Chilean Puyehue Volcano Erupts

Volcano in the Caulle Cordon of southern Chile erupts violently

According to Wikipedia: Puyehue and Cordón Caulle are two coalesced volcanic vents that form a major mountain massif inPuyehue National Park in the Andes of Ranco ProvinceChile. In volcanology this group is known as the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcanic Complex (PCCVC). Four different volcanoes constitute the volcanic group or complex, the Cordillera Nevada caldera, thePliocene Mencheca volcano, Cordón Caulle fissure vents and the Puyehue stratovolcano.


Lightning bolts strike around the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain in the Patagonia region at sunrise June 5. The volcano dormant for decades erupted in south-central Chile on Saturday, belching ash over 6 miles into the sky, as winds fanned it toward neighboring Argentina, and prompting the government to evacuate several thousand residents, Chilean authorities said.

Claudio Santana / AFP – Getty Images

Aerial picture showing the cloud of ash billowing from Puyehue volcano near Osorno in southern Chile, 870 km south of Santiago, taken on June 5. Puyehue volcano erupted for the first time in half a century on June 4, prompting evacuations for 3,500 people as it sent a cloud of ash that reached Argentina. The National Service of Geology and Mining said the explosion that sparked the eruption also produced a column of gas six miles high, hours after warning of strong seismic activity in the area.

for more about this, go to:


June 5-11

Color of the Week:   Grainy White

This week can lead you to do things that might surprise you. Be prepared for that. There are experiences that will be coming your way that will be new to you. moreover there are people who will be coming into your field that will resonate with some deep held convictions. This is a week in which you cannot allow fear to take over. Caution is always well advised, but being overly cautious can lead to the loss of some opportunities. Continue reading

New Themes

Some themes that are currently becoming more obvious:

1) Things Falling:    With all the shifts and changes going on all around, more and more things are falling out of place.  This is happening on all levels.  You may find that things seem literally to jump off shelves or move their position with no apparent cause.  Even more so, with the leakiness of the dimensions, you may be hearing things fall or move or shift, and yet, upon going to see what just happened, nothing has changed.  These are not creepy things, rather they are affirmations of the changes and the novelty that is currently entering the Earth’s field.  It has been on its way for some time and many people have been noticing it and reacting to it.  Right now, and as time goes forward, it will be increasingly hard to overlook.  IT will be making itself known also in the media.  You will see shifts of objects or unexpected plays of light behind commentators and in other live shows.    AS you notice these things, be secure in the knowledge as the process is in motion, and change is truly on the way.

2) Doors moving and opening:      Another thing that you will be seeing is that doors no longer stay in the position in which you left them.  They can creak and vibrate, even opening and closing on their own.  This will not be a large movement, but it will catch your attention.

3)  Where did it go?    I am sure everyone has been dealing with this right now — putting something down, going to find it, only to discover that it is not where you left or anywhere nearby.  Then sometime later, minutes, hours, even days, there it is again.  It makes you wonder if you are going crazy, if maybe you were just not observant enough, somehow overlooking it.  No, things are slipping through dimensions.  They do come back, but it can make you feel like you are losing it.

4) World Weariness:    More and more people are going to be finding that they can no longer deal with the energetic shifts and changes, and they will be looking for some way to transition.  This is a time in which many of those people will choose illness or accident in order to move on.  In some cases, their animals will be aware of this, and will precede them through the transition as a way of making it easier for the person.  There are many pets who have come into this turn of the wheel at this time and with these people to be their guardians, to take care of them, and to ease for them the transition.

5) Deja Vu and Synchronicity:    This is a time in which there will be a sense of rightness about so many novel experiences.  A sense of rightness that is so strong that it is familiar to you.   This is part of what is going on at this time.  Pieces are falling into place.  Over time, you have been instrumental in constructing many of these pieces, and at this time, they are clicking into their space.  As this happens, you get an overwhelming sense of deja vu.   And then, things will just begin to happen synchronistically.  It can leave you questioning just how did this come about, but it is all part of the swirling of the vibrations at this time.

6)  Changes in Relationships:    At this time, people and groups who are out of sync can no longer deny this incompatibility.  Many will try, and remain in their current situations, and that is fine.  We all have choices to make.  There are times when we are ready and times when we are not.

7)  Communities forming:    Yes, for all of those of you who have been hoping and looking, things will become easier in this area.  It is important to “feel out” the groups and individuals that you find attractive.  Analyze, think, journal, go into your heart center, and follow your intuition.  There are psyche sappers out there who are looking for followers.

8)  The Importance of  Intuition:    At this time, intuition is of great importance.  In this sense, intuition is the aligning of your personal consciousness with the Universal Consciousness of which it is part.  By so doing, many patterns and events will become clear to you, and you will begin to see beyond the merely obvious into the greater whole behind it all.  Trust your intuition.  Listen closely, and exercise it.  As time progresses, you will learn to distinguish the true voice of the heart based intuition versus desire.

9)  The Trickster:    In times when energies are shifting, changing, and swirling, this is when the Trickster can cause quite a bit of havoc.  The Trickster is the X factor that is waiting in the wings to throw a wrench into the works.  The Trickster is not malevolent, rather this one is merely someone who likes to play with events and things and has no care for any greater context or outcome.  So, be aware that the Trickster can pop up, and that awareness will assist in knowing the Trickster in whatever guise that crazy one might appear.

10)  In Your Face:     unfortunately, it is time now, and it is happening, that we are seeing that things we always knew but never wished to admit are right there, and we have to admit that they exist or choose to live in the illusion.

Your Focus Muscle

Things today can get pretty crazy, however if you are grounded and focused, you can actually accomplish quite a lot.  Focus is the key to many things these days.  In Taoism, Buddhism, and Neo-Confucianism, they speak of a single-minded focus.  Single-minded focus, in itself, is somewhat difficult to achieve, but, with practice, you can find yourself able to center in on your desire without falling into all the myriad distractions that are always out there vying for attention.

To gain focus, I have developed an easy and relatively quick exercise for your ‘Focus Muscle’.  Think of a particular intention, item, or goal you are wishing to achieve or create.  Around that item, as you think of it, there will be other things popping up their heads and asking for their own bit of attention.  Rather than trying to negate these or otherwise ignore them — mainly because, you know that never works, rather it has just the opposite result and that is to bring that item to the forefront — what you need to do is to engage your internal spotlight.

Take a moment and just have a sense of what a spotlight is and what it does. Basically a spotlight is a really, really bright light that is used to show up what is most important in a given scene.  So, go within and just imagine a spotlight.  Play with it for a bit, and get an idea of how it works.  Once you are in control of that internal spotlight, it is time to put it to work.  Think of what it is that you are wishing to create in your life.  As you do, you will see those sneaky little distractions beginning to sneak up into the foreground.  This is the time to use your focus muscle and turn that spotlight on.  Send the beam of light to your true intention.  All the other stuff will disappear into the background, as your desire moves to the forefront.   There in the light is the thing that you are wanting to bring into your life.

This does not mean that the distractions are totally gone or that they have ceased, rather it is a way of acknowledging go to yourself that what is truly important is the intention that is having light shone upon it.  This need not be a long practice or particularly laborious.  Start with short intervals, and with time, you will discover that your “focus muscle” is much stronger, and little by little your real intentions take center stage.


You will find here a virtual salmagundi of thoughts, ideas, suggestions, ruminations, etc. on all sorts of topics and items.  Take a moment to browse through and see what jumps out at you.

Reflections on 10-10-10:     Well, there are no accidents, and communities, at this time MUST find themselves, and that is what is happening.  not that every attempt is successful and right at first— rather it is as though there is some kind of a cosmic dressing room — a quantum universal project runway ==== where each can try on, accept, reject, like for a time, put down, and find another, until that perfect one just appears.  and then there come together with one the others who get it … and there they are.  and there you are.  and everyone else who fits into that groove.  like a huge series of gears.  we all find our “tooth”, and then, when all is said and done., it all works as one.

Take the first step: When we decided to make a change in our lives or start something new the hardest and most important thing is the first step.  This exercise is one of visualizing the change and actually taking the first step.  Once you have done that, a feeling of accomplishment follows.

While standing up, take a few moments to center in your heart and focus on the change that you are wishing to bring about in your life.  Stay with that thought and feel the feeling of what this change will mean to you.  Know your power.  Know that this is a change you are actively choosing for the betterment of your situation.  There is nothing to fear here.  No worries.  Then actually take a step.  Move forward in the intention of fulfilling your new purpose, idea, goal, lifestyle, whatever.  Congratulate yourself for having taken the first step.  Feel how good it is to have made a start.  There is no blame if you backslide, but if you feel as though you are losing your drive, then repeat this quiet centering meditation and take another step.  With time, you will find yourself approaching your goal, and all will become easier and perhaps fun.

INTENTION:    Each step follows my first one as I approach my goal.

Intend Your Day :  Each morning, as you lie in bed before getting up or after getting up, take a moment just to think of what would make this day true and rewarding for you.  Intend your day to bring you fulfillment.  Just a few examples: If you are going to be meeting with a friend, intend that that meeting will be joyous and fruitful for you.  If you are working on   some negotiation, intend that the outcome will be positive.  If it is a day of rest, intend that you will find in the freedom of the day new knowledge and certainty.

Intention: Positively directed intention creates for me joy and fulfillment.

Hands to Heart Center:    There are times when we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed in our daily lives.  This is a time to stop, stand firmly on your two feet, take a deep breath, and bring your hands to your heart center with palms together or cross your hands, one on top of the other.  Take a moment to feel your heart, to listen to your heart, to be with yourself.  Connect with the energies of the Earth and the Universe and feel the light all around.  As you connect with all things, you can see the true meaning and importance of WHO you are.  You can accomplish anything as long as you stand firm in WHO you are and act from your heart.  You will find more clarity and better perspective.  While you are firm within your heart, take a moment to look at your priorities.  Then breathe deeply and move on with your day.

INTENTION: By connecting with my heart, I find my inner power.

Why Not? You know that you deserve what you desire, yet perhaps you are feeling yourself blocked and unable to create what it is that you wish.  Take time to consider what it is there that keeps things from moving forward?  Perhaps there are old ideas, images, fears, doubts.  It is time to put those aside and ask yourself, in terms of what it is you wish to create, WHY NOT?  Why should you not have what will fulfill you?  Work with this sense of WHY NOT each and every time a doubt arises to make you question your worthiness, etc.  As time goes by, you will find that the WHY NOT response becomes stronger and stronger, as you grow in your personal power.

INTENTION:    Why not?

It is time to become healthy. Put aside all thoughts of lack and dis-ease.  Look to what is right with you.  Look to what brings you joy.  Look to the healthy place within.  Focus on that.  Take a minute to see the healthy part of you spreading out from its center into the rest of your person-self.  If you are feeling depressed, take a moment to find a spark of something positive, something happy, something that the depression does not touch, and experience that part for just a moment.  See its light get brighter and brighter.  See it lighten up the dark spaces bit by bit.  Be there for a time, experience, and bookmark that spot.  Know that you can always go back there.  Likewise, if you are feeling pain or dis-ease in your body, find a spot where things are well.  Focus on the light of that well piece.  Touch it.  Love it.  Make it real and watch its spark glow brighter.  Stay with that .  You can go to the bright place at any time.  Health comes from within.  Go to the heart center and let the light there glow.  Find some bit of joy.  Never forget the joy.  All else is illusion and distraction.

INTENTION:  I am all I need to be well.  Health comes from within.

Listen to the words you say when your mind is out of gear: Pay attention to thoughts and words that come to mind when your mind is otherwise occupied with quotidian, routine, or automatic actions.  Those are the times when your mind is not in gear, and at those times unbidden true thoughts, emotions, feelings, and desires can well up and make themselves felt.  These are the messages from within that logic and rationality will not allow in.  They are promptings from your deepest self as to what it is that you are missing or wanting or working to resolve.  Take heed of these messages and take time to feel and think about what they are really saying.  Write them down.  Draw them out.  But never, never forget that true guidance comes from within for it is within your own authentic heart that lies the connection with the consciousness of the Universe, a consciousness of which you are a necessary a part, a consciousness that loves you and wants the best for you and tries always to give you the messages that will help the most.  You are never alone, for you are always part of All.

INTENTION:  I am part of infinite Consciousness which speaks to me through me.

Play the Game Without Any Rules: 05/27/09:   Now is the time to play the game.  That is what we are all being called to do, but when you play the game, do not play by the rules.  Make your own rules up as you go along.  If you want to use blue paint in a green room, go ahead, do it.  Invite novelty and the unexpected into everything you do.  Do not follow the beaten path.  Make your own. You can only make it through the illusion when you recognize it as such and challenge its limits.  They only exist if you allow them to.  This is not a path for the feint of heart, but for the true of heart.  That is you.

INTENTION:   I see through the illusion and know my truth in joy.

What is done, is done!: Now, more than ever, it is time to put behind you everything of the past.  Dwelling on things that have a life in the past does not help you in dealing with new energies and vibrations that are coming your way.  Things are speeding up on all levels.  You must be alert, open, allowing, and letting go all at the same time.  To hold onto old thoughts, habits, people., things, etc. that are in your life just because they are in your life will no longer work.  Choose what it is you love, and break down your attachments to all the rest.  You must learn to see those things as obstacles to the unfoldment of WHO you are.

INTENTION: I recognize the past and put it behind me.  I live in the Now.

Wake Up Calls:   Right now we are all experiencing odd coincidences, serendipities, synchronicities.  These are all nudges from the Universe to pay attention, become more aware, take a second look at, listen deeply, and open your heart.  Things are changing on all levels at this time, and there is a greater and greater influence of other dimensions piercing through into this 3D reality.  You may wonder why this is happening.  Simply put, it is part of a shift in consciousness taking place on a Universal level, an awakening to the difference in unity of all things.  Each person, place, things, animal, rock, tree, flower, bird, etc. has a place, an importance, a meaning and a message.  It is time to listen, look, and feel what that is.

INTENTION:  I am WHO I am in my uniqueness.

Walking on Air::    Now is a good time to walk on air, to take the leap and choose not to worry about the process.  Worry makes real the possibility of a fall, of defeat, of misunderstanding.  No Worry makes possible all things.  This is what walking on air is all about.  It is being your breath, which is, after all, the breath of the Universe in every step you take, in everything you do.  You float from reality to reality, experiencing potentials and becoming promises.  Transcending time and all limitations. Sit with this concept in meditation, accompanied by some favorite relaxing music.  See yourself walking on air, on the air you breathe, on the breath of the One.

INTENTION:  I can walk on air and am connected to the Universe.

Serendipity and Synchronicity.:    These are the themes of these days.  Things are joyous and wish to happen well for all.  And when you are able to accept that joy, then you will find a new sense of fulfillment in your life.  And flowing along with that comes a wave of synchronicities.  Things come about.  You find the right book. A word someone says answers a long standing question in your heart.  You find just the right picture that expresses WHO you are.  You look up and find a smile in a face that you somehow just know.  It is the joy of the Universe coming to fill your heart.  It is serendipity.  It is the timing of the Universe becoming your own.  It is synchronicity.

INTENTION: That which I need comes to me.

Chance encounters make all the difference:    Things happen for a reason and people who come into your life who seem to have some purpose actually do.  Do not let things pass you by.  If someone wishes to engage you in conversation, perhaps that is a good time to listen to what he/she has to say.  For there very possibly is a message there, perhaps a companion soul, and definitely a lesson.  Be clear with your vision and wise with your thought.  Take heed of the way the wind blows and watch the shadows upon the land.  There is something stirring, and it is there for you.  Listen.  Watch.  Love.  Learn.  Chance encounters make all the difference.

INTENTION:  The Universe provides for me all I need.

Make a Vision Board for yourself Vision Boards act as a way to get in touch with your deepest desires and to give them an actual visual form.  Working with your true intention of creating and manifesting, take time to decide what it is that you are truly wishing for in your life — health, happiness, partner, money, new car, miracles, whatever.  Take time to jot down a few ideas.  Then find pictures in magazines, words, and photographs that represent what you wish to create in your life.   Take these things and make a collage.  Add your energy, your love, your intent, your desire.  When you are happy with the results, take your vision board and display it prominently in your home where you will see it often as a constant reminder of what you are creating.  Open to your desires and be prepared to allow and receive.  You deserve it!

INTENTION:  In my joy I know myself.

The Ascension Process that we are hooked into is actually a process of uncovering WHO we truly are.  Each one of us has within us that legendary, elusive Grail that brings wholeness , that brings together all our physical and spiritual potentials and possibilities into dynamic, creative manifestation.  The Grail is representative of our own perfection.  It has been hidden since the beginning of time because it was felt to be too powerful for common knowledge.  Life is a quest for the Grail, and each of us is our own Grail Knight going forth to find the treasure.  There is nothing that is so much hidden as that which is most in sight.  Take some time to look into your eyes in the mirror.  See the person you are, then look more deeply and see yourself becoming one with all facets of the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental.  See the two halves of the brain converge, breaking down all the limits to what you can do.  Move forward into this day as a complete, unitary, and holistic self.

This is a good day to try something new. Be crazy.  Be creative.  Be daring.  It does not have to be anything huge, just something you usually do not, something you have not tried, something you wondered about but never approached.  It can be eating a food you have never had before, visiting a museum or shop you have by-passed many times, taking the stairs instead of the elevator.  Any little change on the outside can bring about a big change on the inside, in how you look at things or feel about things.  Do it for fun.  Do not worry about outcomes, just do it.

INTENTION: I find what brings me joy in following my heart.

The old ways are no longer helpful in dealing with the new energies of these new days.  It is a good time to take a look at how you felt you had to do things in the past.  Were you feeling that things had to be hard, to be difficult, to be a challenge?  If so, then you probably found yourself taking that long and winding and bumpy and dark and uncomfortable road.  Guess what?  Things do not need to be hard to be worthwhile and important.  It is time to allow that information into yourself and look for joy in your life, synchronicity in your intention, and fulfillment of your desires.  You deserve all you desire if only you would allow it in.

INTENTION: Synchronicity is the light of my way.

Every day, things are new. Every day everything is different.  You may wake up in the same house with the same people, pets, plants, and possessions, but somehow they are all different.  We take things too much for granted.  Take a look around yourself today and see things in a new light.  See what makes them different from what they were yesterday.   Look for the surprises in the ordinary.  That is where you will find the magic.

INTENTION:  I create magic in my heart and wonder in my life.

What’s in a Name: Take a look at your name.  Write down each letter on a separate line, and for each letter write down qualities, desires, goals, dreams that define WHO you in your deepest being truly are.  For example, let us say you name is Sue.  For “S” you might write things such as the following:  successful, sometimes sappy, sensuous, self-directed, super, sensitive, sincere…  You get the idea.  Go for it, and have fun!

Take some time today to look at the natural world, to experience nature. Regardless of where you are there is somewhere a piece of nature waiting for you to appreciate it.  There are birds in the skies, perched on windows or in trees.  Plants in pots, trees and bushes dotting the landscape.  Stones and rocks.  Perhaps water — ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, oceans.  Mountains and valleys.   Nature is there in all its wonder at all times.  It never demands that you take notice, but it so loves it when you do.

Every morning, as you wake up, think of one thing you love about yourself and take that through the day with you.  It can be anything:  I love that I made a great dinner last night.  I love that my cat loves me.  I love my new haircut.  I love the picture I took yesterday.  I love the bowl I threw.  I love that I gave that woman my place in line.  I love that I have three plants in my window.  Anything.  Just something that makes you know how wonderful you are and all the things you can do.  You might want to make a list and add a new reason to love yourself to it whenever you think of it.  Then, when the melancholy hits, you can take out the list and see what a great person you are.

INTENTION: I bring love into my life as I love WHO I am.