September 25-October 1


Overall Color for the Week:    Fire Engine Red

What’s the hurry?  What’s the emergency?  The energies of the week will make you feel as though everything is so important, however before you accept the overall importance of this or that, it is really, really important that you first know what it is that you are wanting for yourself.  Take some time this week to look around you are recognize the stuff that really does not mean much to you, the people who are there out of habit, the situations that constantly repeat.  There is much to be learned by a critical and impersonal analysis of these things.

Sunday, September 25:    Light Lavender

The morning is not going to be at all what you expected, so be ready for anything.  There is a message coming your way that has something importnat for you.  Do not discredit synchronicites or serendipity in this regard. Perhaps all you need is just to know that things are okay.  There is a lot of movement right now in your life, and sometimes you can feel like you are walking on a conveyor belt through a swamp, not having the time to focus or complete anything that you want to do.  This is a good time to look at priorities.  Pick out one, make that your folcus for the day, and get it done.  Get some kind of feeling of resolution about it.  Then you can put that aside and move on.  Tonight is a good time and a good energy for relaxing and just feeling what it is that you enjoy doing.  Make a little celebration of things.  Look out on the natural world around you and feel yoru connectedness.  This is a great exercise for calming the heart.

Crystal energy:    Albite—-The energies of this stone assist within flow, particularly in terms of cellular hydration.  Resonates with all chakras.

Monday, September 26:    Slate Grey

You will be finding that things are kind of oozing up from your memories and your past today.  The energy is such that there can be emotion around a lot of these.  Do not fight it, rather let the feelings come, take a look at them, honor them, and let them move on.  This is not a time to become stuck in things that are not helping you to move forward in what it is that you are truly wanting to do and be at this time.  We all have a past, and we can recognize that, but it is important tot to get stuck in it.  The new challenges and opportunities that are here in front of you today need your complete and conscious focus and attention.  Take time to center within your heart and know what it is that will be best for you at this time.  Stay focused on the essential WHO of you, and things will begin to flow more easily.  Moreover, you will start to see things and people for what they are.  This can cause a bit of upheaval, but sometimes upheaval is good..

Tuesday, September 27:    Cloudy White

This is a good day for taking care of yourself, honoring how you feel, doing what you want, and not worrying about all the other stuff.  Sometimes the other stuff has to take care of itself, and today you need to take care of you.  Take some time out to center.  Then treat yourself to something you love, a small (or large) indulgence, but it must come from your heart.  You know that if the indulgence is out of proportion with the other stuff going on in your life, you will regret it.  You are NOT to regret this indulgence.  It is something that will get you through some of the crazy times that are on the horizon.  This is also a good day for making a call that you have been putting off.  You can be very surprised at how they had looked forward to hearing from you.  There is not a lot of clarity in the air, but remember that miracles can come out of the clouds.

Crystal Energy:    Lavender Aventurine—-The energy of this stone assists those who are struggling with depression to let go of worries and achieve some calm.  It also is good for people who work with those in need, particularly counselors.  Resonates with the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Wednesday, September 28:     Grainy White

This is a day for remembering all the good things, and that is because there is a lot of turmoil, anger, and uncertainty in the air.  While it may not be coming from you, it is so much in the atmosphere that you will be noticing it.  This is a good time to step back (way back, today) and take a look at what is going on around you,.  You can find that there are those who will be revealing their true personalities and opinions.  Some of that might just surprised you. Do not plan to start or finish anything today because it all is going to take a lot more effort than it should.  This can leave you feeling frustrated and testy.  In this kind of energy also, it is good to take care in traffic and let that other guy go.  Sometimes the ride there is more rewarding and enlightening than the actual destination.  Tonight, take time to relax, do a little journaling or creative work, something that will allow you to come to grips with how you are feeling at this time.  And then, a good dinner, a glass of wine, a great conversation or a comfort movie.

Crystal Energy:    Massive Cuprite—-The energies of this mineral assist in bringing relaxation to one, particularly in terms of digestive related issues.  It allows for release of certain toxins in these areas.  Resonates with the Root, Navel, and Solar Plexus chakras.

Thursday, September 29:    Red Flame

Getting rid of the old, bringing in the new, and acknowledging all that you have done are all part of the atmosphere today.  If things are upsetting you, it is time to let people know about it.  Even more so, it is time to accept for yourself that you have limits in terms of what you will allow from others, and to define clearly those limits.  This is a huge step in reclaiming your power and putting forth your declaration of self worthiness, honor, and ability.  You have worked for a long time to make things accommodate the truths that you feel within your heart.  The energies of the day allow you to become your own champion and stand up for what it is that is truly you.

Crystal Energy:    Peach Moonstone—-This stone vibrates to the true knowing of the heart, bringing a sense of peace, understanding, and compassion.  It resonates with the Heart Chakra.

Friday, September 30:    Lime Green

Things will be appearing out of the mists today, but be aware that other things can just as easily be lost in them.  This is true on all levels – physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental.  There may be some strongly held ideas that are being shaken up as evidence comes forth to make you question their validity.  In dealings with people, be certain inside yourself of their sincerity and of the importance of the things they are presenting to you. The Trickster loves these foggy days, and he can hide himself in many, many different ways.  Look around you and be certain of the paths you take, the decisions you make, and the situations you encounter.  Past stuff can confuse when dealing with present focus and desire.

Crystal Energy:    Astrophyllite—-The energy of this mineral assists one in bringing together many strands of mysteries, emotions, relationships, and making sense of the whole, but not without dedication and effort on one’s own part.  Resonates with the Root and Crown Chakras.

Saturday, October 1:    Orange Yellow

There is movement going on today, and even if your were planning a quiet time, you cannot help but feel; it.  Along with that can come a sense of restlessness and the feeling that things are not going the way you want them to.  When you feel this way, step back and think about how it is that you are wishing things to fall into place in your life.  These kinds of feelings are hints of the greater picture that you need to be aware of.  Everything is falling into new patterns, ideas, and ways right now.  Not much is for certain.  That is why it is so important to center, to ground, and always to be aware of WHO you are.  Today affords you an experience of being you in the midst of all that is shifting and changing outside of you.  There can be some laughter as the day closes.

Crystal Energy:    Zincite—-This mineral is a great stimulant.  It works with the positive energies of the body to remove what is no longer desired.  It asks for your communication and agreement, and with those can bring about amazing results.  Resonates with the Navel and Solar Plexus Chakras.

September 18-24

Overall Color for the Week:   Light Pink

Ah, this week.  Everything is in such flux.  This is not a good time for relying upon…. whatever.  The Trickster is about and he is spinning his tricks everywhere.  In relationships, in job situations, in promises, in trusts, … in everything.  Let it go.  This is a time in which you must let it go or you will find your self; spiraling downward into expectations and old patterns which cannot help but be thwarted now.  This is a week for a sense of humor, a sense of optimism, and a super strong sense of self.  You have all the tools and strength you need.  What you are lacking is your own confidence in WHO you are.  Spend some time within.  Take some time to know what you truly are and what that means in what you want and your expectations.  This is an important time, and this is an important exercise.  Choices now are what we will be manifesting and discovering for the next eighteen months. Just an additional note, this is a very important time to listen to your intuition, pay attention to your hunches.  You can learn a great deal about what lies just around the corner. Oh, and emotions, emotions, emotions.  Let them flow. Continue reading

Science & Spirituality

Steven and Michael Meloan

Authors of ‘The Shroud’

 Science and Spirituality Can Transform Our World .. Together

For hundreds of years, science has illuminated the mysteries of our universe, allowing us to conquer diseases, manipulate genomes, visit other planets and explore the wonders of space and time. But as a result of these profound and inarguable successes, science has also become the de facto cultural filter through which our broader societal norms, behaviors and institutions have developed and evolved. Newtonian physics established a physical reality composed of discrete and separate objects, operating according to predictable laws of time and space — the universe as a giant billiard table. And Darwinian evolution established the biological world as a tooth-and-claw realm of scarcity, competition and “survival of the fittest.” The end conclusions of this centuries-old scientific story is that we are accidents of the cosmos, living on a lonely planet in the cold depths of space, vying for limited resources in a frequently violent and tumultuous competition for supremacy. The implicit notion that we are walking husks for “selfish genes” pervades everything, from our economic and business institutions to our day-to-day interactions.

But an increasing number of scientific, philosophical and spiritual thinkers are arriving at the conclusion that this mechanistic take on the human story is fundamentally incomplete. Darwinian narratives of “survival of the fittest,” and mechanistic Newtonian physics are increasingly being seen as elements of a far greater and richer tapestry. Quantum entanglement, or Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance,” demonstrates that our universe is interconnected in ways we might never have imagined, down to the most basic particle level. And the discovery of “mirror neurons”in humans and other primates demonstrates that simply seeing something happen to another creature lights up the same neurons as if it were happening to us. In a very real sense, we don’t entirely distinguish between “the self” and others. And this is particularly true when witnessing suffering. Compassion and empathy seem to be hard-wired into us.

While inter-species and intra-species competition is an inarguable biological fact, we are discovering compelling new examples of connection, cooperation and community. In reality, we may have even misinterpreted Darwin. In his “The Descent of Man,”published in 1871, Darwin only mentions the phrase “survival of the fittest” twice, while he mentions the word “love” 95 times. Dig beneath the surface of the natural world, and a tooth-and-claw narrative is clearly not the only one to be found. Bonobo apes, with which humans share more than 98 percent of their DNA, live in highly cooperative societies based on matriarchal structures. These and other recent scientific discoveries may prove pivotal in creating newer and more accurate cultural narratives. The Human Genome Project has revealed amazing commonalities among all living organisms, and the project has also found that there is greater genetic variability within a given race than between them. In short, in spite of superficial appearances, we are far more alike, at a fundamental genetic level, than we are different.

Even so, we retain hard-wiring from a primitive past that was directed toward survival-based judgments and assessments of others. Studies find that this programming leaves us constantly primed to gauge others as “in-group” or “out-group,” based upon such criteria as race, gender, age and perceived cultural and socio-economic status — and that such analyses occur within milliseconds. This tribalism can be surprisingly fluid and dynamic. In one study, teen boys were exposed to the art of either Kandinsky or Klee. Even though the boys were previously unfamiliar with either and had been randomly assigned to view the works of only one artist, the Kandinsky “gang” quickly showed a greater willingness to loan money to other Kandinsky in-group members. And the same proved true of the experimental Klee “gang.”

Because such tribal-bonding is so dynamic and shifting, however, it is also highly malleable. Once recognized and understood, this hard-wiring can be consciously subverted. A measurable aversion to the image of a homeless person or drug addict can be rapidly transformed by an assignment to participate in a soup kitchen and choose appropriate menu items for people in need. In this way, out-group members almost instantaneously become fellow in-group members as part of a joint undertaking. The key to such subversion of tribalistic tendencies is that cross-group members must share a larger common goal, and have the support of recognized authority figures.

While competition and tribalistic bonding are inarguable aspects of our world, science increasingly makes clear that this is only one part of an expanding conceptual landscape. Our entire universe is profoundly interconnected, in ways that we are only beginning to decipher. This is true at the elementary particle level, at the genetic level, at the organism level and at a global level via the Internet. Ultimately, the same scientific milieu that helped form our current conflict-ridden cultural narratives may now be instrumental in defining not only a more productive world view, but a more accurate one.

Steven and Michael Meloan are authors of “The Shroud,” a science-adventure novel exploring the spiritual impulse, tribalism and its manifestations in human behavior, and the intersection between science and spirituality:


Science & Spirituality

My Take: Science and spirituality should be friends

Editor’s Note: Deepak Chopra is founder of the Chopra Foundation and a senior scientist at the Gallup Organization. He has authored over 60 books, including The Soul of Leadership, which The Wall Street Journal called one of five best business books about careers.

By Deepak Chopra, Special to CNN

For most people, science deserves its reputation for being opposed to religion.

I’m not thinking of the rather noisy campaign by a handful of die-hard atheists to demote and ridicule faith.

I’m thinking instead of Charles Darwin, whose theory of evolution has proved victorious over the Book of Genesis and its story of God creating the universe in seven days. Since then, God has been found wanting when measured against facts and data. With no data to support the existence of God, there is also no reason for religion and science to close the gap between them.

Yet the gap has indeed been closing.

Religion and spirituality didn’t go away just because organized religion has been losing its hold, as suggested by showing decades of  declining church attendance in the U.S. and Western Europe.

Despite the noisy atheists, two trends in spirituality and science have started to converge. One is the trend to seek God outside the church. This has given rise to a kind of spirituality based on personal experience, with an openness to accept Eastern traditions like meditation and yoga as legitimate ways to expand one’s consciousness.

If God is to be found anywhere, it is inside the consciousness of each person. Even in the Christian West we have the assurance of Jesus that the kingdom of heaven is within, while the Old Testament declares, “Be still and know that I am God.”

The other trend is a growing interest by scientists in questions about consciousness

The Moon and its Lore


Urban shaman, eco-ceremonialist, ritual expert and consultant

 The Moon: Our Cosmic Mother

Posted: 8/23/11 11:25 AM ET

Avid moon watcher that I am, I must confess that I never could recognize the face of the man in the moon. How could anyone conceivably mistake that face — that round, profoundly gentle face, jolly and eternally indulgent, that unconditionally comforting countenance — for male?

The dark marks that define her features are in reality the bodies of water on her surface: the sea of tranquility, the ocean of storms and the sea of fertility. Sounds like a woman to me! My version of the ma’am in the moon will always be Aunt Jemima. The ultimate maternal perfection fantasy figure: purveyor of affection, protection and pancakes.

Women are inextricably connected to the moon, to her rhythms and waves. A woman’s blood waxes and wanes with the moon. Her urges and juices ebb and flow. And the moon, as she grows from crescent to full every month, mimics the pregnant swell of a woman’s belly, or a bunny’s, or a dog’s.

The moon as mother is a prevalent, primal mythological theme. The West African Nigeriens believe that the great moon mother sends the moon bird to Earth to deliver babies. The Baganda of Central Africa bathe their newborns by the light of the first full moon following birth. In Ashanti tradition, the moon Akua’ba, is a fertility figure. Women carry effigies of her tucked into their skirts at the small of their backs as an aid to conception and a guarantee of sturdy children.

Moon, O Mother Moon, O Mother Moon,
Mother of living things,
Hear our voice, O Mother Moon!
O Mother Moon! O Mother Moon!
– Gabon Pygmy Song

Women in Europe did the same. During the Renaissance, long after the mass acceptance of Christianity, it was understood that if a woman wanted anything, she should pray not to God, but to the moon mother for succor. Saint Augustine denounced women for dancing “impudently and filthily all the day long upon the days of the new moon,” even as their Hebrew sisters were scorned for wearing lunar amulets by the biblical prophets in Isaiah 3:18.

The Book of Aquarius

Alchemy and the Philosophers’ Stone are real. This is not a joke or a scam. This book covers the full theory and practice of alchemy and how to make the Philosophers’ Stone, capable of reversing the aging process and curing all disease to the effect that one could live forever. This is an ancient secret which has never before been publicly released. Please read the book before making any judgement on it; this world is not what it seems to be. The Book of Aquarius is free and public-domain (no copyright). You may copy and distribute the book in any way.

Read more and Download the book for Free

Facts About Meditation


7 Fascinating Facts About Meditation

The Huffington Post      First Posted: 7/15/11 08:25 AM ET   Updated: 7/28/11 08:09 PM ET

Over the last decade, interest in the science of meditation has skyrocketed. We now know more than ever before about just how meditation affects our minds and bodies. Increased research has led to a plethora of fascinating discoveries: Take, for instance, the fact that meditation can prevent heart disease. Or that it reduces stressOr that it can significantly lessen ADHD symptoms, and in many cases, beats medication.

Still, much is left to be discovered. We know more but we definitely don’t know everything. While we wait for science to catch up with ancient wisdom, check out this slideshow on the complex effects of the simple act of focused breathing.


It Makes Your Brain Plastic
1 of 8

Quite literally, sustained meditation leads to something called neuroplasticity, which is defined as the brain’s ability to change, structurally and functionally, on the basis of environmental input.

For much of the last century, scientists believed that the brain essentially stopped changing after adulthood.

But research by University of Wisconsin neuroscientist Richard Davidson has shown that experienced meditators exhibit high levels of gamma wave activityand display an ability — continuing after the meditation session has attended — to not get stuck on a particular stimulus. That is, they’re automatically able to control their thoughts and reactiveness

Lucid Dreaming

What it is: fr/Wikipedia

lucid dream is a dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming. The term was coined by the Dutch psychiatrist and writer Frederik (Willem) van Eeden(1860–1932).[1] In a lucid dream, the dreamer can actively participate in and manipulate imaginary experiences in the dream environment.[2] Lucid dreams can seem real and vivid.[3]

A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream(DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes it is a dream, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state, with no apparent lapse in consciousness.

Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established.[4][5]


for more fr/Wikipedia, go to:

Also, here is an interesting site for lots of information and research on Lucid Dreaming:


Barbara Marx Hubbard on Peace

Replacing Our ‘War Rooms’ with ‘Peace Rooms’

Posted: 06/29/11 09:38 AM ET
Barbara Marx Hubbard —  Foundation for Conscious Evolution, President
Evolution is evolving from unconscious chance to conscious choice. We are entering the first age of conscious evolution.

Why? Because we obviously affect our own evolution by all the choices we make — from the food we eat, the number of babies we have, the cars we drive and the weapons we build.

Humans have no experience at being responsible for global change at this level. We are facing, as Bruce Lipton and Deepak Chopra recently wrote, the possibility of the collapse of our life support system. Or, I believe, the emergence of something new, something better than we have ever known before.