Technocracy Here, Technocracy There

Technocracy Rising: All The President’s Men

Patrick Wood of wrote an article using artificial intelligence for a report on people who were appointed in 2025 by Trump and are considered technocrats. The shared objectives of the technocrats are AI supremacy, cryptocurrency normalization and federal privatization. The AI program concluded, “As these technocrats consolidate power, the long-term implications for regulatory integrity and public trust in governance remain deeply uncertain.”


The article is behind a paywall , but the audio version may be accessed here. Patrick Wood wrote this article using using a feature called Deep Research. It scoured hundreds of sources to analyze his prompt to list all of the people from the tech sector who are considered technocrats and were appointed by Trump in 2025. This included members of the ‘PayPal Mafia’ that is a group of former PayPal employees and founders who have since founded and/or developed additional technology companies based in Silicon Valley, such as Tesla, Inc., LinkedIn, Palantir Technologies, SpaceX, Affirm, Slide, Kiva, YouTube, Yelp, and Yammer.

AI reported that that the shared objectives of the technocrats are AI supremacy, cryptocurrency normalization and federal privatization. The Silicon Valley technocrats in advisory positions share a vision centered on deregulation, technological dominance and the restructuring of federal institutions to align with Libertarian-leaning tech industry priorities.

AI listed the following names of tech advocates surrounding Trump: Michael Kratsios, David Sacks, Sriram Krishnan, Bo Hines, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, Peter Thiel (who mentored VP JD Vance), Mark Andreessen, Joe Lonsdale, Ken Howery, Luke Nosek, Blake Masters, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Scott Bessent, Howard Lutnick, Emil Michael, Russell Vaught and Brendan Kerr.

The AI program concluded, “As these technocrats consolidate power, the long-term implications for regulatory integrity and public trust in governance remain deeply uncertain.”

Click here for audio link


Cryptocurrency & Regulation

Biden Vetoes Congress’ Pro-Crypto Resolution, Supports SEC Stance

Updated byDaria Krasnova

In Brief

  • President Joe Biden vetoed a Congressional resolution aimed at overturning the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121 (SAB 121).
  • Critics argue that SAB 121 imposes significant burdens on cryptocurrency firms and risks consumers’ assets in bankruptcy scenarios.
  • Despite facing criticism, Biden expressed a willingness to work with Congress on appropriate legislation for the digital asset market.

President Joe Biden has vetoed a Congressional resolution seeking to overturn the SEC’s Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121 (SAB 121), reinforcing the Administration’s commitment to strict financial regulations.

The resolution, which garnered significant support from Republicans and some Democrats, passed both the House and Senate on May 16.

Biden’s Veto Maintains SEC’s Crypto Oversight

SAB 121, introduced in March 2022, requires financial institutions to report customers’ digital assets. Critics argue that this rule places heavy operational and financial burdens on firms dealing with cryptocurrencies. Senator Cynthia Lummis, a key supporter of the resolution, claimed that SAB 121 jeopardizes consumers’ assets during bankruptcy by placing them on institutional balance sheets.

Facing backlash from crypto industry leaders and several lawmakers, Congress repealed SAB 121. The House of Representatives voted first, with 228 members supporting the repeal and 182 opposing it. A week later, the Senate voted 60-38 to overturn the rule. However, more than this vote count was needed to prevent a presidential veto.

In the statement accompanying the document, Biden stressed that his Administration will not back any measures that could harm consumers and investors.

“By virtue of invoking the Congressional Review Act, this Republican-led resolution would inappropriately constrain the SEC’s ability to set forth appropriate guardrails and address future issues. This reversal of the considered judgment of SEC staff in this way risks undercutting the SEC’s broader authorities regarding accounting practices. My Administration will not support measures that jeopardize the well-being of consumers and investors”, Biden stated.

Reactions to Biden’s veto have been mixed within the crypto community. Some see it as a necessary step for investor protection, while others view it as a barrier to financial innovation.

“SEC actions that prevent highly regulated US financial firms from custodial services for Bitcoin hinder financial innovation and competitiveness. This could drive businesses to relocate to countries with more favorable regulations, resulting in a loss of capital, talent, and technology for the US. For American citizens, these restrictions limit access to financial innovations and investment diversification, putting them at a disadvantage compared to those in other countries”, Manuel Ferrari, Money On Chain & MimLABS Co-Founder, told BeInCrypto.

Despite the veto, Biden expressed his willingness to work with Congress on new legislation for the digital asset market, stressing the need for measures to protect investors. This decision highlights the ongoing debate over how to regulate the crypto industry while balancing innovation with consumer safety.


What’s In Your Nose?



July 20, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

Before we get to the focus of today’s blog, I’d like to thank everyone for being patient the past week with the reduced blogging schedule while I had company and took care of some other matters. Also, I’d like to thank people for continuing to send articles and share your insights and thoughts about them. Last week my email inbox was stuffed full of articles and insights, and accordingly, this week’s “honorable mentions” (this coming Saturday), include some of the more interesting articles, many on the Fauci-Lieber-Wuhan-Baal Gates corona virus, and also some stories that “slipped under the radar” while the propatainment media continue to focus on the virus.

With that in mind, V.T. found and sent along this story, which merits some consideration, about how Mr.  Globaloney is merging “health care”, surveillance, and money in one fell swoop, and as one might imagine, the Baal and Malicious Gates Foundation is at the epicenter of it, along with a few other familiar names like Rockefailure and so on:

Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, “Vaccine Records,” & “Payment Systems”

Now, whether or not you believe that all of this is “the mark of the beast” or not, the following should at least give you pause:

Testing will soon begin in poverty-stricken parts of Africa for a biometric ID which will also be your payment system and vaccine record. The biometric digital identity platform that “evolves just as you evolve” is backed by none other than the Bill Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, Mastercard, and the AI-powered “identity authentication” company, Trust Stamp.

The GAVI Alliance, which is largely funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, as well as allied governments and the vaccine industry, is principally concerned with improving “the health of markets for vaccines and other immunization products,” rather than the health of individuals, according to its own website. Similarly, Mastercard’s GAVI partnership is directly linked to its “World Beyond Cash” effort, which mainly bolsters its business model that has long depended on a reduction in the use of physical cash.

Reducing the use of cash is needed. Cash is impossible to track, but if you use centralized digital currency, the ruling class has complete control over what you can spend.

The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard “Wellness Pass,” a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard’s click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData. Mastercard, in addition to professing its commitment to promoting “centralized record keeping of childhood immunization” also describes itself as a leader toward a “World Beyond Cash,” and its partnership with GAVI marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform. The effort, since its launch nearly two years ago, has been funded via $3.8 million in GAVI donor funds in addition to a matched donation of the same amount by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. –Activist Post

(Italicized emphasis added, boldface emphasis in the original)

Consider the following high octane speculation: Dr. Charles Lieber, the Harvard chemist and expert on nano-technology, was arrested toward the beginning of the corona-virus story in the USA, for not having disclosed his financial dealings with the Communist Chinese government in (you guessed it) Wuhan. Dr. Fauci, via his wife, is connected to Baal Gates and his “foundation.” Gates in turn is pursuing a technology to “tattoo” people so that their medical records are carried with them wherever they go (sounds kind of like a “mark” to me). Lieber would thus be the very sort of person one would expect to be associated with this technology and its development. Then we have those “nose swab” tests themselves, which sound suspiciously like those “nasal insertions” we’ve been hearing about for years from the “UFO abductee” crowd. Why such a strange test? I would think simply drawing blood , testing for antibodies, and so on, would be sufficient. Many have suspected that these tests may be “inserting something” into people as well as testing them, and you can number me in that crowd of skeptics, for the very simple reason that there’s been little about the covid narrative that makes a whit of sense to me. Pile on top of that the mad rush in some places of governors and local officials banning church services, or issuing edicts on how they’re to be conducted, and you have a genuine apocalypse theater with all the appropriate memes being driven by politicians and propatainment media. Then there’s the matter of a “cashless” or “digital currency,” whose “value” can be determined by how compliant one is to the dictates of the central banksters. Did you go to church and sing and (perish the thought) take communion in violation of Governor Gruesome’s edict against it? Did the communion wine come from any closed vineyard and not from Governor Gruesome’s (which remained conveniently open)? Shame on you! In punishment, your next digital paycheck has been docked 35% automatically. A digital currency which can thus be automatically changed in value (and auto-deduction of fines and fees is precisely that), is not a currency at all. Currencies depend on relatively constant value in time and place for all users uniformly. Digital currency is thus not a currency; it’s serfdom and slavery.

So why Africa? I suspect you know the answer. If Africa is the test bed for a method of tracking (1) a person’s health and immunization records, and (2) how a person spends money, then we have to ask, Why Africa? Well, you can call me all sorts of names including “conspiracy theorist” if you wish, but I find it highly suspicious that Baal Gates, whose “background” includes a healthy dose of eugenics and good old-fashioned Republic of Venice Malthusianism, is involved with this, and he’s already on record as wanting to make sure blacks get his “vaccine” first. And, oh, look, he’s chosen the poorest (and therefore, most illiterate and therefore, least likely to resist) parts of Africa to test it.

I call that the real “systemic racism.”

See you on the flip side…


Use Cash – Defy the System



July 13, 2020 By Joseph P. Farrell

G.B. spotted this article, and offered a few tangential but important comments. Essentially, it’s an “update” to the Bank of International Settlements’ plans to roll out digital currency, ultimately to replace cash:

BIS Innovation Hub: The Gradual March To Central Bank Digital Currency Continues To Advance

Essentially, there are two important points to note. Firstly, various central banks are already engaged in a limited roll-out of digital currencies:

The initial phase of the project saw Hub’s opened up in Switzerland, Hong Kong and Singapore. An operational agreement was signed with the Hong Kong Monetary Authority in September 2019, followed by an agreement with the Swiss National Bank in October. The Hub in Singapore began operations in November.

With phase one completed, the BIS have now moved into the second phase which they warned was going to happen when the Hub first launched. Accompanying the release of this year’s Annual Economic Report, the institution announced that the Hub is expanding to new locations in both Europe and North America.

Over the next two years, the Bank of England will be opening a centre, along with the Bank of Canada, the European Central Bank and four Nordic central banks (Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland). A ‘strategic partnership‘ will also be formed with the Federal Reserve System.

East and West may appear divided in the geopolitical sphere, but in the world of central banking they are very much united behind the common goal of the Hub.

As the BIS outlined in a press release, the expansion will ‘allow Innovation Hub to spur central bank work across multiple fintech pillars‘. General Manager Agustin Carstens confirmed that the ‘new centres will expand our reach significantly and help create a global force for fintech innovation‘.

The second, and much more important point to note, is that the goal is both to digitize liquid assets and cash and essentially free this digitized currency from any connection to tangible and real assets, and to incorporate the “unbanked” or “underbanked” population of the world, some billion and a half people, into this system:

What central banks (in line with state legislatures) are not going to do is simply outlaw cash when CBDC’s become available. I believe what they want is for banknotes to dwindle to a level where they can make the argument that the servicing costs of maintaining the cash infrastructure outweigh the amount of cash still in circulation and being used for payment.

An Access to Cash report published in the UK last year warned that because of bank branch closures and the decline of ATM’s, Britain’s cash network was at real risk of collapsing. Introduce a CBDC into the equation and you can see how cash will soon be deemed nonviable. Those who might opt to use cash over a digital currency would eventually have no other option than to transfer their money into a CBDC.

One of the main goals of global planners is to target what they call the ‘unbanked‘ or the ‘underbanked‘. In other words, those who exist largely outside of the financial system and trade anonymously. The BIS Annual Report declared that 1.7 billion adults and hundreds of millions of firms ‘are tied to cash as their only means of payment‘. That is one fifth of the world’s population that central banks are seeking to bring into their world – a digital only construct in which the only alternative is a life of destitution.

Essentially, the central banking fraternity will want to be able to pinpoint the abolition of cash on the advancement of technology and the changing payment habits of the consumer, thereby taking the emphasis off themselves.

With regards to changing consumer behaviour, the unproven fear perpetuated throughout the media that cash could transmit Covid-19 has successfully managed to undermine cash to the point where a large swathe of people have stopped using it. The latest statistics from Link show that in the UK transaction volume is down 47% on this time last year.

Over time, central banks will be able to use a sustained reduction in demand for cash to their advantage. As Yves Mersch of the European Central Bank mentioned in May, ‘if our customers, the people of Europe signalled a change in payments behaviour, we would want to preserve their direct link to the ultimate owner of our currency by maintaining their access to central bank liabilities‘.

There are three problems here.

Firstly, notice where the earliest trials of digital currency were held: Hong Kong, Switzerland, and Singapore. As G.B. noted in the comments of the email accompanying the article, each place has been a hub of massive financial scandal and fraud in recent years. And as I and Catherine Austin Fitts have repeatedly warned, a move to a digital currency is a move to something which, in effect, is not a currency at all, simply because of the implied ability of central banks, at the push of a button, to modify the value of that currency at will. Say you leave your place of work with 15,000 digibooboos being deposited in your account. On your way home, you decide to stop and get some groceries. But Mr. Central Banskter needed some extra digibooboos to cover his margin calls, which amount to just a few quadrillions of digibooboos, so he decides simply to create more digibooboos at the push of a button. By the time you arrive at the checkout lane in the grocery store, the robocashier informs you that your grocery bill, which just a few seconds ago might have cost a mere 200 digibooboos, now comes to 14,000 digibooboos, leaving you to ponder whether or  not to buy your groceries and figure out  how to pay your mortgage (which, incidentally, is also digitized along with the title to your house), or abandon your purchase of mystery 3d-printed meat and GMO potatoes, and pay your mortgage (pronto!) before it too becomes too expensive to pay. You decide to do the latter, and rush to the nearest morgautpaycen (mortgage automated payment center), which informs you that, woops, your mortgage payment is now 15,500 digibooboos. Frantic, you try transferring money from your savings account to your transactions account, only to be told that Microsh*t corporation is interrupting the transaction to update the morgautpaycen system (and your “vaccine tatoos”) with the latest updates; please standby, this will take just a few minutes, and do not cancel the transaction. By the time this has ended, a line has formed, and you make the transfer and rush home, only to find the robosheriff has arrived and repossessed your home. In fact, it’s already been sold and people are already moving into it.

Think I’m exaggerating? Well, don’t forget the roll of currency speculators and banksters in driving the German hyper-inflation of the 1920s so they could make huge amounts of money.  In short, a digital currency frees the central banksters and speculators from the necessity of having to use far slower and clumsier methods of the manipulation of stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies in order to manipulate currency and other types of value. They will be able to do all of that at the push of a button; it’s a convenient way for the banksters to walk away from all their frauds and crimes, probably of an intergenerational nature. It’s Venice all over again, on steroids.

You might as well paint a big target on yourself and all you own, and say, “Here, take it, it’s yours.”

There’s a second problem: the U.S. constitution, which has that curiously worded phrase that only Congress has the power to “make” and “coin” money. Clearly, a digital “currency’s” fulfillment of this provision is at least debatable on a number of grounds.

And finally, the third problem: What happens to all those wonderful digital “assets” if, say, the Socialist Peoples’ Parasite and Piracy Party of Zhi Ping Pong, Woe Phat (thank you Hawaii Five-O) and Wahn Beeg Rhat (thank you Uncle Scrooge and Karl Barks) decides to zap it all with an electro-magnetic pulse because they’re unhappy with the balance of payments  (they were the ones paid off by Mr. Central Bankster with the suddenly-created digibooboos that are now worth far less). Please take all disputes to accounting; issues are typically resolved in 10-30 business days.

I suppose then were back to old fashioned analogue things like cuneiform tablets and paper records.

In short, use cash folks, as much as you can.

See you on the flip side…


Of Money & Dissent

Documents Reveal That US Military Is Planning For A “Gen Z Bitcoin Rebellion”

By John Vibes

Before Bitcoin became the newest trend for silicon valley bros, it was a tool for hackers and revolutionaries who wanted to undermine the banking system. In fact, this was the original vision of the cryptocurrency’s mysterious creator Satoshi Nakamoto, and the group of anarchist hackers called “cypherpunks” that developed the technology.

It appears that this original vision was not missed by the US government, which has been developing plans to contend with a potential cryptocurrency rebellion. Documents obtained by The Intercept through a freedom of information act request show that the US Department of Defense has created war game scenarios in which a rebellion of Gen Z revolutionaries used cryptocurrency to undermine and evade the establishment.

In one of the war games, the Pentagon prepared for hordes of Gen Z hackers who used cyberattacks to steal money and convert it to Bitcoin. The revolutionary group in the war game was given the name “Zbellion.” This exercise happened two years ago, in 2018, but it was set in the future year of 2025. In the scenario, Gen Z was involved in protests all over the world and waged a “global cyber campaign to expose injustice and corruption and to support causes it deem[s] beneficial.”

It was noted that Gen Z sees themselves “as agents for social change” and believe that the “system is rigged against them.”

In light of the protests that have developed around the world over the past months, activists are starting to revisit the original spirit of the technology, and are seeing its potential as a tool for revolutionary movements. The details of the Pentagon war games were not made public until Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz suggested freezing the financial accounts of demonstrators who are spotted at the ongoing protests against police violence.

Nathaniel Whittemore, a bitcoin and cryptocurrency consultant, and strategist, previously told Forbes that, “One of the most important tools in the authoritarian toolkit is the ability to freeze the funding of legitimate political dissent. By separating the infrastructure of money from the infrastructure of state power, bitcoin makes it that much harder for this type of politically motivated confiscation.”

“In the wake of unprecedented central bank action around the Covid-19 crisis, it seemed like the most relevant narrative of bitcoin in 2020 was as a hedge against inflation. It appears, however, that its capacity for censorship resistance might be just as relevant,” he added.

Image Credit: Richard Patterson

Source: Truth Theory


Is This Happening?

Congress has submitted a law making it illegal to hold cash, Bitcoins, or other assets outside of the bank without informing them with writing.

By now, it seems to be common knowledge that the government tries very hard to monitor and regulate every single transaction individuals choose to conduct.

Yet, with the rise of cryptocurrencies, and the new fears coming out that decentralized virtual money could actually start or magnify a financial crisis, on May 25th, Congress submitted a bill making it illegal, and placing individuals subject to asset confiscation and imprisonment, for anyone to have a medium size amount of cash, Bitcoin, etc. outside of a bank without telling the government how much they have, where they have it, and why they have it through filling out new Federal forms.

The new bill is entitled, “Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017.”

Within the bill they even include prepaid phones, retail gift vouchers, or even electronic coupons. Also within the bill is the government’s aim to greatly extend its authority to seize assets through “Civil Asset Forfeiture”.

Civil Asset Forfeiture rules allow the government to take whatever they want from you, without a trial or any due process.

The bill has also vastly expanded on the definition of ‘financial crimes’, which now includes the failure to fill out a form if you happen to be transporting more then $10,000 worth of ‘monetary instruments’.

According to the bill, if you do not tell the government about the cash you have, they are authorized to seize not just the money you didn’t report, but also all your assets and bank accounts. They even name “safety deposit boxes” among the various assets that they can seize if you don’t fill out the form.

On top of civil penalties, there are even criminal penalties. Right now, according to current law, they can imprison you for up to five years for not filling out the forms.

This bill aims to double the criminal penalty to ten years in prison. The bill also gives the government authority to engage in surveillance and wiretapping if they have even a hint of suspicion that you may be transporting excess ‘monetary instruments’.

Normally wiretapping authority is reserved for major crimes like kidnapping, human trafficking, felony fraud, etc.

Banks in the U.S. are already required by law to fill out suspicious activity reports on their customers. Then Congress added stock brokers, casinos, currency exchanges, precious metal dealers, pawnbrokers, and even the Post Office to the list.

Under the new bill, the government also wants to forcibly recruit even more unpaid spies, including any business which issues or redeems anything that is prepaid. So, Amazon would be required to file reports to the government about prepaid gift cards

The bill also wants to pull any business which “issues” cryptocurrency under the anti-money laundering regulatory umbrella.

Yet, no one “issues” Bitcoin. There is no Bitcoin central bank. There is no Chairman of Bitcoin who decides on a whim to increase the supply.

Bitcoin is created amounts that are pre-determined by its code. It’s software.

So the Senate is essentially trying to force the Bitcoin core software to comply with money laundering regulations.

The bill also attempts to include Bitcoin in the list of monetary instruments that must be reported when entering or leaving the U.S.

this means if you leave the U.S. with more than $10,000 in Bitcoin or Ether, you will have to confess it to authorities or face the aforementioned penalties, i.e. prison time, civil asset forfeiture, etc.

It seems that the bill criminalizes or delegitimizes the most mundane and harmless financial activities, all under the guise of keeping us safe.


Growth of Bitcoin

Whistleblower: Federal Reserve “Highly Alarmed” After Modeling Shows Bitcoin Conquering Dollar by 2021

The Federal Reserve is apparently very worried about bitcoin disrupting the monetary system.

According to an alleged whistleblower’s post on Reddit, Fed governors were “highly alarmed” by internal economic modeling that showed Bitcoin has the potential to completely displace the dollar by as early as 2021 (which they called “worst case”).

The whistleblower, who currently remains anonymous, claims to work for the Federal Reserve as a researcher who was tasked with doing “econometrics and related modeling” for Bitcoin.

He writes:

The Dirty: We were directed to upgrade our modeling of bitcoin from developing currency to a major currency. In addition to all of the common modeling and forecasting that task entails, we were instructed to do full simulations of money flows, interest rates, multi currency derivative baskets, risk metrics, and their effects on global macro monetary policy and trade agreements. What we found was shocking. Even with a mediocre adoption rate and variable growth rate, bitcoin severely disrupts how we model, forecast, and ultimately understand currency interactions to make monetary policy decisions. This is a huge technological, monetary, and policy disruption which leaves the Fed, the US govt, and other entities with much less control.

Our best case scenarios are modeled upon current bitcoin adoption rates which have simulated a tipping point for the year 2026 (worst case 2021); this time frame projects the Fed (via the dollar) to lose its dominant global monetary policy maker status – instead everything will superseded by bitcoin.

I presented this updated report along with all of our modeling work and simulation outputs which were statistically and independently verified to the Board of Governors. The Board was highly alarmed and interrogated me and my fellow researchers in a 3 day session trying to understand every point of our research. It must be remembered that unlike politicians, the Board of Governors is a very well educated and empirical group with an ability to conceptually grasp complicated research.

The ramifications of this internal analysis could be huge. Pressed by the Reddit community to verify his claims, he is said to be working with journalists to release proof or his employment and of the report itself


On Bitcoin

Bitcoin: The Technology That Could Phase Out the Fiat Central Banking System and Free Humanity From Debt Slavery

| January 8, 2014


Flickr Commons: Image provided by Antana

Every decade or so, a group of like-minded people will invent something so revolutionary that it will change our life and how the world operates. The last time something that incredible happened was during the invention of the internet. Fast forward to 2014 and we are living in a time when incredible changes are occurring so fast that they are happening right in front of our eyes. Whether we are aware of these great changes or not, they will alter how we view our financial, religious, educational and political systems. One of them is known as the Bitcoin Revolution

In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto published a research paper on cryptography that sparked the movement of Bitcoin. He stated that he found a way to create a decentralized network that can achieve consensus or agreement without the use of central authority systems, such as a central bank. Before he published his work, no one has been able to solve the byzantine generals problem, which was the obstacle that was preventing a decentralized network to achieve consensus.

I first heard of Bitcoin in early 2013, but I decided not to investigate it and brush it aside. Big mistake! Why? Because Bitcoin is one of the signs that I have been waiting for many years. Bitcoin isn’t just a digital currency. More importantly, it’s a cryptography technology that has amazing potential. If used correctly, it could phase out the central fiat banking system and free us from debt slavery! Bitcoin can do this because it’s an open source technology that isn’t controlled by anyone, just like the internet. However, certain greedy and controlling wealthy elites will try to control it, but the chance of them succeeding is slim.

Who controls the current central banking system?

The people who control most of the central banking systems of the world are part of a secret organization known as the New World Order (NWO). This organization is made of many different groups of secret societies. Fortunately, not everyone who is a part of the NWO supports its dark agendas. The controlling groups of the NWO need a highly controlled system to survive, which is why they love the fiat central banking system. This banking system is the main entity that allows them to steal our wealth through inflation and enslave us through debt. It also gives them the power to bribe politicians into supporting their phony wars and dark agendas.

Since the current centralized financial and political systems are heavily controlled by controlling factions of secret societies, if we want to achieve success or accomplish our goals, we have to overcome many of the obstacles set in place by them. For example, to make it big in the entertainment industry in the current state of our society, you need to sign a contract with major media companies. The problem is that they are mostly owned by secret societies; therefore, if you want to succeed, you will have to become their puppet. This is why most famous celebrities are tools of the NWO. If you want strong evidence of this, read this empowering article.

The dark forces or NWO can’t thrive in a society that uses peer to peer cryptography technologies in a responsible way. As more of these systems emerge, the dark forces will lose more of their controlling power, because these systems don’t rely on a centralized system to operate. These decentralized system will also motivate us to become more responsible. As we become more responsible, the NWO will have a harder time controlling us. It’s hard to control a responsible society that doesn’t rely heavily on controlling systems, such as a centralized government that answers to corporations and banking elites. Once the controlling systems of the NWO phase out, it will become a lot easier for us to achieve success and accomplish our goals.

The cons of Bitcoin

The cryptography technology that Bitcoin is based on is so revolutionary that if used correctly, it could help establish world peace and stop poverty. However, in the wrong hands, it could do the opposite. Fortunately, it’s hard to control a technology that is powered by the people, which is why the dark forces will have a hard time winning this battle.

Like the internet, some people will use Bitcoin for negative purposes, but it’s only a small percentage so they shouldn’t be able to disrupt the Bitcoin Revolution. A lot of people who hack computers to steal personal information are employed by certain controlling factions of governments; therefore, without large centralized entities to support them, a lot of these people won’t have the funds to support them to continue their work. In addition, cryptography technology is nearly impossible to decode.

Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin still has a lot of evolving to do, just like how the internet had to go through a lot of tweaking before it became reliable and useful. Even though it is still in its early stage, cryptocurrency is already more secure and has more potential than credit cards or any other digital currency. Remember, Bitcoin is a technology that utilizes the awesome power of cryptography to create pretty much any digital system, including but not limited to digital currency and stock programs.

As Bitcoin evolves, it will become harder and harder for corporations and centralized governments to control it, just like the internet. If we, the people, can unite and support cryptocurrency, we can help create a world where we can compete with big corporations and the elites, because it levels the playing field by shifting financial power back to the people.

Benefits of Bitcoin

  • No third party
  • Decentralized (no bank and government control)
  • Super secure (more secure than credit cards)
  • Central banks can’t manipulate or destroy its value through printing fiat money
  • Very little fees

For more information on Bitcoin, visit

Check out these videos also for more information:
