The Greatest Epidemic Sickness Known to Humanity


The following is Part One in a series. Read Part Two here.

In the book Columbus and other Cannibals, indigenous author Jack D. Forbes lucidly explores a psychological disease that has been informing human self-destructive behavior that Native American people have known about for years. After reading his book, it was clear to me that he was describing the same psycho-spiritual disease of the soul that I wrote about in my book, The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of our Collective Psychosis. I introduce the idea that from the dawn of human history our species has fallen prey to a collective psychosis which I call malignant egophrenia. Speaking about this very same psychic epidemic, Forbes writes, “For several thousands of years human beings have suffered from a plague, a disease worse than leprosy, a sickness worse than malaria, a malady much more terrible than smallpox.”[i] Indigenous people have been tracking the same “psychic”[ii] virus that I call malignant egophrenia for many centuries and calling it “wetiko,” a Cree term which refers to a diabolically wicked person or spirit who terrorizes others. Professor Forbes, who was one of the founders of the Native American movement during the early sixties, says, “Tragically, the history of the world for the past 2,000 years is, in great part, the story of the epidemiology of the wetiko disease.”[iii] Wetiko/malignant egophrenia is a “psychosis” in the true sense of the word as being a “sickness of the soul or spirit.” Though calling it by different names, Forbes and I are both pointing at the same illness of the psyche, soul and spirit that has been at the root of humanity’s inhumanity to itself.

As if performing a magic ritual, in exploring the entity of wetiko, we first have to invoke its spirit and enter into relationship with it. We must contemplate and engage wetiko as objectively as we are able, as if it exists outside of ourselves, lest we get too “mixed up” with the object of our contemplation. Due to its unique psychic origin, the epidemiology of wetiko is different than any other disease. An intrinsic challenge to our investigation of the wetiko virus is that it is incarnating in the very psyche which itself is the means of our investigation. Aware of this conundrum, Forbes explains that he is attempting to examine the disease, “from a perspective as free as possible from assumptions created by the very disease being studied.”[iv] If we are not aware of the frame of reference through which we are examining the wetiko virus, our investigation will be tainted by the disease, obscuring the clear vision needed to start the healing process. Studying how wetiko disease manifests in others, as well as in the “other” part of ourselves, will help us to see “it” more objectively. Seeing this psychological disease manifesting in the world is the looking glass through which we can potentially recognize this same illness as it arises subjectively within our own minds.

After evoking an entity like wetiko, in order to study it as objectively as possible, we have to hermetically seal it within an alchemical container. This ensures that its mercurial spirit doesn’t vaporize back into the invisibility of the unconscious, where it would act itself out through us. Jung continually emphasized the importance of developing a container or vessel in which to catch troublesome spirits like wetiko. He writes, “Therefore, if anything is wrong, take it out of its place and put it in the vessel that is between your neighbor and yourself…For love of mankind, create a vessel into which you can catch all that damned poison. For it must be somewhere — it is always somewhere — and not to catch it, to say it doesn’t exist, gives the best chance to any germ.”[v] Wetiko is an elusive spirit that is challenging to pin down and say it is “this” or “that.” At the same time, it is critical that we attempt to delineate its properties. Unlike a physical virus, the wetiko bug can not be isolated materially, but its characteristic signature can be detected and seen in the peculiar operations of a psyche that is under its spell. To not recognize the existence of the wetiko germ — “to say it doesn’t exist” — allows the psychic infection to act itself out unrestrained. Being “always somewhere” is to be nonlocal, which means that it is always around, even potentially, or especially, within ourselves. In calling forth the wetiko spirit, we are simultaneously creating, through our inquiry itself, the container in which we can study this bug so as to understand what in fact we are dealing with, see how it operates out in the world, in others, and subjectively, within ourselves. In order to come full circle in our contemplative exercise/exorcise, we have to homeopathically take our contemplation back within ourselves. As if in a dream where the inner is the outer, we can recognize that the wetiko virus that we have been tracking “out there,” outside of ourselves, is a reflection of and co-related to the same process within ourselves. Encoded in wetiko’s symptomology is a revelation, something that is most important for us to know.

A Disease of Civilization

Wetiko/malignant egophrenia is a disease of civilization, or lack thereof. To quote Forbes, “To a considerable degree, the development of the wetiko disease corresponds to the rise of what Europeans choose to call civilization. This is no mere coincidence.”[vi] The unsustainable nature of industrial civilization is based on, and increasingly requires violence to maintain itself. Genuine “civilization,” in essence, means not killing people. Referring to the lack of “civility” in modern society, Gandhi was asked what he thought of Western civilization and responded by saying, “I think it would be a good idea.” It makes sense that native people would know about malignant egophrenia, as they were both oppressed by, but weren’t, at least initially, under the “curse” of modern civilization. Being under the sway of modern civilization can feel like something foreign to our nature is being imposed upon us, as if we are living in an occupied land. Modern civilization suffers from the overly one-sided dominance of the rational, intellectual mind, a one-sidedness that seemingly dis-connects us from nature, from empathy, and from ourselves. Due to its disassociation from the whole, wetiko is a disturber of the peace of humanity and the natural world, a sickness which spawns aggression and is capable of inciting violence amongst living beings. The wetiko virus is the root cause of the inhumanity in human nature, or shall we say, our seemingly inhuman nature. This “psychic virus,” a “bug” in “the system,” in-forms and animates the madness of so-called civilization, which, in a self-perpetuating feedback loop feeds the madness within ourselves.

Forbes continues, “this disease, this wetiko (cannibal) psychosis, is the greatest epidemic sickness known to man.”[vii] We, as a species, are in the midst of a massive psychic epidemic, a virulent collective psychosis that has been brewing in the cauldron of humanity’s psyche from the beginning of time. Like a fractal, wetiko operates on multiple dimensions simultaneously — intra-personally (within individuals), inter-personally (between ourselves), as well as collectively (as a species). “Cannibalism,” in Forbes’s words, “is the consuming of another’s life for one’s own private purpose or profit.”[viii] Those afflicted with wetiko, like a cannibal, consume the life-force of others — human and nonhuman — for private purpose or profit, and do so without giving back something from their own lives. One example that symbolizes our self-destructive, collective madness is the oil companies’ destruction of the Amazonian rainforest, the lungs of our planet. This is literally a full-bodied revelation showing us what we are doing to ourselves. Another literal example that is symbolically illustrating the wetiko complex in action is Monsanto genetically engineering terminator seeds that do not reproduce a second generation, thus forcing farmers to buy new seeds from Monsanto for each year’s new crop. This makes survival for many poor farmers impossible, which has triggered a wave of suicides among farmers, as Monsanto grows richer from the process.

Forbes writes, “The overriding characteristic of the wetiko is that he consumes other human beings, that is, he is a predator and a cannibal. This is the central essence of the disease.”[ix] Predators, “full-blown” wetikos are not in touch with their own humanity, and therefore can’t see the humanity in others. Instead, they relate to others either as potential prey or as a threat to their dominance. As if a different breed who is more animal-like predator than ordinary human being, someone fully taken over by the wetiko psychosis consumes others’ lives, physically, emotionally, psychically and meta-physically, beyond just the material body and physical possessions to the level of meaning itself. Wetikos are the “anti-artists” of our culture, embodying the opposite of what creative artists do. Unlike an artist (please see my article “The Artist as Healer of the World”), who creates life-enhancing meaning and enriches the world without robbing others, a wetiko takes and consumes without giving anything back, continually draining and impoverishing the planet of resources.

We are currently in the midst of “the greatest epidemic sickness known to man” (please see my article “Diagnosis: Psychic Epidemic”). Many of us don’t even realize this, as our collective insanity is so pervasive that it has become normalized. Our collective madness has become transparent to us, as we see and interpret the world through it, rendering our madness invisible, thereby unwittingly colluding with the collective psychosis that is wreaking incredible death and destruction on our planet. Being “trans-parent,” our madness is beyond its mere appearance, which is to say, “beyond being apparent,” i.e., not visible. Our collective psychosis is invisible to us, as it expresses itself both in the very way we are looking, as well as all of the unspoken ways we have been conditioned not to perceive. Due to its cloak of invisibility, we don’t see our madness, a psychic blindness which makes us complicit in the creation of our madness.

Many of us can’t fathom the level of evil to which full-blown wetikos have fallen prey, and of which they are capable. Our lack of imagination of the evil existing in potential in humanity is a direct reflection of a lack of intimacy with our own potential evil, which enables the malevolence of wetiko to have nearly free rein in our world (please see my article “Shedding Light on Evil”). In our psychic blindness we are complicit in the spreading of the evil of the wetiko psychosis, a systematic evil whose depth is beyond the capacity of words to fully describe. Evil paralyzes the ability to language our experience, creating a seemingly unbridgeable gap between language and the event it is supposed to describe. Finding that place of no words, we simultaneously discover and create a new language, a language which is universal and transcends language itself, a language known as art.


A Parasite of a Different Order 

When people are infected by the wetiko virus, Forbes writes, they are “the host for the wetiko parasites.”[x] The wetiko germ is a psychic tapeworm, a parasite of the mind. Just like certain computer viruses or malware infect and program a computer to self-destruct, mind-viruses like wetiko can program the human bio-computer to think, believe and behave in ways that result in our self-destruction. Wetiko is a virulent, psychic pathogen that insinuates thought-forms into our mind which, when unconsciously en-acted, feed it, and ultimately kills its host (us). It doesn’t want to kill us too quickly however, for to successfully implement its agenda of reproducing and propagating itself throughout the field, it must let the host live long enough to spread the virus. If the host dies too soon, the bug would be prematurely evicted and would suffer the inconvenience of having to find a new residence.

Like a cancer of the mind that metastasizes, in wetiko disease, a pathological part of the psyche co-opts and subsumes all of the healthy parts of the psyche into itself so as to serve its pathology. The personality then self-organizes an outer display of coherence around this pathogenic core, which “masks” the inner dysfunction, making it hard to recognize. In a psychic coup d’etat, the wetiko bug can usurp and displace the person, who becomes its puppet and marionette. Like a parasite, the wetiko virus can take over the will of an animal more evolved than itself, enlisting that creature into serving its nefarious agenda. Once the parasite becomes sufficiently entrenched within the psyche, the prime directive coordinating a person’s behavior comes from the disease, as it is now the one calling the shots. Just as someone infected with the rabies virus will resist drinking water, which would flush out the infection, someone taken over by the wetiko parasite will have nothing to do with anything that will help them get rid of the disease. Wetikos are phobic towards the light of truth, which they avoid like the plague. In advanced stages, this process takes over the person so completely that we could rightfully say the person is no longer there; they are just an empty shell carrying the disease. In a sense there is just the disease, operating through what appears to be a human being. The person becomes fully identified with their mask, their persona, but it is as if there is no one behind the mask.

To read the rest of Part 1 and link to Part 2, go to:

Surveillance, Fear & Self-Censorship

This is What Government Sponsored Mass Surveillance is Doing to Your Mind

Hacker Surveillance Big BrotherAlex Pietrowski, Staff
Waking Times

Big Brother is watching you and he wants you to believe that if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.

This is a lie, of course, and as we move deeper into the era of state sponsored technological surveillance, we see more evidence that the loss of privacy and confidence in inter-personal communications is transforming the individual into a compliant, self-policing ward of the state.

In one of the first empirical scientific studies to provide concrete evidence of the ‘chilling effects’ that government surveillance has on internet users, Oxford University professor Jon Penney looked at Wikipedia search data and traffic patterns before and after the 2013 revelations by Edward Snowden regarding widespread NSA surveillance of the internet. The results demonstrated an immediate trend towards self-censorship, as traffic and searches for terms like ‘Al Qaeda,’ ‘car bomb,’ and ‘Taliban’ showed nearly instant and mentionable decline.

The changes were statistically significant enough to indicate that many people automatically alter their own behavior upon realizing that a punitive authoritarian organization is monitoring them for legitimate or perceived wrongdoings.

“If people are spooked or deterred from learning about important policy matters like terrorism and national security, this is a real threat to proper democratic debate.” – Jon Penney

In 2013, the organization Pen America conducted a survey of writers in the United States showing that many were already self-censoring themselves in an increasingly oppressive atmosphere of government surveillance. The fear of being caught up in a dragnet of legal and financial problems was sufficient enough for many to change their tone and content, even though no direct physical threat existed.

“The results of this survey—the beginning of a broader investigation into the harms of surveillance—substantiate PEN’s concerns: writers are not only overwhelmingly worried about government surveillance, but are engaging in self-censorship as a result.” [Source]

Commenting on the effects of authoritarian governments which heavily surveil their citizens, Pen America also notes that, “historically, from writers and intellectuals in the Soviet Bloc, and contemporaneously from writers, thinkers, and artists in China, Iran, and elsewhere—aggressive surveillance regimes limit discourse and distort the flow of information and ideas.” This is without question the intended aim of such programs.

That study also included data which indicated how people curtail their online behavior and interactions with other people out of fear of being persecuted by the nanny state:

“Smaller percentages of those surveyed described already changing their day-to-day behavior: 28 percent said they had “curtailed or avoided activities on social media,” with another 12 percent saying they had seriously considered doing it; similar percentages said they had steered clear of certain topics in phone calls or email (24 percent had done so; 9 percent had seriously considered it).” [Source]

Furthermore, in a 2015 study by the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) examining how awareness of government surveillance affected people’s use of Google, the world’s most widely used internet search engine, researchers concluded that, “users were less likely to search using search terms that they believed might get them in trouble with the US government.”

In general, people’s behavior also changes in ways more favorable to an authoritarian government when surveillance both online and in the real world is as ubiquitous as it already is in American society. The state draws power from a compliant, acquiescent, and self-policing public, and when mass surveillance is applied to the citizenry, with the predictable result of creating a more submissive and conformist citizenry.

This idea was effectively brought to life in George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel, 1984, where the primary surveillance device of the individual was the telescreen, a digital device located in every home that could receive and transmit audio and video, giving individuals zero privacy in their own homes. The beauty of omnipotent surveillance such as this was that the government did not even have to actually be monitoring an individual, because the simple fact that they could be listening and watching was enough to frighten a person into voluntary compliance and self-censorship.

“There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You have to live – did live, from habit that became instinct – in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized.” – George Orwell, 1984

This principle is coming to fruition in our modern world in the form of the internet and social media. Couple this with the creation and publication of government watch lists of all flavors, where people can be arbitrarily restricted from travel, or worse, and we are marching headlong into a brave new world where freedom is tightly constricted not by law, but by a creeping ambiguous fear of what may happen to us if we step out of line. We are creating a society where people may have legally protected free speech, but they dare not use it.

There is a reason governments, corporations, and multiple other entities of authority crave surveillance. It’s precisely because the possibility of being monitored radically changes individual and collective behavior. Specifically, that possibility breeds fear and fosters collective conformity. That’s always been intuitively clear. Now, there is mounting empirical evidence proving it.” – Glen Greenwald

from:    http://www.wakingtimes.com/2016/04/29/this-is-what-government-sponsored-mass-surveillance-is-doing-to-your-mind/


More on Common Core

Common Core Education: Surveillance and Sexualization of Children

Common Core Student-1Makia Freeman, Contributor
Waking Times

Common core is the set of educational standards for American children funded by Bill Gates, the very same man who is pushing GMOs, vaccines and other New World Order (NWO) Agenda 21-style schemes. In another example of blatant doublespeak, the curricula are named “Common Core State Standards”, despite the fact they were forced onto the states with bribes, came top-down from the US Federal Government and were written by the international elite. Common Core first came onto the scene in 2009, after Obama took office, using money from the $350 million stimulus package. Common Core is another manifestation of a long-held dream of the NWO manipulators to replace the family with the State, a plan laid out in novels such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, which included reference to State hatcheries (i.e. State control of reproduction).


Common Core: Of the Manipulators, By the Manipulators, For the Masses

Did you know Common Core is actually copyrighted? It’s a private set of standards. It’s of the manipulators (since it’s owned by them), written by the manipulators, but it’s for the masses – all the “common” people not wealthy enough to go rich schools where the future leaders of the New World Order will learn an entirely different curriculum … one which probably trains them to become creative thinkers rather than the “obedient workers” John D. Rockefeller wanted common Americans to become. Even the Common Core logo resembles something hypnotic and discordant.

Educator Dr. Duke Pesta has been working tirelessly to expose Common Core for what it really is ever since it was launched 7 years ago. In his presentation, Duke reveals how the Government is already pushing for “public boarding schools” to be open from 8am to 8pm, 365 days per year! He quotes 2 men who were at the forefront of American education, Horace Mann and John Dewey. The latter was an open communist:

“We are who engaged in the sacred cause of education are entitled to look upon all parents as having given hostages to our cause.” Horace Mann

“The children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society …” – John Dewey

Is Common Core helping the school to replace the family as a surrogate parent? Is Common Core promoting the idea of collectivism, that the individual is subservient to the group, institution, system and State? It would appear so, but that’s not all it’s doing.

common-core-1-500x462Common Core: Minimally Exceptional

Common Core is now being used in 47 out of 50 US states – in almost all public schools – and even if your children are in private schools or homeschooled, as long as they want to go to university or college, they will have to pass SAT/ACT tests written by the same man (David Coleman) who wrote the main English components! Common Core is not designed for local autonomy; teachers have to strictly follow its guidelines, or risk having students do poorly on the test. Duke plays video clips of 3 key men who were involved in creating Common Core:

“It would be great if our education stuff worked (Common Core), but we’re not going to know for a decade.” – Bill Gates

“Teachers will teach towards the test; there is no force strong enough to prevent teachers from teaching towards the test” – David Coleman, chief architect of Common Core, who never taught in an elementary school and never edited a scholarly journal. He has now joined College Boards writing SAT and ACT tests.

“[Common Core meets a] minimal definition of college readiness” (i.e. not for STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) – Jason Zimba, architect of Common Core mathematics, admitting “college ready” really meant ready for a non-selective community college

“Using Common Core math standards will put American students 2 years behind their international peers by the end of 8th grade, and further behind by the end of high school.” – Dr. James Milgram, who refused to sign off on the Common Core standards

To make matters worse, the Common Core assessments are meaningless tests, because the grading process is rigged (just like the votes in American elections)! Did you know that the people running Common Core advertised on Craigslist for temporary workers (at $9/hour) to grade papers? Then, these workers were told that they needed to mark papers to fit into a bell curve with standard deviations (a certain amount of 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s etc.) and “needed to learn to see more papers as a 3”. In others words, they had to fit the results into a predetermined spread and ignore the actual quality of the paper!

Common Core Surveillance

This is all bad enough, but hold on, because now it starts to get really Orwellian. Children are being spied upon more and more under Common Core. Some of the ways are stealthy, such as through devices like iPads, as this article suggests:

“Initially, in order to continue to be eligible for Obama’s “Race to the Top” federal funding, states were obligated to implement a Student Longitudinal Database System (SLDS), used to track students from preschool through college (P20-WIN). Some of us may recall the many reports about measuring 400 data points … could these one to one devices be another carefully disguised method of software-driven mass surveillance of students?”

” … all across America, more and more classrooms will be filled with children innocently using their iPads or other handheld devices. Children may be playing interactive educational games, doing interactive assignments, and writing stories that can be easily shared with the teacher and other students. These seemingly harmless activities are in fact being used to collect personal and private information without the parents’ consent or knowledge. Could that educational game be used to measure your child’s mental state? Could those interactive assignments involve morally ambiguous questions that can be used to create a psychological profile of your child? Could that shared story be used to predict violent behavior?”

This Truth in Media article states that:

“Perhaps even more alarming is the fact that data collection will also include critical appraisals of individuals with whom students have close family relationships. The Common Core program has been heavily scrutinized recently for the fact that its curriculum teaches young children to use emotionally charged language to manipulate others and teaches students how to become community organizers and experts of the U.N.’s agenda 21.”

Some of the Common Core surveillance is data mining, as this article explains:

“In this modern computer era, digital personal data is gold, currently being traded like currency … the CEO of Knewton explains how Education is today’s most data mined industry. He explains “the name of the game is data per user”. From Amazon or Netflix they get 1 data point per user per day. Google and Facebook 10 data points per user per day. In education, Knewton gets 5-10 million actionable data points per student per day! Apparently, every sentence of every passage in digital content has a data tag and they can tell how interested a child is in a certain topic, how difficult it was, etc., etc. Ten million data points a day! This data grab is a gold mine to companies that want to market and design products. For venture capitalists, Education is the new hot commodity.”

The NWO manipulators also have plans to introduce all sorts of devices into the classroom which intrude upon the basic privacy of children, including a “facial expression camera”, “posture analysis seat”, “pressure mouse” and “wireless skin conductance sensor”. See this report entitled Promoting Grit, Tenacity, and Perseverance: Critical Factors for Success in the 21st Century for more details (pg. 62).

Common Core Sexualization of Children

Introducing kids to sex, including sexual education, at too young of an age, can be confusing and detrimental. A core theme of the worldwide conspiracy is the increasing sexualization of children, which is being fueled by the NWO manipulators’ indulgence in widespread pedophilia. The article Colorado School Employing “Anti-Bias” Curriculum Has Parents Asking Questions highlights how a Common Core aligned school is teaching an anti-bias curriculum. Sounds good, but this means more tyrannical and freedom-destroying political correctness, coupled with sex ed to 4 year olds! As an aside, the organization promoting this is “Teaching Tolerance” which is aligned with the Southern Poverty Law Center – the same one which covers up the truth by falsely branding people anti-Semitic etc.

Children are being encouraged to have sex and be sexual at an early age, which may well be developmentally inappropriate and harmful, given that amount of emotional maturity that is necessary to be involved in a sexual relationship. Now it’s going one step further. Some American public schools under Common Core are already giving advanced forms of birth control to children without parental knowledge. According to Duke, under Common Core, schools now have legal capacity to take teenage girls off campus to an abortion clinic to get an abortion – without informing or consulting parents!

Conclusion: Common Core is a Tool of the NWO

The word “common” in common core really means “lowest common denominator”. Essentially, Common Core is a form of socialism, Marxism or communism that brings everyone down to an equal level. George W. Bush let Senator Teddy Kennedy write the “No Child Left Behind” Act, which had too many stupid high-stake tests, too much social ideology and propaganda being injected, too little local teacher control and too much federal intervention. Common Core is all this on steroids: the ESSA Act (Every Student Succeeds Act) enshrines Common Core at the federal level, and retroactively legalizes all the illegal things the Federal Government did to get it through.

The bottom line is this: if you want your child to have your values, don’t throw him or her away to the State. Avoid Common Core all you can! Homeschool or find a private school that doesn’t do Common Core curriculum.

from:    http://www.wakingtimes.com/2016/04/21/common-core-education-surveillance-sexualization-children/

Going Within Is More Important Now Than Ever

There is so much stuff out there nowadays that the only conclusion one can come to is confusion, and confusion is not a conclusion.  It is the result of an Illusion.  This Illusion is being perpetrated and perpetuated by those things and people around us that are looking to control by taking your power- the media, the electronics, the food, the pollution, the misery, the derision.  Look around and it is pretty much patently obvious that the world as it is right now is on the edge.

The planet, beautiful Gaia, is crying, and people are not listening, not respecting, not opening.  So she is moving, and that brings in weather related events.  Areas need to be cleansed.  People need to be awakened.  But on the other hand, there are those who wish to create their own weather events and destroy the life for their own agendas.

There is a climax in the offing, and it is approaching ore quickly than one might wish, but there it is.

What can you do?  Go within.  Use your intuition.  Look from the eyes of the heart.  If something seems wrong, then it probably is.  Trust your gut.  If something looks wrong, it probably is.  Observe the signs.  If it does not seem right to take that road, turn around.  If people you know seem somewhat strange, it is time for a new gathering.

Open to the energies of the Universal Consciousness that are all around you and turn away from the illusions that are being touted as THE reality.  They have power over you only if you so choose.


Clearing Implants fr/the Archons

Archontic Implant Removal

May 31, 2015

Archontic Implant Removal  in5d in 5d in5d.com www.in5d.com http://in5d.com/ body mind soul spirit BodyMindSoulSpirit.com http://bodymindsoulspirit.com/

by Kim Hutchinson,
Guest writer, In5D.com

Recently, I participated in an Archontic implant removal. I’m very excited to share my experience because the results were so positive, and because I firmly believe the removal of these implants is the key to humanity’s liberation. Despite the crucial nature of implant removal, this type of healing is pretty rare. Most people don’t even know who the Archons are, let alone what an Archontic implant is. My hope in sharing this information is to help increase awareness so that other people can activate their implant removal know-how, too.

The Archons

Archons are multidimensional, service-to-self beings who have been feeding off humanity’s energy for eons like giant parasites. They sit atop of the pyramid of power, above all the other power players who have been manipulating us since our inception.  They are the puppet-masters who pull the strings of the ruling elite, both on- and off-world.

The Implants

In order to easily maintain control over us, the Archons created implants which are parasitic in nature, just like their creators. These implants are multidimensional in nature so they affect us on all levels: spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. There are different kinds of implants used by Team Dark, some of which are physical, but the Archontic ones are etheric.


These devices serve many purposes. They monitor us; they manipulate us with control programming, and they impede our awakening, ascension and spiritual empowerment. Essentially, these devices help keep us small, unaware and virtually powerless. They render us ‘sheeple’.


During the remote healing, I quickly spotted four implants, which I intuitively knew were Archontic in nature. This was the first time I was able to detect these implants in the patient even though I have been working with her for several months. That’s because the  devices were small and easy to miss, and were also multidimensional, meaning they could be phased out of my awareness. Recently however, I received an energetic upgrade, and I assume that’s why I was able to detect them this time.


I was able to remove the implants with the help of my higher angelic self and fellow healing angels. We employed a device that looked like a wand with a light at the end. As the angels touched an implant, light would stream into it illuminating its body and tentacles. The implant would go black; atrophy and die, thereby releasing its grip on the neighboring organ. We then carefully pulled each one out, ensuring that we removed the whole thing. (The process reminded me of removing embedded ticks, which is an apt comparison.)

As the implants were being removed, I saw the face of an Archon. I felt no resistance or interference from him, but knew that our actions were being closely monitored.


As mentioned, these implants were relatively small, almost like a tiny cylinder or even a splinter, and they each had multiple long, veiny tentacles. They were completely black. The tentacles were wrapped tightly around organs in the body, impeding their functions.


The one wrapped around the pineal gland was inhibiting the patient’s intuition. I was surprised to discover that images (i.e. dreams, intuitions) from the pineal gland were being shared with the CIA. There was also an implant at the base of her spine which was dampening her Kundalini energy. The third was tightly wrapped around her heart, making it difficult for her to stay heart-centered, and the fourth was bound to her liver, creating myriad health issues which served as distractions on her life path.


I’m happy to report that the results of the healing surpassed expectations. The patient enthusiastically reported that she finally feels free, and says it feels like a blindfold has been removed.

I can’t wait for the next healing…hopefully I’ll have a chance to remove more implants. That, of course, is up to the person’s higher self. Not everyone is ready to let go of their implants. Preliminary healings are most likely necessary.  Follow-up healings are also advised as this removal process alters so much in a person’s etheric body. But, done correctly, I believe that Archontic implant removal is the key to our freedom!

About the Author:
Kim Hutchinson of  ClayhutHealing.ca is a Dream Healer, Divine Channel and Ascension Guide who offers Multidimensional Healing and Guidance worldwide.

from:    http://in5d.com/archontic-implant-removal/

Your Color Vibe for Friday – 04/03

Friday, April 3:   Intense Blue

Things are not going to turn out the way you were attempting to make them happen. That is a lesson right now for all. When you are working with control ion a very self-centered direction, it can fall back upon you. It can trip you up. True control lies in letting go of control, in handing it over to the Universal Consciousness, to God/Goddess, to The One. By being in harmony with All That Is, you will find that all your desires begin to take shape according to your best interests and highest good. Living in this dimension, oftentimes we forget that we are part of a larger whole. Our perspectives get skewed. By opening to the truth of it all, in going with the flow, in accepting and allowing, things become easier and manifestation happens more quickly, and you know you are not alone.


More Laws – Fewer Freedoms

The Land of Don’t

by Zen Gardner

by Zen Gardner

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” – Cornelius Tacitus (55 – 117 A.D.)

Everything on our planet is regulated – as in ruled by law.  Whether they be outright laws, local ordinances or any type of restrictions, in not just physical activity but also social rules over interactions. Under the guise of so-called democratic societies giving the impression that we agreed to all of this or even thought it up for ourselves, we now live seriously restricted lives, with the penalty of fines or incarceration looming over our heads if we don’t obey.

It’s all about control. Carefully manipulated control.

To regulate means: “to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.” When you identify just how un-free we are to live, think and operate as we are naturally intended to, it can be quite a wake up call. Most people can see this to some extent, but the full on reality of this imposed prison on humanity needs to dawn on a heck of a lot more souls. The matrix concept is no joke – it’s an insidious yoke upon the human soul, trapping and sapping our very energy while spellbinding humanity with its giant jumbotron of deliberate misinformation.


The Mounting World of Regulations

Just look at any set of regulatory rules. They’re beyond natural description. The US IRS code alone would fill up over 80,000 legal pages of rules and regulations for the falsely entrapped American, binding them to conditions and stipulations that boggle the mind. Or just try to build a house, or buy property, or start a business and the paper work is beyond surreal between the legal contracts, banking conditions, zoning issues and on and on.

Try to enjoy a public park or any such facility, and the rules will be full frontal. Don’t do this, don’t do that, “punishable by…..”

The conditioning is intense, and has been carefully sculpted to encroach on humanity for millennia, but now much more than ever. The inquisition was mild compared to the control power of this massive programmed legal and social grid thrown over humankind. We need to be aware of the extent of it and not blinded by the sugar coated glitz and glamor and flashy ads and products. Just walk through a supermarket or down a city street – it makes “They Live” look tame once you see through it.

Recent Regulatory Insanity

The following was just shoved down Americans’ throats with much more to come. Not only are they absurd mandates but they will cost billions of dollars to comply to, another effort to break the backs of an already overburdened and suppressed populace. Even more disturbing are the Agenda 21 programs being incrementally woven into public policy, such as the so-called “Clean Water Act” that greatly expands the EPA’s power to regulate even small bodies of water on private property.

White House Quietly Releases Plans For 3,415 Regulations Ahead Of Thanksgiving Holiday

The federal Unified Agenda is the Obama administration’s regulatory road map, and it lays out thousands of regulations being finalized in the coming months. Under President Barack Obama, there has been a tradition of releasing the agenda late on Friday — and right before a major holiday…

A more pressing EPA rule set to be finalized is the so-called coal ash rule for coal-fired power plants. A final rule will be issued by Dec. 19, and could be bad news for the power sector, which will bear the brunt of $20.3 billion in compliance costs.

But probably the most fought-over rules to be finalized by the EPA next year will be its redefining of the “Waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act. The EPA will issue its redefinition next year, according to the agenda. Federal lawmakers from both parties, along with companies from virtually every sector of the economy, have opposed the rule, saying it greatly expands the EPA’s power to regulate even small bodies of water on private property.

“The ‘waters of the U.S.’ rule may be one of the most significant private property grabs in U.S. history,” said Louisiana Republican Sen. David Vitter, adding “they want to take another step toward outright permitting authority over virtually any wet area in the country, while at the same time providing a new tool for environmental groups to sue private property owners.”  (Source)

Always a Can’t, Never a Can

Their message is never empowering, but always disempowering. It’s not what you CAN do, it’s what you CAN’T do. Restrict, bind, inhibit, control. That’s their agenda and it’s on us full frontal. The behavior of those around us is testament to this. Once you wake up to it it’s shocking.

Look around you – read your labels and advisories on anything in print, on line or in public – it’s never empowering, always qualifying their intention to protect themselves and “the public” while putting the onus on you, the consumer or participant, to stay within the “guidelines” and not step over the boundaries.

The real problem now is people are accustomed to it. After decades of  mental infringement, the general mind set is to yield and obey and acquiesce in the face of these limitations imposed by “authorities”. A very sad “state” indeed. The sheeple-ization seems to have been a success to a large degree.

But not for me. Or you.

Pavlovian Entrainment Takes A Toll

Stimulus-response mechanisms when repeated over and over entrain the mind and hence behavior. It may appear obvious at the time or even in retrospect, but understanding the depth of the programming can be disconcerting. From school buzzers and bells between classes, fire alarms, honking horns, warning signs, flashing emergency lights, everything interrupted by ads and commercials, signs with “don’t” instructions, threats of violent police reprisals and the like, it takes a toll.

Then add to the mix pop culture and its many mind steering attitudes and perverse inclinations.

The key concept of the social engineers is conditioning. Repeat repeat repeat. Be they lies, misrepresentations, omissions, violent images, scare tactics, just keep the barrage going is their MO.

As long as the herd mentality stays pinned to the matrix wall they’re happy. That’s why shirking the whole thing is so important. It can’t be a partial break with this evilly intentioned insanity. It needs to be a clean break. Every one of those tendrils sapping our life force and direction, attention as well as intention is lethal.

Just as their insane worldwide plan of decimation is designed to literally kill off humanity and transform humans into a different, more easily subservient entity on a deliberately eviscerated planet, so this social and so-called legal slavery enhancement and reinforcement is eroding humanity by our continued exposure to it.

Incremental Encroachment

They’re very clever, and very patient. Bathing humanity in their concoction of social and physical engineering has been playing out a long, long time. We’re at the apex of their attempt to put the clamps on the planet so anything goes now with these psychopaths. They assume humanity has been so dumbed down by their social, spiritual and physical programs that they have free reign to do as they please with absolute impunity…as if that hasn’t been the case all along, but now it’s full frontal and for all to see in our interconnected world.

The programmed mass media mush is full on evidence of this at any level you care to perceive it.

The United States of Amerika is the primary target for decimation, but it’s really an idea they’re killing. The UK, Canada and Australia as well as many other countries are parallel targets having this “freedom disease” and are going under as we speak as they bow to the globalist agenda. Way too many alive and motivated individuals in those countries that may cause trouble. Besides, in their plan the “American dream” has been a beacon of freedom and empowerment for far too long and needs to be taken down and erased as a distant memory in the body politic. Revisionist and blocked out history have served them well, but individual rights and freedoms must now be stamped out. Not for the world they’ve designed.

That’s how they see it. Sick psychopaths on a very sick warpath. It really comes down to wake up—or pay the price.

Their True Agenda

We’re seeing this aspect put squarely in our faces via predictive, esoteric and even occult programming. If you haven’t seen this movie yet it’s worth the watch. It’s quite the confessional, along the lines of “They Live” about the deeper realities behind this surface programming and mental conditioning. As the public imbibes and accepts these realities they are unwittingly accepting, endorsing and empowering way more than they bargained for.

That’s the deeper aspect of spiritual contracts which we’ll get into more in the near future.


Will We Wake Up?

That’s the ultimate question. We’re being sickened, abnormalized and driven to distorted mind sets and eventual capitulation one day at a time. That people can’t see it is the most disconcerting reality to any even partially awakened individual. It can appear pretty bleak once you catch on but just keep pursuing. There’s an underlying way greater reality waiting to be revealed to you.

The fact is, people are awakening at an incremental and even exponential rate, grasping the simplest of tactics being waged against their way of life. It may appear political at first, but it evolves as they pursue the deeper ramifications of what’s going on and why.

That’s cool. And we need to encourage it.

The point is empowerment, taking control of our immediate situation and personal direction is what it’s all about. And one changed life and voice against tyranny and dystopian control represents and encourages so very many others. Most of all, the solution on each of our parts is to unsubscribe. Detach, let go of your legal and moral obligations to any such usurping entities be they by birth, financial, social or spiritual contract. Break them, and be free.

They’re fraudulent. Just step away.


Conclusion – Break Your Contracts and Bust Out!

Forget the restrictions and shirk the programming at every level – grow your own food, collect your own water, speak your own words, live your own dreams, share your own truth. The collapsing system of control is in a downward spiral and furiously attempting to exact every possible restriction on human life and expression. Why isn’t this more evident to the masses? Because they’ve been cowed into submission while their hunger and desires are being channeled into televised events and day to day drudgery as they slave to make a living in this very system they think they cannot afford to challenge.

A closed loop of control. Until we wake up to it.

Once we get it, the shackles come off. That’s what people are nervous about stepping into. Freedom for most is very frightening, and not necessarily something to be desired, unless virtually experienced at a football game as they salute the flag and get all weird, patriotic and high on displaced emotions.

Take heart from the growing Lose the Name movement where people are getting free and standing tall in the reality of already having overcome. It might seem a bit foreign and simplistic at first, but dig deeper. That’s the real space to operate from. When we truly wake up we realize we’re not subject to all these fraudulent laws, licenses, and “certificates of registration” unless we allow them to govern us. They really only apply to the false legal entity they attached to us at birth which is not even us! The whole system is basically a convoluted con job and only works because people subject themselves to it.

Such is the matrix. But we are overcoming just by our conscious awareness and spreading of enlightened information and then acting on what we learn. There’s a lot more to be done to effect the changes we need at the grass roots level, but awakening to the reality of our situation and what powers lay at our fingertips to arise in our true form is all important. From there we find perspective and true freedom and derive strength and resolve to reach others in whatever manner we can.

But we must get there first and operate from there. That’s the key.

Cut your contracts of all sorts and steer clear of the programming – live for what you know is true, honest, loving and needed.

And keep on keeping on! If you think you haven’t found it yet, you haven’t. Keep on, and you will, and you’ll know!

Much love,


from:    ZenGardner.com

Leaving the LightWorker League

Why I Am No Longer A Light Worker

Updated August 18, 2014 by in5d Alternative News

by Cameron Day

No, I haven’t turned to the dark-side, but rather I am transcending sides.  This article is probably the most important piece I have written to date, and in order to convey the full message, a bit of back-story is necessary. Hang in there with me, and by the end you will understand why I will never call myself a “lightworker” again.

Planet Earth and much of our corner of the universe has been under a spell for a very long time, a spell which casts doubt within our minds about whether or not we are connected with the Infinite Source of all creation. The spell causes us to feel alone, vulnerable and isolated – cast out from the Heavenly Realms into a cruel, dog-eat-dog world.  This spell is pure fiction, a deception of the highest order, but it has taken hold deeply on this and other worlds.

Intrinsic within this holographic spell is the notion that duality and polarity are natural aspects of life, and that we must serve one side of duality or the other. This elegantly simple binary imprint has become so prominent that we have lost Humans have been conditioned to worship the holographic deception and the agents that perpetuate it. This hologram has been called Maya by the Hindus, and the Gnostics referred to it as the Corrupt Demiurge. I find this term a highly accurate description, and from the point forward I will refer to it as the corrupt demiurge.sight of the larger holographic spell that spawned it.  Indeed, we have lost sight of the hologram all together, and come to believe that it is the sum total of reality.

Humans have been conditioned to worship the holographic deception and the agents that perpetuate it.  This hologram has been called Maya by the Hindus, and the Gnostics referred to it as the Corrupt Demiurge. I find this term a highly accurate description, and from the point forward I will refer to it as the corrupt demiurge.

Dark vs (False) Light – Duality of the Demiurge

In order to capture and control the widest possible spectrum of souls, the corrupt demiurge split its agents into two seemingly opposing teams:  Dark vs (false) Light.

Not everyone can be a saint, so there must be room for sinners within the demiurge, as long as everyone involved is under its spell.  What matters most to the demiurge is that we worship it or one of its agents, regardless if they are on There are many names of the players within this cosmic, multi-dimensional drama that you will have no doubt heard of such as: Lucifer, Jehova, Beelzebub, Arch Angel Michael, Satan (different dude than Lucifer), Ashtar, dozens of Arch(on) angels, supposedly ascended “masters” and various other channeled entitiesthe light team or the dark team.

There are many names of the players within this cosmic, multi-dimensional drama that you will have no doubt heard of such as:  Lucifer, Jehova, Beelzebub, Arch Angel Michael, Satan (different dude than Lucifer), Ashtar, dozens of Arch(on) angels, supposedly ascended “masters” and various other channeled entities.

While some of these beings play for team dark, and some play for team (false) light, they are ALL ultimately playing for the corrupt demiurge that controls them. This, in essence, is the big secret of the archons:  They are not just the “evil, demonic beings” but also those who pretend to be angels and ascended masters..

What is the Point of All This Control?

The corrupt demiurge is an entropic system of artificially-induced separation consciousness that is slowly dying, and it depends on harvesting the energy from the souls incarnated within its system in order to preserve its existence. In order to harvest the largest amount of soul energy possible, it created the dark-light duality paradigm to ensure that every being incarnated on a world that is under its spell would serve as a “soul battery” to help keep the demiurge energized.  The “good” souls would seek out the (false) light team, and the “bad” souls would seek out the dark team, but unknown to most of those souls, they are all serving the same system.

Also see: What Does The Law Of One ‘Harvest’ Really Mean?

In order to keep the duality game interesting for its participants, the demiurge set up densities of existence that “initiates” on the dark and light paths could ascend through.  This gives the beings moving through these densities a feeling of accomplishment, when in fact they are navigating through a labyrinth of demiurgic illusion. The players at the higher levels of the hierarchies know that they are in a self-serving system, but they are fine with the deal, because they get to wield power and receive the energy of worship from beings further down the ladder.

What About the “Spiritual Hierarchy?”

Most channeled beings will claim to be affiliated with the (false) light-based “Spiritual Hierarchy” which includes “arch angels,” “ascended masters” and “positive ETs.”  These channeled messages are a dime-a-thousand, and more keep pouring out every day.  The dirty little secret is that these beings are beholden to the corrupt demiurge, and are waging a psychological battle on people that don’t want to be associated with any formal religious structure.

In other words, the “new age” is a multidmeinsional psychological operation designed to channel the soul energy of the “believers” of these teachings up to the “ascended” teachers.

As for the “arch(on) angels” they are in more or less the same category. They are not aligned with the Infinite Source of all creation, but rather they serve a lesser being posing as the creator: the corrupt demiurge. Therefore they are not what I would call angels at all.Another one of their secrets is that most of the so-called “ascended masters” in their “hierarchy” never had a human incarnation.  These are incredibly deceptive beings that are playing a game in order to garner the energy of worship. In the real universe of non-deception, nobody would worship them, but in the illusory “sub-universe” of the corrupt demiurge, they are able to trick good-hearted people into pouring energies of love, devotion and praise into them.

As for the “arch(on) angels” they are in more or less the same category.  They are not aligned with the Infinite Source of all creation, but rather they serve a lesser being posing as the creator: the corrupt demiurge. Therefore they are not what I would call angels at all.

In honor of the truly deceptive nature of these beings, I have given them a new, more accurate title:  The Spiritual Liar-archy.

The Dark Side Makes the False Light Look Good

The two teams have to play their parts convincingly, and the dark team has really embraced their role as villainous scum ready to kill, rape, torture and do any sort of depraved thing that they can get away with.

The dark side is designed to be incredibly repugnant so that the majority of “good souls” will run to the other end of polarity, right into the “loving” embrace of one of the false light’s patriarchal religions, or to their new age religion with its legion of channels and “masters.”

Earth has been a difficult planet for the corrupt demiurge to fully control.  Human beings were once very aware of their connection to Infinite Source and all of life, and that awareness has been maintained by spiritual individuals throughout the entire reign of darkness on this planet. Because this awareness could not be “beaten out of us” by the dark forces, a plan was formed to co-opt the spiritual nature of human beings.

First, patriarchal religions were formed and imposed on as many people of the world as possible. Anyone who didn’t adhere to one of the major religions was an outcast for much of history, until the last century when the “Theosophist movement” was born, which set the foundation for the “new age movement” to emerge in the 50s, 60s and 70s. The new age movement has continued to gain momentum as it has attracted many of the people who turned away from the hypocrisy of patriarchal religion.First, patriarchal religions were formed and imposed on as many people of the world as possible.  Anyone who didn’t adhere to one of the major religions was an outcast for much of history, until the last century when the “Theosophist movement” was born, which set the foundation for the “new age movement” to emerge in the 50s, 60s and 70s. The new age movement has continued to gain momentum as it has attracted many of the people who turned away from the hypocrisy of patriarchal religion.

The corrupt demiurge seems to have an “easy answer” for any of the inner turmoil that humans experience.  If religion doesn’t serve to appease an individual, then the new age will do just fine.  It’s all the same to the demiurge, as long as we “pick a side” that it controls.  This is why we need to transcend sides all together.

Channelers Are Being Deceived

I wrote an article back in 2011 about some of the problems with channeled messages, which you can find here for more background information.  If religion can be said to be “the opiate of the masses” then channeled messages would be the “HOPIUM of the disgruntled minority.” Every channeled message that comes from the spiritual liar-archy is essentially the same when you strip away the fluffy talk and story-line that is being used to couch the message.

Here is every modern channeled message, condensed into a few lines:

Dear ones, you are greatly beloved by all of us in the spiritual (liar)archy. We long to reunite with you, for we are your long-lost family.  Stay strong and hold onto your light, because we will make our presence known to you soon. Keep waiting (and suffering) and hoping for us to come and rescue you from your situation.  When we arrive, we will build a golden (c)age for you on earth.

I used to think that this nauseating disinformation coming from “Archon Angel Michael,” “Saint Germain” etc was the result of dark-side interference taking over the channels without their awareness. What I didn’t understand back when I wrote “Who’s Really on This Channel” is that transmissions from “truly positive beings” weren’t being intercepted and corrupted by the dark side, but rather the messages were coming from “false light” beings of the spiritual liar-archy.

“Light Workers” Are Being Thoroughly Used

Back in 1998 when I first got into the energy clearing genre, I had never heard the term “lightworker” even though it had already been coined.  It first heard it some time in the early 2000s, and it sounded weird to me at the time.  Now I Back in 1998 when I first got into the energy clearing genre, I had never heard the term “lightworker” even though it had already been coined. It first heard it some time in the early 2000s, and it sounded weird to me at the time. Now I understand why: because the “light” that the spiritual liar-archy is trying to get us to work for is the FALSE light of demiurgic duality! understand why:  because the “light” that the spiritual liar-archy is trying to get us to work for is the FALSE light of demiurgic duality!

You see, there is a massive effort underway by beings that I now call “Divine Agents” to completely obliterate the corrupt demiurge. When that happens, all of the beings who have gained power through the demiurge will lose that stolen power and will have to face up to the deceptions that they have been propagating.  None of them want that to happen, so in their cleverness they devised a brilliant plan to undermine the entire effort.

The plan was simple:  Approach all incarnated Divine Agents, usually in a dream state but sometimes during an “ET abduction” scenario, and tell them that in order to fulfill their mission, they need to “work for the (false) light” and take orders from the spiritual liar-archy.

This plan worked AMAZINGLY well, largely because Divine Agents have had a hard time living on Earth.  Societies here are badly warped, spirituality is twisted and abused, the vibrational density is heavy, our memories are mostly wiped, and we generally would rather NOT be here.  So any being that emanated light (even false light) and love could make a Divine Agent feel like they were making valid contact with truly divine beings.

I still remember my own recruitment by the false light that occurred when I was 6 years old in an extremely vivid dream-time experience.  They had me convinced that I was fulfilling my mission as a Divine Agent by working for them.  I think they always knew I would figure them out, although it took a very, very long time.

Ever Wake Up More Tired Than When You Went To Sleep?

Many Divine Agents who were recruited as light-workers report that they wake up more tired than when they went to bed, and their “dreams” were full of battles.  During these “dream missions” the spiritual liar-archy squeezes those they Many Divine Agents who were recruited as light-workers report that they wake up more tired than when they went to bed, and their “dreams” were full of battles. During these “dream missions” the spiritual liar-archy squeezes those they control of as much energy as they can. You may wake up with memories of having gone on missions to battle the dark, but the end result is that your body, mind and soul are depleted of energy which was harvested by the (false) light beings.control of as much energy as they can. You may wake up with memories of having gone on missions to battle the dark, but the end result is that your body, mind and soul are depleted of energy which was harvested by the (false) light beings.

A few months ago I revoked ALL agreements made with any and all beings that did not have my best interests in mind, no matter WHO the beings were or claimed to be. It sounds like such a simple thing, but somehow I had overlooked it.  During the process, I felt resistance from beings who were claiming to be positive, but I stood strong and told them that I refuse to be manipulated into giving energy to the demiurge.

This has given me the distinct privilege of being targeted by both the dark team (ankle biters) and the (false) light team (spiritual liar-archy).  The (false) light team does indeed engage in psychic warfare, just in different, more subtle ways than their “dark” brethren. Deflecting these attacks has been worth it because I know that I am more aligned with my true mission to put an end to the demiurge without being side-tracked into duality battles.

It is also very nice knowing I am going to get a good night’s sleep when I go to bed because I am not going to be pulled into any ridiculous “missions to battle the dark” that the (false) light beings are so fond of setting up for their “light workers.”  (That phrase actually creeps me out now that I know its true origins…)

What Was That About a Golden (C)age?

The false light beings working for the corrupt demiurge want to maintain their control over the human race. Our soul energy and agreements to live in our current cage empowers the demiurge and the beings that serve it, and they are not going to give that energy up easily.The false light beings working for the corrupt demiurge want to maintain their control over the human race.  Our soul energy and agreements to live in our current cage empowers the demiurge and the beings that serve it, and they are not going to give that energy up easily.

We are, at this very moment, in a struggle for our freedom.  The spiritual liar-archy wants to move us from our current, extremely uncomfortable cage into a slightly more expansive state of existence, but one that they are firmly in control of.

One metaphor to describe our current situation is that we are like a flock of chickens pent up inside a tiny, dark, smelly chicken coop.  Those that have been farming us are preparing to let us out of the coop, and into a larger fenced-in area where we will be able to feel a little more free, but still within their control. This is the “farmer’s” way of ensuring that they can continue to feed off of our energies, while making us feel that we are free, thanks to the kindness of our captors.

The “spiritual” liar-archy does not want us to grow on our own to a place of self-empowerment that will allow us to simply walk away from their entire control system. This is why the channeled messages subtly disempower people, while pretending to actually offer them an empowering solution.  As long as we are sitting and waiting for “the good guys” to come and save us, we will not be able to discern who truly has our best interests at heart, nor will we be able to actually fix our own problems for ourselves.

Solutions for the Duality Afflicted

So how does a person get out of this duality paradigm?  The first step is to engage the Self-Clearing System protocols and revoke all agreements that you have made with any beings that don’t have your best interests in mind. Next, revoke all agreements to see reality in polarized terms.  Every time you revoke agreements, So how does a person get out of this duality paradigm? The first step is to engage the Self-Clearing System protocols and revoke all agreements that you have made with any beings that don’t have your best interests in mind. Next, revoke all agreements to see reality in polarized terms. Every time you revoke agreements, be sure to reclaim your energy that had gone into them. Then affirm your commitment to transcend the control paradigms of the corrupt demiurge without being side-tracked by pointless polarity battles.be sure to reclaim your energy that had gone into them. Then affirm your commitment to transcend the control paradigms of the corrupt demiurge without being side-tracked by pointless polarity battles.

I also recommend a brief daily practice of revoking all agreements to experience hardship, limitation, bad relationships, health problems, financial problems, family dysfunctions, and anything else in your life that is energy-draining. The number and quantity of agreements that we have unconsciously taken on within this false reality matrix are truly astounding.  When you pay attention to the subtle and blatant agreements that point to the invisible bars of your prison, you will indeed find that there is no shortage of agreements to be revoked.

After you have engaged this process, you may notice less “contact” from the false light beings, and you might feel a little lonely until you get used to the changes.  This is a very good time to strengthen your connection to your own Higher Self, the core of Earth and the Galactic core. As you adjust, you may notice better sleep and a sense that you can see through deceptions disguised with positivity more easily.

If you do get contact from a being, you can tell it that you are only willing to communicate with beings who have transcended duality and are outside of the corrupt demiurge.  Put any being trying to contact you to the test.  Question them point-blank:  “Are you part of the demiurge?” The beings of True Divine Light who exist outside of the demiurge, in the Real Universe will happily answer your questions.  Just be aware that they don’t speak in language the same way that we do, as they communicate with what I call “soul telepathy.”

Type of Communication Is a Major Indicator

The Forces of True Divine Light that exist outside of the corrupt demiurge are not bound by the left-brain right-brain dynamics and dark-light polarities that define the demiurgic sub-universe.  This means that they do NOT sound like a voice in your head! Instead, they use “soul telepathy” to emanate feelings, archetypal expressions, and an extremely pure quality of light that speaks directly to your soul.

The difference between a being of True Divine Light and one of the false light spiritual liar-archy beings is that the former’s light is warm, enveloping, pure and unconditionally loving, whereas the latter’s light is cool, piercing in an uncomfortable way, dominant and often overly-masculine. The spiritual liar-archy is a male-dominated group, and even the females within their power structure have a very masculine energy.  This male-domination is, of course, why the religious structures the liar-archy enabled all have a domineering male god, and no mention of an all-encompassing, feminine creator.

Another major difference between false light beings within the demiurge and beings of True Divine Light who are aligned with Infinite Source is that the Divine Light is not controlling, manipulative, bossy or judgmental in any way. Infinite Source will NOT impose an agenda upon you, although it will support you in your chosen mission to help dismantle the corrupt demiurge.  You won’t be given “marching orders” by Infinite Source or beings of True Divine Light who operate outside of the demiurge.  They won’t send you on endless, energy-draining missions in your dream-time, and they won’t ask you to do something that will result in loss of your soul energy, unlike the imposters in the false-light spiritual liar-archy.

The beings of True Divine Light are supportive, loving, nurturing, and they care about you as an individual.  You are not just a cog in a machine to them, for they understand that you are a vitally important aspect of an intricately interconnected creation. They have the utmost respect for those of us who volunteered to incarnate into the “beast system” of the corrupt demiurge in order to help dismantle it from the inside.  Indeed, there must be Divine Agents working both from within and outside of the corrupt demiurge in order to dismantle it.

Discernment is Vital

I will be writing more on this topic and its many implications.  In the mean time, I urge you to drastically increase skepticism and fine-tune your discernment.  Apply your intuition and logic to information that you receive, and ask yourself “what is the agenda here?” There is indeed a very large, multi-dimensional “conspiracy” at work on this planet, and it draws power from us by pushing us into one spectrum of polarity or another.  Anyone urging you to “choose a side” simply hasn’t woken up to the fact that both sides are two halves of the same coin that is controlled by the corrupt demiurge.

I urge you to discuss these ideas with those close to you and look for ways that you may have been manipulated by the false light in the past.  It’s nothing to be ashamed of – the false light beings are amazingly skilled liars and manipulators.

Most of you reading this have already chosen to be a Divine Agent and incarnate for the purpose of dismantling the demiurgic control system.  You have already made your choice, and now you need to carry out your individual mission.  In order to do that, it is vitally important to sever all ties with the false-light “spiritual” liar-archy, take some time to regain energy and strength if necessary, and ask your Divine Inner Self to reveal to you what it is that you specifically need to do.

Stand strong in the true light of your Divine Inner Self and Infinite Source.

from;    http://in5d.com/why-i-am-no-longer-a-lightworker.html

To Be Happy, Get Rid of These

15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy

Here is a list of 15 things which, if you give up on them, will make your life a lot easier and much, much happier. We hold on to so many things that cause us a great deal of pain, stress and suffering – and instead of letting them all go, instead of allowing ourselves to be stress free and happy – we cling on to them. Not anymore. Starting today we will give up on all those things that no longer serve us, and we will embrace change. Ready? Here we go:

1. Give up your need to always be right. There are so many of us who can’t stand the idea of being wrong – wanting to always be right – even at the risk of ending great relationships or causing a great deal of stress and pain, for us and for others. It’s just not worth it. Whenever you feel the ‘urgent’ need to jump into a fight over who is right and who is wrong, ask yourself this question: “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be kind?”Wayne Dyer. What difference will that make? Is your ego really that big?

2. Give up your need for control.
Be willing to give up your need to always control everything that happens to you and around you – situations, events, people, etc. Whether they are loved ones, coworkers, or just strangers you meet on the street – just allow them to be. Allow everything and everyone to be just as they are and you will see how much better will that make you feel.
“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond winning.” Lao Tzu

3. Give up on blame. Give up on your need to blame others for what you have or don’t have, for what you feel or don’t feel. Stop giving your powers away and start taking responsibility for your life.

4. Give up your self-defeating self-talk. Oh my. How many people are hurting themselves because of their negative, polluted and repetitive self-defeating mindset? Don’t believe everything that your mind is telling you – especially if it’s negative and self-defeating. You are better than that.  “The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive.” Eckhart Tolle

5. Give up your limiting beliefs about what you can or cannot do, about what is possible or impossible. From now on, you are no longer going to allow your limiting beliefs to keep you stuck in the wrong place. Spread your wings and fly!  “A belief is not an idea held by the mind, it is an idea that holds the mind” Elly Roselle

6. Give up complaining. Give up your constant need to complain about those many, many, maaany things – people, situations, events that make you unhappy, sad and depressed. Nobody can make you unhappy, no situation can make you sad or miserable unless you allow it to. It’s not the situation that triggers those feelings in you, but how you choose to look at it. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking.

7. Give up the luxury of criticism. Give up your need to criticize things, events or people that are different than you. We are all different, yet we are all the same. We all want to be happy, we all want to love and be loved and we all want to be understood. We all want something, and something is wished by us all.

8. Give up your need to impress others. Stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not just to make others like you. It doesn’t work this way. The moment you stop trying so hard to be something that you’re not, the moment you take of all your masks, the moment you accept and embrace the real you, you will find people will be drawn to you, effortlessly.

9. Give up your resistance to change. Change is good. Change will help you move from A to B. Change will help you make improvements in your life and also the lives of those around you. Follow your bliss, embrace change – don’t resist it.  “Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls” Joseph Campbell

10. Give up labels. Stop labeling those things, people or events that you don’t understand as being weird or different and try opening your mind, little by little. Minds only work when open. “The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.” Wayne Dyer

11. Give up on your fears. Fear is just an illusion, it doesn’t exist – you created it. It’s all in your mind. Correct the inside and the outside will fall into place.
“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt

12. Give up your excuses. Send them packing and tell them they’re fired. You no longer need them. A lot of times we limit ourselves because of the many excuses we use. Instead of growing and working on improving ourselves and our lives, we get stuck, lying to ourselves, using all kind of excuses – excuses that 99.9% of the time are not even real.

13. Give up the past. I know, I know. It’s hard. Especially when the past looks so much better than the present and the future looks so frightening, but you have to take into consideration the fact that the present moment is all you have and all you will ever have. The past you are now longing for – the past that you are now dreaming about – was ignored by you when it was present. Stop deluding yourself. Be present in everything you do and enjoy life. After all life is a journey not a destination. Have a clear vision for the future, prepare yourself, but always be present in the now.

14. Give up attachment. This is a concept that, for most of us is so hard to grasp and I have to tell you that it was for me too, (it still is) but it’s not something impossible. You get better and better at with time and practice. The moment you detach yourself from all things, (and that doesn’t mean you give up your love for them – because love and attachment have nothing to do with one another,  attachment comes from a place of fear, while love… well, real love is pure, kind, and self less, where there is love there can’t be fear, and because of that, attachment and love cannot coexist) you become so peaceful, so tolerant, so kind, and so serene. You will get to a place where you will be able to understand all things without even trying. A state beyond words.

15. Give up living your life to other people’s expectations. Way too many people are living a life that is not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them, they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them, to what their friends, their enemies and their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice, that inner calling. They are so busy with pleasing everybody, with living up to other people’s expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need….and eventually they forget about themselves.  You have one life – this one right now – you must live it, own it, and especially don’t let other people’s opinions distract you from your path.

from:    http://www.newrealities.com/index.php/articles-on-human-health/item/2831-15-things-you-should-give-up-to-be-happy