For this past week I have been sharing how many of us have risen to the next level of Ascension on my Facebook Community Page. What is most important now is to realize and know this by checking within and then stepping up in that Awareness and Truth. Many, however, will continue to play in the old duality. Why? Because it’s what they’re used to, so they keep perpetuating it by continuing to react to circumstances and continuing to act from their old beliefs and patterns. So go beneath the surface to see where you really reside. When you focus on the New, on being Love, on Peace and Unity, etc. the outer world will eventually reflect that. If you focus on duality, on what’s wrong in life, you hold the old paradigm in place. So, it still is about choice. Gaia is a free will zone, so things don’t just automatically happen; you create everything. That is what is meant by being a spiritually sovereign being; we’re not puppets any longer. The Wizard is us. The Wizard is Divine; we are of Source; there is no separation between us and the Divine.
Those that know the Truth and live from that knowing continue to rise and anchor the New. The next step then is to live it in everyday life. In this way, the energy of Who we are emanates out in waves of high dimensional Christ Consciousness that touches the Earth and all others, creating a rise in people waking up and helps Gaia transform into Her rightful place as a high dimensional planet of Love. We don’t have to rescue, save, or preach to others; all we have to do is Be All That We Are…and that is Love. Love is our essence and from that knowing, we love and are more loving. Love is a noun; and from this, the verb of loving comes forth.
From being ascended comes much Freedom. One does not take things personally, ceases to control their life and others, realizes that we’re all connected as One, is unconditionally loving with boundaries if needed, trusts their Guidance and follows it, puts no-one on a pedestal, even Guides and Angels, has an inner Joy and Peace no matter what is going on, is able to flow with life’s challenges and changes, lets go of trying to figure things out and feels their way through life, rather than analyzing and seeking answers elsewhere. These, of course, are just some of the ways to know that you’ve moved up in your Ascension Path. And, of course, this isn’t an either/or; most are somewhere in the middle, gently letting go of the old and embracing the New and often at the same time.
Know too that your purpose is not necessarily your career. Purpose is essence and is expressed in everything you do. The form of purpose shifts as your consciousness shifts. It is important to drop categories, for that is just creating another box and that is not how energy works; energy flows and expands. In other words, you might consider not labeling yourself in this way: “I am a Lightworker,” “I am a massage therapist,” “I am a Reiki master,” etc. When you do that you stay stuck in that form. Rather, perhaps state, “I AM Love,” “I AM Peace,” “I AM expressing my highest self,” etc. As you shift, so does your consciousness and so does your purpose. By the way, putting I AM before anything empowers it and is a Divine statement of intention in that Moment.
While ascended, you do not cease having challenges or having old energies surface. How you deal with them does change however. Your ascended/New perception sees challenge as opportunity; the opportunity to ascend and expand more into God Consciousness. We don’t just ascend and stop. Ascension is ceaseless and many have ascended over and over throughout lifetimes. This time, however, it’s different. In the past upon ascending, we left the planet. This time we stay in the physical helping others and Gaia ascend as well.
Ascension is not a place; it is a consciousness; an Awareness. Many may be fully integrated as an ascended master, shining their humble Light for others without attachment to whether others ascend or not. In fact, detachment to outcome is a hallmark of an ascended master. Being ascended is not without ego. Ego in the ascended master is the mental, emotional and physical expression of Soul. One of the purposes of Ascension is to have the ego dissolve into the Soul and express the Soul’s desires through the mental, emotional and physical bodies. The best way to have this happen is through meditation and merging consciously with Soul. Of course, the Soul’s only desire is to create Heaven on Earth in Oneness, Love, Joy, Peace and all the Soul Essences which are felt within and expressed outwardly; and then all of life is reflected in this Truth. This is being cohesive mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually; all our parts flow as One. The Soul is perfect, Divine, and is whole. There is no hurting the Soul, as there is no hurting Source.
Many, of course, are somewhere in transit, still releasing and yet, still aware that they are completely different than they were even a month ago. There are others who are ascended, but don’t have that Awareness, still acting as if they are in duality. And then others are asleep or resisting the changes that would move them up in consciousness and may still enjoy complaining, drama, chaos and the old 3D world view. They do not realize that if they let go of these 3D aspects, life could be so beautiful. Just know that wherever you are is perfect for your evolution. Life will certainly reflect back to you what your consciousness is within.
We are making all kinds of choices in life. Those choices made from your Heart will flow and bring to you many rewards, even if they don’t seem like it at the time. They will indeed raise you in consciousness. Choices made from the head are all based on the past and most likely on fear. They hold you back in the old. Of course, if that’s where you want to stay, then for sure make choices based on past experiences. There is no judgment in that. Know that when you have to know why, when, where, how and what, you are engaged in the intellect. There is no movement in this. However, if you feel first with your Heart and express it through your intellect, you will have activated your Higher Heart-Higher Mind. You can then express your Heart-feelings through communication, whether writing or speaking or any other expression of communication. Of course, there is no right or wrong way to do anything, we are learning as we go.
When you listen to your Heart’s knowing; your Soul’s Guidance; you continue to move along your Path and whatever that brings into your experience is always to raise you higher. And in that, you become aware, which leads you to more choices based on your more expanded consciousness. When something doesn’t feel right, you may choose to leave it behind. When you feel expanded and energized, it is showing you that you are flowing in the more open direction for your evolution. If it feels wrong or constricted, you have an opportunity to make a different choice. Whatever you choose always takes you in a particular direction.
So, as you continue to ascend, it is always best to keep your vibration high, make Heartfelt, guided choices all the while continuing to release the old fears, shoulds, should nots, and supposed-to’s that are all a part of the old paradigm. Do realize too that we don’t want to create another paradigm, for that is too limiting for us. Rather, be free to expand unfettered and only grounded to your Soul, Source and Gaia’s Crystal Cluster (Her Heart and Soul).
When you feel the old tugging at you, remind yourself that it is done and it is an illusion. It is during these times when surely you are ready for another step in your Ascension. So gracefully let go of the old, release it in the Sacred Rose, if you are guided, and stay focused on Who you are: an ascended and ascending Being of Love.
Continue to know Who you are, follow your Heart and know that We are creating a New Reality and New Earth. Stay balanced and grounded and know you are guided, loved and safe.
Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.
So, once again, you have let yourself get involved with some things that you had thought you had given up. Take time today to see what that means for you and to take action to get rid of all of that. You have/you are moving beyond so many things right now. To fall into someone else’s agenda and someone else’s plan is not going to benefit you. This is a tough one, and there can be some equally tough moments today. It is hard to make a change. It is scary to move out of a comfort zone. It is hell to give up the blanket, but you know, you know it has to be done. Do it or not. That is the question. Today present \s you with choice, challenges and opportunities it is up to you to see what you will do with all that.
Wake Up World colleague, educator, environmental writer and author of “The Uterine Crisis,” Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri was a key speaker at the first U.S. Chemtrails Conference held in Los Angeles in August 2012.
This landmark 3-day event “Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails” featured Dr. Perlingieri’s talk “The Assault on Our Health – Environmental Illness and Aerosol Pollution – Connecting the Dots“, as well as special guest speakers Roseanne Barr, author & activist William Thomas, Former Congresswoman and Green Party US Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney, and the premier of Michael J. Murphy’s revealing documentary “Why In The World Are They Spraying?“
For decades, Dr. Perlingieri has been writing about the links between exposure to invisible environmental toxins and dramatic increases in illness, and has long stood at the forefront of the public chemtrails debate.
Dr. Perlingieri’s research and insight into the reality of chemtrails and the effect they have on our bodies and environment may shock many viewers. But despite the grim reality of the chemtrails assault, she is optimistic about our planet’s future — and her lecture includes details of her recommended solutions to the chemtrails crisis.
Check out her lecture here:
Below is a link to the pictures and written testimonies from the Citizens’ Hearing on Disclosure including testimony from Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Milton Friedman, Dr. Steven Greer, etc., etc., etc.
Remember, my brave ones, you are living in the midst of eternity. The messages of cosmic wisdom we bring you are not to set more rules or create new dogma. Our intention is to set your hearts afire with love and to give you a glimpse of the glorious future before you. As more and more of the masses are feeling a discontent initiated by their Soul Self, it is vital that the Wisdom Teachings of Ascension are reviewed and shared with those around you. You, the awakened STAR SEED, are the ones who will now spread the emerging WISDOM TEACHINGS of the future.
Whether aware of it or not, humanity and the Earth are in the midst of an accelerated evolutionary process. That is the miracle of these times, beloveds. The Supreme Creator is radiating throughout the Omniverse the full spectrum of Divine Light. This powerful, pure Light is filtering through each Great Central Sun, the mansion world of the Father/Mother God of each universe, out into every level of Creation so that gradually every Spark and fragment of Creation will have access to an appropriate level of Creator-consciousness. The Light of Creation or Adamantine Particles is being made available to every Soul that has ever been created; however, there are some rules that apply to this “Light Redemption” process: each Soul must prepare their vessel by lifting their vibrational patterns to a certain level of harmonious frequencies in order to receive these particles of God Light, and you must remember, after receiving these particles of Light, they must be activated by your loving intention. Love is the power source, the generator of these precious particles from the Source of All.
Ascension is about lifting, balancing and harmonizing your vibrational patterns so that the many facets of your Divine Self can descend and take dominion within your Sacred Heart core. As you delve more deeply into the wisdom of the cosmos, it is of vital importance that you maintain a state of mindful awareness. Humanity is emerging from a state of amnesia, or what could be called a limited awareness of Self and of the complex vastness of Creation. We have explained in the past, but it is time to refresh your memory about what is taking place as you traverse the many levels and sub-levels of consciousness. As you clear the distortions within your auric field, there is also an internal process taking place. Your entire physical structure is undergoing complex changes which are triggered by the higher frequency patterns you are integrating from the Creator Source via the great cities of Light. Your DNA, your chakra centers and your Sacred Heart/Mind contain your Divine Blueprint, and as you integrate more and more Adamantine Particles of God consciousness, all the distortions/imperfections that you have created from the concepts you have accepted as your truth are slowly being rectified. Many of these distorted concepts are being filtered into your conscious awareness to be healed or eliminated, and we understand that this can be an uncomfortable, disconcerting process.
You have a SACRED CENTER OF EXISTENCE within your Sacred Heart which we have named your DIAMOND CORE GOD CELL for this Sub-Universal experience. You have around you an etheric third- / fourth-dimensional GRAND TRIANGLE OF EXISTENCE, which contains your Pillar of Light and the Cross of Matter that you have built down through the ages. You exist in a GOLDEN OVOID (egg-shaped sphere), which expands and radiates more and more Divine Love-Light as you resonate with higher and higher frequencies of consciousness. Adamantine Particles of Divine Light contain living energy which has been programmed for a specific Divine Blueprint. When you access that living Light, you must activate it with your loving intention and program it with the desires of the Soul which are always in harmony with your Divine Blueprint. On the material planes of existence, the Creator Light must be encoded with your Essence as a cocreator, before it is ready to be radiated out into the world of form. It takes great courage and tenacity to become SELF-AWARE and SOUL-CONSCIOUS. A constant attitude of gratitude and thanks-giving is sustenance for the Soul.
You are becoming very proficient at analyzing new concepts and the plethora of information that is now available via the empowering gift of discernment. Now that you are more attuned to Spirit and the voice within, you can quickly ascertain if a concept is in alignment with your inner truth. If it is not, it behooves you to discard it without malice or judgment; or if you are not sure, put it aside and ask your Higher Self to validate it for you in some unmistakable way. We are aware that you are being bombarded with many new concepts, some of which are stretching the limits of your conceptual understanding. Please be aware, beloveds, that what you are experiencing is all part of the reunification and ascension process that you are in the midst of.
Many of you are experiencing miraculous events in your lives, and we ask you to be bold enough to share these wonders with your friends. Do not fear ridicule or criticism; you will find approval more often than disapproval and interest more often than disdain. The religious community, partially out of fear of losing their following, are beginning to incorporate some of the more moderate cosmic teachings. While it matters not how or why, it is all for the benefit of humanity, and it will assist in speeding up the transformation process of Earth and its inhabitants.
Examine your feelings of abundance and scarcity, beloved ones. If even one-quarter of the population of the world would believe, envision, invoke and then work towards prosperity and abundance for all, you would see a dramatic turn of events as those who hoard the wealth of the world and those who prey on the meek and poor begin to lose their stranglehold on the world’s economy. Are you fearfully holding on tightly to and hoarding your riches? Beware, dear ones that your hoard does not melt into thin air. It is only a form of energy, you know. Energy is meant to be circulated, recycled—used, reformed, expanded and refined. That which you hold onto too tightly will dissolve before your eyes.
A part of the initiation process is to surrender all that you hold dear, all that you possess to your Divine Self, to the highest good of all. This does not mean that you will lose what you surrender; it just means you are willing to allow the Divine plan to work through you, which is always for your highest good, even though it may not seem so at the time.
Do not be dismayed if your past is becoming only a hazy memory, especially the painful memories you experienced during this lifetime. It is time to heal and release the past, beloveds. It no longer serves you to delve into past lifetimes in order to heal yourself or to try to understand why you are acting or reacting a certain way in the present. That is the old way. The distortions of consciousness you created in the past cannot exist when you fill yourselves to overflowing with Adamantine Particles through the processes we have taught you. These magical particles contain the pure/perfect Essence of the Creator and will gradually transform/transmute any distortions in your auric field and your physical vessel. Slowly, but surely, the imperfections you have created both in your inner and outer worlds are being rectified. Remember, a slow steady pace forward on the Path leads to Self-mastery. It is the ego personality that desires more information and dramatic validation; it forever seeks excitement, drama and sensationalism. It has taken a very long time for the Earth and humanity to reach the present state of imperfection that is now so prevalent. The level of transformational progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.
Once again, allow us to give you an example of what is occurring as you traverse the path of en-Lighten-ment. You have heard that there are many mansions in heaven which, in truth, are the many dimensional and sub-dimensional levels of Creation. During the era that is now coming to a close, each person’s reality is composed of a combination of third- and fourth-dimensional frequency patterns made up of his/her beliefs/actions/deeds from the past and the present. Residing within each person’s mansion of existence are all those people who are attuned to and compatible with that particular level of existence. They share many beliefs and function under many of the same limiting concepts: scarcity, guilt, fear of the future, and they are usually controlled by racial /cultural / religious / traditional rules and standards. In this reality, the normal ego-driven personality usually has either a self-centered sense of entitlement or a martyr, self-sacrificing complex with many variations and extremes. Those who function within this frequency level of existence interact with each other, choosing those who mirror to them that which they are lacking (usually in a distorted, exaggerated way). They usually are not comfortable with those who resonate at a higher frequency level, and even though they are dissatisfied, they have difficulty in breaking free and moving out of their dysfunctional life patterns, which are their perceived comfort zone.
As you eliminate old habits, beliefs and actions, you gradually return to harmony within the accepted spectrum of polarity/duality. With each higher frequency level you attain, you leave behind those situations, people and things that no longer are compatible with your new level of awareness and resonance. It often seems as if you have stepped through a new dimensional doorway and a portion of the past is fading away. That is why many of you are experiencing the loss of friends and/or family members, and why you are changing jobs or beginning a new career. Many of you are also moving to new places, sometimes not really understanding why you have been guided to a certain area, but there is a deep inner-knowing that it was meant to be. Many of you are finding that the work you do, your recreational pursuits, hobbies and many things that interested you in the past are less satisfying, for they do not fit into your ever-expanding, evolving reality.
The multidimensional doorways of the past are closing, and the doorways of the future are opening at a faster and faster pace as the process of ascension accelerates. The fear of change has been a major controlling factor within your conscious awareness for a very long time. In the beginning of your journey into density, you sought a great variety of self-expression and change, and you delighted in each new creation. It has only been during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you were a cocreator endowed with a full measure of creative abilities and that you have a direct link to the Power Source of Creation, which has been named the River of Life/Light.
You, the STAR SEED vanguard, who have diligently labored to refine the resonance of your physical vessel and upgrade your emotional and mental nature in order to return to an accepted level of duality, are now in the process of clearing the residual, imbalanced frequencies within the astral planes of the fourth dimension. You have refined your column of Light so that you now exist in a world of your own making, which consists of the three higher sub-planes of the fourth dimension. Most of you who have faithfully followed our teachings have tapped into a stream of frequencies composed of a variety of fifth-dimensional frequencies, as well as a small trickle-down stream of Light from the sixth dimension. You might say this is a new formula of Light/Life you are creating.
Within the ancient esoteric teachings was this puzzling concept: “When an initiate on the path reaches a certain stage in the ascension process, there appears what is called The Dweller on the Threshold and the Angel of Presence. The Dweller on the Threshold is the one who stands before the gate of God and the portal of initiation. The Angel of Presence stands on the other side of the portal.”
Since so many of you on the Path are in the process of clearing the residual, imbalanced frequency patterns from the higher third and lower fourth dimensions, the time has come for us to explain this important facet of the initiation process. The Dweller on the Threshold is a memory Seed Atom in which, over time, the remaining, residual, negative thought patterns within the emotional and mental bodies have been encapsulated. When you have reached a certain level of en-Lighten-ment, with your Higher Self as the director, the Dweller on the Threshold slowly releases these challenging thought forms into your conscious awareness and then out into your world of form so they may be transmuted into harmonious frequencies of Light. The Angel at the Portal is a facet of your Higher Self who stands ready to assist you through these intense periods of testing. The Threshold is within your Diamond Core God cell; it is the innermost portal that leads to your Sacred Heart Core where the White Fire Seed Atom of our Father/Mother God resides. Once you gain entrance to the Golden Sun chamber of the Sacred Heart, you will be forever changed, for you will have experienced the bliss of communion with your God parents.
We understand that these are times of great challenge, beloveds, and many of you are wondering what you are doing to deserve such painful and trying tests when you have so faithfully stayed the course. We tell you, do not falter now, for as you face these latest tests with love and compassion, you will find that the Angel at the Portal will assist you to clear the way. With every challenge faced head-on, there will be miracles and blessings to encourage you to clear the remaining obstacles on the Path before you.
This is a critical step in the ascension process, for when you have succeeded in firmly establishing your Soul Song resonance within the higher fourth dimension, you will be ready to incorporate a larger measure of fifth-dimensional vibrational patterns. Before taking this leap in consciousness, it is vital that you have gained the discipline to stay centered within the required limits of duality. Your abilities to manifest in the world of form will increase dramatically, and if you are not well-disciplined mentally and emotionally, you will create more chaos which will, most likely, draw you back into a denser frequency pattern.
Brave bearers of Light, are you ready and willing to be a pathfinder, to open the doors to the many heavenly mansions/dimensions of Creation? Each dimensional level will offer new opportunities and will give you access to many new abilities and expanded wisdom; however, each higher level will also challenge you in many ways, and will require that you release those things which no longer serve your greatest good. You left many facets of your greater Self along the way as you traversed the descending pathway into the lower dimensions, and you must also be willing to release to the past those people, ways of being and things which do not fit into your present/future reality as you make your return journey into the higher dimensions.
Beloveds, we are assisting you in every way possible within the limits of universal law, and we are waiting patiently for you to join us in the various Pyramids of Light stationed throughout the universe. We have told you that you are not only creating your new earthly reality, but you are also creating your mansions in the heavenly dimensions. We convey to you all the radiance of Love/Light that you can contain. You are loved beyond measure.
Co-author, ‘Brotherhood: Dharma, Destiny, and The American Dream’; Founder, The Chopra Foundation
Can Reality Set Us Free? The Puzzle of Complementarity
by Deepak Chopra, M.D., FACP, P. Murali Doraiswamy, MBBS, FRCP, Professor of Psychiatry, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, Rudolph E. Tanzi, Ph.D., Joseph P. and Rose F. Kennedy Professor of Neurology at Harvard University, and Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Neil Theise, MD, Professor, Pathology and Medicine, (Division of Digestive Diseases) Beth Israel Medical Center — Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, Menas C. Kafatos, Ph.D., Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor in Computational Physics, Chapman University
We promised at the outset to explain the nature of reality by going to its very heart. To all appearances reality is dual. The objective world exists “out there” to be measured, but its existence is known only through subjective experience, which is “in here.” Both worlds need each other, and to be trapped in only one is unsatisfactory. The world turns into a dream only if you are conscious of your inner feelings, moods, sensations, and images. Yet if you rely only upon the physical world, you may wind up with meaningless data that don’t provide any link to what is truly important in everyday life. This point is easy enough to see, but joining the two worlds into wholeness isn’t easy.
Indeed, the task is so difficult that science proceeds as if it can exclude the mysterious, unreliable world “in here,” preferring measures of reality that can be reduced to quantifiable numbers. As a result, all of us have become used to balancing two versions of reality, and we do it almost without thinking. A summer day can be 90 degrees Fahrenheit, which is a fact, or it can be warm, which is a sensation. The two are not synonymous. “Warm” is a purely subjective statement, and it has no correlation to the thermometer. (After a subzero winter in Antarctica, 32 degrees F. feels warm, whereas compared to the inside of a volcano, 90 degrees F. is cool.)
Is there a way to join these two halves of reality? Most people aren’t concerned with such a question, but we posit that wholeness — seeing reality exactly for what it is — would set the human mind, and human life itself, free. The cosmos is a cold prison measured as meaningless data extracted from random events. To be human is to crave meaning, and yet intellectual honesty compels us not to accept easy answers. It is too easy, for example, to say that God created the universe, and since God loves us, the universe is our loving home. Such answers once sufficed, but four hundred years of scientific theories and data to back them up have swamped us. Overwhelmed by facts about the world “out there,” it is a struggle to give the world “in here” the validity it deserves.
Our trek to wholeness, as outlined in the first two posts, involves the quantum principle of complementarity, whose purpose is to make some of Nature’s seeming paradoxes compatible. (Please refer to the previous posts to see how this repair job on duality works.) Essentially, complementarity holds that opposites need each other — they cannot be complete in themselves without the other “half”. The classic example is the opposition of particle and wave, which look and act totally different but which are the inescapable reality of quanta. Complementarity is critical because it asserts that there is only one reality, and no matter how much it shifts its shape as we look from different perspectives, all the angles from which reality can be seen must ultimately fit together. This is comparable to all the tourist photos taken of the Grand Canyon. No matter how many there are, what time of day or night when they were taken, and irrespective of the million aspects of the canyon that were chosen, the whole collection of photos can’t depict different Grand Canyons — there is only one in the first place.
Unfortunately, things aren’t this simple when we substitute “reality” for “Grand Canyon,” because from the perspective of “in here” there is no proof that the external world exists independently of conscious awareness. At the same time, using only scientific data gathered “out there,” there is no proof of the subjective world, either. An MRI scan can show the brain centers for pain lighting up, yet if you ask someone “How much does your arthritis hurt today?” only their subjective report is valid. Even consciousness itself is only inferred by watching the brain light up. A brain scan is actually a very complicated version of those cartoons where a light bulb goes off when somebody, usually an egghead professor, has a bright idea. The light bulb can’t tell you what the bright idea actually is, and neither can an MRI.
Thus in order to see reality as a whole, we have to ask something incredibly basic: Why did creation split into subject and object in the first place? They are so wildly incompatible that this split has dogged and troubled humankind for centuries. Couldn’t God or the multiverse or random chance have come up with something much simpler, a reality that holds together properly? It doesn’t seem all that much to ask.
The two worlds “in here” and “out there” are either split for a reason or it just happened that way. If it just happened that way, fine. Science will go on, and so will subjective experience, and the two will uneasily meet somewhere in the brain. But if “in here” and “out there” are split for a reason, that’s a new story. There have been many versions of the story so far. In many cultures, there was once a Golden Age that was innocent, pure, and untroubled (in other words, whole) while now we live in a fallen age, and our separation from God or the gods has resulted in a fragmented world. Good is forced to come to terms with its opposite, evil, and therefore a reality of light and darkness envelops us. Needless, to say, such a story has not been satisfactory in a rational, scientific age. It persists as myth and religion, which billions of people still prefer to science.
We come closer to a rational story via complementarity, because when complementarity holds that opposites have a hidden unity at the limit of observation (revealed through mathematics), a complete view of quantum physics is satisfied. An opposite pair light wave and particle arise from the same source, and even if this source is beyond the five senses, lying in some invisible virtual domain, quantum mechanics can link the opposites and thus make every measurement turn out right. By extension, can we say the same about “in here” and “out there”? Do they spring from a common source?
Our answer is yes, and we point to the only source that could unite them, which is consciousness. The universal model for any experience needs three parts, commonly called the observer, the observed, and the process of observation. “Newton saw an apple” fits this model, as does “the collapse of the wave function produces a particle.” In the first case, the observer is named — Newton. In the second, the observer is implied. A great many physicists would balk, however, claiming that the collapse of the wave function doesn’t need an observer. It can happen even with automated experiments that carry out observations of the quantum system. It’s an objective event that occurs trillions of times throughout the cosmos, like countless other events (colliding hydrogen atoms, exploding stars, protons getting sucked into black holes) that came along before observers ever existed.
But this argument, which seems so common-sensical, is fallacious. The principle of complementarity tells us that “in here” and “out there” aren’t just compatible; they are necessary to each other, intertwined aspects of the whole. You can’t have one without the other. Grasping this fact is hard. Classical Western science, from the ancient Greeks through Newton and beyond, was based on atoms, molecules, and other physical “stuff” that exists on its own. But just as there cannot be particles without waves; “out there” needs consciousness, “in here.” This is a participatory universe, and leaving the participant out cannot be valid. In a fundamental sense, the universe is human, because we aren’t just isolated observers like kids pressing their noses to the window of a bakery shop. The three-part model needs all three parts: observer, observed, and process of observation.
Many thinkers have tried to wriggle out of this apparent trap, but without success. Our position is that their denial serves only to keep the human mind encaged, creating further and further problems for our collective and individual selves. We entitled this series of posts “Can Reality Set Us Free?” to underscore that by its very nature, the human mind is not limited, not even by its own short-sighted concepts. Boundaries and edges, the things that separate one thing from another, are always conceptual, manmade. Where does your body stop? From the everyday level of scale, your boundary is your skin. From the atomic level of scale you and the planet are linked — every atom in your body comes from water, earth, and air taken in from the planet. From this perspective, human beings don’t liver on the planet, we are the planet. Reality itself is a seamless flowing process where all phenomena are linked. There are no actual boundaries.
Likewise, what we call an event constitutes another manmade boundary. The universe is constantly bubbling at the quantum level. Where we live, this bubbling looks linear as event A leads to event B, what we call A causes B. However, at finer levels of bubbling, time emerges, which means that below that level, getting very near the source, the bubbles aren’t occurring in the realm of time.
But the most liberating boundary that anyone can break free of is the one that encircles the mind, like a fence around a corral, so that there is “my” mind and “your” mind (like two different horses inside the corral), and using a bigger fence, the “human” mind, which is so self-enclosed that outside the corral there is “no” mind. Several of the quantum pioneers, such as Planck and Schrödinger, had enough clarity to see that this boundary, too, is manmade. There is only one consciousness, in fact, and it must be basic to creation.
Reality, then, is boundless, immeasurable, and conscious. It cannot be otherwise if the three-part model and complementarity are correct, which has been demonstrated over and over. This is more than finicky wrangling among philosophers. The tracks of consciousness are apparent throughout creation, and what is more, when they appear, these tracks link up in analogous ways. It’s our position that the self-organizing nature of the universe is the most fundamental manifestation of consciousness (for more on these themes, see video by co-author Neil Theise.
In biology, it is undeniable that living things organize themselves, using DNA as the basic template. Adult horses create baby horses; horse livers create new liver cells; each cell sustains the process of eating, breathing, excreting, dividing, and so on. This self-organization depends on interacting with the environment using feedback loops that constantly promote survival. Being adaptable to their surroundings, horses can survive high in Montana or below sea level in Death Valley. A horse can run or stand still. It can be pregnant or not. These are massive changes of state, but the horse’s body adapts, all the way from the cellular to the molecular level. If a condition arises that makes adaptation impossible, such as a total absence of drinking water, the animal dies. It is quite astonishing how self-organization and feedback loops maintain balance at every level from biomolecules up through each cell, tissue, and organ to create the entire body.
The crucial factor here is allowing for order while keeping randomness in check. At every level of Nature there is always a limited degree of randomness when an orderly structure, from the atom to a full-gown Arabian stallion, interacts with its surroundings. Too much and there is no self-organization, just disorder. Too little, and the self-organization can’t change pattern to adapt when the environment changes. In other words, if a horse had only a fixed slow heartbeat, it couldn’t run, and if its heart raced uncontrollably, it would drop dead. But in a defined zone of “quenched disorder,” creative adaptations can take place, bubbling into existence and disappearing if adaptation is not required.
If we scrutinize a horse at various levels, we see atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, and finally the complete creature. But so far as Nature is concerned, there is only endless adaptation as one level retains its own integrity while meshing into the next level. Complementarity in biology is thus the relationship between each of these levels. Choosing one perspective excludes all others at the time of observation. Choose to look at the body at the everyday level, and you can’t see the cells. Go down to the molecular level, and cells vanish from view. But it is the sum of all these levels that are your body.
This dynamic stream of cooperation is the modern equivalent of the religious notion of the Great Chain of Being. That notion held that God seamlessly united every level of creation. In non-religious terms, we say that complex systems have organized themselves and then merge into even greater degrees of complexity. The fact that increasingly denser amounts of information can be so elegantly ordered from complex molecules to the human brain implies a mind that pervades the universe. It exists as never-ending feedback loops that provide balance, growth, and adaptability.
With this scheme in mind, it is possible to arrive at a meaningful universe. The attributes that we call human, actually pervade creation. Besides self-organization, there is evolution and unexpected creative leaps. We possess them because we are of the universe, not because we are particularly special and separate within the universe.
Our viewpoint isn’t likely to be persuasive to scientists who restrict themselves to reductionism, which by its nature examines only isolated segments of complex systems. But it’s one thing to study the function of the kidney or lung and quite another to claim that the rest of the body doesn’t count. The part cannot make a greater claim to reality than the whole. We live in fortunate times. The separate researches of countless scientists have arrived at such a sophisticated level that the interaction of complex systems has given rise to theories of complexity, and on the horizon there looms a General Theory of Complexity. We don’t know if that’s the name such a theory will take. What we do know is that the desire to know the whole of reality isn’t just a human quirk or poetic fancy. That there is only one reality is undeniable. We can choose to remain selective, approaching reality as boxes within boxes. Or we can set ourselves free by throwing out boxes, boundaries, and limitations of all sorts.
As the uniting factor that sets us free, “consciousness” is a term that is repugnant to many scientists — mostly from an older generation — and mysterious to all. But that doesn’t excuse blindness and neglect. Reality keeps doing its thing, totally conscious of us while we keep evolving to become more conscious of it. That’s been the story for many centuries. Evolution isn’t going to stop; our hope is that it can be sped up, for the good of all.
You can say it’s because of a global shift in consciousness, a destiny we have arrived at due to spiritual evolution, or the outcome of strange times, but, many people all across the globe are going through intense personal changes and sensing an expansion of consciousness. Personal changes of this magnitude can be difficult to recognize and to understand, but here are 21 traits of an awakening soul, a ‘sensitive’, or an ‘empath.’
1. Being in public places is sometimes overwhelming. Since our walls between self and other are dissolving, we haven’t really learned to distinguish between someone else’s energy and our own. If the general mood of the crowd is herd-like or negative, we can feel this acutely, and may feel like retreating into our own private space. When we have recharged our batteries with meditation, spending time in nature, far away from other people, or just sitting in quiet contemplation, we are ready to be with the masses again. In personal relationships, we often will feel someone else’s emotions as our own. It is important to have this higher sense of empathy, but we must learn to allow another person’s emotions while observing them and keeping our empathy, but, realizing that not all emotions belong to us. Social influence can dampen our own innate wisdom.
2. We know things without having to intellectually figure them out. Often called intuitive awareness, we have ‘a-ha’ moments and insights that can explain some of the most complex theories or phenomenon in the world. Some of the most brilliant minds of our time just ‘know.’ Adepts and sages often were given downloads of information from higher states of consciousness after meditating or being in the presence of a more conscious individual; this is happening for more people with more frequency. As we trust our intuition more often, it grows stronger. This is a time of ‘thinking’ with our hearts more than our heads. Our guts will no longer be ignored. Our dreams are becoming precognitive and eventually our conscious thoughts will be as well.
3. Watching television or most of main stream media, including newspapers and many Hollywood movies is very distasteful to us. The mindset that creates much, but not all, of the programming on television and in cinema is abhorrent. It commodifies people and promotes violence. It reduces our intelligence and numbs our natural empathetic response to someone in pain.
4. Lying to us is nearly impossible. We may not know exactly what truth you are withholding, but we can also tell (with our developing intuition and ESP skills) that something isn’t right. We also know when you have other emotions, pain, love, etc. that you aren’t expressing. You’re an open book to us. We aren’t trained in counter-intelligence, we are just observant and knowing. While we may pick up on physical cues, we can look into your eyes and know what you are feeling.
5. We may pick up symptoms of your cold, just like men who get morning sickness when their wives are pregnant. Sympathy pains, whether emotional or physical, are something we experience often. We tend to absorb emotion through the solar plexus, considered the place we ‘stomach emotion’ so as we learn to strengthen this chakra center, we may sometimes develop digestive issues. Grounding to the earth can help to re-establish our emotional center. Walking barefoot is a great way to re-ground.
6. We tend to root for the underdog, those without voices, those who have been beaten down by the matrix, etc. We are very compassionate people, and these marginalized individuals often need more love. People can sense our loving hearts, so complete strangers will often tell us their life stories or approach us with their problems. While we don’t want to be a dumping ground for everyone’s issues, we are also a good ear for those working through their stuff.
7. If we don’t learn how to set proper boundaries, we can get tired easily from taking on other people’s emotions. Energy Vampires are drawn to us like flies to paper, so we need to be extra vigilant in protecting ourselves at times.
8. Unfortunately, sensitives or empaths often turn to drug abuse or alcohol to block some of their emotions and to ‘protect’ themselves from feeling the pain of others.
9. We are all becoming healers. We naturally gravitate toward healing fields, acupuncture, reiki, Qi-Gong, yoga, massage, midwivery, etc. are fields we often find ourselves in. We know that the collective needs to be healed, and so we try our best to offer healing in whatever form we are most drawn to. We also turn away from the ‘traditional’ forms of healing ourselves. Preferring natural foods, herbs, and holistic medicine as ways to cure every ailment.
10. We see the possibilities before others do. Just like when the church told Copernicus he was wrong, and he stood by his heliocentric theory, we know what the masses refuse to believe. Our minds are light-years ahead.
11. We are creative. We sing, dance, paint, invent, or write. We have amazing imaginations.
12. We require more solitude than the average person.
13. We might get bored easily, but we are really good at entertaining ourselves.
14. We have a difficult time doing things we don’t want to do or don’t really enjoy. We really do believe life was meant to be an expression of joy. Why waste it doing something you hate? We aren’t lazy, we are discerning.
15. We are obsessed with bringing the truth to light. Like little children who say, “that’s not fair” we want to right the wrongs of the world, and we believe it often just takes education. We endeavor to explain the unexplainable and find answers to the deep questions of life. We are seekers, in the Campbellian paradigm. ‘The Hero With a Thousand Faces.”
16. We can’t keep track of time. Our imaginations often get away with us and a day can feel like a minute, a week, a day.
17. We abhor routine.
18. We often disagree with authority (for obvious reasons).
19. We will often be kind, but if you are egotistical or rude, we won’t spend much time with you or find an excuse to not hang out with people who are obsessed with themselves. We don’t ‘get’ people who are insensitive to other people’s feelings or points of view.
20. We may be vegan or vegetarian because we can sense a certain energy of the food we eat, like if an animal was slaughtered inhumanely. We don’t want to consume negative energy.
21. We wear our own emotions on our sleeves and have a hard time ‘pretending’ to be happy if we aren’t. We avoid confrontation, But will quietly go about changing the world in ways you can’t even see.
As this Shift of Consciousness unfolds, there are many, many events that are being stripped from your consciousness and your memories. The first Wave* clears away beliefs in your past that have been projected into your future. These sets of beliefs say, “This is my truth. This is all I have ever been, and this is all I am ever going to be!”
In the third dimension, the past is experienced in the mental body and the emotional body. But in the fourth dimension the past is observed, not experienced. You don’t run your past through the emotional body. When you can stand in the fourth dimension present-time, right now- and decouple the emotion from the thought, you can simply perceive the past, “I was yelled at, abused, and insulted.” You can decouple the strong emotion that went along with it and simply observe that, “In my past, my father abused me; but I’m not in my past; I’m standing right here and I do not have to be the result of my past if I do not bring the painful emotion with me present-time.
The minute the emotion is coupled with the information or thought, you drop back into the third dimension and relive that painful past again in this moment. Your past can be viewed as simply two distinct components: a piece of information that once had an emotion attached to it. When you can separate the emotion from the thought (the information), the ability to perceive your past will change instantly. Everything that you have believed about how you’re “not Okay” begins to release its hold on you. You may have participated in events and you may have experienced outcomes that you didn’t desire; but you’ve never failed at any part of the lesson. It’s when you can separate the information from the emotion in this present-time moment that the old charged memories are cleared from your past. You are changing your past! That pain from the past that has been projected into your future is also being cleared at the same time. It is a very big deal how the Shift is taking away everything that is not you!
Now, that is why remembering and practicing your tools, skills and strategies is so important right now. One of the most important skills you can develop is the ability to determine what is your concern and what is simply Shakespeare’s theater surrounding you. The Rose tool, which I have referred to in webinars and articles, is designed to allow you to identify that space from the Rose to you is who you are; and from the Rose away from you is Shakespeare’s theater to entertain you. Incorporating this simple, significant tool into your daily life will allow you to instantly rearrange how you understand yourself: ” This is me here, and that is the theater that has nothing to do with me!”
As that point is determined, the first Wave has more room to dissolve who-you-are-not and clear it away. The second Wave will then begin to increase your wiring capacity; bringing in more Light, more knowledge, more wisdom, and more of you (the multidimensional part of you) into the body. The noise, the drama, and the past and future simply cease to happen. You begin to know yourself here, in this moment in the present time.
Another transformative tool is a geometric energy field. It’s called an octahedron. When you put the octahedron back together and wear it, what happens is that you begin to hold a consistent tone that is outside of the third dimensional reality’s grasp.
As you step into present-time and choose to look at your past simply as a combined emotion and thought- “I was yelled at by the Blue Shirt”–and recognize that the blue shirt you’re looking at in present time has nothing to do with the emotion once experienced, the event loses its charge and becomes neutralized, which in turn allows the emotion that you’ve been reliving over and over every day to dissolve from your present-time space. You are now more neutral and can ask a better question-e.g., “What else might have been going on in that past situation?” Instead of approaching all of life from a charged place, you will simply view it from a place of neutral curiosity.
Putting yourself back together
So why is it so important to begin to put yourself back together? In the third dimension we have been trained and conditioned to respond to what is outside of us. And, what’s outside of us directs much of our reality. Just take a look at advertising! Do you really need that seventh pair of shoes? And, “Oh, that’s so cute I think I”ll get another pair in green” etc.
In the externally motivated third dimension an interesting dynamic occurs. Let me use the example of hunger. You’re driving along, You’re not even aware of being hungry, and there is an ad for Sushi, Wendy’s, KFC, Soup n’Salad, whatever, and you find yourself saying: “I think I’ll go and get a meal.” You were not even hungry a moment ago, but the conditioning pulls you into that location! You were powerfully affected by the external world.
As the memories of the past fall away, and as the programmed thoughts of who you will be in the future dissolve, the conditioning is also falling away. Have you noticed that the dreams and desires, the hopes, goals and wishes that you once had don’t even feel important anymore? Also, you can’t even remember some of the things that you were told and believed would drive your life? That specific observation is very important! As you put yourself back together, the who-you-are-not dissolves and who-you-are begins to shine.
As time is collapsing into a singular present moment, many people are getting bored. Bored as in “I don’t know what to do! I’m not sure who I am anymore. I don’t have anything that’s important to me. And I’m really not sure what to do with myself.” Do you know this place? As we forget who we are not, a conditioning is also being stripped away. And now, the reference points of the conditioning no longer exist! But we’re so conditioned on “Wendy’s = eat hamburger,” and “advertising = buy shoes”, that when those reference points go away, we don’t know what to do with ourselves. And this is a great thing that’s happening. You are surely stepping into a fourth dimensional place!
As you begin to play in the fourth dimension, (with diminishing reference points) you are (metaphorically) standing naked with nothing to do until you decide what you want to do. You are treading water until you choose to create an event. So, let me give you an example. I now no longer have an external stimuli to tell me I’m hungry, and I’m starting to actually feel hungry, but I don’t know what I want to eat. If you can switch this to: “I think I’d like to create something really wonderful to eat; I wonder what I would like to have?” If you begin to ask the right questions- Universe, what would be very interesting to eat? – you will begin to get some new ideas. Instead of the old conditioning, the Universe begins to give you what you put your attention on. All you have to do is pay attention in present-time and notice what is presented to you: mangoes, Japanese cucumbers, fresh spring peas. Notice what your asking brings to you. Boredom is a choice.
I know you have had the experience where you casually say something like, “Well, I wonder where I could get a delicious, Hawaiian salmon burger that is very juicy and on a tosated bun and has a big slice of tomato and very fresh lettuce and a thick red onion on it.” Then all of a sudden, a picture will appear in your mind accompanied by the thought: three weeks ago when I was at dinner with my best friend, and we were having a wonderful, laughing time, the waiter walked by with this really nice looking salmon-burger.” That sandwich will come right into your awareness because it’s part of your creative mechanism rather than your reactionary mechanism. This will begin to happen more often to all of us, because we are forgetting who-we-are-not, and we are being given an empty palette on which to re-create our selves on our own terms and according to our own desires.
Since many of us have not been trained well, nor given permission to validate and grow our creative nature, we are, in a sense being given back our childhood. We are being given back the opportunity to create. And the Shift is stripping away more and more. The anger, frustration, resentment, and the always-and-never aspects of the rigid third dimension are dissolving. As they are going away they are taking who-you-are-not with them.
As you begin to put yourself back together and re-access your Higher Mind, re-connect with your Soul, anchor it back into your Heart, and begin to activate the Light Body, you discover you can choose different and new options. You can choose co-creation and compassion; well-being and beauty. You begin to find the internal smile in the Heart that has been forgotten a long time ago, and you begin to create and co-create with your community of friends.
This is happening and it is going to continue. As you use your tools, and start putting yourself back together, you begin to experience yourself as being “in the world but not of the world.” As the wiring comes back together, the access to whom you have always been starts to lock into place, you not only remember whom you have always been; you also do not remember that you never remembered! You simply become once again what you have always been.
This is a remarkable game that we are playing in, and there is a tremendous acceleration as you put yourself back together! This is something that is not experienced very often by many beings! What you are doing is creating something that has never even been thought possible in the higher realms. And you are doing it at an accelerated rate. Superbly!
So even though you look in the mirror and say, “I don’t know what that guy was talking about” it IS an exciting adventure! As you put yourself back together, you’re going to be thrilled with what you find!
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The theme this week is whole lot of shaking going on. This includes values and allegiances. It is time to see things for what they are. Open the vision of the heart. Stay centered and grounded in the core and listen to the truth out there. If you can do all that, you can make it through.
Overall Color for the Week: Sea Blue
This is a week of shake-ups in all areas. It is well to start out each day with a grounding ritual and a centering. It is time to know all the things that you are, that you can do that make you powerful. This is a time in which it is no longer advantageous at all to try to follow the world views of others. All those imposed guilts and fears need to be seen for what they are. This can involve some really difficult, yet ultimately liberating, soul-searching. This is a week for seeing the sun come out of the shadows and for knowing that the shadows only exist where you have not allowed the sun to break through. There is no thing that is too much for you. Yes, things can be overwhelming, but there is that light inside that will take you through it all. You have prepared for these times, and you know instinctively what it is that you are to do. Honor your intuition. Listen to the clues. There are people out there for you. Your community is moving together inevitably. There is joy in the recognition of that. Heed those times of déjà vu, of synchronicity, of serendipity. These are assurances, signs if you will, from the Universe that all is well. You are not alone. There is something you need to be learning this week, the book, the medium, the element will come to you this week. Embrace it. Accept it. This is a time for receiving. One other thing, the physicality is shifting more and more. There can be some physical issues this week. Go within and know them for what they are. Some might require some additional care or action. Also perspectives are shifting and this can cause some tough moment
On the larger scale, the hidden dragon is awakening, stirring. All things are responding on and within the Earth. Gaia has come forth in her compassion and love and care of self to begin the times when things truly begin to shift and find their centers. This week will bring this out in quite dramatic contrast. There will be startling incidents happening, while seeds of greater events are being sown. This is part of this great and undeniable shift. You will see things going on within the world of politics on all scales and in many different countries that will lead you to question just what is going on. Covers will be ripped off of some of the secrets that ‘they’ thought were so well disguised. There is a groups of people who will be making themselves known on the Internet who have information to give concerning the larger frame of reference and the existence of extra-terrestrials in the history of the world. This will reach a larger audience and may get some peripheral coverage in the media. Meanwhile there will be jumps in the stock market this week that will be countered and twisted as time goes by. The Sun will be exerting a sideways influence on the Earth, and with this will come some interruptions in the electronics. Be prepared for this. There is something in the water that will be brought forth. There is a cloud over the Koreas that will begin to rain. This is a week when there is uncertainty in so many different areas. The ley lines and power points on the globe are beginning to light up and activate, and as this happens, places in which there have been attempts in the past to cover the light will find themselves in the midst of the shake up, particularly in Asia Minor through to Nepal. There will be a number of travel issues occurring this week, so if you are going somewhere, listen to your intuition. This is truly a time for being grounded.
Wednesday, April 10: Light Turquoise Blue
There are many things that you had been planning for today, but it is best just to let that all go and allow things to unfold as they will. There are messages that you have been missing, and the current energy is lining them up in such a way that you will no longer be able to ignore them. Look to nature, the movement of the wind, the flight of birds, the cries of animals, they are reacting to what is going on vibrationally. They are moving into a closer kind of communication with the human species as the energies of Gaia gather together those who are listening. There is much to hear. Know that you will be given an opportunity today. Think on it before making a decision. It is related to some long held desires, but you must be clear in what it is that you are wanting, and decide based upon your highest good. Your are not alone in the decision-making process. You deepest heart’s knowing is connected to the Universal Consciousness. There is wisdom there.
The notion of a separate organism is clearly an abstraction, as is also its boundary. Underlying all this is unbroken wholeness even though our civilization has developed in such a way as to strongly emphasize the separation into parts. –David Bohm and Basil J. Hile, The Undivided Universe.1
“I suddenly developed a severe headache in the back of my head,” the nurse said tearfully. “It was so painful I could not function and had to leave work. This was strange, because I never have headaches. When I reached home and was lying in bed, the phone rang. I learned that my beloved brother had been killed from a gunshot wound to the back of his head, the same place my terrible headache was located. My headache began at the same time the shooting occurred.”
The woman was a prominent nurse leader at a major hospital in northern California. The occasion was a Q and A session after an address I had given to senior staff of the hospital consortium to which her hospital belonged. My topic was the importance of empathy, compassion, and caring in healing and healthcare. I had reviewed empirical evidence suggesting that empathy and compassion are more than vaporous emotions that float in our bodies somewhere above our clavicles. They are part of our biological makeup, I suggested. Although empathy and compassion arise when we are in the presence of another person, as when a nurse or physician is at the bedside of a patient, evidence suggests their effects are also felt between individuals at a distance, beyond the reach of the senses. Distant individuals often share feelings, sensations, and thoughts, particularly if they are emotionally close. These experiences, I explained, are called telesomatic events. Hundreds of such cases have been reported over the years but have been largely ignored.
This discussion had prompted the nurse to reveal her experience to several hundred of her colleagues in the audience. “Now I have a name for what happened between my brother and me,” she said. “Now I can talk about it.” Her story riveted the audience. When she finished, she was not the only person in the room in tears.
Levels of Connectedness
Neuron to Neuron
In 2009, a team of Italian researchers led by neuroscientist Rita Pizzi demonstrated that when one batch of human neurons was stimulated by a laser beam, a distant batch of neurons registered similar changes, although the two were completely shielded from each other.2 See Table 1.
Brain to Brain
In 1965, researchers T. D. Duane and Thomas Behrendt decided to test anecdotal reports that identical twins share feelings and physical sensations even when far apart. In two of 15 pairs of twins tested, eye closure in one twin produced not only an immediate alpha rhythm in his own brain, but also in the brain of the other twin, even though he kept his eyes open and sat in a lighted room.3
The publication of this study in the prestigious journal Science evoked enormous interest. Ten attempted replications soon followed by eight different research groups around the world. Of the 10 studies, eight reported positive findings, published in mainstream journals such as Nature and Behavioral Neuroscience.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
In the late 1980s and 1990s, a team headed by psychophysiologist Jacobo Grinberg-Zylberbaum at the University of Mexico published experiments that, like most of the previous studies, demonstrated correlations in the electroencephalograms (EEGs) of separated pairs of individuals who had no sensory contact with each other.14, 15, 16
Two of the studies were published in the prominent journals Physics Essays and the International Journal of Neuroscience, drawing further attention to this area.17, 18, 19
Experiments in this field became increasingly sophisticated. In 2003, Jiri Wackerman, an EEG expert from Germany’s University of Freiburg, attempted to eliminate all possible weaknesses in earlier studies and applied a refined method of analysis. After his successful experiment he concluded, “We are facing a phenomenon which is neither easy to dismiss as a methodological failure or a technical artifact nor understood as to its nature. No biophysical mechanism is presently known that could be responsible for the observed correlations between EEGs of two separated subjects.”20
As functional magnetic resonance imaging brain-scanning techniques matured, these began to be used, with intriguing results. Psychologist Leanna Standish at Seattle’s Bastyr University found that when one individual in one room was visually stimulated by a flickering light, there was a significant increase in brain activity in a person in a distant room.19
In 2004, three new independent replications were reported, all successful — from Standish’s group at Bastyr University,18 from the University of Edinburgh,21 and from researcher Dean Radin and his team at the Institute of Noetic Sciences.22
Person to Person
Strong evidence that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors may influence someone remotely has surfaced in recent analyses of social networks. James H. Fowler, a political scientist at the University of California, San Diego, and Nicholas A. Christakis, a physician and social scientist at Harvard Medical School, published a provocative article in 2008 in the British Medical Journal, titled “Dynamic Spread of Happiness in a Large Social Network.”23
Christakis states, “[H]appiness is more contagious than previously thought… Your happiness depends not just on your choices and actions, but also on the choices and actions of people you don’t even know who are one, two and three degrees removed from you. … Emotions have a collective existence — they are not just an individual phenomenon.”24
From 1983 to 2003, Fowler and Christakis collected information from 4,739 people enrolled in the well-known Framingham Heart Study and from several thousand other individuals with whom they were connected — spouses, relatives, close friends, neighbors, and coworkers. They found, says Fowler, that, “[I]f your friend’s friend’s friend becomes happy, that has a bigger impact on you being happy than putting an extra $5,000 in your pocket.” The idea that the emotional state of your friend’s friend’s friend could profoundly affect your psyche created a sensation in the popular media. As a Washington Post journalist put it, “[E]motion can ripple through clusters of people who may not even know each other.”25
It’s not just happiness that gets around. The team also found that depression, sadness, obesity, drinking and smoking habits, ill-health, the inclination to turn out and vote in elections, a taste for certain music or food, a preference for online privacy, and the tendency to think about suicide are also contagious.26, 27
Christakis and Fowler published their findings about the spread of obesity in large social networks in the New England Journal of Medicine, widely considered the most influential medical journal in the world. They showed that obesity in people you don’t know and have never heard of could ricochet through you. They attributed the contagiousness of obesity to a “social network phenomenon” without proposing any specific physiological or psychological mechanism.28
To label something, however, is not to explain it, and to merely call this sort of thing a “social network phenomenon” has all the explanatory value of saying “what happens happens.” In the commentary that accompanied the article in the New England Journal of Medicine, the experts who weighed in took the same tack. They discussed the genetic factors that influence obesity and the connections within and between cells in an individual that may contribute to overweight, but they too were mute about how distant humans might influence one another when they are beyond sensory contact.
Some suggest that the ripples work through the action of mirror neurons, which are brain cells believed to fire both when we perform an action ourselves and when we watch someone else doing it. But when people are remote from each other, there is no one to watch, and therefore no stimulus for the mirror neurons to fire. Others suggest that the spread is through mimicry, as when people unconsciously copy the facial expressions, body language, posture, and speech of those around them. There is a hint of desperation in these attempts to find some sneaky physical factor that mediates changes between distant individuals. However, when all is said and done, Fowler and Christakis 29 say they don’t really know how happiness, obesity, etc. spread. The fact that your friend’s friend’s friend, someone you’ve neither seen nor heard of, is affecting your health has begun to rattle many of the gatekeepers in medicine.
This field may be a bomb with a delayed fuse that is getting ready to explode in the very heart of materialistic medicine. A few medical insiders are raising the possibility that something heretofore unthinkable may be going on, such as a nonlocal, collective aspect of consciousness that links distant individuals. Among them is Dr Robert S. Bobrow, a courageous clinical associate professor in the Department of Family Medicine at New York’s Stony Brook University. In discussing the spread of obesity in his article “Evidence for a Communal Consciousness” in Explore in 2011, he says, “Frankly, obesity that develops from social connection, without face-to-face interaction, suggests emotional telepathy.”30
If these experiments don’t take your breath away, they should. They suggest that human isolation is a myth, and that human consciousness can manifest in the world beyond the brain. We are linked, united, entangled.
Telesomatic Events
Almost forgotten amid this flurry of research are hundreds of case reports, such as the experience of the aforementioned nurse, which have been accumulating for more than a century. In them, individuals experience similar sensations or actual physical changes, even though they may be separated by great distances. Berthold E. Schwarz, an American neuropsychiatrist, documented many of these instances. In the 1960s he coined the term telesomatic to describe these events, from Greek words meaning “distant body.”31 The term is apt, because these events suggest that a shared mind is bridging two bodies. Most cases go unreported, however, because there is no accepted explanatory mechanism for them, and because of the social stigma that can result from discussing them publicly.
A typical example was described by the English social critic John Ruskin (1819-1900). It involved Arthur Severn, a famous landscape painter who was married to Ruskin’s cousin Joan. Severn awoke early one morning and went to a nearby lake for a sail while Joan remained in bed. She was suddenly awakened by the sensation of a severe, painful blow to the mouth, of no apparent cause. Shortly thereafter her husband Arthur returned, holding a cloth to his bleeding mouth. He reported that the wind had freshened abruptly and caused the boom to hit him in the mouth, almost knocking him from the boat, at the estimated time his wife felt the blow.32
A similar instance was reported in 2002 by mathematician-statistician Douglas Stokes. When he was teaching at the University of Michigan, one of his students reported that his father was knocked off a bench one day by an “invisible blow to the jaw.” Five minutes later his dad received a call from a local gymnasium where his wife was exercising, informing him that she had broken her jaw on a piece of fitness equipment.
Another example that also involved the Severn clan was more unfortunate. One day, while Joan Severn was sitting quietly with her mother and aunt, the mother suddenly screamed, collapsed back onto the sofa, covered her ears with both hands, and exclaimed, “Oh, there’s water rushing fast into my ears, and I’m sure either my brother, or son James, must be drowning, or both of them.” Then, Joan looked out the window and saw people hurrying toward the nearby bathing place. Shortly thereafter her uncle came to the house, looking pale and distressed, and reported that James had indeed drowned.33
David Lorimer, a shrewd analyst of consciousness and a leader of the Scientific and Medical Network, an international organization based in the United Kingdom, has collected many telesomatic cases in his very wise book Whole in One.34 Lorimer is struck by the fact that these events occur mainly between people who are emotionally close. He makes a strong case for what he calls “empathic resonance,” which he believes links individuals across space and time.
The late psychiatrist lan Stevenson (1918-2007), of the University of Virginia, investigated scores of instances in which distant individuals experience similar physical symptoms. Most involve parents and children, spouses, siblings, twins, lovers, and very close friends.35 Again, the common thread is the emotional closeness and empathy experienced by the separated persons.
In a typical example reported by Stevenson, a mother was writing a letter to her daughter, who had recently gone away to college. For no obvious reason her right hand began to burn so severely she had to put down her pen. She received a phone call less than an hour later informing her that her daughter’s right hand had been severely burned by acid in a laboratory accident at the same time that she, the mother, had felt the burning pain.36
In a case reported by researcher Louisa E. Rhine, a woman suddenly doubled over, clutching her chest in severe pain, saying, “Something has happened to Nell, she has been hurt.” Two hours later the sheriff arrived to inform her that her daughter Nell had been involved in an auto accident, and that a piece of the steering wheel had penetrated her chest.37
Twin Connections
But if you stop clinging to coincidence and try explaining this trumpery affair, you might shatter one kind of world. –J. B. Priestley, Man & Time 38
Guy Lyon Playfair is one of the best-known consciousness researchers in Great Britain and is the author of the important book Twin Telepathy.39 He has collected a variety of documented telesomatic cases involving twins and nontwin siblings.
One case involved the identical twins Ross and Norris McWhirter, who were well known in Britain as co-editors of the Guinness Book of Records. On November 27, 1975, Ross was fatally shot in the head and chest by two gunmen on the doorstep of his north London home. According to an individual who was with his twin brother Norris, Norris reacted in a dramatic way at the time of the shooting, almost as if he had been shot by an invisible bullet.40
Skeptics invariably dismiss cases such as these as coincidence, but many are hard to squeeze into this category. An example reported by Playfair concerns four year old identical twins Silvia and Marta Landa, who lived in the village of Murillo de Río Leza in northern Spain. The Landa twins became celebrities in 1976 after being featured in the local newspaper after a bizarre event. Marta had burned her hand on a hot clothes iron. As a large red blister was forming, an identical one developed on the hand of Silvia, who was away visiting her grandparents at the time. Silvia was taken to the doctor, unaware of what had happened to her sister Marta. When the two little girls were united, their parents saw that the blisters were the same size and on the same part of the hand.
It wasn’t the first time this sort of thing had happened. If one twin had an accident, the other twin seemed to know about it, even though they were nowhere near each other. Once, when they arrived home in their car, Marta hopped out and ran inside the house, but suddenly complained that she could not move her foot. While this was happening, Silvia had got tangled up with the seat belt and her foot was stuck in it. On another occasion when one of them had misbehaved and was given a smack, the other one, out of sight, immediately burst into tears.
Members of the Madrid office of the Spanish Parapsychological Society got wind of the burned-hand incident and decided to investigate. Their team of nine psychologists, psychiatrists, and physicians descended on the Landa house, with the full cooperation and approval of the twins’ parents. They had hardly arrived when a typical trade-off incident happened to the little twins. When Marta accidentally banged her head on something, it was her sister Silvia who began to cry. The researchers got to work with a series of tests disguised as fun games for the twins. This meant the little girls had no idea they were involved in an experiment.
While Marta stayed on the ground floor with her mother and some of the researchers, Silvia went with her father and the rest of the team to the second floor. Everything that happened on both floors was filmed and tape-recorded. One of the psychologists played a game with Marta, using a glove puppet. Silvia was given an identical puppet, but no game was played. Downstairs, Marta grabbed the puppet and threw it at the investigator. Upstairs, at the same time, Silvia did the same.
One of the team’s physicians next shined a bright light into Marta’s left eye, as part of a simple physical check-up. When she did this four times, Silvia began to blink rapidly as if trying to avoid a bright light. Then, the doctor did a knee jerk reflex test by tapping her left knee tendon three times. At the same time, Silvia began to jerk her leg so dramatically that her father, unaware the test was going on downstairs on Marta, had to hold it still. Then, Marta was given some very aromatic perfume to smell. As she did so, Silvia shook her head and put her hand over her nose. Next, still in different rooms, the twins were given seven colored disks and were asked to arrange them in any order they liked. They arranged them in exactly the same order.
There were other tests as well. The team rated all but one of them as “highly positive” or “positive.”
The Landa tests confirmed what most researchers have found — that children are more prone than adults to this sort of thing, and that results are more likely to be positive when experiments are done not in sterile, impersonal laboratories but in the natural habitat of the subjects and in a relaxed, supportive environment. This latter lesson often has been flagrantly ignored in consciousness research by experimenters who should know better. Researchers have had to learn repeatedly the importance of ecological validity — the principle that what is being tested should be allowed to unfold as it does in real life.
Telesomatic events often are viewed as little more than cute coincidences or weird curiosities, like the simultaneous burn on the hands of the Landa twins. However, there are many instances in which telesomatic happenings are of life-and-death significance. These cases are important because they show that the telesomatic link has survival value, which is probably why it appears to be inherent in humans.
One such case reported to Playfair involved identical twin boys, Ricky and Damien, only three days old. Anna, their mother, would feed them during the night in her bed, propping herself up with pillows. On this particular occasion she had one twin, Ricky, in front of her, while her other son, Damien, lay on a pillow to her left. As she was changing Ricky’s diaper, he suddenly began screaming. This was surprising, for even though only three days old, “he was a really good baby,” Anna said, as was his brother. She could not figure out what was wrong, as he had been cleaned and fed. Then, still screaming, Ricky’s body began to shake, as if he were having a convulsion. Anna reports that the thought suddenly popped into her head that “twins relay messages to each other.” She looked down to check on Damien and, to her horror, saw that he wasn’t there, but was face down in the pillows behind her. She immediately grabbed him and saw that he was blue in the face with his mouth clamped shut. Damien was suffocating. She and her older daughter began artificial respiration and called an ambulance. The terrifying event had a happy ending. Anna concluded, “Without a doubt, Ricky saved his brother’s life. Had it not been for him screaming and shaking, I never would have looked for Damien until I had finished with Ricky, and by then it would have been too late.”41
The theme of shared pain between twins and emotionally close siblings recurs in cases reported by Playfair. In one example, a five month old identical twin awakens as the clock strikes ten, and suddenly begins crying. After 15 minutes he stops, as if a switch was turned. At a hospital several miles away, his brother is having a painful injection. His mother notes the time as 10 pm. In a similar report, the mother of another pair of five month old identical twins reports that when one of them is having an inoculation he takes it calmly, but the other one “yells his head off.”42
Adult identical twins have similar experiences. An example involved socialite Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt (1904-1965) and her identical twin sister, Lady Thelma Morgan Furness (1904-1970). In Double Exposure: A Twin Autobiography, they relate that when Lady Furness was expecting her baby in Europe, Gloria was in New York City. Gloria was planning to travel to Europe to be with her sister in May when the baby was due. But in late March, when she was preparing to go out to lunch, Gloria developed such severe abdominal pains she had to cancel her engagements and go to bed. She said, “I remember saying… that if I didn’t know such a thing was out of the question, I would think I was having a baby.” Gloria managed to sleep for a while, and on awakening she felt normal-and saw on the bedside table a cable from Lord Furness announcing the premature birth of Thelma’s son.43
Sometimes the pain that is shared is emotional and not physical, as in another case reported to Playfair. It involved an American academic while she was an undergraduate at Stony Brook University in New York. She awoke from a deep sleep at six am New York time and cried out, knowing without doubt that her twin sister in Arizona was in trouble. She told her roommate what had happened, and called her mother as well. Her mother informed her that at three am Arizona time a car bomb had exploded just outside her twin sister’s apartment, shattering a window. Fortunately, her twin sister and her husband were unharmed. The time of the bomb blast in Arizona coincided with her terrified awakening in New York.
Although telesomatic exchanges are by no means limited to twins, they are undeniably frequent among them. As Playfair states, in twins we see “the telepathic signal at full volume, as it were, at which not only information is transmitted at a distance but so are emotions, physical sensations and even symptoms such as burns and bruises.”44
Even so, he has found that only around 30% of identical twins have these experiences, but in those who do the phenomena can be mind-boggling.45 Emotional closeness is an essential factor in the twin connection. Also, having an extraverted, outgoing personality has been shown to facilitate the link. And, as we see in the above examples, what twins seem to communicate best is bad news — depression, illness, accidents, or death.
Intuitive Obstetrics
Exceptions to the twin connection can be seen in physicians who emotionally and physically sense when their patients need their attention. A remarkable case is that of Larry Kincheloe, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Oklahoma City.46
After completing his training in obstetrics and gynecology, Kincheloe joined a very traditional medical group and practiced for about four years without any unusual events. Then, one Saturday afternoon he received a call from the hospital that a patient of his was in early labor. He gave routine orders, and since this was her first baby, he assumed that delivery would be hours away. While raking leaves, he experienced an overwhelming feeling that he should go to the hospital. He immediately called labor and delivery and was told by the nurse that everything was going fine; his patient was only five centimeters dilated, and delivery was not expected for several more hours.
Even with this reassurance, the feeling became stronger and Kincheloe began to feel an aching pain in the center of his chest. He described it as similar to the feeling one has when they are 16 years old and lose their first love — an achingly sad, melancholy sense. The more he tried to ignore the sensation the stronger it grew, until it reached the point where he felt he was drowning. By this time he was desperate to get to the hospital. He jumped into his car and sped away. As he neared the hospital he began to feel better. When he walked onto the labor unit, he had an enormous sense of relief.
When he reached the nurses’ desk, his patient’s nurse was just walking out of the patient’s labor room. When she asked why he was there, Kincheloe honestly admitted that he did not know, only that he felt he was needed and that his place was here. She gave him a strange look and told him that she had just checked the patient and that she was only seven centimeters dilated. At that moment a cry came from the labor room. Anyone who has ever worked in labor and delivery knows that there is a certain tone in a woman’s cry when the baby is nearing delivery. He rushed to the patient’s room just in time to deliver a healthy infant. Afterward, when the nurse asked how he had known to come to the hospital after being told that delivery was hours away, he had no answer.
After that day, Kincheloe started paying attention to these feelings. He’s learned to trust them. Having experienced these intuitive feelings hundreds of times, he routinely acts on them. Usually by the time he gets a call from labor and delivery, he is already getting dressed or is in his car on the way to the hospital. He often answers the phone by saying, “I know. I am on my way,” knowing that it is labor and delivery calling him to come in. This is now such a common occurrence among the labor and delivery staff that they tell the new nurses, “If you want Dr. Kincheloe, just think it and he will show up.”
Recently he had the old feeing, called in, and talked to a new nurse who was taking care of a patient of his who was in active labor. He asked her how things were going and she reported that the patient was resting comfortably with an epidural and that she had a reassuring fetal heart rate pattern. He again asked her if she was sure that nothing was happening that required his attention. Exasperated, she said, “I told you I just checked her and everything is fine.” In the background Kincheloe heard another nurse say, “Ask him if he is having chest pains.” Confused, the new nurse asked him. He replied yes. He heard the new nurse relay his response to the older nurse, who said, “Since he’s having chest pains you had better go check the patient again.”
“Just a minute,” the new nurse said to Kincheloe, as she put down the phone and went to check the patient. Then, he heard the hurried sound of her footsteps returning. She related that the baby was nearing delivery, and that he needed to hurry.
Dr Kincheloe’s experiences show how physical sensations can function as an early-warning system alerting us that something important is about to happen. These telesomatic phenomena are like psychic cell phones uniting distant individuals. The wireless service provider is not Verizon or AT&T, however, but a collective dimension of consciousness that unites individuals at a distance.
Witches in the Waiting Room
Dr Kincheloe may seem unique, but it’s more likely that there are a lot of physicians and other healthcare workers who share his views and simply aren’t talking. In his fascinating book The Witch in the Waiting Room, Robert S. Bobrow, MD, mentioned previously, describes how he discovered that many of his patients, nurses, and colleagues privately believe in powers of the mind that are not officially recognized in medicine. Some are practicing Wiccans. They keep their beliefs to themselves because of the negative reactions these views might evoke if they were made public. Dr Bobrow says, “Who knew? … I go to work as a physician every day, and I’m surrounded by witches. I just never knew it.”47
Colleen Rae is a spiritually oriented counselor who, unlike the closet Wiccans and psychics surrounding Dr Bobrow, went public with her abilities. She considers herself a “reluctant psychic.” Rae grew up with a psychic grandmother and was reared in a family that considered these phenomena perfectly normal. She eventually learned that she was an “empath,” someone who has a profound ability to sense the feelings or thoughts of another person. In a typical experience, for several days Rae had felt excruciating pain in her neck and shoulders for no apparent reason. She could barely roll her neck or tip her head side to side. She wrote in her journal the following:
Yesterday, same thing. Again I was in the shower trying to loosen it up with the hot water. Then I called Mom to find out about her doctor’s appointment. In the course of the conversation, she talked of her tension in her neck and shoulders that her doctor agreed is due… to this horrible anti-cancer drug she’s taking. I asked her to describe her symptoms — the first I’d heard of them from my ever-stoic mother. She described exactly what I’d been feeling. “Excruciating?” I asked. “Yes,” she said.
On another occasion, Rae suddenly developed a toothache for no obvious reason. It suddenly stopped the instant her mother had her own bad tooth pulled.
“Being an empath can be hard on the body,” says Rae in her book Tales of a Reluctant Psychic.48 “But I long ago accepted that without the ‘infection,’ I wouldn’t be able to do one of the more interesting parts of my psychospiritual counseling practice.”
Widespread Interest
What is seen cannot be un-seen. –Folk saying
Many physicians want to unburden themselves of this secret part of their lives and go public with their experiences and beliefs. Bobrow cites a 1980 survey published in the American Journal of Psychiatry that asked psychiatry professors, residents in training, other medical faculty, and deans of medical schools the question: “Should psychic studies be included in psychiatric education?” More than half said yes. The authors of the survey concluded, “Our results indicate a high incidence of conviction among deans of medical schools and psychiatric educators that many psychic phenomena may be a reality, psychic powers are present in most or all of us, nonmedical factors play an important part in the healing process, and, above all, studies of psychic phenomena should be included in psychiatric education. …”49
Many skeptics have done their best to deny and obfuscate these trends. One often hears from skeptics that only a tiny percentage of practicing physicians and medical educators believe in beyond-the-body happenings. These skeptics imply that physicians who believe these things are out of step with the scientific tradition and are trying to take medicine back to the Dark Ages. But as the aforementioned survey shows, belief in these matters is held not by a few renegades, but is extensive in both clinical and academic medicine. Another national survey in 2004 examined the beliefs of 1,100 U.S. physicians in various specialties.
The surveyors found that 74% believe that so-called miracles occurred in the past and that 73% believe they can occur today. (I suspect that for most physicians “miracle” does not mean a violation, suspension, or breach of natural law but an event that is not well understood. Most physicians would likely agree with St Augustine that so-called miracles do not contradict nature, but they contradict what we know about nature. This is my view as well.) Fifty-nine percent of the physicians said they pray for their patients as individuals, and 51% said they pray for them as a group.50 In a review of these trends, author Stephan A. Schwartz concluded, “[T]here is a growing understanding that ineffable considerations, most subsumed under the concept of nonlocal mind, hold considerable sway in the thinking of both the general population and the medical community.”51
Scientists in general hold similar beliefs. A 1973 survey of readers of the British journal New Scientist asked them to state their feelings about extrasensory perception, or ESP. New Scientist defines its readers as being mainstream working scientists, or as science oriented. Of the 1,500 respondents, 67% considered ESP to be an established fact or at least a strong probability. Eighty-eight percent considered psychic research to be a legitimate area for scientific inquiry.52
In another survey of more than 1,100 college professors in the United States, 55% of natural scientists, 66% of social scientists (psychologists excluded), and 77% of academics in the arts, humanities, and education said they believed that ESP is either an established fact or a likely possibility.53
Therefore, the contention that belief in beyond-the-body phenomena is rare among paid-up physicians, scientists, and academics may be dismissed as nonsense. In general, this notion is perpetrated by skeptics who are woefully informed about the depth of research in this field, and oppose it for ideological reasons.54, 55, 56
Mold on a Shower Curtain?
The neuron-to-neuron, brain-to-brain, and person-to-person events we’ve examined are more than quirky, oddball happenings. They are communication channels between distant individuals, one of whom is often in need. They are reminders that beyond our apparent separateness there are filaments connecting us in ways that are not limited by space, time, or physical barriers. The fact that these linkages often involve emotional bonds suggests a more empathic, kinder side of existence than we have recently supposed.
Many great thinkers have valued the unbroken wholeness that exists between people. Plato, for example, in his Symposium, has Aristophanes saying, “This becoming one instead of two was the very expression of humanity’s need. And the reason is that human nature was originally One and we were a whole, and the desire and pursuit of the whole is called love.”57
The experience of oneness, mediated through empathy and love, is an antidote to the deadening effects of the unyielding materialism embraced by many current scientists. An example of this view is that of astrophysicist and author David Lindley: “We humans are just crumbs of organic matter clinging to the surface of one tiny rock. Cosmically, we are no more significant than mold on a shower curtain.”58 Or as Nobel physicist Steven Weinberg famously said, “The more the universe seems comprehensible, the more it also seems pointless.”59
These positions can be kept in place only by ignoring the abundance of empirical findings such as we’ve examined. They often involve the deliberate exclusion of crucial evidence, which is scientific malpractice. Moreover, these dismal views have been regularly disputed by some of the greatest scientists. Max Planck, for instance, the leading founder of quantum physics, stated, “I regard consciousness as fundamental. We cannot get behind consciousness.”60 And the eminent physicist Gerald Feinberg said, “If such [nonlocal mental] phenomena indeed occur, no change in the fundamental equations of physics would be needed to describe them.”61 In other words, modern physics does not prohibit the events we’ve examined, but it permits them.
If love does not show up in the equations of physics, and it doesn’t, that is not the fault of love but a limitation of physics. Love nevertheless makes its presence known in scientifically demonstrable ways, as in experiments that demonstrate nonlocal manifestations of consciousness, as we’ve seen. This fact should be cause for celebration in a world worn weary by scientific materialism. It should be good news especially for anyone who likes to compare humans to mold on shower curtains.
Unbroken Wholeness
Love is a gateway to nonlocal connectivity because love tempers the forces of isolation, separateness, and individuality. Although individuality is a valuable complement to connectedness and unity, when it is excessive it can lead to a hypertrophied ego and sense of self, obstructing the felt realization that we are united with one another and all things. As D. H. Lawrence trenchantly put it, “Hate is not the opposite of love, the opposite of love is individuality.”62
This is not just pretty talk. Overcoming separateness results in effects that can be measured in the lab. In three decades of experimental research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory, Robert G. Jahn, the former dean of engineering at Princeton, and his colleagues have demonstrated that emotionally bonded couples are uniquely gifted in their mental ability to impart order to strings of random ones and zeros produced by random number generators. Moreover, pairs of emotionally close individuals can mentally exchange information remotely, even when separated at continental or global distances. Summing up how it happens, Jahn says, “[The] successful strategy… involves some blurring of identities between operator and machine, or between percipient and agent [receiver and sender]. And, of course, this is also the recipe for any form of love: the surrender of self-centered interests of the partners in favor of the pair.”63 Put simply, love can change the state of the physical world.
The fact that nonlocal, distant communication has been demonstrated at many levels of complexity, from neurons to organs to whole persons, suggests we are dealing with an intrinsic, embedded principle of nature. This consistency across disparate domains is a highly valued feature in science. It suggests that we are on the right track and are not fooling ourselves.
Our connections are real, and they are life-affirming. As Albert Schweitzer put it, “Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being.”64
Our connections are not optional; they are obligatory and intrinsic. This implies that we cannot secede from the web of life, even if we try. On this realization our future may depend.
for footnotes, etc., go to: