Trust Your Heart

Truth Gleaning and the Quest for Meaning

by Zen Gardner Jan 21, 2016

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by Zen Gardner

What I find profoundly encouraging is the knowledge that the truth is out there and being feasted upon. We may not get the immediate gratification of this realization due to suppressed mainstream news but it is the truth.

Let yourself peruse other areas of information dissemination and you’ll see it. Not just the mainstream, although it’s leaking in there as well and can be identified by their occasional admissions and wildly erratic distractions, cover ups and damage control efforts.

Look at what’s happening in the Christian and other religious and belief paradigms and how much they’re getting much of what’s going on and obviously using our alternative resources to substantiate their newfound information. They and other previously isolated belief cliques are on to the transhuman agenda, genetic modification, geoengineering and the growing police state in a big way. What happens? This leads them down new pathways to discover other unsavory truths about the whirled around us.

And this naturally lends itself to new discoveries in a realm where truth vindicates itself in a big way.

The Truth Has Legs of It’s Own

Now extrapolate that out to the politically sincere looking for answers amidst such obvious media, political and economic chicanery and manipulation. Or the disillusioned patriot or freedom lover who sees no light at the end of the tunnel and is looking for empowerment and encouragement as well as solace.

And how about those directly affected by these psychopathic genocidal incursions into their countries, or are within a nation supporting such atrocities? Then there are the many people drastically affected by the clearly manipulated money, energy and housing markets. They are seriously reassessing what’s really going on.

These are the people of the growing mass awakening. It’s happening at many levels. Don’t hold your breath for all of them, but there is an insurgence of truth recognition that we can draw tremendous affirmation from.

The truth may not be predominant on the whirled scene just yet, but it’s being gleaned and digested at many levels for any and all willing and/or compelled to look for it.

So let’s keep getting it out there and keep heart in our efforts.

Information and Resonance

When the truth hits anyone, in most cases we stop and consider at some level. Sometimes it can be in the middle of a comedy routine, a wonderful outlet for truth and release. Sometimes it’s a news item, something someone said at the right time, an event, but we all experience these moments.

And they add up to eventually tip the scales.

The fact that humanity has been driven to an on-line existence is not all bad. There’s a hell of a lot more truth on the net than in senseless, meaningless shallow interactions in our politically correct paralyzed media defined whirled where contention and personal belief affirmation are the daily fare.

But despite that senseless banter in humdrum society, the internet is where many “stumble” on true, resonant information and a sense of compassion for humanity you find nowhere else in this current contrived social milieu.

People turn toward and respond to resonance – that which vibrates with their inner soul expression. Of course there are many layers of shallower responses but the drawing is there. And that’s what is compelling millions upon millions to seek greater truth.

A truly phenomenal epoch of which we are all part.

Trust Your Heart and Keep Your Shoulder to the Wheel

I can’t emphasize this enough. Don’t look for validation from outside sources, although I’m trying to identify how to spot those as well for extra encouragement. Trust your heart. You’ll know our current condition and situation by your intuitive sense most of all, assuming you are already a participant in one form or another.

You have to keep the intention going in order to pick up the signal.

The awakening is not some far off etherial notion. It is real, pragmatic and applicable in our daily lives. It involves information dissemination, personal intent, courageous activism and a redefined sense of our true selves. We have to be willing to buck the tide, and to do it wisely yet with fierce determination – in many small ways and often big ways which will take sacrifice of personal comfort and so-called security.

But the pay off? Priceless! The inspiration and enthusiasm that fills the committed life is inestimable.

Wanna give it a shot? What do you have to lose?

A lot if you don’t.

The new world is being born in our awakening. Let it happen.

It’s in our power to tip the scales.

Lean on. The wheel is turning and the paradigms are shifting!

Love always, Zen


Developing Intuition

Intuition: Your Powerful Sixth Sense


One of the questions I hear over and over is “what is intuition anyway?” The short answer is that intuition is a natural gift that we are born with. Along with our five senses of touch, taste, sight, sound and smell, we have a sixth sense: intuition.

For most of us our intuition went underground in early childhood. When we sensed things at a subtle energy level we were often told it was “not real.”  It is “just your imagination.”

You can credit René Decartes, 17th century French philosopher who is famous for the phrase “I think, therefore I am” for giving our sixth sense a bad name. As an early proponent of rationalism he taught that if it can’t be measured and studied, it is not real.

As patriarchy took over, rational thinking became valued and imagination became devalued. Bit-by-bit humans lost touch with their sixth sense.

The positive side of this was it made the space for humanity to develop its intellectual capacity. However, now that we have a fully developed intellect, it is time to “come to our senses.” It is time to get back into balance with all of our capabilities. And this means recognizing, cultivating and using our sixth sense.

Here are 8 steps for developing your sixth sense:

1. Acknowledge that your imagination is real. Imagination is a sensing device and a creative tool. It is a major component of our sixth sense. Can you think of anything that has been created that didn’t first show up in someone’s imagination?

2. Set your intention to develop your intuition. Simply decide it is important to you. When a door opens up that leads to developing your intuition, walk through it.

3. Start paying attention to the little whispers that pop up in the back of your mind. Things like “take an umbrella today” or “call to confirm the appointment before you go.” Usually when we get these little whispers we run it by our logical mind and let it decide. For instance, if you get the “hit” to take an umbrella, it is natural to take a look outside and see if it looks like rain. If not, we usually ignore our intuition and leave our umbrella at home.

4. Keep a journal of the “hits” you get each day and record how many were right on. The main purpose of this is to encourage you to pay attention. Secondarily, it validates how often your “hits” are on target.

5. Hang around other people who are intent on developing their intuition. You will learn faster when you can share your experiences with others.

6. Keep a daily meditation practice. It will make you more alert to the whispers.

7.Take classes in intuition development. The more you know the quicker your progress.

8. And lastly, channeling psychic energy through your body affects your body’s systems. Eating right and exercising will help keep your body in balance.

Keep in mind that your sixth sense is a natural gift. There is nothing unusual or out of the ordinary about it. It is not a talent reserved for a few special people. Anyone can develop their intuition. Begin by following the 8 steps outlined above. Especially gather with others who are interested in developing their intuition. Take classes. Pay attention. Practice, practice, practice.

Having a fully developed sixth sense will help you be in the right place at the right time while you navigate the topsy-turvy world we currently find ourselves in.


Working with Crystals

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

January 19, 2016 

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

via David Wolfe,

Everything has a life force of some sort or another and this is especially true of crystals or gemstones. Many people find them full of useful energy. Some people even think they have a form of consciousness. “I do feel that they have been infused with energies throughout their life, be it from their development into being (time, minerals, energy, water) or by those who imprinted their consciousness into the crystals themselves.” (Healing Crystals)

So the energy infused in the crystals is what allow them to do the amazing work they do.

Crystals and Gemstones for Beginners

Clear Quartz

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Clear quartz is highly versatile and is a powerful amplifier. It is believed to amplify any frequency including the natural frequency of one’s own body. Our bodies have their own EMF (electromagnetic frequency) and that is what the silica, in the quartz, picks up.


How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Citrine’s energy is happy & creative so if you’re feeling down or need to get out of a creative block, reach for this. It gives a great boost to anything to do with finances or prosperity & abundance. Its also a great manifestor with it’s sunny energy. (Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy)

Rose Quartz

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Rose quartz’s energy is very calm, gentle, and compassionate. It is truly a stone of love, all sorts of love. If one is feeling the need to feel loved or if they are wanting to project compassion towards another person, rose quartz is the way to go.

Green Aventurine

How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Green Aventurine is a healing stone of all kinds because is has great vitality. If one needs healing with anything, finances, friends, health, growth, or confidence, this is the stone to have in one’s arsenal.


How To Best Find And Use The Right Healing Crystals For You!

Amethyst is a great stone of protection & purification. Its also known to enhance intuition & helps with the release of addictions. Basically, it is a great crystal to have around. It is always needed.

How to Pick the Perfect Crystals for You

Once one has decided what crystals they need, now it is time to pick the right ones. Certain crystals will work better for some people, but not so well for others.

Here are 3 steps one should follow to find the right crystals for them!

1. Set an Intention

Before starting the process to find a crystal or gemstone, set an intention. This means one should speak aloud or inside about what crystal or gemstone they are hoping to find. For example, “Thank you amethyst for becoming my next gemstone. Please reveal yourself to me.”

2. Follow the Senses

We have the physical senses and the intuitive senses. Physical senses include sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. The intuitive senses include clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairalience (clear smelling), clairgustance (clear tasting), and claircognizance (clear knowing). (Oprah) Use all of these to pick the perfect stone.

3. Wait for a Feeling

Sometimes a crystal or gemstone will just stand out to a person. If a stone keeps on grabbing one’s attention, it might be the right one. Also, some stones will vibrate or give off a form of energy when held by the right person. Feel for this.


Freedom from Control

Manifesto of the Awakened

by Zen Gardner

To the Few Whom This Concerns:

Re: The deliberate subjugation of our people and planet

While you continue to hypocritically blame humanity for the dire plight of our world, we hereby put you on notice that we are well aware that it is you, the financial, corporate, military, scientific and governmental agents and most of all the dark shadow forces behind you, that we know full well comprise and empower the destructive global power grid, that are responsible for our current engineered crises and overall social condition.

You’ve brought us and our planet to the precipice. If you do not cease and desist, what is soon to come will be blood on your hands, cause untold suffering, and all for naught as far as your designs are concerned. You too will shrivel up in the dustbin of history as just another invasive parasite that couldn’t succeed in its self-serving designs for all its efforts.

Know that.

We hereby officially notify all those complicit in this massive control program that:

  • We are aware of your efforts to dumb down, anesthetize and control the world’s populations.
  • We are aware of your destructive programs to sicken and alter humanity through the chemical, electromagnetic and genetic modification of our food, plants, animals and ourselves.
  • We are aware of your wanton destruction of our earth, skies and oceans through resource exploitation, geoengineering and weather modification.
  • We are aware of your many false flag events and surreptitious “strategy of tension” schemes purposely designed to keep the world in perpetual fear and continual wars against fabricated outside enemies for control and profit.
  • We are aware of your fascist medical designs to drain and destroy humanity via the decrepit allopathic medical system based on profit and ill health at every level, including the proliferation of pharmaceuticals, invasive and debilitating treatments and deliberately damaging vaccines.
  • We are aware of your moves toward a worldwide police state based on hyperbolized fear and disinformation to manipulate humanity in order to get an unspoken imprimatur to execute your program of control and subjugation.
  • We are aware that your political crony establishment is all staged and designed to distract from the real issues and keep the populace occupied and feeling like participants while you work your nefarious program.
  • We are aware of your falsely imposed vampiristic taxation system to fund further bureaucratic bloat, controls and an overarching agenda of genocidal wars on innocent peoples, and that it is arbitrary and our sovereign choice to simply not participate in any longer.
  • We are aware that a select few major corporations with vested interests in this global agenda now control almost all media and that mass media is nothing more than a mouthpiece of propaganda to these ends.
  • We are aware that your “entertainment” industry is simply socially engineered entrainment towards personal and social distraction, chaos and degradation.
  • We are aware of your AI, electromagnetic grid and mind manipulating designs and technologies that are being imposed to further expand your psychopathic control program.
  • We are aware that you repress emerging technologies that threaten existing parasitic profitable ones, such as the hazardous petroleum and nuclear industries, when alternative energy sources and other such solutions have arisen for many decades which you have suppressed.
  • We are aware that you sequester knowledge and information in a vast array of fields to keep the general populace in the dark and thereby disempowered as to our true historical context, while you are coveting secret information and carrying out advanced covert research for your own ends.
  • We are aware that you have stigmatized, marginalized and seek to outlaw any form of criticism, questioning or dissent using whatever excuse you can manufacture.
  • We are aware of your oppressive, enslaving monetary and legal control scams, private fractionalized banking pillaging, and twisted cravings for money and power in an imposed control system that never needed to exist in the first place.
  • We are aware of your falsely postured institutions, foundations, institutes, charitable organizations and international bodies such as the so-called United Nations and its many agencies and agendas being used to further develop your global control plans and programs.
  • We are aware of your secret societies, blood line allegiances and luciferian, freemasonic, Babylonian and otherworldy roots that propel the wickedness of your self appointed leaders. We are aware of your ritual sacrifices, paedophelia and bestiality inclinations and other sordid practices, all of which are anathema to our conscious race.
  • Ad nauseum…

This will be tolerated no longer.


  • We are aware that you know we are on to you. We stand fearless, fully committed to humanity’s well being. You are shallow, self-serving and seriously misled guns for hire working for a control system being engineered by powers beyond your knowledge that will devour you, just as you seek to devour us.
  • We are aware of who you are. Your days are numbered. Your designs will soon be visited upon your heads if you do not drastically change your ways. Universal law dictates it. You know it, and we know it. Hence your sloppy, miscreant behavior being so thoroughly exposed which you so furiously attempt to deny and suppress. This futile lashing out only works toward the exposure of open truth and the awakening’s favor.

If there is an ounce of humanity left in any of you, defect and help us expose and bring down these life ending forces. You, your children, your grandchildren and anything you may still hold dear are already suffering and will also perish in the catastrophe we are soon destined for if you do not respond.


A last warning.

We are aware. We are awake and activated. We will do everything within and without our personal power to see our race and planet survive and shake this parasitic invasion. Our planet itself will not take this attempted overthrow. Know that, and expect repercussions from Her, as well as us, a gathering storm of sacred truth you cannot possibly fathom.

Your opposition, resistance and puny, short-sighted efforts are dwarfed by what awaits you.

Will you find your humanity in time? We think many of you could, and those of you who do will be welcomed amongst the awakened. However, we realize many are beyond redemption.

But don’t try to fool us. We’re more on to you than you could ever imagine.

Just watch and see. We will surprise you, just as you fear.

We’re here. We live. We cannot be stopped nor thwarted by any means despite your flimsy efforts.

The truth and love we bear are coming for you. Truth and cosmic resonance cannot be denied and any aberration from it will be mitigated.

That’s just the way it is.

Think about it. If you dare.


The Eternally Awakened


Embrace Your Greatness

30 Challenges For 30 Days Of Greatness

| December 12, 2015 

30 Challenges For 30 Days Of Greatness

by Marc Chernoff,

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but so few think of changing themselves first.

How disappointed would you be to get to the end of your life and discover that you were made to be great while all you did was wait around?

It’s time to get present, challenge yourself, and change things for the better!

Will you be able to change everything? No. In fact there may be lots of things you want to change that can’t be changed. But YOU can still change!

Even when you are no longer able to change a situation, you are challenged to change yourself. And that makes all the difference in the world.

With this simple truth in mind, here are my challenges to you for the upcoming month – a positive to-do list for 30 days of personal greatness:

1. When a new day begins, challenge yourself to smile genuinely and gratefully.

2. When you don’t get what you want, challenge yourself to appreciate that there are lots of people in this world who will never have what you have right now.

3. When holding on no longer seems reasonable, challenge yourself to appreciate the fact that nothing in life is permanent, and to realize that once you embrace this you can do almost anything you wish because you’re not trying to hold onto anything anymore.

4. When you catch yourself thinking the grass is greener elsewhere, challenge yourself to water the grass you’re standing on.

5. When you absolutely can’t control what’s happening to you, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening – in your response is your power.

6. When it seems like problems are stacking up, challenge yourself to face these problems positively.

7. When there seems to be little hope, challenge yourself to find some.

8. When the road ahead seems too rough, challenge yourself to acknowledge that there’s absolutely nothing about your present circumstances that prevents you from making progress, one small step at a time.

9. When you catch yourself overthinking things, challenge yourself to take a step forward instead.

10. When you are completely uncertain about what the future will bring, challenge yourself to make the best and most positive use of the present.

11. When you have two good choices, challenge yourself to go with the one that scares you the most, because that’s the one that is going to help you grow.

12. When you are going to do something – anything at all – challenge yourself to do it with enthusiasm and devotion.

13. When others say your ideas are crazy, challenge yourself to do what feels right anyway, to not care if your goals seem crazy to others, and to remember that the crazy ideas are the ones that often have the greatest impact.

14. When there are lots of excuses for why you can’t get it done, challenge yourself to focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

15. When you find yourself wishing for instant gratification, challenge yourself to admit that if you could have it all instantly, it would not be worth having – for the real value of accomplishment is in the accomplishing.

16. When mistakes are made, challenge yourself to learn from them, laugh about them, and waste not a minute on past outcomes you can’t control.

17. When you find yourself trying to control too much, and thus enjoying too little, challenge yourself to let go, relax, take a deep breath and appreciate “what is” for a while.

18. When there is needless drama and negativity surrounding you, challenge yourself to look the other way.

19. When your own negativity tries to break through, challenge yourself to recall that you are in control of the way you look at life, and then use your struggles and frustrations to motivate yourself rather than annoy yourself.

20. When you find yourself running in place attempting to fix and fight the old, challenge yourself to build and grow something new instead.

21. When doing the wrong things is easier, challenge yourself to do the right thing, even if no one else will ever know – because YOU will know.

22. When you catch yourself praying for an easy life, challenge yourself to pray for the strength to endure a difficult one that’s worth living.

23. When everything seems jumbled and rushed, challenge yourself to take a step back so you can see things clearly again.

24. When you meet someone new, challenge yourself to be patient with them, to pay attention to them, and to remember that everyone you meet has something important to teach you.

25. When you don’t like someone, challenge yourself to identify an insecurity within yourself that they are triggering.

26. When someone treats you poorly, challenge yourself to treat them with kindness and respect anyway – not because they are nice, but because you are (and then walk the other way if you must).

27. When a negative situation gets emotional, take a deep breath, and challenge yourself to remember that inner peace begins the moment you decide not to let another person or event control your emotions.

28. When someone you meet is lost, challenge yourself to help them find their way.

29. When a friend falls down, challenge yourself to be the first to extend a hand.

30. When each day has ended, challenge yourself to appreciate that you have done your very best.


Triggering, Mind Control, Personal Power & Responsibility

Syed Farook and the new world of emotional “triggers”

mindcontrol2By Jon Rappoport

Warning: this article is an emotional trigger about emotional triggers…

“Conceive of it this way. Far up in the sky you have people, individuals, who are inventing the fulfillment of their most profound desires, making them fact in the world, no matter what—and way down below, miles under the earth, you have other individuals who could be doing what the sky dwellers are, but they’ve bamboozled themselves into thinking they can’t. Instead, they think they’re trapped in every little response they might have to any old stimulus that comes along. Both groups of people are creative, but they’ve channeled their imaginations and creativity in vastly different ways. Waking up may be hard to do, but you either do or you don’t.” (Notes for Exit From The Matrix, Jon Rappoport)

Some brilliant media pundits are now suggesting that the accused San Bernardino shooter, Syed Farook, may have been “triggered” by the Xmas party at the building he later attacked.

You know, the existence of Xmas contributed to setting him off because his religious faith was of a different type. Xmas was a grave insult.

There will be people, believe it or not, who think this “analysis” has merit.

“Well, sure, I can see that. Given the nature of his faith, it’s understandable that he would have left the party in a disturbed state, gone home, put on military gear, picked up a few auto weapons, a ton of ammo, and pipe bombs, waited for his wife to do the same, and then, on the spur of the moment, returned to the building…he was triggered.”

“Triggered” is the new reality. It’s mainly for the young and naïve, especially those who are looking for a way to become known at colleges. “Wow, I can get a few minutes of attention if I say I was triggered. I’ll go for it. It’s easy. I don’t have to do anything. I don’t have to achieve anything. This is all about not achieving anything. It’s a perfect excuse. I’m paralyzed. And the reason is, let’s see, I wasn’t warned by my professor that he was going to discuss a subject that had triggers in it. Yeah, I like it.”

Apparently, there is no bottom for idiocy. You think you’ve seen the worst, but no.

Yesterday, I included this quote from a New Yorker article. It’s worth re-reading:

Individual [Harvard law] students often ask teachers not to include the law of rape on exams for fear that the material would cause them to perform less well. One teacher I know was recently asked by a student not to use the word “violate” in class—as in “Does this conduct violate the law?”—because the word was triggering. Some students have even suggested that rape law should not be taught because of its potential to cause distress. (Jeannie Suk, The New Yorker, 12/15/14)

There are several underlying principles at work here. One is: If you give people an out, an excuse for not doing anything, a way to become a victim, a significant number who aren’t genuinely disabled in any way will reach for it and grab it.

And they’ll invent a back-story full of grievances. And traumas. And whatever it takes.

This is a form of art. Theater. It may be bad art and bad theater, but there it is.

“I wish I could write a play, a novel. Mostly, I wish I could create the future I really want. But it doesn’t look like I can. So I’ll do something different. I’ll cast myself in a play that’s already gaining steam. I’ll take on the role of victim. I’ll be the person who is in danger of being triggered every time I get out of bed in the morning. If I put everything I have into that role, I might garner a few good reviews.”

There is a larger point here. The whole business of promoting “triggering” is a propaganda operation. Its goal is to convince people that they live in a stimulus-response world—and that means a locked-up world. Stimuli appear…and inevitable responses follow. Period. End of story.

Freedom? A myth. Individual choice? Impossible. The human being? Merely a biological machine programmed to deliver x, y, or z, depending on the external provocations of the moment.

Individual power? No such thing.

This is the Pavlovian wet dream.

Since the dawn of time, leaders and the men behind and above the leaders have tried to install stimulus-response as the only form of human activity, and for obvious reasons.

Stimulus-response is the essence of mind control.

The perversely clever thing about promoting “triggering” as a valid and universal concern is: you will get people to program themselves. They’ll reach out for, and invent, any excuse to pretend they’re being negatively stimulated—and they’ll demand protection, which in the long run amounts to a fantasy about “safe spaces” they can inhabit—vacuums where no adverse content can set off little emotional time-bombs.

Another underlying principle at work: never consider raising up people so they can express and fulfill their deepest desires; no, instead take everyone to the bottom, where the incurably injured live. That’s the goal.

And if you can’t see the consequences of that program, you need a stirring wake-up call.

The Individual is endlessly creative. If, for whatever reason, he decides and believes he can’t consciously express that power in a way that meshes with his deep desires, he’ll invent his reality in a different direction—and that is his problem, it’s not someone else’s. The proof of the pudding? No one else can invent his desired reality for him. It’s his job. And it’s also, if he would see it, his joy.

This is not a matter of what’s fair or unfair, just or unjust. It’s a matter of fact.

The individual has freedom and power. The range of these capacities is endless.

What I’m writing about here is in no way a prescription for allowing public corruption to flourish and then blaming the individual for the circumstances in which he finds himself. Quite the contrary. All those students who are currently programming themselves to be “triggered”? They could be creating an entirely different atmosphere at their colleges.

They could be investigating, for example, where all the grant monies come from. I’m talking about grants for research on highly toxic medical drugs. I’m talking about pharma influencing the content of science courses and medical training. I’m talking about government money for research on toxic pesticides and genetic meddling. I’m talking about money for research on “brain mapping,” which is really a prelude to efforts to re-program brains and thus control them. I’m talking about money for research on better methods of mass surveillance. And so forth and so on.

Create that drama. Create the drama of discovering the truth about what colleges are really doing, and expose it, and put the sold-out researchers in the glare of the spotlight for the right reasons.

Or, dilly dally about “triggering” and have that party instead.

There certain incontrovertible facts. They have nothing to with what already exists or what did exist or what will exist. They have to do with the individual and his power to imagine and create reality. He can fathom and access this power and consciously use it to achieve his own purposes, or he can subvert those purposes and instead invent himself into a dead-end, where the substance of his life appears to be entirely under the control of external forces, with no hope available.

Those are the immortal cards and that is the immortal hand dealt on the table. Play them as you will.

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.


Your Color Vibe for Tuesday, 11/10/15

Tuesday, November 10:   Deep Purple

There is something stirring in the depths – the depths of the soul as well as the depths of the current energy. You will see some hints of that today. Listen carefully to what is being said and to how you are responding. There can be some interesting Freudian slips about. Also this is a good day for being observant and open to behavioral clues as things from below manifest themselves in small ways. There is more going on than meets the eye. This is not a good day for making commitments, so hold off on any kind of contractual responsibility.

Moving into Personal Purpose

How to Shift From Obligation to Purpose

Written by November 3, 2015


When was the last time you did something for the sheer joy of it?

When was the last time you made something for no reason other than the making of it?

When was the last time you went somewhere just because it was there?

If it’s been a while, you may need to reconnect with your Purpose.

Your Purpose can be a powerful presence in your life… but often it is overpowered by the contradictory feeling and vibration of obligation.

I’ve spent a lifetime untangling the two and learning to distinguish between Obligation and Purpose.

I grew up in a family where just about everything was motivated by obligation. My father practiced law for most of his life, a career he very quickly came to hate. But because he felt obligated to provide for his family he never allowed for other options.

And that obligation led to resentment and anger. As I grew, I vowed, mostly unconsciously, that I would NEVER work from of a sense of obligation. I would “find my purpose” and only do work that came from joy and fueled my joy.

That’s what I vowed.

But, as they say… the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!

So, while I found my “calling” and the work that would eventually bring me joy… it took many years before I stepped out from the shadow of obligation that followed me around.

Have you ever met a doctor who does great work in the world, helping people, healing people, but feels burned out and exhausted all the time because he feels obligated?

How about an activist who can’t find time for a “day off” because she feels obligated to go to every rally and demonstration?

Or what about an energy healer who feels that she is personally responsible for healing every one of her clients?

And have you ever given money to a homeless person because you felt obligated – responsible, guilty, etc. – to do so?

Whatever your individual purpose might be our higher purpose is to awaken to our Higher Self and, in the process, raise the vibration of this planet.

Acting from joy and love raises your vibration and the vibration of those around you. Acting from obligation dampens or lowers your vibration… no matter how noble or valuable the action might be!

Let me say that another way:

Doing noble things – healing people, working for a cause, giving money to someone in need – because you feel obligated to do so does NOT lead to a long-term, sustainable increase in your vibration and the vibration of those around you!

Your vibration may rise while you are engaged in the action but that heightened vibration is not sustainable if the action is based on obligation.

Years ago when I started doing Intuitive Coaching and Energy Healing my vibration would be sky-high during the session. But after the session, the strand of obligation that ran through my motivation would pull me down very quickly and often to a lower vibration than before the session.

So does the short-lived high vibration I held during the session, and the somewhat higher vibration of my client counteract the lower vibration I had after the session?

I actually don’t think so.

Obligation is a bottomless pit that can never be filled. No matter how much you do you can never satiate that sense of obligation. As quickly as you fill in that hole, the energy of obligation digs it deeper.

The energy of Purpose, on the other hand, provides a solid foundation upon which you can build. When you act from purpose you are able to build sustainable structures… including higher vibrational thoughts, emotions and actions.

There is never enough for the insatiable energy of obligation. You can never do enough, achieve enough, provide enough or be enough.

With purpose there is always enough. Every action is enough. You are enough.

Every action you take from obligation brings you back to neutral (or lower).

Action taken from purpose adds to and enhances what you have already created.

So begin to pay attention to your motivation, not just your actions. What drives you to do what you do? Is it joy, love, and passion? Or is it responsibility, guilt, and fear? Are you acting from passion or obligation? Are you attempting to fill in that bottomless pit or build something of lasting value?

What action will you take from purpose today?

What will you do for the sheer joy of it?

What will you build? What will you create?

What will your purpose move you to bring into this world today?


On the Heart-Brain Connection

Not Just Brain To Body: Researchers Discover That The Heart Sends Signals To The Brain


A group of prestigious and internationally recognized leaders in physics, biophysics, astrophysics, education, mathematics, engineering, cardiology, biofeedback and psychology (among other disciplines) have been doing some brilliant work over at the Institute of HeartMath. The Institute of HeartMath is a (well recognized) non-profit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions, and understand something that is commonly overlooked in mainstream biology: the intelligence of the heart and its effect on the brain.

A large portion of their research dives into heart and brain interaction, how they communicate with each other and how that affects our consciousness. For example, when a person is feeling really positive emotions like gratitude, love, or appreciation, the heart beats out a different message, and because the heart beats out the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body, the institute has been able to gather a significant amount of data.

According to Rolin McCratey, Ph.D, and director of research:

“Emotional information is actually coded and modulated into these fields. By learning to shift our emotions, we are changing the information coded into the magnetic fields that are radiated by the heart, and that can impact those around us. We are fundamentally and deeply connected with each other and the planet itself.” (source)

The Heart Sends Signals To The Brain

“One important way the heart can speak to and influence the brain is when the heart is coherent – experiencing stable, sine-wavelike pattern in its rhythms. When the heart is coherent, the body, including the brain, begins to experience all sorts of benefits, among them are greater mental clarity and ability, including better decision making.” (source)

Scientists have long believed that it was the brain that sent information and instructed the body on what to do, and when to do it. This includes the heart, but we now know (thanks to researchers like those at HeartMath) that the heart actually sends signals to the brain, just as the brain sends signals to the heart. In fact, the heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends in return. What’s even more amusing is the fact that these heart signals (from heart to brain) actually have a significant effect on brain function.

To me, this is amazing. The fact that the heart produces the largest electromagnetic field in the body, and the fact that it sends more signals to the brain rather than vice versa shows us that the heart plays a much larger role in our biology than what we previously believed, and that it (the heart) may be a major commanding center of the body, in the same way we think of the brain.

So far, the researchers have discovered that the heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways:

  • Neurological communication (nervous system)
  • Biophysical communication (pulse wave)
  • Biochemical communication (hormones)
  • Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields)

Why This Is Significant

“HeartMath research has demonstrated that different patterns of heart activity (which accompany different emotional states) have distinct effects on cognitive and emotional function. During stress and negative emotions, when the heart rhythm pattern is erratic and disordered, the corresponding pattern of neural signals traveling from the heart to the brain inhibits higher cognitive function. This limits our ability to think clearly, remember, learn, reason, and make effective decisions. In contrast, the more ordered and stable pattern of the heart’s input to the brain during positive emotional states has the opposite effect. It facilitates cognitive function and reinforces positive feelings and emotional stability.” (source)

This brings into question the consideration of consciousness. Consciousness is the way we perceive the world (and everything in it) around us. It’s how we think, and it’s how we feel. It’s directing our attention towards something with a specific intention and can be explained in a number of ways. So what does consciousness have to do with science?  Well, some physicists today are starting to believe that consciousness is actually a state of matter, just like a solid, a liquid or a gas. (source)(source). This is because a number of publications, more so in the field of quantum physics, have demonstrated that consciousness actually has a direct affect on our physical material world. This is most notably demonstrated by the quantum double slit experiment, one that found factors associated with consciousness to “significantly” correlate with the make up of our physical material world. You can find out more about that in an article we published last year titled “Consciousness Creates Reality: Physicists Admit The Universe Is Immaterial, Mental & Spiritual.

“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it, and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”  – R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University ,  “The Mental Universe” ; Nature 436:29,2005) (source)

For a selected list of downloadable peer-reviewed journal articles reporting studies that deal with human consciousnesss and its influence on the phsyical material world, mostly published in the 21st century, you can click HERE

It’s important to understand what these physicists are saying in conjunction with the research being conducted at the Institute of HeartMath, because the researchers there have shown how certain emotional states (consciousness) can code different information into the heart’s electromagnetic field, sending out a different signal depending on factors associated with consciousness (feelings/emotions), as well as send signals to the brain.  While all this is going on, we have quantum physicists showing that consciousness can, again, have an effect on our physical material world. This could mean that conscious states of love, gratitude and compassion have a different effect on physical reality (one that is not known), than opposite emotions like hate, fear and greed have on it. We know that these different emotional states do indeed have an effect on our biological makeup and send a different type of signals to the brain, as mentioned earlier, which brings me to my next point…

Do Our Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions & More Originate In The Brian, The Heart, Or From Somewhere Else?

Just to recap, researchers at the institute have found that the heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain does to the heart, and that different emotional states send different signals to the brain, which directly effect our cognitive functions, our ability to learn and more. The question to ask here is, where do these emotional states come from? What triggers them? A certain event in our lives could be the catalyst for a certain type of emotional response (depending how we perceive that event). For example, if someone loses a loved one, they will experience ‘negative’ emotions, thus triggering the heart to send certain signals to the brain. But where do these emotions generate from? Do they generate from our brain, with regards to how we perceive the event which determines our reaction? Where do these states of consciousness originate?

“Looking for consciousness in the brain is like looking inside a radio for the announcer” – Nassim Haramein

These states of consciousness could be altering our world in ways we do not know, and we know they alter the way we feel, think and perceive, which in turn can effect our biology.

Below is a great video from Dr. Gary Schwartz, professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry and surgery at the University of Arizona, discussing whether consciousness is a product of the brain or a receiver of it. It’s a little overview of a subject that is full of peer reviewed scientific research that not many people have the time to go through.

“QM [quantum mechanics] has questioned the material foundations of the world by showing that atoms and subatomic particles are not really solid objects—they do not exist with certainty at definite spatial locations and definite times. Most importantly, QM explicitly introduced the mind into its basic conceptual structure since it was found that particles being observed and the observer—the physicist and the method used for observation—are linked. According to one interpretation of QM, this phenomenon implies that the consciousness of the observer is vital to the existence of the physical events being observed, and that mental events can affect the physical world.” – Dr. Gary Schwartz (source)


Show Your Power!

7 Simple Ways to Feel Powerful (Even When You Lack Confidence!)

| October 10, 2015 

7 Simple Ways to Feel Powerful (Even When You Lack Confidence!)

by Andrea Schulman,
Guest writer,

Need a shot of confidence before your head out to an interview, call a client or ask someone out a date? As we all know, confidence is key to success! When we feel powerful, we are more successful in all endeavors.

While confidence comes naturally for some people, for others it is a less-than-usual state of being. However, even if you currently lack confidence there are some tricks that anyone can use that can inspire confidence. Here are a few:

1. Remind yourself of your finer qualities:

Poor self-esteem often occurs when we beat up on ourselves for all of the things we dislike about ourselves. Create a daily routine whereby you list out all of the things you like about yourself in order to focus more deeply on what makes you proud to be you.

2. Use powerful body language:

Hold your head up high and stand tall. Avoid crossing your arms and legs and instead allow your body to open up and take up space. Confidence people display this type of body language, and by using this body language ourselves, we can trick ourselves into feeling more powerful. Try this out next time you are walking in a crowd, and see how much more confident you feel!

3. Project your voice:

Allow yourself to speak a little louder, and with more bass in your voice. Speak from the bottom of your chest and project your voice a bit. As with the body language, we can fake it till we make it by using a “confident voice.”

4. Practice yoga, tai chi, martial arts, or any exercise that fosters a mind-body-spirit connection:

Exercises like these strengthen the body and the mind simultaneously, and can have a profound effect on how physically (and mentally) powerful we feel.

5. Take a few risks:

Confident people are willing to take risks and go after the things they want in life. To be a more confident people, we must first act as if we are confident, so why not take a few more chances? Start with small risks (perhaps like talking to someone new, or trying out a new hairstyle) then move to more challenging risks when you feel ready. When we take small risks we have the opportunity to learn that we can put ourselves out there a little more and things will still be ok!

6. Listen to empowering music:

There’s a reason why you hear motivating music at football games and other athletic events- it makes the athletes feel powerful! Find some songs that make you feel powerful and listen to them whenever you need a quick shot of confidence.

7. Watch inspiring shows and movies:

Like songs, movies and shows can also inspire confidence and motivation. Select a program about someone who has achieved great things in life, or a story about underdogs or superheroes.

By immersing ourselves in confidence-inspiring behaviors along with motivating music and entertainment, we create a more powerful sense of self, and this helps us evolve into more confident people. Even if we are not “naturally” confident, we can become confident through our actions and choices.

So, the next time you want to feel powerful, try out a few of these tricks. They really work!
