Your Color VIbe for 8/05

Monday, August 5:    Rose Tint

There is something in the air today which really has no definition, no form, and that can bug you quite a bit.  Right now you are feeling the need for clarity as there are a number of issues in your life you want to take action on now.  But do they really need to be addressed right now?  Today’s energy is telling you to accept that there are things in the air which you cannot do a lot about right now.  They are merely hints of what is to come, lights, as it were, along the path.  Let things be as they are, and you can find that at least one item can be resolved.  This is something that actually relates to an item that you have been carrying forward from your past and which really has no place in your life right now.  So take that as your lesson for the day and let all those other things just be.  Accept that they are there and that you will get to them when the time is right to deal with them properly for WHO you are.

Up Your Energy, Change your Frequency

Moving Into A New Reality
Moving Into A New Reality

Last updated on August 2, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative Newss




Get ready for a ‘touchy-feely’ summer, as the cosmos shines a spotlight on our deeper sensory Self. We have at this particular time the healing balm of compassion and strong ‘Water’ element to dissolve the past. Any remaining emotional attachment chords to the past hold us entangled in the dying 3D Matrix. This summer is the perfect opportunity to cut all emotional chords and entanglement with residual grief, sadness, loss and disappointment. Set yourself free!

In order to keep up with the new operating system, we need to ‘let go’ of all the rules and principles we learned as children…they no longer apply. We are moving into a new reality that functions completely different than the one we are used to. Time does not exist in the new operating system. Our solar system has migrated into the Galactic Photon Band of gamma frequency where time collapsed into the eternal Now!

Humanity has reached a choice-point…the transition from 3D into 5D will take place between 2013 and 2015. We can choose to do nothing, and wait on the sidelines…or we can jump in now and pave the way for the Souls behind us. We can be the Trailblazers and Wayshowers, or the rear guard. It all comes down to this simple choice…are you going to be actively involved or passively waiting for the transition to complete?

The longer you wait, the less you will have to work with. The old 3D Operating System is collapsing and breaking apart, falling by the wayside. It has become unsustainable and will not support humanity going forward. Do you want to hang onto a sinking ship? Or take the leap into the 5D quantum field that operates in unity consciousness?

Each global shift leading up to 2015 will become more and more difficult to assimilate if you choose to ‘do nothing’ and wait. Each global shift increases the planetary frequency and bumps up into a higher level of consciousness. If you passively wait, the world around you will elevate way beyond your capacity to comprehend the new operating system. Your recovery time could be overwhelming and drastic!

I started my transition into the 5D hologram in 2006…listening to Spiritual guidance step-by-step as I discovered how the new 5D Operating System works. Through trial and error, I’ve adapted to the different rhythms and principles that govern the 5D realm. This process requires balancing opposites and radically increasing our energy frequency. The 5D realm flows in a circular spiral, unlike the 3D system of straight line sequencing in time. This is just one of many adaptations we must shift into.

The next global shift is coming in September, so take this Summer to prepare and position yourself into the 5D realm. Spirit is calling you to take action now…to be the highest version of yourself with fearless integrity! Choose what is for your highest good, not what the ego desires. Take this time to strengthen your Spiritual Practice, start your morning with meditation and conscious intentions. Focus only on things that elevate you into 5D Quantum Living! Invest in your future…you are worth it!


Meg Benedicte
Birthing a New Earth Paradigm at


Latest Hathor Message through To Kenyon


A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon

Earth’s passage through the summer Solstice of 2013 was an energetic marker for the beginning of a new Chaotic Node.

As your planet undergoes increased climate change, you will see further increases in meteorological novelty and unusual interactions between storm fronts. What used to be called 100-year storms will happen more frequently. These types of storms are outer manifestations of Chaotic Nodes and the escalation of chaos arising from seemingly unrelated levels of existence.

While you have already experienced several Chaotic Nodes since 2011, you are at the beginning of another major crescendo in chaotic events. While this particular Chaotic Node will accelerate climatic and geological changes, as well as social unrest, it is your personal psychological and emotional level that may well be the most affected.

You can expect to see a pronounced increase in emotional instability and psychological imbalances among your fellow humans (perhaps including yourself). The collective social challenges of this will be profound.

For an Initiate, meaning one on the journey to higher states of consciousness, this particular Chaotic Node is, and will continue to be, both extremely challenging and full of possibilities. The challenge has to do with the nature of this unique Chaotic Node, which drives to the surface of your conscious awareness deep-seated emotional toxicity.

One of the challenges that spiritually inclined persons are experiencing, and will continue to experience for some time, is the deep recognition that they have unresolved issues and deep-seated hostilities that may not fit very well with their self-image. Indeed this is a time when self-images will be shattered.

You are seeing this unfold at the international level with governments, and you will see it unfold through all levels of society. But for many it will be the shattering of personal self-image that will be the most difficult to contend with.

What we wish to convey is that your negativity, your toxicity, your despair and your hopelessness—if they are indeed present—need not be a negation of you. Rather they can be portals into the deep unconscious, to the very bedrock of human subconscious intent.

In the process of self-liberation, you must deal with this negativity in yourself regardless of the methods you may use to free yourself.

The Orchidium

We now wish to impart a method for infusing yourself with light and life-enhancing energy. We introduce the method at this time because it will take great fortitude and personal energy to work through this particular Chaotic Node as well as the ones coming to you in the future.  We call this the Orchidium.

It is a very simple method that involves a biological metaphor and image. The greatest obstacle and the greatest difficulty with the Orchidium is its simplicity. Human beings tend to make things more complex than they need to be when it comes to this type of work.

In its essence the Orchidium is a means for you to draw into your KA (your energy body), as well as your physical body, high levels of spiritual light and life-enhancing energy—what the Yogis call prana and what the Daoists/Taoists call chi.

In this method you imagine that there is an orchid-like flower in your navel. The central root of this imaginary flower is hollow and is anchored or rooted at a point in front of your backbone, directly opposite your navel. This area is known to Daoists/Taoists as the Ming-Ma (or Seat of Life).

It is from the Seat of Life that subtle energy is distributed to your subtle energy body and also to the organs of your physical body. This type of subtle energy has a very deeply nourishing and rejuvenating effect.

When you hold an image of the Orchidium, you imagine that the stamen is extended out in front of you from the center of your navel. (Note: Stamens are the pollen producing reproductive organs of a flower. They consist of a stalk called a filament and an anther that produces the pollen.) When you create the Orchidium via your imagination, the stamen protrudes from the center of the blossom. For reference purposes, a photograph of a flower with its stamen appears elsewhere in this message.

By its nature the Orchidium draws into itself and then back into the Ming-Ma, spiritual-light and subtle energy from the cosmos.

To engage the Orchidium, all you need do is to imagine this flower in whatever ways makes sense to you so that its blossom is open, and the central root is hollow extending from the navel back into the Ming-Ma. It is crucial for you to understand that the Orchidum draws these celestial energies to you by itself, by its own nature and without you having to do anything.

There is no relationship between the flow of subtle energy into the Orchidium and your breath. Once you activate the flow of celestial energies to the Orchidium, they will flow automatically and unobstructed until you stop them.

Sensitive individuals will soon discover that they can sense the flow of cosmic energies into the stamen of the Orchidium itself, but success does not depend on this level of sensitivity. This type of awareness is simply a refinement. What is important is to feel and sense the flow of spiritual-light and energy down the central root, the hollow tube, from the Orchidum (in your navel) to your Ming-Ma and then to enjoy the flow of life-force throughout your subtle and physical bodies as you wish.

We suggest you experiment with this in five-minute intervals so that you become familiar with how the Orchidium works for you and also to avoid over-stimulation.

It is possible to bring too much celestial energy into your system, which is why we suggest five minutes at a time. Five minutes once a day is all that is required to familiarize yourself with the Orchidum and its potentials.

Once you understand how the Orchidium works for you and how much celestial energy you can comfortably bring into yourself, you can experiment with longer sessions if you wish.

After each Orchidium session we strongly suggest you imagine the Orchidium closing so that the blossom is not open. This is for the purpose of self-protection when you enter into the world. Until you have learned how to separate life-positive energies from the life-negative energies that surround you, we suggest you engage this strategy of protection.

Adding the Aethos

While you can engage the Orchidium without any sound or music, in the beginning stages you may find the Aethos Sound Meditation very helpful. This is because the pulsations within this sound piece facilitate the movement of celestial energies within the Orchidium root, which connects into your Ming-Ma.

As you listen to the Aethos Sound Meditation, when engaging the Orchidium, pay special attention to the hollow channel, the root, which runs from the Orchidim into your Ming-Ma. The sonic pulsations within the Aethos will amplify the flow of celestial energies into this channel.

Philosophical and Religious Obstructions

While the method of engaging the Orchidium is simple, the consequences in terms of your life-force and your capacity to hold spiritual light are quite complex.

There is another complexity here but it has to do with your belief systems. If you do not rise above these limited beliefs, you will constrain the flow of celestial energies.

You live in a cosmos of exquisite unimaginable beauty, spiritual-light, consciousness and energy. You are an heir to all of these treasures, and each of them imparts to you powers of consciousness—yet you are cut off from your birthright by many of your philosophies and religions.

Any religion that teaches that you have been separated from the celestial light-filled realms because you have a physical body is an obstruction to the truth of your being—as we view it. Any religion that says that you are separated from the heavenly worlds and their treasures through the sin of your birth is also, in our view, an obstruction.

Those philosophies that propose that you are merely a physical being with no dimensions of consciousness transcendent to time and space are, in our view,  obstructions as well.

For the sake of experimenting with the Orchidium we suggest you temporarily suspend these beliefs. See for yourself how well the Orchidium works when you actually suspend these limiting thought-forms. After working with the Orchidium in this manner (sans limiting beliefs) you might even choose to leave those beliefs and thought-forms permanently behind you altogether.

When working with the Orchidium we suggest the following thought-forms:

1) Imagine that you are a part of, and heir to, all the treasures of the cosmos—the highest realms of light and the most-subtle life-enhancing energies.

2) Imagine that the Orchidium effortlessly draws into you these treasures whenever you choose to open the blossom.

3) Through the Orchidium, you can experience the transformation of your subtle energy body and the vital organs of your physical body.

Use this enhanced energy and life-force (as well as the light-force) to sustain you as you move through this potent Chaotic Node and the ones to follow.

The Hathors
June 27, 2013


The Power of FOrgiveness

Forgiveness: The Ultimate Cleanse

cleansing26th July 2013

By Carmen Allgood

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Most people in the Western world are constantly on the lookout for pills and potions that will prove to be the “fountain of youth” and help us live longer, healthier lives.

First, why is it that we want the body to live longer? For it is certain if our focus is on our body, we are banking on the impossible and already know that nothing in this physical world is capable of lasting an eternity. There will never be any security or safety found in a physical entity, and this includes the body.

The search for Truth cannot be a partial commitment. Wishful thinking will never turn the truth into something we want it to be, mainly because we are not the author of reality.

In order to experience what is capable of lasting forever, and promises us a perfect release from the thought of death and all the ills that seem to go along with it, we’re going to need to accept that the body is not our reality. The body is merely a part of our experience in this temporary world; its function and purpose are highly overrated because, in and of itself, it has no real function or value, aside from being a vehicle for sharing thoughts in this realm.

True communication is invisible and pure thought. Can we see it? No, but we can experience the decisions we make and see the outcome quite clearly.

Be willing to at least entertain the idea that the body is not who and what we are, and focus entirely on what is going on in the mind. This is where our life takes place because how we feel is always going to revolve around what we are thinking, and how we feel as a result.

Recently, one of the new young leaders of this world, Malala Yousafzai, addressed the United Nations Youth Assembly and world on her 16th birthday. By all rights she should have left this world behind, because how many bodies can withstand a bullet to the brain and still function? This miracle has obvious repercussions because it has become the “shot heard round the world.” Malala is now a spokesperson for millions of young people who deserve an education, and her crime, according to the Taliban, is that she wanted to go to school. For this, she deserved to die.

But live she did, and with the media behind her, Malala is teaching all of us the most powerful lesson in the world with her amazing statement:

“… this is the forgiveness that I have learned from my father and from my mother. This is what my soul is telling me: be peaceful and love everyone.”

Is there any doubt that she is still in this incarnation precisely to deliver this timely message? Forgiveness is the ultimate cleanse that removes all pain, heals all wounds, repairs the heart, and renews the mind. A forgiving mind reveals the Light that each of us stands in when we have decided to side with peace. If Malala can find it in her heart to forgive those who would kill her, what’s keeping us from forgiving this world so we can live in peace?

Forgiveness is not a new message. Countless spiritual teachers and healers tell us that this is a free and freeing practice that can only heal our split perception so that everything fuses gently into One Thought, One Love, One Life, and reveals the Oneness of the Universe that binds us all together. There is no other way if what we want is eternal peace and happiness. Forgive and free the world from all we thought was unloving, and we free ourselves right along with it. Love is the Answer.

Carmen Allgood © July 2013


Steve Rother’s Latest Beacons

Note: This message has been edited and in spots rechanneled by the group for better clarity in this format.

Greetings from Home, dear ones. I am Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

You can choose to be on top of the world, if you want to be. You can decide how you want to view life because that new vision is important. I am going to step back here for a moment to bring in my brother the Time Keeper, but I came in first to bring you one of my smiles. There it goes—see, I got you, did I not? You were not going to smile back but I got you anyway. You know I can do that and you can too and it is part of what you are going to be hearing more about. As you start to carry this light, there are so many ways you can use it. You are just starting to find out about the new energies on this side of the portal, and you are going to anchor this in a new way. I am going to step aside and let my brother come in because he has some key words he wants to bring you. Know that I love you and any time you get too serious I am the one sneaking up behind you and tickling your funny bone, to remind you that you are playing a game. You are supposed to be having fun and if you are not having fun, I am going to come and get you so just re-member that.

Greetings from Home. I am the Keeper of Time Today is a very magical day. You have now passed an energetic demarcation point that will allow most humans to begin to anchor in the new energy on this side of the portal. It has been very challenging for most of you. You have felt the differences in time; you have moved from compressed time into expanded time, and simply not been able to bring it into your heads at this point. You notice that it feels different, but you are not able to fully describe the changes or the differences that are taking place globally with all humans everywhere. Now you can start to change this.

Projection of a Shadow World

There was the first quadrant that had to complete. We could not even talk to you about it until the 31st of March. After the third month, we could begin to identify it because you have to settle this in. If we come in with information too early, we can impede your progress instead of helping it along. Therefore, the release of information and the timing of it is of great importance to all humans at this point. This is my job, for I am the Keeper of Time. I am the one who lowers his finger when humanity is ready to accept new information. We tell you, dear ones, you have passed a critical point. It had to do with the length of time past the portal and now you are into your second quadrant. This  is now allowing you to anchor your hearts, whereas before your energy was anchored with your physical body. You were searching in the shadow world that you had projected, because you knew the energy was going to be different. You realized it was all going to change the moment you stepped forward so you projected into it your expectations, belief systems, and daily routines so that everything would appear to be the same. Most reading this message are now at a very high vibration and are starting to see through the clouds. You are seeing through the illusion and the emptiness of the illusion and becoming very dissatisfied.  This is very challenging for most of you to do this because you are starting to see the reality, not the dream. It has been very difficult for you so you have been searching and looking all over for the different parts in your brain to find the right perspective. Most of you have tried on all sorts of new caps, ideas and perspectives during this time. That has been marvelous but now we are going to anchor your heart, because that is the part that has not found its grounding. We tell you, dear ones, that why many of you have felt so distant and challenged at times.

When you left Home, many of you were scarred in a way that has been carried with you throughout most of your lives. Many of you came to the table with all your ideas and said, “I am going in. I am going to live a life on planet Earth and make contracts and do different jobs, to make sure that I offer my part of god on planet Earth in the new energy.” You set up all the potentials. You set everything in motion but one thing that most of you were not expecting was a huge case of separation anxiety. Once you found yourself on planet Earth inside one of these bubbles of biology, you still remembered Home. Although you could not justify it in your brain, your heart knows the way Home and never forgets or takes you too far from it. Many of you experience such tremendous anxiety at that point of separation from Home that you have spent much of your life trying to heal that scar tissue, trying to re-connect that part of you that was missing. Now we tell you it is entirely possible to anchor your heart in new ways. and what you will find is that it has an effect on a global basis. You have always considered yourself to be a complete, the whole being within yourself which you are. But we also tell you that as you step further into this, you are connected to every single being, blade of grass and leaf; they are part of you in some way. Now you will have the opportunity to ground your heart on this side of the portal. As you have the opportunity to do this, you will be able to live in your heart energy much more than you ever thought was possible.

New Needs of the Physical Body

We will tell you that for some of you it is going to be uncomfortable, because most of you are not familiar with stretching your heart that large. The more you do this the more you feel and then you are able to recognize that light in others and help to bring it out. That is the connection that all of you will ground with. You are carrying more light than you have ever carried before; you are holding more energy in your physical body than ever before. Because your grounding has always been with the physical body, but now your spirit has taken over a physical body and therefore the physical body needs regular grounding. What is the grounding? It is everything from drinking water to feeding the body to nurturing it—oh yes, sex, of course. All of the things of Earth are part of that grounding process, but now your spirits need grounding as well. You are carrying more light than ever before and you have new needs even of your physical body, which is the reason there is so much interest in helping the physical change. As you start to align your energy in your physical body it aligns with your spirit automatically, which allows you to carry and be responsive from the spirit not the human. Now you are talking about living in multidimensionality, all of your perfection is here at once where you can call on the larger you, the one you call your higher self. That is the perfect you but you are living on a planet of imperfection. If you held your perfection from Home, you would not be able to play the game. You have great difficulties, and we have seen lots of them come through. You are here, now, to bring that to fruition.

Some of you will step into this very hesitantly because your heart is the part you have always protected. You are free to express your visions and try on different thoughts, but new feelings are much more difficult for you to harmonize with. You have a tendency to hold the old and protect what you have even if it is painful. Now is the time. As you ground in this new energy, your bodies will have an opportunity to connect more of your heart energy than ever before. That is the opportunity for all of you to find a stronger grounding and a new light Home. If you are still carrying some of these old energies with some of the challenges and scar tissue from when you left Home, you can learn to release them. Have you ever heard a baby crying to and you know their spirit is disturbed but you cannot find anything physically wrong? Dear ones, those are often the memories from Home, for when you finally awaken from the dream and open your eyes you will see us and understand what you have been missing. If it were possible we would pull aside the veil for just a moment and show that to you but that would not work either, for all of you would go Home. You would say, “This game is ridiculous. Let us go Home and play.” We would have to start all over again, would we not?

The Challenge: Exercising Your Light

Here is the piece we give you for this month. You are the bearers of light, of a new light. You are carrying a specific percentage of your own energy from Home in the physical body you have right at this moment. If you are able to share your light with 10 people over this next month, it will grow 100 percent. That is a simple equation to understand. How do you share your light with someone? You have opportunities every single day of your life. Most of you say, “Oh, but that does not fit into my world. I cannot say that to this person. I can say it over here in my safe room full of Lightworkers where I can say anything, but over there in my job at the bank, I cannot say that.” Try it. Push the boundaries. If you are not able to actually say something with words do it with your heart energetics. If you are able to touch and make contact with 10 beings over the next month, you will start a wave on planet Earth that will build and crescendo into a new energy toward the end of this year. That is how fast this can happen now. We tell you this because you have done it before. We shared with you a little secret—a mathematical secret quite some years ago. We simply said, share and celebrate these dates because these dates will build upon themselves and you began at the 02-02-02 and went all the way through the 12-12-12 where you walked yourselves through these portals. That was incredibly beautiful from our side of the veil. There was so much cheering going on here that we could not hear ourselves think. No. we do not have ears…and we have no need to think…but there were so many energetics behind you harmonizing with you, that it was amazing.

What happened was that you created the energy and at the time when the world was originally going to end, you had so much energy behind you that it just kept on going. That created a shadow world, comprised largely from your own expectations. Even though the portal was there and you knew that on the other side it would be different, you projected into it your dreams and your hopes. You put forth your image of who you were in that moment, and you created the possibilities to move effortlessly through something that would have quickly taken 90% of all life on Earth. You walked right through it, dear ones, never giving it a second thought. Now you are anchoring in a new way and you say, “Why are things different?” You knew things were going to be different, but you did not know how. You have all been looking for this point, thinking “I will wake up one day and all will be perfect.” We tell you if you did, you would be bored out of your mind. You would not like planet Earth at all, for it is the challenge that often brings you to your senses to who you really are and what your capabilities are. Know that you have made it. Now, what are you going to do with it? That is the real question. You can anchor this energy, you can ground it and find the new ways to balance your body and your spirit. As long as you are working with this, it will work.

We brought up the point of separation anxiety because there are many of you that carry scar tissue from the day you were born, and now is the time to start releasing that. There are many healers all over the planet and more surfacing and awakening every day. Why is that so? It is for the simple reason that you all brought something from Home. You have all brought a key element that only you could carry, so know that is needed now. This is why we are all here together awakening each other from the dream. You are becoming the new human every moment of every day. How will your heart adjust? That is the question. When you find that pain, that difficulty, or even when you love so much that your heart hurts, understand that you are in the right place. You know that you have just stretched your human being to carry more light. It is not about pain; it simply means that you have moved past the pain of separation anxiety. You have not been dumped on Earth, even though many of you feel that way. Some of you feel as if you made a deal and then all of a sudden, it is not there anymore you are all by yourself. We tell you that you were placed there for a very specific reason and you will find it very soon.  Trust your heart, as it always knows the way Home and you will find that if you can move past the fear of stretching your heart. Now you will find the strength that was never there before. Where you have always considered this to be a little bit of a vulnerable area, you would use this part of your brain to think around it,   justify it and to make it work in your world and now it can be pure energy. Allow yourself to reach as many people as possible.

Then there is the part of life on Earth that we see in so many humans called self-doubt. We are not aware of that feeling here at Home, as we are connected to each other in ways that we can see. We see self-doubt as a weak link in a chain that we will not allow here at Home. That may sound harsh to humans but it is not a judgment, only a vibrational measurement and a natural settlement of the universe. Humans have experienced self-doubt often in the third dimension.  Most humans have been successful at pretending to be separate so you do not always know that your greatest strengths are all around you. You have always pretended that they are a part of something else…another teacher, another lesson to learn, or another healing to go through. All of them are connected—one heart on the globe and that is what is taking place. You are connecting the one heart and it is working in ways that you never dreamed.

Take this opportunity and use it consciously over the next month. Touch no less than 10 people with your light freely. Do not try to determine the outcome because that is not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to use it to touch them and then let it go on its way. By December 31st of this year you will be celebrating in a new energy of the heart, for now it can exist on planet Earth in a new way. You are creating this reality every single day. It is not possible to predict the future at this time on Earth, because you are writing it the moment your foot hits the ground—you are creating your path. Welcome Home, creators. Welcome to the new planet Earth.

I am the Keeper of Time and I ask you to treat each other with respect. Nurture one another at every opportunity.
Enjoy this new game and play well together.



Jim Self on Time

Passing Through Present-Time

Jim Self
a message from Jim Self
Tuesday, 16 July, 2013  (posted 25 July, 2013)

As you move through your days, do you notice that your relationship with time has changed? First of all, there seems to be less of it. And what little remains is jam packed with commitments and obligations. In a very real sense, many are moving from the past into the future without even a glance at the present moment.

We are leap-frogging over the present to get to the future as we drag our past along. Business travel offers a tremendous opportunity to observe your relationship with time and where you are at every moment. As you rent the car, are you thinking about directions to the hotel (future), and in that unfocused moment misplace your driver’s license and have to go out of your way to retrieve it? As you check into the hotel, are you reminded of another (past) stay and forget to ask for a king-size bed?

Even in our personal lives, we rush through the present from the past into the future. As you check your email, is your attention on the conversation with your partner an hour ago? As you prepare your meal, are you focused upon it or is your attention on finishing up your taxes after dinner? Keeping your attention in the past or future can, at the very least, be stressful. Long term attention on the past or future can cause an imbalance in your present-time experience and your ultimate success, ease and well-being.

James attended a Level 1 seminar in Toronto, Canada. He was enthusiastic and ready to make changes in his life. He was also not in present-time. James asked many, many questions. Non-stop. Most of his concerns and questions were based upon experiences from the past (childhood injuries, lost relationships, unsatisfying career) and worries about the future (money, new town, his heath). The moment I answered one question, he had three more flowing out of his mouth.

He didn’t hear the answers and had his full attention on a time other than the present. Only after frequently and gently being reminded to ground and bring his attention back to the present moment did James take a breath and slow down. (“All your questions will indeed be answered, I promise. The answers lie exactly where the question is asked.”) By the end of the weekend he was quiet, in his body (pain-free), present, and saying he was the calmest he had been in a very long time.

Present-time is the only place from which you can successfully create, whether you are creating a day at the beach or a business meeting.  Your body is in the present – right here and now.  Keeping your attention with your body, instead of the past or future will allow greater health, well-being, success, and laughter.  The only way to solve a problem is from the present.  When you misplace your driver’s license at the airport, the only way you will know how to proceed is from the grounded present.

Self-Coaching Tool

Before you are in the thick of a stressful situation practice using your tools. If you practice them when you don’t need them, you’ll have them at your fingertips when you do. Try asking yourself one of these questions as often as possible during each day for a wonderful time-check:

“What thought am I thinking right now?”  (going shopping, the meeting we just completed, my kid at home)

“Where am I?: – Past, future or present? In my body?

“How did I get here?”  Try to trace back the (unconscious?) thought-path that got you here.

Asking yourself these three questions will bring your attention and your energy back to the powerful, present moment from which ease and success flow. The Grounding Cord tool and the Center of the Head tool will also help tremendously.

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THursday’s COlor Vibe

Thursday, July 11:    Hazy White

Emotions can be at the forefront today as you are finding yourself unbalanced and without a center.  This can surprise you because you always thought that you were so good at keeping yourself protected and centered and grounded and everything else.  And perhaps you were, however there is a layer of energy that is coming in, much like smoke from one of those fog machines, which can trip you up and leave you uncertain.  This is not a good time for starting anything nor for making major decisions.  The wool is over your eyes.  Not completely but enough so that you cannot really see what is entailed in things that you are considering.  This is a day of shift and turmoil.  Let it be what it will.  Step back and act from your core.  There is really nothing that cannot be put off to another time.  This is a day for observation, and with that observation will come new knowledge that will assist in the process of moving forward.  It will actually, if you are alert, be quite an interesting and profitable day.

Overall Weekly Chromoscope

July 7-13

The theme this week is “of all things…”   And it will definitely be a week of all things, so choose wisely what it is that you are wishing to focus upon.  That can make a big difference this week.


Overall Color for the Week:    Light Green Blue

So, what you thought you knew, what you thought was so reliable, how you created your routine, all those kinds of things are turning out to be not quite as rock solid as you thought.  Just remember that most of the space in an atom is empty, and you might just find yourself staring into a new kind of emptiness this week as the energies begin to pull things apart, as things start tumbling about.  You will find this week can bring you some interesting confrontations, exchanges, conversations with people you know.  The effect of these will be to make you question a lot of the foregone conclusions that you had had.  Also, you might feel yourself spinning a bit off center as friends you thought you knew so well become somehow different.    The long view of all this is to see that things that once seemed so reliable are changing.  Interestingly, your reactions and doubts and questions can be provoked by a seemingly innocent comment.  As for some of the things you used to love, this week you will begin to look at as not quite so desirable.  You may still enjoy them, but you are becoming aware that a lot of the charm of the old stuff is beginning to fade.  This can lead to some deep questioning.  This week, take time to clear your environment through sound, smudge, etc.  Maintain that clarity as it will assist you in taking on a new perspective.  Also stay grounded.  Be centered in your heart.  Act from your core, and in all circumstances, proceed from love.  There is no clearer light.

On the larger scale, the foundations are coming apart in many, many countries.  Things are being seen on the news in obvious cases, but there will much that is not noted.  Some of this can be related to the one-sidedness of the media.  Some can be related to the fact that small movements in the beginning are not seen as having any real significance.  The myopia of the powers that want to be is becoming ever more pronounced.  The financial markets will ride something of a roller coaster this week, but should end basically on a high note as some double-talk announcement is made concerning an issues related to fuel and the environments.  Also the weather will turn wicked in some areas.  There will be unexpected bursts of weather conditions that are out of season, even frightening.  There is more flow within the mantle of the Earth.  It is as though the liquid core is becoming somewhat unbalanced.  This can lead to some unusual effects on the surface and in the seas.  Look for an individual to be arising possibly in the Mid to Far East who is going to have some promises of some kind of salvation, perhaps not reported just yet, but rumored in the social media.  There will be more UFO activity, much caught on camera, and there is the possibility if bot this week, but soon, of some kind of message coming to the Earth from the Galaxy.  Look for more talk of diseases.  Interestingly, none will be linked to the obvious culprits – GMO’s, vaccines, pollution, etc.  It is well to look to local farmers for your produce.  That one time extra-Galactic energy is beginning to exert more of a pull on the planets as a whole and on the Sun in particular.  There can be some weird events relative to planetary motion and solar activity.

It is time for all to be in touch with Gaia, to offer her your support, and to be connected with her at all times.

Your Color VIbe for 07/08

Monday, July 8:     Buff Yellow

There are shadows and there is sunshine, and you can move seamlessly from one to the other today.  That can leave you feeling somewhat displaced and confused.  This is not a good time for making decisions.  You will find yourself looking at way too many alternatives.  Some are real and some just seem real.  It is all okay.  This is an energy that invites you to see what is meaningful in your life and what can be passed over.  You have seen these kinds of decisions before, but there was never any urgency in how you dealt with them.  That has changed.  Decisions made today can affect how you move forward in the rest of the year.  And this year is pivotal.  Critical.  So when you face things today, take time to ground, to go within, to consult with your deepest heart’s knowing before taking a step.  The benefits of the decisions that are made from the core will reverberate from this time forward.

Seth on the Past and Power

Seth: Challenges set up in our past lives

Seth: Challenges set up in our past lives

Story by: Jane Roberts

“As you know yourselves; you only accept those suggestions, ideas, and 
hang-ups that suit your purposes at this time. You are not, 
therefore, at the mercy of any neurosis from a past life, nor are there any 
fears from your present lives you cannot conquer. I have not said that you 
will necessarily conquer them, but it is within your ability to do so.

The decision is your own according to your understanding. You cannot 
be hounded from one level of reality to another by a fear that you do 
not understand. You cannot be threatened in this life by fears from your 
early childhood, or by so-called past existences, unless you so 
thoroughly believe in the nature of fear that you allow yourselves to 
be conquered by it. Each of your personalities are free to accept and 
develop, from the miraculous banks of reality, those experiences and 
emotions that you want, and to reject those you do not want.

Let me give you an example that each of you can use in your own way. 
Suppose the worst, that in this life you have the following 
You are poor, you are of a minority race, you are not intellectual, 
you are a woman, you have a severe physical defect and you are no beauty. 
Now you set these challenges for yourself in a so-called past life. 
This does not mean that you cannot use all of your courage and resolution 
to solve these problems. You set them in the hope that you WILL solve 

You did not set them like millstones about your neck, hoping ahead of 
time that you would drown.

All you have to do is realize your own freedom. You form the reality 
that you know, not esoterically, not symbolically, and not 

Some great over soul doesn’t form it for you- you cannot put the 
burden there, either. You have in the past, collectively and individually, 
blamed a god or a fate for the nature of your personal realities- 
those aspects, indeed that you did not like.

The personality is given the greatest gift of all; you get exactly 
what you want to get. You create from nothing the experience that is your 
own. If you do not like your experience, then look within yourself 
and change it. But realize also that you are responsible for your joys 
and triumphs, and that the energy to create any of these realities comes 
from the inner self. What you do with it is up to the individual 

Seth, from ‘Seth Speaks’ (Jane Roberts)

And for Dessert

Seth quote:
“There must be an open-minded, and openhearted attitude here. You must 
not try to use what you have learned in a narrow, limiting way. This 
hampers your own development. It closes your eyes to many 
possibilities that will be important to you. It is natural, perhaps, 
to want to use what you have learned, this information, as a 
technique to achieve what you at any particular time think desirable, 
a particular person, a particular thing. But what is important is the 
inner development. If this is taken care of, it will automatically 
lead you to the person that is best for you and to the circumstances 
that will help you develop. To insist that a specific individual or a 
specific goal be attained through these methods is limiting. There 
must always be the acknowledgement that you do not consciously as yet 
realize the depths of yourself, the goals you have set and the 
challenges, and this material should be used to open up your inner 
horizons and to lead you in those directions toward which your inner 
self has already set you. If you then egotistically, say – No – this 
particular situation is what I want, then you may be blocking the 
inner direction which has been meant for you.”

Seth (Jane Roberts) from The Early Sessions, Book 8

Jane RobertsJane Roberts
Jane Roberts was an American author, poet, psychic, and spirit medium who, for the last 20 years of her life, channeled spiritual information from a personality who called himself “Seth”. Her publication of what came to be known as the Seth Material established Seth as the Father of the New Age Movement, and established Ms. Roberts as a pre-eminent figure in the world of paranormal phenomena. Jane Roberts died in 1984. Her work, and all of the documents pertaining to her psychic research have been archived and preserved at the Yale University Library.
