Energy & Expanded Awareness

The Physics of Tao

by Owen K Waters

Almost forty years ago, Fritjof Capra’s book The Tao of Physics set out to explore the parallels between the worldviews of modern physics and Eastern mysticism. The author’s conclusion was that the two were, not just consistent, but in perfect harmony with each other.

Physics has advanced in many ways in forty years and so has mysticism and its understanding of the universe. In particular, many insights into the mysteries of the universe have emerged from the spiritual revolution in the West.

From the mystic perspective, the universe was created by Original Consciousness, Tao, or Infinite Being, focusing through an active Creator aspect of itself. The mystic asks, “How did God create this?” while hoping for a glimpse into the cosmic manufacturer’s mind. One thing’s for sure with such a mystical approach: You find a lot more answers when you open up to the idea of higher energies than by insisting that nothing exists beyond physical matter.

To the materialist, thoughts are just electrical signals firing somewhere inside the brain. If that were true, then you’d be like an electronic computer with pre-programmed thoughts, no self-awareness, no free will, and no feelings! Your mind is not your brain and mind energy is not electrical. Mind energy is one of those higher energies that the Creator saw fit to create.

One of the mysteries facing physics is a type of experiment which reveals that related energy particles can communicate with each other much faster than the speed of light. How could this be possible, they ask, when the speed of light is supposed to limit all action in the universe? In the view of physics today, all energies can travel at the speed of light and no faster. That’s because of the assumption that all energies must be down-to-earth, material, electromagnetic energies. Well, how about those higher energies?

In the broader picture, we don’t just live in a conscious universe, the universe IS conscious! All things are composed of consciousness because the universe was created from the only available material – consciousness.

We know that physical matter is composed of energy, but from what is energy made?

Energy is compressed consciousness.

There is not just one level of energy in existence. The next higher energy above electric energy is etheric, or vital life, energy. Electric energy is a compressed form of the higher, etheric energy.

What’s above etheric energy? All levels of mind energy, from the lowest to the most inspired. Feeling and thought are the yin and yang of mind energy. Both varieties intertwine all the way up into the realms of spirit, of soul consciousness, and beyond into the cosmic realms.

So, how do those two energy particles communicate with each other faster than the speed of light? The answer is easy to appreciate once your worldview is expanded…

Mind energy travels at millions of times the speed of light.

The two particles communicate at the speed of thought, and the speed of light has no bearing upon the situation. Like everything in the universe, those particles contain awareness. In a universe comprised of consciousness, nothing can exist without consciousness. As particles of a fundamental nature, their awareness may be rudimentary, but their display of feeling is quite obvious to the observer. As related particles, they have developed a connection with each other and their willingness to communicate demonstrates this bond. Thought and feeling are the materials from which this conscious universe is made.

Mind energy exists on a scale that rises into the higher realms of awareness like a stairway to heaven. Higher consciousness is very real and it can be yours by turning your attention within, spending time daily in reflection or meditation, and opening up to the intuitive knowingness which resides within your own soul level of consciousness.

Expanded awareness isn’t just for mystics. It opens the doors of perception where you can understand far more about the nature of reality. It brings you closer to the eternal fountain of joy and wisdom which lies within the soul consciousness of each and every one of us.


Your Color Vibe for Friday, 2/28

Friday, February 28:    Golden Amber

Things are definitely looking better, but whether this is because they are actually better or because you have changed how you are seeing them is for you to decide.  There are more opportunities coming your way today.  You will also be getting some news about something that you are working on, a project, a sale, a proposal, who knows!  The day also begins some challenges.  They are there for you to decide just how it is you are choosing to go forward in this new energy.  There is a dimensional shift happening, and if you are choosing to move forward, then many so-called rules and expectations will be changing.  The disconnect between cause and effect will become more obvious so sometimes the totally irrational, illogical is the best way to deal with things.

PS:  Mercury Goes Direct Today, but while we are still in that energy, step back from too much activity.

Life in the 5th Dimension fr/Jim Self

The Way of Life in the Fifth Dimension

In the previous article What ARE the 3rd and 4th Dimensions? we compared the third and fourth dimensions. In this article we bring in the fifth dimension. Let’s briefly review the structures of the third and fourth dimensions.

The third dimension operates with a specific set of rules and has certain characteristics, aspects, boundaries, edges, mutations and structures. We see three main structures sustaining this dimension.

Rigid Structures of the Third Dimension

1.  Duality – A dual mode of perception: right-wrong, positive-negative, good-bad, should-shouldn’t, up-down, black-white.

2.  Linear Time – The perception that time only moves in a straight line (one direction) and is experienced as past, present and future.

3.  Rational Mind – The GPS of the third dimension. The analytical, reasoning thought processor designed to make comparisons, draw conclusions, store information, calculate, and make determinations.

Flexible Structures of the Fourth Dimension

1.  Now Time – This is your point of power. Each now moment is a threshold to new beginnings and fresh choices.

2.  Choice – The power to consciously choose to initiate something else in any moment.

3.  Paradox – Contradictory truths. Something that was true a moment ago but may not be rue in the next now moment.

4.  Alignment/Balance – A state of equilibrium which neutralizes opposing forces.

In the Fifth Dimension, 3-D “Reaction’ and 4-D ‘Responsive’ Give Way to Integration

Reintegration – When you attain fifth-dimensional consciousness you experience the reintegration with your Higher Self. This reconnection with the higher parts of you brings higher awareness and allow you to know yourself at the Soul level. You begin to Be who you came here to be. Your innate spiritual abilities increase and reveal themselves. These include clairvoyance, telepathy and abstract intuition.

Access the Wisdom You Know – Life in the fifth-dimension is stunning because you are fully conscious again. You are aware of and can access the wisdom and information available within your Being that resides in all the dimensions. There is no separation. You are one with the All and All is you.

Experience Higher, Lighter Energy – In 5D, you vibrate in feelings like reverence, beauty and kindness. The coat you choose to wear each day bears no resemblance to what you typically walk around waring in 3D. And much of what you experience is no longer expressed from the mind or in words (intellect/brain) but pours forth from the heart and the feelings (the senses recombine forming a sixth sense). You achieve a quiet knowingness.

Higher Mind – In this level of living, when the mental and emotional bodies merge, the union activates the Higher Mind and you operate from the mind of your Soul. You begin to know what the Soul knows and make Soul-guided choices.

Simultaneous Time – Living in 5D, you move into Simultaneous Time which allows you to see the broader perspective of All That Is. All the Answers to your questions lie exactly where the question is asked and you are able to view all possibilities before taking action.

So, why did we choose to leave this wonderful place where all is known and go to the third dimension, anyway? When Creator wanted to know Himself/Herself better He/She asked for volunteers, and guess who ran to the front of the line say “Pick me, pick me!”? You did! Creator sent the brightest and the best (you) on this special quest to explore the outermost regions of existence. It was, and is, a grand adventure that only the biggest and most enthusiastic spirits signed up for.

Why did we choose the third dimension and not another? Duality does not exist in the higher dimensions and duality is an important part of what we wanted to experience. Our explorations took us may places but as we went deeper into density we eventually found ourselves playing in the slower vibrations of the world of form )matter). Here we could delve into cause and effect and discover the results of our choices and actions. Here we had free will to explore the most divergent ranges of frequencies (including fear, hate, anger, betrayal, etc).  When we signed up for this adventure we did not know that we would become immersed in it or that we would forget who we are, where we came form, why we came, and how to get back Home. We now have an opportunity to remember who we are and return Home.

The Long-awaited “Shift of the Ages” is Upon Us

We have taken the third-dimensional adventure as far as we can. We have been wildly successful at what we set out to accomplish and explore in this diverse, dense, duality. A huge vibrational up-shift (on very level) is what the Earth and her inhabitants are undergoing right now. You are significant, not insignificant. You make a difference and your contribution is valued by all of humanity and by All That Is. Welcome the change to a new way of life, dear friends, for together we have begun the process of bringing Heaven to Earth.

Jim Self Featured on the Virtual Light Broadcast many times since 2009, Jim is often introduced as a teacher’s teacher and a healer’s healer. He has been leading seminars and teaching healing, clairvoyance and higher dimensional energy management tools throughout North America since 1980. As an author of What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Jim’s Spectrum column includes excerpts from this book, his free tele-classes, seminars and his third upcoming book.

Since childhood, Jim has had a conscious awareness and ability to remember his experiences within the sleep state. Over the last ten years, this awareness has expanded into relationships with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. The tools and information presented in the Mastering Alchemy programs are co-creations of these relationships.

Jim walks with a foot in both worlds. At the age of twenty-six, he was elected to his first of two terms to the San Jose, CA City Council and later became the Vice Mayor. Before completing his second term, he was asked by President Jimmy Carter to be the Director of Governmental Operations for the Dept. of Energy. As an entrepreneur, he has successfully built and sold two corporations, and is the founder and current Board Chairman of a third.


Moving into True Seeing

Removing the Veil

Posted by February 15, 2014

FLickr-Nebula-NASA-GoddardDr. Stewart Bitkoff

“You yourself are under your own veil.” -Hafiz

Q:  I have been traveling the road to higher consciousness for many years and it has been a long hard journey. Fortunately there have been occasional Divine Breezes along the way, but I cannot say I feel any closer to God for my efforts. Also, sometimes traveling gets so lonely and I wish I had someone to talk to about this struggle; can you help me understand, why the difficulty and mystery?

Earth Phase: Physical & Spiritual 

“The lower self prevents you from remembering God.” -Traditional

In the spiritual journey, each traveler is both question and answer; goal and door which blocks the way. That is the Design, or earth phase, that we have immersed our self in; one of physicality and spirituality. This duality of knowing and not knowing; seeking and finding are one of the universal laws of our earth experience. Yet beyond this duality of knowing and not knowing, is the first universal law: Oneness of Creation.  For you see, knowing and not knowing while at polar opposites are both part of the One; this Oneness may be experienced in spiritual states like the Beloved’s Caress or Oneness of Creation experience.  These are sublime experiences and many seek to repeat these states over and over; yet, when thinking and working this way, they miss the point of the journey

One day, I asked my teacher; why this struggle? Why this struggle between the ego (daily consciousness/lower self) and the wisdom of our heart (continual awareness of God).  Wouldn’t it simplify things if we were all born being continually aware of the Divine?

He answered, the ego serves as a boundary between this world and the next. Without the ego, we would all be lost, absorbed in the splendor of God and of no use in this earthly life. This journey is much more than being continually absorbed in God; the journey is about serving others as God’s Servant. Added spiritual capacity is necessary for specific tasks and functions; these are a tool to manifest something Higher.

Manifesting the Real

In order for that which is hidden behind the veil of our daily awareness, to be revealed, 2 processes must be at work. And the outcome of both of these processes is always dependent upon Grace; because in this endeavor, ‘love is never earned it is bestowed.’

Quieting the Lower Self/Ego. The first process involves working on and refining our worldly consciousness or what has traditionally been termed ‘the ego.’ Often our worldly consciousness (lower self) blocks the higher consciousness with its concern for our physical, emotional and intellectual well being. We are multi-level beings and to fully enjoy and participate in this earthly experience, there are many stimuli, thoughts and experiences which are necessary for daily life. So, in this journey, of both physicality and spirituality, the traveler must learn to still and quiet the lower self; in order to allow that which is deeply hidden to manifest.

Often this stilling or quieting of thought, for a time, involves unlearning many things, examining how our consciousness operates and practicing techniques designed to still the lower self. Stilling the lower self is much different than destroying it; this aspect of consciousness, because it is very complex, as indicated, is needed to function in the world. Typically we cannot not have a thought, but can learn how not to act on it and minimize its effect on our total consciousness.  This pushing aside by quieting, temporarily, for most travelers takes much work and guidance by another.

Awakening of Spiritual Centers. The second process involves awakening our inner spiritual centers (or chakras) which must be done gradually and in a certain order.  This awakening of our spiritual centers can be done while the traveler is learning how to still troubling thoughts which create noise in the consciousness. This stimulating of spiritual centers is often accomplished through exercises, guidance of one of the teachers and the Grace& Mercy of God.

When the traveler is ready, spiritual centers can be awakened or activated by the Light at any time or place. It is a question of readiness and the process has been termed organic and part of a natural maturation.

Enlightenment & Misconceptions

When done correctly, adding of spiritual capacity is accomplished gradually so it does not disrupt others portions of a traveler’s life.  This adding of ability is mysterious to most travelers, because they have limited exposure to this learning structure, further outcomes and processes are rarely discussed.  Often this structure cannot be accurately put in words, it is multi-level; and because few have limited exposure to what is actually required and how this is being done, there are many misconceptions and resultant frustrations.

Typically most travelers view this developmental process like other learning situations in their lives. For example, look I have read all the books, said my prayers, given money to charity and talked to every ‘teacher’ I could find. I have been at this activity now for 4 years and worked very hard; certainly if I was going to high school or college I would have my diploma. Yet mystical states elude me, I still get anxious and worried and I certainly don’t feel God/Light aglow in my heart when the kids start fighting and screaming.

Enlightenment, or added spiritual capacity, typically occurs within the ordinary human personality. Enlightenment involves bringing forward latent spiritual skills and capacity to operate alongside all our other skills and capacities. This coming forward is additional capacity that we consciously use to serve the situation and Higher Destiny.  Typically, this ability is not for oneself but to help others and the majority of work to enable this function involves removing from consciousness, for a time, those thoughts, ideas and hidden motives which stand in our way.

Measuring Outcomes

I remember one day, I asked my teacher, look I’ve been at this spiritual study stuff now for 3 years and really don’t feel anything is happening. How do I know I am progressing? With a smile on his face and a kind voice, he offered, “do you think about God now more than you did before coming to see me?”

And of course my answer was, ‘yes.’  However I was looking for outcomes of a different sort: reading minds, knowing the future, being God’s BFF and living in peaceful harmony. Because of my expectations, I had created my own frustrations.

Strangers & Loneliness

One of the technical terms for the followers of the Path, is that travelers are ‘strangers.’  Strangers to themselves and others, yearning for something they cannot define and must find.  Each traveler has an unsettling awareness that they don’t quite fit into the world as most people define it, and for a time may be unclear what the inner unease and burning is about.

If you find yourself on the long road and it is raining and dark, to ease your pain, consider the following.

  • Talk to God/Light. Tell God how you are feeling and what you need. God is inside all of us and listens to all our prayers. Tell God what you want and need, and in time, as God Wills, it will be Given to you. “Remember, if you take one step toward God, God will take ten steps toward you.’
  • Call a friend and find out how they are doing. Share your feelings and experience.
  • Help another. Reach out and assist someone who is having a difficult time.
  • Get-up, do something physical that is fun or helps another. Get out of yourself. A healthy mind and body thrives on activity.
  • If you need the company of like minded believers, reach out and contact one of the many organizations set-up for this purpose. Remember be careful in your choices, there are many who would take from you.
  • Ask the Universe for whatever you need. You are the son/daughter of a King and this has been promised to you.

Just because you do not see a thing
It doesn’t mean it ceases to exist.
The sun also shines in the night.
-A. Hussain


Your Color VIbe for Wednesday, 2/12

Wednesday, February 12:    Burnt Orange

Things are shifting today as you begin to become more aware of the dimensions at work.  You will be finding yourself not quite centered or into things when you are out and about, at work, dealing with people, in conversation, in your car.  It is a good day to be focused, especially in traffic, for some of the energetic bursts can make things seem to be what they really are not in the 3D.  This is a day of distraction.  It is a good time to make your distractions work for you.  Some of then are really in-between times when you are contacting more than the mere here and now.  If you find yourself moving into a shimmery kind of moment, then it is good to ground yourself.  If you are doing something that needs your attention in the 3D, ask for the moment to return, and know that the impression come back when you are able to deal with it.  This a kind of pivotal day in many ways, so when you are able take time to be with WHO you are in all that you are and to know your connectedness and open the conversation with Goddess/God, All That Is, the Universal Consciousness, however you deem to call it.  There are answers there.  Open, allow, and receive.

Note:  This Mercury Retrograde has started out on a very tough note and will continue so.  You can ride the waves peacefully and harmoniously if you will work with the energies that are there and not attempt to run counter.

Deepak CHopra on Forgiving Yourself

Deepak Chopra: The One True Key To Forgiving Yourself


By Deepak Chopra

The spiritual leader and author of What Are You Hungry For? The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul examines how we can find self-acceptance.

Somehow, even in a culture that values forgiveness, guilt isn’t so easy to erase. If you have done something you are deeply ashamed of or guilty about, your feelings lie somewhere on the following scale: I did a terrible thing; I have a terrible secret; Someone made me feel that I am a terrible person; or, I am a terrible person.

These statements are mixed together in our psyche, and getting them straight is the key to forgiving yourself. Doing a bad thing is not the same as being a bad person. Imagine a small child who is caught taking cookies from the cookie jar, and her mother scolds her. If the child is young enough, she can’t separate “I did a bad thing” from “I am bad.” And since the one who is making her feel guilty is her mother, the guilt that results comes with absolute authority. (This is one reason some psychologists claim that the gods and goddesses are actually stand-ins for our parents — they make us feel small, weak and vulnerable by comparison.)

As an adult, let’s say you do something that by your standards is a guilty action. You cheated on your income tax or on your spouse; you faked a job resume or got a good friend into trouble. You can’t forgive yourself by simply putting the bad action in proportion and moving on.

So what to do? The most effective ways to rid yourself of guilt are the following:

1. Confess to an authority figure and ask for their forgiveness.
2. Perform an act of atonement.
3. Pray for divine forgiveness.
4. Perform a ritual of contrition and appeasement.

It’s often pointed out how psychologically effective the Catholic confessional proves to be (all four approaches to erasing guilt are included). But the effectiveness of these steps diminishes if you don’t have deep faith. Even if you have no religious faith at all, the key to forgiving yourself remains the same: You must believe that you have been forgiven.

In most cases, living with guilt is far worse than going to the person you have wronged, confessing your misdeed and asking to be forgiven. Even if they say no, you have brought your guilty secret to light, and that’s a major step.

Some people are so ashamed that they can’t bring themselves to tell anyone their secret. The result is the worst kind of guilt, that festers inside with no chance for relief. If you feel that you have this kind of deep guilt, you must still find a way to believe that you are forgiven. You may have to take baby steps to get there. For example:

1. Write a letter confessing your secret. Include every detail. Take your time to make sure that you have left nothing out. When you are certain that the letter is complete, perform a ritual where you burn the letter or consign it to the sea — anything that will totally obliterate it. As you do this, say, “I put my guilt behind me. Now it belongs to God (or the universe).” Repeat this ritual several times, as needed. You may not completely absolve yourself, but you will be bringing your guilt to the light, which is the only place where healing psychological scars can occur.

2. Put your misdeed on someone else’s shoulders, imagining that the guilt isn’t yours. Now sit in judgment. Write out in detail what punishment this person deserves, and at the same time include reasons for mercy. Consider the balance between punishment and forgiveness. Most guilty people will be much more lenient on someone else than on themselves. This exercise gives you a perspective on your guilty feelings.

3. Adopt a mantra that you say to yourself the moment that a guilty memory or feeling arises. The following phrases are particularly effective: “I’m not that person anymore;” or “My attention belongs in the present;” or “I am not here to suffer anymore.” Choose the appropriate phrase and repeat it, without fail, every time you feel guilty. In this way, you are not only telling yourself the truth, for you aren’t the person anymore who committed a past misdeed, but you are also giving your brain a new, more positive input. This will help to wean it off the old wiring that keeps messaging guilt long after guilt is deserved.

No matter how big or small your guilty secret, no matter if your guilt is nagging or crushing, the goal is always the same. Do whatever it takes until you truly believe that you have been forgiven.


On Biophotons

Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light

Jun 28     By Sayer Ji

biophoton_human_bodyIncreasingly science agrees with the poetry of direct human experience:  we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA.

Nothing is more amazing than the highly improbable fact that we exist. We often ignore this fact, oblivious to the reality that instead of something there could be nothing at all, i.e. why is there a universe (poignantly aware of itself through us) and not some void completely unconscious of itself?

Consider that from light, air, water, basic minerals within the crust of the earth, and the at least 3 billion year old information contained within the nucleus of one diploid zygote cell, the human body is formed, and within that body a soul capable of at least trying to comprehend its bodily and spiritual origins.

Given the sheer insanity of our existential condition, and bodily incarnation as a whole, and considering that our earthly existence is partially formed from sunlight and requires the continual consumption of condensed sunlight in the form of food, it may not sound so farfetched that our body emits light.

Indeed, the human body emits biophotons, also known as ultraweak photon emissions (UPE), with a visibility 1,000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eye. While not visible to us, these particles of light (or waves, depending on how you are measuring them) are part of the visible electromagnetic spectrum (380-780 nm) and are detectable via sophisticated modern instrumentation.[1],[2]

The Physical and “Mental” Eye Emits Light

The eye itself, which is continually exposed to ambient powerful photons that pass through various ocular tissues, emit spontaneous and visible light-induced ultraweak photon emissions.[3] It has even been hypothesized that visible light induces delayed bioluminescence within the exposed eye tissue, providing an explanation for the origin of the negative afterimage.[4]

These light emissions have also been correlated with cerebral energy metabolism and oxidative stress within the mammalian brain.[5] [6] And yet, biophoton emissions are not necessarily epiphenomenal.  Bókkon’s hypothesis suggests that photons released from chemical processes within the brain produce biophysical pictures during visual imagery, and a recent study found that when subjects actively imagined light in a very dark environment their intention produced significant increases in ultraweak photo emissions.[7]  This is consistent with an emerging view that biophotons are not solely cellular metabolic by-products, but rather, because biophoton intensity can be considerably higher inside cells than outside, it is possible for the mind to access this energy gradient to create intrinsic biophysical pictures during visual perception and imagery.[8]

Our Cells and DNA Use Biophotons To Store and Communicate Information

Apparently biophotons are used by the cells of many living organisms to communicate, which facilitates energy/information transfer that is several orders of magnitude faster than chemical diffusion. According to a 2010 study, “Cell to cell communication by biophotons have been demonstrated in plants, bacteria, animal neutriophil granulocytes and kidney cells.”[9] Researchers were able to demonstrate that “…different spectral light stimulation (infrared, red, yellow, blue, green and white) at one end of the spinal sensory or motor nerve roots resulted in a significant increase in the biophotonic activity at the other end.” Researchers interpreted their finding to suggest that “…light stimulation can generate biophotons that conduct along the neural fibers, probably as neural communication signals.”

Even when we go down to the molecular level of our genome, DNA can be identified to be a source of biophoton emissions as well. One author proposes that DNA is so biophoton dependent that is has excimer laser-like properties, enabling it to exist in a stable state far from thermal equilibrium at threshold.[10]

Technically speaking a biophoton is an elementary particle or quantum of light of non-thermal origin in the visible and ultraviolet spectrum emitted from a biological system.   They are generally believed to be produced as a result of energy metabolism within our cells, or more formally as a “…by-product of biochemical reactions in which excited molecules are produced from bioenergetic processes that involves active oxygen species,”  [11]

The Body’s Circadian Biophoton Output

Because the metabolism of the body changes in a circadian fashion, biophoton emissions also variate along the axis of diurnal time. [12]  Research has mapped out distinct anatomical locations within the body where biophoton emissions are stronger and weaker, depending on the time of the day:

Generally, the fluctuation in photon counts over the body was lower in the morning than in the afternoon. The thorax-abdomen region emitted lowest and most constantly. The upper extremities and the head region emitted most and increasingly over the day. Spectral analysis of low, intermediate and high emission from the superior frontal part of the right leg, the forehead and the palms in the sensitivity range of the photomultiplier showed the major spontaneous emission at 470-570 nm. The central palm area of hand emission showed a larger contribution of the 420-470 nm range in the spectrum of spontaneous emission from the hand in autumn/winter. The spectrum of delayed luminescence from the hand showed major emission in the same range as spontaneous emission.

The researchers concluded that “The spectral data suggest that measurements might well provide quantitative data on the individual pattern of peroxidative and anti-oxidative processes in vivo.”

Meditation and Herbs Affect Biophoton Output

Research has found an oxidative stress-mediated difference in biophoton emission among mediators versus non-meditators. Those who meditate regularly tend to have lower ultra-weak photon emission (UPE, biophoton emission), which is believed to result from the lower level of free radical reactions occurring in their bodies. In one clinical study involving practitioners of transcendental meditation (TM) researchers found:

The lowest UPE intensities were observed in two subjects who regularly meditate. Spectral analysis of human UPE has suggested that ultra-weak emission is probably, at least in part, a reflection of free radical reactions in a living system. It has been documented that various physiologic and biochemical shifts follow the long-term practice of meditation and it is inferred that meditation may impact free radical activity.[13]

Interestingly, an herb well-known for its use in stress reduction (including inducing measurable declines in cortisol), and associated heightened oxidative stress, has been tested clinically in reducing the level of biophotons emitted in human subjects.  Known as rhodiola, a study published in 2009 in the journal Phytotherapeutic Research found that those who took the herb for 1 week has a significant decrease in photon emission in comparison with the placebo group.[14]

Human Skin May Capture Energy and Information from Sunlight

Perhaps most extraordinary of all is the possibility that our bodily surface contains cells capable of efficiently trapping the energy and information from ultraviolet radiation. A study published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology in 1993, titled, “Artificial sunlight irradiation induces ultraweak photon emission in human skin fibroblasts,” discovered that when light from an artificial sunlight source was applied to fibroblasts from either normal subjects or with the condition xeroderma pigmentosum, characterized by deficient DNA repair mechanisms, it induced far higher emissions of ultraweak photons (10-20 times) in the xeroderma pigmentosum group.  The researchers concluded from this experiment that “These data suggest that xeroderma pigmentosum cells tend to lose the capacity of efficient storage of ultraweak photons, indicating the existence of an efficient intracellular photon trapping system within human cells.[15]  More recent research has also identified measurable differences in biophoton emission between normal and melanoma cells.[16]

Human Skin and Light

In a previous article, Does Skin Pigment Act Like A Natural Solar-Panel, we explored the role of melanin in converting ultraviolet light into metabolic energy:

Melanin is capable of transforming ultraviolet light energy into heat in a process known as “ultrafast internal conversion”; more than 99.9% of the absorbed UV radiation is transformed from potentially genotoxic (DNA-damaging) ultraviolet light into harmless heat.

If melanin can convert light into heat, could it not also transform UV radiation into other biologically/metabolically useful forms of energy? This may not seem so farfetched when one considers that even gamma radiation, which is highly toxic to most forms of life, is a source of sustenance for certain types of fungi and bacteria.

The Body’s Biophoton Outputs Are Governed by Solar and Lunar Forces

It appears that modern science is only now coming to recognize the ability of the human body to receive and emit energy and information directly from the light given off from the Sun. [17]

There is also a growing realization that the Sun and Moon affect biophoton emissions through gravitational influences.  Recently, biophoton emissions from wheat seedlings in Germany and Brazil were found to be synchronized transcontinentally according to rhythms associated with the lunisolar tide.[18]  In fact, the lunisolar tidal force, to which the Sun contributes 30 % and the Moon 60 % of the combined gravitational acceleration, has been found to regulate a number of features of plant growth upon Earth.[19]

Intention Is a Living Force of Physiology

Even human intention itself, the so-called ghost in the machine, may have an empirical basis in biophotons.

A recent commentary published in the journal Investigacion clinica titled “Evidence about the power of intention” addressed this connection:

Intention is defined as a directed thought to perform a determined action. Thoughts targeted to an end can affect inanimate objects and practically all living things from unicellular organisms to human beings. The emission of light particles (biophotons) seems to be the mechanism through which an intention produces its effects. All living organisms emit a constant current of photons as a mean to direct instantaneous nonlocal signals from one part of the body to another and to the outside world. Biophotons are stored in the intracellular DNA. When the organism is sick changes in biophotons emissions are produced. Direct intention manifests itself as an electric and magnetic energy producing an ordered flux of photons. Our intentions seem to operate as highly coherent frequencies capable of changing the molecular structure of matter. For the intention to be effective it is necessary to choose the appropriate time. In fact, living beings are mutually synchronized and to the earth and its constant changes of magnetic energy. It has been shown that the energy of thought can also alter the environment. Hypnosis, stigmata phenomena and the placebo effect can also be considered as types of intention, as instructions to the brain during a particular state of consciousness. Cases of spontaneous cures or of remote healing of extremely ill patients represent instances of an exceedingly great intention to control diseases menacing our lives. The intention to heal as well as the beliefs of the sick person on the efficacy of the healing influences promote his healing. In conclusion, studies on thought and consciousness are emerging as fundamental aspects and not as mere epiphenomena that are rapidly leading to a profound change in the paradigms of Biology and Medicine.

So there you have it. Science increasingly agrees with direct human experience: we are more than the atoms and molecules of which we are composed, but beings that emit, communicate with, and are formed from light.

Where Does Consciousnes Go after Death?

Quantum Theory Proves That Consciousness Moves to Another Universe After Death

consciousness parallel universeA book titled “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe“, published in the USA, has stirred up the Internet, because it contained a notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. The author of this publication, scientist Robert Lanza has no doubts that this is possible.

Beyond time and space

Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of Advanced Cell Technology Company. Before he has been known for his extensive research which dealt with stem cells, he was also famous for several successful experiments on cloning endangered animal species.

But not so long ago, the scientist became involved with physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This explosive mixture has given birth to the new theory of biocentrism, which the professor has been preaching ever since.

The theory implies that death simply does not exist. It is an illusion which arises in the minds of people. It exists because people identify themselves with their body. They believe that the body is going to perish, sooner or later, thinking their consciousness will disappear too. In fact, consciousness exists outside of constraints of time and space. It is able to be anywhere: in the human body and outside of it. That fits well with the basic postulates of quantum mechanics science, according to which a certain particle can be present anywhere and an event can happen according to several, sometimes countless, ways.

Lanza believes that multiple universes can exist simultaneously. These universes contain multiple ways for possible scenarios to occur. In one universe, the body can be dead. And in another it continues to exist, absorbing consciousness which migrated into this universe.

This means that a dead person while traveling through the same tunnel ends up not in hell or in heaven, but in a similar world he or she once inhabited, but this time alive. And so on, infinitely.

Multiple worlds

This hope-instilling, but extremely controversial theory by Lanza has many unwitting supporters, not just mere mortals who want to live forever, but also some well-known scientists. These are the physicists and astrophysicists who tend to agree with existence of parallel worlds and who suggest the possibility of multiple universes. Multiverse (multi-universe) is a so-called scientific concept, which they defend. They believe that no physical laws exist which would prohibit the existence of parallel worlds.

multiverse parallel universesThe first one was a science fiction writer H.G. Wells who proclaimed in 1895 in his story “The Door in the Wall”.  And after 62 years, this idea was developed by Hugh Everett in his graduate thesis at the Princeton University. It basically posits that at any given moment the universe divides into countless similar instances. And the next moment, these “newborn” universes split in a similar fashion. In some of these worlds you may be present: reading this article in one universe, or watching TV in another.

The triggering factor for these multiplying worlds is our actions, explained Everett. If we make some choices, instantly one universe splits into two with different versions of outcomes.

In the 1980s, Andrei Linde, scientist from the Lebedev’s Institute of physics, developed the theory of multiple universes. He is now a professor at Stanford University.

Linde explained: Space consists of many inflating spheres, which give rise to similar spheres, and those, in turn, produce spheres in even greater numbers, and so on to infinity. In the universe, they are spaced apart. They are not aware of each other’s existence. But they represent parts of the same physical universe.

The fact that our universe is not alone is supported by data received from the Planck space telescope. Using the data, scientists have created the most accurate map of the microwave background, the so-called cosmic relic background radiation, which has remained since the inception of our universe. They also found that the universe has a lot of dark recesses represented by some holes and extensive gaps.

Theoretical physicist Laura Mersini-Houghton from the North Carolina University with her colleagues argue: the anomalies of the microwave background exist due to the fact that our universe is influenced by other universes existing nearby. And holes and gaps are a direct result of attacks on us by neighboring universes.

Soul quanta

So, there is abundance of places or other universes where our soul could migrate after death, according to the theory of neo-biocentrism. But does the soul exist?

consciousness parallel universeProfessor Stuart Hameroff from the University of Arizona has no doubts about the existence of eternal soul. As recently as last year, he announced that he has found evidence that consciousness does not perish after death.

According to Hameroff, the human brain is the perfect quantum computer and the soul or consciousness is simply information stored at the quantum level. It can be transferred, following the death of the body; quantum information represented by consciousness merges with our universe and exist there indefinitely. The biocentrism expert Lanza proves that the soul migrates to another universe. That is the main difference from his other colleagues.

Sir Roger Penrose, a famous British physicist and expert in mathematics from Oxford, supports this theory, and he has also found traces of contact with other universes. Together, the scientists are developing quantum theory to explain the phenomenon of consciousness. They believe that they found carriers of consciousness, the elements that accumulate information during life, and after death of the body they “drain” consciousness somewhere else. These elements are located inside protein-based microtubules (neuronal microtubules), which previously have been attributed a simple role of reinforcement and transport channeling inside a living cell. Based on their structure, microtubules are best suited to function as carriers of quantum properties inside the brain. That is mainly because they are able to retain quantum states for a long time, meaning they can function as elements of a quantum computer.


Consciousness & Sacred Geometry

The Golden Spiral of Consciousness: Inspiration & Enlightenment through Art & Science

Robin Craig Clark

The golden ratio or spiral is a unique relation existing in the universe between the whole and the part and has been in our consciousness for over 4,000 years. It is a ubiquity number widely accepted as a divine proportion and spiritually regarded as the language of the Universe.

This simple fraction has been an inspiration to many artists, musicians, mathematicians and philosophers throughout our history.

Out of the golden ratio rises the golden spiral, whose familiar coil shape can be found everywhere in nature, such as in the structure of our DNA and fingerprints, sunflowers and seashells, storm clouds and tornados—even a star cluster nebula like the Milky Way.

The golden spiral, also called the flower of life, is a twirling pattern that forms out from a rectangle with the golden ratio.

When this rectangle is squared, it leaves a smaller rectangle that has the same golden ratio as the original. When this even smaller rectangle is squared, it in turn leaves a yet smaller rectangle behind—and this process continues until the shapes become so small you cannot see them anymore.

In other words, the process goes on forever.

When you connect a curve through the opposite corners of these concentric rectangles, you form the golden spiral.

The fact that the golden spiral shows up in many growth patterns of plants, animals and even whole galaxies makes us wonder if this unique shape is not indeed the pattern of life.

The principles of the golden spiral also can be seen in the design of buildings and architecture, as well as in art and literature. Golden proportions are to be found in music and even light.

The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Chinese all depict the golden ratio in their artwork. The Egyptians were probably the first to combine mathematics with art in the design of their pyramids.

Pythagoras discovered the golden proportions of the human body and this was portrayed by artists throughout Greek art.

Leonardo De Vinci found inspiration in the mathematics of art and nature; and it is almost certain he painted to conform to the golden ratio—especially the proportions set out in the Mona Lisa.

Literature can draw on the golden ratio in the structure of words, sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and pictures.

Just as we see the existence of the spiral in our fingerprints and galaxies and in the creation of pyramids and paintings, the golden ratio also appears inside the pages of a book—and even in a book’s cover design.

This pattern of nature can be seen inside many art forms and has a universally stimulating effect on the mind. Enlightenment may be part of this pattern—a communication that connects consciousness through the language of the Universe.

Look at the soul as being a bridge between your mind and the intangible essence of your spirit, gently guiding your mind through a doorway of transcendence to a higher plane of awareness.

By bringing the flower of life to words and pictures, your consciousness can be encouraged to move toward a realization greater than itself. In other words, the golden spiral can spiral you to soul awakening.

The flower of life transcends itself from the physical-mathematical form by which it is more commonly known (sacred geometry), into a spiritual equivalent we call unconditional love.

This little flower of life transforms into the pattern of love. Truth seekers, poets and prophets everywhere teach love as being at the center of all things.

When your soul connects consciousness with the golden spiral, you become love. Love is the infinite pattern of the Universe. And so are you.

Our world needs to undergo an incredible transformation. We must heal our emotions and weary bodies. We should sincerely connect to spirit and love—the intrinsic nature of everything.

Most cultures throughout history, from the Aztec to the Celtic, have documented a significant correlation between physical form and spirituality, clearly expressed through art and sacred geometry, like the mandala: beautiful, mesmerizing patterns bearing ritual and spiritual significance.

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung said the mandala is a representation of the unconscious self and believed mandalas are a means toward wholeness in personality.

The Mandelbrot Set, named after Benoît Mandelbrot, is a collection of numbers that form fractals. These are objects that display self-similarity at various scales; and so we can journey into the wondrous world of fractal geometry, gliding through never-ending self-similarity repeating patterns arising from a simple definition.

Quantum physicists show us that the substance of our reality is shaped, if not created, by our own consciousness.

Both old and new worlds of thought now come together as science greets spirituality in a uniform field of thought. The Universe speaks to us and we ought to listen.

If you “dream within a dream,” and inside this dream you awaken to unconditional love, which is the origin of all things in and beyond this world, you may find yourself in an infinite spiral with no beginning and no end called eternal life.

Copyright © by Robin Craig Clark. All Rights Reserved.

Robin Craig Clark is a writer of a new generation of spiritual books. Robin’s unique ideas come directly from nature, sacred geometry, Celtic wisdom and the use of holographic narrative, bringing words and art together to create a powerful way to inspire spiritual awakening and transformation. For more information, visit


Your Color Vibe for Sunday, 11/17

Sunday, November 17:    Cloudy Green

What did you mean to say?  Are you sure that is what you meant?  There will be a lot of that going around today as people pose this way then the next attempting to make themselves comfortable, and in so doing, they say and do things that are uncharacteristic but perhaps reflective of their true opinions.  This is a day for stepping back from all of that.  This is a day for having a hard outer shell.  This is a day for forgiving.  Everyone is being bombarded by a blast of energy associated with the full moon.  They cannot really be WHO they are in all of this unless they are willing to go within.  And that in itself can be a hard task.  It is easy enough to talk about meditation, compassion, equanimity, understanding, etc., but it is much harder to live it in this 3D.