This week will see some of the best and some of the worst in all areas and in all situations. It is important to be strong in WHO you are and look into things before taking any precipitate action. This is not a week of resolution, but rather a week of stirring up the pot.
If you had not been aware that things were shifting, this week will make it blatantly obvious. Emotions are close to the surface and many will want to react without consideration.
If you are tuned into what is going on, you will begin to see patterns emerge. They will come to the surface in personal relationships, job situations, Earth movements, political maneuvers, etc. Step back from it all. These things are all related somehow. Your consciousness is opening as well as your expanded sensibilities. Trust them. Trust your intuition.
THis is a week for breaking out of your old patterns. This is a week for looking at just what you have been prioritizing, what is important to yo, what you want for yourself, where you stand in relation to all that is around you. It is also a week for second chances, so if there is something you are wishing to remedy or alter, the times favor that kind of action. Let go of the ego hold in this.
Ego is not the same as Self. Ego is the cloak we put over Self to hide from much of what we have always known to be. Self does not have to be guarded or fought for. Self is. Take some time to know your SELF. It can be revealing.
There is an inner impulsion within the human being which is commonly interpreted as the engine that drives personal success, that earns credentials and accolades which result in magnificent acquisitions—the external more, more, more of which there is never enough to satisfy. For even when we have succeeded in meeting many or most of our outer goals there remains an awareness of an illusive “something,” an emptiness that is yet unfilled.
Is there any validity to this awareness? Is there something woven into the fundamental fabric of our being that urges us to seek fulfillment beyond the offerings of the external world? Affirmative evidence is offered by Andrew Newberg, M.D., in his book on brain science and the biology of belief, Why God Won’t Go Away:
“As Gene and I sifted through mountains of data on religious experience, ritual, and brain science, important pieces of the puzzle came together and meaningful patterns emerged. Gradually, we shaped a hypothesis that suggests that spiritual experience, at its very root, is intimately interwoven with human biology. That biology, in some way, compels the spiritual urge.”
According to both ancient and contemporary spiritual traditions, there is a passageway into an extended awareness of our true nature, that aspect of ourselves that can be accessed when the preoccupations of the conscious mind are quieted. As we enter through this passageway, we lift the veil that hides the inner paradise in which we truly live, move, and have our being. India’s great philosopher, Sri Aurobindo, aptly describes it this way:
“The full delight of being is intrinsic, self-existent, automatic; it cannot be dependent on things outside itself. In the spiritual knowledge of self, the first step is the discovery of the soul, the secret entity, the divine element within us.”
From this wisdom we can conclude that there is no permanent or ultimate fulfillment from anything outside of our essential Self, our soul-self. This leaves little wiggle room for us to postpone seeking out spiritual practices by which we may evolve an extended awareness of our at-onement with First Cause, which some call God, Brahma, Spirit, or no name at all.
Jill Bolte Taylor, a 37-year-old Harvard-trained neuroanatomist, experienced a massive stroke when a blood vessel exploded in the rational, time-oriented left side of her brain. Within a four-hour time span she lost the ability to walk, talk, read, or write. Her knowledge of how the brain works allowed her to recognize that she was having a stroke and seek immediate help. At the very outset of her eight-year recovery period, her consciousness shifted into the right brain where she experienced a state of nirvana, what she described as an extended awareness of herself being “at one with the Universe.” Andrew Newberg explains this extended awareness:
“… various key brain structures and the way information is channeled along neural pathways leads us to hypothesize that the brain possesses a neurological mechanism for self-transcendence.”
The degree to which we activate this innate capacity to self-transcend, so do we cultivate an extended awareness of the Self.
As we progress in self-transcendence, the sense of separation or involvement with the personal mind expands into an awareness of the unique emanation that each of us is as an individualized expression of the One Mind that is everywhere in its fullness. That which is happening cosmically begins to happen through us locally. In such a state of awareness the plenitude, beauty, peace, joy, bliss, compassion—these transcendent yet eminent qualities of being are activated within us. It is a process of awakening to our true nature which places us in harmony with the fundamental order of Existence. Modern Zen master Huang Po describes the ultimate state of being he calls One Mind in this way:
“All the Buddhas and all sentient beings are nothing but One Mind, beside which nothing exists. Only awake to the One Mind.”
This One Mind is the very life force that animates and sustains existence, the evolutionary impulse within the universe and each individual.
The personal mind—predominantly the left side of the brain—wants to figure out how all of this happens. The demand to know “how” is actually a delay tactic of the ego, a defense mechanism so that our sense of being a separate self doesn’t dissolve right on the spot! Self-transcendence is our birthright. Everything that we need is already within us, announcing itself through the inner impulsion to grow, develop and unfold. How do we cultivate an extended awareness of Self? First by an identity shift which acknowledges our at-onement with the One Mind. We then grow confidence in our capacity to become a fully enlightened being. As an enlightened being, we live from a state of cosmic consciousness, a conscious awareness of our oneness with all life.
When we consider current scientific studies of the brain relative to the field of quantum consciousness, the evolutionary possibilities for the individual and our global family are limitless. A genuine state of cosmic awareness expressing through an individual or a whole nation is distinguishable as scientific knowledge of life, life lived in attunement with cosmic laws. Living from such a state of consciousness holds the potential for governing our world by a kind of super-wisdom which results in cooperation rather than competition, in unity rather than division, in oneness rather than separation.
In the western world we are taught to think and psychically perceive Spirit with our brains. But it is through the Body Center, the Navel Chakra,that Spirit speaks most strongly to us while we are in physical form.
A friend recently asked me about the heart-centered world into which many believe we are moving. The comment that one of my guides made was to notice that people from the developed or Western world are moving down from their heads into their hearts. They have yet to reach anywhere near their navel or body center. For this reason the journey into the heart that many in the New Age movement anticipate will bring something to completion may actually be the final step. After the Heart, we Westerners will need to begin the journey into the Body.
Many people joke about the practice of sitting in meditation as being something akin to ‘navel gazing’. My own sense is that rather than looking down from our heads at our navels, we need to know how to go down into the navel center itself, and look out from there at our world.
I have come to this conclusion based on my own experience. After moving more and more into my own heart, I began to move further down, passing through my heart and into a space that I feel is my navel chakra or body center. It is a place of great stillness, where I can feel the slightest motions of my body’s natural functions as well as motions from all that is around me. Yet at the same time I feel an intense and utter stillness. From this place of deep stillness all else seems a bit silly – it’s like relaxing in the warm sunshine watching fruit flies swarm a piece of fruit. You can enjoy your relaxation while the incessant motions of the fruit flies remind you of how still you are. What they are doing is harmless to you. While it may be a lot of activity, they are simply doing what it is that is within their nature to do. And you are choosing to do something different.
That is not to imply that all you or I do outside of meditation is equivalent to being a buzzing fruit fly! Day to day life, represented by the fruit flies in my little metaphor, is necessary to my continued physical body being in form. I believe that when I access my body center or navel in meditation it gives my personality a perspective around the true balance of priorities that my soul has. I do find that I can better choose and organize my activities after a little navel meditation.
I realize for most people the idea that our soul or spirit would speak to us through our body rather than our brain is very odd. Our western culture has taught us to live in the uppermost region of our body, basically the upper three inches of our head, not in the remaining 60 or so inches that tend to carry our head around.
Our western culture has also taught us to fear what we do not know. And since few of us had parents who could set an example of being fully embodied, it is not surprising that we have an innate fear of delving into the unknown regions beneath the level of our eyes and brain. In order to identify where our navel is, most of us have to move our hands down and touch it. Few of us simply feel and know its location in our torso. This means that there is a great learning curve ahead of us around how to connect our soul or spirit into our own bodies.
Awareness of any body part by ‘feeling’ it from the inside is an indicator of how strongly connected we are to the consciousness that is related to that body part. Each and every toe, finger, muscle, bone, tendon, organ, etc. processes energetic patterns for us. Illness is merely a sign that the spiritual, mental and emotional levels of our aura were unsuccessful in processing a pattern. In order to bring it more fully to our attention the pattern naturally moved into the etheric level of our aura, which is the blue print for our physical body.
Healing the physical issue then becomes a matter of addressing the issue at all the levels through which the pattern has come. For this reason when issues have reached the physical level I often suggest that people consult physical doctors such as Naturopaths, Chiropractors and Acupuncturists. These modalities understand that health is a result of balance, and illness is a result of imbalance. Once balance is restored, the body’s own systems will restore the physical body.
In my own energetic healing work, I find that the information I get for people is usually right on the edge of what they already know or suspect. In some cases their guides simply point out to me certain moments in their lives that are inter-related and magnifying a current emotional or physical symptom of illness. Sometimes it is also about what I call “upgrading” a belief.
I find that we are all pretty good at healing ourselves. But it is hard to find that deep place of stillness where you can feel all that is in motion around you when you are overwhelmed by fatigue, anxiety, physical pain or chatter in the mind. It just helps to have someone outside of yourself point out what they are able to see, so you can see it more clearly.
There are certainly different styles of healing, and for me I prefer to help people see for themselves what it is that they are ready to change, and hold space for that change to occur. As I spend more and more time within the deep stillness of my own body, I feel the great potential each of us has to access this same space of spiritual connection inside of our own bodies.
Ultimately, I might say that I have less interest in trying to organize how the fruit flies buzz around the fruit and more curiosity about why I left the fruit out for them to buzz around. An odd metaphor, but the closest I can get to my experience of this moment.
And this brings me back to the motionless depth of spirit I find within my own body. This, to me, is a point of creation that each person will learn about in their own time.
My best to each of you.
About Norma Gentile
Norma Gentile, sound shaman, is a natural intuitive and channel for Mary, Archangel Michael and the Hathors. She maintains a private healing practice, offering sessions in English and Spanish, as well as singing healing concerts and teaching workshops. Her CD of live sound healings, Songs of Spirit, is available in the Maat Shop. To see and hear her sound healings, articles and podcasts at her website
Pane Andov on cosmic expectations and consciousness rising – at the 2011 Nexus Conference in Queensland Australia (Deutsch)
From the Conscious Media Network
In a remarkable presentation delivered at the 2011 Nexus Conference in Queensland, Pane Andov, otherwise known as “Astral Walker”, talks about the mega event that will take place at the end of 2012 and at beginning of the year 2013. Pane introduces us to this possibility by explaining that thousands of years ago, from the galactic centre of the Milky Way, there was a powerful release of an enormous amount of energy which, like a huge, shining, circular wave has slowly spread across the galaxy from its centre to its edges.
The released energetic pulse is already affecting the whole galaxy including the little dot we call our solar system. Very soon it will reach us and hit us with full strength. Among other things, this talk discusses the implications that this spreading wave of energy will have on our solar system, especially to our star and our planet, and how it will affect the DNA of life.
The way that Pane connects the dots makes it clear what our planet will face soon and what we as humans can do about it. Pane is also a contactee and delivers important messages which he backs up with scientific data. For the record, his DNA was changed when his biological body was only seven years old, enabling him to utilize abilities such telepathy, remote viewing, astral travel, along with the ability to make contact.
Pane claims that from time to time numerous ET races communicate and deliver important messages to him as a result of alternations to his DNA that occurred in his early childhood. One of those races is the positive race that is delivering the genuine crop circles, and they explained to him what the complex geometries mean. That’s how Pane was able to translate the complex geometric designs which contain the solution to the equation regarding what humanity is facing, when it’s going to happen, and what can be done about it.
There are three large themes this week: 1} Loneliness 2) Sorrow 3) Physical symptoms. Loneliness has many roots and causes, but this week it stems from an existential sense of not belonging. This is not unusual in the current energy. Things are falling apart and there is no real feeling of continuity or context. Because of this, what once seemed a good idea or to be part of something now seems not quite right. There can be a lot of emotion in the air this week. It is best to step back and take a look at things. This is not a good time to act, but it is a good time to marinate.
2) Sorrow; Things past and things present. All are experiencing change at this time, and it is out of your control. THis is a week when you can find yourself looking back on things that have happened, seeing them in a new light, taking no responsibility, and moving forward. There is always something of a feeling of loss when we let things go, even things we know do nto serve us. It is nostalgia and what if coming up and taunting. It is time to move on. Take what you need from what has gone before and leave the rest behind.
3) Physical Symptoms: The body is going through shifts and changes. Many are disturbing, making you wonder if something is wrong. There will be off headaches, eyes flashes, feelings of vertigo, memory lapses. These are all part of the new energy charging into the rifts that are opening up as the illusions of the old energies begin to dissipate. Take time in what you do this week and listen to your body.
On the larger scale, things are going to be quite uncomfortable in all areas. Expect some odd news to come out, and then be quickly retracted. There is activity going on in Washington that is going to hit the news. It revolves around taking away more of individual freedoms. Expect new fringe groups to rise up on the right calling for even militant responses to things. These will be exacerbated by their media stars, who will end up effectively putting their collective feet into their mouths. The Earth is shifting and changing and there are movements that will be going on within large land masses, things not heard of before. This can be a dangerous week in terms of Earth Changes. Again, there is movement on the Sun, so take care to back up your electronics. That galactic energy is moving closer, and it is exerting a pull on our solar system that can kead to strange effects. Astronomers will be watching this. The dimensions are getting closer, so there will be some popping in and out of things. Look also for some things happening in the area of religions which will try to deal with all that is going on. Travel can be tough this week. This is all aprt of the coming together of various pieces of the larger puzzle that is 2012.
Sunday, April 29: Frosty White
This is a day on which you will be wanting to bring things out into the open. You are feeling as though what you have been working on is ready now for a larger audience. While this may be true, the current atmosphere does not welcome novelty or unexpected events. It is best to step back and develop a master plan. Be the observer and see how people are acting and reacting. The energies are crazier every day, making people’s reactions less predictable. It is best to has an intuitive feel for what is going on before taking a step. Aso use the wisdom of your heart to know which is the best audience. Presenting things to the wrong people can cause them to become pushed aside.
Crystal Vibe: Glory Blue Gate—-This stone assists one in transmitting and interpreting the light of the spirit as it enters in through the Throat. Resonates with the Throat Chakra.
Monday, April 30:
There is a good possibility that this April will go out like a lion, so be prepared for confrontations. When they happen, the best response is to step back and take a look at what exactly is going on and what exactly is being said. Also, it is a good idea to remove yourself from that atmosphere. Things tends to brew in small spaces today. This includes mental as well as physical spaces. This is a day on which you or others can become fixated on a certain thought or idea to the point of obsession. Step back from that one also and take a look at it. Right now, lots of things are surfacing, as hints of the greater pattern emerge. You are changing. It is time to honor that and just be with the change. Do not try to force it.
Crystal Vibe: Psilomelane—-The energy of this mineral assists one in grounding. It also can help in releasing stuckness and toxins in many of the layers of the body. Resonates with the Root Chakra.
Tuesday, May 1: Apricot
There is a peace in the morning that will be more than made up for in the afternoon as things begin to spiral out of control. If you have things you are working on, back them up, set them in stone, get your models done before noon, because the energy of the afternoon today can shake things up. Make sure you have everything you need before going out. Check and double check, take along some extras just-in-case. The Trickster is about, and he has some surprises in store. Be alert for information that will be coming today in unusual ways. The pattern is emerging in this energy and you will be glimpsing more of it.
Wednesday, May 2: Cloudy White
Things are not clear today. People are muddled and out of sorts. This is not a day on which a lot of things will get done. Put aside your expectations and enjoy the ride. In the current energy many things that have been hidden or out of the way are popping to the surface. If you are observant, aware, or even awake there is much that you can learn, especially about one issue that has been confounding you for some time now. Be alert today and take nothing for granted. You can learn much that way, as well as gain some important insights as to what is coming next.
Crystal Vibe: Analcime—-This mineral works to bring into alignment energies that have vibrational frequencies that tend towards instability. Resonates with the Crown Chakra.
Thursday, May 3: Cherry Rose
What started slowly and without promise will end with a flourish, a zing, and a grand hurrah. Take time today to savort every moment. Yes, the morning can be confusing. There are many different strands and elements in the air. Nothing has settled, however by mid-morning, there will be a leveling out and a sifting through. Things will be clearer. Today is a day for seeing things as they are and knowing them in their true essence. It is a day to step into your power. To be strong enough to accept what you know is true and to act on that. There will never be a better time. The energies are settling today, albeit briefly. If you can seize that time, then things will become more clear. You can get some answers.
Crystal Vibe: Morganite—This stone allows for leaving it behind, moving on, and opening to the wisdom of the true heart. Resonates with the Heart Chakra.
Friday, May 4: Rose Tint
The beat goes on, as they say. More and more comes faster and faster. It is time to see things for what they are. The rapid pace allows for you to take what you desire and let the rest go. Choose wisely. There are decisions to be made in this energy that will affect you and your movement throughout this year. There is a wise one deep within your soul. If you are confused or uncertain, turn to the true wisdom of your heart which is linked to Universal Consciousness, and a light will shine. This is a day for knowing that you are never alone. Even in your most solitary and despairing moments, you are not alone.
Crystal Vibe: Galena—-The energy of this mineral brings balance and perspective. It can assist in bringing one into alignment with the here and now while opening a window to the larger picture. Resonates with the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras.
Saturday, May 5: Hazy White
There is a kind of drowsiness that pervades the energy of the day. Things will not be terribly clear. You can see things that are not there and wonder if they are there, because, perhaps, they are there…. But then they could not be there….. These kinds of exchanges will be common today. It is important to ground yourself and stay centered throughout the day. The balance ifs off right now, and nothing will be as it should. Stay away from emotional conversations. Look. Observe. Let action take a back seat to everything else. This is not a time for doing, rathier it is a good day for marinating.
Crystal Vibe: Vivianite—-This mineral takes the etheric and brings it into the physical through intention and awareness. Resonates with the Third Eye, Crown, and Ninth Chakras.
Certain spiritual teachings can be very confusing when we first hear them, whether we are scientists, or not. When back in the 1970’s, the physicist Fred Alan Wolf created the evocative phrase “we create our own reality,” it sounded good, but gave rise to many disappointments. People tried to manifest fancy automobiles, vegetable gardens in desert environments, or parking spaces in busy downtown areas. Wolf based his phrase on the work of mathematician, John von Neumann, who first introduced the idea of the “collapse” of consciousness, which occurs when the quantum wave of possibility “chooses” one of its facets, which then becomes actualized.
Yet many attempts to follow through and create our own reality produced a mixed bag of outcomes because the would-be-creators were unaware of something important:
We create our own reality, yes, but we don’t do that in our ordinary state of consciousness, but in a non-ordinary state of consciousness. The paradox of Wigner’s friend, articulated by Eugene Wigner, a Nobel laureate physicist, helps to clarify this.
Wigner approaches a quantum traffic light which offers two possibilities: red and green. Simultaneously, Wigner’s friend approaches the same light from the road perpendicular to Wigner’s. They both choose green, but their choices are contradictory. If both choices materialize at the same time, there would be pandemonium. Obviously, only one of them gets to choose, but who?
An understanding of narcissism offers an insight as we go about trying to create our own reality. How could it be that only one person in the world is sentient, and the rest of us only exist within this person’s imagination?
Three physicists independently resolved Wigner’s paradox. They were Ludwig Bass in Australia, myself at Oregon, and Casey Blood at Rutgers, New Jersey. The solution was simply this: Consciousness is one, nonlocal and cosmic, behind the local individuality of Wigner and his friend. Although both men want the green light, the one consciousness chooses for both of them, avoiding any contradiction. The one consciousness chooses such that the result dictated by quantum probability calculations is validated: Wigner and his friend each get green fifty percent of the time. Yet for any individual crossing, a creative opportunity for getting green is left open for each.
In formulating my theory about this, the underlying question was: What is the nature of consciousness that enables it to be the free agent of downward causation without any paradox?
The answer was: Consciousness has to be unitive, one and only for all of us. This oneness of consciousness is the basis of our theories about it.
When my paper proclaiming this was published back in 1989, a University of Mexico neurophysiologist Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum noticed it. Grinberg was studying novel transfers of electrical brain-activity between two people. Intuiting that my theory was relevant to his research, he asked me to visit his laboratory, check out his experimental set up, and the data, to help him interpret it. Soon Grinberg and collaborators wrote the first paper proclaiming a modern scientific verification of the idea of oneness of consciousness.
The Good News Experiment: We Are One?
Since then, four separate experiments have shown that quantum consciousness, the author of downward causation, is nonlocal, and unitive. Quantum physics provides an amazing principle to operate with—nonlocality. The principle of locality says that all communication must proceed through local signals with speed limits. Einstein established the speed of light as the speed limit. This precludes instantaneous communication via signals. And yet, quantum objects are able to influence one another instantly, once they interact and become correlated through quantum nonlocality. In 1982, physicist Alain Aspect and his collaborators confirmed this with a pair of photons (quanta of light). There’s no contradiction to Einsteinian thinking, once we recognize quantum nonlocality for what it is—a signal-less interconnectedness outside space and time.
Grinberg, in 1993, was trying to demonstrate quantum nonlocality for two correlated brains. Two people meditate together with the intention of direct (signalless, nonlocal) communication. After twenty minutes, they are separated (while still continuing their unifying intention), placed in individual Faraday cages (electromagnetically impervious chambers), and each brain is wired up to an electroencephalogram (EEG) machine. One subject is shown a series of light flashes producing in his or her brain an electrical activity that is recorded in the EEG machine, producing an “evoked potential” extracted by a computer from the brain noise. Surprisingly, the same evoked potential was found to appear in the other subject’s brain, and viewable on the EEG of this subject (again minus brain noise). This is called a “transferred potential,” but is similar to the evoked potential in phase and strength. Control subjects (those who neither meditate together nor can hold the intention for signal-less communication during the duration of the experiment) do not show any transferred potential.
Obviously, the experiment demonstrates the nonlocality of brain responses, but it also demonstrates the nonlocality of quantum consciousness. How else to explain how the forcedchoice of the evoked response in one subject’s brain can lead to the freechoice of an (almost) identical response in the correlated partner’s brain? As stated above, the experiment, since then has been replicated several times by the neuropsychiatrist Peter Fenwick and collaborators in 1998 in London, by Jiri Wackermann et al in 2003, and by the Bastyr university researcher Leana Standish and her collaborators in 2004.
The conclusion derived from these experiments is radical, and can integrate science and spirituality, Vedanta style. Quantum consciousness, the precipitator of the downward causation of choice from quantum possibilities is what esoteric spiritual traditions of many traditions call God. (In Sanskrit, Ishwara.) In a sense, we have rediscovered God within science. However it is within a new paradigm of science, based not on the primacy of matter as in the old science, but on the primacy of consciousness. Consciousness is the ground of all being which we now can recognize as what the spiritual tradition of Vedanta calls Brahman, and what esoteric Christianity calls Godhead, or Christ.
The Power of Intention
Grinberg’s experiment also demonstrates the power of our intention, which parapsychologist Dean Radin has also studied. One of Radin’s experiments took place during the O. J. Simpson trial, when many people were watching the trial on TV. Radin correctly hypothesized that the intentions of the viewing audience would widely fluctuate depending on whether the courtroom drama was intense or ho-hum. This activity, he theorized, might influence random number generators. Radin asked a group of psychologists to plot and note down in real time the intensity of the courtroom drama. Meanwhile, in the laboratory, Radin measured the deviations of random number generators. He found that the random number generators maximally deviated from randomness precisely when the courtroom drama was high. What does this mean? The philosopher Gregory Bateson said, “the opposite of randomness is choice.” So the correlation proves the creative power of intention.
In another series of experiments, Radin found that random number generators deviate from randomness in meditation halls when people meditate together (showing high intention), but not at a corporate board meeting!
I’ll bet you’re wondering how to develop the power of intention. We all try to manifest things through our intentions, sometimes they work, but less often than not. This is because we are in our ego, rather than higher consciousness, when we intend. But how do we change that?
I propose a four stage process: An intention must start with the ego since that is where we ordinarily are, local, selfish. At the second stage, we intend for everyone to go beyond selfishness. We don’t need to worry, we haven’t lost anything. When we say “everyone” that includes us, too. In the third stage, we allow our intentions to become a prayer: if my intention resonates with the intention of the whole, of quantum consciousness, then let it come to fruition. At the fourth stage, the prayer must pass into silence, become a meditation.
You may have seen a recent movie, The Secret or have read a book by the same name. The movie talks about the secret of manifestation through our intention. The main message is good. To manifest, the book and the movie teach us, not only do we have to actively intend, but also have to learn to passively wait. Maybe the intended object will come to us. That’s why I too recommend that we end in silence, waiting.
If we wait too long, however, we may forget what we were intending. So we cut short the waiting and be active again in our search. In this way the real secret of manifestation is an alternation between doing and being. I sometimes call this a do-be-do-be-do lifestyle. In India, we are in a be-be-be lifestyle, haven’t you noticed? In America and the West, of course, it is do-do-do. The connoisseur of manifestation via intention-making takes the middle path, do-be-do-be-do.
There is one final secret: How do we know what consciousness intends so we can align our intention with it? The answer is creative evolution. Consciousness intends to evolve us toward greater good for everyone through creative evolution.
Here is an interesting set of course materials dealing with some of the hidden and conspiratorial aspects of these times. As always, you can choose to investigate or not, believe or not. Use your discretion. Follow your intuition.
The Hidden Knowledge Course
Shining Light on the Shadow Aspects of Our World
The Hidden Knowledge Course provides an in-depth, comprehensive understanding of powerful forces at work behind the scenes in our world of which few are aware. The vital information presented here is carefully hidden from the public by various factions of the largely invisible global power elite.
The course starts with media censorship, which limits the range of public debate by failing to report some of the biggest stories of our time. The 11 information-packed lessons then go on to expose little-known facts about war agendas, banking corruption, suppressed energy technologies, 9/11 intrigues, the UFO question, and more. To verify the many astounding facts presented, links are always provided to reliable sources. And most important, the course gives hope for our future.
This engaging course connects the dots, allowing you to understand the big picture with its many complexities, while also examining the relatively simple principles upon which the many layers of deception are based. The powerful lessons here contain highly revealing essays, thought-provoking quotes, inspiring photos, powerful online videos, and suggested exercises designed to give you full spectrum understanding of all that is going on in our world.
Much of the revealing material in this eye-opening course was compiled from the respected website, which specializes in selecting the most reliable reports from verifiable sources to expose major cover-ups. The deeper purpose of and this course is to call readers to join together in stopping disempowering secret agendas which benefit the power elite of our world at the expense of almost everyone else, and to work together for the good of all.
This course will leave you inspired that we can and will make a difference. Yet it is largely focused on the shadowy underbelly of our world. For those who feel this information might be overwhelming, or for those who would like to read the same powerful material interspersed with inspiring lessons to balance the dark cover-ups, we highly encourage you to click here to see if one of the other free online courses designed by PEERS might be a more appropriate choice for you.
Thanks to the amazing power of the Internet, the mind-expanding Hidden Knowledge Course is able to dive right into the deepest, darkest corners of our world to shed light in places which have long been hidden. The course will not only leave you better informed than the vast majority of people in our world, it will also better equip you to deal with these hidden realities and inspire you to make a difference in our world.
Many believe that conscious awareness originates in the brain alone. Recent scientific research suggests that consciousness actually emerges from the brain and body acting together. A growing body of evidence suggests that the heart plays a particularly significant role in this process.
Far more than a simple pump, as was once believed, the heart is now recognized by scientists as a highly complex system with its own functional “brain.”
Research in the new discipline of neurocardiology shows that the heart is a sensory organ and a sophisticated center for receiving and processing information. The nervous system within the heart (or “heart brain”) enables it to learn, remember, and make functional decisions independent of the brain’s cerebral cortex. Moreover, numerous experiments have demonstrated that the signals the heart continuously sends to the brain influence the function of higher brain centers involved in perception, cognition, and emotional processing.
In addition to the extensive neural communication network linking the heart with the brain and body, the heart also communicates information to the brain and throughout the body via electromagnetic field interactions. The heart generates the body’s most powerful and most extensive rhythmic electromagnetic field.Compared to the electromagnetic field produced by the brain, the electrical component of the heart’s field is about 60 times greater in amplitude, and permeates every cell in the body.The magnetic component is approximately 5000 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers.
The heart generates a continuous series of electromagnetic pulses in which the time interval between each beat varies in a dynamic and complex manner. The heart’s ever-present rhythmic field has a powerful influence on processes throughout the body. We have demonstrated, for example, that brain rhythms naturally synchronize to the heart’s rhythmic activity, and also that during sustained feelings of love or appreciation, the blood pressure and respiratory rhythms, among other oscillatory systems, entrain to the heart’s rhythm.
Video: Rollin McCraty Science of the Heart 1:15 mins
We propose that the heart’s field acts as a carrier wave for information that provides a global synchronizing signal for the entire body. Specifically, we suggest that as pulsing waves of energy radiate out from the heart, they interact with organs and other structures. The waves encode or record the features and dynamic activity of these structures in patterns of energy waveforms that are distributed throughout the body. In this way, the encoded information acts to in-form (literally, give shape to) the activity of all bodily functions—to coordinate and synchronize processes in the body as a whole. This perspective requires an energetic concept of information, in which patterns of organization are enfolded into waves of energy of system activity distributed throughout the system as a whole.
Basic research at the Institute of HeartMath shows that information pertaining to a person’s emotional state is also communicated throughout the body via the heart’s electromagnetic field. The rhythmic beating patterns of the heart change significantly as we experience different emotions. Negative emotions, such as anger or frustration, are associated with an erratic, disordered, incoherent pattern in the heart’s rhythms. In contrast, positive emotions, such as love or appreciation, are associated with a smooth, ordered, coherent pattern in the heart’s rhythmic activity. In turn, these changes in the heart’s beating patterns create corresponding changes in the structure of the electromagnetic field radiated by the heart, measurable by a technique called spectral analysis.
More specifically, we have demonstrated that sustained positive emotions appear to give rise to a distinct mode of functioning, which we call psychophysiological coherence. During this mode, heart rhythms exhibit a sine wave-like pattern and the heart’s electromagnetic field becomes correspondingly more organized.
At the physiological level, this mode is characterized by increased efficiency and harmony in the activity and interactions of the body’s systems. [1]
Psychologically, this mode is linked with a notable reduction in internal mental dialogue, reduced perceptions of stress, increased emotional balance, and enhanced mental clarity, intuitive discernment, and cognitive performance.
In sum, our research suggests that psychophysiological coherence is important in enhancing consciousness—both for the body’s sensory awareness of the information required to execute and coordinate physiological function, and also to optimize emotional stability, mental function, and intentional action. Furthermore, as we see next, there is experimental evidence that psychophysiological coherence may increase our awareness of and sensitivity to others around us. The Institute of HeartMath has created practical technologies and tools that all people can use to increase coherence.
Heart Field Interactions Between Individuals
Most people think of social communication solely in terms of overt signals expressed through language, voice qualities, gestures, facial expressions, and body movements. However, there is now evidence that a subtle yet influential electromagnetic or “energetic” communication system operates just below our conscious awareness. Energetic interactions likely contribute to the “magnetic” attractions or repulsions that occur between individuals, and also affect social exchanges and relationships. Moreover, it appears that the heart’s field plays an important role in communicating physiological, psychological, and social information between individuals.
Experiments conducted at the Institute of HeartMath have found remarkable evidence that the heart’s electromagnetic field can transmit information between people. We have been able to measure an exchange of heart energy between individuals up to 5 feet apart. We have also found that one person’s brain waves can actually synchronize to another person’s heart. Furthermore, when an individual is generating a coherent heart rhythm, synchronization between that person’s brain waves and another person’s heartbeat is more likely to occur. These findings have intriguing implications, suggesting that individuals in a psychophysiologically coherent state become more aware of the information encoded in the heart fields of those around them.
The results of these experiments have led us to infer that the nervous system acts as an “antenna,” which is tuned to and responds to the electromagnetic fields produced by the hearts of other individuals. We believe this capacity for exchange of energetic information is an innate ability that heightens awareness and mediates important aspects of true empathy and sensitivity to others Furthermore, we have observed that this energetic communication ability can be intentionally enhanced, producing a much deeper level of nonverbal communication, understanding, and connection between people. There is also intriguing evidence that heart field interactions can occur between people and animals.
In short, energetic communication via the heart field facilitates development of an expanded consciousness in relation to our social world.
The Heart’s Field and Intuition
There are also new data suggesting that the heart’s field is directly involved in intuitive perception, through its coupling to an energetic information field outside the bounds of space and time. Using a rigorous experimental design, we found compelling evidence that both the heart and brain receive and respond to information about a future event before the event actually happens. Even more surprising was our finding that the heart appears to receive this “intuitive” information before the brain. This suggests that the heart’s field may be linked to a more subtle energetic field that contains information on objects and events remote in space or ahead in time. Called by Karl Pribram and others the “spectral domain,” this is a fundamental order of potential energy that enfolds space and time, and is thought to be the basis for our consciousness of “the whole.” (See for further detail.)
Social Fields
In the same way that the heart generates energy in the body, we propose that the social collective is the activator and regulator of the energy in social systems.
A body of groundbreaking work shows how the field of socioemotional interaction between a mother and her infant is essential to brain development, the emergence of consciousness, and the formation of a healthy self-concept. These interactions are organized along two relational dimensions—stimulation of the baby’s emotions, and regulation of shared emotional energy. Together they form a socioemotional field through which enormous quantities of psychobiological and psychosocial information are exchanged. Coherent organization of the mother-child relations that make up this field is critical. This occurs when interactions are charged, most importantly, with positive emotions (love, joy, happiness, excitement, appreciation, etc.), and are patterned as highly synchronized, reciprocal exchanges between these two individuals. These patterns are imprinted in the child’s brain and thus influence psychosocial function throughout life. (See Allan Schore, Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self.)
Moreover in a longitudinal study of 46 social groups, one of us (RTB) documented how information about the global organization of a group—the group’s collective consciousness—appears to be transmitted to all members by an energetic field of socio-emotional connection. Data on the relationships between each pair of members was found to provide an accurate image of the social structure of the group as a whole. Coherent organization of the group’s social structure is associated with a network of positively charged emotions (love, excitement, and optimism) connecting all members. This network of positive emotions appears to constitute a field of energetic connection into which information about the group’s social structure is encoded and distributed throughout the group. Remarkably, an accurate picture of the group’s overall social structure was obtained from information only about relationships between pairs of individuals. We believe the only way this is possible is if information about the organization of the whole group is distributed to all members of the group via an energetic field. Such correspondence in information between parts and the whole is consistent with the principle of holographic organization. [2]
Synthesis and Implications
Some organizing features of the heart field, identified in numerous studies at HeartMath, may also be shared by those of our hypothesized social field. Each is a field of energy in which the waveforms of energy encode the features of objects and events as energy moves throughout the system. This creates a nonlocal order of energetic information in which each location in the field contains an enfolded image of the organization of the whole system at that moment. The organization and processing of information in these energy fields can best be understood in terms of quantum holographic principles. [3]
Another commonality is the role of positive emotions, such as love and appreciation, in generating coherence both in the heart field and in social fields. When the movement of energy is intentionally regulated to form a coherent, harmonious order, information integrity and flow are optimized. This, in turn, produces stable, effective system function, which enhances health, psychosocial well-being, and intentional action in the individual or social group.
Heart coherence and social coherence may also act to mutually reinforce each other. As individuals within a group increase psychophysiological coherence, psychosocial attunement may be increased, thereby increasing the coherence of social relations. Similarly, the creation of a coherent social field by a group may help support the generation and maintenance of psychophysiological coherence in its individual members. An expanded, deepened awareness and consciousness results—of the body’s internal physiological, emotional, and mental processes, and also of the deeper, latent orders enfolded into the energy fields that surround us.This is the basis of self-awareness, social sensitivity, creativity, intuition, spiritual insight, and understanding of ourselves and all that we are connected to. It is through the intentional generation of coherence in both heart and social fields that a critical shift to the next level of planetary consciousness can occur—one that brings us into harmony with the movement of the whole.
Quantum Consciousness, the Way to Reconcile Science & Spirituality
Human thought in the 21st century needs to work towards a new model that immerses the human being within a vibrant energetic universe. However, this need not demand that we throw away what we already have; rather, we can expand upon the tools that have brought us to our present position. There is an eastern proverb that roughly translates as: ‘You may ride your donkey up to your front door, but would you ride it into your house?’ In other words, when we have arrived at a particular destination we are often required to make a transition in order to continue the journey. In this sense we can be grateful to a vast knowledge base of scientific and religious thought for helping us to arrive at where we presently stand. Yet it is now imperative that we move forward. As Deepak Chopra suggested in his opening contribution to this Forum, how we move forward is likely to be centered in our understanding of consciousness.
Our physical apparatus is spectacular; consider that each of us carries around a 100 billion-cell bioelectric quantum computer that creates our realities, with almost all of its neurons established the day we were born. Still, this phenomenal ‘reality shaper’ has undergone monumental perceptual change over our evolutionary history. What is required, at this significant juncture, is again another catalyst of consciousness change. This may come about through discoveries in the field of quantum biology, and the idea, emphasized by Ervin Laszlo in his previous blogs, that the form of consciousness we possess is likely to be the result ofquantum coherence.
The human body is a constant flux of thousands of inter-reactions and processes connecting molecules, cells, organs, fluids, throughout the brain, body and nervous system. Up until recently it was thought that all these countless interactions operated in a linear sequence, passing on information much like a runner passing the baton to the next runner. However, the latest findings in quantum biology and biophysics have discovered that there is in fact a tremendous degree of coherence within all living systems. It has been found through extensive scientific investigation that a form of quantum coherence operates within living biological systems through what is known as biological excitations and biophoton emission. What this means is that metabolic energy is stored as a form of electromechanical and electromagnetic excitations. It is these coherent excitations that are considered responsible for generating and maintaining long-range order via the transformation of energy and very weak electromagnetic signals.
After nearly twenty years of experimental research, Fritz-Albert Popp put forward the hypothesis that biophotons are emitted from a coherent electrodynamic field within the living system. What this effectively means is that each living cell is giving off, and resonating with, a biophoton field of coherent energy. If each cell is emitting this field then the whole living system is, in effect, a resonating field—a ubiquitous non-local field. And since it is by the means of biophotons that the living system communicates, then there is near instantaneous intercommunication throughout. And this, claims Popp, is the basis for coherent biological organization—referred to as quantum coherence.
Biophysicist Mae Wan Ho has described how the living organism, including the human body, is “coherent beyond our wildest dreams” in that our bodies are constituted by a form of liquid crystal, which is an ideal transmitter of communication, resonance, and coherence. All living biological organisms continuously emit radiations of light that form a field of coherence and communication.
Moreover, biophysicists have discovered that living organisms are permeated by quantum wave forms. Ho informs us that,
…the visible body just happens to be where the wave function of the organism is most dense. Invisible quantum waves are spreading out from each of us and permeating into all other organisms. At the same time, each of us has the waves of every other organism entangled within our own make-up… (Ho, Mae-Wan, (1998) The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms. Singapore: World Scientific)
This incredible new discovery actually positions each living being within a non-local quantum field consisting of wave interferences (where bodies meet). Each person is thus not only in an emphatic relationship with each other but is also entangled with one another.
Neuroscience, quantum biology, and quantum physics are now beginning to converge to reveal that our bodies are not only biochemical systems but also sophisticated resonating quantum systems. These new discoveries show that a form of nonlocal connected consciousness has a physical-scientific basis. Further, it demonstrates that certain spiritual or transcendental states of collective Oneness have a valid basis within the new scientific paradigm.
If we are willing to step down from the donkey we will find that our new path ahead has a place for reconciling science and spirituality. We should focus on the best of both worlds: engage in cooperation, not in conflict and competition.
Author, ‘War of the Worldviews’; Founder, The Chopra Foundation
A New Era for the Brain — Guiding Your Own Evolution
Posted: 03/ 1/2012 8:20 am
One of the great abilities of the human brain is to boost itself into a higher function. No one can explain how this happens. By the time early humans discovered fire and simple tools like the wheel and lever, our brains were already the most complex structure in the universe. We then proceeded to use this structure in unprecedented ways. Somewhere in our DNA was the potential for higher mathematics, for example, even though Homo sapiens existed for 200,000 years without tapping that capacity.
The reason that we are able to accomplish huge, never-ending leaps needs to be solved. If it can, then a new era will open up for the brain. The key is not materialistic, to my mind. One needs to begin, in fact, by turning away from the brain, whose intricate workings have mesmerized researchers for three decades, ever since the development of feasible brain scans. Such advances are fascinating, but we run the risk of sitting around a radio as it plays Mozart, staring at how the transistors work while imagining that we are uncovering the secrets of music.
Once you stop staring at the brain and start exploring the music it plays — i.e., the richness of human thoughts, feelings, images and sensations — a simple truth emerges. There is something more complex in the cosmos than the human brain: the process that makes the brain work. This process involves consciousness. It is our mind that is using the brain, not the other way around. (I would argue that the brain is a creation of the mind, a physical projection of consciousness. But that argument can be set aside for another day.) If we could understand the process that underlies the entire brain, instead of focusing in reductionist fashion on bits and pieces of brain function, doors would suddenly be flung open.
Let me suggest a beginning.
What we already know are a few fundamentals that apply to everything happening in the brain. Some functions are already confirmed by brain scans; others arise from deduction, working form observed facts to larger principles.
1. The process always involves feedback loops.
2. These feedback loops are intelligent.
3. The dynamics of the brain go in and out of balance but always favor overall balance, known as homeostasis.
4. We use our brains to evolve and develop, guided by our intentions.
5. Self-reflection pushes us forward into unknown territory.
6. Many diverse areas of the brain are coordinated simultaneously.
7. We have the capacity to monitor many levels of awareness, even though our focus is generally confined to one level (i.e., waking, sleeping, and dreaming).
8. All the qualities of the known world, such as sight, sounds, textures, and tastes, are created mysteriously by the interaction of mind and brain.
9. Mind is the origin of consciousness, not the brain.
10. Only consciousness can understand consciousness. There is no mechanical explanation that suffices, working from facts about the brain.
This list bridges two worlds, biology and philosophy. Biology is great at explaining physical processes but totally inadequate to tell us about the meaning and purpose of our subjective experience. Philosophy delves deeply into meaning but has made only tentative forays into the brain. Both worlds are needed to understand ourselves. Otherwise, we fall into the biological fallacy, which holds that humans are controlled by their brains, or the philosophical fallacy, which treats experience devoid of its physiological connection. Leaving aside countless arguments between various theories of mind and brain, the goal is clear: We want to use our brains, not have them use us.
I’d like to expand on the practical uses of the 10 principles listed above — they would be merely intriguing if they remained abstractions but incredibly practical if they lead to the next phase of human evolution. That phase involves using the brain better, something that human beings excel at. We are driven to greater creativity, complexity, imaginative leaps and unknown horizons. “Better” doesn’t mean more efficiently, the way technology improves a computer. In fact, by giving technicalities over to machines, we left more room for using our brains outside technology. In a world where every sort of calculation is done automatically, at the push of a button or the stroke of a keypad, assigning the brain a more evolved role poses the hugest challenge.
In the following posts I’ll suggest a new synthesis that takes the most basic aspects of brain function — feedback, self-reflection, homeostasis and multi-dimensional consciousness — to show that the era of higher brain function has arrived, awaiting only how you and I choose to participate.