Vatican Intrigue

Alien Tech at the Vatican + The Jesuits + Archons ++

Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican

I was guided to take a look at Corey Goodes blog a few days ago and the article that caught my eye wasCosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican’ The article is simply the transcript of a discussion that David Wilcock had with his whistle-blower friend Emery Smith who has suffered many attacks of various kinds from the cabal due to his speaking out. Emery Smith claims to have autopsied about 3,000 different types of ET humanoids. The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room.”

Emery and David were travelling somewhere by car when this discussion was recorded. They were discussing the autopsies Emery made but the conversation ended up being about a visit he made to the Vatican library to get more information on a particular type of ufo…!! “So, a private organization went to the DoD [US Department of Defense] and the mil [military] labs I was working at, and they needed some technicians and some scientists to go to the Vatican to look at their archives, because they know that they had some information on a craft that was taken in New Mexico.”

After nearly 8 years of learning new things from the places that I trust for information, I thought I heard it all. However, this discussion between David and Emery reveals things that were new to me. An example,

Emery; “And, of course, the Vatican has always been a huge database. It has a huge archive of many things: artifacts and things they have found from space and have collected over many, many, many, many years.

And they have an underground base under the Vatican.

So two scientists and myself were deployed to that area to the Vatican to an undisclosed location in the Vatican. And we took an elevator down about seven or eight floors.”

You will not be disappointed when you read this article and what it reveals. My reaction to it is something like this. My GOD WE ARE LIVING IN THE DARK AGES ON THIS PLANET WITHOUT HAVING A CLUE ABOUT IT. I released after reading this that if we were not in quarantine here on this planet that we would have reached the level of technological knowhow that we have to day already about 200 years ago.

I’m guessing that if that were the case then at this point in time we would be in a position of where we could be nearly 300 years ahead in time from where we are now! I’m hoping that you will understand where I’m coming from when you read the info from Emery.

Just to whet your appetite for reading on I will give a short quote from further down this article and then the link to the entire post.

“Emery: It’ll be cities will be put up everywhere. I know even our government has contacted me to orchestrate and architect a special city here that’s self-sustainable, that’s off-grid, has its own communications, its own electric, and all this stuff, because they’re preparing to do this model everywhere.” ….

Then this quote from Emery’s visit ‘inside’ (below) the Vatican

David: But what you’re describing right now is like straight out of a sci-fi movie. It must have been just breathtakingly incredible.

Emery: It was the most amazing thing . . . one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen, .

David: Wow!

Cosmic Disclosure: Alien Tech at the Vatican


Be Discerning in What you Read

Beware of false SSP Whistleblowers

Distorting the truth to fit their belief systems and UFO religions.

admin    14 Sep 2016 : 18:06

Please beware of some of the newer “SSP” whistleblowers that have come forward recently. They are mostly mixing their imaginations with the data I have released. There are a lot of people trying to bend the info I have released into their own belief systems and UFO religions. They just have to make this new info fit into their currently held belief systems.

Those who say they have recently met w/the Blue Avians or Golden Triangle Head beings and say they “know” where the Blue Avians come from are providing extremely inaccurate information that is actually causing much confusion and damage to those who were actually involved in MILAB and SSP programs.

This is 1/3rd of the total article. Please go the link below to read the rest:

WIlliam Henry on the Blue Beings

I am just including a portion of this fascinating article by William Henry.  Go to the link at the bottom for the rest:

William Henry — The Blue Avians and Sphere Beings


While in Boulder taping my new Gaia TV show, “The Awakened Soul: The Lost Science of Ascension,” I sat down with Corey Goode and David Wilcock for three episodes of their hit program “Cosmic Disclosure: Inside the Secret Space Program”.

Corey is a “SSP” whistle blower who tells an astounding story of advanced human civilizations in space, and extraterrestrials called Blue Sphere Beings and Blue Avians, who are guiding humanity. Hundreds of thousands of people have flocked to “Cosmic Disclosure” to listen, to lend support to Corey, and to advocate for a reshuffle of the ET-human relations deck… and a new beginning for humanity by disclosing the existence of our true place in the solar system.

Critics say Corey’s story is straight out of the fantasy and scifi pulp magazines of the 1920s and 30s. The first question David Wilcock asked me during the interview was if I thought Corey was crazy.

I have no idea, I said. People believe what they want to believe. Seeing is believing for some. They want proof: pics, video, something. Others see it and believe Corey, trusting in his sincerity and the vetting of David Wilcock, who is known for his links to ET insiders and whistleblowers.

All I know is I enjoyed talking with both of them. When I first heard Corey’s story, I thought, wow, he’s talking about two of my favorite subjects; the Bird Tribe and the blue sphere wormholes or ascension spheres of the ancients. Any minute now I thought he might get into some of the ancient beliefs about these subjects.

By the way, neither of these subjects are out of scifi magazines. That is, unless you read the ancient Egyptian religious texts, Hindu literature, Native American spiritual tradition and the Bible as scifi and interpret Christian art portraying the ascension of Jesus on a blue sphere as fantasy art.

Clare and I discussed aspects of these topics, especially the blue spheres, in an episode of ourARCANUM series called “Ascension Thrones of the Ancients.” I revisited the subject directly in an episode of THE AWAKENED SOUL called “The Blue Sphere and the Soul.”

After seeing my show, and the historical art I presented, the Gaia producers immediately booked the interview with Corey and David. What I was saying corroborates Corey story, they said.

The result was an exciting conversation.

Well, one interview turned to three. We left A LOT more to discuss.

It’s not everyday that one gets to fill in a blank for a dot connector like David Wilcock, but as you’ll see in the show, this is exactly what happened. The pearl I dropped on David’s door, I am certain, is a gift that will open new pathways for him and all who follow his work. All best blessings to all.

Corey was impressed by my photos from the temple of Horus at Edfu showing Horus, the falcon-headed god, painted blue. He had never seen any of the images I was presenting. His spontaneous reactions were insightful and wonder-inspiring. He reminded me of how I felt when I first took the photos.

Horus in blue at Edfu. Photo by William Henry.

More, he loved my collection of photos of Horus in blue from Denderah. He was especially impressed that, until five years ago when the Egyptians restored the ceiling, the magnificent blue images were covered with black soot. No one knew Horus was blue. Talk about divine timing! We laughed, wondering if they were waiting for Corey’s revelation of the Blue Avians?

Horus enthroned at Denderah, Egypt. Photo by William Henry.

Where I took Corey and David from there in my ascension art collection blew their minds (pun intended).

In this article I will share some key insights from my research on the Blue Sphere Beings and the Blue Birds.

Then, I will share some of my thoughts on the Bird Tribe that weren’t part of our conversation. They are actually insights from two extraordinary mystical sources, “The Wizard of Oz” and Paul McCartney.

I know you will be as amazed as I am about the correspondence. First a word about about the


Ever since reading Ken Carey’s “Return of the Bird Tribes” back in 1992, I have been on the trail of an ancient tribe of spiritual beings who continuously manifested to humans for thousands of years, right up to the present, to ‘upgrade’ humanity…to give us, well… wings.

The “Bird Tribes” are not birds. They are celestial beings or angels who are master Ascension Teachers. Carey calls them Star People. They really are Star People, but in real life they really do not have wings.

Carey’s book inspired me to research the Bird Tribe’s angelic language, the Language of the Birds. I wrote a book about it in 1998, but that is another story for another time.

My path led me to Egypt and the ibis-headed bird man, Thoth, teacher of the resurrection and ascension mysteries…

Thoth resurrects King Seti I, dressed in Osiris’s Karast garment, from the dead with the ankh or ‘Key of Life’. Photo by William Henry.

…And to the falcon-headed Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris. In the ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, some of the oldest ascension texts in the world, the deceased king rises into the portals in the sky as Horus, indicating his role in the ‘stargate mysteries’ of ancient Egypt. Horus symbolizes the living, eternal light body returning to the stars…becoming a Starwalker in the Dimension of the Blessed.
These stargate mysteries came alive for me on the ceiling of Hathor’s magnificent temple of Love and Joy in Denderah, Egypt, where we see various members of the Bird Tribe, including Isis, the Great Cosmic Mother, and Horus, her Son of Light, as blue bird-people along with blue humans wearing feathered cloaks.

Go to this link for the rest of the article.  It is well worth it:

The Importance of Group Consciousness

Intel, Cabal and Our Co-Creative Group Consciousness

Group consciousness is making a group decision right now.

Corey/GoodETxSG    04 Mar 2016 : 16:01

So, where’s all the new intel?

Why does a reduction in intel cause such wild speculation among so many (Social/Genetic Programming or just fear of the unknown?)…

Intel comes in as it comes in. It is not a faucet that you can just turn on and fill a curiosity container with. As always, just because things aren’t appearing in print immediately on this website doesn’t mean that things are not occurring.

We are at a critical point in choosing our path as a joint consciousness… Everyone is going to have to be their own savior figure… Only us acting as a group can make the needed course corrections to get us back on path. We are still in the window.

Getting upset that savior beings aren’t going to swoop down from the sky and do the work for us just proves their point. Many of these groups (and beings) don’t think we are capable of figuring things out and rising to the occasion and to become part of the solution.

It is time for us to get off our knees and our rear ends and participate in the process.

That is the whole point of the original “message” that they delivered to us. We still have a window of opportunity to make sure full disclosure occur, don’t give up now just because the call has gone out to everyone to “put their own skin in the game” and stop waiting to be saved.

to read the remainder of this article, please go to:

On Disclosure, Secret Space Program, Goode & Wilcock

David Wilcock and Corey Goode: History of the Solar System and Secret Space Program – Notes from Consciousness Life Expo 2016

By Justin Deschamps

The following is a series of detailed notes from David Wilcock and Corey Goode’s talk from Friday the 19th of February 2016, History of the Secret Space Program.

Much of the data contained here is a summary of past disclosures, presented by Corey and David via their media outlets. But there are also hitherto unrevealed nuggets of information for those who have been following this unfolding story, several of which I think are of key importance.

This is the most well-rounded presentation of the Secret Space Program and history of the solar system that either of them has ever produced. It is an excellent place to start learning about what has apparently been happening under the cover of secrecy for eons.

Here are some important points to consider.

Full Disclosure is the Only Option

As some know, there has been a debate between various alliances negotiating for the freedom of the planet. Some of these groups want full disclosure and a complete release of advanced technology to all peopleat the same time, whereas others want a limited or partial disclosure, drawn out over 100 years.

David and Corey produced the following presentation in an effort to ‘blow the lid off’ of the partial disclosure agenda. The data presented below is in harmony with a full disclosure effort, which if it is shared virally, could make the partial disclosure agenda impossible to realize. David and Corey are making every effort to ensure full disclosure takes place, encouraging a grassroots effort from within the awakening community.

If you are reading these words, you are part of this grass-roots effort.

Solar Shift Could Be Delayed 

In David’s Saturday talk, he mentioned that the Sphere Being Alliance has been holding back the energetic ascension of the solar system to provide humanity more time to heal themselves and regain their freedoms, one of the well-known aspects of Corey’s testimony. This is being made possible by thousands of massive spheres, cloaked throughout the solar system, here to dampen galactic energy waves which will one day cause a grand solar shift.

Recently, Earth-based alliances have chosen to move forward with a partial disclosure agenda, one that will drag the whole process out over 100 years, as mentioned earlier.

In a shocking revelation, the Sphere Beings recently said that if a grassroots full disclosure effort is not successful in uniting the awakening community to demand the whole truth, then the Sphere Beings will hold back the energetic shift for ‘an age’. David speculated that this delay could be at least 100 years, or that it could be as long as 700, referencing a passage from the Law of One.

To be clear: partial disclosure is not what the SSP Alliance or the Sphere Being Alliance want. And again, David and Corey are doing everything they can to stop this effort and ensure full disclosure takes place; this talk is part of that effort.

The Current State of Affairs

I was personally taken aback by the notion the Sphere Beings would actually allow the partial disclosure plan to go through. But after some quiet contemplation, I realized that these beings are highly conscious of the laws of the universe, chiefly, free will and that they cannot avoid humanity’s choice, no matter how much they might want to. The Sphere beings have suggested in the past that full disclosure is the best option to give humanity a real chance at true freedom and prosperity. But the thing that has always held us back, now and in the deep past, is a consciousness of separation, hence their message of love, forgiveness and raising of our vibrations.

The reality is, the truther or awakening community is heavily divided, rendered almost completely ineffective insofar as realizing meaningful change for the planet. We’ve allowed ourselves to focus on our differences instead of the common ground we each share. This is no surprise, as there are countless social programs of subliminal influencing, not to mention personality parasites that compel us to choose fear over love, hate over compassion, and half-truths over the whole truth.

The good news is, the truth can be obscured, but never destroyed. We are already one people, we are already a global family, we are already powerful co-creators able to affect great change. We can deny the realities of interconnectedness, but they continue to exist, and we continue to share the burden of this world as one people. We just have to acknowledge these truths and then ask ourselves what are we actually creating with our choices.

What are we choosing to focus on and breathe life into via our consciousness? Are we focusing on truth, cooperation, and love? These are the questions we each must face as we walk our path in life.

Generally speaking, as individuals in the truther community, we’ve been trained through elaborate infiltration efforts, to attack, with prejudice, any point of view that doesn’t agree with our own. In many cases, we agree that the cabal must be stopped, that food is being poisoned, that the environment is being destroyed, and that something needs to change, yet because of one divergent belief or another, one disagreement or another, no lasting cooperation can be realized. I’ve even seen some fight over what words are used to describe our current predicament, with some claiming we’ve been enslaved by evil humans, while others say it was the archons. And these small differences prevents otherwise cooperative people from working together for change.

Oh how powerfully we’ve been duped into choosing separation, fear and disempowerment.

What Can We Do?

What I think we could benefit from is to practice open-mindedness and respect the fact that our knowledge is limited, that we don’t know everything.

Our fellows have a different point of view that can provide us insights into the truth, into who we are and what our purpose in life is, but only if we receive what is offered with child-like innocence. An open mind and heart, combined with an honest appraisal of oneself, helps us keep our ‘reality bubbles permeable,’ as Corey has mentioned before.

While I think unity is essential right now, absolute unity is not a realistic goal. Initially, we’ll need to find a way to agree to disagree on any topic that would otherwise prevent cooperation. But common goals are what we can base a foundation of unity on, those being: the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; the desire for clean food and water, the desire for a sustainable society, free of toxic pollution, a world free of slavery and oppression, and so on.

I think that all our seeming differences are an illusory slick atop an ocean of unacknowledged commonalities. In addition, we’ve been indoctrinated to believe we are fundamentally separate from each other, the universe and even the creator, all founded on false perspectives of reality. The only way for us to stay divided, to continue to see the world as separate, is if we focus on our differences, if we focus on untruth, instead of the seemingly infinite reasons to focus on what unites us.

Often what holds us back is fear that what matters to us won’t be acknowledged by another, that they won’t care about what we do. And for those lost in separate self-consciousness, this may be true. In many cases, when we see that others believe something that we do not, we immediately feel a barrier go up between us, and then through our choices we reinforce that feeling. But when we bravely pour out kindness and compassion from within, healing is radiated without, helping to create a space for cooperation.

I think learning to develop the ability to listen to others compassionately, entertaining their ideas and beliefs, without feeling the need to defend our own, again with child-like innocence, is essential right now. In this way, a loving, cooperative, and accepting relationship can be developed, one that will allow us to share our most cherished ideas free of defensive reactions that maintain separation.

It is fear, lack of empathy and close-mindedness that has kept humanity divided over the eons, therefore, only love, forgiveness and truth can restore universal consciousness.

I, for one, am not satisfied to wait 100 years for what we could have right now. If the awakening community truly is the linchpin for making full disclosure a reality, then let’s stop the infighting, set aside our differences, and make steps towards a brighter future, together, as one people.
It’s so simple a child can see the wisdom of it. And perhaps it is a child-like point of view we need most right now to navigate this transitional age successfully.

Other Information

Note: The images David used throughout the talk were not captured via screenshot. All the images below were found online or provided courtesy of In some cases, I was also able to find the images David used online.
Much of the information presented in this talk is also available in Cosmic Disclosure.
Summarized notes will be in black, with additional information, or my commentary, in [green bolded brackets]. I also added additional data points provided from other talks by David and Corey in the past.

I did not offer much commentary below, for ease of absorbing the overall narrative. More in-depth analysis of this material can be found embedded within the Summary and Analysis of Cosmic Disclosure series, available here.

To support Corey and David’s work, subscribe to Gaia TV via


Space Battle Fleets, Secret Space Program

Top Aerospace Designer Blows Whistle on Secret US Navy Space Battle Fleets

Written by Dr Michael Salla on

Navy requested Designs for Cigar Shaped space CarriersOver a 12 year period beginning in 1951, William Tompkins worked for an above Top Secret think tank within the Douglas Aircraft Company designing kilometer-long antigravity spacecraft covertly requested by the U.S. Navy. Now aged 92, Tompkins becomes an important whistleblower by exposing the secret projects he worked on in his newly released autobiography, Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries.

Tompkins supports his claims with numerous documents including two designs he completed for space battle cruisers and space carriers that would decades later become the backbone of US Navy Space Battle Groups.

Tompkins was given the job at the “Advanced Design” Douglas think tank, due to exceptional skills he exhibited in his war time service with Navy Intelligence from 1942-1945. Significantly, during his service at San Diego’s Naval Air Station, Tompkins directly participated in intelligence debriefings of Navy agents embedded within Nazi Germany’s most secret aerospace facilities during and immediately after World War II.

In his autobiography, Tompkins describes what the Navy spies had found:

The Navy agents (spies) in Germany discovered what all those “out of this world” aliens gave Hitler: UFOs, antigravity propulsion, beam weapons, extended life and plenty of mind-controlled willing girls programs. The reptilians made a deal with the Third Reich SS giving them this big box full of toys in exchange for letting Hitler enslave the rest of the planet. (pp. 70-71)

Over his four years with Navy Intelligence, Tompkins helped in the covert distribution of data from Nazi Germany’s two distinct secret space programs to Douglas Aircraft Company, along with other select aerospace companies and universities that had the scientific expertise to understand what the Nazis were doing.

When Tompkins joined Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950, it had already formed its Advanced Design think tank to design antigravity space craft. Once Tompkins moved over to Advanced Design in 1951, he was specifically tasked to design a variety of antigravity space vehicles, using his knowledge of Naval Intelligence gathered from Nazi Germany and his own talent for technical detailing.

Tompkins describes his two superiors at the Advanced Design Think Tank:

I reported directly to Dr [Wolfgang] Klemperer and Elmer Wheaton, the V.P. of engineering who wore two hats. He was V.P. of all the classified missile and space-systems programs. Unknown to 99.9%, Wheaton was V.P. of the above top secret compartmentalized extraterrestrial threats research Think Tank, too, sometimes referred to as Advanced Design. (p. 48)

Further, Tompkins relates the covert way in which the Navy went about making design requests to Advanced Design:

After receiving our unsolicited proposal for star ships [the Navy put out a sole source request for a proposal for exploratory star mission vehicles…]. Actually we didn’t even get an RFP (Request for Proposal); it was just slipped in under the floor door to our Advanced Design…. on the envelope it only said: “To Whom it may concern.” [p. 68]

Tompkins says that he approached his work by studying the mission parameters for the requested future space battle groups. He then was able to come up with designs that would allow the Navy to fulfill its future space missions.

Creating the configuration of a Naval Space Battle Group comprising kilometer-long vehicles from the mission parameters he had been given, Tompkins explains:

I redefined a standard Naval space battle group complement, stating that it would consist of one 2.5 kilometer spacecraft carrier, with a two-star on board as flag, three to four 1.4k heavy space cruisers, four to five 1k space destroyers, two 2k space landing assault ships for drop missions, two 2k space logistic support ships, and two 2k space personal transports. (p. 80)

Tompkins writes about two Navy star ship designs completed at the Douglas think tank, and includes the documents in his autobiography:

The figures following show two original drawings of Naval spacecraft carriers and battle cruisers that were visualized in Advanced Design, in 1954, from dozens of alternate configurations. Scale modes of these kilometer-long craft were subsequently made. (p. 67)

The first design is for the 1.4 km battle cruiser.

Naval Spacecraft Battlecruiser

The second design is for the 2.5 km long spacecraft carrier.

Tompkins-Spacecraft Carrier

Tompkins later worked for TRC, General Dynamics and other aerospace companies that were working on different classified aspects of the space battle cruisers and carriers being secretly built by the U.S. Navy. More of this information will be released in future volumes of his autobiographical accounts.

After his initial designs of the space carriers were completed in the early 1960s, Tompkins claims that it took nearly a decade for detailed architectural plans to be developed, enabling official construction to begin. Consequently, building began in the 1970’s and the first operational space carriers were deployed in the 1980’s, under a highly classified space program called Solar Warden.

Tompkins’ claim corroborates the testimony of other secret space program whistleblowers who state that the Solar Warden Program became operational in the 1980’s under President Reagan.

Eventually, there were eight space carrier battle groups that were built for the U.S. Navy in the 1980’s and 1990’s, according to Tompkins.

How credible is Tompkins extraordinary testimony?

passes to enter naval intelligence

To support his claims, Tompkins includes several documents in his autobiography. These include copies of two separate passes he received to enter and leave the San Diego Naval Air Station with up to three packages. These packages contained the alleged secret data provided by the Navy agents that was being distributed by Tompkins to select corporations.

The passes were signed by the head of Naval Intelligence at the Naval Air Station, Admiral Rick Obatta. These documents provide hard evidence that Tompkins was indeed acting as a courier for Naval Intelligence during World War II, as he claimed.

As for what was in the packages that Tompkins was carrying, he has supplied a copy of his mission statement that provides an answer.

Bill Tompkins - Mission Orders
His mission orders confirm that he was authorized to work as a “Disseminator of Aircraft Research and Information.” This is compelling documentary evidence that the packages Tompkins was carrying contained classified Naval intelligence on advanced aircraft designs, which include those developed in Nazi Germany.

In addition to the documents presented in his book, there is further confirmation of Tompkins’ background in advanced aerospace programs. Tompkins employment, at Douglas Aircraft from 1950 to 1963, has been verified by another former Douglas Aircraft Company employee, Dr. Robert Wood.

Dr. Wood worked for 43 years at Douglas Aircraft (which later merged to form McDonnell Douglas), and was able to confirm Tompkins thorough knowledge of senior company officials such as Elmer Wheaton and Dr. Klemperer. Dr. Wood was so impressed with Tompkins detailed testimony that he decided to assist him by becoming the editor of his autobiography.


Finally, Tompkins phenomenal design abilities were publicly recognized by Navy officials back in 1941, who made statements to the national press about his highly detailed models of previously classified naval battle groups. This led to Tompkins being recruited into Navy Intelligence in 1942.

The documents that Tompkins has supplied in support of his testimony, confirm that he had the skills, background and employment history to have worked on large antigravity spacecraft that were secretly designed under contract to the U.S. Navy, while he was employed at Douglas Aviation from 1950 to 1963.

Tompkins testimony impressively corroborates the core claims made by Corey Goode and other independent whistleblowers about the secret space programs examined in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015).

After the publication of Selected by Extraterrestrials in December 2015, Tompkins received a copy of Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs from Dr. Robert Wood. In subsequent phone conversations, Tompkins stated that much of information that he read in Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs, which is substantially based on disclosures made by Corey Goode, is accurate.

During Tompkins long career with U.S. Navy Intelligence and the aerospace industry, he compiled an impressive collection of documents that substantiate his testimony and background. Some of these can be found in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials.

According to Tompkins to support the U.S. Navy had corporate contractors design kilometer-long antigravity spacecraft in the 1950s to early 1960s, with construction beginning in the 1970s, leading to their deployment in the 1980s. His documentary support of these claims is substantive and compelling.

Tompkins testimony and documents provide powerful evidence that in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the U.S. Navy did indeed covertly deploy eight space carrier battle groups in a top secret space program called Solar Warden.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice


Information, Conditioning, & Discernment

Keeping Your “Reality Bubble” Permeable

During this time of massively conflicting information, misinformation and disinformation we must make sure our “Reality Bubbles” are permeable to new information.

by Corey/GoodETxSG on 10 Sep 2015 

 Every one of us have developed belief systems based on certain data-sets from Guru’s, Channelers, Contactee’s, “Whistleblowers” and Researchers. All of these people are fallible human beings who’s info is only as accurate as their chosen sources.If we say we are discerning, but basing or comparing information to our ensconced belief systems (rejecting anything that conflicts), we are deceiving ourselves. For our discernment filters to work correctly and truly they must also be permeable and allow new information to pass through to be filtered. Do not get caught up in enlightenment traps of the theologies and philosophies of others… No matter how well-intentioned they may be. You are responsible for your own growth and journey. Locking yourself into a belief system and then defending it from anything that conflicts with it, or makes you uncomfortable, will prevent you from evolving any further and make you dependent on another human or being who may have been mislead.

The bitterest truth is better than the sweetest lie.

There is more to come, however it is requested that in order to read the rest of the article, you please go to the source:

Blue Avians – Intro to Message


With all of the events occurring “Above and Below” there is a lot of “Information”, “Disinformation” and competing “Agendas” that are all competing for fertile places in our “Consciousness” to plant their “Seeds”.

Some people have chosen to focus on the more “Down to Earth” events and the battles over the “Financial Debt System” (Babylonian Money Magic Slave System), “Financial Resets”, “Financial Jubilee” and gifted money to the masses in “Prosperity Settlements”. There is an element of what we call “The Alliance” that is fighting the current controlling elite (known as the “Cabal” or “Illuminati” among other names.) down here on Earth at this very moment.

Some people have chosen to focus on the more “Esoteric” (for now) events and battles occurring above our atmosphere in what many are referencing as the “Secret Space Programs” and “Break Away Civilizations”. There is quite a lot of classified technologies that are in use in these “Programs” that are being suppressed and could completely change the nature and quality of life of every human being here on Earth. The “Free Energy” technologies would end the need of the “Current Oil/Petro Energy Companies”, The “Frequency and Light Healing” technologies would end the “Current Pharmaceutical Corporations”, the “Neurological Interface” technologies would end the need for “Large Education Institutions” and the “Food Replication” technologies and “Environmental Purification and Restoration” technologies would end poverty, starvation and begin to reverse the damage humanity has done to the Earth virtually over night. As you can imagine the real threat to disclosure is not that humanity cannot handle the truth or will be able to reconcile “Cosmic Life” with their religious beliefs. The real reason is that these technologies would immediately collapse the world economies and make the “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System” of no use anymore. It means the “Loss of Control” of the .01% (Elite) over the “Masses” and a complete “Paradigm Change”. In short it means “Freedom”! Freedom for the first time in humanity’s “known” recorded history. There has been a “Stealth Civil War” going on among various “SSP” groups for a while to achieve this result. Relatively recently the “SSP Alliance” was joined by a group of “Beings” that no one had encountered before. They are a 6-9th Density Group of Beings that have been referred to as “The Sphere Alliance”. These new “Sphere Beings” have since not only created an “Energetic Blockade” around Earth but have also done so around our entire solar system. They are a nonviolent group of beings who have brought assistance mainly in the form of a “Message”.

Some people are now choosing to focus on this “Message” that was delivered by the “Blue Avians” – 1 of 5 beings: the “Orb Beings”, the “Blue Avians”, the “Golden Triangle-Headed Beings” and two others who have not revealed themselves to us yet. The “Orb Beings” have been visiting “Many Tens of Thousands” of people in the form of “Blue/Indigo Balls of Light” while others have been visited by the “Blue Avians” and given a “Greeting Phrase” to know one another by.

What is this “Message”?

Every day focus on becoming more “Service To Others” oriented. Focus on being more “Loving” and “Focus on raising your Vibrational and Consciousness Level” and to learn to “Forgive Yourself and Others” (Thus “Releasing Karma”). This will change the Vibration of the Planet, The “Shared Consciousness of Humanity” and “Change Humanity One Person at a time” (Even if that “One Person” is yourself.). They say to treat your body as a temple and change over to a “Higher Vibrational Diet” to aid in the other changes. This sounds to many like a “Hippy Love and Peace” message that will not make a difference. I assure you the “Path” they lay out in “Their Message” is a difficult one. Even on the unlikely chance that these technologies stay “Suppressed”, imagine what a world we would live in if everyone made these changes to their selves?

The Blue Avians also gave a warning with this “Message”. They had tried to deliver this message “Three Other Times” and it had been distorted by humanity. They made it “very clear” that this information was NOT to become a “Cult or Religious Movement” nor was I to put myself (my “ego”) before the “Message” or elevate myself to a “Guru” status. Anyone who does so should be avoided and held accountable, including myself.

Thank you,

Corey “GoodETxSG” aka “Luke”
