In order for us to tap into our deepest states of intuition, intelligence and spiritual enlightenment, it is necessary to unlock and activate our brain’s Pineal Gland. Commonly referred to by ancient cultures and mystics as “the third eye,” our pineal gland sits in the center of our brain between our right and left hemispheres and is responsible for producing neurotransmitters such as serotonin and melatonin.
Yet, the pineal gland wasn’t bestowed the name “third eye” for just any random reason. Rather, when dissected from the brain, it is found that the pineal gland actually contains photoreceptors just like our own two seeing eyes and is activated by light transmitted through our two eyes. This sunlight transmitted through our eyes stimulates the pineal gland’s production of serotonin and further works to strengthen the gland’s ability to break free of specific harmful chemicals that can encrust it. As well, the pineal gland is also stimulated by darkness, in which the gland responds by producing melatonin to help induce us into sleep.
Sun -> Serotonin
Moon -> Melatonin
Decalcify and Detoxify Your Pineal Gland
As a result of our natural biological make up, the pineal gland is not protected by the blood brain barrier and therefore does not have an extra line of defense against harmful toxins that enter the bloodstream. Specific toxins, such as synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium, are specifically shown to have an affinity for the pineal gland, weakening its abilities to produce our neurotransmitters and receive photons of light from the sun, moon and stars.
However, it is important to distinguish the difference between synthetic fluoride and synthetic calcium versus organic fluoride and organic calcium. If received from plant sources, such as vegetables and other organic foods, calcium and fluoride are healthy essential minerals. Yet, when fluoride and calcium are synthetically manufactured through industrial processing and added to tap water, vitamin supplements, toothpastes, fortified cereals and various other products, these synthetic minerals are shown to have detrimental affects to the pineal gland as well as numerous other organs of the body.
Before beginning to activate one’s pineal gland, it is to necessary to remove the toxic chemicals that prevent it from working, such as synthetic fluoride, synthetic calcium, pharmaceutical medications and other toxins mentioned above. If you are drinking tap water, then look to replace this with purer and safer options, such as natural spring water, well water, reverse osmosis water, or carbon-filtered water. From there, one can work to remove any vitamin supplements, mineral fortified foods and toothpastes containing added fluoride or calcium. Last but not least, one can take five minutes out of their day to install a carbon shower filter which works to remove chlorine, fluoride, used toilet paper particles and other impurities from tap water that can enter our bodies through the skin, pores and lungs when we shower.
How to Activate Your Pineal Gland
After one has begun removing the impurities that prevent the pineal gland from being activated, they can start implementing practices that work to stimulate and grow their pineal gland’s functioning and abilities. A great practice that one can do throughout their life is that of meditating. The act of meditating works to stimulate the chakra system of our brain and body that’s responsible for conducting and generating life-force energy. Meditating specifically guides bioelectric and zero-point energy to the pineal gland allowing for greater states of clarity and intuition to come into our conscious life.
After meditation, a more advanced exercise modality which works to activate the pineal gland as well as all of the body’s chakra points is that of Kundalini Yoga. The Kundalini which rests coiled in the lowest chakra of our spine is a transducer of energy which rises farther up the spine through the practice until finally reaching the pineal gland/third eye chakra. Upon activating the Kundalini and growing its pathway to the pineal gland, one is able to merge the photon celestial energy of the sun and cosmos with that of the physical body which roots to the Earth. Being that the bones of our skeletal system are technically piezoelectric crystals at the core, the Kundalini energy rises and flows through the crystal bones of the spine, activating the 33 vertebrae points one by one until reaching the crown and pineal gland energy points at the top levels of the upper spine.
Nutrition for Your Pineal Gland
In the food category, numerous options are available for accelerating and detoxifying our brain’s pineal gland. As a foundation, one should look to comprise the percentage of foods in their diet to a highest degree of organic plants and animals as possible. Eating organic adds a buffer to protect oneself from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, GMO’s and other harmful chemical laden substances that can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health.
Foods that specifically support and activate the pineal gland are tumeric (tea and raw), cacao beans, green plants and vegetables, wild harvested spring water, reishi mushroom tea, grass juices, beets, apple cider vinegar and others. Supplements one can use to help detoxify and activate the pineal gland are zeolite tinctures, bentonite clay, organic MSM powder and ormus gold. Begin activating your pineal gland today and tap into levels of your higher self that lay dormant, calling to be awakened.
1. I am part of the world. The world is not outside of me, and I am not outside of the world. The world is in me, and I am in the world.
2. I am more than a skin-and-bone material organism: my body, and its cells and organs are manifestations of what is truly me: a self-sustaining, self-evolving dynamic system arising, persisting and developing in interaction with other such systems and with the world around me.
3. I am one of the highest, most evolved manifestations of the drive toward coherence and wholeness in the world. My essence is this cosmic drive. It is the same essence that is inherent in all the systems that arise and evolve in the universe.
4. There are no absolute boundaries and divisions among the systems that arise and evolve in the universe, only transition points where one set of relations yields prevalence to another. In me, in this self-maintaining and self-evolving coherence- and wholeness-oriented system, the relations that integrate the cells and organs of my body are prevalent. Beyond my body other relations gain prevalence: those that drive toward coherence and wholeness in humanity, nature, and throughout the universe.
5. The separate identity I attach to my fellow humans is a convenient convention to facilitate my interaction with them. My family and my community are just as much “me” as the cells and organs of my body. There are only gradients of intensity in the relations that distinguishing individuals from each other and from the world, no absolute divisions and boundaries. There are no “others” in the world: we are all dynamic, coherence and wholeness oriented systems in the world and we are part of the world and so part of each other.
6. Collaboration, not competition, is the royal road to the wholeness and coherence that hallmarks healthy systems in the world. Collaboration calls for trust, empathy and solidarity. Comprehension, conciliation, and forgiveness are not signs of weakness but signs of courage. Harming others, even under the banner of patriotism and national or corporate interest is a mistaken intention. I am part of whoever I harm, and so I harm myself.
7. “The good” for me, and for everyone in my world, is not the possession and accumulation of wealth. Wealth, whether in money or in a material resource, is but a means for maintaining myself in my environment. As exclusively mine, it commandeers a part of the resources that all living beings on the planet need to share if they are to live and thrive. Exclusive wealth is a threat to everyone in the community of life on the planet, and because I as well as the holders of wealth are part of this community, it is a threat to the wealthy, and to me.
8. A healthy person has pleasure in giving: it is a higher pleasure than having. I am healthy and whole when I value giving over having. The true measure of accomplishment and excellence is my readiness to give, whatever I can give without harming myself, my family and those in my care. A community that values giving over having is a community of healthy persons, thriving through solidarity and love. Sharing enhances the community, while possessing and accumulating creates demarcation, invites competition and fuels envy. The share-society is the norm for all communities of life on the planet; the have-society is an aberration.
9. Only life and its development have intrinsic value as ends in themselves. All other things have value only insofar as they add to or enhance life and its development. Material things, and the energies and substances they need or generate, have value only insofar they contribute to the development of life in the community of all beings on the planet.
10. I recognize my responsibility for evolving my consciousness, and through my example for helping the evolution of consciousness in others. We have been part of the aberration of human consciousness in the modern world, and we need to be part of the evolution that overcomes that aberration. Living and working toward this goal is my duty, as a conscious member of a conscious species in a conscious cosmos.
The Human species has begun an evolutionary leap that is exponentially more abrupt than any known previous leaps – and it is happening to you. It is the work of the Shamans to help us navigate this extreme course.
The prophecies of my Q’ero shaman lineage speak of the evolutionary leap that humanity is undergoing at this time. And this evolutionary leap is unprecedented not only because of our current level of awareness and understanding as a species, but also because the overall trajectory of all previous evolutionary leaps is exponential. This means that each leap has happened sooner and quicker than the previous. My teachers speak of the fact that this leap isn’t just happening from one generation to the next, but within our generation.
Modern science and medicine is barely scratching the surface of the possibility that we can change our existing DNA and bodies within one lifetime. But modern science is only coming to a full understanding of just 5% of the known or theoretical Universe. The other 95% of everything is “dark” or unknown, and currently un-measurable.
Shamans not only see into that unknown, but actually have techniques to work with it and apply it to facilitate change in the 5% known experience. We see that the 95% of “dark energy and matter” as modern science calls it, and causay as the Q’ero call it, informs the 5% of the energy and matter that make up our conscious and sensory experiences. It is essentially a working and changeable blueprint for reality.
With this understanding, we can see that the evolutionary leap in our human bodies and minds as a species is and has been preceded by accelerating changes in the energetic blueprint that are being facilitated in many humans right now. And it is helpful not only to know that this is possible, but to help explain and deal with the implications in the most graceful way possible.
With all evolutionary leaps, one can only imagine that it comes with a certain amount of upheaval, shedding of many facets of the old paradigm, and varying degrees of discomfort, confusion, and even downright fear. It is our work as shamans to help humanity through it all with healing, vision, comforting, clarity, and even celebration.
The main thing to remember is that the you that is 95% of who you really are is not limited to this lifetime, this body, this mind, and this story- or perhaps even this planet or this Universe. In the English language, the you the feels like you and comprises your conscious awareness, personality, and tons of information and “coding” is called the Soul. In Sanskrit you’re called the Aura and Chakras, in Italian your called the Anima. Every language has a name for the you that is really you. So physical life and death, bodies, brains, and DNA are all relatively and extremely temporary vehicles by which you play in the theater of the Universe once again, and again, and again, and again.
Shamans understand that evolution and expansion are very desired aspects of the consciousness within and throughout all aspects of this theater for the simple reason that boredom is worse than annihilation. In other words we, or consciousness in general and in all forms and formless, keep evolving in to greater and greater complexity to keep it interesting and to see where we can take it through the creative process. And of course as a part of it all there are fits and starts, fear and back peddling, dead ends, destruction and construction, millennium of rest, and exhilaration filled leaps and bounds.
So if you are feeling like the old ways of looking at things and doing things is no longer cutting it, and/or you know children and adults that do not fit our current understanding, lifestyle, and constructs, then you are likely witnessing the evolutionary leap in progress. You may also being experiencing nothing short of the personal and collective revolution/upheaval that often accompanies such leaps, and which often comes with the extremes of feelings and emotions such as fear, pain, love, and pleasure. And to the extent that you can allow your mind to go along with it, to blow open and expand, to accept the unknown and the unknowable, to surrender to the inevitable evolution of who you really are and all that comes with it, then you may actually enjoy this part of the ride.
Call on your shamans to help you gracefully and quickly jettison any unnecessary baggage and stories that will no longer be necessary or useful in the new paradigm, and that would only hurt worse to be ripped away the hard way. And together let’s align the 95% blueprint with the ideal vision that we manifest by dreaming it into being as co-creators of the Universe(s).
The theme of owning one’s power keeps coming up in my healings, readings and conversations. As a response to encouraging people to stand in their power, I am frequently met with unbridled fear. Never have I had so many people in such crisis over the same issue. This is obviously a collective consciousness blockage which needs to be purged.
What is a spiritual leap of faith?
Imagine that you are leisurely driving along the Road of Life, a meandering country lane. You are on your way to Enlightenment Town, a Shangri-La of spiritual awareness, Oneness and Divine Love. Accompanying you on this trip are some great friends. These angelic guides are lovingly assisting you all along your journey.
Suddenly, without warning, the road comes to an abrupt end. You stomp on the brake pedal with both feet, and your car skids to the very edge of the precipice. There, before you, lies nothing but open air….no road, no land, just sky and clouds. Gingerly you exit your vehicle and creep towards the edge of the cliff. Your breath quickens as you peer ever-so carefully over the sheer cliff face. The land below is so far away that the trees look like matchsticks. Your gaze shifts upward and you squint hard trying to see what lies on the other side. Alas, it’s too far away.
You turn to your friends and bemoan the fact that there’s no bridge. Your friends tell you that there is in fact a bridge there, but that you can’t see it. They explain that you must cross this chasm unaided, using faith as your only support. You can’t imagine anything more insane, and so you argue with them, but to no avail. They are adamant that you can do it.
Your friends’ lack of assistance, coupled with the daunting and seemingly impossible task ahead, causes you to react with fear, and that fear turns into anger. Instead of taking the leap of faith, you plunk yourself on the ground and cross your arms in defiance. You refuse to move forward without their help. You even consider turning back. You are at an impasse.
Owning your power
At some point in everyone’s spiritual reawakening process, you must make a leap of faith. This point in your journey back to Oneness almost always appears with little or no warning. Although unspeakably frightening, the leap is unavoidable and very necessary. Not only is it mandatory, but it must also be achieved by you alone. No one can assist you, for to do so would defeat its purpose. It serves to help you own, and stand in, your spiritual power.
Ego is the problem, not Spirit
Your ego is scared and so it’s throwing up road blocks everywhere it can. It doesn’t want you to take that leap of faith. It’s telling you to go back where it’s ‘safe’. Since the ego is connected to your left brain, it uses your intellect to rationalize away the need for this leap.
Ego is very good at arguing its case, and it (temporarily) wins almost every argument with spirit. That’s because your soul doesn’t argue. It just states the truth quietly, and then stands in that truth. The ego clamors to be heard; the soul whispers. The ego is clever; the soul, authentic.
The leap from the head to the heart
The chasm you must cross is the one from the brain to the heart. You must to leap from one side (earthly/ ego/ brain/ male) to the other (spiritual/ soul/ heart/ female). Once you fully cross into the heart, your ego will never have the same control over you. That fear you’re feeling is the stemming from the ego’s false belief in its impending demise. Ego believes it is fighting for its life.
What the ego doesn’t know is that the soul will lovingly incorporate the ego into your whole Being, and will nurture and protect you in a way that ego never could. In other words, this leap of faith will make your ego a very happy camper; that is, once you get across to the other side. So, you must make this crossing despite your ego’s protests.
Dealing with ego’s arguments
“I can’t do it.”
Actually, you can do it; otherwise, the challenge would not have appeared. Don’t believe your ego. It is making you feel powerless. It wants someone to help you; yet, if your guides give in, they would only be compounding your feelings of powerlessness. The only cure is for you to take the leap of faith. It’s the only way to discover of what you are really capable.
“I’m not ready!”
This leap of faith opportunity would not have appeared unless you were ready. Your higher self and angelic guides do not make mistakes. You don’t have to believe or feel you’re ready in order to be ready. In fact, the majority of spiritual seekers do not feel ready when presented with their leap of faith challenge. Your human incarnation has never encountered anything like this before, so how could it feel ready? Thankfully, this has nothing to do with your mind/ego/human side. The leap is a spiritual feat.
“This is crazy! I’ll fail/get hurt.”
The leap may look impossible, but it’s actually designed to strengthen your spiritual confidence. Without this extreme challenge, would you ever be willing to fly solo? Or, would you ever come to appreciate how incredibly gifted and intuitive you are? Most people feel “less than” until they are forced to discover of what they are truly capable.
“I don’t know what to do, or how to do it.”
If your spiritual guides have presented you with a leap of faith challenge, then that’s your assurance that you do know what to do; you just don’t know with your human brain. You need to tap into your intuition. Whether or not you feel intuitively capable, remember that your intuition is like a muscle. The more you use it, the better it gets. No one can work it out for you. That would be like taking you to a gym and demonstrating how to lift weights. Unless you’re doing the work, you’re not developing your intuitive muscle.
“I won’t do it, and you can’t make me!”
You’re right; you have free will. You are not required to do anything your spirit and angels suggest. But, if you are serious about owning your power, their guidance is golden. (Have they ever led you astray?) The next step is really up to you.
Spread your wings and fly, baby bird!
Like mama and papa birds, your angels and soul are telling you it’s time to leave the nest. Their urging doesn’t mean they don’t love you anymore. Quite the contrary! They love you so much that they want you to know the exhilaration of flight.
The ego’s supreme belief in its inability to survive the leap of faith is the only thing standing in your way. If you could silence your ego long enough to enter your heart, then you could establish the connection with spirit that will empower you. Then you could sprout wings and fly cross the chasm. But if you continue to listen to ego and its fears, you will never know how amazing you are, or how high you could soar.
How to shift from ego/mind to heart/soul
Your head is not your friend right now. The heart is the key. That’s your place of peace and fearlessness. In order to stay heart-centered, here are some suggestions:
Draw a labyrinth in the sand and then slowly walk it
Go earthing (walk barefoot in the dirt or on sand)
Do whatever you can to still your mind. Once ego is silenced, it’s much easier to shift your awareness to your heart. From there you can enter the sacred space of your heart along with the tiny space. Within that space dwells your soul, your connection to All That Is. Every answer you could ever want is in your heart.
The theme for these days is Roses Amidst the Thorns. So there will be good times, love, and light to be found in the shadows and grey in these times.
Overall Color: Green Grey
Be good to yourself these days, but not so good that you are blinding yourself to what is happening around you. There is a lot of conflicting energy out there right now, and it is clouding up what is the real import of things. You will be feeling this as you find yourself changing your mind almost instantaneously. If you are one who was always sure of the next step, you will find that your certainty is becoming very cloudy. Actually, this is good because it affords you the excuse to look at things from a different perspective, to be more considerate about what you are doing, where you are going, and with whom you are hanging. All of this will lead to a kind of inner conflict these days as you find yourself not quite knowing what is right. The thing is that it is time to judge things from the vantage of what is right for WHO you are. Not always easy. You can find that in some of the things that you are doing there is a kind of aha moment which can lead you to feel out of control and a bit overwhelmed, just because it was so unexpected and at times seemingly unrelated. These are AHA days, so it is best just to get used to it. You will begin to see yourself from different levels right now. You are getting to know WHO you are versus the person with whom you have been identifying for so long now. This is a time to truly like yourself, to take a moment every day and congratulate yourself for being you, You are unique. There is no one like you. This is also a time to be aware of your body. There will be signals from your physicality these days that will alert you as to what it wants and what its best for it. It is time to become best friends with your body. Respect what it is asking you to do. If you are tired, rest; if you are hungry, eat; if you are in the wrong place, go. By accepting and allowing the clues form your body to alert you to what is going on, you not only save some wear and tear on it but you also are able to sync the physicality with the higher being that is WHO you are. Take time these days always to ground and center every morning. If you do not have a waking, ritual, this is a good time to establish one. It is a way of bringing yourself into the present as you emerge from the realm of dreams.
On the larger scale, things are heating up more and more. You will be seeing outbursts on all levels. These can happen through weather events, volcanic activity, Earth shifts, undirected anger, acts of violence, etc. There is a new energy coming through right now that is showing itself in the unexpected. It is a novelty that has been preparing for its entrance onto the sphere of the Earth, and it is shifting and changing and shaking things up. This is a time to look deeply into what you are hearing and seeing on the media. Check out other independent sources. There is much conflicting information coming through right now. Some of it is meant to confuse the general population as the powers that think they are have developed a policy of constructive confusion as a way to keep people guessing. You will know the truth of the matter if you will center, ground, and go into your inner knowing, that which is connected with the Universal Consciousness. This is a time also for a sense of humor as things come and go with no real sense. News items one day will be quickly replaced by other distractions. Speaking of distractions, there will be a big push among those who are dealing with the celebrity world to bring out some more sensational gossip as a way of moving focus from what really matters. There is a charismatic individual who is coming more and more on the scene in the East. There have been rumors and they will be continuing. Finances are getting more shaky even as alternatives to the old system become more discussed. The extra-galactic energy is causing some energetic bubbles with this solar system as waves of it begin to wash over all the planets. The Sun will be reacting in odd ways, however there will belittle talk of that. Watch the oceans for messages in the water. There is much going on right now, as sides become somewhat polarized. This will continue as the year progresses.
As always, do your research, check out alternate sources, see what you feel in your heart:
What Does The Law Of One ‘Harvest’ Really Mean?
Updated August 14, 2014 by in5d Alternative News Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor,
There is a big difference between being one with Source versus being harvested like an ear of corn in order to bring yourself to the next level of spiritual progression.
Ra is claimed to be from the “Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator” and the books give an outline of a New Age description of evolution of consciousness; the concept of the soul (spirit, essence) is said to be reincarnating through these different levels or “densities:” 1st density being “mineral consciousness”, 2nd density being “vegetable consciousness and animal consciousness”, and 3rd density being human life, self-reflective consciousness.
The book argues that the goal of a soul is to “polarize” in one of two different directions: “Positive polarization” (labeled as “service-to-others“) through identifying with others empathetically, or “negative polarization” (labeled as “service-to-self“) through “separating” the self from others. Souls are said to “harvest” and proceed to the next level once they are properly “polarized”.
Ultimately, there should only be 2 laws:
1) Love everyone.
2) Respect everything.
I firmly believe the Law of One was channeled with honest intent by Carla Rueckert, as the archons, who keep us living in fear, were using Carla as a host for the harvesting of souls. Much of the information is quite fascinating but once the rose-colored glasses are removed, then what are we really seeing?
Service to Self versus Service to Others
Many people within this genre may feel guilty about spending time on yourself versus giving time and energy to others, but this is an unhealthy point of view. Try to think of your spiritual growth as being part of a team sport, like bowling. Each person tries to do their best while helping the team.
Ultimately, we should begin with loving ourselves and allowing that light to flow outwards. Additionally, there should be a balance between service to self versus service to others, so don’t feel badly if you’re meditating and trying to better yourself because in the end, everyone wins.
As above, so below
In this fractured universe, the premise of “As above, so below” is a prime tenet. While it can also be interpreted as “As within, so without”, it can additionally be viewed, “As long as there is someone above you (Gods, Archangels, Archons, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Priests, Popes, CEOs, etc…), there will always be people below you (Jesus, Yahweh, Yeshua, angels, vice presidents, Cardinals, managers, etc…)”.
We are equals with the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love.
This is all part of a hierarchal (heir-archon) system designed to keep us enslaved through subservience, control and conformity. We are taught that we need this current system in order to prevent chaos, yet those who are “above us” know how to control the masses through fear. Even at the highest level of Freemasonry, their motto is “Ordo ab chao” which means “Order out of chaos”.
In an ideal society, order would emanate from truth and love but as we’ve seen, everything has been turned backwards and upside down.
By acquiescing to a harvest and being subordinate to higher forms of consciousness, we are still trapped within a system of control and dominance, albeit a more socially acceptable one that we already live in. The question is: “What is the trade off?” and “What does a true harvest really mean?”
Granted, there are benevolent extraterrestrials who want to see us succeed as a global community, but they must respect our free will and are not supposed to physically interfere with our progressions. Yet in this corrupted, fractured universe, many Universal Laws have been cast aside as we have been tricked time and time again into entering a system of reincarnation where our souls are recycled back into the matrix in order for those who feed off of our fears to be nourished. It was never supposed to be like this.
Are all forms of hierarchy bad?
In certain situations, a hierarchy-type program would be needed, such as the relationships between parents and children, teachers and students or even pets with their owners, but in most cases (with the exception of pets), the learner would become the teacher. In a traditional hierarchal system, the intention is forced through subservience, control and conformity. The difference between these relationships and the traditional hierarchal system is the energy of love behind the intention, which is to help others become all they are capable of being while respecting their strengths and perceived weaknesses.
Ideally, all systems of hierarchy would be eliminated and replaced with various forms of education that facilitates to the learners needs.
Questioner: Am I to understand that the harvest will occur in the year 2011, or will it be spread?
Ra: I am Ra. This is an approximation. We have stated we have difficulty with your time/space. This is an appropriate probable/possible time/space nexus for harvest. Those who are not in incarnation at this time will be included in the harvest.
(Scott) Mandelker and I figure(d) out what the Law of One really said, within its OWN system, is “ALL are harvested REGARDLESS OF PROGRESS.” The question is WHERE YOU GO once you pop through the worldwide “quantum leap.” Do you hang out in the astral planes for 100-150 years and holographically recreate what you already had, or do you start climbing the staircase of Ascension? At that point you have a choice.
Again, “all are harvested REGARDLESS OF PROGRESS” when the Earth moves out of 3D vibrations at the end of the cycle. A discontinuous event. Ra’s answer is VERY IMPORTANT, because once we know WHEN the planet “has moved through the useful part” of the third “dimension”, then we also know when “all are harvested regardless of progress”
To me, this does not sound like a free will choice.
Do you REALLY want to be “harvested”?
Imagine a fleet of UFOs who come to this planet for the “harvest“. The extraterrestrials tell you that you are a service to others person and are ready for your next level of spirituality. They promise to bring you to either your planet of origin (Pleiades, Lyra, Arcturus, etc…) or to a 5th dimensional planet where you will no longer be held down in this 3rd dimensional reality.
Would you willingly be harvested like an ear of corn?
Would you leave because, in your mind, anywhere else MUST be better than here?
We have lost our connection with the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love. While we all carry that spark of divinity, the flame has significantly dwindled as those in power keep us perpetually living in fear. Additionally, many people will give away what little power they have to religion, governments, money, etc… and will refuse to see how their power has been hijacked by these controlling entities.
The central character in the Law of One is Ra. Ra is a “sun god” and is also known as Amon (Amen) Ra. According to Robert Morning Sky’s research, the Ra lineage eventually became the Rockefellers (Ra-Ka-Pharoahs) and the and Rothschild (RA-KA-M = RA-KAM <KAM = shield> = RA-Shield = Rothschild) families.
How much do you trust the RA-kefellers and the RA-thschild families?
How much do you trust Ra?
In the Sumerian texts, Ra is known as Marduk, Enki’s first born son (sun). The etymology of Marduk is as follows: MAR (MR = son of ) DUK (dog – Sirius). Marduk, the “sun” of a Sirian god, is literally a son of a bitch!
In chapter 8 of the 14 Tablets of Enki, it is stated, “At the first harvest there is a celebration and the two twin earthling men make their offerings to the kings two sons.”
No matter which origin you choose, Ra will always be a false “god” and is by no means, the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love.
What does the harvest really mean?
To be “harvested” can never be a good thing. When you look at Ra and see how subservience, control and conformity are always hidden behind his intention of love and being of service to others, you get a good idea of where this is heading.
In all areas of our lives, we are being controlled while losing our connection to the infinite creator source who stands in the light of truth and love. We perpetually give away our power to those who will gladly take it through these same measures, whether it be through religion, government or any other form of control and dominance.
Schumann Resonance and the Harvest
Recently, the Schumann Resonance (SR) went up to 8.50, the highest I’ve seen since I have been watching it. The SR is the resonance or “heartbeat” of Mother Earth and has been at 7.83hz for what many people believe to be thousands of years. This is proof that our planet is raising her vibration and she is giving us the opportunity to raise our vibration with her.
Possible scenarios
Here is a very possible scenario: You agree to be part of the “harvest”, with no guarantees of anything except what “they” promise you or stay here while Mother Earth raises her vibration and eliminates the archons who have kept us enslaved for so long.
This is what Dolores Cannon is talking about when she says the Earth will be separated into two Earths. According to Cannon, those who raise their vibrations (in conjunction to Mother Earth) will be part of the New Earth where you could feasibly wake up one day and see a world like you’ve never seen before without the hierarchical control we have now.
Dolores is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regressions. For the past 20 years, she has been receiving messages from entities, through her clients, about what we can expect in the very near future.The following is an excerpt from Dolores Cannon’s ‘Convoluted Universe Book Two from the chapter, ‘The New Earth‘.
Let’s imagine you decide to leave. Even if you leave this planet, you’re still part of the system. The good news is that Earth is one of the few organically sentient beings in this galaxy, so staying with her could very well be the exit out of this system of control and domination.
According to Gregg Braden’s research, we are only utilizing 22 of the 64 codons in our DNA. Imagine if the raising of frequency between Mother Earth, in conjunction with the Schumann Resonance, was the only thing stopping our DNA from fully activating? If this were the case, then those who leave would still have 32 codons locked and would not be part of the DNA activation here on Earth. Conversely, there is no guaarantee that leaving would be any better than what we already have. It could possibly be worse.
If this scenario plays out, then those who choose to stay here would not only have a DNA upgrade, but Earth may even move herself out of this system of control.
Remember, all possibilities exist right now and we are simply playing out the highest probability of all possibilities.
What will I do?
Just like any other text, the words of Ra can easily be manipulated to control the masses, including my perspective in this article which is why I always insist on using your own discernment on anything you read because just about everything we have been taught is a lie. That being said, those who have followed In5D know I always stand up for love and truth and would never intentionally mislead anyone, so this is YOUR decision to make.
According to Ra, there have been two other times in Earth’s history for a possible harvest in which none of the criteria were met to have a successful one. Just like the story of how Jesus was created by the Council of Nicea, there is no material that supports this claim other than what was channeled through Carla Rueckert.
From what we have learned about Ra through the Sumerian texts along with how Ra is another “sun god” just like Jesus, the story has holes in it and it has us, once again, giving away our power to a higher source who appears to us as a savior.
As for me, if a spaceship comes for the harvest, I’m staying here because Mother Earth’s resonance will destroy the archons who have been feeding off of our fears for millennia. Plus, she has been raising her vibrations which may help to facilitate the “New Earth” that Dolores Cannon has written and spoken about.
For those who decide to be part of the harvest, I hope you enjoy the experience because this is why we ultimately incarnate into this world.
Please keep this in mind: You are MUCH MORE POWERFUL than you know! NEVER give away your sovereign power to anyone, especially to those who do not stand in the light of love and truth.
In this writer’s opinion, amazing days are ahead!
My decision: If there’s a “harvest”, you can count me out.
If you were given the choice, would you want to be part of this harvest? If so, why? If not, why? Comment below!
About the Author: Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. Gregg is currently working in collaboration with Michelle Walling, CHLC, in opening a holistic walk-in clinic called Alternative Holistic Healthcare (AHH) in Sarasota, FL with subsequent subsidiaries around the world based upon this model.
Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.
You might be feeling a strange sensation lately – like slipping into other realms of thought, perspective or consciousness. It can be manifest in very mundane incidents, and it can be very perceptually profound. It’s not easy to identify, much less classify.
Nevertheless, the shift is on and it’s hitting people in different ways, and most may not be fully aware of what’s going on.
While world events can make us feel so disempowered and degraded, something else is urging us on. It’s very strong, subtle and beautifully powerful. The energetic and information supply line we’re receiving is a huge boost, but more than that there’s a connectivity we’re each experiencing, a sense of not just awareness, but a collective desire to help bring about a shift in the world to which we’re being subjected. What we’re experiencing is deeply coupled with this innate hunger to be connected to each other, and to the wonderful spiritual and vibrational sources with which we’re aligned.
Intuitive connectivity with kindred souls, Gaia, and ultimately the wonderful, overarching Cosmic Universal Reality is what our hearts crave, however one may perceive or even explain it. Huge forces are at play and we’re in the midst of and participants in this changeover. Hence some of the forces you may be sensing.
Ear To The Ground
This is how the native Americans knew what was coming. Listen to the earth. She resonates. She does not lie. She is constant and trustworthy. She is honest, and when she shrugs there’s a purpose.
Such should be our attitude toward all true natural resources, both physical and spiritual. As well as our interactive relationship with these marvelous sources. This is a time to connect with what is trustworthy – family, true friends and trusted sources, and the true understandings we’re being given. Much of this is intuitive but it’s nevertheless just as, if not more, profound.
Listening is key to our spiritual strength. The encouragement available is almost overwhelming when you tap into it. Without that sense of trust and grounding we’re going to feel “lost at sea” and very confused and disoriented. Dig into it.
Forget The Past – Now Is All That Matters
If you’re suffering from personal condemnation from past failures or unconscious living, you’re not alone. None of us are up to the perfection level we innately sense should be our standard. However, it’s not meant to be that way. Nothing is expecting perfection or “attainment” of any sort. We are encased spirits in human form attempting to grasp the Universe. Parts of us get it, and other parts are digging their heels in. This conflict is our predicament and challenge.
It’s apparently meant to be part of our growing process.
We can only assume these events to be so because this is what we experience. While we realize we’re living in a contrived matrix of deceit, our rooting and budding within this earthbound form is a very natural process. As we grow, we leave previous forms behind. Letting these go can be a dilemma but it’s actually quite simple.
Let them go. Release them. New awarenesses and awakenings are budding and that’s all that matters. While we can always learn from the past, we must not be condemned by it. Time is a river, and it moves on, just as you are not the same person dipping your foot in the river now as you were before, nor is the river the same. It moves on.
All is in flux.
The Practical Application
While this all may seem somewhat esoteric, it’s not completely. The decisions we make, as well as personal resolutions, are what determine our current reality. Our next decision is based upon our current understanding. That’s how we grow.
When we find ourselves awakened in a hostile environment it’s only natural to want to escape. When we’re confronted with untruths that beg to be addressed, we do so naturally. Not to offend, but to inform. As well as stand our conscious ground.
It’s not always easy, I know that. My point is that to respond consciously is being true to our response-ability. It’s that simple. Those who do so will see their lives directed accordingly. Those who don’t also will – but with a much less enlightened outcome.
We Each Are The Difference
When you look at society today it’s important to realize it’s an accumulation of social and spiritual cause and effect. All built on individual responses. This of course explains the mass media; mass educational indoctrination drastically affects our current populace. Our separation from it also does.
We need to break free from these accumulated influences. And have confidence in doing so. There are lot of psycho-spiritual influences working on each of us, and they’re important to identify, but more importantly shun their current and after-effects. We are free conscious being here having an experience. Learn from everything, deal with what needs to be dealt with, but most of all we must affirm our absolute freedom.
Slip on by to the other side. It’s a fun ride. Unhook the hinderances and let it go!
Give it a go; now’s the time to do it as the winds pick up. Leave unneeded baggage behind now. You’ll be glad you did.
What’s the difference between your Higher Self and Your Soul?
It’s a really great question that all of us have asked in one way or another. In our spiritual journey we each are exposed to many terms; some easily understood, others confusing and still others that are seemingly contadictory. I hope this little article will help clarify things for you. Of course, this is my observation and opinion. Please don’t believe me. See if what you read resonates with you. You are the only one that matters here.
Your Higher Self is, in simple terms, the highest aspect of you that can be attained and held in the physical body. It is the part of you that knows, sees, and understands at the highest level possible, while the physical part of you still continues to move around in the third dimension. Anchoring the wisdom of the Higher Self into your physicality is very much a part of our human spiritual evolution and purpose.
Your Soul, on the other hand, had an enormous role in deciding upon and designing what you experience in this lifetime. Your Soul wanted to experience a certain set of experiences so it put in place a plan and process where it could – through you. A simple, silly example: your Soul wanted to know what it would be like to experience the feeling of embarrassment in a female body. So the Soul placed parts of its own consciousness in you, as a female body, and you went out into this third dimension to experience the game plan that the Soul wished to have. You were born into a family of graceful dancers, yet you were clumsy and awkward and fell down a lot. You surrounded yourself with very simple, third-dimensional children and you had a creative mind but no filter, so you said things that put you in, well, embarrassing situations. As an adult you liked to party, and many mornings found yourself squirming and explaining your actions of the night before.
In the process of these wonderful experiences your Soul created for you, you always have free will. And so you go about choosing and creating many other components of this life-game that are in addition to what the Soul’s desires have been. You take dance lessons, learn to think before you speak and to pace yourself at parties. You become more masterful and soon the embarrassing situations no longer happen so frequently. Your Soul is satisfied in this one experience. Of course, your Soul has many, many, many experiences it wants to experience through you in this lifetime.
This amazing time of Shift is adding to how you experience both your Higher Self and your Soul. As you begin to remember yourself and return to higher levels of consciousness, aspects of you and the Higher Self are going to merge very rapidly. As you begin to experience yourself as the merged Higher Self, greater levels of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that the Higher Self IS begin to be who you are.
Simultaneously, your Soul plays an enormous role in all that is. Your Soul plays much more in the non-physical realm of consciousness which is gigantically vaster than the physical. It’s as if the concept and reality of physicalness is a grain of sand on a beach. Everything else is non-physical. But we humans only know what we know, so obviously physicality is the whole universe. Right? (Not even close, but we don’t know that yet). As you complete the agreements you made with your Soul (i.e. experiencing and mastering embarrassment) the veils between you and the Soul become thinner and transparent. Soon you and your Soul are one and the creation process becomes vast and beyond third dimensional limitations.
As you intentionally awaken and merge with you Higher Self and Soul during this Shift, you are doing something that has never been done before. According to Archangels Michael, Metatron, Zadkiel, Uriel and Master Kuthumi, those who are intentionally and with great attention focused upon their personal evolution become full aware of the consciousness of the Soul as it plays in the physical. You also begin to build a bridge back to the heart of Creator. This bridge is referred to in various texts as the “Monad.” The Monad is the bridging element of the Soul that has conscious awareness in the non-physical.
You are in the process, as you go through these evolutionary steps, of becoming one with the Higher Self, as well as becoming one with the physicalness of the Soul. You also are beginning to access the Monad and the non-physical universe; the Mother/Father Creator.
This is a new adventure, new territory. And the archangels and masters are very, very please and in awe of what YOU are accomplishing. You are big and significant. You are important.
An author and teacher, Roxane has been offering tools for developing intuition and Personal Power to individuals, businesses and women’s groups since 1994. Following a successful career as an art director of two large corporations and as manager of her own design firm, she trained as a Life Coach and Mastering Alchemy teacher.
Roxane’s seminars include: Spiritual Abilities and Tools for Intuition, Personal Eenrgy Management and Female Alchemy. She also has been feature don television, radio and in national publications both in the US and Australia. She is the co-founder of Mastering Alchemy and presents this work with Jim Self.
Jim Self Featured on the Virtual Light Broadcast many times since 2009, Jim is often introduced as a teacher’s teacher and a healer. He has been leading seminars and teaching healing, clairvoyance and higher dimensional energy management tools throughout North America since 1980. As an author of What Do You Mean the Third Dimension is Going Away? Jim’s Spectrum column includes excerpts from this book, his free tele-classes, seminars and his third upcoming book.
Since childhood, Jim has had a conscious awareness and ability to remember his experiences within the sleep state. Over the last ten years, this awareness has expanded into relationships with the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Teachers of Light. The tools and information presented in the Mastering Alchemy programs are co-creations of these relationships.
Jim walks with a foot in both worlds. At the age of twenty-six, he was elected to his first of two terms to the San Jose, CA City Council and later became the Vice Mayor. Before completing his second term, he was asked by President Jimmy Carter to be the Director of Governmental Operations for the Dept. of Energy. As an entrepreneur, he has successfully built and sold two corporations, and is the founder and current Board Chairman of a third.
During this extraordinary year of transformation, our planet is morphing from the dying, outdated 3D model of Duality into an alternative 5D paradigm of Unity Consciousness. This is often met with perplexing confusion, as the human mind attempts to grasp how it is possible for a planet to change so dramatically. But once we understand the complex workings of the universe it is easier to not only comprehend but actively get involved.
There is much debate between scientists and spiritual scholars about the origin of creation and the role that living consciousness plays. Similar to the chicken vs. egg argument…does the mind evolve from matter (thoughts as biochemical reactions in the brain), or does matter evolve from mind (spirit creating matter).
My experience supports the narrative that “creation arises from consciousness”…it is the source where ideas originate. All visions, intentions, artistic expression, and imagination are ignited from the trans-material consciousness called “Spirit‟. It is the creative spark of our physical world of matter.
In Quantum Physics everything in nature exists simultaneously as separate particles that also have a wave function. Based on the “Observer Effect‟, the small atoms in our physical world are influenced by the presence of our conscious mind. Particle-waves function as possible probabilities until observed by a conscious mind, whereby the exchange would collapse the wave-function and form a particle. The quantum field exists in a state of waves probabilities (virtual particles), as possible holograms of potential outcomes.
So how does this work? Our brain operates much like a computer or television, creating our material world from a holographic array of frequencies converted into a solid image. Just as a hologram functions as a lens, encoding and decoding frequencies, our brain similarly transforms incoming frequencies into our sensory perception of reality. Therefore, our personal reality is determined by the frequencies selected…like channel surfing from the couch.
In the quantum field our brain animates our external world like the engine of a movie projector – creating a holographic reality by running snapshot “freeze frames‟ of observed perception (images) together similar to a movie film. The consciousness streaming through our mind becomes the “creator‟ of time and space of our physical experience, not the other way around!
When our brain switches channels, we experience a shift in our perceived reality. It may materialize in an “Aha” Moment, or more dramatically, like relocating to a new city or country, or changing careers. In this manner, our brain not only switched channels, it jumped timelines. The human brain ‘receiver’ is selecting one slice of holographic reality from an infinite kaleidoscope of slices.
In a way, our Universe works like sliced bread and in any moment we are selecting one of the slices. With this knowledge, we can consciously choose our slice of reality from the vast quantum field by refining and raising our brainwave frequencies and intentioned focus. We are not stuck in a dark, dismal world. That is just one of infinite slices accessible to us. We have the ability to switch channels any moment we desire with our mind’s consciousness, just like clicking your remote to a new channel.
The human brain has a complex network of microtubules transmitting photon packets of “light consciousness‟ in a quantum field of order (coherence). The human brain ‘receiver’ converts the photon waves of data from the quantum fluctuations into our holographic reality. Our ability to tap into this universal intelligence depends on the strength of our body’s superradiance, our capacity for cellular metabolism of photon light and our brain’s reception of a wider-range of higher frequencies
It is our personal ‘energy signature’ that magnetizes a select range of information within the quantum field. During altered states of meditation our brain relaxes and expands to larger numbers of wave-lengths in the Zero Point Field, opening our mind to awaken to new thought, visions and perceptions.
It is very empowering to know we can choose our slice of reality, the hologram that we live in. At this time in history, we have the opportunity to jump tracks onto the parallel slice of 5D Earth, onto the 5D timeline. All we need to do is elevate our brainwave frequencies higher into the 5D range so that our brain can lock onto that channel of reality.
The only obstacle to switching channels is our ego fear and doubt. For the ego mind wants to stay in 3D Polarity to feed on emotional charge. It will resist our decision to switch timelines to the 5D hologram. But we have the solution – during conscious meditation our focused intention and visions will raise the brain into higher frequencies (25 hertz and higher) that are beyond the reach of the ego mind. It is in the non-polarized Still Point that we select the new channel of 5D Earthly reality from the universal superhologram.
Not only can we switch channels to the new 5D Earth but we can alter our reality in numerous ways. Our mind is open to an infinite array of options at any given moment. If something is not going the way we envisioned, we can lock our focus on another solution and switch to that channel. There are infinite possibilities! All we have to do is free up our mind and open to the vast quantum field of infinite solutions…and change our lives forever!
Copyright (c) 2014 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
May 4-15: The theme of these days is Unchartered Waters. Things have shifted so that everything is new. There are no maps, so proceed based upon your inner knowing and the wisdom of the heart’s connection to the Universe.
Overall Color for these Days: Fibrous White
This is a time for knowing the difference between Have-to-Do and Want-to-Do. You are in a place now where certain decision are waiting to be made and they turn upon your knowing the difference between these two things One is the old way; the other is the new way. Which will you choose? There is neither right nor wrong here. There will be times in your future to work again with this concept, however it might be a bit more difficult. Ask yourself whether there is there a melding of the two. Perhaps, however you must reconcile these within yore own soul. The melding is part of the morphing, the changing from then to NOW. Things take time within this dimension, and we are aware of that. There is no strict timeline here. These things are hinted at to point to what is available to you and let you know that should you wish, they are there for you Now. These days will bring many issues up before you. You will be seeing things in a new light, and you will actually feel your perspective shifting. You can go from one choice to another even within minutes. As this happens, it is good to be with the one choice then the other to see them for how they fit WHO you are. There is much to be known right now about your self. Be gentle with yourself these days. Take time. Do not rush. Leave worry behind. When it arises just accept the fact that it is there for you to get embroiled in should you choose, but if you choose not to, then breathe, breathe in light, know you are light, and know that everything will work out. These are difficult times, but you have the power, the strength, and the knowing to move forward. And know that there is always guidance for you should you ask. If you are confused by the signals that come your way, then go within and feel what is right. Feel what harmonizes with WHO you are, and you will know.
On the larger scale, expect to see and hear more reports of sightings of ET crafts. There is a great deal of worry within the communities of the Universe as to where the Blue Planet is going right now. They are cooperating with Gaia and will continue to monitor the conditions here. They will not take any direct action unless they are asked by the Planet herself to do so. Politics will be confused and confusing as politicians say one thing and contradict themselves in the same sentence. There is much uproar going on right now within the political world in all countries. New alliances are forming, some of them under the surface. People are becoming more vocal and are seeing through the sham that has been presented to them as freedom and fact. Truly, as The Many has said, this is a time for the Individual. People are recognizing kindred spirits, some in individuals that formerly they would have nothing to do with. Communities of spirits and like-minded are arising. Then there are those you will see in these days who are turning away from it all, with their fingers in their ears, refusing to accept that change is happening, and not the kind the politicians were speaking of. This is a change that is fueled by the true desires of the people that is based upon real knowing and compassion. Things are getting rocky, and will get rockier, but it is all part of creating something new. There will be more Earth movements and shifts. The current in the Earth that has been reworking and rechanneling itself will begin to be seen as tornadoes, volcanoes, and quakes shake things up. There are winds that will come out of nowhere, whirling at hurricane force in places that are not used to such things. There will be a lull in the high areas of the world, but then things will quickly progress to weather patterns that are out of season. More landslides can occur as the earth shifts and moves. There is a momentum within the events of man that is being stirred up through the Gaia connection. You will be seeing more of this during these days.