Steven Greer’s New Movie

New Documentary Explores How Humans Can Make Contact With Extraterrestrials

By    CE Staff Writer

In Brief

  • The Facts:Dr. Steven Greer’s new film Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind teaches people how they can peacefully make contact with ETs. As of April 7th, you can watch it on major movie rental platforms.
  • Reflect On:Is it time humanity makes contact with ETs ourselves as opposed to having government control that process? Are we being made to think ETs are a threat to us?

When the world learned of a fact UFOlogists have known for decades, that UFOs have been visiting earth for many years, suddenly the UFO question went from “are UFOs real?” to “who is manning them?” Now, the public has a choice: either we continue to listen to mainstream media and government to inform us about the issue or we start listening to the UFOlogists who have been accurately talking about this for decades. Which one we choose will have a huge impact on where this goes.

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In 2018, footage obtained by the To The Stars Academy from the US Navy showed unidentified flying objects being tracked on a military jet radar and camera. The footage revealed quality images of an incredibly fast-moving object that the Navy knew nothing about. This footage hit mainstream news everywhere, disclosing to the public that UFOs have in fact ben filmed by a credible source. Fast forward 1 year, the US Navy confirms that the video footage was, in fact, authentic and did show a UFO flying by, and once again mainstream media was all over it.

But along with the admission of UFOs came a threat narrative. The idea that these crafts could be dangerous, our enemies and that we should be careful about how we respond and prepare. Of course, this narrative was coming from the same organizations that had lied to the public about UFOs for decades, and now that they were admitting this reality, they also intend on controlling the narrative that goes along with it.

Dr. Carol Rosin was the first female corporate manager of Fairchild Industries and the spokesperson for Wernher Von Braun in the last years of his life. She founded the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space in Washington DC and has testified before Congress on many occasions about space-based weapons. In testimony with Dr. Steven Greer, Rosin claims that in the later years of his life, Wernher von Braun was trying to warn humanity about an emerging narrative that aliens were a threat to humanity.

Dr. Wernher von Braun was a top-ranking SS officer who headed the Nazi rocket program during WWII. He was brought to the US via Operation Paperclip where the US seized Nazi scientists to come work for them after the war. During testimony, Dr. Carol Rosin stated the following about what Von Braun told her:

“The enemy at first he said, the enemy against whom we’re going to build a space based weapons system . . . First the Russians are going to be considered the enemy . . . then terrorists would be identified and that was soon to follow . . . then we were going to identify third world crazies, we now call them nations of concern. . . . The next enemy was asteroids . . . [and] against asteroids we’re going to build space based weapons.

And the funniest one of all, was against what he called aliens, or extraterrestrials, that would be the final card. And over, and over, and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving his speeches for him, he would bring up that last card.

‘And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card. We’re going to have to build space based weapons against aliens,’ and all of it, he said, is a lie.” (source)

According to Rosin, Von Braun knew that it was the interest of intelligence agencies to lie to the public about aliens in order to push forth a space weaponization agenda. And right now, here in 2020, this is precisely the agenda we are seeing play out as UFOs are disclosed to the public.

This is why I stated at the beginning of this article, that who we decide to listen to when it comes to the ET story that is emerging is very important. Leaving it to those posing a threat narrative may lead us to destructive ends, whereas listening to those with a different message, who have been proven to be correct over the years, might lead us to peace.

The bottom line is, up to this point, human governments have been the face of how humans contact and engage with ETs – is it time the people take this task on by themselves? And send a different message to ETs?

Enter Dr. Steven Greer’s new film Close Encounters of The Fifth Kind.The film not only discusses quite clearly exactly what this threat narrative looks like and how it’s being used to keep humanity in the dark about what’s really going on with ETs, but it also explores how humans can make contact with ETs themselves.

The first aspect of what this film covers will truly give viewers a much better understanding of how to navigate ongoing ET disclosure narratives as they come from the government. It will help viewers unlock a sense of discernment within themselves and begin to see through many narratives coming from popular voices and institutions who may be knowingly or unknowingly spreading a false threat narrative.

The next aspect of this film is where we dig into solutions from a point of consciousness. Information spreading around the world to wake people up to the reality o ETs is one thing, but affecting global consciousness and creating unity is something else. And this film lays out a plan to make that happen.

Personally, I have been practicing contact with ETs for about 11 years, and the content shared in this film does align with the experiences I have had and methods I’ve used. Never had I had a “bad” or “threatening” contact experience, and thus I do not resonate with the general narrative coming from government on this.

I truly believe people should check out this film so regular citizens can be the face of extraterrestrial contact on behalf of humanity – not governments. Now is the time, not next year or the year after, now. Especially with us all being on lockdown, what better time than to go out at night and choose to connect?

In the movie you will also learn:

  • CE-5 contact techniques and show the amazing evidence of Contact as never before!
  • the consistent results that people doing CE-5 experience.
  • the connection between consciousness and space, time and matter.
  • the nature of consciousness as an unbounded field of awareness that transcends the limits of space, time and matter — and yet is fully present in every point of space and time. This infinite field of consciousness is present within every awake, sentient being — human and ET.
  • how ET electromagnetic communications systems interface with our consciousness and coherent thought in such a way that any human with a peaceful, sincere intent can make Contact. NOW!
  • remote viewing — a way to view non-local events.
  • scientific evidence that proves that Mind-Consciousness is not limited to your body or brain but is a seamless field of awareness that connects all times, places and matter.
  • how 1% of the population meditating and making peaceful contact can cause a “phase transition” shift that transforms the entire planet and moves humanity onto a peaceful future that is Interstellar.
  • and take you behind the “Alien Mask” of deceptive events and phenomena.
  • how deceptive events are created by shadowy Unacknowledged Special Access Projects in the military and intelligence community that are designed to sow fear and division among humans regarding the ET presence.

You can watch Dr. Steven Greer’s brand new documentary here.


Mayan-ET Contact

The Mexican Government Reveals Mayan Documents Proving Extraterrestrial Contact

by .
The reality of extraterrestrial contact with human civilization is becoming more clear by the month as streams of information about the extraterrestrial presence and past influence hits. While some of us still have our doubts about ET contact, many are starting to realize the truth that has been talked about for centuries. One big story involves the Mexican government who has released documents and images of objects found on the site of Calakmul, Mexico which help prove the reality of ET contact.

Thanks for this release can be given to the  National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) who found these fascinating disks in Mexico. This new discovery strikes a hefty blow to the secrecy that has been purposely created surrounding the true history of our earth. The disks are of Mayan creation and were found about 80 years ago according to the INAH. These amazing archaeological pieces have been presented before and will be the subject of a documentary produced by Raul Julia-Levy and directed by Juan Carlos Rulfo , the winner of the 2006 Sundance festival with his film ” In The Pit.” The documentary is currently titled”Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and beyond.”

“Mexico will release codices, artefacts and significant documents with evidence of Mayan and extraterrestrial contact, and all of their information will be corroborated by archaeologists,” he said. “The Mexican government is not making this statement on their own – everything we say, we’re going to back it up.”

The Mexican government is releasing these state-held secrets that have been protected for about 80 years. Although photographs of the disks were first presented by Klaus Dona and Dr. Nassim Haramein during a conference held in Saarbrücken, Germany in June 2011.


Above is an image of the disks in question. Various areas have been numbered so we can discuss each image depicted.

1) Is believe to be the earth and its atmosphere. This is depicted by two rings.

2/3) It is believed to be a comet or asteroid moving in towards earth.

4) Is believed to be a specially designed spacecraft to hit or deflect the comet.

5) Believed to be an astronaut controlling the craft.

6) Believed to be an intelligently controlled spacecraft.


Luis Augusto García Rosado is the highest ranking government official in Mexico that has gone on record about extraterrestrials. Rosado has spoken of contact “between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, supported by translations of certain codices, which the government has kept secure in underground vaults for some time.”  He has also mentioned “landing pads in the jungle that are 3,000 years old.”

No further information about the documentary has been given. It’s IMDB page does exist but there is currently no release date. Possibly one of the biggest reasons behind the documentary seeming to have fallen apart is the fact that the producers seem to be fighting over contracts for the film. One would think that with information this important, something like fame, money and credit wouldn’t be a deciding factor for releasing the film.




James Gilliland on Coming Changes

The Event, Bankster Suicides And The Return Of The Anunnaki

by James Gilliland

It has been a while and it is time for an update. A major portal has been opened on Maui, the heart chakra of the planet. There have been 20 others. The Earth now is being flooded with light and higher dimensional light beings. Yes, this includes their light ships as well. These higher civilizations (which we will refer to as the greater family of man rather than ET which has been given a fearful twist by Hollywood, the disinformation campaigns, etc.) is appearing globally, keeping the UFO reporting centers extremely busy. I might add some of the UFO reporting centers are not operating from the highest integrity as many know the ongoing UFO activity at ECETI has virtually been ignored. This is a precursor to what many call the EVENT.

The Event

The timing of the event is tied into critical mass, the awakening and healing of humanity and the Earth. It is now foreseen as spring or early summer. This is not coming without challenges. Whenever a higher consciousness and energy enters a system due to sympathetic resonance, the lower consciousness and energy must rise to meet it. This creates chaos, yet chaos is the letting go of the old paradigm in order for the new paradigm to take its place. The intellect and the ego must surrender to the heart. The heart is your soul connection and the soul is the path to God/Creator/Spirit. Sometimes a little prayer and some sleep work the best in adjusting to these new energies.

Bankster “Suicides”

Many ask about the death of so many top level bankers. The banking system is corrupt, riddled with fraud beyond belief. The treasury has been robbed repeatedly, keeping the manufactured lack and enslavement through dependency going. This is coming down. Some bankers know too much and they have been removed, do to cooperation with global investigative authorities. Other banksters can’t live with what they have done and know the hammer is about to fall. Only 8 (suicides) have reached the press, yet the true numbers are close to 20 and this will continue.

Beyond the Controllers Control

This entire economic system is not frequency specific to the evolution of humanity and the Earth.  It is completely out of alignment with Unity Consciousness and Universal Law. There are forces beyond the Fallen Anunnaki, the regenerate ETs, and demonic realms which were virtually unchecked in the past. These are forces beyond the Illuminati, their major corporations and their treasonous political puppet whores. There is a grand awakening on a soul level which was not factored in, nor was there awareness of the source of this grand awakening.

The Parasitic Removal

The benevolent Annunaki, the bearded Gods of old and the council of 12 now mostly women are back and there is a grand recall, and reconciliation of the fallen ones left to oversee. They are standing before the councils in extreme embarrassment for what they have done outside of Universal Law. The Andromedan, Arcturian, Pleiadian, Lyrian, Sirian and Orion Councils of light are also coming into play ending the prime directive hands off program of the past. The controllers, parasites and predators (Regenerate ETs, Demonics, Etc…) who have hijacked the Earth’s evolution are being removed, not so gracefully I might add. This is happening for those with eyes to see. The physical effects of this are soon to follow.


We can all do our parts here on Earth by practicing love and kindness, setting boundaries with those who are not and holding space. We can pray to our representative of Source and welcome the benevolent beings, the beautiful many asking for their assistance in our own personal awakening and healing as well as the Earth’s awakening and healing. Stop participating in anything that is enslaving or harmful to humanity and the Earth. Let the beast consume itself as the prophecies foretold.

There is an old Cherokee saying, “If it isn’t good for everyone it isn’t good.” This should apply to our foreign policy as well. We need to be careful of calling for democracy. Democracy means the corporations can move in and exploit the people trading one tyrant for corporate tyranny. The republic is a better model with a strong constitution, for the people and by the people. This is something that was forgotten in America, along with its Bill of Rights.

This spring, the people will remember. They will come to realize the source of their pain suffering, the war and disease profiteers, the genocidal psychopaths behind the veil of ignorance. Those veils and masks are coming down.

Be well, Godspeed, walk with courage and impeccable integrity. There is no security or future without it.

James Gilliland


In5D Addendum: In addition to James’ mind-blowing material, Freeman Fly added that the banksters are looking for some kind of “technological advancements to save their souls or to spare themselves through this.”

In recent news, an article entitled, “Beyond Cern: Now physicists prepare to construct the even Larger Hadron Collider” shows how there is a desire to create an even larger portal into other dimensions, which is discussed in the above video.

James stated that “The Event” would most likely occur between March and July of 2014.

“They’ve been telling us that between March and July, everything is gonna get turned around. There is going to be massive change on every level: social, economic and physical as we go through this shift. The good news is, it’s out with the old and in with the new. Between now and 2016, we’re going to undergo some incredible changes. Chaos is a good thing. It means that the old system is breaking down. We need to be aware that chaos is part of the process and it means that something new is coming in to take its place.”
