Delores Cannon on transformation

Transformation: Choosing Consciousness

July 9, 2013

Multiple-shots-of-Earth feature

When I have lectured about Earth and the people who inhabit it attaining transformation and moving to a higher dimension, there is one thing that bothered me: the people who were “left behind” on the Old Earth, and those who evolved and moved to the New Earth.

Multiple-shots-of-EarthI have talked and written about transformation and the theory of parallel universes and lives that are created by our thoughts and decisions. One theory I have raised is any time an individual has to make a decision, they usually have more than once choice or option. They have to decide one way or another. This is what I call “coming to a crossroad.”

Each time we make a decision another universe or dimension is instantly created, so the other choice can also become a reality, and another “you” can come into existence. We are not aware of these other parts of “us,” but nonetheless, transformation is taking place. These newly created selves are all just as real as the present lives we are focused (16)

It is up to the people of Earth, both the Old Earth that is driven by karma, and the New Earth, which is free of attachments, to make a choice. One Earth will go in one direction, and the other Earth in another. Choosing higher consciousness empowers a single individual’s transformation and has the power to change entire worlds for the better.

Transformation A star is bornThe energy to inspire transformation is growing stronger. It is physically affecting our bodies. Our frequency and vibration is being altered. I believe it is ultimately up to us what we choose and decide, and which Earth we gravitate toward by using our free will.

The choice for transformation is ours, and all possible worlds are waiting to be explored.

Dolores Cannon


The Consciousness Revolution


MINDS, NOT MINES: Why the real revolution is being achieved with consciousness, not bombs

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) I don’t know if you can see it yet, but you are living through the unfolding of the most profound revolution in human history. This is a revolution of raising consciousness, advancing real science, holding corporations accountable and empowering individuals. Sites like Natural News are hubs of this revolution, but the real power comes from readers, bloggers, customers and activists like you.

What kind of revolution is underway, exactly? Well, there are several of them happening all at the same time, and all of them are bloodless:

• Honest food revolution where food corporations are held accountable for what’s really in their food (GMOs, heavy metals, BPA, contaminants and more)

• Food freedom revolution where farmers, homeowners and commercial growers are now demanding increased freedom to grow what they want to grow. It’s only a matter of time before prohibition against industrial hemp is lifted.

• Independent media revolution where all the big-name media outlets are practically in free-fall collapse as more and more readers flock to independent “truth” media sites like this one. It seems the population has finally decided it’s tired of being lied to all the time!

• Personal liberty revolution where more and more people are standing up and demanding freedom from government surveillance, oppression, censorship, punitive tax audits and suffocating governance. This is true across the political spectrum: both conservatives and liberals are fed up with war, NSA spy surveillance and the crushing economic cost of a police state government gone wild.

• Consciousness revolution where an increasing number of people are waking up to the reality that consciousness is real, “minds” exist beyond the physical, animals such as dolphins have memories and consciousness, and our universe is far more than the reductionist physical construct worshipped by conventional science. See my article on Rupert Sheldrake to really understand the consciousness revolution happening right now, in more detail. Or watch this video by Graham Hancock, “The War on Consciousness,” which TED has viciously censored. (TED Talks are now the high priesthood of status quo thinking, and TED goes out of its way to silence the world’s brightest scientific minds who “accidentally” got scheduled to talk.)

Revolution at the speed of the internet

Thanks to the internet, revolutions can now spread at the speed of broadband connections. New findings can be spread to tens of millions of people literally overnight, bypassing the mainstream media information controllers and political spin doctors.

Although social media sites and search engines were all set up from the get-go by NSA-funded groups that we now know have “backdoor access” for spooks to spy on users, these same tools can also be used to spark peaceful revolution by spreading information that leads to heightened awareness followed by action.

For example, the very structure of the internet was first created by none other than DARPA, a military research organization. The TCPIP packet structure of internet traffic was specifically designed to maintain data connections even when nuclear bombs destroyed internet traffic hubs.

But today we use this DARPA-created infrastructure to do things like spread the truth about the mysterious fibers found in Chicken McNuggets. We use the internet to distribute investigative reports and critically important food safety data that would have traditionally been completed censored by the mainstream media. And later this year, Natural News is going to announce information about food that dramatically impacts consciousness (and no, I’m not talking about psychedelics…).

It is the combined efforts of all of us — bloggers, tipsters, whistleblowers, journalists, readers, sponsors and more — who power this great engine of total transparency that ultimately leads to bloodless revolution.

Because in a world where corporations are subjected to total transparency, all the crimes they routinely commit against humanity are inevitably halted. The GMOs get outlawed. The predatory banking practices get exposed. The death-pushing pharma CEOs get arrested and prosecuted. These are the kind of positive, revolutionary outcomes we can fully expect to see happen as we drive forward with a shared goal of total transparency, total truth and total dedication to serving the public good.

The Health Ranger thanks you for participating in the greatest revolution in human history

So I want to take this opportunity thank you for your support, your energy, your contributions and your positive intentions in making these revolutions reality.

We are winning on so many fronts that it’s easy to forget just how much progress we’ve made. Monsanto is on the verge of losing its war against humanity as GMOs will soon be shut out of the marketplace. Pharmaceutical medicine is on the verge of collapse followed by rebirth of a new era based on holistic principles. The dead, pasteurized, processed food system is also on the verge of collapse as the truth about the links between nutrition and health become undeniable.

As more and more of this information comes out — on consciousness, nutrition, liberty and more — it sooner or later becomes impossible for the status quo to deny these realities any longer.

The most powerful revolutions are silent revolutions

Revolutions take place when a set of ideas that has been slowly building up in the minds of the people is suddenly catapulted across the remaining population and becomes “common sense.” Real revolutions are powerful precisely because they are so subtle: all of a sudden an idea that used to be considered outlandish is widely accepted as being obviously true (like the idea that you are more than your physical body or that you are a conscious being, not a biological robot like most “modern” scientists continue to claim).

These kinds of revolutions are more powerful than bullets and bombs. They are what shape the future of human civilization. And we are shaping these ideas right now, together, as we explore breakthroughs in consciousness, liberty, food, farming, nutrition, self-healing and more.

That’s why right now, instead of dropping bombs on nations like Syria, we should be dropping bombshell ideas on the entire world like the idea that we are all conscious beings who share in the powerful common interests of sustaining life on our planet and ending suffering everywhere (through lifelong empowerment, not band-aid handouts).

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I assure you the real fun has only just begun.

Jim Self on 2013 Changes

Questions for Jim – Are We In the Eye of the Storm of the Shift?

posted 29 August, 2013

Jim Self, a leader in the field of spiritual development, founder of Mastering Alchemy, international speaker and author, answers questions about the Shift in Consciousness that we are experiencing.






David WIlcock – Synchronicity Key

David Wilcock: The Synchronicity Key
David Wilcock: The Synchronicity Key

Last updated on August 28, 2013 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News




David Wilcock asks profound questions: What if the Universe is alive — and is trying to communicate with you through synchronicity and the Law of Karma?

What if life on earth is not random, but is guided by mysterious forces that are written into the orbital paths of the stars and planets themselves?

What if the Illuminati / Bilderberg / New World Order cabal is allowed to exist by a loving Creator — to help us process karma on a massive level and reflect our own negativity so it can be healed?

What if it is mathematically inevitable that the “bad guys” will be defeated at this very moment in our history — thanks to a 25,920-year cycle that is now completing itself, and is vastly older than human life on earth?

What if all space, time, matter and energy is composed of a Source Field that is alive and intelligent?

What if there is a celestial “personality” that affects how we think and feel as we drift through different regions of space, in repeating cycles of time?

What if the Cabal, New World Order and / or Illuminati are being guided by these same cycles — and have never been allowed to do more than what the cycles permit them to?

What if they inherited a variety of powerful symbols and teachings that were originally positive, and have since been horribly contorted into something negative?

What if we are now seeing the fulfillment of a vast script that is guiding all life on earth through a series of spiritual lessons known as “archetypes?”


Your Color Vibe for 8/28

Wednesday, August 28:    Amber Yellow

Old stuff continues to come back, sometimes in not quite so pleasant ways.  Start out the day being grounded and within your power.  There is no need to feel that things are too much for you.  If you will just look around, you will see that you have the knowledge, the help, the assistance, and the love to get you through what the day brings your way.  This is also a time for taking a look at what it is you are wanting to accomplish.  Your perspective is becoming clearer as you clean out some of the old stuff.  Your understanding is becoming more complete as you see what has attached to you to what over this turn of the wheel.  You relationships are shifting and there can be some important moves in that area right now.  Take time today to do some meditating, however that suits you, listening to music, sitting, walking, being in Nature, singing, baking, dancing, etc.  There is no wrong way to meditate as long as the intention is clear and the heart is open to receive.

August 25th Peace Portal

“Twin” Star of David Star Tetrahedron Merkaba August 25th 2013: Peace Portal~



On August 25th there will be the second “twin” Star of David or Star Tetahedron configuration.
What this offers us, should we choose to take it, is another opportunity to connect to our *heart* space and spend time in sacred space with a feeling of intentionality. Time to active, which means time to tune in to our hearts and use our energetic power to hold space for peace, to embody peace through our actions, thoughts and words.
Anchor it.
Tune in.
Feel it.
Bring Spirit into Matter, light into form, through your intention, through your HEART. It is the Gateway >>>
And just know that you won’t be the only one doing this. Just know that I will be holding the space with you and many many other circles and communities and individual hearts all around the planet will be tuning in too. 
WE >>> Let’s call in/embody/feel the love and anchor in the balance of feminine and masculine energies.
As above so below.  
A window of synchronicity, an opportunity for entrainment.
Then…hold steady a feeling~vision of  >>>peace <<< for our planet.

Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights for this auspicious day and a call to align our thoughts and hearts in holding space for love.
Featuring the always wonderful  Dipali Desai  from her Celestial Space Astrology:
“On August 25th, 2013 (EST) we arrive to the ‘twin’ or second ‘Star Gateway’ also known in astrology as the Star of David aspect (or a Grand Sextile aspect). These star gateways are important opportunities for major shifts in Consciousness to to expand beyond fear-based limitations of the past. The energy is ripe and fertile with potential to embrace a greater union of Spirit and Matter or Heart and Mind and or Sacred Masculine and Feminine within the heart energy space.”
“It is wise to contemplate where we are now after the first initial gateway and shift and the experiences that have transpired since then. And then where we are headed while consciously utilizing the potential of this second auspicious energy.”
“With transiting Jupiter in Cancer just finishing up being a part of a powerfully intensified ‘T-square’ aspect with Uranus and Pluto, there has been major re-working and big transitions going on up until now.  It’s like moving from densely packed energy to something old shattering, moving us into a wide open space thus there is room for new energy and possibilities to emerge within Consciousness on a individual and collective level.”
“We have been prepared to open and become ready to receive with effortlessness and grace now. Venus in Libra makes an Opposition to Uranus in Aries retrograde, while making a tense aspect to Pluto in Capricorn retrograde. This signifies a time where unrest, conflict and discord rises up to be cleansed and purged within individuals, relationships and groups and the collective. This Second Star Gateway includes the vibration of “Restoring Peace and Harmony.”
“This second gateway in Consciousness builds on the first which occurred on July 29th, 2013…It is a magnificent opportunity to activate ‘effortless manifestation’ seed of light within us and on the planet. Remember, there is earth element involved with this Twin Aspect Star Gateway on August 25th, 2013 and with that helps us bring the non-visible into the physical body and dimension.”

Gemma Bayly via MYSTIC MAMMA


“Here is a simple overview:
“In sacred geometry, the six pointed star is known as Star Tetrahedron and Spiritually, it is called a Mer (rotating light) Ka (Soul or Spirit) (Ba) Physical Body.  We have the opportunity to bring into greater alignment our body, mind, heart into relationship with Soul.
“The Star of David, also known as the Seal of Solomon is an esoteric symbol. In India, the six pointed star has been associating with Shiva/Shakti interconnection or Divine Masculine/Feminine in harmony and union. When the triangles merge with each other to form the shape of a hexagon, it can be seen as a state of manifestation. Star of David is an unusual alignment that opens a gateway into Consciousness.
“The “Star Gateway, Grand Sextile or Star of David aspect” begins building up 1 week prior to to and becomes exact on August 25th, 2013. On Eastern Standard Timezone, consider the energy building by 11:00 am EST as the Moon enters Taurus. — Check for your local day and time to be sure when it starts for you.
“From my perspective, when experiencing such major Astrological and energetic configurations, it is more about the entire experience than exact one moment or time since linear time really does not exist in higher dimensions…What is really important is our ‘intention.‘ That carries more weight since a  clear intention directs our energy rather than worrying about the exact time of the aspect.”


ART: l’S

“Astrological Point of view: Two Grand Trines form a Star of David Aspect as well as in total configuration a Grand Sextile aspect, and for the second time in Earth and Water elements.
1st Grand Trine: (Earth element)
  • Sun/Mercury in Virgo
  • Moon in Taurus
  • Pluto in Capricorn Retrograde
2nd Grand Trine: (Water element)
  • Jupiter in Cancer
  • Saturn in Scorpio
  • Chiron in Pisces retrograde /Neptune in Pisces retrograde
“Since this  is the second of the ‘Twin’ Star Gateways and equally as potent as the first, we want to bear in mind that it is helpful to consciously work with the potentials happening now. There may be a myriad of emotions and feelings surfacing now and some what having more space to emerge than before. I do sense there is potential for clarity too as old debris at this stage has been cleared.
“The union of sacred masculine and feminine energy is possible, even if it is to the next level or degree that is appropriate for each individual on their path.
“There is a strong possibility that ‘details’ slowly begin presenting themselves for new possibilities. The plan or stages begin to reveal themselves about how to take a ‘seed’ inspiration or idea and implement it to fruition with utmost fluidity.
“The harmony between Earth and Water is felt and experienced through feelings and sensations. There is wonderful opportunity for greater balance within the Sacred Feminine and Masculine through the heart energetic center. Imagine when these two energies are in harmony and peace with one another.
We can feel the gratitude for the blessings being bestowed upon us now. It’s possible to see old symbolic seeds we planted long while back, slowly come into manifestation.  We must remain in integrity and alignment and joining the August 25th will help each maintain this state of Consciousness to receive higher Spiritual Energy, beauty and harmony given forth from the Universe.”
 © Copyright 2013 ~Dipali Desai All Rights Reserved
So on this day, I encourage you to drop into your *heart* space and send out a beam of love, a beam of peace, a beam of *light* with intentionality for the good of all~~~
I am aware of several visualizations for peace going around, and many groups gathering on this day. Some are trying to go “viral” suggesting specific visualizations at specific times. As always I encourage to just take/use what resonates with YOU. Create your own moment. Remember it’s not the words, it’s the feeling, so just access your own heart and tune in! Let’s each in our own unique way hold a space for >>>peace<<< on the planet~~~


On Life Purpose by I. Berry

Why You’re Here: Life Purpose and Life Lessons



Join Itzhak Beery for the live video webinar “Shamanic Paths to Your Life Purpose: Hand Analysis, Numerology, Astrology, and the Mayan Naguals.” For this Evolver course, Itzhak will be joined by four master practitioners of the ancient arts of divination — palmist Richard Unger, numerologist Julian Michael, shamanic astrologer Daniel Giamario, and Mayan Nagual Shuni Giron — as they demonstrate and explain how these practices can reveal your life purpose to you. This course will introduce you to the role that life purpose serves in each shamanic tradition, and give you the tools to recognize and explore your own unique life purpose. It all starts on September 11. To learn more, click here.  


Discovering your life purpose – the reason you’re living the particular life you have – is likely the single most important understanding you can ever achieve for yourself.

The search for life purpose is as ancient as civilization itself. We all ask, “Why am I here on Earth?” “What is the purpose of my life?” “What am I here to learn?” These existential questions are universal. Esoteric practices like Numerology, Astrology, the Mayan Naguals, Tarot, among many others, have been developed to find answers for people, often in desperate situations, who know, deep down, that the experiences of their lives are not arbitrary, that there are reasons, if only they could understand them – then their lives would have meaning.


What Is a Life Purpose?

Your life purpose is your north star in the dark night as you navigate your canoe. It is the compass by which your soul directs your life journey. It is the key to realizing who you came here to be, and what you came here to accomplish. It cannot be changed. It is your soul essence. It belongs uniquely to you, from the time you came to this world, and some believe it is formed even before you were born, in the womb. It won’t tell you what job you need to pursue. It is the place you came from to do your job. Being conscious and internalizing your life purpose can give you permission and set you free to pursue your life with power, joy and freedom.


What Is a Life Lesson?

Achieving your life purpose is no easy task. You have to work for it, like running and jumping over obstacle courses on a life track. Life is sure to present you with all the obstacles that are possible. You will find the right people who will push your buttons. You will create enemies. You will encounter traumas, illness and other travesties — all to teach you your life lessons. If you avoid them, you won’t learn and will find yourself repeating those traumas again and again.

In a workshop I led on a cliff overlooking Israel’s Dead Sea, I asked the participants to choose 12 stones. I then asked them to lay the stones in a circle on a piece of paper and to put a candle in the circle’s center to symbolize their life purpose. Next, I asked them to pick up each stone and journey to a specific trauma, obstacle or negative event and write it down next to each stone. At the end of the exercise, I asked them to identify and consider the common thread that connects those 12 events to each other. When we finished, they buried the stones in the sand and said a release prayer. Afterwards, one participant followed me into the desert wanting to talk. He was so excited. “Now I know why I became impotent!” he exclaimed.


Knowing Your Life Purpose Can Set You Free

I know the power of life purpose, because accepting mine was a major event for me. Years ago I met Richard Unger and took part in one of his Hand Analysis trainings. Though I had been something of a skeptic, it opened my eyes to this ancient art form. Some years later, Richard developed what he called “Life Prints,” a system that uses the unique fingerprints on each of the ten fingers to decipher a person’s life purpose. He read mine and, indeed, it literally changed my life.

That reading gave me the permission I needed to become the person I am today. You see, as a young child I needed to tell stories and share ideas. I needed to express myself. But the woman on the Kibbutz in Israel who was my caretaker at the children’s house (we lived separately from our parents) did not have the patience to listen to everything I had to say.

“You talk nonstop,” she used to complain. One day, when she had had enough, she took me aside and said, “Itzhak, God gave each of us a limited number of words to use in our lives. When you use them all up, you will die.” I knew it was not true, but I took what she said to heart. In shamanic language, as I later came to understand, that was a curse. After that, I learned to control myself and to not waste my words. I lived in fear, and whenever I talked in front of groups my stomach churned, my heart palpitated and I used to pee in my pants. I came to convince myself that I had nothing worth saying in public, that what I thought wouldn’t matter to anyone.

In his reading, Richard told me that I was “a man with a message who needs a large stage” to express himself. To hear my life’s purpose with such clarity was a critical personal turning point for me, which literally set me free from all my self-imposed restrictions.

Richard also read my wife’s life purpose, and those of our three children. I believe that it made us more aware and conscious individuals, and hopefully better parents. Fast forward a few years, and Richard and I decided to teach a course together on life purpose, bringing together both of our disciplines: his Hand Analysis and my Shamanic Visioning, integrated into one workshop. We offered it in New York, San Francisco, Florence and Zurich. Each time we witnessed the real impact it made on people’s lives.


“A Woman of Power”

At a seminar I taught in Istanbul, a tall, impressive woman took part. She was in her mid-fifties, with white hair and a commanding, queen-like presence. It was hard not to see it. As the workshop progressed, she and the people she worked with discovered her life purpose: she was a woman of power. But she went out of her way to deny it. “Me?” she said incredulously. “I do whatever others tell me to do!”

The next day she came for a private session and I asked her about her denial. She claimed to be weak and not significant. But then, after a soul retrieval, she confided that her beloved mother had made her feel weak and insignificant all her life, through to the present day. That discovery was her life lesson.

Another woman, in a seminar I gave in Warsaw, was also surprised to learn that she had this same life purpose. As a result, she made a commitment to start “showing up,” to speak up to her husband, and to use her voice to experience her power.


“Not Enough”

Feeling satisfied with who you are and what you do can be extremely challenging, as this example from the case of an overachiever makes clear. This young man was an A+ student, but that was not enough. “I could have done better,” he said. Being president of the student body of a famous Ivy League college was not enough. To be chosen as one of the ten most brilliant young people of the year was not enough. Having a weekly column appear in many publications was not enough. Even starting a multi-million social organization was not enough. Learning to be satisfied with himself and his achievements is this man’s life work. Without this knowledge, he is doomed to experience himself as a consistent underachiever.


“Experiencing Love” 

“I don’t like this life purpose!” the tall, young, beautiful woman in a Warsaw seminar declared angrily when it was suggested that her life purpose was to experience love.

“So then, what are you doing to experience love?” I asked.

“I do everything,” she said desperately. “I’m dating all the time, but apparently the wrong men. All my relationships are short, just a few months. In the end, it seems, they lose interest in me. Or I want out.”

“Are you willing to let them in, and show them who you truly are?”

“Oh, no! I can’t trust them. I want them to prove that I can trust them first. But if I detect even the smallest reason not to, I’ll call it off.”

Her life lesson? You can’t experience love with a closed heart. Unless she learns to be vulnerable, to open her heart and trust men, she will repeat the same pattern and will never allow herself to experience what she came here for.


“Land of Sins”

On one of my first trips to the Amazon with shaman Ipupiara and his wife, our group paid a visit to Bibi, a legendary Umbanda priestess, whose reputation had spread through the Rio Negro area and beyond. Our boat docked by her large, simple wooden house and temple, and as darkness set the old woman — who was then 85 — held a special ceremony for us that lasted late into the night.

Standing by her crowded and beautiful altar, wearing her ceremonial pink dress, she started shaking involuntarily and went into a deep trance. She puffed on a few cigarettes and started channeling one of her entities, the sailor. I kneeled before her and asked the entity a personal question. I was surprised when a man’s voice answered. Then, suddenly, the dialog stopped. The sailor announced that my soul had decided, on its own, to come back to this “Land of Sins,” and for a special purpose: to heal and help people, even though my soul had completed its mission and did not need to return again.

“Do you understand what he said?’ Ipupiara asked me.

“No,” I answered.

“By the Land of Sins, he meant this world, the Earth. And you are an avatar,” Ipupiara said. She looked straight at me as if I was the most ignorant person alive.

“What’s an avatar?” I asked in surprise.

As Ipupiara answered my question in a hushed voice, a deep sadness fell upon me, and I became incredibly emotional. An old memory, long buried, from between the ages of two and three years old, appeared in my mind. It was a recollection of knowing then that I do not belong here on this planet, and of asking myself, why am I alive? I did not want to be here. I knew I wanted to go home, to let go of my physical body. This existence was just too painful.

Accepting your life purpose — even if it strikes you at first as peculiar or uncomfortable — allows you to direct your life path with clarity and power. This knowledge helps you to recognize that every negative event you experience is actually a teaching that takes you a step closer toward achieving your ultimate goal. At the same time, decisions become easier, since you can reject decisions that don’t support your life purpose. At the same time, once you begin living from this perspective, you can accept that each of us are have our own, unique life purposes, which lead us to pursue our lives in our own, unique ways. We realize how important it is to give others the permission they need to fully experience their life lessons, and to support their pursuit of life purpose. That, indeed, is the truest expression of love.

Image by sunshinecity used courtesy of a Creative Commons license. 


Gregg Braden on Emerging WOrld

Gregg Braden’s Newsletter. . . a portion of his emailed letter. . .

Posted on August 16, 2013 by

Great Mystery Is Solved

Awakening the power to reshape our world.

Modern science is hot on the trail of solving one of the greatest mysteries of all time. Nearly 70 years of research in an area known as the “new physics” is pointing to a conclusion that we cannot escape.

The discovery: Everything in our world is connected to everything else. That’s the news that changes everything, and which is absolutely shaking the foundations of science, as we know it today. “OK,” you say. “We’ve heard this before. What makes this conclusion so different? What does it really mean to be so connected?” The difference between the new discoveries and what we previously believed is that in the past we were simply told that the connection exists. The new experiments, however, take us one step further.

Dearest Global Family,

Welcome to this new edition of “Bridging Science, Spirituality, and the Real World,” the only official newsletter for Gregg Braden!

Since our last edition I’ve had the opportunity to travel across four continents and speak with hundreds of people from 12 countries regarding the dramatic changes in our world, and what those changes mean in their lives. As different as the countries, people, and languages are from one another, there’s a common theme that came up time and again in the course of our conversations: What can we do to make our lives better while the world is going through so much change? It’s a great question, and the answer leads to the very crux of what my 2013 books, seminars, and media specials are all about.

The Facts
To answer the question we must honestly and truthfully acknowledge two facts that give context and meaning to the world that’s unfolding before our eyes. The facts are:

  1. We live in a time of extremes.
  2. We can no longer separate our everyday lives from the global stage.

It’s these facts that change everything about the way we’ve been led to think of ourselves, our relationship to the world, and the way we solve problems of relationships, finance, health and careers. It’s precisely because our daily lives and world events are so closely linked that we can no longer separate them.

The crises of climate change, for example, extreme weather, failing crops and failing economies translate directly into the cost of the transportation to and from our jobs; the cost of the food at our local market; the interest we pay to the local bank for the loans on our cars, homes and education, and the interest the local bank pays us on our CDs, IRAs and personal savings. The fractured economies of the world translate directly into the stress in our lives at the loss of neighborhood businesses and local jobs; the closing of factories and the loss of the benefits they bring to our local communities. There is no doubt in my mind that such big shifts happening on the world stage pave the way to healthier, safer, happier lives for us all. I am also under no illusion about the amount of change it takes for us to get to that better world.

Our lives are changing in ways that we’re not used to, and the change is happening faster than we’ve been prepared to think about and deal with.

The bottom line

While we certainly cannot solve the problems of the whole world in our living rooms, it’s from our living rooms, offices and classrooms we can choose how we respond to what the world is showing us. The key is that it all comes down to the way we think—about ourselves, our relationship to others, our relationship to the world today and our relationship to the past. It’s through the lens of our thinking that we solve the challenges that cross our doorstep each day.

The Answer

I began this letter with the question “What can we do to make our lives better while the world is going through so much change?” The following is an example of the transformation that’s possible in the answerIn our recent past, we’ve been led to believe that we’re separate from ourselves, separate from Earth, separate from our history and that we solve our problems through competition and conflict. It’s these beliefs that have led us to meet the challenges of our lives through the way we answer, consciously or subconsciously, the following question:

What can I get from the world that exists?

Through new discoveries of today’s best science (Deep TruthHay House 2011), we now know that some of the thinking of the past was incorrect, and some the thinking was plain wrong. The new discoveries tell us that through our thoughts, feelings and emotions we are deeply connected with ourselves, interdependent upon the world around us, deeply connected with our past and that Nature is based upon a model of cooperation and mutual aid. These discoveries lead us to change the question. The new question is:

What can I share with the world that’s emerging? 

The way we answer this question is the key to everything. It opens new doors of possibility to the loss of jobs, careers and familiar ways of life in the past. And it gives us a way to embrace the needs of the new world that’s emerging rather than being stuck in an idea of a world that no longer exists.

A perfect example of this change of thinking in real life is the story of Ken, a friend of mine who lives in a rural community in Northern New Mexico. When his business as a home builder collapsed with the housing crisis of 2008, he asked himself the question

What can I share with the world that’s emerging?”

His answer was to apply the skills he’d developed building homes, which were no longer needed in 2008, to begin building something that was needed then, and continues to be needed today. He began to design and build a unique style of modular greenhouse so people would have a reliable supply of affordable food. Through Ken’s innovative design, his greenhouses can be used indoors or outdoors and will sustain a family, or a community 12 months of the year, regardless of climate and weather. To read Ken’s story click here. It’s stories like Ken’s that translate the theories of what’s possible in our world into real-life examples of transformation in our lives. Enjoy the story and I look forward to seeing you “on the road” in 2013!

With love and deep gratitude,

Gregg Braden

Taos, New Mexico

In addition to proving that we are connected to everything, research now proves that the connection exists because of us—specifically because of our consciousness. Our connectedness gives us the power to stack the deck in our favor when it comes to the way our lives play out. In everything from searching for romance and healing our loved ones, to the fulfillment of our deepest aspirations and the peace of our world, we are an integral part of all that we experience each day. That the discoveries show we can use our connection consciously opens the door to nothing less than our opportunity to tap the same power that drives the entire universe.

Through the connection that lives inside of you, me, and every human that walks the earth we have a direct line to the same force that creates everything from atoms and stars to the DNA of life! Read more »

Our ultimate fate will be the outcome of all the major crises of our time if they are left unchecked. These crises include: an unsustainable world population; climate change; growing shortages of food and fresh water; the widening gap between poverty and wealth, health and disease, and illiteracy and education, and the growing threat of war.

We know these problems exist. We’ve already applied the best minds of our time, and the best science based upon the best theories available, to study these problems. But if we were on the right track with our thinking, doesn’t it make sense that we would have more answers and better solutions by now? The fact that we don’t tells us we need to think differently.

I believe there are six deep truths (and the facts they reveal) that will radically change the way we’ve been led to think about our world and ourselves in the past. Let’s explore what they mean. Talk them over with the important people in your life; and discover if, and how, they may change the story that is shared in your family and across our world.

Deep Truth 5

A growing body of scientific data from multiple disciplines, gathered using new technology, provides evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that humankind reflects a design put into place at once, rather than a life-form emerging randomly through an evolutionary process over a long period of time.


Bringing in Positive Energy

Dr. Carmen Harra

Author, clinical psychologist and relationship expert

Banish Bad Energy From Everyday Life

 Nature designed us as social creatures — we were meant to mingle, communicate constantly, and connect with each other on so many levels. It should come as no surprise, then, that in going about our everyday routines, we come into contact with hundreds of different energies: speaking with friends and family, listening to the many voices on TV, picking up tidbits of conversation from coworkers. Even asking the barista for your morning brew means you’re connecting!

Every energetic encounter, no matter how slight or fleeting, leaves an impression on our own field of energy. But what happens when we meet less-than-positive people and must merge with their dark disposition? This too comes with our daily dose of interaction, and since we can’t always help who’s around us, we must learn to block out energies that are detrimental to our morale. Follow my seven simple steps to banish bad energy from others and uplift your own energetic essence:

Identify who’s prone to a bad mood: Identify the people around you who are most likely to express negative energy. They might be under a lot of pressure, going through a difficult time, or just have a personality that lends a bad attitude. Some people simply see the glass as half empty rather than half full. And that’s fine for them, but their unstable temperament should not spill onto you.

Understand how their moods affect you: Analyze how their negative energy is depriving your own state of being, your emotions, and your ability to function. Once you acknowledge the impact, you’ll understand that their moods might be affecting you more than you think, leaving you physically and mentally drained. You may not realize it, but you absorb energies around you just as much as you absorb oxygen from the air.

Avoid those who give off bad energy: You should not have to “put up with” anyone’s bad mood on a daily basis, whether the person is your boss, family member, or spouse. If you know someone who is constantly low-spirited due to life circumstances or otherwise, it might be time for you to politely create a bit of space between you. You can’t run the other way whenever you see someone scowl, but you should shy away from people who emit chronic negativity and gravitate closer to those who praise a positive mindset.

Find a peaceful place: When you sense someone’s energy becoming toxic, try to retreat to a place of solitude. This might be your private office, your bedroom, even your car if you have nowhere else to go. The important thing is that you withdraw yourself from the unhealthy atmosphere and take a minute to recharge your own energy. When someone else’s energy is making you feel uncomfortable, try affirmations. You can say things like, “I love myself therefore I protect my energy from the harmful vibes of others.”

Create a shield of protection: Don’t allow others to tap into your field of energy; your energetic territory is your very own personal space of being, and very few people should have access to this private part of your self. If you’re an open person who invites others into your “energy bubble,” you grant them the opportunity to modify your mood and mold your well-being to their liking. Remember that when someone enters your energy field, their own state of being doesn’t trail far behind. If you feel this happens to you often, keep your energetic doors closed to invaders.

Practice pure energy: Your energetic levels determine the precious, sometimes irreversible decisions you make. And if your energy is foggy from the emotional fumes of others, you may not always make the best decisions. In unpleasant situations, seek solutions through healing, high-spirited methods rather than through destructive, unruly emotions. Your problems may reach the same resolutions whether you utilize logic or desperation, but you will waste much more energy employing the latter.

Keep your own emotions in check: Just as we exercise our bodies, we must also exercise our emotions. We often believe we don’t have the power to control our emotions, but we do! We tend to enable our emotions by feeding into the negative ones like anger, jealousy, and sadness. Instead, we need to control our negative emotions before they take control of us. Practice keeping your emotions within a normal range in order to keep them healthy and stable. Our greatest mistakes are made in moments of anger, which raises adrenaline levels and takes hold of our actions. Remember that the more you enable anger, the more the nerve cells of your brain evoke this emotion. Similarly, the more you practice feelings of tranquility, unconditional love, and rational thinking, the more you will slip naturally into these moods.

Though our moods fluctuate naturally, they should never flare up or plummet due to the negative influences of others. We must remember that, ultimately, feeling good begins within us, meaning we have to work hand in hand with our inner emotions to stay balanced. Take my seven simple steps into consideration the next time you connect to the energies of others–it might be very soon!

Sending you joyful energy,

Dr. Carmen Harra


Kryon on Trials of 2013

This live channelling was Given in Laguna Hills, California.
July 14, 2013

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Laguna Hills in 2013.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. In this moment, in this room, it would appear that there is a switch or a change in energy. Those who would sit and listen may not be aware of the profundity of what has happened to my partner, corporally, in order to channel. In this moment, all of the cells in his body recognize the state he is in and they have suspended all unnecessary corporeal processes. They have suspended the aging, digestion, and even pain. They have suspended all of these things so that they can be listening and be ready for the energy of the pineal. It is opening with as few filters as possible, and this will allow the voice that they know is in them to come through. The voice is the one from home. That’s what happening

So there is a cooperative energy here and it’s new, for in an older energy if you talked to some who would go into a trance back then, they would come out of it and tell you it was an exhausting experience. They might say, “This has sapped me of energy! I’m tired.” However, when my partner is finished with the channelling, he might dance! (if he knew how). Indeed, the energy is great and grand and he is not tired at the end. This is because in the few moments that he is in this altered multi-dimensional state, he is infused not just with information, but with life force. He’s in a state that most Human Beings do not allow themselves to be in. It’s a state that is completely and totally open to the energy of the “God part” of the Human Being. In this state, there’s healing and an allowance of change. So I’m giving you information that is far more personal than just messages from the other side of the veil. It talks to the God part of you! It’s interactive.

This is a difficult year (2013) and we are going to explain more about that in just a moment. But right now, I want to tell you yet again that I am not here as an isolated consciousness. What you’re hearing now is a succinct, linear transmission in your language, which you are able to understand. For 23 years, my partner has been practicing this. It took him four years just to open his mouth and try it. It took him another three before it was actually flowing in sentences, for what we started within him is the bridge that he had to understand and cross. He started with thought groups, which had no linearity. It was all conceptual. Soon he got those thoughts delivered in more linearity, but he couldn’t remember what they were, because they came in too fast. Back then, there was no interaction with his consciousness self, and the messages were simply delivered to him to then be remembered and spoken back to an audience. It was almost like he was storing thought and then giving it back in language.

Those were the early days of learning to channel. I can remember the time when he said, “I give up. This is too hard! Why can’t you on the other side be more linear? Slow down and give it to me the way I can deliver it.” When he started this dialogue, he opened the door for answers. We said, “Why can’t you as a Human be more multi-dimensional?” So between the two concepts, my partner developed the ability to open his linear box and eliminate the structure. He destructured himself and it allowed us then to fit into the place he had created for us in his process. He needed the innate of his body to be the interloper and help structure the multi-dimensional messages into a language to be delivered and experienced in your real time. I just gave you the history of his channelling.

So now what you hear us say through him is in your real time, interpreted the best he can do within in a three-dimensional corporeal body. What he feels from my side of the veil is also available, so he knows the Akash of each of you for these moments. He knows of the difficulty that brought you here to listen. He knows what I know for these moments. He knows of the circumstances and the synchronicities that allow you to be where you are in consciousness and living where you are.

He sees what you don’t see and what we see. He sees the set-up in your life, no matter what your age, to allow for the next stage of your life to develop. He sees the things that would bring you to this room, or to listen to this, or to have the “aha” experience or the allowance to understand a little more of yourself. The directive of the day is to, “Find the magnificence inside.” Now, there is the puzzle! So I want to talk about it briefly.

Why is the year so difficult?

As much as I speak of it, and as much as my partner speaks of it, there’s still part of the old soul’s brain that says, “Is this really necessary?” And the answer is yes. It really is. The page turn of humanity is complete between the old energy and the potentials of the new. The difference truly is within the balance of darkness and light and what happens when you expose dark things to light that have never seen it. I can use all the metaphors, but instead I wish to give you some attributes that perhaps you didn’t expect. I’m going to start with the hardest one first.

The Departure of Some of the Teachers

How do we explain this to you, dear ones, so it makes sense? We will try. Before 2013, you were working a different puzzle. There was no absolute, 100% chance or complete assurance that you were going to make this shift. Free-will is like that, and Spirit can only give you information based upon potentials. We give you the information that we see in front of us that represents the now of the moment. We cannot predict what you’re going to do, but instead we give you potentials of what might take place based upon what you are thinking and doing at the moment. We can always give you a bigger picture then you can see for yourself because we stand observing all. We have an overview you cannot have and this overview has always indicated that you are moving in a direction that is more positive than you could see. Although you cannot see the overview of potentials as clearly as we can, the reality around you shouts that it is happening! But it goes so slow. All of this could turn around instantly, however, because of free will. So it’s never absolute.

It’s like watching the clock. You can’t really see the clock hand move, can you? But when you glance back at it after awhile, it indeed has moved. You watch a plant grow, and it’s the same thing. You know growth is happening, but it’s too difficult to watch it in real time. So the Human Being takes snapshots and makes assumptions based upon what they see, instead of measuring fully in their mind where the energy might be going. There is much happening that Humans are seeing and it’s confusing. It seems out of place to what they might expect at this time.

All this is to say that some of you are losing friends in death, and it seems out of sync in this new promised energy. I know who’s here, who is listening and reading, and it would seem inappropriate that you would lose a friend or loved one at this point in time. Now, there are some in the room who have recently lost those they’ve loved, and it has seemed especially hurtful since these dear ones didn’t seem “ready to go” just yet. In my partner’s case, he lost a team member in the Kryon work, and I can remember in the moments when he found out, he was mad at me. He said to me, “It’s unfair, not correct, and inappropriate! This man was a Lightworker doing good things. We needed him! He was a healer. Others needed him. He seemed to have so many years left, and now he’s gone.” Two weeks ago, my partner lost still another friend. He is not alone, for many around him including those in the room are experiencing the same thing.

For some, it’s the year of loss. So I want to give you some explanations. I wish to tell you clearly what we see now that we couldn’t tell you before. There is a great unspoken future that is starting to build itself right now. It’s a future we couldn’t tell you about because you hadn’t arrived at the place where the shift potential was this strong. Now you are there, in 2013. You’ve passed the midpoint marker of the precession of the equinoxes, and it truly was a demarcation point that the indigenous saw as well. It’s a time fractal, but they didn’t call it that. However, it was so clear to them that in their spiritual way, they built their calendars and prophecies around it. Now we can tell you about it, and there begins some planning on the other side involving all of you.

There are old souls who had to leave, seemingly before their time, so that they could arrive on my side of the veil right now. They needed to refresh themselves and come back quickly, literally within the year as newborns on the planet. This is so they would be elders when it was your time to go to the next life. They would then be the ones already there who would begin to teach you what you will need to know. They are the advanced team for peace on Earth.

So, now you see where this is going. They had to leave and come back quickly. They had to align themselves in the right places, expecting where you will be next, dear one. Dear old soul, they needed to be the catalyst for you to awaken next time and do the work that you’ve chosen to do. So when you incarnate into your next expression, they’ll be there and they will find themselves synchronistically as your teachers and the ones who will impress you the most and who you will listen to. Some of them may actually be related to you in the same way they are to you this time, or close to it, and you’ll recognize them.

None of this may feel right to you, and we know that. Some of you are hurting. So we wanted to share with you a system that respects that which you are creating. Planting the seeds of the future has required some of the souls to be there sooner to start the growth. You’ll come in later. Some of you will arrive there much later, but they’ll be there. In some way, let this take the “edge off” your frustration and sorrow and make you understand better. There is spiritual purpose for all of this, and it has been manifested properly in love. That was the first one.

The Year of Resolutions

The second item is that this is the year we’re going to call the beginning of resolution, and this does not feel good either. Resolution is supposed to be a very positive, fair word in your language that means agreement, balance and an attribute where everybody wins. But that’s not the way we see it. Resolution to us is a resolving imbalance. Imagine something that is balancing on a board with a fulcrum at the center. It has always been teetering one way or the other and it has never gone fully one direction or the other. It vacillates and simply stays in limbo for years and years. Perhaps it moves around a bit, but it doesn’t fully go one direction or the other. This year it may. So if you have an imbalance of thought, this may be the time it might resolve one way or the other. Humanity is starting to feel this and you’re starting to see mental imbalance resolve itself. If someone is unbalanced, they may finally move to full unbalance. Many of them are going to snap this year and you’ve already seen this in your own culture.

A man walks into a classroom and guns down children. You know this isn’t right. It violates intuitive moral Human value and consciousness, yet you are seeing way too much of it for one year. You’re going to see more and it’s unfortunate, but this is resolution. This resolution is a settling of the kind of imbalance that cannot exist in the form it is now or to the degree and quantity it is now. It can’t exist in the energy you are creating. It must resolve, and you’re also going to see the same thing in certain kinds of systems.

Anything that is in a mid-point, which has teetered for years in unresolved conflict or inappropriateness, will start a path to resolution. Now, some of these are going to solve themselves positively and many will not. That is why the energy of the year feels so strange to you. That is why there are so many crazies [as you call them] coming to the forefront at the moment. That is why you are so careful right now, like walking on eggs. This year of full moons is very appropriately named!

Now, let me give you another attribute of all this that may be different for some of you, for some of you are listening to all of this and saying, “Well, that isn’t me Kryon. This is a good year and things are coming together pretty well. I’m finally having some solutions to things that in the past were difficult. Now they are solving themselves.” Exactly! Welcome to resolution. For some, this is the year where things come together. This is due to many things, but one of them is that the energy of those around them is so different, that the old negative attributes have dissolved that used to block the way. That’s resolution.

As we have said before, there are futures that have been shown to many of you that you felt were yours, but then you tried them in the past and they didn’t work. Now, however, they are in an energy that is perfect for resolution and success. Some of you are having these things manifest themselves and resolve in a way where finally all is coming together. So for you, this year is a good one, and you’ve been waiting a long time for some things to manifest. But for most of you, this is not the case. Every single path of every single Human Being, especially the old souls, is totally unique. There can’t be one manual for all, or one set of rules that works for everyone. So some will be at that point of positive resolution, but for most of you this is not a good year.

The instructions to get through all this are the same as we have given before: Endure; Be circumspect; Rest. This is not a good year to start things cold, since much around you is resolving and is not balanced yet. You might say it’s like the attributes of a mercury retrograde all year long, and it feels like that to some of you. [Laughter] So do not fear these things, but rather see them as the adjustment that they are. Look at them as part of the profound puzzle you created, which you are now passing through. Imagine the battle of the ages is over. Imagine it, a three-dimensional battlefield, where the smoke clears and the bodies are all piled up on each other. In order for you to go home, you’ve got to walk through the battlefield and see them all, every one. You’ve got to feel the pain and see their distorted faces and understand that every one of them was someone’s child. This is going to take all year to get through the battlefield, and it’s not going to feel good. You’re going to wake up at night and think about it. It’s the best metaphor we have.

It’s uncomfortable to shift energy this greatly. The life coaches and readers who work in this very building are working this puzzle every single day, and they will tell you that they have people coming to them who have never ever come to a reader before. This is because they are at their wit’s end. “What is happening?” they will ask, “Why me? Why now?” Many will have a tendency to victimize and blame themselves and to think that everything is turning around in an ugly way because of something they did.

You Can See It In Your News

The final item is this: All around you, dear ones, is proof of what I’m telling you. You have two countries currently in turmoil at the moment, and a third one about to go. All three have been stable for a very long time. Who would have thought that Egypt would be part of this? Egypt seemed to be in balance for decades – or was it? Syria ruled itself with an iron hand and created a stability of power that was absolute. What would then cause these to erupt the way they did and at this time? If you take a look at why, and why now, you’ll see the timing is all around 2013 and 2012. And it’s around Human consciousness that is starting to be more transparent and saying, “We don’t want what we now understand and see is continuing unbalance in our country. We see it never getting better, and now we want finality and we want resolution.” That is what you’re looking at.

It’s ugly to look at this, for there is death, suffering, sorrow and turmoil. There is frustration, and the resolution of it all may take longer than you want it to. But someday you will look back and see the results clearly. Mass Human consciousness is starting to change and demand what it expects in the way of integrity. Governments often want the old ways of power, but their people want schools, hospitals, safe streets and parks, and peace with their neighbors.

So expect more of this, especially this year. The more turmoil you see, the more the puzzle is being worked with. So we close this message the way we started it. I know who you are, magnificent one. I sit at your feet in awe. Do not miss this point! Old souls have been here through all of the transitions of humanity. Do you understand that? Four times you came close to this shift you are today experiencing and four times you missed it. Four times you died in the process of trying. This time you didn’t.

Do not miss this: There is something within your Akash, a “remembrance button”, that is being pushed and plays an emotion that says, “We’ve felt this before and it didn’t turn out well.” Don’t let this energy define you. It’s the button of duality and fear that says things are always the way they are and they will repeat themselves because that’s just the way life works. No it isn’t! You are magnificent and you have the ability at this point to finally begin to see it, and to cast all the fears and the voices in the back seat of life and tell them you are in charge now and you are the one driving the car of your reality. That’s the message of the day.

I am Kryon, in love with humanity for what it has done, against all odds.

And so it is.
