Preparation for Ascension

Activating Your Latent DNA Is Easier Than You Think

Connecting the “junk DNA” referred to by matrix scientists is actually the key to experiencing new abilities and creating new realities.

First, the incoming energies of the times are naturally providing the opportunity to diffuse or unravel the DNA. Expansion due to frequency, awareness, and geometric codes connect our two strands to the etheric latent strands that operate at a higher frequency.

These incoming waves of energy are giving everyone the opportunity to tune into whatever level their level of consciousness allows.

Our current matrix programming has lowered our frequency, restricting us to a certain threshold of reality at a lower frequency band. We have DNA that has been “restricted” from us do to frequency restrictions and memory loss of who we are.

The more you trusting you are of yourself and the more relaxed you become, the faster you will move towards expansion and connection with this etheric DNA.

The more you allow yourself to be who you really are rather than who you have been programmed to be, the faster you will dissolve the illusion that your DNA is not intact and online. No one else can activate your DNA for you and everyone else’s tools and techniques may not be meant for you.

The irony is that to begin to make room for DNA expansion, you actually do nothing at all. What this refers to to is cutting the distractions out of your life. No television, no YouTube, no Facebook, no entertainment, no work. You may feel a little weird about hearing this because maybe you were hoping for the next big method or detailed process.

The truth is simple yet everyone wants some other expert to tell them what to do so that they feel satisfied that they have done everything that they could possibly do to prepare for exiting this matrix. Many will have left no stone unturned and will have been down every rabbit hole that they encounter. The matrix is designed to keep everyone from having the time to do nothing.

What does it mean to do nothing? Well, it’s not really nothing, but it is a far cry from what most people on the planet are doing.

You can get some extra sleep, even lying in bed longer before falling asleep and after waking. You can spend time in nature- reading a book, sitting in the garden, or going for a stroll. Being outside on a sunny day is a huge bonus, even if in the shade.

Sunsets are great opportunities to do nothing but stare into the evening sky. If possible, walking barefoot on the dirt, beach, or grass will amplify and ground your connection deep within yourself.

Curling up by a fire and staring into the dancing energy is a great way to do nothing. Floating in water, taking a long drive, and listening to or playing music are also good examples.

In this “no-time” of doing “no-thing”, move your “to do” list out of your mind and enjoy the moment. You observe what is in your immediate reality while allowing feelings and thoughts to flow. It’s important to not overthink or to try to force anything to happen.

If you think or feel nothing at all, then that is good too! You do not have to sit in a yoga position and you do not have to close your eyes, although you can if you wish. Simply “be-ing” wherever you are and appreciating that moment while observing will expand your consciousness.

As you get practiced at this method of jumping outside of matrix time, you can add some intentions and forward movement. Intend that all of the energies of the Universe that are being sent to you move within and through you with ease and grace. Welcome change, expansion, and gravitation toward your highest and best possible timeline.

To do this, it is helpful to think about something that you would like to achieve in your life, like your next chapter. Think about a goal that makes you happy that you can look forward to. This could run the gamut from changing jobs, moving to a new location, or simply existing on a peaceful new earth.

Daydreaming is a good example of doing nothing, like the moment you catch yourself “coming to” while driving. Anyone who has driven and suddenly realizes how dangerous it was to be daydreaming while driving will understand this point of being “spaced out”.

Merging your “nothingness state” with awareness of needing to still be fully present in the body is mastery. As you master this, you can invite other people into your expansion moments while still being within yourself.

For example, you can go for a stroll with your partner and carry on a conversation. You could play a game or share deep thoughts about life. Eventually once you have found your sweet spot, you could even be at a shopping mall full of people and be able to go to your serene space within.

What you do to achieve nothing may change over time as you practice doing nothing. As you may have noticed, you actually are doing something to achieve your nothingness. Try doing something different over time to flow with the changes in your DNA expansion. Continue to grow and expand with your thoughts and feelings by adding loving thoughts to yourself.

Eventually expand your loving thoughts to your family and friends, to your neighborhood, your state, your country, all of Earth, your solar system, galaxy, universe, and multi-verse. Finally, add gratitude for your unique moments each time when closing your nothingness sessions with yourself.

You may find yourself going through cycles of doing nothing for a while and then feeling the urge to do something. Follow the urge to act and do, for it could be the activations that unravel more lessons or initiations for higher consciousness.

Often times the urge to do something aligns with service to others. You will eventually fall back into your rest period of doing nothing and it is important to not feel like that time spent doing nothing is not being fruitful.

Of course, you have to adhere to your responsibilities in life when juggling the time to take time for yourself. You would not want to harm another or become homeless in order to have your increased times of doing nothing. You will have to find the balance of harmonizing your life with others while adjusting your life to it’s maximum potential as you master finding your sweet spot.

Realize that everyone is different and that one person’s method for relaxation and DNA activation may not always work for another. The timing of DNA activation is individual within the larger collective time matrix.

If you take a glance into your past journey, you’ll see that you probably have already been guided by your higher self to do exactly what you should be doing and where you should be doing it. Often it is the conscious/ego mind and programming that blocks us from following that guidance.

Our matrix programming says that we are too busy or we do not deserve to take these leisure moments until we are finished working. You also have to realize when it is time to move forward in life. Some people get too comfortable and resist any kind of change.

Learning to work smarter not harder can bring more opportunity for special moments. Guilt can also be a program that blocks us from taking this time to relax, especially for baby boomers who were taught to work harder in order to achieve success in life. Sometimes even taking a nap can make a person’s programming think that is equivalent to being lazy.

If you have higher awareness and increased intuition, chances are you have already activated a good portion of your DNA. Remember that the DNA has a “lock” that can only be accessed with higher consciousness so that the mistakes of Atlantis do not repeat.

As our reality starts to morph through increased frequency, only those aligned through the heart will have access to the higher level DNA reality. This will assure that you only have superpowers if you are responsible and are conscious enough to use them for the greater benefit of all. Everyone else will be aligned with the reality that their oversoul unlocks for them for the most optimal experiences.

As the higher self continues to merge and align with you in the physical, it will ensure that you do everything you need to do to prepare to fully activate enough latent DNA to shift your reality. Doing nothing loosely translates into not cluttering the mind too much with other people’s information and techniques. It means not being too distracted to take time go within to find your own connection and answers.

It also means to allow and trust that you are exactly where you need to be when you find yourself relaxed and in the present moment, fully anchored into your physical body. It also means that you were born to do this and you will remember what you need to know when the time comes to activate your lightbody and superpower abilities. When the first wavers are ready, a group will shift from doing nothing to creating something that has never been created before.

By Michelle Walling, Guest writer


DNA Activation

What is DNA Activation?

By Dr. Idelle S. Brand, DDS | Wisdom Magazine | Enlightened Dentistry

Imagine if you woke up one morning and realized that you had dormant superhuman abilities that were waiting to be unleashed .

That once you activated these abilities, you could manifest anything you desired in your life, live a life without drama, create your ideal physical body, become immune to dis-ease, and potentially reverse the aging process.

Imagine if you realized that you could actually change your blueprint of life, your DNA, to enable you to expand your creative potential, provide access to your subconscious mind, and become more intuitive, clairvoyant, and know instantly what your purpose is in life.

There is now a process which will assist you to do all these things and more, and it is called DNA Activation.

Most people know that DNA is the ‘blueprint of life’ and is located in every cell of the body. In addition to each chromosome’s 2-strand double helix of DNA, there are an additional 22 etheric strands of DNA available to each human, which have been dormant since the beginning of recorded history. Each additional strand possesses attributes that permit the individual to perform greater human accomplishments. Scientists acknowledge that we currently use only 3% of our current 2-strand DNA. Thus we live in a society where people are often sick, unhappy, stressed out and are totally disconnected with the universe. Most people have to meditate for many years just to have a so-called ‘mystical’ experience, that’s how disconnected we are now. Imagine activating 100% of your 2-strand DNA, plus 22 additional strands! You will go from using 10% of your brain to becoming a multi-dimensional being with psychic, telepathic, and manifestation abilities beyond anything you’ve ever dreamed of. Plus, you will alter the aging process and actually start to rejuvenate to look and feel younger. Your DNA is your blueprint of life and is what controls every single function inside each of your cells. If you change your DNA, you really will change your life.

Think of yourself right now as a person with 2-strands of DNA with only one strand active. You are as a standalone computer with access to only about 16MB of RAM. This means you can only run a few programs, none concurrently, and you are not even connected to the internet. Once you activate your DNA, it’s like you get a DSL connection to the mind of everything, and can access anything you want just by using your intent and intuition.

The portions of the DNA chain that science has presently identified as the “Double Helix”, represent only the surface portions of the chemical, elemental, and electrical components of the active DNA strands. Science has yet to identify the multidimensional spectra of DNA manifestation, and has yet to realize that within the structures of detectable DNA, there are levels of structure and function that direct the operations of the entire genetic blueprint, which are not currently detectable by the contemporary scientific method.

The human DNA imprint will always appear from external analysis, as a 2-strand Double Helix configuration. But what is not understood, is that within the Double Helix there are, and will be progressively more, additional Double Helix strands, which fuse together and add their operational coding into the active DNA imprint. As science evolves into comprehension of the mult-dimensional spectrum, the understanding of the tree structure and function of DNA will progressively advance. We are re-ordering and re-activating portions of the “junk DNA” and stimulating these portions of the DNA into activation.

During your activation, the practitioner usually keeps their hand on your shoulder, to allow for connection and grounding. Your etheric field is worked on, so there is no physical manipulation. You may feel sensations, see images or colors, or feel absolutely nothing. Usually most people notice something different about themselves within a very short time frame. It really depends on how sensitive you are to energy. Some people feel the session very strongly (heat, twitches) as it is happening. Others may feel sleepy. You may notice tingles or some other sensations in the head area (crown chakra). In some cases, people experience a spontaneous physical or emotional healing at the time of the activation. After that, there will be numerous changes in the next few days, weeks and months. Most people experience an increase in energy, and go through a cleansing or a detox process. DNA Activation is an eternal process and you will notice changes throughout your lifetime from these sessions.

The DNA Activation is a huge acceleration step on your personal path of enlightenment, empowerment and personal health. Many experience a greater depth and richness to their emotions. Some speak of heightened creativity, or say that ideas and concepts that were once obscure become clear. Most speak of expanded awareness, greater peace and understanding of the person they already are, along with increased physical energy and improved personal health

DNA activation removes the energetic blockages to you embodying your Higher Self. So consciousness expansion is one of the main benefits. After the sessions, you will be more aware of everything, especially what your purpose is and why you incarnated here at this point in time. You will start to become aware or see things that others cannot see – some of the hidden agendas going on and how to make decisions to help you and your family in the best way possible. Your dormant brain functions will start to become active, especially your pineal gland. This will help to start tapping into your higher senses, and you will be able to use these on a daily basis with practice. Some of the physical benefits reported by clients include thicker hair growth, weight loss and stabilization of desired weight, increased energy, and rejuvenation of various muscles. You will start to see how your body is just a thoughtform as well, and you can change your body more easily with focus, so you won’t have to work out as much. Emotionally, you will go beyond your personal dramas, the aggravation of everyday life. Your body will undergo a detoxification, which will bring old emotional issues to the surface to be released forever, to no longer cause dis-ease and poison the body. You may notice that your dreams are more vivid and that you may release old fears and phobias. You will also experience a renewed sense of confidence and security, and will project that to others, which will allow you to have more fulfilling relationships, increased trust and discernment, and the attraction of soul mates.

Almost everyone also reports much quicker manifestations of that which they desire. When you bring more light into your field, which is what DNA activation does, you increase your frequency. So you attract people, places, events, and things of a similar high frequency.

Spontaneous healings can occur at the time of activations. These usually have to do with acute physical and emotional disorders. There is a purification process that begins to detoxify the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. There have been many clients who have cured themselves of chronic or serious diseases after having the DNA activation.

If you are looking for greater clarity in life and improved health, DNA activation may be the jumpstart you need to achieve this. As with any health practitioner, it is always best to find someone with experience with whom you feel comfortable. If possible, meet with the practitioner prior to making an appointment, to get a feel for who they are as a concerned and caring healer. You can even ask where they received their training. If you feel uncomfortable in their presence, do not commit to an appointment. Keep looking, ask friends or ask other energy healers for referrals.

Dr Idelle S. Brand practices Enlightened DentistryTM, an integrative approach to holistic dental care. For more information, please see her website or contact her at 212 947-0073 in her Manhattan office.

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