Accessing Past Lives

How to See Into Your Past Lives Using Multi-Level Awareness

HJ: Seeing into your past lives is not an ability that is limited to psychics, clairvoyants and other mystics.  It is actually a skill that you possess which simply needs to be developed just like any other thing in your life you wish to become proficient at such as a sport or creative activity.  We present below a powerful technique that you can use to begin to explore your own mind and soul history, known as past lives.

If you wish to practice this on your own, we recommend making a recording of yourself dictating the instructions and simply play this back at your convenience.  Make sure to leave extended pauses between commands to give yourself the time to explore and keep the pace relaxed.  The last thing you want to have happen is have a vision interrupted by more premature commands and guidance.

– Truth

Multi-Level Awareness

By William Swygard | Journal of Borderland Research

The following technique is not to be taken lightly, because it is the beginning of a mental-spiritual experience that will allow you to know yourself. By this it is meant that you, without the aid of a teacher or assistant of any kind — after a few preliminary exercises — can bring into your physical consciousness your entire past.

You can recall your incarnations on this planet, your experiences before you came to this planet; in fact, you can see for yourself everything you have experienced since your spirit was released from the Creator.

This designation, Multi-Level Awareness, is the correct nomenclature — a direct translation of its designation through more solar systems and galaxies than the present awareness of mankind on Earth understands.

This technique, Multi-Level Awareness, is simple. There is nothing you can add to it to make it work better or quicker. It works with everyone.

1. Make a person comfortable. Have the person remove his shoes and lie down. Clasp his legs, one at a time, just above the knee and manipulate your hands downward, stopping briefly at the knee to make certain the knee is relaxed. Then rub on down, to the ankle and bend the ankle; then massage the foot, and then the toes briefly and vigorously. Repeat this manipulation quickly. Next, place the palm of your hand on the person’s forehead, and with a little pressure move the skin of the forehead up and down and sideways for a few seconds. This relaxation process should not be overdone.

2. Ask the person to close his eyes. After a brief moment, ask him to become a few inches taller by allowing himself to stretching out through the bottom of his feet. Then, say to him, “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” When he says he has accomplished this, pause a few seconds and say, “Go back to normal size. Tell me as soon as you have done this.”

Ask him to repeat the exercise, only the second time ask him to become “a foot” taller. “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” When he agrees, pause again and tell him to go back to normal size. “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” Repeat the foot tall routine again. Each time ask him to tell you when he has accomplished the exercise.

Now go to the other end of the body. “Become a few inches taller by extending yourself out through the top of your head. Tell me when you have done this.” Then back to normal size again. Then, do a foot taller three times through the head. Always ask him to tell you when he is done.

The next step requires further exercising. “Now, this time extend yourself through the head, face, body, arms, legs and feet. In other words, blow yourself up just like a balloon. Tell me as soon as you have done this.” Then go back to normal size. All of the time, throughout these exercises, be jovial and keep your voice firm and convincing, yet be ready to laugh, and keep the person going quickly and smoothly through these preliminaries. Once he has done them well, there is never a need to repeat them.

Next, tell him to blow up use like a balloon again, only much larger this time. When he tells you he has done this, ask him to go quickly and stand in front of the building where he lives. “Tell me when you are there.” As soon as he says so, start him talking. Ask him to see this and that, and to describe what he sees. Tell him to look for, one at a time, the door, door knob, windows, walkways, trees, shrubs, marks of any kind. After he sees and describes to you, these objects, tell him to “go quickly and stand on the roof of the building and look down into the road (or yard) in front. Tell me as soon as you are there.” Ask him to see and describe such objects as cars, trees, etc. When this is completed tell him to go about 500 feet up into the air and look down. (One in a hundred may object at this point but remind him quickly that he is still safe in the room.) Then repeat the request. “Tell me as soon as you are there.” Ask him to see what he can observe and report it to you. Keep him talking.

The person may tell you throughout this phase of outdoor work that he is “imagining things”, but remind, him gently that this is an exercise in awareness and continue, as if he had said nothing.

3. After he has described to you the things he sees from this advantage of altitude, ask him whether it is daytime or nighttime. When he tells you it is one or the other, ask him to tell you why he thinks so. He will say something like, “It is daytime because everything is light, and I can see just as if it were daylight, so it must be daytime.” Or, “It is sort of twilight, you know, just like after the sun has gone down.” If it is nighttime or twilight in his vision, ask him to make it daytime — bright as sunlight. “Tell me as soon as you have done this.” Then ask him to tell you why he thinks it is daytime. Keep him talking, talking all the time. If it was daytime to begin with, ask him to make it night; and then ask him why he thinks it is_night. Turn the days into nights and back again at least three t1mes, but be certain that you finish this phase by having it daytime — a very bright, sunny day.

Then quickly ask him, “Who is making it night and day?” Most will quickly answer, “I am!” If he hesitates more than ten seconds, ask him, “Are you making it night and day?” He will agree. It is very important that he understands that he is causing the change.

4. “Now, are you still high in the air?” The answer will be, “Yes.” “Please keep the scene very bright. Come back to earth in another lifetime that you lived many years ago. Come down quickly as you go back in time; bring your feet down quickly and firmly, but gently, and stand on the ground. Tell me as soon as you are there.”

The person is now experiencing a good vision of a previous life.

Remind him frequently to, “Look out through your eyes and listen through your ears.” Ask, “What are you wearing on the lower part of your body?” Wait for descriptions, but keep the person talking. The more talk the better he will see in the beginning. Insist that the person do only what you tell him to do and answer your questions; remembering to keep the questions in some semblance of chronological order. Move the person onward in time — skip a day, a week, month or year in his lifetime, but keep him moving and talking.

At the end of the lifetime, ask the person to go to an earlier lifetime by requesting, “Come down in an earlier lifetime — look down at your feet and tell me what you are wearing on them.”

At the end of the second or third lifetime you have run through ask him to “die” and follow through the death, asking, “What happens next?” (When you do not have specific questions.) No matter what he reports, do not question the validity. This is new material for people to understand.

After you have run a few people through several lifetimes you will understand that this material is valid. When he has run incidents between his lives, ask him to go back and find his present parents, from the first time he saw them until after he was born. Ask questions, questions, questions.

When you discontinue the running process at any time, ask the person, “Do you see any need to continue at this time?” Let him decide when to stop.

When you continue with this person at a later time, make him comfortable (but no need to rub), tell him to turn the lights on inside, and go quickly back to where he left off last time.

After three to five hours of “coaching” or assisting a person, he should be quite ready to run himself. It takes a person a little time to learn to ask himself questions. As soon as he can ask himself questions, he is ready to go alone. If he reports back to you that he is “stuck”, run him a little more, but make him ask the questions. Practice is of the essence. Soon an entire lifetime can be seen in a few minutes with all senses in force.

There are no wasted words in the above. Failure to succeed is failure to follow instructions. It is fun to run and to be run. Change off. The more you run, the better coach you become. Do a lot of both.

The article closes with an offer for two additional courses, offered at no charge: “As this technique of Multi-Level Awareness is mastered, write to the address below and receive at no charge, the technique, Multi-Plane Awareness. Upon completion of this, request Perfecting The Spirit. A stamped, self-addressed envelope would be appreciated in each case. Mastery of these three easy techniques will prove that mankind, his beliefs, ideals, goals and performances on this planet are obsolete. William Swygard, PO Box 3510, Miami, Florida, 33101″ — likewise, it is very likely that the offer in question is obsolete. However, used copies of three volumes of Mr. Swygard’s “Awareness Techniques” series are readily available on Book 1 – Book 2 – Book 3

– See more at:

Getting RId of Past Programming

How to Release Your Past So You Can Experience Happiness Right Now

HJ: We often do not realize that we are caught up in thinking about the past.  Until we begin practicing mindfulness regularly and get a handle on our thoughts, we typically operate somewhat unconsciously.  Furthermore, we view the past in the context of the beliefs we have about ourselves.  For instance, if we believe we are inferior in any way we will unconsciously direct our minds to focus on those past memories which confirm that belief and so we will use the past to reinforce our perceived inadequacy, thereby perpetuating this perception indefinitely until we become conscious of the process I am speaking of here.  Consequently, in those areas in which we have expansive, empowering beliefs about ourselves, these will also cause us to recall those memories which support that set of beliefs and perceptions.

In this way, our past can either hold us back or propel us forward.  For most people it is some combination of the two.  However, for those looking to reach their full potential in life, it is necessary to uncover those areas in which our beliefs and perceptions of the past are still holding us back.  This is what is meant by releasing the past.  It is a powerful process of catharsis which frees you to access your highest potential and conscious expression of your true self.

This excellent article by Paramahamsa Nithyananda will help you to begin the process and release yourself once and for all from the chains of the past.  Always remember: the present moment is the true point of power.

– Truth

Change Your Past to Shape Your Future!

By Paramahamsa Nithyananda | Nithyananda Times

By nature, God built you with integrity. Your built-in, natural nature is integrity. That is why when you are in integrity, you feel so full, so complete. Life starts with integrity, authenticity, taking responsibility and enriching yourself and others. Integrity is you fulfilling the word and thoughts you give to yourself and to others and experiencing a state of poornatva (completion) with yourself and with life. Authenticity is you being established in the peak of your capability and responding to life from who you perceive yourself to be for your own self (mamakara), who you project yourself to be for others (ahamkara), and what others expect you to be for them (anyakara). Your mamakara, ahamkara and anykara need to be aligned. Responsibility is living and responding to life from the truth that you are the source of, and therefore, you are responsible for all happenings in and around you. Only in the space of responsibility life flowers in you. Enriching means constantly enriching you and others. Enriching is continuously infusing all these three tattvas in your life and others’ life.

When you start being integrated, so much of your inner space is available to you. This naturally brings authenticity in you and makes you take responsibility and continue to enrich yourself and others.

The first sign of non integrity will be that you will feel everything is impossible. Just like for each disease there are symptoms such as knee pain, fainting, headaches, and so on, if you are feeling that everything is impossible in your life, you have a lack of integrity, it is the symptom. You need to sit and complete with yourself.

Change your Past to Change your Future

Before changing your future, change your past. Immediately, the question arises, ‘How can my past be changed? It has already happened.’ Every idea you carry about your past is wrong. You do not remember your past as it happened, you carry an edited version of your past with you. People usually say, ‘Don’t bother about the past, change your future.’ No! I am saying, don’t bother about your future, change your past! The hangover you carry from the past is the disease you are suffering with. You are not going to be out of the disease until you complete with your past. The load of the past will not even allow you to make any decisions, leave alone execution. Making whatever you think as ‘impossible’ as possible is integrity. Why will anything not be possible? The word ‘impossible’ cannot even exist in your conscious constitution.

This sangha (Community) is the biggest miracle I have demonstrated. Built in such a short span of time, inspite of so much beating. If I am possible, nothing is impossible! We just need to carry the past without the load, the inner space of possibility. I am not teaching you positive thinking, that is the biggest negative thinking that can happen to you! All your positive thinking is like a comedian laughing at you, it is not a hero doing great things. When a lion goes into a forest, he doesn’t declare he is the king, everybody knows he is the king. When integrity starts happening in you, you don’t declare you are positive, you just make everyone experience you are positivity. Positivity is nothing but the absence of the load of past negativity. Then you just flow in positivity, you just flow in completion.

There is no such thing as practicality. Practicality is the most impractical thing in the world. The idea of practicality is nothing but suicidal because it is coming from the past. Any human being has authenticity and inauthenticity both. When you live in authenticity, you will bring the response of authenticity from the other person also. Make it very clear to yourself, you are the source. Success or failure is decided by you inside. Continuously listen to your inner being. Continuously do completions with yourself and others. Feeling powerful inside will make everything a success for you. Feeling powerless inside, nothing will be success for you. When you are feeling powerful, failure doesn’t even enter your breathing space.

What do You Really Believe About You?

When you start thinking with integrity, you will know your strong beliefs. One of the biggest problems human beings have – you love to be successful, but you deeply believe you are a failure! This is one of the biggest paradox with which human beings are suffering. It shows the lack of integrity in your thinking. Understand, some of your actions may be failure, some of your decisions or dimensions may be a failure, but YOU are never a failure – because you are still breathing!

When you have not lost the inspiration to take the responsibility for your life, nothing is lost. If you take the responsibility, even death cannot come near you. With integrity and authenticity, when you take responsibility, the consciousness growing in the body starts happening more intensely. Whether it is to do with health, or creativity, or solving relationship problems, creating wealth or achieving the inner fulfillment, let your every decision be out of authenticity and enriching; not out of anything else – not out of fear or greed.

Stop your self-fulfilling negative prophecies! When you start living in integrity, you will diagnose the self-fulfilling negative prophecies you constantly give to yourself. Each one of you is your own negative astrologer. First you give yourself the self-fulfilling negative prophecy – I am a failure. Then you train yourself for that! First you are an astrologer who predicts that you are a failure, then you are a trainer who trains you to be a failure. If it still does not happen, you behave like a judge and declare that you are a failure! When you are about to get into the car itself, you declare you will have an accident. Then when you drive, you will continuously sleep, and even after that when only a small accident happens, you just hit one corner of the road, nothing happens to you or the car, still you say ‘I told you that accident will happen! See what happened?’

Declare your integrity, not your failure. The power of integrity will teach you to diagnose your self-fulfilling negative prophecies. Sometimes you take up failure as the self-sympathy creating mechanism to justify your failure. You think that for success you have to work, but failure happens naturally! How many of you think you have to work hard for success, but failure comes naturally? Bring integrity; you will understand success is the natural flow of your life. For failure you have to work very hard!

You are Programmed to be Successful

Krishna says very beautifully – by their nature, our senses are tuned for the outer world – means, they are tuned to be active, alive and creating. Extrovert does not mean it is negative. Extrovert senses will always be alive, creative, active, contributing. All great creative persons took responsibility for their extrovert senses. Senses are extrovert, they flow naturally. By nature, they flow towards for achieving. You are programmed by nature to be successful! The natural programming of you is to be successful. But lack of integrity allows the poison of self-fulfilling negative prophecies to grow in your system. The first thing a human being needs to do is weed out all the self-fulfilling negative prophecies he carries in him.

Ramakrishna gives a very beautiful example: how much ever water you bring into your paddy field, if there are too many frog holes, rat holes, all the water will go and settle there. You will not have water for growing the paddy. The frog holes, rat holes, snake holes are the negative self-fulfilling prophecies! All the energy you bring, all the Kundalini energy (latent yogic energy) I pour into you, just goes and settles there. Finally – no water. Neither paddy nor Ganga water can flow, because all 24 hours you are weighed, loaded with negative self-fulfilling prophecies. First thing a human being needs to know is how to weed out the negative self-fulfilling prophecies.

Your Integrity Can Remove Your Negativity

Self-fulfilling negative prophecies are the chains tied to your legs; they are the weight on your inner space. Integrity is the only way you can even find those negative self-fulfilling prophecies and weed them out. If you start looking, naturally you will not give your negative self-fulfilling prophecies any more life. Even for ten days, if you look at your negative self-fulfilling prophecies with awareness, they will die. Understand – even if you had negative self-fulfilling prophecies for 1000 years, if you do not encourage them for just ten days, they will die. Even if the tree has grown for 1000 years, it takes just a few minutes to die if you pour acid. Integrity is the acid that can destroy the weeds of negative self-fulfilling prophecies in you.

Just thinking with integrity removes the weeds of negativity. You do not need courage to fight negativity, you just need the awareness to remove negativity. If you think you need courage, you are caught in the wrong fight! If you think you need to fight your negativity, it is like bringing an atom bomb to fight with your own shadow. If you put an atom bomb, who is going to die? You are also going to die. NO! You just need a torch to fight with your shadow! You just need the torch of integrity to remove the negativity.

Completion Removes Negativity

Every time, the moment you have a strong idea or belief that what you are doing is going to be a failure, just remember that your belief is a commitment and word that you are giving to you. When you give a commitment, knowingly or unknowingly you will fulfill it. So, if you give that word, naturally you have to fulfill it! Do you want to fulfill that word? No. Then tell yourself – ‘I am not going to fulfill it. I am going to have the cognition of fulfillment, not failure.’ Consciously disown and complete with it.

If it comes back, do that again. Complete with it again and again. How many times will it come back? Practice it. Even your belief is not required. Your cognizance is only what is required. Even if you have cognized this theoretically, it is enough. Now apply this mechanical process, then come back to me with the result. It is a homework for you. For 48 hours, practice this cognizance.

Completing all the incompletions is the basic step in life. For whatever hurts you are carrying inside, reach out to the person involved and complete with him/her. If you are not able to reach out to that person, atleast sit in front of a mirror, invoke that person’s presence and complete. Unless poornatva (completion) happens, nothing can be done. Life does not start.

Integrity removes the self fulfilling negative prophecies in your life, in your cognizance, in your inner space! When you start something, if you just decide to remove the negative cognizance, suddenly you will have the courage to grasp the whole scene of the action you are going to get into. Integrity will simply remove the negative cognizance from your inner space.

– See more at:

Your Bodies Are Made of Light

Biophoton Research Proves That the Human Body is Actually Made of Light

HJ: This is truly a case of science catching up with spirituality.  Spiritual masters throughout the ages have long been alluding to the fact that the body is made of light and the recent spate of research into Vitamin D has highlighted its role in our overall health.  Now groundbreaking Biophoton research is not just confirming the role of light in our health, but showing that in many ways, it is at the very foundation of our being and how our body operates.In the phenomenal article below, Sayer ji of  Green Med Info goes into detail about the mechanics of how Biophotons work in the body and how it relates to our experience of life.

– Truth

Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light

By Sayer Ji | Green Med Info

Increasingly science agrees with the poetry of direct human experience:  we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA.

Nothing is more amazing than the highly improbable fact that we exist. We often ignore this fact, oblivious to the reality that instead of something there could be nothing at all, i.e. why is there a universe (poignantly aware of itself through us) and not some void completely unconscious of itself?

Consider that from light, air, water, basic minerals within the crust of the earth, and the at least 3 billion year old information contained within the nucleus of one diploid zygote cell, the human body is formed, and within that body a soul capable of at least trying to comprehend its bodily and spiritual origins.

Given the sheer insanity of our existential condition, and bodily incarnation as a whole, and considering that our earthly existence is partially formed from sunlight and requires the continual consumption of condensed sunlight in the form of food, it may not sound so farfetched that our body emits light.

Indeed, the human body emits biophotons, also known as ultraweak photon emissions (UPE), with a visibility 1,000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eye. While not visible to us, these particles of light (or waves, depending on how you are measuring them) are part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum (380-780 nm) and are detectable via sophisticated modern instrumentation.[1],[2]

The Physical and “Mental” Eye Emits Light

The eye itself, which is continually exposed to ambient powerful photons that pass through various ocular tissues, emit spontaneous and visible light-induced ultraweak photon emissions.[3] It has even been hypothesized that visible light induces delayed bioluminescence within the exposed eye tissue, providing an explanation for the origin of the negative afterimage.[4]

These light emissions have also been correlated with cerebral energy metabolism and oxidative stress within the mammalian brain.[5] [6] And yet, biophoton emissions are not necessarily epiphenomenal.  Bókkon’s hypothesis suggests that photons released from chemical processes within the brain produce biophysical pictures during visual imagery, and a recent study found that when subjects actively imagined light in a very dark environment their intention produced significant increases in ultraweak photo emissions.[7]  This is consistent with an emerging view that biophotons are not solely cellular metabolic by-products, but rather, because biophoton intensity can be considerably higher inside cells than outside, it is possible for the mind to access this energy gradient to create intrinsic biophysical pictures during visual perception and imagery.[8]

Our Cells and DNA Use Biophotons To Store and Communicate Information

Apparently biophotons are used by the cells of many living organisms to communicate, which facilitates energy/information transfer that is several orders of magnitude faster than chemical diffusion. According to a 2010 study, “Cell to cell communication by biophotons have been demonstrated in plants, bacteria, animal neutriophil granulocytes and kidney cells.”[9] Researchers were able to demonstrate that “…different spectral light stimulation (infrared, red, yellow, blue, green and white) at one end of the spinal sensory or motor nerve roots resulted in a significant increase in the biophotonic activity at the other end.” Researchers interpreted their finding to suggest that “…light stimulation can generate biophotons that conduct along the neural fibers, probably as neural communication signals.”

Even when we go down to the molecular level of our genome, DNA can be identified to be a source of biophoton emissions as well. One author proposes that DNA is so biophoton dependent that is hasexcimer laser-like properties, enabling it to exist in a stable state far from thermal equilibrium at threshold.[10]

Technically speaking a biophoton is an elementary particle or quantum of light of non-thermal origin in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum emitted from a biological system.   They are generally believed to be produced as a result of energy metabolism within our cells, or more formally as a “…by-product of biochemical reactions in which excited molecules are produced from bioenergetic processes that involves active oxygen species,”  [11]

The Body’s Circadian Biophoton Output

Because the metabolism of the body changes in a circadian fashion, biophoton emissions also variate along the axis of diurnal time. [12]  Research has mapped out distinct anatomical locations within the body where biophoton emissions are stronger and weaker, depending on the time of the day:

Generally, the fluctuation in photon counts over the body was lower in the morning than in the afternoon. The thorax-abdomen region emitted lowest and most constantly. The upper extremities and the head region emitted most and increasingly over the day. Spectral analysis of low, intermediate and high emission from the superior frontal part of the right leg, the forehead and the palms in the sensitivity range of the photomultiplier showed the major spontaneous emission at 470-570 nm. The central palm area of hand emission showed a larger contribution of the 420-470 nm range in the spectrum of spontaneous emission from the hand in autumn/winter. The spectrum of delayed luminescence from the hand showed major emission in the same range as spontaneous emission.

The researchers concluded that “The spectral data suggest that measurements might well provide quantitative data on the individual pattern of peroxidative and anti-oxidative processes in vivo.”

Meditation and Herbs Affect Biophoton Output

Research has found an oxidative stress-mediated difference in biophoton emission among mediators versus non-meditators. Those who meditate regularly tend to have lower ultra-weak photon emission (UPE, biophoton emission), which is believed to result from the lower level of free radical reactions occurring in their bodies. In one clinical study involving practitioners of transcendental meditation (TM) researchers found:

The lowest UPE intensities were observed in two subjects who regularly meditate. Spectral analysis of human UPE has suggested that ultra-weak emission is probably, at least in part, a reflection of free radical reactions in a living system. It has been documented that various physiologic and biochemical shifts follow the long-term practice of meditation and it is inferred that meditation may impact free radical activity.[13]

Interestingly, an herb well-known for its use in stress reduction (including inducing measurable declines in cortisol), and associated heightened oxidative stress, has been tested clinically in reducing the level of biophotons emitted in human subjects.  Known as rhodiola, a study published in 2009 in the journal Phytotherapeutic Research found that those who took the herb for 1 week has a significant decrease in photon emission in comparison with the placebo group.[14]

Human Skin May Capture Energy and Information from Sunlight

Perhaps most extraordinary of all is the possibility that our bodily surface contains cells capable of efficiently trapping the energy and information from ultraviolet radiation. A study published in theJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology in 1993, titled, “Artificial sunlight irradiation induces ultraweak photon emission in human skin fibroblasts,” discovered that when light from an artificial sunlight source was applied to fibroblasts from either normal subjects or with the condition xeroderma pigmentosum, characterized by deficient DNA repair mechanisms, it induced far higher emissions of ultraweak photons (10-20 times) in the xeroderma pigmentosum group.  The researchers concluded from this experiment that “These data suggest that xeroderma pigmentosum cells tend to lose the capacity of efficient storage of ultraweak photons, indicating the existence of an efficient intracellular photon trapping system within human cells.[15]  More recent research has also identified measurable differences in biophoton emission between normal and melanoma cells.[16]

In a previous article, Does Skin Pigment Act Like A Natural Solar-Panel, we explored the role of melanin in converting ultraviolet light into metabolic energy:

Melanin is capable of transforming ultraviolet light energy into heat in a process known as “ultrafast internal conversion”; more than 99.9% of the absorbed UV radiation is transformed from potentially genotoxic (DNA-damaging) ultraviolet light into harmless heat.

If melanin can convert light into heat, could it not also transform UV radiation into other biologically/metabolically useful forms of energy? This may not seem so farfetched when one considers that even gamma radiation, which is highly toxic to most forms of life, is a source of sustenance for certain types of fungi and bacteria.

The Body’s Biophoton Outputs Are Governed by Solar and Lunar Forces

It appears that modern science is only now coming to recognize the ability of the human body to receive and emit energy and information directly from the light given off from the Sun. [17]

There is also a growing realization that the Sun and Moon affect biophoton emissions through gravitational influences.  Recently, biophoton emissions from wheat seedlings in Germany and Brazil were found to be synchronized transcontinentally according to rhythms associated with the lunisolar tide.[18]  In fact, the lunisolar tidal force, to which the Sun contributes 30 % and the Moon 60 % of the combined gravitational acceleration, has been found to regulate a number of features of plant growth upon Earth.[19]

Intention Is a Living Force of Physiology

Even human intention itself, the so-called ghost in the machine, may have an empirical basis in biophotons.

A recent commentary published in the journal Investigacion clinica titled “Evidence about the power of intention” addressed this connection:

Intention is defined as a directed thought to perform a determined action. Thoughts targeted to an end can affect inanimate objects and practically all living things from unicellular organisms to human beings. The emission of light particles (biophotons) seems to be the mechanism through which an intention produces its effects. All living organisms emit a constant current of photons as a mean to direct instantaneous nonlocal signals from one part of the body to another and to the outside world. Biophotons are stored in the intracellular DNA. When the organism is sick changes in biophotons emissions are produced. Direct intention manifests itself as an electric and magnetic energy producing an ordered flux of photons. Our intentions seem to operate as highly coherent frequencies capable of changing the molecular structure of matter. For the intention to be effective it is necessary to choose the appropriate time. In fact, living beings are mutually synchronized and to the earth and its constant changes of magnetic energy. It has been shown that the energy of thought can also alter the environment. Hypnosis, stigmata phenomena and the placebo effect can also be considered as types of intention, as instructions to the brain during a particular state of consciousness. Cases of spontaneous cures or of remote healing of extremely ill patients represent instances of an exceedingly great intention to control diseases menacing our lives. The intention to heal as well as the beliefs of the sick person on the efficacy of the healing influences promote his healing. In conclusion, studies on thought and consciousness are emerging as fundamental aspects and not as mere epiphenomena that are rapidly leading to a profound change in the paradigms of Biology and Medicine.

So there you have it. Science increasingly agrees with direct human experience: we are more than the atoms and molecules of which we are composed, but beings that emit, communicate with, and are formed from light.

– See more at:

Consciousness as Quantum Effect

Could Quantum Brain Effects Explain Consciousness?

By Tanya Lewis, Staff Writer
Date: 27 June 2013
conceptual brain
 A controversial theory suggests the brain acts like a quantum computer.
CREDIT: Ase | Shutterstock

NEW YORK — The idea that consciousness arises from quantum mechanical phenomena in the brain is intriguing, yet lacks evidence, scientists say.

Physicist Roger Penrose, of the University of Oxford, and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff, of the University of Arizona, propose that the brain acts as a quantum computer — a computational machine that makes use of quantum mechanical phenomena (like the ability of particles to be in two places at once) to perform complex calculations. In the brain, fibers inside neurons could form the basic units of quantum computation, Penrose and Hameroff explained at the Global Future 2045 International Congress, a futuristic conference held here June 15-16.

The idea is appealing, because neuroscience, so far, has no satisfactory explanation for consciousness — the state of being self-aware and having sensory experiences and thoughts. But many scientists are skeptical, citing a lack of experimental evidence for the idea.

The Orch OR model

Penrose and Hameroff developed their ideas independently, but collaborated in the early 1990s to develop what they call the Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch OR) model.

Penrose’s work rests on an interpretation of the mathematician Kurt Godel’s incompleteness theorem, which states that certain results cannot be proven by a computer algorithm. Penrose argues that human mathematicians are capable of proving so-called “Godel-unprovable” results, and therefore human brains cannot be described as typical computers. Instead, he says, to achieve these higher abilities, brain processes must rely on quantum mechanics.

But Penrose’s theory didn’t explain how this quantum computing occurred inside actual brains, just that the phenomenon would be needed to solve certain mathematical equations. Hameroff read Penrose’s work and suggested small fibrous structures that give cells their structural support — known as microtubules — might be capable of carrying out quantum computations.

Microtubules are made up of units of the protein tubulin, which contains regions where electrons are swirling around very close to each other. Hameroff proposed that these electrons could become “quantum entangled,” a state in which two particles retain a connection, and an action performed on one affects the other, even when the two are separated by a distance.

In the Orch OR model, the mathematical probabilities that describe the quantum states of these entangled electrons in microtubules become unstable in space-time. These mathematical probabilities are called wave functions, and in this scenario they collapse, moving from a state of probability to a specific actuality. In this state, the microtubules in one neuron could be linked to those in other neurons via electrical connections known as gap junctions. These junctions would allow the electrons to “tunnel” to other regions of the brain, resulting in waves of neural activity that are perceived as conscious experience.

“Penrose had a mechanism for consciousness, and I had a structure,” Hameroff told LiveScience.

Problems with the model

Interesting as it sounds, the Orch OR model has not been tested experimentally, and many scientists reject it.

Quantum computers — computers that take advantage of quantum mechanical effects to achieve extremely speedy calculations — have been theorized, but only one (built by the company D-Wave) is commercially available, and whether it’s a true quantum computer is debated. Such computers would be extremely sensitive to perturbations in a system, which scientists refer to as “noise.” In order to minimize noise, it’s important to isolate the system and keep it very cold (because heat causes particles to speed up and generate noise).

Building quantum computers is challenging even under carefully controlled conditions. “This paints a desolate picture for quantum computation inside the wet and warm brain,” Christof Koch and Klaus Hepp, of the University of Zurich, Switzerland, wrote in an essay published in 2006 in the journal Nature.

Another problem with the model has to do with the timescales involved in the quantum computation. MIT physicist Max Tegmark has done calculations of quantum effects in the brain, finding that quantum states in the brain last far too short a time to lead to meaningful brain processing. Tegmark called the Orch OR model vague, saying the only numbers he’s seen for more concrete models are way off.

“Many people seem to feel that consciousness is a mystery and quantum mechanics is a mystery, so they must be related,” Tegmark told LiveScience.

The Orch OR model draws criticism from neuroscientists as well. The model holds that quantum fluctuations inside microtubules produce consciousness. But microtubules are also found in plant cells, said theoretical neuroscientist Bernard Baars, CEO of the nonprofit Society for Mind-Brain Sciences in Falls Church, VA., who added, “plants, to the best of our knowledge, are not conscious.”

These criticisms do not rule out quantum consciousness in principle, but without experimental evidence, many scientists remain unconvinced.

“If somebody comes up with just one single experiment,” to demonstrate quantum consciousness, Baars said, “I will drop all my skepticism.”

Editor’s Note: This article was updated on June 27, 2013 to amend the statement that “no quantum computers… have been realized.” The company D-Wave claims to have created one, though some have questioned whether it really performs as a quantum computer.


The Perils of Over-THinking

Peggy Nolan

Chief Executive Stepmom

10 Ways Over-Thinking Destroys Your Happiness

Have you ever been stuck over-thinking something that happened or something you think will happen only to get your knickers in a bunch? I know I have! This over-thinking thing keeps most of us stuck. It keeps us rooted in fear, uncertainty, and doubt. It’s a major contributor to the FUD factor and a huge reason why most people can’t find their happy.

I don’t know about you, but my over-thinking habit robbed me of my own happiness and joy. If I could put my finger on it, I’d say the trigger for breaking up with this soul-sucking, life-leeching habit over 10 years ago was when I decided I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I had headaches, IBS, and that God awful pit in my stomach that never seemed to go away.

To make matters worse, I was in a toxic relationship (even though I didn’t know it at the time) that made my over-thinking monkey mind spin out of control. I was on my own crazy-go-round 24/7. When life as I knew it ended after my first marriage imploded, I gave up soda, coffee, and over-thinking. (For a while, I gave up men, but that’s another story!)

Here are 10 ways over-thinking destroys your happiness. Leave a comment and let me know if you can think of other ways over-thinking is a buzz kill.

  1. Over-thinking a problem will keep any problem a problem, which will keep you stuck inside the same problem until you quit thinking about it.
  2. Over-thinking a situation will make the situation worse in direct proportion to the time and energy you spend over-thinking it.
  3. Over-thinking anything prevents your creative problem solving skills from bubbling up.
  4. Over-thinking makes you worry, and worry is nothing more than your imagination concocting a negative future state.
  5. Over-thinking is a time suck — you’re so busy in a negative future state or negative past situation (which you can’t change) that you completely forget about right here right now.
  6. Over-thinking robs you of energy that could be better focused on things that are worthy of your attention.
  7. Over-thinking leads you to second guessing yourself and creates self-doubt.
  8. Over-thinking is a TNT drama that occurs on a stage, inside your head, where you are the director, producer, actor, actress, supporting cast, key grip, sound manager, and executive assistant to the executive assistant of the casting director.
  9. Over-thinking fabricates problems and gory “what if” horror stories.
  10. Over-thinking creates heightened feelings of anger, resentment, jealousy, fear, doubt, indecision, confusion, etc., as if whatever you are over-thinking is happening in real life.

When you break up with over-thinking it’s like writing your own “get out of jail free” card. It doesn’t cost you anything to end your relationship with the drama inside your head. You can decide to focus on things in the present that are deserving of your time and attention whenever you choose. The here and now is calling… will you answer?


Your Color for the Week

June 23-29

Just a note:   This week is bringing massive changes on all levels.  These will be glossed over completely or mentioned briefly only to have the reference and all supporting and data removed.  It is important from this time forward to look to local sources as they interact with other local sources all over the globe.  This is the way information, true and accurate information, will be passed on as things heat up more and more.  Communities are forming through this.  Groups are solidifying,  New friendships and alliances are being made.  All based on truth and transparency.  This is the new foundation of the world of the people, the world that is now being created.  The ones who have held the ropes for so long are so blinded by their own sense of power and control as well as contempt for the masses that they cannot, will not see or acknowledge what is truly going on at the grassroots level.  Things are changing.  We are the change.  Forget the politicians.

The theme this week is lead yourself to your bliss.  This may sound strange, but it is time now to recognize that each and every one of you is amazing and has the whole world, the Universe inside of you.  It is time to tap in and stand in your power, walk in your truth, and be in your light.


Overall Color for the Week:     Lavender

What are you seeing?  What are you hearing?  What are you touching?  What are you tasting?  The senses are alive this week, and along with that, perhaps even because of it, you can find yourself doing things, being things, saying things that can surprise yourself.  Be alert when these happen — Freudian slips on all levels for yourself and those with whom you come into contact have messages. The worlds are bumping up together, and in that contact, you are opening to levels of yourself that are within other dimensions.  These are all parts of WHO you are, and they define your reality even as your life in this 3D world is defining it also.  You will be seeing through some issues this week also, the illusion of it all.  Some can be in relations with people, in commerce, at work, in doing things in your home alone.  These will be both surprises and gifts.  Surprises because they seem to come out of nowhere, gifts because they will give you the comfort of knowing of your own power, your rightness, and your direction.  Listen to your intuition also as you traverse the world.  There are bumps in the energy that can trip you up if you are not open to them.  Take time each morning to ground and set an intention.  Then go within to your deepest heart’s knowing, to the very core of yourself and be at peace there.  When you carry peace in your heart, then your perspective shifts, the veils are opened and you can see things for what they are.

On the larger scale more and more is coming out on all levels.  The powers that think they be will be doing quite a dance to attempt to keep a lid on all the stuff they had put together which is now beginning to swirl out of control.  They have lost their glamour, their appeal, their allure.  Their popular approval is at an all time low, and there are deserters in their ranks.  This is all part of the general chaos that is beginning to swirl throughout all levels of this Earth.  Gaia has had enough, and the grounding that she had given selflessly to all to act as they will has been largely removed.  It is as though things and people are on their own.  This is a time for action, but that action, if it is not heart-centered and grounded in respect for Gaia, will have no structure.  It will ultimately fail.  Even as these things happen on the level of societies, the Earth is awakened, stretching, and attempting to make things right again for herself.  Never doubt that Gaia is alive.  There will be places where all of the elements land with a boom in one location.  Then there will be other areas where things seem so quiet, but then, a totally unexpected natural event occurs.  There is no predictability in the weather these days.  It is largely pegged to the energetic fields of the people in the various areas on the globe.  There have been those who have been able in the past to keep the weather at bay around centers in which they held their power.  This is no longer true.  Things will starting opening up also, even into the layers beneath the surface of the Earth.  Gaia supports those who have her best interests at heart.  She comforts and protects them.  This is a time when false powers will be seen for what they are and the true power of the formerly meek, the dedicated, the enlightened ones, the heart-centered ones will be creating the new earth.

Your Color Vibe for 6/22

Saturday, June 22:     Steel Blue

Today is about what you see and what you do not see.  There are choices to be made in this.  What do you want to see?  This can set a theme for the rest of the month, perhaps for the rest of the year.  What do you not want to see?  Again, a theme.  It is important now to know which what you are going in all that you are doing.  Yes, we have to live in this 3D world.  Yes, we have bills to pay and stuff to take care of.  Above and beyond all of that is what we truly are and what is truly important to us.  Today’s energies bring much of this into focus, mainly as something to see, something to work with, something to consider, something for decisions.  This is not a day for decisions or decision-making.  This is a day for seeing and opening of the eyes.  So open your eyes today.  See what is out there.  See what is important for you and recognize the things that are merely stage dressing.   Actually, some of this can be rather tough.  SO much of the background we have taken for real for so long, not realizing that it was only temporary.  Arrrrgggghhhhh.

Alan Watts, Daniel Pinchbeck, Joyous Cosmology

The Joyous Cosmology: Prologue



After many years being out-of-print, Alan Watts’ classic account of the psychedelic experience, The Joyous Cosmology: Adventures in the Chemistry of Consciousness, is being reissued by New World Library. What follows is an introduction to the new edition by Daniel Pinchbeck, followed by Alan Watts’ prologue.

Introduction by Daniel Pinchbeck

The Joyous Cosmology inevitably sends me into a state of poetic euphoria and anarchistic delight. Alan Watts wrote this wonderful little book in the early 1960s: that long-lost moment of innocence when psychedelic substances like LSD and psilocybin were starting to permeate the culture of the modern West but no final decision had yet been made on their utility or fate-or their legality. It was a time when a handful of philosopher-poets had the chance to muse on the power of these compounds — “to give some impression of the new world of consciousness which these substances reveal,” Watts wrote.

Reading it again, I can’t help but recall my first forays into the soul-unfolding and mind-opening qualities of the visionary plants and chemical catalysts. Those first trips unmasked the brittle delusions of our current culture and revealed that deeper dimensions of psychic reality were available for us to explore. Watts is such a fluid stylist — such a master of evanescent, evocative, pitch-perfect prose — that it is easy to gloss over or to entirely miss the explosive, radical, even revolutionary core of his message and meaning: the Western ego, the primacy of self that our entire civilization is intricately designed to shore up and protect, simply does not exist.

When one uses the magnifying glass or microscope provided by one of a number of chemical compounds that, Watts cannily noted, do not impart wisdom in itself but provide “the raw 
materials of wisdom,” one finds nothing fixed, stable, permanent — no essence. Only relationship, pattern, flow. Watts’s psychedelic journeys provided experiential confirmation of the core teachings of Eastern metaphysics: that the Tao is all, that consciousness is “one without a second,” that there is no doing, only infinite reciprocity and divine play.

This book retains the freshness of precocious notebook jottings. It also, almost accidentally, gives a beautiful sense of life in the dawn of the psychedelic era on the West Coast, when groups of friends would gather in backyards beside eucalyptus groves to explore together, with the gentle humor of wise children, the infinite within. “All of us look at each other knowingly, for the feeling that we knew each other in that most distant past conceals something else — tacit, awesome, almost unmentionable — the realization that at the deep center of a time perpendicular to ordinary time we are, and always have been, one,” Watts wrote. “We acknowledge the marvelously hidden plot, the master illusion, whereby we appear to be different.”

Over the past forty or so years, we have suffered from the cultural delusion — put forth by a corporate media and government working overtime to keep consciousness locked up, as our industries suck the lifeblood from our planet — that the psychedelic revolution of the 1960s was a failure. Revisiting Watts’s Joyous Cosmology reminds me that the psychedelic revolution has barely begun. The journey inward is the great adventure that remains for humanity to take together. As long as we refuse to turn our attention to the vast interior dimensions of the Psyche — “The Kingdom of God is within” — we will continue to exhaust the physical resources of the planet, cook the atmosphere, and mindlessly exterminate the myriad plant, animal, and insect species who weave the web of life with us.

When on psychedelics, we tend to find that each moment takes on archetypal, timeless, mythological significance. At one point, Watts and his friends enter into a garage full of trash, where they collapse with helpless laughter. “The culmination of civilization in monumental heaps of junk is seen, not as thoughtless ugliness, but as self-caricature — as the creation of phenomenally absurd collages and abstract sculptures in deliberate but kindly mockery of our own pretensions.” Our civilization mirrors the “defended defensiveness” of the individual ego, which fortifies itself against the revelation of interdependence and interconnectivity, the plenitude and emptiness of the void.

We are lucky to have Watts’s testament of his encounters: The Joyous Cosmology is a carrier wave of information and insight, which has lost none of its subtlety, suppleness, or zest. It is also an expression of a larger culture process, one that is unfolding over the course of decades, through a “War on Drugs” that is secretly a war on consciousness.

Dr. Thomas B. Roberts, author of The Psychedelic Future of the Mind, among other works, has proposed that the rediscovery of entheogens by the modern West in the mid-twentieth century was the beginning of a “second Reformation,” destined to have repercussions at least as profound as those of the first one. In the first Reformation, the Bible was translated into the common vernacular, printed, and mass-produced, providing direct access to the “word of God,” which had previously been protected by the priests. With psychedelics, many people now have direct and unmediated access to the mystical and visionary experience, instead of reading about it in musty old tomes. As Watts’s scintillating prose makes clear-and all appearances to the contrary-the future will be psychedelic, or it will not be.

–Daniel Pinchbeck, author of 
Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey 
into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism. New York City, 2013

Prologue by Alan W. Watts

Slowly it becomes clear that one of the greatest of all superstitions is the separation of the mind from the body. This does not mean that we are being forced to admit that we are only bodies; it means that we are forming an altogether new idea of the body. For the body considered as separate from the mind is one thing — an animated corpse. But the body considered as inseparable from the mind is another, and as yet we have no proper word for a reality which is simultaneously mental and physical. To call it mental-physical will not do at all, for this is the very unsatisfactory joining of two concepts which have both been impoverished by long separation and opposition. But we are at least within sight of being able to discard altogether ideas of a stuff which is mental and a stuff which is material.

“Stuff” is a word which describes the formless mush that we perceive when sense is not keen enough to make out its pattern. The notion of material or mental stuff is based on the false analogy that trees are made of wood, mountains of stone, and minds of spirit in the same way that pots are made of clay. “Inert” matter seems to require an external and intelligent energy to give it form. But now we know that matter is not inert. Whether it is organic or inorganic, we are learning to see matter as patterns of energy — not of energy as if energy were a stuff, but as energetic pattern, moving order, active intelligence.

The realization that mind and body, form and matter, are one is blocked, however, by ages of semantic confusion and psychological prejudice. For it is common sense that every pattern, shape, or structure is a form of something as pots are forms of clay. It is hard to see that this “something” is as dispensable as the ether in which light was once supposed to travel, or as the fabulous tortoise upon which the earth was once thought to be supported. Anyone who can really grasp this point will experience a curiously exhilarating liberation, for the burden of stuff will drop from him and he will walk less heavily.

The dualism of mind and body arose, perhaps, as a clumsy way of describing the power of an intelligent organism to control itself. It seemed reasonable to think of the part controlled as one thing and the part controlling as another. In this way the conscious will was opposed to the involuntary appetites and reason to instinct. In due course we learned to center our identity, our selfhood, in the controlling part — the mind — and increasingly to disown as a mere vehicle the part controlled. It thus escaped our attention that the organism as a whole, largely unconscious, was using consciousness and reason to inform and control itself. We thought of our conscious intelligence as descending from a higher realm to take possession of a physical vehicle. We therefore failed to see it as an operation of the same formative process as the structure of nerves, muscles, veins, and bones — a structure so subtly ordered (that is, intelligent) that conscious thought is as yet far from being able to describe it.

This radical separation of the part controlling from the part controlled changed man from a self-controlling to a self-frustrating organism, to the embodied conflict and self-contradiction that he has been throughout his known history. Once the split occurred conscious intelligence began to serve its own ends instead of those of the organism that produced it. More exactly, it became the intention of the conscious intelligence to work for its own, dissociated, purposes. But, as we shall see, just as the separation of mind from body is an illusion, so also is the subjection of the body to the independent schemes of the mind.

Meanwhile, however, the illusion is as real as the hallucinations of hypnosis, and the organism of man is indeed frustrating itself by patterns of behavior which move in the most complex vicious circles. The culmination is a culture which ever more serves the ends of mechanical order as distinct from those of organic enjoyment, and which is bent on self-destruction against the instinct of every one of its members.

We believe, then, that the mind controls the body, not that the body controls itself through the mind. Hence the ingrained prejudice that the mind should be independent of all physical aids to its working — despite microscopes, telescopes, cameras, scales, computers, books, works of art, alphabets, and all those physical tools apart from which it is doubtful whether there would be any mental life at all.

At the same time there has always been at least an obscure awareness that in feeling oneself to be a separate mind, soul, or ego there is something wrong. Naturally, for a person who finds his identity in something other than his full organism is less than half a man. He is cut off from complete participation in nature. Instead of being a body he “has” a body. Instead of living and loving he “has” instincts for survival and copulation. Disowned, they drive him as if they were blind furies or demons that possessed him.

The feeling that there is something wrong in all this revolves around a contradiction characteristic of all civilizations. This is the simultaneous compulsion to preserve oneself and to forget oneself. Here is the vicious circle: if you feel separate from your organic life, you feel driven to survive; survival — going on living — thus becomes a duty and also a drag because you are not fully with it; because it does not quite come up to expectations, you continue to hope that it will, to crave for more time, to feel driven all the more to go on. What we call self-consciousness is thus the sensation of the organism obstructing itself, of not being with itself, of driving, so to say, with accelerator and brake on at once. Naturally, this is a highly unpleasant sensation, which most people want to forget.

The lowbrow way of forgetting oneself is to get drunk, to be diverted with entertainments, or to exploit such natural means of self-transcendence as sexual intercourse. The highbrow way is to throw oneself into the pursuit of the arts, of social service, or of religious mysticism. These measures are rarely successful because they do not disclose the basic error of the split self. The highbrow ways even aggravate the error to the extent that those who follow them take pride in forgetting themselves by purely mental means — even though the artist uses paints or sounds, the social idealist distributes material wealth, and the religionist uses sacraments and rituals, or such other physical means as fasting, yoga breathing, or dervish dancing. And there is a sound instinct in the use of these physical aids, as in the repeated insistence of mystics that to know about God is not enough: transformation of the self is only through realizing or feeling God. The hidden point is that man cannot function properly through changing anything so superficial as the order of his thoughts, of his dissociated mind. What has to change is the behavior of his organism; it has to become self-controlling instead of self-frustrating.

Excerpted from The Joyous Cosmology ©2013 by Alan W. Watts.  Published with permission of New World Library.


Your Color Vibe for June 13

Thursday, June 13:    Yellow Green

Pay attention to your physicalities today as they will be giving you messages.  Listen well for the messages are coming on many different levels.  At the present time, the energies are dragging through with them some elements of other dimensions.  As a result you might be seeing things, hearing things, feeling things that have no source in the regular 3D.  As the energies shift and churn, there are more and more hints of where you are going coming in towards you.  Be open to these.  You are needing to learn some new things.  They will be like tools, even weapons, to assist you as the times grow more turbulent.  Today brings synchronicity and the hints of greater joy to come.  Take time to relish in those moments.  They will relax and renew you in ways so many other things cannot do anymore.

The View for the Week

June 9-16

The theme this week is twins and twinning.  Things that happen once will happen again, and while there are certain things that you cannot control, there are other things you can.


Overall Color for the Week:    Apricot Orange

This week marks a transition on all levels, so it is best to be ready for anything.  You can find some shake-ups and mix-ups in relationships, jobs, emotional levels, etc.  It is a good idea to have back-up plans.  Furthermore, you must be ready for just about anything, so take stuff in stride and do not allow yourself to get overly excited about the unexpected that falls into your path.  Your perspectives are changing and trying to see new stuff with old vision is not going to work.  It can leave you confused and angry.  This is not a week for attempting to place a round peg in a square hole.  This is a week for being present in what you do, making no judgments, and getting rid of a lot of those preconceived notions.  There can be some emotional upsets as some people are showing themselves unable o deal with the energetic changes and they are choosing ways to deal with them that perhaps you would not condone.  You cannot make up other’s minds for them.  This is a week for knowing that allowing is the proper mode of response.  You can be WHO you are in everything while at the same time honoring the choices others make.  This is important to remember.  Take care in traffic and in dealings with strangers.  There is a lot of fire in the air right now, and people can overreact.  It is important to be at one with your choices and to know that you have a deep inner wisdom.  Connect with the deep inner knowing of your heart center.  Stay within your core, ground and align every morning before taking on the day. It is also well to be alert to the messages you are receiving from your body.  This is a good time to make sure that you have stocked up on things like candles, batteries, bottled water, and non-perishable foods.  There is a degree of uncertainty in the electric grid right now and for some time to come.  If you couple that with some of the solar storms that are beginning and will continue for the next few months, there can be challenges to your usual lifestyle as well as to your electronics.


On the larger scale the transitions continue.  There are angry people in power who can no longer ‘keep a lid on it’.  You will be seeing the results of this as the week progresses.  There are going to be a number of things thrown, like a net, upon people in general, upon the grassroots, but they have not take into account that people are fed up.  They have had enough.  Like in Turkey, these kinds of grassroots movements are growing, are spreading.  It should be interesting to see what this all brings forth. Women especially in countries in which they have been oppressed, even though the media might tell you they are not oppressed, will be making their power felt.  India is in the balance.  Interesting, one of the oldest civilizations, with a story mired and secreted.  Things are boiling up from beneath.  There will be a general movement in consort with the Earth energies that will bring forth many unexpected results.  The weather is wafting, wafting, and will hit here and there without program, without prediction. This can lead to craziness in meteorological areas.  There is something brewing in the Gulf.  It is a dark night.  It can make itself felt this week, but may not materialize for some time.   There is something coming onto the scene.  It is not yet formed.  Also look to the skies.  There is some kind of movement happening within the galactic plane.