and Now, Farming is Illegal?

UN Announces Plan to Ban Most Farming and Meat, Triggering Shortages and Starvation

The UN claims that starvation was caused from the COVID pandemic, but the cause was the lockdowns. There has been a 40% average increase in global mortality following the COVID shots. The UN should be rejected rather than trusted.

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Alex Jones said that when populations in the third world spend half of its money on food and energy, there is civil unrest; when 60% or more is spent on food and energy, the country is set for destruction. Most of the world is now spending more than 50% off its income on food and energy. He said that our food is soaked in glyphosate and that most breast cancer is caused by this herbicide poison. US mayors are selling out the American public by endorsing UN programs. Dr. Peter McCullough says authorities are doing mass PCR testing on animals and that the Bird Flu is an artificial crisis used for mass culling of poultry that will lead to food shortages. He said it will drive fear going into US elections.


John Williams explains how the UN WHO policies will affect the availability and cost of meat in the US. Ranchers are being pushed out of business and meat will become scarce, which will lead to skyrocketing prices. Some people will turn to “plant-based meat” that will cost a fraction of the price of meat. He explained that the business model for plant-based food as restaurants across the US are closing. New treaties are being introduced to change food production. Food quality is likely to drop in the US.

The Verge:
