the premier economic destination in the country, attracting more leading businesses than any other state,” spokeswoman Renae Eze said in a statement to The Dallas Morning News. “The governor looks forward to meeting with Nasdaq and showcasing Texas’ business-friendly environment, skilled workforce, robust infrastructure, and low taxes, all of which foster greater economic growth in the Lone Star State.”

According to The Dallas Morning News, Abbott’s office has been talking with Nasdaq and other exchanges about moving their data centers to Dallas because of a potential tax on financial transactions in New Jersey. (Emphases added)

Now this article, one might have noted, is a bit peculiar in several respects. For one thing, it mentions – twice – “NASDAQ and other exchanges,” the clear implication being the NYSE itself. But that’s only one of what might be “other exchanges.” We’ll get back to that in a moment. Then there is a second peculiarity in that the article specially mentions that what is being moved are the “trading platforms” and “data centers”. I strongly suspect that the language here is meant to be reassuring to the low information news consumer, because the language implies that the actual exchange floors themselves – you know, that image we have in our minds of people on the floors of those exchanges shouting bids at each other and waving papers around. They’re just moving the data centers and not the actual exchanges themselves.

Except in the modern world of dark pools and algorithmic trading, to move the data center so far away from the actual trading floor is a big clue, because in the dark pool world of quants and algorithmic trading, moving the data center is moving the trading floor, at least, the virtual one. And whatever may be left of real humans on the real trading floor shouting buy and sell orders at each other won’t be far behind. THe reason? Because in the world of algorithmic trading, trading/data centers need to be as close to “the action” as possible, because trades are executed in nanoseconds. The farther the distance – even at the speed of light – the greater the risk that certain trades won’t go through in time.

Which brings me back to “the other exchanges.” The article, I suspect, has already given us the “public spin version” of the reasons for the move: higher taxes. But I suspect the deeper reason is the insanity of the political culture in the “blue states”, and their increasing fiscal unsoundness and lack of stability. It’s difficult – even in a dark pool – for traders manning the phone banks and computers to execute trades by following arrows on the floor, wearing masks, and “social distancing” (which Abbot will have to explain too). One needs sane environments in which to conduct market activities. So one wonders if “other exchanges” means that commodities exchanges – like in Chicago, another “blue” city with a mayor competing with DiBlasio for the nuttiest mayor of the year award – might be looking at Texas as well.

Which brings me to my high octane speculation of the day, for I do not for a moment think that this is just happenstance. All the mentioned “reasons” in the article seem to be to be a bit contrived. After all, New York and New Jersey have had high taxes for years if not decades. So what has changed? For one thing, the political and cultural climate. For another, the financial one. Texas is a producing state. It produces things: crops, cattle, horses, technologies, rockets, airplanes, cement… New York produces, hmmm… well, crops, horses, some technology, and things like that. But it’s biggest product is “financial paper”, or what I call “crapitalism.” And it’s produced a lot of that. And it also produces lots of taxes. So if one is entertaining the idea of a financial reset, or even a “coming split” in the country, one wants to be “where the action is,” and that’s not New York or California, it’s Texas.

And while we’re talking about splits and financial resets, Texas has something else New York doesn’t, and that thing makes me wonder if we’re looking at the public face of plans – detailed plans – that were set in motion some time ago…:

Texas has a state bullion depository. And isn’t it funny how they’re all of a sudden talking about crypto-“currencies” “backed” by gold…

All New York has is the Federal Reserve… which tends to lose massive amounts of gold on occasion. Just ask Hjalmar Schacht…

It’s much easier to re-hypothecate and otherwise lose gold if one is dealing in currencies that aren’t really currencies…

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/11/nasdaq-considering-move-to-texas/

“Cyberspace Lethality” & 5G —What the……


October 14, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

Most regular readers of this site are well aware that there’s a debate going on about the real vs the stated purposes of the 5G rollout, and most are also probably aware that there are serious health and environmental impact concerns about the technology. As I’ve blogged about the subject on previous occasions, one thing that has always stood out to me was its potential for weaponization. After all, with antennae all over the landscape, it would be possible to convert the antennae in a region, or for that matter, over the whole country, into a very large phased array antennae system, for the purposes of multiwave interferometry in a particular place, and to use it in a variety of nasty ways, from induction of disease, to mind manipulation, “crowd control”, and worse. Some people even hypothesize that it could be used to vaporize bodies, though that would take an extraordinary amount of energy. But my point in raising these topics is to reinforce my point that there could very well be a hidden purpose to the whole thing.

With that as background, E.E. spotted the following article in RT and passed it along, and if even only a small percentage of it it true, then it’s still a “whopper doozie”:

Pentagon to dish out $600mn in contracts for ‘5G dual-use EXPERIMENTATION’ at 5 US military sites, including to ‘aid lethality’

The title of the article is disturbing enough, but the article itself, quoting the military, clearly states that the whole 5G project has a “dual use” capability, and that a component of this is to increase the “lethality” of the system:

The US military has partnered with more than a dozen companies for “large-scale experimentation” with 5G technology, including efforts to enhance the “lethality” of certain systems, in what’s slated to be a $600 million project.

Dubbing 5G tech a “foundational enabler for all US defense modernization,” the Pentagon announced the massive research initiative on Thursday, which will hand hundreds of millions to 15 private contractors to conduct testing at five US military installations.

“Today, the Department of Defense announced $600 million in awards for 5G experimentation and testing at five US military test sites, representing the largest full-scale 5G tests for dual-use applications in the world,” the Pentagon said in a statement, adding that it would bring together experts from several industries and disciplines.

The article goes on to mention that  the network is for “distributed command and control”, a curious statement but one which would synch quite well with the topic I blogged about yesterday, namely, the use of rockets as a logistical delivery system capable of landing supplies anywhere in the world within an hour, a system that I dubbed LOBSTER. It’s just the sort of distributed command and control system one would need (in addition to Global Satellite Positioning) to make such a system work.

But then there’s this:

One effort spearheaded by AT&T at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada will apply 5G to “distributed command and control” systems in order to “aid in Air, Space, and Cyberspace lethality,” enhancing communications for mobile command centers in combat scenarios.

Now, without even having to indulge in my high octane speculation about the system being a potential Very Large Phased Array capable of all sorts of nastiness from mind manipulation to literally shutting down biological systems by shutting down their organic “electrical network” – just think heart attacks here or (here it comes) respiratory difficulties – even without those things as lurking possibilities, one can easily see how such a “distributed command and control system” would enhance “lethality” of more conventional weapons.

But it’s that reference itself that disturbs; read it again:

One effort spearheaded by AT&T at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada will apply 5G to “distributed command and control” systems in order to aid in Air, Space, and Cyberspace lethality,” enhancing communications for mobile command centers in combat scenarios. (Boldface emphasis added)

Just what-the-dickens is “cyberspace lethality”? Well I can think of a few things, such as using a phased array to bring down regions of the internet, or to interfere with hardware functioning, or even to broadcast “noise” or false data into computer networks to inhibit processing, and so on. But there’s that other potential, mentioned long ago by Lt. Col (US Army, Ret.) Tom Bearden, that signals can me modulated directly into computers remotely that can induce heart failure, and so on.

Even if these speculations are wrong, there’s one thing one should take away from this: 5G is not simply about the internet of things or faster speed or greater bandwidth. Underneath all the wonderful jonquils and daisies and snake oil that the commercials on TV right now are touting about the wonders of 5G, there’s a military component and purpose to it all.  That should give everyone pause.

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/10/the-pentagram-and-5g/

And So It Blows…


September 30, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

So far, the twenty-worst century has proven to be pretty bad, having started off on a real downer with the election of Bush the Stupid and Vice-President Martin Borma… er… Dick Cheney, then all that business in Florida about whose chads were really hanging – Bush’s or [aptly named] Gore’s – then the execution of Timothy McVeigh, whom some witnesses at the scene said was still breathing as his corpse(?) was laid on the gurney to haul him out of the execution chamber, then of course the grand false flag of all false flags, 9/11, with all the conveniently highly suspicious financial activity associated therewith, not to mention the “New Physics” of skyscrapers falling due to burning jet fuel, pancaking floors, and managing to do it all at freefall speed, then the financial “bailouts” of 2008 as the house of derivatives cards came crashing down, and the banksters before Congress were acting like kids caught in the cookie jar, or like they were panicked because someone offstage had some sort of tall-building-collapsing-technology-guns to their heads, and ending up with the perpetual four-year tantrum we’ve been subjected to in the last four years, and finally the Fauci-Baal Gates-Lieber-Wuhan virus planscamdemic, increased bluster from Mr. Xi and what appears to be some sort of covert hot war going on with China.

It’s with that idea of a possible covert hot war with China that I’m concerned with today. My suspicions that we might be looking at such a covert hot war began with the explosion of the chemical plant in Tianjin China in 2015. There was nothing unusual about the explosion itself; chemical plants can and do explode. What was unusual about it to my mind was not only the size of it and the massive amount of destruction it caused, but the crater it left; it was a big crater, to be sure, but it was not a shallow one. Rather, in terms of a diameter-to-depth ratio, it seemed extraordinarily deep based on the pictures that emerged, though to my mind, I don’t recall ever seeing any actual data on its depth. The pictures, however, appeared to be telling; a chemical explosion above ground would tend, even in a building, to go “up and out” following the path of least resistance, rather than “down and deep”. At the time, I speculated that perhaps China had been deliberately hit with a “rod of God” kinetic weapon based in space. Nor was I the only one thinking it. Others saw the same pictures, and reached a similar conclusion for similar reasons. The question was who, and why? Then, almost on cue, North Korea, China’s uppity client state, had an earthquake which supposedly ruined some of its nuclear facilities, and more recently an American general was caught offguard(?) by a reporter who asked him if “all the options on the table” with North Korea included “kinetic weapons,” to which the answer was “yes.”

Then we started having hospitals and ammo dumps explode in Russia, and, right on cue as if someone was shooting back, more chemical plant explosions, this time in Texas, France, and Spain. Then, after that, a weather system that parked itself for weeks in the Indian Ocean, resulting in massive floods in China, the ruination of its harvest, and concerns about the Three Gorges Dam. Then Mr. Xi’s army picked a fight with the Indian army, which I think went much worse for the Chinese than they’re willing to admit, followed by Russia not sending its S400 surface-to-air missile system to China, while sending it to India and parking more batteries of tactical missiles in Siberia. Chinese papers then reasserted their claims to Vladivostok (good luck with that one!), India extended a billion or so dollars of credit to Russia (some of which I actually suspect came from America, believe it or not), and invited American soldiers to the hot zone along the Chinese border, signed a military logistical assistance pact with Japan, and recently articles have appeared connecting Chinese financing of Antifa and BLM (and don’t forget those seized arms shipments and counterfeit dollar bills coming from China)… well, you get the idea. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this. Either this is a remarkable string of coincidences – and I’d like to see the actuarial tables on it – or it’s not. My wager is that it’s not.

With all that in mind, I received from many readers this story:

Massive fire breaks out in Huawei 5G research facility in China (VIDEOS)

Now it’s the timing, and place, of these fires that intrigue me and make me strongly suspicious that this is the latest episode in this possible “covert hot war.” Mr. Trump, for example, has prohibited Huawei from any more engagement in the USA, and other countries are following suit and even sending messages of their own. The Canadian government has shown a rare episode of sanity under the wacky Mr. Trudeau and suspended further free trade negotiations with the country. And now a fire at a Huawei research facility which, according to some sources, was researching 5G antennae. Given the recent claims of a Chinese virologist that the Wuhan virus was an engineered biowarfare technology, and given my own speculations that we’re looking at a “magic  virus” with a possible electromagnetic and/or nanotechnology component, part of which might be microwave interferometry, I can’t help but think “Hhhmmm…”

The timing also is suspect. It’s convenient for whomever might be behind this possible “hot covert war”, and highly inconvenient to Mr. Xi. Even if it should prove to be entirely an accident – and I don’t believe it is – it’s another example of a failure on the part of his government, which is finding itself increasingly isolated diplomatically (consider only the failure of the Chinese foreign minister’s recent visit to Europe).

So, yes… the Huawei fires rank right up there, in my opinion, with the flooding, and the Tiangjin explosion.

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/09/huawei-5g-research-lab-fire/

Who Holds the Thunderbolts Now?



September 24, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

Lately, as you can tell, I’ve been blogging about Sudden Animal Deaths, the decline of insect populations, and so on. And I’ve been entertaining the idea  for some time that these deaths might be due to the unintended consequences of increased environmental ambient electromagnetic radiation, or in some cases, as the deliberate result of the tests of electromagnetically based exotic weaponry. With respect to the latter hypothesis, I’ve entertained it with regard to the sudden deaths of whole flights of birds in mid-air, and – in an entirely different context – with respect to some of the anomalous photos and videos witnesses have gathered from fires in Australia and California. In regard to the latter, I’ve even gone so far as to suggest that the power grid itself might have been weaponized as the broadcast antenna for the fires by simply sending transients through the wires and into homes. With respect to the recent sudden death of a herd of elephants in Africa, I’ve entertained the idea of a lightning weapons test.

Yea, I know all this sounds nutty, and it probably is.

But the nuttiness isn’t mine. It belongs to “them”, you know, the guys that sit around and dream all this stuff up. “N.” found this article and passed it along (our thanks!), and it’s worth absorbing, because it’s not coming from an “alternative media” source, but from Forbes magazine:

When The CIA Considered Weaponizing Lightning

Here’s what has leaped out at me:

Thunderbolts are traditionally the weapon of the gods, but in 1967 the CIA were wondering whether they, too, could call down bolts of lightning from the heavens at will.

The idea is contained in a proposal from a scientist, sent to the CIA’s Deputy for Research ‘Special Activities’ and passed on to the chief of the Air Systems division. The scientist’s name has been redacted in the declassified document from the CIA’s archive, but the proposal mentions a previous discussion with the CIA, indicating they were being taken seriously.

The guided lightning concept is based on the observation that lightning follows a path of ionized air known as a step leader. Once the leader stroke reaches the ground and makes a circuit, the lightning proper is formed and a current flow, typically around 300 million Volts at 30,000 Amps.

The scientist suggests that artificial leaders could “cause discharges to occur when and where we want them.” The artificial leader would be a wire a few thousandths of an inch in diameter and several miles long. Wires would be inserted into storms by aircraft or rockets on a spool, and unrolled by a drogue parachute, and lightning would follow them down to the ground.

“This method is possible because the main discharge will occur through ionized surrounding the wire,” notes the scientist. The wire, like the leader, is only needed to get the lightning going, and would still work even if it broke.

Now let’s dive into today’s high octane speculation. If you’ve been following the phenomenon of “chemtrails” and the spraying being conducted, one of the things you’ll have come across is the claim that much of the material being sprayed is particulate heavy metals. Sometimes the composition of this spray varies, but among the metals most often mentioned in this regard are aluminum, and barium. Sometimes there are others. In some examinations, the spraying began during the Reagan era as a secretive effort to increase the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere for his Strategic Defense Initiative project. This needed a “cover story,” so in some versions, the spraying was being done to “save the environment” or to “combat climate change” (which explanation in itself is intriguing, because that implied the ability to manipulate weather on a planetary scale).

As the article itself notes, the use of wires was intended to provide a channel for lightning to close the circuit between the atmosphere and the ground, but that it “would still work even if it broke.” In other words, you do not need a long wire, but several short ones in close proximity to each other to provide a channel or circuit for the lightning. Like particulate aerosolized heavy metals…

The next thing one needs is the ability to create the large charge differentials to be able to cause lightning to strike, otherwise that sheath of heavy metals might function to block such strikes like a big Faraday cage, though in my opinion this possibility is unlikely for a variety of reasons. In any case, one needs an ability to ionize the atmosphere sufficiently to build up these enormous charges, or to take a naturally occurring storm, and load more energy into it. Enter the ionosphere heaters like HAARP. Indeed, when this technology was being dreamed up and patented – incidentally, during Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative era – some of the uses claimed for it were weather modification and steering, missile defense, and some analysts also made good cases that it could be used to cause lightning strikes.

In other words, the USA had, and has had, this capability since at least the 1980s, and probably now many other nations as well. Put the two together – the spraying and the heaters – and one would have the equivalent, perhaps, of the ability to bombard a region or  area with lightning, a kind of “carpet bombing with lightning”, and to coin a pun, a true and proper Blitz.

Obviously, carpet bombing with lightning isn’t exactly “assassination” in any classical sense. For that, one would need some means for precision strikes, not just an aerosolized region and lightning strikes to start forest fires. One would need some means to be able to dial someone up, or at least, locate them, and use whatever such device that might be providing that location, to pulse it and them.

Yea… I know. It sounds nutty. And probably is.

But… while you’re reading this on your ipad, remember that the first two essential requirements have been around since the 1980s at least, and the weaponized lightning idea since at least 1967, if not long before that, with the lightning bolts of the gods, who may not have been gods at all, but just people with an extraordinarily sophisticated science. After all, the ability to call down lightning strikes at a specific point would certainly impress a bunch of hairless monkeys who were still using bows and arrows to accomplish their mischief.

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/09/assassination-by-lightning/#comment-102827

Those Who Do Not Learn From History…

And now to the article:
alternative news


September 6, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

L.G.L.R., and A.F. both sent this article along (and a thank you to both), and I had to sit up and take notice, because this one hits close to home, so to speak. Like many people my age, I was vaccinated as a child with the polio vaccine. In fact, it was the only vaccine my parents ever consented to allow me to take.

But that was not until after they had both done a little ‘digging”. At the time – the late fifties and early sixties – polio was still a killer if not a major crippler. Pictures of unfortunate people in iron lungs were still in the newspapers, and the disease was never far from our minds. My parents, of course, were the children of the depression era, and remembered the stories of President Franklin Roosevelt and his struggle with the disease. Say what one will about his policies (and I have a lot to say about them, and very little of it is good), one certainly cannot fault the man for waging a courageous struggle against the disease, including forcing himself to stand and walk, probably in a great deal of pain, and certainly with a great deal of effort, to give those speeches in front of Congress, or to meet on British battleships with Prime Minister Churchill. When it came to me, there were two choices of a polio vaccine then: the Salk vaccine (the first one out of the gate), and the Sabin vaccine.

The Salk vaccine actually caused vaccine-induced polio in a number of cases, and quickly became controversial, in part, because it was being pushed by the US government and state and local governments (sound familiar?). THe reason for the paralysis? The pharmaceutical company that had been the source for the vaccine had not adequately de-activated the virus in the vaccine, and hence, many children were injected with the real thing (sound familiar?).

The other alternative was the Sabin vaccine, administered orally in a sugar cube, and first extensively tested in Mexico and the Soviet Union. Because of the mess caused by the Salk vaccine, the Sabin vaccine became the vaccine of choice, including for my parents after consultation with their, and my, doctor.

I mention all this, because in the article L.G.L.R. and A.F. both sent me, polio vaccines are again in the news, and are again apparently causing some havoc:

UN Forced To Admit Gates-Funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak In Africa

There’s a few details here worth noting:

This really should be one of the biggest scandals in public health, but it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.

The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing the outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.

While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regular boast about supposedly ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines, the opposite seems to be the case. Their decades-long campaign to eradicate polio is now killing scores of innocent young people living in poor countries.

Now it seems that health officials are beginning to admit that their plan to stop ‘wild’ polio is backfiring, as scores children are being paralyzed a deadly strain of the pathogen derived from a live vaccine – causing a virulent of polio to spread. (All emphases in the original)

A live virus in a polio vaccine… again? Shades of the Salk vaccine episode. One would think that since the 1950s we’d have learned how to kill a virus before putting it into a vaccine (c0vid-19 vaccine enthusiasts, take note!), but apparently we can’t, at least, not with 100% efficiency.

But wait, there’s more:

This latest pharma-induced pandemic has broken out in the African countries of Chad and Sudan, and the culprit has been identified: a vaccine-derived polio virus type 2. Officials now fear this new dangerous strain could soon ‘jump continents,’ causing further deadly outbreaks around the world.

Shocking as it sounds, this Big Pharma debacle is not new. After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have ‘accidentally’ reintroduced the disease to in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the corporate pharmaceutical vaccine distributed there. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered the destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio.

It’s important to note that the oral polio vaccine being pushed on to the African population by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a consortium which is supported and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

All of this should be a cause for concern, especially with western governments and transnational pharmaceutical giant all rushing to roll-out their new Gates-funded experimental coronavirus vaccine for the global population. (Italicized emphasis added)

The Baal and Malicious Gates Foundation? You don’t say!  Would this be the same folks with unusual ties to some eugenicists in their background, and if that’s the case, is the selection of African tests subjects, in this case, children of poor people in Chad and the Sudan, perhaps not coincidental? Sorry about the digression, they were just a few thoughts and questions that popped into my mind. But another thing just popped into my mind. Is this the same Baal and Malicious Gates that India banned due to the less-than-healthy-results of some vaccine trials there? Gee… I wonder…

The bottom line here, however, is that the vaccination-polio-eradication program has backfired, for the vaccine designed to eradicate it  – which, let us note, is being orally administered in the pictures, and therefore appears to be some sort of update to the Sabin vaccine – is actually introducing more virulent strains into the population. And that in turn might mean that the entire population is once again at risk of the disease, perhaps even including those who, like me, received a vaccine against it as a child.

Gee, thanks alot, Baal, and Malicious.

And lest that misses the point, the article puts it so simple that even a noodnik busybody billionaire can understand it:

This latest revelation from Africa should prompt media and health advocates to ask hard questions about the efficacy and safety of the much-hyped COVID ‘miracle’ vaccine.

Yup. That pretty well says it for me.

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/09/back-to-square-one-the-polio-vaccine-again/

Safe Sex in Plandemic Times

August 12, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

Last Sunday I didn’t finish scheduling blogs this week. There’s a reason for that, and it’s because my inbox was stuffed once again with articles in one way or another having to do with the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan virus planscamdemic. So I was at a loss as to what to blog about. So I woke up this morning – in part due to the gentle urgings of Shiloh, who has a whole routine worked out now on how to wake me up – determined to schedule a blog for today and the rest of the week. As for her routine, this consists first of scratching herself furiously, then pawing at her blanket in order to move it closer to me, and then, with great drama, plopping herself down so  that the effort literally pushes me toward the edge of the bed. If that doesn’t work, then it’s the circle-next-to-him-endlessly, and another plop-and-push. And if that doesn’t work, it’s the old paw-on-the-cheek-with-accompanying-sweet-whine trick.

But I digress. Back to the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan virus planscamdemic narrative. I received, as I said, so many articles about it, I’ve decided once again to gather up the best of them for this weekend’s “honorable mentions”. I was still at a loss about today’s blog, however, until I opened my email inbox and found this article sent along by E.U., and I read the headline.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” I said aloud. Shiloh was sitting next to my chair, and I told her, “listen to this, Shiloh,” and read the headline to her. Even she gets how crazy it is, and cocked her head and whined. But in a way, you just knew this one was coming. After all, some crazy county – I think it was in Florida – actually announced they were considering mandatory nose feeder bags for people in their own homes, so you just knew this one was coming:

University Of Georgia Says Students Should ‘Consider Wearing A Mask During Sex’: Report

Yes, you read that correctly: you should now wear a mask during sex, to make sure the sex is completely safe sex. Get this:

The university reportedly sent out notices to on-campus students that said they should “consider wearing a face mask during sex. Heavy breathing and panting can further spread the virus, and wearing a mask can reduce the risk,” according to OutKick.

That’s right folks, not only wear a mask, but try to limit the heavy breathing during the activity, a difficult proposition, since masks tend to interfere with normal breathing to begin with. But the real insanity of the article is that the galloping, somersaulting kookery that is modern Amairikuhn edgyjkayshun in the modern Amairikuhn quackademy has now reached out and married itself to the gymnastic idiocy that is the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan virus narrative.  Ahh, but wait, dear reader, there’s more:

“You are your safest sex partner. Practice solo sex, or limit the number of sexual partners you have,” said the University of Georgia recommendations, according to OutKick, which identifies itself on Twitter as “fearless, data-driven sports reporting.”

Yes, that’s right, better just to have sex with yourself.

Ahh, but wait, dear reader, there’s even more:

In June, a study from researchers at Harvard University said that in order to prevent transmitting COVID-19 from one person to another, both people should be wearing a face mask while having sex.

The study also advised against kissing. It suggested partners shower before and after the act, and clean everything with alcohol wipes or soap.

“Data are lacking regarding other routes of sexual transmission,” said the study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. “Two small studies of SARS-CoV-2–infected people did not detect virus in semen or vaginal secretions. An additional study of semen samples from 38 patients detected the virus by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction in 6 patients (15.8%). However, the relevance regarding sexual transmission remains unknown. Until this is better understood, it would be prudent to consider semen potentially infectious.”

Yes, this lunacy is coming straight out of that hellish pit of quackademic lunacy, Harvard, home of Dr. Charles Lieber.

Wear your masks during sex, don’t kiss, and whatever you do, don’t breathe heavily (in fact, better not to breathe at all.  We’ll get back to that).

Now, we all know where this is headed. Why, just a few weeks ago I was joking in blogs and interviews about the narrative leading to people wearing masks during sex. Apparently someone at Haaahvaaahd was taking me seriously, and did a study about it (I wonder how much of the missing trillions went to fund that one?!). So let’s press this “logic” a bit more. I seem to recall the whole purpose of wearing nose feederbags was to prevent the spread of “droplets” that could contain THE DREADED BUG, and then were were also informed that THE DREADED BUG’S way into the body could also be through the eyes or other mucus membranes as per the “wash-your-hands-at-all-times-and-don’t-touch-your-face-or-eyes” narrative. So some people are walking around now with feederbags and goggles. But now there’s that all-too-human activity – sex – to be concerned about. So, not only “practice safe sex”, but in order to be really, completely, totally and uncompromisingly safe, both partners should wrap themselves in cellophane or latex body-condoms (without breathing heavily of course), and have sex in cellophane, or better yet, if you have the money, buy a hazmat suit or buy a military grade gas mask.   (Oh, but wait, aren’t the pores in cellophane or latex much larger than the size of viruses? It’s all so confusing…)  And while we’re at it, we really should be wearing feederbags and goggles when we sleep, especially you married folk who like to sleep in the same bed, and if you do sleep in the same bed together, you  might want to rethink that, and buy twin beds and practice Social Sleep Distancing.  Hmmm, I just thought of something else, too… best to avoid public restrooms altogether; if you have to go, just go where you are and suffer the indignity of a little embarrassment rather than risk getting THE DREADED BUG. If you do have to use one, best to carry a pair of rubber gloves and toilet bowl cleaner in your “New Normal Backpack” at all times.

And come to think of it, investing in a little mustard gas would be helpful too, for that post-sex clean-up, to make sure your dwelling is really free of THE DREADED BUG, and a propane tank outside, rigged for hand sanitizer, and connected to your shower, would be helpful too.  If your local industrial chemical supplier is out of mustard gas, you can make a simple version for yourselves out of chlorine bleach and… oh, I’d better stop now, because some soulless humorless product of the modern quackademy will not appreciate my satire and think “hey! that’s a good idea!”

I’m waiting for the next study from Haaahvaaahd: “Not breathing helps to slow the spread of THE DREADED BUG” and “Social Distancing During Sex Helps Limit the Spread of THE DREADED BUG.”

Yes, folks, it’s now officially totally nuts.

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/08/ok-its-officially-totally-nuts-now/

This is Information Everyone Needs —Take Some Time to Listen

This is really important information for EVERYONE to pay attention to. It is time for everyone to wake up because all of our lives are at stake, and it is not because of some virus .  It is because of the manipulators behind the curtain:

What’s In Your Nose?



July 20, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

Before we get to the focus of today’s blog, I’d like to thank everyone for being patient the past week with the reduced blogging schedule while I had company and took care of some other matters. Also, I’d like to thank people for continuing to send articles and share your insights and thoughts about them. Last week my email inbox was stuffed full of articles and insights, and accordingly, this week’s “honorable mentions” (this coming Saturday), include some of the more interesting articles, many on the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan-Baal Gates corona virus, and also some stories that “slipped under the radar” while the propatainment media continue to focus on the virus.

With that in mind, V.T. found and sent along this story, which merits some consideration, about how Mr.  Globaloney is merging “health care”, surveillance, and money in one fell swoop, and as one might imagine, the Baal and Malicious Gates Foundation is at the epicenter of it, along with a few other familiar names like Rockefailure and so on:

Now, whether or not you believe that all of this is “the mark of the beast” or not, the following should at least give you pause:

Testing will soon begin in poverty-stricken parts of Africa for a biometric ID which will also be your payment system and vaccine record. The biometric digital identity platform that “evolves just as you evolve” is backed by none other than the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard, and the AI-powered “identity authentication” company, Trust Stamp.

The GAVI Alliance, which is largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, as well as allied governments and the vaccine industry, is principally concerned with improving “the health of markets for vaccines and other immunization products,” rather than the health of individuals, according to its own website. Similarly, Mastercard’s GAVI partnership is directly linked to its “World Beyond Cash” effort, which mainly bolsters its business model that has long depended on a reduction in the use of physical cash.

Reducing the use of cash is needed. Cash is impossible to track, but if you use centralized digital currency, the ruling class has complete control over what you can spend.

The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard “Wellness Pass,” a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard’s click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData. Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting “centralized record keeping of childhood immunization” also describes itself as a leader toward a “World Beyond Cash,” and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform. The effort, since its launch nearly two years ago, has been funded via $3.8 million in GAVI donor funds in addition to a matched donation of the same amount by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. –Activist Post

(Italicized emphasis added, boldface emphasis in the original)

Consider the following high octane speculation: Dr. Charles Lieber, the Harvard chemist and expert on nano-technology, was arrested toward the beginning of the corona-virus story in the USA, for not having disclosed his financial dealings with the Communist Chinese government in (you guessed it) Wuhan. Dr. Fauci, via his wife, is connected to Baal Gates and his “foundation.” Gates in turn is pursuing a technology to “tattoo” people so that their medical records are carried with them wherever they go (sounds kind of like a “mark” to me). Lieber would thus be the very sort of person one would expect to be associated with this technology and its development. Then we have those “nose swab” tests themselves, which sound suspiciously like those “nasal insertions” we’ve been hearing about for years from the “UFO abductee” crowd. Why such a strange test? I would think simply drawing blood , testing for antibodies, and so on, would be sufficient. Many have suspected that these tests may be “inserting something” into people as well as testing them, and you can number me in that crowd of skeptics, for the very simple reason that there’s been little about the covid narrative that makes a whit of sense to me. Pile on top of that the mad rush in some places of governors and local officials banning church services, or issuing edicts on how they’re to be conducted, and you have a genuine apocalypse theater with all the appropriate memes being driven by politicians and propatainment media. Then there’s the matter of a “cashless” or “digital currency,” whose “value” can be determined by how compliant one is to the dictates of the central banksters. Did you go to church and sing and (perish the thought) take communion in violation of Governor Gruesome’s edict against it? Did the communion wine come from any closed vineyard and not from Governor Gruesome’s (which remained conveniently open)? Shame on you! In punishment, your next digital paycheck has been docked 35% automatically. A digital currency which can thus be automatically changed in value (and auto-deduction of fines and fees is precisely that), is not a currency at all. Currencies depend on relatively constant value in time and place for all users uniformly. Digital currency is thus not a currency; it’s serfdom and slavery.

So why Africa? I suspect you know the answer. If Africa is the test bed for a method of tracking (1) a person’s health and immunization records, and (2) how a person spends money, then we have to ask, Why Africa? Well, you can call me all sorts of names including “conspiracy theorist” if you wish, but I find it highly suspicious that Baal Gates, whose “background” includes a healthy dose of eugenics and good old-fashioned Republic of Venice Malthusianism, is involved with this, and he’s already on record as wanting to make sure blacks get his “vaccine” first. And, oh, look, he’s chosen the poorest (and therefore, most illiterate and therefore, least likely to resist) parts of Africa to test it.

I call that the real “systemic racism.”

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/07/biometric-tracking-when-vaccines-and-money-merge/

Coincidence? Read On…



June 22, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

There may be something fishy going on in Africa. A few days ago, you might recall that I blogged about the President of Tanzania,  John Magufili, sending faked data to the World Health Organization because of his suspicions it was  – to coin a pun – “doctoring” statistics to promote its various agendas on the Fauci-Lieber-virus. You might recall that he sent them samples from a goat, a papaya, and a quail for testing, and sure enough, they all came back positive, including the papaya.

Well, there’s been a rather strange incident that may, or may not, be related; I’ll leave it to the reader to decide. That said, I don’t mind saying that my suspicion meter is in the red zone, as apparently are the suspicion meters of a lot of people in Burundi. V.T. spotted this one, and it’s short, direct, and to the point:

AfricaBurundiHeadline News Burundian President Nkurunziza Dies Suddenly after Expelling WHO for False Pandemic

The questions begin in the first paragraph: fifty-five year old President Pierre Nkurunziza died suddenly of a heart attack, after recently being examined and pronounced as fit as a fiddle:

President of Burundi Pierre Nkurunziza, 55, has died “following a cardiac arrest”. The sudden death comes as a surprise as he had been evaluated recently as being in good overall health.

But then the plot immediately thickens:

Less than a month ago, the Burundian government ordered the expulsion of experts from the World Organization of Health (WHO) responsible for ‘advising’ on the false pandemic COVID-19.

Needless to say, this has “local pundits” suggesting “that his death could have been the consequence of poisoning.” Perhaps the poisoning was administered in the form of a WHO-approved “vaccine”; we’ll get back to that in a moment.

The article concludes with two short paragraphs, one of which raises an interesting question: Are leaders who oppose the WHO and its vaccines being deliberately “offed”?

The President and his Ministry of Foreign Affairs had declared that the WHO representatives would henceforth be ‘persona non grata’, that is not welcome on Burundian territory. For information, to date, and despite its courageous opposition to the WHO, Burundi officially declared only one COVID death. This is compared against around 30,000 dead in France, who are largely enslaved by the ‘recommendations’ of the WHO.

The unexpected death of Nkurunziza is reminiscent of the mysterious plane crash of Polish President Lech Kaczyński in 2009, in which he was killed shortly after he refused the vaccine made by the WHO against the H1N1 flu.

It’s one of those “heads we win, tails you lose” sorts of things; either take our “vaccines”, which may kill you, or we’ll kill you. And speaking of “vaccines” and poison and killing, there’s this recent interview by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., which raises a few other unpleasant, disturbing, and diabolical implications:

Now, I don’t know about you, but it seems pretty plain and clear to me that if the ghouls in Big Pharma are willing to slaughter babies in order to stuff their “vaccines” with fetal tissue, they won’t hesitate to off the odd African president or two, or three, or n leaders not going along with the agenda. And one wonders, have any long term studies on such “vaccines” containing such “ingredients” been done to see what the effects might be? Might such effects include the “cannibalism” disease kuru, a neuro-degenerative disease with effects similar to mad-cow (Creutzfeldt-Jacobs) disease? I doubt it. And come to think of it, can one really call these diabolical concoctions “vaccines” at all?  I doubt it; whatever they are, they’re not vaccines in any normal sense I can think of. What they are is a kind of “cannibalism by IV drip” or “cannibalism by injection,” but they’re not “vaccines.”

And while we’re talking about kuru and mad cow and such, imagine whole populations being forcibly injected with this crud, and one has a real zombie apocalypse and a lot of dead people. Could this be why Baal Gates is interested in “over-population” and “vaccines” all at the same time? It does make one wonder.

As for the “local pundits” in Burundi, go ahead with your suspicions. I, for one, share them.

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/06/strange-deaths-who-is-responsible/

Of Satellites & Vaccines


June 10, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

If you’ve been following the 5G phenomenon and the growing opposition to it, you’ll want to spend some time with this article that was spotted by P.A.I. Before we get to that article, however, I want to mention why I include it in this week’s blogs, which – if you’ve been following them – are about strange stuff, from the Golden Gate Bridge getting a refurbishment to improve its aerodynamic qualities (and which now makes it “whistle”), to ships at sea sailing in circles. In this case, over the past several months, I’ve heard from various readers of this website, who follow the 5g rollout, that they’ve either experienced, or know of someone who’s experienced, strange and unusual symptoms. I myself have experienced a few weird things, namely, that while watching certain DVDs or Blue Ray disks, I experienced sudden, and almost narcoleptic sleepiness. This never happens to me outside, driving, or walking, but always and exclusively when watching certain DVDs in my collection.

Similarly, this article is mostly taken up with the people who’ve reported breathing difficulty, and/or heart palpitations, for no apparent or explicable reason, other than, perhaps, some sort of physiological response to 5G rollout:


These symptoms, notes the article and some of the commenters, began shortly after Space X’s launch of several 5G satellites in the last month. The article itself notes what some covering the corona virus narrative have also noted, a potential connection of 5G to the story, only here, the article suggests the virus narrative might be a cover for 5G-related physiological problems:

The full extent to which the 420 satellites are being tested is unknown to me. They are communicating with ten earth stations located in the United States. They are being tested by the U.S. Air Force for use by military aircraft. SpaceX intends to keep launching 60 satellites at a time every couple of weeks. The next launch is scheduled for tonight, May 3, 2020, at 9:25 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. SpaceXplans to begin what it calls beta testing with perhaps 10,000 private customers about three months from now when it has about 840 satellites in orbit. Beta testing alone could have devastating consequences. If and when Starlink signs up millions of paying customers, it is possible that nothing will survive –no humans, no animals, and no insects. It is likely that it will be blamed on COVID-19, unless this world wakes up in time.

The article then explains its reasoning:

Very briefly, all animals and plants are polarized positive to negative from head to feet, or from leaves to roots.An electric current of picowatt per square meter amplitude flows from the positively charged sky to the negatively charged earth in fair weather, courses through the earth beneath our feet, and returns to the sky via lightning bolts during thunderstorms. Every living thing is part of this circuit. The current enters our heads from the sky, circulates through our meridians, and enters the earth through the soles of our feet. This current provides the energy for growth, healing, and life itself. We do not live by bread alone, but by the energy provided to us by the biosphere. Oriental medicine calls it qi or ki, Ayurvedic medicine calls it prana, and atmospheric physicists call it electricity. It provides us energy for life, and information that organizes our bodies. If you pollute this circuit with billions of digital pulsations, you will destroy all life. It is one thing to sit in front of a computer all day, or hold one in your hand. It is quite another to live inside of one.

In short, adding thousands of satellites “muddles” this circuit, and that  muddling may lead to unknown or unpredicted physiological and neurological complications and side effects.

All of which brings me to today’s high octane speculation: over the past few weeks, as the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan-Baal Gates virus hysteria gradually petered out, I advanced the idea almost at the outset that what we may have been watching was the emergence of a kind of bio-electronically activated virus. I found it suspicious, and still find it suspicious, that precious little propatainment media attention was paid to Dr Fauci’s own researches into corona viruses, which, incidentally were shut down by the Obama administration; Fauci then simply moved them to…China. Similarly,  Dr. Charles Lieber of Harvard’s arrest for allegedly not disclosing his financial ties to China’s Wuhan laboratories fell right off the radar screen. Lieber’s research into nanotechnology and association with the Wuhan laboratory were, indeed, what made me entertain the bio-electronically activated virus narrative. I even went so far as to suggest that the “sudden bird flu deaths” of previous years might have been related to the corona virus story and to some of this research. The fact that the “bird flu” mimicks in some respects electromagnetic effects on cells is an important factor here.

But now with this article I have to wonder, high-octane-speculation-style, if in fact these effects of a 5G rollout were known all along, and if, in fact, the race to acquire a “vaccine” that will alter – by Baal Gates’ own admission – the rDNA of humans, was in fact a “vaccine” not against the corona virus itself, but against those 5G  effects? If so, then it may be another case of the “cure” being as bad as the “disease:…

See you on the flip side…

from:    https://gizadeathstar.com/2020/06/the-5g-problem/