The Dangers of Central Bank Digital Currency

Excellent 40 minutes of Catherine Austin Fitts on CBDCs (which may be rolling out next in New Zealand, after a failed launch in Nigeria last year)

They try things out in one setting, then another, till they get it right

In this installment of our series ‘Our Digital Future’, Alistair Harding speaks to financial guru Catherine Austin Fitts about the unified ledger, programmability, and the possibility of central bank control over how we spend our money.

And about that failed launch in Nigeria.

Why Did CBDC Fail in Nigeria? Valuable Lessons for Developing Countries

By Tuhu Nugraha

October 22, 2023

In the rapidly digitizing era, many nations are eyeing Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) as the future solution for payment systems. However, Nigeria’s case illustrates that transitioning to CBDC isn’t a straightforward path, especially for developing countries.

Based on an analysis by Nicholas Anthony on Coindesk, the Nigerian government attempted to propel a transition to a cashless economy by implementing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Yet, the imposed cash usage restrictions led to public protests demanding the restoration of paper money. Despite the government’s efforts to boost CBDC adoption, such as removing access restrictions and offering payment discounts, these initiatives proved fruitless.

Moreover, with cash withdrawal limits and currency redesigns, the situation worsened, triggering a cash shortage and escalating public dissatisfaction. Consequently, CBDC adoption in Nigeria remains abysmally low, with less than 0.5% of the population using it, while over 50% have embraced cryptocurrency. What can we learn from Nigeria’s CBDC failure?…

We’ve Got You Covered

Nearly a fourth of states introducing biometric digital IDs — and more than half are Republican ‘red’ states

If there is one indisputable fact when it comes to the epic changes now enveloping the world as everything, even money and humans themselves, become digitized, it’s this: The race to install a global totalitarian control grid is taking place outside of the normal left-right paradigm.

Everything you see being argued within a left-right dynamic is a smoke-screen meant to distract and deceive.

Conservative Republican states like Iowa, Mississippi, Georgia, Utah and Ohio are just as eager to advance the digital ID/digital currency recipe for globalist control as liberal Democrat states like California, Michigan, Maryland and Hawaii. Read on as we break down the latest developments on the topic nobody wants to discuss in public.

I hate to keep repeating myself, but I will say it again because I’m afraid it is not sinking in for the vast majority of Americans. Digital ID + CBDC = Total control/tracking of all human activity.

Once these two totalitarian tools are in place there will be no turning back. The beast system will be hovering over us 24/7, watching everywhere we go, everything we buy, what we are eating, who we are choosing to connect with, and whether we’ve submitted to the latest injection that promises to protect the herd.

All of this data will be transferred instantaneously to third parties who have no inherent right to it, other than the fact that people voluntarily hand it over to them. Oh, they may say they need these digital tools for other reasons, but those of us who are awake and aware of the game plan know full well where it’s heading. They want to monitor your buying and living habits so they can award you a social-credit score, then offer rewards or punishments based on how well they determine you are using scarce resources such as food (especially meat, eggs and dairy), gasoline, natural gas, electricity, etc. They will also know if you’re “up to date” on your shots.

If your lifestyle is scored as less than “sustainable” you will be treated accordingly. All of a sudden your digital ID will flash a warning to the scanners at various entry points to everyday societal functions, and eventually these scanners will be all over, barring you from entry. You won’t even be able to log onto the internet. You will no longer qualify for any government services, a driver’s license, social security, Medicare and Medicaid, veteran’s benefits, etc.

A Federal Reserve official recently admitted that transactions using FedNow, the forerunner to a U.S. central bank digital currency that was launched last month, will provide the Fed with an inside look at your banking records.

And Dr. Pippa Malmgren, an economist and advisor to presidents, let the cat out of the bag in March 2022 at the World Government Summit, when she said this:

With digital IDs and digital currencies, central bankers will have a “perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy,” Malmgren said.

The infrastructure for that system started with 5G, installed with federal funds under the Trump administration. Now the states are doing their part, ushering in biometric digital drivers’ licenses.

Biometric Update reported on August 2 that California, Michigan, and Iowa are all taking steps to implement digital IDs under the guise of the driver’s license. California is testing, Iowa is launching, and Michigan is considering legislation related to “mobile driver’s licenses.”

“Mobile driver’s license.” Doesn’t that sound innocuous?

These three states — California, Michigan and Iowa — are joining Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Hawaii, Ohio, Utah, and Maryland in offering biometric digital drivers’ licenses.

They all brag about how much more safe, secure and convenient things will be once all we humans have accepted our digital marking.

“New digital driver’s licenses will allow residents to virtually perform services that otherwise would have required an in-person trip to the DMV,” says Ajay Amlani, president and head of the Americas for iProov in a comment emailed to Biometric Update.

Here is what iProov says about itself on its website:

iProov is the world leader in biometric face verification. We enable banks, government agencies and other organizations to verify that an online individual is who they claim to be. This helps prevent identity theft and other cybercrime, while also making online services easier to access.

Recognized on the 2022 Deloitte Tech Fast 50 list for the third year running, iProov works with organizations including the US Department of Homeland Security, the UK Home Office, UBS, the NHS, Eurostar, the Australian government, the Singapore government, ING, and many more. Since 2011, iProov has been developing visionary technology that is years ahead of its time.

Our flagship Genuine Presence Assurance® technology is the only way to assure the genuine presence of an online user and ensure they are the right person, a real person, and authenticating right now. Our Liveness Assurance technology delivers an effortless and passive user experience and assures the person is the right person and a real person.

iProov has global reach and has been in the planning stages since 2011. Now it’s a reality and being rolled out in multiple U.S. states. Watch its 1-minute promotional video below.

Oh, but not to worry. Nobody is forcing you to get one of these new digital IDs, they say. It’s just for those hip, techno-cool folks who like to be on the cutting edge of everything. You Luddites can still have your cash and your old-fashioned plastic cards while the cool people get the “enhanced” IDs that merge their physical, biological and digital identification, just like old Uncle Klaus (Schwab) predicted years ago.

Biometric Update reports:

“Michigan is proposing a bill that would allow the Secretary of State to issue digital IDs in addition to their traditional physical counterparts, according to a local outlet. If passed, (Michigan) DLs would become official IDs, equivalent to physical licenses. They would be valid for state government services, banking, police stops, and ID checks for age.”

In short, these will be all-encompassing IDs, merging your triune personhood in the new digital age. We can assume that conservatives will all jump on board when they find out that these new digital IDs would also be a fine way to verify one’s identity when going to the polls to vote. They’ve been clamoring for “voter ID” for decades. Now they will get it. It’s all part of the package. Something for everyone!

Biometric Update notes that some raise concerns about whether an ID can be accessed on a lost or stolen phone. Others raise concerns that deepfakes and other cyberattacks can circumvent biometric authentication.

“Given the ease and accessibility of generative AI tools that can create fake images, it’s irresponsible for government or business entities to implement any system utilizing remote-based biometrics without the necessary protections against AI-created deepfakes digitally injected into vulnerable camera feeds,” Amlani told the outlet.

But notice nobody is raising concerns about privacy and the right to remain anonymous.

California’s DMV is testing a mobile app that allows residents to upload their biometric digital drivers’ licenses to their cellphones “with iProov’s biometrics and liveness detection.”

“Now, California residents will soon discover a mobile driver’s license is not only a more secure way to verify one’s identity without having to divulge significant amounts of personal information, but also a much more convenient option,” says Amlani.

Ah yes, install iProov and divulge less “personal information” about yourself, he says, even as you hand over the most personal identifier imaginable in your facial scan, eyeball scan or palm scan.

And of course it will be safer and more secure, too.

Amlani puts the cherry on top of his sales pitch with this comment, which should be chilling for anyone who is awake:

“To combat the combination of deepfakes and digital injection attacks, organizations need a science-based, multifaceted approach like the California DMV is employing that leverages the creation of a one-time biometric.”

A one-time biometric ID for a one-world system. Boom!

And he made sure to use the magic words; “Science-based.” That’s all most Westerners need to hear and they’ll be on board, since science is a major tenet of the new one-world religion known as global technocracy and transhumanism — the Evil Twins, as Patrick Wood calls them. The idea of every person having a “digital self” as well as a biological and physical self has been around for years but now it’s actually being implemented. Technocracy is the society, Wood explains, in which the new breed of transhumans will live and function. Transhumans will be seen in this society as superior to the old humans, who reject the “progress” of enhanced human abilities offered by the technocratic super-humans. The transhumans will be fully digital, fully connected, at all times, eating artificial lab-grown meat, riding in electric fully autonomous cars. Before long they will be forgetful of those memories of what real meat tastes like or the freedom of the open road where you, and you alone, get to make the decisions on where to go, what to buy, who you engage with. Of course the younger generation will never know what freedom feels like, at least that’s what their overlords are banking on, as they under-estimate the innate human desire to live free.

California’s biometric digital drivers’ license program has more than 2,000 active participants and is set to expand over the next few weeks before a public roll out, according to NBC Los Angeles. Participating California residents are still urged to carry their physical IDs, as the so-called mobile DLs “are not universally accepted yet.”

Oh, you silly foolish Californians and dumb Americans. Do you really believe this happy talk about it all being “voluntary?”

At some point, we will start hearing about the backwards non-conformists who are holding up the program, blocking this new form of identification from being “universally accepted.” Because of them, we still have fraud on the internet, fraud in the voting system, at the border entry points, in the banking system, everywhere there is fraud when it could be eliminated if not for these evil ones who refuse to join the system. They neglect the greater good. All they care about is themselves.

United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development tells us clearly and openly that this agenda is not optional. It can only work if everyone joins. “No person shall be left behind,” the U.N. says.

The federal Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) is already accepting mobile DLs at 29 airports across America. All you have to do is submit to a face scan. It’s easy. It keeps us all safe!

The state of Iowa, with its ultra-conservative Governor Kim Reynolds, has also launched its digital ID app developed by Idemia on the Apple App store and Google Play. The digital ID is “a companion to the physical card and does not replace it,” according to Toni Smith, a spokesperson for the Iowa Department of Transportation.

Do you see a pattern here? It’s like they are all reading from the same script. Sing the praises of the new digital ID app while stressing that it’s purely voluntary.

This is exactly how the toxic mRNA and DNA gene-therapy shots were introduced. Totally voluntary at first, then gradually the pressure to get them was turned up.

The Iowa app asks a user to upload the front and back of their state-issued ID along with a “moving selfie to verify the identity of the user uploading the license with face biometrics,” Biometric Update reports.

Almost no American politicians in either party are talking about the dangerous path down which we are heading with universal biometric digital IDs, now being rolled out in at least a dozen states. Has Donald Trump had any words of caution? Has Nikki Haley said anything for or against this beast system? Mike Pence? DeSantis? I know Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has mentioned it but I’m not sure about the others. How many pastors are talking about this? Is yours?

Brace yourself. The beast system is advancing in rapid order and there will be no human savior. But don’t worry: It will all be voluntary. Until it’s not. At that point, it’s between us and God and we will have to make a decision


Governor Noem, Thank You!!!

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Vetoed Bill to Implement Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in Her State

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, 
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem vetoed a bill passed by the Republican legislature that would have centralized currency through central bank digital currency (CBDC), which Tucker Carlson pointed out is not currency, but is software. He also explained how CBDC can be used as a tool for control. The bill that she vetoed would have changed the definition of money in order to ban cryptocurrency, Bitcoin or other forms of digital currency, paving the way for government-led CBDC. She said the bill was 110 pages long and was sold as an update to guidelines to the Universal Commercial Code (UCC) and was backed by all the state’s financial institutions and banks. She said that the same language used in the bill has been given to 20 other states, sold as a UCC update, to pave the way for the federal government to control currency in order to control the people.Governor Noem shocked Tucker Carlson when she said that the South Dakota state legislature that passed this bill probably did not even read it!



Digital Currencies = Digital Control

WARNING: Rishi Sunak Will Usher In A Technocratic Age Of Global Totalitarianism Using Central Bank Digital Currencies

With the appointment of Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister, the United Kingdom has jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Sunak is an outspoken advocate for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that would replace the existing system of fiat currencies in the world. This would be the capstone for Technocracy. ⁃ TN Editor

The financial infrastructure of the Great Reset has arrived as Rishi Sunak was named the next UK Prime Minister without a vote – welcome, global currency.

On 14 October 2021, the Group of 7 (“G7”) published a set of Public Policy Principles for Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies (“CBDCs”).  This was published “alongside a G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Statement on CBDCs and digital payments.”

If you are still unsure why CBDCs will bring about the end to our freedoms there are numerous resources available but you can start by exploring articles we’ve previously written about this subject HERE.

The G7 report was compiled by the CBDC drafting group consisting of representatives from finance ministries, and central banks of the G7 alongside invited contributors from other central banks and international organisations.  The list of contributors to the public policy principles can be seen on pages 26 and 27 of the report and includes representatives from the G7 countries as well as the European Union, Switzerland, Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OCED”), International Monetary Fund (“IMF”) and the World Bank.

Recently installed Prime Minister Rishi Sunak proudly announced the launch of the G7’s new report on Central Bank Digital Currencies.


With Japan feeling the pressure as China moved forward with a digital yuan in February 2020, the G7’s formal discussions about digital currencies started later that year when The Bank of Japan set up a digital currency working group.  CBDCs were raised again in 2021.

The 2021 G7 Leaders’ Summit held in Cornwall, England, on 11-13 June was presided over by the UK with the aim to “help the world build back better from the Covid-19 pandemic and create a greener, more prosperous future.” The UK invited Australia, India, South Korea and South Africa as guest countries to the meeting.

However, what the stated aims didn’t mention was “digitalisation.” After the Summit, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) wrote that G7 leaders endorsed a shared agenda on a series of trade topics. They called for new rules that would reflect “transformations underway in the global economy, such as digitalisation and the green transition.”  It’s worthwhile noting that IISD is chaired by BlackRock Managing Director Michelle Edkins.

A week before the G7 Summit, on 4-5 June 2021, G7 finance ministers met in London joined by the Heads of IMF, World Bank Group, OECD and Eurogroup to discuss CBDCs. As UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak hosted the meeting of the G7 finance ministers. And now he is Prime Minister.

The financial markets are effectively an extension of the World Economic Forum (“WEF”).  The markets didn’t like Liz Truss. They reacted instantly to her government’s proposed policies and by doing so revealed who really drives the UK government’s policies.  Upsetting the markets could have been the reason for her resignation but we could also speculate whether the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline had a part to play.

Whatever the reason for Truss’ resignation, it is no coincidence that the markets like Sunak.  Sunak is WEF’s puppetSimply Wall St wrote in its latest Market Insights report:

Things continue to move quickly in the UK, with Rishi Sunak taking over as Prime Minister less than a week after Liz Truss resigned. The Conservative Party has come full circle, from electing a leader seemingly oblivious to market forces, to electing a former hedge fund manager who we presume knows all about markets.

Simply Wall St may want to revisit what Sunak’s previous role as a “hedge fund manager” entailed while working for Patrick Degorce at The Children’s Investment Fund Management and Thélème Partners.  It seems he knows less about markets than has been claimed.

Last week Jack Posobiec, host of Human Events Daily, commented on the significance of Sunak’s appointment.  “The financial infrastructure of the Great Reset has arrived as Rishi Sunak was named the next UK Prime Minister without a vote – welcome, global currency,” he said.

Read full story here…


What’s In Your Nose?



July 20, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

Before we get to the focus of today’s blog, I’d like to thank everyone for being patient the past week with the reduced blogging schedule while I had company and took care of some other matters. Also, I’d like to thank people for continuing to send articles and share your insights and thoughts about them. Last week my email inbox was stuffed full of articles and insights, and accordingly, this week’s “honorable mentions” (this coming Saturday), include some of the more interesting articles, many on the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan-Baal Gates corona virus, and also some stories that “slipped under the radar” while the propatainment media continue to focus on the virus.

With that in mind, V.T. found and sent along this story, which merits some consideration, about how Mr.  Globaloney is merging “health care”, surveillance, and money in one fell swoop, and as one might imagine, the Baal and Malicious Gates Foundation is at the epicenter of it, along with a few other familiar names like Rockefailure and so on:

Now, whether or not you believe that all of this is “the mark of the beast” or not, the following should at least give you pause:

Testing will soon begin in poverty-stricken parts of Africa for a biometric ID which will also be your payment system and vaccine record. The biometric digital identity platform that “evolves just as you evolve” is backed by none other than the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard, and the AI-powered “identity authentication” company, Trust Stamp.

The GAVI Alliance, which is largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, as well as allied governments and the vaccine industry, is principally concerned with improving “the health of markets for vaccines and other immunization products,” rather than the health of individuals, according to its own website. Similarly, Mastercard’s GAVI partnership is directly linked to its “World Beyond Cash” effort, which mainly bolsters its business model that has long depended on a reduction in the use of physical cash.

Reducing the use of cash is needed. Cash is impossible to track, but if you use centralized digital currency, the ruling class has complete control over what you can spend.

The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard “Wellness Pass,” a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard’s click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData. Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting “centralized record keeping of childhood immunization” also describes itself as a leader toward a “World Beyond Cash,” and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform. The effort, since its launch nearly two years ago, has been funded via $3.8 million in GAVI donor funds in addition to a matched donation of the same amount by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. –Activist Post

(Italicized emphasis added, boldface emphasis in the original)

Consider the following high octane speculation: Dr. Charles Lieber, the Harvard chemist and expert on nano-technology, was arrested toward the beginning of the corona-virus story in the USA, for not having disclosed his financial dealings with the Communist Chinese government in (you guessed it) Wuhan. Dr. Fauci, via his wife, is connected to Baal Gates and his “foundation.” Gates in turn is pursuing a technology to “tattoo” people so that their medical records are carried with them wherever they go (sounds kind of like a “mark” to me). Lieber would thus be the very sort of person one would expect to be associated with this technology and its development. Then we have those “nose swab” tests themselves, which sound suspiciously like those “nasal insertions” we’ve been hearing about for years from the “UFO abductee” crowd. Why such a strange test? I would think simply drawing blood , testing for antibodies, and so on, would be sufficient. Many have suspected that these tests may be “inserting something” into people as well as testing them, and you can number me in that crowd of skeptics, for the very simple reason that there’s been little about the covid narrative that makes a whit of sense to me. Pile on top of that the mad rush in some places of governors and local officials banning church services, or issuing edicts on how they’re to be conducted, and you have a genuine apocalypse theater with all the appropriate memes being driven by politicians and propatainment media. Then there’s the matter of a “cashless” or “digital currency,” whose “value” can be determined by how compliant one is to the dictates of the central banksters. Did you go to church and sing and (perish the thought) take communion in violation of Governor Gruesome’s edict against it? Did the communion wine come from any closed vineyard and not from Governor Gruesome’s (which remained conveniently open)? Shame on you! In punishment, your next digital paycheck has been docked 35% automatically. A digital currency which can thus be automatically changed in value (and auto-deduction of fines and fees is precisely that), is not a currency at all. Currencies depend on relatively constant value in time and place for all users uniformly. Digital currency is thus not a currency; it’s serfdom and slavery.

So why Africa? I suspect you know the answer. If Africa is the test bed for a method of tracking (1) a person’s health and immunization records, and (2) how a person spends money, then we have to ask, Why Africa? Well, you can call me all sorts of names including “conspiracy theorist” if you wish, but I find it highly suspicious that Baal Gates, whose “background” includes a healthy dose of eugenics and good old-fashioned Republic of Venice Malthusianism, is involved with this, and he’s already on record as wanting to make sure blacks get his “vaccine” first. And, oh, look, he’s chosen the poorest (and therefore, most illiterate and therefore, least likely to resist) parts of Africa to test it.

I call that the real “systemic racism.”

See you on the flip side…


Use Cash – Defy the System



July 13, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

G.B. spotted this article, and offered a few tangential but important comments. Essentially, it’s an “update” to the Bank of International Settlements’ plans to roll out digital currency, ultimately to replace cash:

BIS Innovation Hub: The Gradual March To Central Bank Digital Currency Continues To Advance

Essentially, there are two important points to note. Firstly, various central banks are already engaged in a limited roll-out of digital currencies:

The initial phase of the project saw Hub’s opened up in Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore. An operational agreement was signed with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in September 2019, followed by an agreement with the Swiss National Bank in October. The Hub in Singapore began operations in November.

With phase one completed, the BIS have now moved into the second phase which they warned was going to happen when the Hub first launched. Accompanying the release of this year’s Annual Economic Report, the institution announced that the Hub is expanding to new locations in both Europe and North America.

Over the next two years, the Bank of England will be opening a centre, along with the Bank of Canada, the European Central Bank and four Nordic central banks (Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland). A ‘strategic partnership‘ will also be formed with the Federal Reserve System.

East and West may appear divided in the geopolitical sphere, but in the world of central banking they are very much united behind the common goal of the Hub.

As the BIS outlined in a press release, the expansion will ‘allow Innovation Hub to spur central bank work across multiple fintech pillars‘. General Manager Agustin Carstens confirmed that the ‘new centres will expand our reach significantly and help create a global force for fintech innovation‘.

The second, and much more important point to note, is that the goal is both to digitize liquid assets and cash and essentially free this digitized currency from any connection to tangible and real assets, and to incorporate the “unbanked” or “underbanked” population of the world, some billion and a half people, into this system:

What central banks (in line with state legislatures) are not going to do is simply outlaw cash when CBDC’s become available. I believe what they want is for banknotes to dwindle to a level where they can make the argument that the servicing costs of maintaining the cash infrastructure outweigh the amount of cash still in circulation and being used for payment.

An Access to Cash report published in the UK last year warned that because of bank branch closures and the decline of ATM’s, Britain’s cash network was at real risk of collapsing. Introduce a CBDC into the equation and you can see how cash will soon be deemed nonviable. Those who might opt to use cash over a digital currency would eventually have no other option than to transfer their money into a CBDC.

One of the main goals of global planners is to target what they call the ‘unbanked‘ or the ‘underbanked‘. In other words, those who exist largely outside of the financial system and trade anonymously. The BIS Annual Report declared that 1.7 billion adults and hundreds of millions of firms ‘are tied to cash as their only means of payment‘. That is one fifth of the world’s population that central banks are seeking to bring into their world – a digital only construct in which the only alternative is a life of destitution.

Essentially, the central banking fraternity will want to be able to pinpoint the abolition of cash on the advancement of technology and the changing payment habits of the consumer, thereby taking the emphasis off themselves.

With regards to changing consumer behaviour, the unproven fear perpetuated throughout the media that cash could transmit Covid-19 has successfully managed to undermine cash to the point where a large swathe of people have stopped using it. The latest statistics from Link show that in the UK transaction volume is down 47% on this time last year.

Over time, central banks will be able to use a sustained reduction in demand for cash to their advantage. As Yves Mersch of the European Central Bank mentioned in May, ‘if our customers, the people of Europe signalled a change in payments behaviour, we would want to preserve their direct link to the ultimate owner of our currency by maintaining their access to central bank liabilities‘.

There are three problems here.

Firstly, notice where the earliest trials of digital currency were held: Hong Kong, Switzerland, and Singapore. As G.B. noted in the comments of the email accompanying the article, each place has been a hub of massive financial scandal and fraud in recent years. And as I and Catherine Austin Fitts have repeatedly warned, a move to a digital currency is a move to something which, in effect, is not a currency at all, simply because of the implied ability of central banks, at the push of a button, to modify the value of that currency at will. Say you leave your place of work with 15,000 digibooboos being deposited in your account. On your way home, you decide to stop and get some groceries. But Mr. Central Banskter needed some extra digibooboos to cover his margin calls, which amount to just a few quadrillions of digibooboos, so he decides simply to create more digibooboos at the push of a button. By the time you arrive at the checkout lane in the grocery store, the robocashier informs you that your grocery bill, which just a few seconds ago might have cost a mere 200 digibooboos, now comes to 14,000 digibooboos, leaving you to ponder whether or  not to buy your groceries and figure out  how to pay your mortgage (which, incidentally, is also digitized along with the title to your house), or abandon your purchase of mystery 3d-printed meat and GMO potatoes, and pay your mortgage (pronto!) before it too becomes too expensive to pay. You decide to do the latter, and rush to the nearest morgautpaycen (mortgage automated payment center), which informs you that, woops, your mortgage payment is now 15,500 digibooboos. Frantic, you try transferring money from your savings account to your transactions account, only to be told that Microsh*t corporation is interrupting the transaction to update the morgautpaycen system (and your “vaccine tatoos”) with the latest updates; please standby, this will take just a few minutes, and do not cancel the transaction. By the time this has ended, a line has formed, and you make the transfer and rush home, only to find the robosheriff has arrived and repossessed your home. In fact, it’s already been sold and people are already moving into it.

Think I’m exaggerating? Well, don’t forget the roll of currency speculators and banksters in driving the German hyper-inflation of the 1920s so they could make huge amounts of money.  In short, a digital currency frees the central banksters and speculators from the necessity of having to use far slower and clumsier methods of the manipulation of stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies in order to manipulate currency and other types of value. They will be able to do all of that at the push of a button; it’s a convenient way for the banksters to walk away from all their frauds and crimes, probably of an intergenerational nature. It’s Venice all over again, on steroids.

You might as well paint a big target on yourself and all you own, and say, “Here, take it, it’s yours.”

There’s a second problem: the U.S. constitution, which has that curiously worded phrase that only Congress has the power to “make” and “coin” money. Clearly, a digital “currency’s” fulfillment of this provision is at least debatable on a number of grounds.

And finally, the third problem: What happens to all those wonderful digital “assets” if, say, the Socialist Peoples’ Parasite and Piracy Party of Zhi Ping Pong, Woe Phat (thank you Hawaii Five-O) and Wahn Beeg Rhat (thank you Uncle Scrooge and Karl Barks) decides to zap it all with an electro-magnetic pulse because they’re unhappy with the balance of payments  (they were the ones paid off by Mr. Central Bankster with the suddenly-created digibooboos that are now worth far less). Please take all disputes to accounting; issues are typically resolved in 10-30 business days.

I suppose then were back to old fashioned analogue things like cuneiform tablets and paper records.

In short, use cash folks, as much as you can.

See you on the flip side…


Dr. Mercola On Bill Gates

(This is a long article, but definitely worth the read or go to THE CORBETT REPORT with James Corbett and watch the 4 PART EXPOSE.)

Deconstructing Bill Gates’ Agenda

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked

Story at-a-glanc

  • Gates has used his staggering wealth to buy control, and he’s done it under the cloak of “charity.” A significant piece of that control is the control over population growth. Gates’ family also has a long history of supporting eugenics
  • According to Gates, the global population could be lowered by 10% to 15% if we “do a really great job on new vaccines, health care [and] reproductive health services.” His theory is that as health improves, families opt to have fewer children
  • In 2017, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance — founded by the Gates Foundation in partnership with the WHO, the World Bank and vaccine manufacturers — decided to provide every child with a digital biometric identity to ensure 100% vaccine coverage
  • Gates has also invested in the development and implementation of biometric identification programs tied in with digital currencies
  • Ultimately, the plan is to connect everything together — our identity, finances, medical data, vaccine records and more — at which point we will be 100% enslaved

In “How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health,” I featured Parts 1 and 2 of investigative journalist James Corbett’s report on this unelected global health czar.

Part 1 reviewed how Gates ended up in a position to monopolize global health, despite his lack of health or medical education. In Part 2, he laid out Gates’ plan to vaccinate the global population against COVID-19 (although there’s no reason to imagine the plan would remain limited to a single vaccine).

Here, in Parts 3 and 4, which you’ll find in the playlist above, Corbett dives into the motives, ideology and connections of Gates that appear to have shaped and are driving his post-COVID-19 plans for the world — plans that include an unprecedented campaign to control the global population in its totality, from cradle to grave.

Population Control Is a Chief Aim

As noted by Corbett, Gates has used his staggering wealth to buy control, and he’s done it under the cloak of “charity.” A significant piece of that control is the control over population growth.

Indeed, a meeting1 in May 2009 between Sir Paul Nurse, then-president of Rockefeller University, Warren Buffet, David Rockefeller Jr., George Soros, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey, revolved around how these billionaires could use their wealth to curb population growth — without the input or interference of government agencies.

According to an article2 in The Sunday Times, they met at the request of Gates to discuss “joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.” The article continues:

“Stacy Palmer, editor of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, said the summit was unprecedented. ‘We only learnt about it afterwards, by accident. Normally these people are happy to talk good causes, but this is different — maybe because they don’t want to be seen as a global cabal,’ he said … Taking their cue from Gates they agreed that overpopulation was a priority …

Another guest said there was ‘nothing as crude as a vote’ but a consensus emerged that they would back a strategy in which population growth would be tackled as a potentially disastrous environmental, social and industrial threat … ‘They need to be independent of government agencies, which are unable to head off the disaster we all see looming.’”

According to Gates, the global population could be lowered by 10% to 15% if we “do a really great job on new vaccines, health care [and] reproductive health services.” His theory is that “as health improves, families choose to have less children … As you improve health, within a half generation the population growth rate goes down.”

Vaccines to Reduce Fertility

Alas, as Corbett notes,3 “the idea of using vaccines as sterilization agents — even without the public’s knowledge or consent — is not conspiracy lore, but documentable fact.”

He points out an excerpt from the Rockefeller Foundation’s 1968 annual report4 and five-year review, which under the heading “Problems of Population,” states that “very little work is in progress on immunological methods, such as vaccines, to reduce fertility, and much more research is required if a solution is to be found here.”

To address the problem, the Rockefeller Foundation vowed to solicit and fund “established and beginning investigators to turn their attention to aspects of research in reproductive biology that have implications for human fertility and its control.”

In 1972, the Rockefeller-funded Population Council joined forces with the World Health Organization, creating the Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation, and in 1995, the task force reported they had developed a prototype of an anti-hCG vaccine that would prevent women from carrying a baby to term.

In the early 1990s, “a series of scandals over WHO-led vaccination programs in the Third World led to allegations that tetanus vaccines in places like the Philippines5 and Kenya6 were being laced with hCG in order to implement population control by stealth,” Corbett says. The subsequent controversy chilled campaigns promoting population control via vaccines.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation revived the concept during its 2012 Summit on Family Planning in London, when it was announced the foundation will fund research, development and deployment of “injectable contraceptives,” aimed at the developing world.

“But the Gates were not content to stop there,” Corbett says. “In 2014 it was announced that Microchips Biotech, Inc., a company in Lexington, Massachusetts, had developed a new form of birth control: ‘a wireless implant that can be turned on and off with a remote control and that is designed to last up to 16 years.’

According to MIT Technology Review, the idea originated when Bill Gates visited Robert Langer’s MIT lab in 2012 and asked him if it would be possible to create an implantable birth control device that could be turned on or off remotely.

Langer referred Gates to the controlled release microchip technology he had invented and licensed to MicroCHIPS Biotechnology, and the Gates Foundation granted $20 million to the firm to develop the implants.

Reducing population growth has, by Gates’ own admission, been a core mission of the Gates Foundation since its inception. But in order to really understand what Gates means by ‘population control,’ we have to look beyond the concept of controlling population size. At its most fundamental level, the ‘population control’ that Gates speaks of is not birth control, but control of the population itself.”

Controlling the Population Through Technology

Part 3 continues by reviewing the work of Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, which was founded by the Gates Foundation in partnership with the WHO, the World Bank and various vaccine manufacturers.

In 2017, Gavi decided to provide every child with a digital biometric identity, which would simultaneously store the child’s vaccination records. Without such a system, a 100% immunization rate simply cannot be reached, Gavi CEO Seth Berkley stated.

Shortly thereafter, Gavi became a founding member of the ID2020 Alliance, alongside Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation. In 2019, Gates again collaborated with Langer to develop a novel vaccine delivery method using fluorescent microdot tags — essentially creating an invisible “tattoo” — that can then be read with a modified smartphone.

“It should be no surprise, then, that Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers — in their scramble to produce the coronavirus vaccine that, Gates assures us, is necessary to ‘go back to normal’ — have turned to a novel vaccine delivery method: a dissolvable microneedle array patch,” Corbett says.

“As in so many other aspects of the unfolding crisis, Gates’ unscientific pronouncement that we will need digital certificates to prove our immunity in the ‘new normal’ of the post-coronavirus world is now being implemented by a number of governments.”

Corbett also reviews the rapid development and implementation of biometric identification programs tied in with digital currencies. Undoubtedly, the plan is to connect everything together — your identification, personal finances, medical and vaccination records. Most likely, it will also be embedded on your body, for your own “convenience,” so you cannot lose it. Never mind the fact that everything that can be hacked at some point has been or will be.

“The ID control grid is an essential part of the digitization of the economy,” Corbett says. “And although this is being sold as an opportunity for ‘financial inclusion’ of the world’s poorest in the banking system provided by the likes of Gates and his banking and business associates, it is in fact a system for financial exclusion.

Exclusion of any person or transaction that does not have the approval of the government or the payment providers …

The different parts of this population control grid fit together like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The vaccination drive ties into the biometric identity drive which ties into the cashless society drive.

In Gates’ vision, everyone will receive the government-mandated vaccinations, and everyone will have their biometric details recorded in nationally administered, globally integrated digital IDs.

These digital identities will be tied to all of our actions and transactions, and, if and when they are deemed illegal, they will simply be shut off by the government — or even the payment providers themselves.”

Indeed, if you think online censorship is bad, consider a world in which your online activity is tied to your biometric chip with all your finances and personal data. What easier way to silence people than to block access to their own money? I’m sure there are many other ways in which such a system could be used to control any and all individuals.

“Only the most willfully obtuse could claim to be unable to see the nightmarish implications for this type of all-seeing, all-pervasive society, where every transaction and every movement of every citizen is monitored, analyzed, and databased in real-time by the government.

And Bill Gates is one of those willfully obtuse people,” Corbett says. “This Gates-driven agenda is not about money. It is about control. Control over every aspect of our daily lives, from where we go, to who we meet, to what we buy and what we do.”

Gates Family History

What drives a man who is rich beyond imagination to spend his life devising schemes to control the human population? Corbett asks. Surely, something other than money must be driving Gates’ insatiable lust for control. To answer that question, Corbett surveys Gates’ family history.

Both his great-grandfather, J.W. Maxwell, and his grandfather, Willard Maxwell, were bankers. Gates’ grandmother, Adele, was a prominent civic leader. His mother, Mary Maxwell Gates, served as director of several companies, including First Interstate Bancorp and KIRO-TV of Seattle. She was also a regent at the University of Washington, and served on the board of the United Way of America.

Gates’ father, William H. Gates, Sr., was a prominent lawyer who co-founded a powerful law and lobbying firm. He also served on several corporate and organizational boards, and headed up Planned Parenthood. As noted by Corbett:7

“From his mother’s banking family he inherited a ‘nose for the dollar,’ as one childhood friend’s father called it. From his hard-driving legal-minded father, he learned the value of legalizing business arrangements … A ‘nose for the dollar’ and a knowledge of how to use the legal system to get what you want were not the only things to emerge from Bill Gates’ childhood, however.

His parents also encouraged discussion about the family’s charity work and the causes they held close to their heart. As Gates revealed to Bill Moyers in 2003, those causes included ‘the population issue’ which sparked a lifelong interest in ‘reproductive health’ …

The topic is particularly controversial, because ‘population control’ and ‘reproductive health’ have been used for half a century as a euphemism for eugenics, the discredited pseudoscience that holds that certain families are fit to be leaders of society by virtue of their superior genes …

As transparent as it seems to us today that this ideology was a self-serving self-justification for the ruling class, it was quickly taken up as the great social crusade of the early 20th century …

A common eugenicist argument was that the scarce resources of society should not be used to support the lower classes, as that only encouraged more of their kind. Instead, life-saving medical care and intervention should be rationed so that those resources can be best put to use elsewhere.

So-called negative eugenicists even took things further, with some, like famed playwright George Bernard Shaw, calling for people to be called before a state-appointed board to justify their existence or be put to death.”

Gates Drives the Modern Eugenics Agenda

As noted by Corbett, eugenics was shunned following the second World War thanks to the atrocious acts of the Nazi’s, yet support for it didn’t die out. Instead, the concept of eugenics simply changed into discussions about population control and reproductive health.

“It is worth questioning why this man, who openly muses about death panels and the trade-offs of providing health care to the elderly, is to be taken completely at face value in his attempts to slow population growth in the third world or to handle a coronavirus health crisis that primarily affects the elderly.

That the Gates agenda is being driven by a eugenicist ideology is suggested by multiple lines of evidence, both historical and current,” Corbett says.8

Like the Maxwell/Gates family, the Rockefeller family has also been funding and promoting eugenics around the world. They even funded the Eugenics Record Office, a department of the Carnegie Institution of Washington Station for Experimental Evolution at Cold Spring Harbor New York.9

As explained on the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory website,10 the Eugenics Record Office “was devoted to the collection and analysis of American family genetics and traits history records.” The studies “collected information such as inborn physical, mental and temperamental properties to enable the family to trace the segregation and recombination of inborn or heritable qualities.”

William Welch, the founding director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, sat on the Eugenics Record Office board of directors, and the Rockefellers sponsored eugenics researchers at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes in Germany, including Ernst Rüdin, who drafted Nazi Germany’s forced sterilization law.

When the American Eugenics Society closed its doors, its long-time director, Frederick Osborne, became the president of the Population Council — another Rockefeller-funded organization. In his 2009 book, “Showing Up for Life,” Gates Sr. expresses his admiration for the Rockefellers’ decades’ long commitment to and involvement in public health, including their support of vaccination programs.

Epstein’s Controlled Breeding Program

“But the most salacious hints of a deeper agenda are not to be found in the Gates’ public associations, but in the associations that they have tried to hide from the public,” Corbett says. One curious and highly suspicious connection is Gates’ apparent involvement with the now-infamous sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.

While Gates has denied knowing Epstein, media reports claim they met on multiple occasions, and were in discussions about co-creating a charitable fund with seed money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and JPMorgan Chase. Corbett notes:

“According to The Times, Gates emailed his colleagues about Epstein in 2011: ‘His lifestyle is very different and kind of intriguing although it would not work for me.’

Epstein’s will even named Boris Nikolic — a Harvard-trained immunologist who served as the chief scientific advisor to both Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and who appears in the sole publicly known photo of Epstein and Gates’ 2011 meeting at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion — as the backup executor of Epstein’s estate.

It is not difficult to see why Gates would try to distance himself from his relationship with a child sex trafficker … But, as it turns out, the attempt to suppress the Gates-Epstein story may have been an attempt to suppress the revelation of an altogether different shared interest …

The already scarcely believable Jeffrey Epstein story took another bizarre turn in August of 2019, when it was reported that Epstein ‘Hoped to Seed the Human Race With His DNA.’11

As The New York Times explained, Epstein’s plan to impregnate 20 women at a time at his New Mexico ranch in order to ‘seed the human race with his DNA’ — plan he told to a number of the ‘scientific luminaries’ he kept in his orbit — put a modern gloss on a very old idea.”

One of those scientific “luminaries” was George Church, a Harvard geneticist who received funding for various projects from Epstein’s foundation, and who brought forth a proposal for a “genetics dating app.” Epstein and Gates both funded a startup company seeking to use gene editing to eliminate diseases.

It’s Time to See the Global Agenda for What It Is

“We cannot expect an answer about Bill Gates true motives to come from Gates himself. By this point the question of Bill Gates’ intentions has been buried under the combined weight of hundreds of millions of dollars of paid PR spin,” Corbett says.

“Now we must confront the question of why this man is motivated to build such a web of control — control over our public health agencies. Control over our identities. Control over our transactions. And even control over our bodies …

We must confront the possibility that this quest for control comes not from a selfless spirit of generosity that never seemed to exist before he became a multi-billionaire, but from the same drive for money, the same desire for domination and the same sense of superiority that motivated him on his way up the corporate ladder.

But if the answer to the question “Who is Bill Gates” is “Bill Gates is a eugenicist,” that tells us some important things about the world that we are living in … If Bill Gates is a eugenicist, driven by a belief in the superiority of himself and his fellow wealthy elitists, then what we are facing is not one man, or even one family, but an ideology.

This is not a trivial point. One man, whatever his wealth, can be stopped easily enough. But even if Bill Gates were to be thrown in jail tomorrow, the agenda that has already been set in motion would continue without missing a beat.

An entire infrastructure of researchers, labs, corporations, governmental agencies and public health bodies exists … driven by the belief of all those millions of people working for these various entities that they are truly working in the best interest of the people.

No, an ideology cannot be stopped by stopping one man. It can only be stopped when enough people learn the truth about this agenda and the world of total, pervasive control that is coming into view. If you have watched all four parts of this exploration on Bill Gates, then you are now one of the most informed people on the planet about the true nature of this agenda …

If you have made it this far, it is incumbent on you to help inoculate those around you against the corrupt ideology of Bill Gates and all those who seek to control the population of the world. You must help to spread this information so that others have a chance to see the bigger picture and decide for themselves whether they are willing to roll up their sleeves and accept what is coming, or not.”
