Russell Brand – Time for a Change

Time For A Spiritual Revolution: Comedian Russell Brand Discusses Corruption and Non-Compliance

compost capitalism16th November 2013

By Openhand

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

People of the world rise up!

Divine Consciousness moves in mysterious ways. It can flow through whoever is open and touching unity consciousness.

I was chatting with my teenage son a couple of days ago about the state of the world and how it seems that society at large doesn’t really care about what is happening to our planet and isn’t really changing. Representing the younger generation, he said “You’d be surprised. People really do care. They just don’t know what to do about it.”

As someone who has been concerned about the planet for the best part of my life, hearing his simple statement really helped me to contemplate that maybe people really do care; that maybe it is up to the trailblazers of the coming revolution to stand up and be heard. The more people who rise up and really follow their hearts and lead by example, the more likely people at large will be willing to change.

As Open said recently in our ‘Transformation of Humanity’ video…

“What the world need right now is a spiritual revolution”

Russell Brand isn’t your average, every day speaker. He’s a comedian. Yet, he’s touched something so deep within himself that he feels given to share a message of profound spiritual revolution and non-compliance with the corrupt system. He’s an unexpected gift to the spiritual world. I am awestruck!

Be inspired by the latest Russell Brand video from ‘The Journey of Purpose’ – it really illustrates the choice that we are all being given to make right now. What choice do you make?

Rise up people!



Ida Lawrence on Awareness

The Tree Probably Does

The Tree Probably Does

Story by: Ida Lawrence

I’m going to begin with the image of a tree because there is plenty of symbology around that image: I’ll rest my back against it for a bit as I put these thoughts together. Our tree will symbolize inexhaustible life transforming, and since it is also said to span dimensions, we’ll visit that possibility as well.

Pressure and response: interesting to think about in times of change… and change isn’t coming on slowly anymore. It can certainly be seen in our personal lives. Outcomes of past choices, whether wise or foolish, conscious or unconscious, have been arriving on doorsteps with increasing speed. On the positive side, the pressure of change can cause the response of growth… if you’re into it and up to it.

When we change our perspective from personal pressure to worldwide pressure, it can become nearly overwhelming… so rapid, so destructive is the decline of this world. Is the global picture something we can bring into a conversation without becoming either angry or despondent? We’re going to try.

In the consciousness movement we work to know self. Part of that self-knowing comes through observing how, when under pressure from the outside, we may revert to conditioned and programmed responses inside. Through awareness of our conditioning and the system’s programming, we take up the task of replacing these patterns with ones that are more refined and liberating.

My thinking on this process was triggered recently when talking with my godson… our in-house Qi Gong practitioner. I’ll just quote him, and you’ll see the correlation:

“The body is a sensory and counter-pressure mechanism. When the External pressures demand a response there is an internal counter pressure that responds. A very basic example is an automatic response… when it’s hot (external pressure) you sweat to cool down (internal counter-pressure). Through the practice of Qi Gong you can control the counter-pressure.”

He went on to say that you begin with one energy circulation and practice it daily. After three months or so your work on the circulation becomes automatic… you will have a new switch inside, in response to a certain pressure. You can then move on to the next practice.

What the circulation of energy achieves is the ability to clear, clean, flow and store energy and do things with energy. What the Qi Gong master can do with energy is pretty incredible. There are videos online of masters who can start a piece of paper on fire just by projecting energy from their hands.
Stored energy can be used both to heal and to harm. And there is more, but it’s not for everyone. Most practitioners take years to get to heal or harm and that is where they stop. The ‘more’ has to be learned from a teacher who has taken the path.

Whether it’s mythology or history, stories tell of people giving their lives while learning the possibilities of energy; experimenting with the outcome of different practices. While only a few masters may know the ‘more’, a presumption can be made that it is the very real trans-dimensional metaphysician’s doorway. In today’s world, such doorways are being used.

Let’s move on to external pressure and internal counter-pressure in relation to our thoughts and emotions. Thoughts and emotions are energy too, and we can certainly create new pathways for them once we know what we’re dealing with. As I mentioned, we are conditioned and programmed to respond in a certain way. Unlike the body’s natural response, for the most part these responses are not what we were born with. Yet, like the Qi Gong practitioner, if we want to re-train these learned and programmed counter-responses we have to study, observe and feel.

Among the tools to increase awareness, re-train thoughts and emotions, and raise the energy from a dense state to a more refined state, are written lessons, specific meditations, guided meditations, physical disciplines, and therapies. Many people have been doing this work for years, and they are the ones offering tools on how to transform the fear response, as well as the anger, sadness, self-pity, hostility, weakness, indulgence and so on. So much could be said about this, and we’re just touching on things today.

We’re going to return to the tree again as a symbol of inexhaustible life transforming within a system. Have you wondered how many trees there are, i.e. how many self-contained and interrelated energy systems there are? The body is one; and the earth itself is one; the universe; the multiverse. I’d better add… and on and on.

If we as individual human beings can re-train our conditioned and programmed thoughts and emotions and raise our energy to a more refined level through a kind of ‘consciousness Qi Gong’, how about the collective consciousness of human families… can that be re-trained, or the global collective consciousness? Can a significant number of us go for transformation and liberation? If we do, can it lead to a way out of the current control system?
I’ll let you play with that, but to me, the whole thing looks like the fractal tree. And if that is true, we can say that the truth of the small is the truth of the great: for every confinement, no matter how seemingly inescapable, there has to be, built-in at the origin, an avenue of escape… because the avenue of escape exists on a small scale. We already pointed to it with the master of energy and the metaphysician.

Now let’s go to the global consciousness. We know that it is confined within a system of control… some call it a matrix of control. It seems the ones who run things have very well locked us down. When they put on the pressure, we provide an automatic counter-pressure. Normally it’s fear and compliance, sometimes it’s another reaction… argument, anger, rebellion, sorrow… but always within the confines of our conditioning and programming.

An earlier observation about pressure (when it increases, counter-pressure increases) points out the positive side: on the positive side, the pressure of change can cause the counter-pressure of growth… if you’re into it and up to it.

The intensity of global change and the downward force of it does bring the opportunity for growth. Can we intentionally be like the tree… inexhaustible life transforming? We can look into it at least, and whisper to ourselves… this may not turn out as badly as we expect.

Humanity is awakening, and the collective response to external pressure is amazing to watch. We can see energy moving, we can see the system watching and trying to manipulate it… and failing more and more often. So let’s never close the door to the possibility of liberation. We must keep on observing the movement, re-training our own conditioned responses, rejecting the programming, envisioning the change we want, and raising our energy. Our change makes a difference to the whole.

Who knows the doorway out… the tree probably does.


Your Color Vibe for Saturday, 11/09

Saturday, November 9:    Apricot

Things will literally be coming out of the woodwork today, so be prepared.  The current energies are blowing around a lot of dust and you will have things in your face that you had forgotten about, that you were over, that you were tired of, that you never wanted to know.  Along with that, you will begin to see glimpses of new friends, new themes, new abodes, new interests, new jobs flying in the wind.  This is a good time to pick and choose.  What is it that you have gotten over and are ready to let go of?  What is it that is attracting you and calling you forward right now?  You have changed.  This is a day for looking at who you were just a year ago, just a few months ago and recognizing that you have gone beyond that place.  Regardless of whether you have moved in small ways or large ones, the important thing is the recognition that you have made some changes.  There are more to make, and today offers some possibilities, some hints.

Some Crystal People:


Consciousness & The Brain by Dr. Dossey

Why Consciousness Is Not the Brain

Larry Dossey

Physicist Freeman Dyson believes the cosmos is suffused with consciousness, from the grandest level to the most minute dimensions. If it is, why aren’t we aware of it?

“We don’t know who first discovered water, but we can be sure that it wasn’t a fish,” the old saw reminds us. Continual exposure to something reduces our awareness of its presence. Over time, we become blind to the obvious. We swim in a sea of consciousness, like a fish swims in water. And like a fish that has become oblivious to his aqueous environment, we have become dulled to the ubiquity of consciousness.

In science, we have largely ignored how consciousness manifests in our existence. We’ve done this by assuming that the brain produces consciousness, although how it might do so has never been explained and can hardly be imagined.

The polite term for this trick is “emergence.” At a certain stage of biological complexity, evolutionary biologists claim, consciousness pops out of the brain like a rabbit from a magician’s hat. Yet this claim rests on no direct evidence whatsoever. As Rutgers University philosopher Jerry A. Fodo flatly states, “Nobody has the slightest idea how anything material could be conscious. So much for our philosophy of consciousness.”

In spite of the complete absence of evidence, the belief that the brain produces consciousness endures and has ossified into dogma. Many scientists realize the limitations of this belief. One way of getting around the lack of evidence is simply to declare that what we call consciousness is the brain itself. That way, nothing is produced, and the magic of “emergence” is avoided.

As astronomer Carl Sagan expressed his position, “My fundamental premise about the brain is that its workings—what we sometimes call mind—are a consequence of anatomy and physiology, and nothing more.” Nobelist Francis Crick agreed, saying a “person’s mental activities are entirely due to the behavior of nerve cells, glial cells, and the atoms, ions, and molecules that make up and influence them.”

This “identity theory”—mind equals brain—has led legions of scientists and philosophers to regard consciousness as an unnecessary, superfluous concept. Some go out of their way to deny the existence of consciousness altogether, almost as if they bear a grudge against it. Tufts University cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett says, “We’re all zombies. Nobody is conscious.” Dennett includes himself in this extraordinary claim, and he seems proud of it.

Others suggest that there are no mental states at all, such as love, courage, or patriotism, but only electrochemical brain fluxes that should not be described with such inflated language. They dismiss thoughts and beliefs for the same reasons.

This led Nobel neurophysiologist Sir John Eccles to remark that “professional philosophers and psychologists think up the notion that there are no thoughts, come to believe that there are no beliefs, and feel strongly that there are no feelings.”

Eccles was emphasizing the absurdities that have crept into the debates about consciousness. They are not hard to spot. Some of the oddest experiences I recall are attending conferences where one speaker after another employs his consciousness to denounce the existence of consciousness, ignoring the fact that he consciously chose to register for the meeting, make travel plans, prepare his talks, and so on.

Many scientists concede that there are huge gaps in their knowledge of how the brain makes consciousness, but they are certain they will be filled in as science progresses. Eccles and philosopher of science Karl Popper branded this attitude “promissory materialism.”

“Promissary materialism is a superstition without a rational foundation,” Eccles says. “It is simply a religious belief held by dogmatic materialists … who confuse their religion with their science. It has all the features of a messianic prophecy.”

The arguments about the origins and nature of consciousness are central to premonitions. For if the promissory materialists are correct—if consciousness is indeed identical with the brain—the curtain closes on premonitions.

The reason is that the brain is a local phenomenon—i.e., it is localized to the brain and body, and to the present. This prohibits premonitions in principle, because accordingly the brain cannot operate outside the body and the here-and-now. But consciousness can operate beyond the brain, body, and the present, as hundreds of experiments and millions of testimonials affirm. Consciousness cannot, therefore, be identical with the brain.

These assertions are not hyperbolic, but conservative. They are consistent with the entire span of human history, throughout which all cultures of which we have record believed that human perception extends beyond the reach of the senses. This belief might be dismissed as superstition but for the fact that modern research has established its validity beyond reasonable doubt to anyone whose reasoning has not clotted into hardened skepticism.

To reiterate a single example—the evidence supporting foreknowledge—psi researchers Charles Honorton and Diane Ferrari examined 309 precognition experiments carried out by sixty-two investigators involving 50,000 participants in more than two million trials. Thirty percent of these studies were significant in showing that people can describe future events, when only five percent would be expected to demonstrate such results by chance. The odds that these results were not due to chance was greater than 10 to the twentieth power to one.

One of the first modern thinkers to endorse an outside-the-brain view of consciousness was William James, who is considered the father of American psychology. In his 1898 Ingersoll Lecture at Harvard University, James took a courageous stand against what he called “the fangs of cerebralism and the idea that consciousness is produced by the brain.”

He acknowledged that arrested brain development in childhood can lead to mental retardation, that strokes or blows to the head can abolish memory or consciousness, and that certain chemicals can change the quality of thought. But to consider this as proof that the brain actually makes consciousness, James said, is irrational.

Why irrational? Consider a radio, an invention that was introduced during James’s lifetime, and which he used to illustrate the mind-brain relationship. If one bangs a radio with a hammer, it ceases to function. But that does not mean that the origin of the sounds was the radio itself; the sound originated from outside it in the form of an electromagnetic signal. The radio received, modified, and amplified the external signal into something recognizable as sound.

Just so, the brain can be damaged in various ways that distort the quality of consciousness—trauma, stroke, nutritional deficiencies, dementia, etc. But this does not necessarily mean the brain “made” the consciousness that is now disturbed, or that consciousness is identical to the brain.

British philosopher Chris Carter endorses this analogy. Equating mind and brain is as irrational, he says, as listening to music on a radio, smashing the radio’s receiver, and thereby concluding that the radio was producing the music.

To update the analogy, consider a television set. We can damage a television set so severely that we lose the image on the screen, but this doesn’t prove that the TV actually produced the image. We know that David Letterman does not live behind the TV screen on which he appears; yet the contention that brain equals consciousness is as absurd as if he did.

The radio and TV analogies can be misleading, however, because consciousness does not behave like an electromagnetic signal. Electromagnetic (EM) signals display certain characteristics. The farther away they get from their source, the weaker they become.

Not so with consciousness; its effects do not attenuate with increasing distance. For example, in the hundreds of healing experiments that have been done in both humans and animals, healing intentions work equally well from the other side of the earth as at the bedside of the sick individual. Moreover, EM signals can be blocked partially or completely, but the effects of conscious intention cannot be blocked by any known substance.

For instance, sea water is known to block EM signals completely at certain depths, yet experiments in remote viewing have been successfully carried out beyond such depths, demonstrating that the long-distance communication between the involved individuals cannot depend on EM-type signals.

In addition, EM signals require travel time from their source to a receiver, yet thoughts can be perceived simultaneously between individuals across global distances. Thoughts can be displaced in time, operating into both past and future.

In precognitive remote viewing experiments—for example, the hundreds of such experiments by the PEAR Lab at Princeton University—the receiver gets a future thought before it is ever sent. Furthermore, consciousness can operate into the past, as in the experiments involving retroactive intentions. Electromagnetic signals are not capable of these feats. From these differences, we can conclude that consciousness is not an electric signal.

Then what is it? My conclusion is that consciousness is not a thing or substance, but is a nonlocal phenomenon. Nonlocal is merely a fancy word for infinite. If something is nonlocal, it is not localized to specific points in space, such as brains or bodies, or to specific points in time, such as the present.

Nonlocal events are immediate; they require no travel time. They are unmediated; they require no energetic signal to “carry” them. They are unmitigated; they do not become weaker with increasing distance. Nonlocal phenomena are omnipresent, everywhere at once. This means there is no necessity for them to go anywhere; they are already there. They are infinite in time as well, present at all moments, past present and future, meaning they are eternal.

Researcher Dean Radin, whose presentiment experiments provide profound evidence for future knowing, believes that the nonlocal events in the subatomic, quantum domain underlie the nonlocal events we experience at the human level. He invokes the concept of entanglement as a bridging hypothesis uniting the small- and large-scale happenings. Quantum entanglement and quantum nonlocality are indeed potent possibilities that may eventually explain our nonlocal experiences, but only further research will tell.

Meanwhile, there is a gathering tide of opinion favoring these approaches. As physicist Chris Clarke, of the University of Southampton, says, “On one hand, Mind is inherently non-local. On the other, the world is governed by a quantum physics that is inherently non-local. This is no accident, but a precise correspondence … [Mind and the world are] aspects of the same thing … The way ahead, I believe, has to place mind first as the key aspect of the universe … We have to start exploring how we can talk about mind in terms of a quantum picture … Only then will we be able to make a genuine bridge between physics and physiology.”

Whatever their explanation proves to be, the experiments documenting premonitions are real. They must be reckoned with. And when scientists muster the courage to face this evidence unflinchingly, the greatest superstition of our age—the notion that the brain generates consciousness or is identical with it—will topple.

In its place will arise a nonlocal picture of the mind. This view will affirm that consciousness is fundamental, omnipresent and eternal—a model that is as cordial to premonitions as the materialistic, brain-based view is hostile.

Copyright © 2013 by Larry Dossey. All Right Reserved.


Healthy Emotions to Foster

Jim Sniechowski, PhD

Co-creator, The Fear of Being Fabulous (TM)

The 5 Key Emotions of Success

Posted: 10/28/2013 3:51 p,

How do you know when you are successful? What clues do you need to demonstrate that you know you’ve made it whether you’ve reached a life goal or just completed an important project? With regard to how you feel, should there be a difference in feeling between the sizes of your achievements — small, medium, large, colossal?

No doubt there will be an intensity difference. You can’t expect the same level of intensity across an entire range of possible successes. But the intensity of your experience should not alter the emotional experience itself. For example, if you are pleased with something you’ve done you can be exhilarated or quietly thoughtful, but the fact that you are pleased does not change. Only the expression and emotional intensity of your being pleased changes.

With that, here are five key emotions that will let you know you’ve succeeded — not that you’re on your way, but that you have actually reached the success you intended.

Ease/Comfort With What You Are Doing

Once you’ve succeeded at something you know what you’re doing. What was once a struggle in the learning process becomes a graceful implementation. Why graceful? Because you’ve become confident in your ability to deal with what life brings you. You’ve done it and furthermore you know you can continue, and that’s what brings the comfort; that comfort is the source of your ease.

Patience With Yourself and Others

Patience is tied to your confidence because in knowing that you can handle what life brings you, you can deal with whatever comes your way. No need to panic. You know you will take the time to see things through because things take time. Success is about quietly and steadily persevering or being diligent, especially in the details.

Trust of Yourself and Those With Whom You Work

Trust is an issue of reliance. You can count on yourself to come through. You can rely on your own integrity, your strength, your ability and the ability of those you work with. You can be sure, within your experience, that what’s needed to be taken care of will be. So you can relax and be confident of your own expectations, of your vision and the choices you make, and you can know that the world will support you and your intentions.

Compassion With Yourself and Others

There’s no need to measure yourself against others, or against any extremes. The locus of control of your life is solidly centered within you. There’s no longer any need to seek perfection. You can assess all of the factors that make up any moment, and take the time to think critically and evaluate as deeply as you need, because you know what you’re doing. Your gut and your heart can lead the way.

Satisfaction That Comes With Success

Very deeply within you, you know you belong where you are. You live with a confident acceptance of your talents and your limitations without any need to grasp or seize to prove to yourself that whatever skills and talents you possess won’t fade away. In other words, your success is not just a one-off. You can let go of unwarranted self-judgment that you’ve wasted time. You haven’t. All those moments, even those in which you were doing nothing, have come together to make you who you are. And it is you, all of you, the whole of you that is now successful.

These emotions are part of every success you’ve achieved, even the small successes on the way to a large accomplishment. Watch for them. They are the brick and mortar of enjoying who you are and who you are becoming.


Kingsley Dennis on Connection & Feminine Energy


It’s coming around again, as such cycles always do. For a number of years I have been talking (amongst other people) about the new consciousness emerging – or rather unfolding – over these years. However, the focus so far has been largely upon the consequences of this new ‘energy consciousness’ rather than on the qualities of the incoming energy itself. For example, I have discussed how this unfolding energy is shifting human social systems – how we do things – from a vertical to a horizontal pattern. That is, from hierarchical structures to networks and connectivity. Recently though I have been turning my focus upon the shift from the older values of Competition ~ Conflict ~ Control ~ Censorship – to the new values of Connection ~ Communication ~ Consciousness ~ Compassion. So what does this tell us about the new energy unfolding upon the Earth and permeating through humankind?

It tells us that the new energy is relational, not mechanical nor isolated. That is, it does not thrive upon self-sufficiency but upon contact and receptivity through others. It flows and works through organic, non-hierarchical systems: through networks and webs – through the threads that weave the wholeness of life together. This energy no longer thrives through top-down power structures; it no longer seeks one-to-one encounters – it flows like life itself.

Realizing this reminds me of how during the 16th-18th centuries Europe witnessed the witch hunts that put to death tens of thousands of women accused of being witches. The executioners were predominantly men who represented the church hierarchy. This was a masculine energy that for millennia had been parading and swinging its heavy paternal axe of hierarchical power. And the witches were yet another manifestation of female power that the ecclesiastical authorities could not tolerate. Many of these so-called ‘witches’ were women who knew about herbs; how to heal and nurture people; and how to listen to nature (others were purely innocent victims of gossip!). Yet one of the things they were accused of, amongst many, was of gathering and conspiring together. How did they gather? They gathered in witches’ circles… Here we have the energy of hierarchical power against the energy of circular, relational flow. It was the fear of a ‘magical presence’ within the female that fuelled a deep repression over the centuries that has become a pattern – the denial of the subtle, the integral, the nurturing.

Our modern educational systems and institutions have also been in great denial of this integral energy and thus geared for the masculine mind. Our school curriculums were initially created by men so that young minds could be shaped to think in masculine ways; in other words, conditioned to manifest a masculine energy and consciousness. The feminine relational understanding was pushed aside to be replaced with the linear thinking patterns of the masculine mind. For some it was like trying to fit square shapes through a round hole – or through a circle where water should flow. Yet the insistence upon the masculine mind has intimidated the feminine consciousness. It has pushed it into retreat, undermining the true expression of this much needed energy. The over-bearing masculine mind has insisted that women mimic its attributes, play its games, and thus suppress its own presence.

The masculine consciousness is also behind the image of a divinity that belongs to the heavens. From ‘up there’, the dominance of a masculine god has made it permissible to develop a science that would ‘torture Nature’s secrets from her’[1] and thus take control over our environment. In this way humanity has succeeded in largely divorcing itself from the sacred interdependence of creation. Our current commercialized material ‘modern’ cultures reflect this sense of alienation and individualism represented by the separateness of a masculine god. Humanity no longer understands – or remembers? – that it is an essential integral part of the great wholeness of life. As a species and as a civilization we have arrived at the point where this dominant masculine consciousness can proceed no further alone…if we are to have a viable long-term future upon this planet. It is at this critical stage that there are signs that the energy is now turning; or rather, it is shifting as new permutations are emerging in the world. It is the feminine energy that seeks the flow, the networks, the connectivity…and it is coming around again.

Traditionally feminine consciousness has honoured all life as sacred; as such it manifests a reciprocity that reflects the inter-connectedness of life. Relationships with others become more important than the isolation of the self. The value of the community stands above the pursuit of individual achievement. The process of being takes precedence over the need to achieve through doing. And multi-tasking is more appropriate than being fixated upon a single end goal. Now which aspects sound more suitable for a globally inter-connected world that communicates through multiple networks simultaneously? So let us ask: which energy and consciousness may be more aligned with the way the world is re-structuring and re-calibrating itself? Answers on a postcard please to your local ‘Working Mans Association.’


Welcome to the 21st century where global communications have opened up the world to the masses. The Internet, let us be honest, represents aspects of the feminine energy and consciousness. The Internet connects people into multiple relations; it is responsible for nurturing rising empathy across the world; and shares stories, needs, and reaches out to many people and communities. Sure, it has its negative aspects too – yet that is the nature of a world of duality. Focusing on the constructive changes we see how individuals, communities, businesses, systems, etc, are re-calibrating across the world to be aligned with the new interconnectivity that symbolizes the world we are moving into. The current manifestation of feminine energy needs new pathways in order to enter and permeate our material world. Our physical structures are responding to this call by shifting from top-down structures to distributed and decentralized networks. Yet we also need to assist this re-calibration by changing the ways we think as altering the ways we do things will not gain permanence until human consciousness changes. In order to allow the new incoming consciousness to flow into the world we need to allow it to flow through us. That is, to manifest the qualities, attitudes, and our presence in the world that will most effectively receive, hold, and transmit this consciousness. This responsibility is our living work now.

The days of working in seclusion are over – the new energy does not support monasticism. The flow must connect between inner and outer events and states. The new living work is not a monastic endeavour but must exist within the active folds, avenues, and marketplace of life. High castles, priestly enclaves, guru sanctuaries, etc, are edifices of the past where a different energy was contained. The new energy – which shows aspects of the feminine consciousness – is a nurturing one that comes alive through people. Whereas the previous masculine-orientated energy wished to stand visible and powerful like the tower on the hill; the feminine energy is more subtle, and flows through the appreciative touch, the supportive word, the reassuring glance that filters through each one of us as we wend our way through life. That which was once hidden can now be made manifest through us – this is the living work.


Love has no power structures or hierarchies; it is not for sale. It passes freely from heart to heart along the web of oneness that connects us all.

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee


[1] A reference to Sir Francis Bacon whose scientific method became the foundations for modern empirical science.


Your Overall Weekly Chromoscope 10/13-19

October 13-19:

The theme this week “Really! Who do you think you are”.  So be ready to be surprised by things said and happening and be equally prepared to stand up for WHO you are.  Oh, and this will be going on all over this week, personally, locally, statewide, countrywide, globally, and universally.  Hang on, keep your eyes open, and look for the AHA’s!


Overall Color for the Week:  Zephyr Blue

And yes, the winds will be blowing this week.  Be alert as things shift and move around and through you.  It is very, very important to start out each day grounded and centered this week, lest you find yourself blown away by what is presenting around you.  There is much that you will be seeing this week.  In terms of relationships, things can become clear and questions answered in regard to people with who you have been interacting yet always having that uncertainty about.  This week you will get them, and you will need to be willing and able to take action upon what you are hearing, sensing, and seeing.  Not everything is on the surface, so trust your intuition as you navigate your world.  Listen to its hints and urgings.  This can be critical in terms of potential situations that might not be the most positive for you.  This is a week also for cloaking.  This means that it is not well to say everything that you wish to.  The time is not right for giving opinions. You will find much that you can lean much by paying attention to slips of the tongue and things you seeing that are out of context.  This is a week that can challenge your sense of what is real and what is illusion.  There can be some feelings tied to these, and it is best always to allow the emotions to pour forth when they arise.  Stuffing them down can lead to a kind of emotional dyspepsia.  This is not a week for making any large and/or life changing decisions.  The energies are too erratic.  There is not enough information that has been unveiled.  Things can be rocky around you this week, but it is all to let you know that you have the power to get through what is happening, you have the vision to see things for what they are, and you have the choice as to what you will do about all of this.  Be wise.  Trust your inner knowing.  Act from your core, and see with the eyes of the heart.  Truth was never meant to be hidden.

On the larger scale, there will be a long of hot air blowing around.  Some will be bluff, while some will be deadly serious.  It will be interesting to see how the politicos and governmental types deal with all of this.  It seems, unfortunately, that they are wanting to blame the people, the masses, if you will, for the problems that they have created.  Because of this, there can be some really unsettling actions on the parts of various governments in relation to acts of the people, demonstrations.  There can be some issues with something with air travel that can cause a general uproar.  Meanwhile, the Earth, herself, will be shifting this week also.  There can be some rather large storms developing unexpectedly out of small beginnings.  There can be some unusual earth movements in places where they traditionally have not occurred.  Centers of countries will be prime locations for these things.  Also, it is good to take a look at the ley lines and the energetic portals on the Earth to get a sense of the patterning that is behind this.  Patterns are falling into place more and more, and it is important to be aware of this right now.  When one thing happens, and it is followed by another that seems somewhat oddly coincidental, this is the time to sit down and look at what and where things are happening.  Time is shifting also, so expect deadlines and schedules to be skewed.  There is a new kind of germ appearing right now which can affect many people.  It is important to stay within and strong in your sense of WHO you are and listen to what your physicality is telling you.  This is a time of choices, and many choices will be made this week.  The time spiral is intersecting with a new dimensional ray.  Things cannot be the same.  The galactic energy is here, and will be evinced in some interesting celestial events.  Look to the skies.  There is much happening there, and not just those scary Blackhawk copters buzzing metropolitan areas.  The skies hold a new kind of watcher, one that will become more obvious as the year winds down.



Your Color Vibe for Sunday, 10/13

Sunday, October 13:    Bright Green

This morning might lead you to think that you have everything all figured out, but as the day unfolds, you will find that things are not happening quite as you had planned.  This is a good day for being ready for anything and being open to most everything.  Good things come in small packages and big surprises can appear from small beginnings.  Let it be.  You are part of everything that is happening right now, so the evening is a good time to sit and center and ground and just be aware of how you participated in the creation of some of the events of the day and, if you have the curiosity, you can also catch a glimpse of how you have created many of the events in your past.  Honor the power that is yours.  It is time you were aware of it.


Weekly Chromoscope

September 22-28:

The theme this week is expect a change.  Things are moving fast and furiously now, and all the old stuff that you thought was so predictable is no longer so.  Foundations are shifting and things are changing.  You will see a lot of it this week.  Fasten your seatbelt, and enjoy the ride.

Overall Color for the Week:    Rose Indigo

It can be hard to face a lot of things this week, but the energies are going to make you do just that.  You may be ready.  You may not be ready.  Either way it does not matter.  Things are going to be the way they are.  They are all part of the trajectory that moves ever closer to the climax of the year.  This is a week for getting ready for that.  You will need to become aware of that, to know that preparation will make everything so much easier when things comes to pass.  But the choice is always yours.  To believe that the old will always be or to choose unending novelty, to take each moment as it comes, and to rejoice in the newness that it brings.  This is your week for looking at things all over again and choosing what is important, what can be jettisoned, what you really, really are here to do, what you have taken on because of others and their cajoling and what is your truth.  Hey, no right, no wrong.  Choices.  But there are always choices.  It is a good week for taking the longer view, having the wider perspective, and using that for your compass.  Oh, and intuition, intuition, intuition.  Listen to that inner voice.   You can be very much aware of your body this week as it starts responding to foods, environments, people in new ways.  This is not a time for panic, but it is an opportunity to work with your physicality to discover the changes it is going through and the stresses it is dealing with.  Honor your body this week and heed its directives.  You will feel better.


On the larger scale, there are some major shake-ups that can happen this week.  The whereabouts will be unexpected, and the results can be either devastating or fulfilling for the areas in which they occur.  We are not speaking here of only the political issues, but also the financial, climatic, and media-touted. You might just find yourself rethinking a lot of the things that you have taken for granted.  There is a new kind of currency on the horizon, and it will be goods based.  This is a week for looking at your personal worth and how your skills translate into marketable items.  There will be some rather large figures out there who are going to try to convince the people in general that things are fine and under control and just to trust them.  Basically, they do not understand what is happening and are trying to ,move away from their own fears.  Interestingly, their egos have kept them from even considering that there might arise some kind of popular outcry on all levels and in all areas which could question, much less threaten, the plans that they have had set up for so long.  There is something stirring in the area of the Balkans that can bring some interesting things to light.  Some of it is related to ancient, ancient times and the original races of Gaia, and some of it is related tot trouble that is being fomented there due to interests that wish to remain hidden.  It should be interesting as time goes on.  It is a good time not to listen to what is being said in the mass media.  Anything that is sponsored, remember this, has an agenda.  Anything that comes forth from the heart is connected to the larger intelligence, and it is there that you can find your truth.  Things are spinning this week as the pattern emerges more and more.  You can see it if you take your focus off what is nearby and allow your perspective to widen.  Weather, there seems always to be a great deal of interest here.  Well, if nothing else, the weather can be capricious this week.  You will see it in many areas throughout the world.  In the high mountains of the Himalayas waters will wash to the surface some artifacts that have been hidden for millennia, but there time is now come to be seen, acknowledged, and utilized.  The Adepts will know the function.  These kinds of thing will be brought forward outside the mass media.