Time=Forever Conundrum

Where is Time?

By Robert McCoy
Created 06/16/2011 – 10:18

The Electric Universe theorizes a ubiquitous primal force trillions of times more powerful than ‘gravity’ — electricity — whose currents travel through space in spirals and form a network between all the planets and stars in the universe. It’s electric, it’s alive, and it’s buzzing like Yankee Stadium on opening day.

“We have never encountered poor engineering in nature” –Albrecht-Buehler

It’s 1978 and I’m sitting at a workbench, electronic test equipment arrayed all around me on shelves — oscilloscopes and ‘bit boxes’, the tools of my trade.   It’s the night shift and the factory is ‘cooling fan’ quiet, almost like sitting in my living room — at least in comparison to the buzzing of the day shift when the isles are full of managers and engineers…  office types, disturbing my otherwise silent technical devotions.   And just like in my living room, I light up a ‘righteous’ cigarette and lean back on my swiveling chair, contemplating a problem with a printed circuit board I’m troubleshooting — trying to put some ‘soul in the machine’ — but it won’t initialize — stuck in a loop. I take a puff (menthols!) and exhale up toward the high industrial ceiling. When my eyes come back to the problem I glance at the scope and notice a straight line on the screen but one that is fuzzy somehow — they are never really straight. Only moments before it had been an incomprehensible blur, racing at megahertz speed and I had barely been able to sync it up so as to bring the blur into focus. Now, as I rest the probe at my side the screen is quiet — in keeping with my surroundings — relaxed at ‘zero’ volt

to read more, go to:  http://www.realitysandwich.com/print/102934


Trees of Peace Grid


In the hill and river confluences of western New England, a ring of ‘peace’ communities spontaneously emerges around the Trees of Peace grove in MohawkTrail S.F.. Poised between pagodas of peace this grove of old growth White Pines give symbol and meaning to the word and intent of PEACE, as hub of this peace wheel.

‘Trees of Peace’, is a self organizing circle of people, place and purpose, a sacred space conjointly created for the joy and contemplation of all.

to read more, check out the expansion of the grid, etc., go to: http://www.geometryofplace.com/trees.html

July 1 Solar Eclipse Data

Partial Solar Eclipse of July 01


Just one lunation after the previous one, the third solar eclipse of the year takes place at the Moon’s descending node in western Gemini. This Southern Hemisphere event is visible from a D-shaped region in the Antarctic Ocean south of Africa (Figure 4). Such a remote and isolated path means that it may very well turn out to be the solar eclipse that nobody sees. At greatest eclipse (08:38:23 UT), the magnitude is just 0.097.

for more, go to:    http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OHfigures/OH2011-Fig04.pdf


Time for a Change

It is time for a change! But change does not have to be drastic.  Big shifts and renovations can start with changing one little thing.  Take a look at the room you are in.  Everything has its place.  It is time to take one item and move it to a different place.  Then walk out of the room and back in again.  Take a look around.  Everything is different! By changing one little element, you have changed the whole room.  And a change of one small thing can be the stepping off point for major shifts, realignments, and new perspectives.

INTENTION: By doing one thing, I make a difference in everything;.

The Look of Fear

Scientists find out what fear looks like from space

June 16, 2011

Scientists find out what fear looks like from spaceEnlarge

Heron Island lagoon. Image downloaded from Google Earth 13 Oct. 2010. Image date 2 Aug. 2006. Credit: 2011 DigitalGlobe

(PhysOrg.com) — While most of us could find no better use for Google Earth than checking out a holiday destination, scientists in Sydney have shown it can reveal a lot about the behaviour of marine life on the Great Barrier Reef.

In what is believed to be the first research of its kind, University of Technology, Sydney  Dr Elizabeth Madin and colleagues – including Dr. Joshua Madin of Macquarie University and Professor David Booth from UTS – have used satellite images to observe the indirect effects of behavioural interactions between predators and prey in the lagoon habitat at Heron Island.

The results, published in the paper “Landscape of fear visible from space” in the first issue of the journal Nature Scientific Reports, have revealed distinct patterns of grazing halos – rings of bare sand devoid of seaweed – within the algal beds surrounding isolated groups of coral.

to read more go to:   http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-scientists-space.html


“The Second Coming” W.B. Yeats

One of my favorite poems:

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: a waste of desert sand;
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Wind shadows of the indignant desert birds.

The darkness drops again but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


Take A Breather

Things are hectic and crazy these days.  There seems little prospect of this changing.  Our job is to deal, to cope, perhaps even to overcome.  In order to do this, we need to be in contact with WHO we are as much as possible.

The good thing about being in contact with our WHO is that we have a sense of our own worth and our own power. What we choose to so with that is our own stuff.

Under any circumstances, there is no judgement here. Rather, I am offering a suggestion for a way to make through the day with a little less stress.  It is an easy method, but as we learn from reading Taoism, the small stuff is generally the hardest.  We are conditioned to complicate.  To find reasons, to find motives to make observations.  What if you just needed one.  Hmm, not very… democratic?

Well, enough of that.  I have a small exercise (no huffing and puffing required) that, if used on a daily basis, can bring a bit of peace into the day.

Take a minute out of every hour of the day to center.  (If you are awake fourteen hours, that is fourteen minutes.  Not bad.) Just put everything down.  Close your eyes or perhaps focus your eyes on a peaceful picture.  Take two deep breaths.  See all the stuff just rolling off of you.  It can puddle at your feet.  You can send down into whatever is below you.  Feel how great it is to let things go for a bit. Watch it as it goes.  Then see a great white, shining light come down and flow through your body.  Renewing your energy.  Re-establishing WHO you are in your core self.  When it has fully engulfed you, go to your heart center, take two deep breaths. Add a bit of gratitude, a Namaste, whatever, and come back to where you were.

The end.  A one minute vacation to the center of it all.

Ayahuascan Experience

Peru: Hell and Back—Video Exclusive
Deep in the Amazon jungle, writer Kira Salak tests ayahuasca, a shamanistic medicinal ritual, and finds a terrifying—but enlightening—world within.
Photo: An ayahuasca ceremony in Peru
INTO THE LIGHT: Shamans (from left) Hamilton Souther, Julio Gerena Pinedo, and Alberto Torres Davila preside over an ayahuasca ceremony in the Peruvian Amazon. Drawn by the prospect of life-changing visions, visitors come from around the world to take part.
For centuries, Amazonian shamans have used ayahuasca as a window into the soul. The sacrament, they claim, can cure any illness. The author joins in this ancient ritual and finds the worlds within more terrifying—and enlightening—than ever imagined.

I will never forget what it was like. The overwhelming misery. The certainty of never-ending suffering. No one to help you, no way to escape. Everywhere I looked: darkness so thick that the idea of light seemed inconceivable.

to read more and see the video, go to:    http://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/0603/features/peru.html

Creation and Thinking

Can Thoughts Make Things Happen?

Posted: 06/10/11 09:01 AM ET
by Peter Baksa, Author – The Point of Power

As a pragmatic truth-seeking philosopher, I was very skeptical when I first encountered the Law of Attraction (LOA). Many things I’ve seen really stretch my credulity. But the more I think about it, the more I see nuggets underneath the hype that make sense to me, if reformulated a bit. While I wouldn’t go so far as to say the Buddha was a Law of Attraction proponent, I do think there is some common ground to be found between the two.

We create our world through our thoughts. Max Plank, Albert Einstein, Steven Hawking all seem to agree that the universe/god is actually a set of laws and principles that we can count on to create our world. Steven Hawking and Richard Feynman both speak in terms of M Theory and String Theory to further postulate how thoughts become matter. Our minds are essentially idea machines that refine our thoughts into electrical impulses which communicate with the same source energy that creates everything from nothing.

To read more, check out:   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-baksa/law-of-attraction_b_873666.html


Consciousness & The Brain

Does Our Brain Really Create Consciousness?

by Peter Russell, Physicist & Author

Western science has had remarkable success in explaining the functioning of the material world, but when it comes to the inner world of the mind, it has very little to say. And when it comes to consciousness itself, science falls curiously silent. There is nothing in physics, chemistry, biology, or any other science that can account for our having an interior world. In a strange way, scientists would be much happier if minds did not exist. Yet without minds there would be no science.
This ever-present paradox may be pushing Western science into what Thomas Kuhn called a paradigm shift–a fundamental change in worldview.

This process begins when the prevalent paradigm encounters an anomaly — an observation that the current worldview can’t explain. As far as the today’s scientific paradigm is concerned, consciousness is certainly one big anomaly. It is the most obvious fact of life: the fact that we are aware and experience an internal world of images, sensations, thoughts, and feelings. Yet there is nothing more difficult to explain. It is easier to explain how the universe evolved from the Big Bang to human beings than it is to explain why any of us should ever have a single inner experience. How does all that electro-chemical activity in the physical matter of the brain ever give rise to conscious experience? Why doesn’t it all just go on in the dark?

to read more go to:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-russell/brain-consciousness_b_873595.html