Another portal has opened and another eclipse has passed. Some of us have moved on, some of us are still here. What happened during the eclipse was, of course and again, very much in our hearts with manifestation just beginning for some of us. We put a lot of expectations on our five senses. This is the moment when our 6th and beyond senses can be expected. Can you feel the love yet?
The Numbers
This eclipse of transformation occurred on 10/23/2014
1+0+2+3+2+0+1+4= 13
Positively, 4 is the ‘stabilizer’ and can undertake difficult or unpleasant tasks, faithful friend, capacity for focused will and self-sacrifice, aware and accepting. Negatively, 4 relates to a lack of convention and conviction, the inability to adapt, clumsiness, laziness and dullness. 4 is the number of fate, so it must be remembered that there will be many things that happen over which you have no control. Hard work is the experience of the 4 vibration, as ideas are manifested into practical reality. 4 maintains order, system and routine to make their dreams a reality. This vibration is to do with energy, harmony and co-operation and it is the ‘door to illumination’ or ‘initiation’.
These are the very attributes that embody the solar eclipse we just came through. So it was appropriate that the eclipse be on this day of the Gregorian calendar.
We are still here. Why?
So you’ve raised your vibration, meditated and prayed. You’ve done everything in your power to hold your light high and bright. You’ve even had a few spiritual encounters that filled you with joy and yearning for that familiar feeling of “home.” You’ve stayed positive, transmuted dark energy, invoked the violet flame, spoken your truth without judgment, respected the paths and personal free will of everyone you’ve encountered. You’ve done it all and you still haven’t been taken up on a ship, haven’t ascended to another planet, haven’t SEEN a disclosure with your eyes. Your guides are telling you to wait for that moment that is “not so far from your shores”. You’ve done the spiritual work and you even feel and live differently. But you are still here with one question that often rings: “Why, after all this work put in, are we still here with war energy surrounding us?
It can be one of three things:
1. You still have karma to transmute
You may still have some clearing to do. With this ascension process it is sometimes challenging to know when you have reached a point where you are no longer driven by your ego. We sometimes gain a piece of enlightening information and feel the need to run and try to warn the world. Or sometimes, we want to say things like, “ I don’t have an ego” and “Well, my vibration is higher than yours” or “No, you are wrong because…” If you find yourself saying things like this, you may still have some clearing and soul integration to do.
This doesn’t mean you need to catch up with anyone or that you are behind in some kind of race. To understand Oneness, you understand that ultimately, we are all on the same level. We all have fragmented pieces that need to be put back together before we are ready for the blast that full consciousness will provide.
There is a point in the awakening experience when you realize that everyone is on their own path and you don’t necessarily have to save them from themselves, government, religion, subservience etc. It is important to use discernment for situations like these. Accessing your guides, or even the Universal mind is the easiest way for you to find out when you should relay information to others. Your guides are available to let you know when to shine some light on another soul. Gaining access to the Universal mind is just one way to view your Akashic records.
If you need to know how to get in touch with this innate part of yourself, there are many articles here on In5D that have helped many and can help you, too. As mentioned in many previous articles on In5D, it is of the utmost importance to keep your light high and brightly shining. Now, it is very important to be listening to everything and everyone around you because you will be receiving information about what next step to take in your life by way of signs, symbols, and synchronicities tailored to your experience. So, if this is where you are, don’t fret. The clearing process is an intricate one but just know that you will rise to the proper vibration according to your soul’s plan in perfect timing.
2. You are not ascending in this lifetime
Those who are not ascending in this lifetime are not damned. This category most likely includes people who aren’t reading articles such as these. But maybe you are wondering why your brother or sister or mother or father are no longer matching your particular vibration; why new things may be resonating with you but not with a family member or friend. They are either not at that point in their awakening yet or they are simply not ascending to higher vibrations in this particular paradigm. If you encounter a loved one who is not accepting of the information that you want to give them, let them be; especially if they have an adverse reaction to what you are saying. Leave them knowing that one day they will understand what you mean, and keep them in your heart.
3. You are part of the ground crew to be way showers for the newly awakened after the grand event
Those of you who fall into this category, congratulations on the integration of your energies! We are the ones who will be guiding the rest of humanity into the new age upon Terra after the grand event and whatever remaining cleansing she must go through in order to fully integrate her new form. On a soul level, we all figured that we would be able to handle being in this dense paradigm with our vibrations so high. Do not feel bad if it seems too much to handle.
By now, you may have be conversing with your guides on a daily basis. They are available to help ease the pains and tensions of the vast amounts of cleansing and renewing energies coming through the atmosphere. These energies may leave you feeling tired, drained, sometimes hopeless, depressed and alone. Know that of course you are never alone. There is a now moment where the likes of this category come together on a grand scale in order to fully integrate the energies. This work is being done, as we speak, in our hearts, while we sleep and sometimes during daydreaming and meditation. Beyond that, there will be a time where we will be able to all come together on a physical level to shine as One for a certain occasion. Please use discernment and stay in touch with your Higher Self in order to know what your next step is. This is especially true if you feel like you’ve been at a stand still waiting for something to come into your awareness so you can finally move forward out of the rut that you have been in. Keep shining. I know you keep hearing this but seriously, keep shining. In the face of low vibration send love. Maybe you can’t see anything happening but again, use discernment and ask your guides to reassure you of the spiritual progress you are making in your personal life, in the life of humanity, and within and upon the face of Terra.
Where our Spiritual Masters have left us
Some Spiritual Masters are beginning to make their exit. Dolores Cannon, Masaru Emoto, Steve Nelson are a few who have recently passed. The passing of these people leave a door open for more humans to speak out about what resonates with them. Where it took the Masters decades to reach their level, with the influx of energies upon the planet at present, we are now able to gain higher levels at a quicker rate than ever before. This is because the old cycle has ended which, joined together with the paradigm of time slipping away quickly and surely, means things are happening and appearing in a multi-dimensional manner which we can not fully comprehend right now until the moment we become fully conscious of our full and true potential. This is the now moment to take what these Masters have taught us and expand the scope of our knowledge and understanding. These who have passed on are comparable to Jesus. They came, lived and learned, did their work with humble reverence and ascended through the process of death. This is to show that yes we all can be like Jesus. He is neither above nor below us. This is something he was trying to show the world by his life experience on this planet. He is in essence as always, our brother.
A new paradigm has appeared
This awareness is here to offer another beginning to integrating these new energies that have recently washed upon our 4D planet during last week’s eclipse. It may seem as if there is a time limit to get everything done spiritually but there is not. Something that should be understood about the Creator is that it does not operate solely on a time schedule and it does not judge itself even when it is appearing to judge itself and others while in human form. The Creator, the Universe, our Source would not let any part of itself blow up, disintegrate into the vacuum of space, or be left behind. Is this not true for you as well? Would you leave your child in a burning building just because he has misbehaved a few times? Having to clear karma is not a punishment therefore reincarnating is not a punishment. It is just another cycle of clearing for whatever level that soul happens to vibrate with.
Suggestive To Do List
Live Unlimited
To view the Creator as only wrathful, or as holier than thou, as one who doesn’t condone sexual freedom, as one who only wants you to do things one religious way is to view it from a limited scope of perception. You are not limited to what you have learned here in this particular paradigm. Most of what you have learned in school unfortunately has been created by beings that were simply part of the Divine Grand Plan. These beings are known as archons, malevolent Anunnakis, reptilians, greys, members of the Illuminati, among a whole host of other names.
Yes. These groups have performed acts that have appeared less than loving in the eyes of the awakened and awakening, although many of us on this planet have in some way or another been hurt by these forces. In this now moment it should be known that these are not our enemies at all. If those bad things hadn’t happened in your life, you may not have been woken up to realize your true self. These things will be confirmed at the moment full consciousness is finally established. ALL THINGS COME TO THE LIGHT EVENTUALLY. Even souls that live lives of darkness come to the light because they originally came from the light. Those beings that have been malevolent are moving forward in their own evolution. They and their minions will be energetically transported to another planet comparable to Earth to finish out their karmic cycle. Terra now continues to shake off the remnants of that old cycle. Use discernment. All can be confirmed with the one you believe in; the one that is guiding you. You all have the ability to tap into the Akashic records because they are very much in your DNA. When you live unlimited, you may find life a little easier to bear and more full of surprises than you’ve ever seen.
PLAY with your gifts
The recent energies that entered our atmosphere have activated deep within our DNA many inherent spiritual gifts that we all have. Things such as mental telepathy, discernment, teleportation, aura reading, omniscience, omnipresence, interdimensional travel, time traveling, and transmutation among others, are available now to play with and enhance within our beings. It is very important to play (sounds a little silly huh?). The more we play the easier the energies flow in our favor and the more we have a good time and don’t focus on the heaviness of still being here. This is a time for inner and outer listening. Our attention is needed at this time because a lot of things we’ve been intending are beginning to manifest before our eyes. Also we are being given answers by the quiet still voice (which we all have) that is pointing us in the direction of what we have been asking for in our lives.
Know that all is Light
In this new paradigm, good and bad is not defined. This is not to say we can do what we want without consequences. We can do what we want as long as it does not interfere with Universal Law. That being said, there is no difference between good and bad because what is perceived as bad is that which shakes us up and in turn pushes us toward the Light. Everything comes from the Light and to the Light everything always returns.
Talk to strangers!
We are taught as children to not talk to strangers. If we shouldn’t talk to strangers, how can we make friends? Of course again discernment is always necessary when choosing who and who not to talk to. At this moment a lot of people are needing healing through physical contact; whether that be with words, a hug, a smile, or a note that says “Everything is perfectly well”. When you see someone in need of Light and Love, even if you do it in your heart, give them the Light and Love you would want someone to give you if you were feeling down. And technically, no one is a stranger because we are part of a Universal Oneness that can never be truly disconnected.
Question everything
As Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling have said in previous articles, QUESTION EVERYTHING. Some readers may wonder why these Teachers sometimes focus on reptilians and black magic. They are shining Light on an aspect of our evolution (darkness) that many are too scared to touch on. Something admirable about the Teachers is that they question everything and consider all angles of creation. That being said, question everything! Question your religion that you were raised under. Question this article! Question what you see on the news and what your friends tell you. Question science, question government, question your professors, question questions! We no longer have to fear what we don’t understand. Instead try something new and question what you don’t understand.
Accept and respect
This is the now moment for integration of our beliefs. No one belief is fully correct nor fully incorrect. Therefore, it is wise to accept and integrate any beliefs/religions that come across your path. For example, if you identify with Christianity, and a Muslim or Buddhist comes to you in a peaceful manner speaking about their beliefs, even if you don’t agree, it is best to just listen and take the meat and throw away the bones however it resonates with you. Often, if you give someone that respect, you will most likely be given the same respect if you choose to speak to them about your beliefs.
This solar eclipse caused a great surge of energy to enter the atmosphere. It caused the deepest, oldest, most buried issues to make their way to the surface for more healing. Though it may not seem like it, this is just the beginning of the fabulous life you’ve been attracting to you. Keep your Light high and bright. Meditate (there are so many ways to do this), speak your truth, Love as you would like to be Loved and Celebrate! This is a learning and growing experience for you and Source because you ARE Source. This means you are multi-dimensional and Lovingly unlimited. And so it is because we are One. Namaste 😉
Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
Due to time-acceleration and cosmic forces far beyond your control you are in the midst of a crescendo of interlocking Chaotic Nodes.
In past messages we have referred to the interaction of chaotic events as a Chaotic Node, singular, but in this instance we are referring to a more complex phenomenon—what we are calling Chaotic Nodes, plural.
Depending upon your vibratory resonance you will be affected in unique ways by the escalation of chaotic events. Those of you sensitive to the ecosystem of this planet may be experiencing extreme duress as you witness the degradation of the ecosystem and the loss of many species of life.
Another Chaotic Node, in addition to the Chaotic Node of your ecosystem, is the stress of interpersonal communications. This is a very complex situation, and it is partly due to the shifts in magnetic fields upon your planet, making short-term memory and cognitive sequencing difficult during energetic shifts—and these energetic shifts are accelerating. Irrational behavior, desperation and feelings of utter hopelessness are on the rise. As the deterioration of both the ecosystem and interpersonal communications increase we anticipate even more cultural and social instability.
There is a growing sense among many that something is terribly wrong, and along with this is the feeling that there is no solution. In this instance we agree with something Albert Einstein once said, which is that the solution to a problem cannot be solved at the level of the problem.
From our perspective, the escalation of Chaotic Nodes is creating tidal waves of intense chaotic energies that many of you are finding difficult to contend with. Furthermore, your automatic reflexive ways of dealing with change are increasingly ineffective.
There is a fork in the road, so to speak, that you have entered both individually and collectively. One path from this fork will lead you into a type of madness and an inability to function in practical ways. For those who take this fork, escapism will be on the rise. Self-destruction both individually and collectively will also increase in this period.
Many of you who have an opportunity to transition out of third-dimensional reality into other dimensions will take it.
Without mincing words, to use one of your phrases, we would say you are entering one of the more difficult passages of planetary transformation.
At this fork in the road, one path leads to self-destruction, madness, despair and hopelessness while the other fork leads to a deeper connection with your interdimensional or spiritual nature. It is this fork in the road we wish to explore.
It is not an either/or proposition. Many of you who possess a transcendent and interdimensional or spiritual sense of yourself may find yourselves, from time-to-time, on the path to madness and self-destruction in spite of your self-knowledge.
This is because your 3-D reality is oscillating. And the rapid changes in your third-dimensional existence are accelerating at a faster rate than your biological organism might be capable of handling. The extreme stresses upon your biological nature must be dealt with if you wish to avoid the path to madness and self-destruction.
In its simplest terms the requirement to successfully make this passage through the escalation of Chaotic Nodes is deep authentic contact with your interdimensional or spiritual nature and the self-renewal that arises from such contact.
We are therefore sharing a sound meditation for this purpose. There are no complex geometries involved. There is nothing that needs to be done when engaging this sound meditation other than placing your awareness in your entire physical body.
The sound patterns are a direct transmission from the light realms into the language of your biology. It is a counter-force to the chaos and the confusion that is creating stress within your biological nature. It is short in length because many of you are time-stressed. You have too much to do in too little time because you are trying to hold the old world together as time accelerates. All we can say to you from our perspective is that holding the old world together is “mission impossible.” Letting go of the old world, and your attachment to how you think you need to be, is part of what is required to take the higher path.
Our suggestion is that you listen to this sound meditation as often as you wish and when you listen to the sound patterns, focus your awareness in the physical reality of your being (your physical body).
All that is required to successfully engage this sound meditation is to listen to it with awareness in your physical body and the cellular structure of your body will unwind and release stress and delusional states of perception giving you a greater possibility to enter a higher path.
We are calling this sound meditation The Elevatron, because the root of the word means to elevate, and it also refers to the electronic nature of your biological reality. This sound meditation is a direct transmission of energy from the light realms into the bioelectric, bio-chemical and quantum realities of your body for the purpose of elevating your vibratory rate in consciousness.
In the final analysis, your personal experience of the escalation of interlocking Chaotic Nodes will depend solely upon the vibratory resonance you have attained or failed to attain. The responsibility for this passage as an individualized being, embodied in time and space, is solely and completely your responsibility.
We wish you a good journey on the high road.
for the meditation and the link, go here:
We’re undergoing an amazing transformation. Absolutely diametrically opposed to the constant, gradual attempt by elitists to shut down humanity via eons of engineered subjugation, we’re being consciously and vibrationally liberated by the very nature of the Universe in spite of all their efforts.
It’s not readily apparent to most, but it’s very clearly there.
It’s subtle and yet obvious at the same time. Knowledge of this change or shift in consciousness is experiential. It appears in the form of social trends and changes, but once someone crosses that threshold of awakening they’re already living in that new reality. To what degree it affects their lifestyle will of course vary from person to person, but change they will. As will the lives they in turn affect.
And so it unfolds.
It’s Beyond Explanation
First of all, the natural mind, earthbound logic and reasoning, will not explain the important things in life. Explain love for example. Thankfully it’s wonderfully beyond words, as is all the important stuff. Really, words hardly suffice for real communication but are rather a limited means of information transfer. It’s only in our lower level density words take on such importance. And it’s there they’re more a limiting and confining aspect of the matrix than a help.
They certainly never quite cut the mustard when it comes to conveying Truth or true conscious awareness. In the words of Lao Tzu:
“Existence is beyond the power of words
To define:
Terms may be used
But are none of them absolute.
In the beginning of heaven and earth there were no words,
Words came out of the womb of matter;
And whether a man dispassionately
Sees to the core of life
Or passionately
Sees the surface,
The core and the surface
Are essentially the same,
Words making them seem different
Only to express appearance.
If name be needed, wonder names them both:
From wonder into wonder
Existence opens.”
– Lao Tzu
Symptoms of the Shift
The point above being we’ll be witnessing physical changes as this shift takes place, but the true esoteric nature of the important inner change in humanity is hard to quantify. However, it’s not impossible amongst those who are experiencing this changeover. There’s a lot of chatter about this as some say we’re moving into a new dimension and others think it’s a move to another timeline.
I don’t know what it is. But I’m experiencing this vibrational change as well, most profoundly in an intuitive sense. I just know it because it’s happening to me, and then I read about and see it in others, as is the case of so many in the awakened community. While this is by no means complete, here are a few symptoms various people are experiencing to varying degrees, myself included.
–A different sense of time. In most cases people are noticing time seems to be compressing, with the feeling that it’s moving quicker and quicker. There seems to be less time in a day, a week, a month and before you know it another year just flew by. This has been proven to be true in a physical sense, but not nearly as profound as this fleeting experience so many are experiencing.
–Sensory changes. Some are experiencing heightened senses of smell and hearing, or fleeting shifts in what they’re looking at.
–Paranormal experiences. Many are seeing shadow figures or fleeting ephemeral movements, often out of the corner of the eye. Some are seeing morphing entities they’ve never seen before, and several have reported having a sense of transparency come over them personally.
–Strange sleep cycles and increased dream activity. This has been huge for me and I know many others. Every night there’s a new “movie” playing or several short ones. Some of the dreams don’t even feel like dreams, but just stepping into a another parallel world.
–Relationship changes. Many things that have been suppressed seem to be coming to the surface for many. This is a good thing, although it can be disruptive while the information gets processed and reconciliation is reached.
–A sense of letting go. The past and previous attachments seem to be falling away. And oh so naturally. It’s like letting go of a robe you were wearing and just leaving it behind as you walk towards to this gorgeous landscape, much like the picture at the top of moving into a wonderful, natural world.
–Increased openness to change and new truths. While this is a fundamental element to waking up, this aspect I find is stepping up big time. There’s a wonderful bleed-over effect as I see it, where various information fields are merging. Maybe it’s just increased tolerance of differing takes from lightworkers to social activists, but the meld is on and it’s a beautiful thing.
–Moving away from dwelling on the dark side. While it’s important to expose the tricks and lies of these feudal would-be overlords, the trend is moving towards emphasizing encouragement and positive solutions. Nothing wrong with a good rant at the right time or particularly perceptive exposes and take downs, but it’s becoming increasingly important to dwell on the bright side and work to strengthen this new awareness with positive, affirming words and actions. And it’s happening naturally, which to me is again this vibrational change we’re all experiencing working through each of us to manifest this evolving change in humanity.
Anyway, those are just a few aspects and if you’d like to add your experiences and observations below it would be fun to chat about.
But it’s real. And fantastic!
Don’t Be Too Surprised…
…When strange things happen to you. They will. Learn to roll with it. Personally, I think the power of expectancy is huge. It has pulling power. When you’re aware of and even look around for these manifestations, whether a kind of voice in your mind’s ear, a strong intuitive pull, a fleeting glimpse of something, or another amazing synchronicity, it’s a blast! But for some it goes way past that. But we all have that potential.
I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. And it’s way more than just the power of intention, which is cool enough in itself. Universe is just waiting to be manifest through each of us more and more and continually. No angst there, just amazing potential waiting to be discovered by anyone and everyone.
And don’t be surprised if your life gets “disrupted”. This isn’t all puppies and flowers. This changeover comes with some expense.
Some are getting hit with health challenges they’ve never had, or work or money issues, or as I mentioned about relationship issues. Some are very anxious and nervous suddenly and need to learn to get a sounder grip on their spirituality. That or detach from crap in their lives that Universe is trying shake them free of. There are lots of things going on.
The Matrix is Crumbling
This ugly matrix that we’ve been shoe horned into is a very complex, controlling nasty thing. And it can’t hold up by the very manufactured nature of it. It’s not real, it’s created, by ugly forces to harness and abuse others for its own satisfaction. No way it can last in the face of an inherently loving and natural creative Universe.
Much like earth. As hard as they try to control it for their own devices, Gaia will win out in the long run.
This is the reason they’re working feverishly to clamp down on humanity. And it always backfires. Little do they know they’re accelerating their own downfall and humanity’s awakening. The more freedoms they take away the more wake up to what they had and want back. More than that, the more step back and ask how things got this way and how far back does this go.
That, my friends, is the recipe for awakening. You got questions? Universe has answers!
Yugas, Yogis and Cycles of Awakening
Did you know Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Zoroaster and Heracletus were all contemporaries? That was the wake up of their day! Between 500 and 600 BC their awakening hit and like the 100th monkey it was spontaneous in different parts of the world! Siddhartha Gautama who become the Buddha was teaching in India the same time Mahavira was expounding Jainism, both radical departures from the spiritual teachings of their day, both teaching about transcendence to an all connected oneness, with Jainism emphasizing non-violence and respect for all living things.
Around the same time the teachings of Lao Tzu summarized in the amazing Tao Te Ching were changing the direction and consciousness of China and eventually the entire world. Meanwhile over in Persia there was Zoroaster teaching a new spirituality, while in Greece the pre-Socratic philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenodes and others were having an awakening of their own, espousing very esoteric teachings on the timeless and constantly changing nature of the Universe. These later morphed into the more heady Socratic discourses and philosophies, pulling further and further away from the transcendental dimension and inter-connectivity and oneness of the Universe espoused by the pre-Socratic teachers.
Pythagoras also lived in this time, believed to have had many mystical and alchemical insights and teachings that have been passed down through the mystery schools.
These were all within 100 years of each other, overlapping lifetimes, several apparently teaching simultaneously. Again, these “coincidental” awakenings prove the wave idea, where waves of vibrational change are somehow amplified by both Universe and the receptivity of those who awaken.
And these waves of awakening have corresponding planetary and galactic alignments. There are teachings from many cultures regarding these planetary and stellar based timelines divided into epochs, yugas or cycles of some sort. In each scenario we see the waxing and waning of season-like cycles, some even within others.
Clearly the momentous galactic alignment and shift out of the Piscean age we’re experiencing is both symbolic and largely causal of our awakening and changeover into a new, golden era, the one foretold by many a seer. After all, it’s a cycle.
Or should I say a spiral? Hmm.
Perfectly Put
I’ll end this with some quintessential David Icke, where he’s speaking about this wonderful shift we’re undergoing.
This awakening is for everyone! So pass it on!
Thank you, David. Your years of loving work have changed the world!
With so many ways for us to be afraid in the world today, like Chicken Little. (“The sky is falling, the sky is falling.”), do we really need to be afraid? Or do we want to arm ourselves with natural homeopathy remedies and immune boosting herbs and foods against dangerous rogue viruses like Ebola and the deadly respiratory viruses hitting children?
Do we want to find a way to remain emotionally balanced (just as important as natural remedies) even though our country is besieged with economic collapse, oil wars, global warming (or cooling), chemtrails, ISIS terrorism, illegal immigrants flooding into America, corrupt government and healthcare systems?
America seems to have become the world’s worstnightmare. How do we want to respond or react? Are we going to allow this to drive us into deep fear and panic, worry over all the terror around every corner? If so, we are really setting our immune systems up with emotions of fear and anger that make us even more susceptible to illness and disease. How do we want to show up in our lives today? Recognize that we have a responsibility to ourselves, our children’s children’s children, our planet and its beautiful animals, birds and sea creatures. Therefore, I offer some of what I have learned on the basics of ascension (and awakening or enlightened way of being in the world and not of it) to help point the way a bit further for you.
Very much like the famed Sorting Hat in the Harry Potter movie series, we need a proverbial shamanic crystal ball psychic guru in order to sort through the mass of available information. As they say in the Heart of the Dove (deep in USA’s midwest) “Land Sakes Alive! There is a lot of spiritual information out there.” Where do you go and what are you looking for? Well, if you trust your instincts you will end up right where you need to be, is my philosophy. (FYI, I ❤ Gryffindor House)
When my own ascension fully commenced I was inundated with information in every possible direction. I thought my problem was that I did not know what and who to believe in, trust or have faith in. Well that was the actual problem … I was looking for somethingoutside of myself instead of looking within.
I was visiting the local nursing home the other day and I asked an old woman sitting in a wheelchair how she was doing. She replied, “Well, I’m doing okay but I’m trying to figure everything out now. And the problem is that I don’t know what is true and what is not true.” Her comment rang true. How on earth do we know what is true or not? Even within our own mind, without the influence of so much external stimuli, how do we know? She had a good point. I thought for a moment and remembered what I have been taught myself. I leaned over to her and said, “You will know. You will feel the answer within you. It is in your heart.”
When I first learned about this concept, I heaved a huge sigh of relief. Wow, the truth has been there all along. Three clicks and I’m home. It is so simple. Just like in the movie, “The Wizard of Oz.” Dorothy always had the ability to “go back home”, she simply had to click her heels three times to do it. And how did she acquire those stunning shoes? Those ruby slippers? That was noooo accident her Kansas house falling on Elphaba’s sister, Nessarose, the Wicked Witch of the East. No it wasn’t. (Sometime, if you have a couple hours, watch that movie again and see what Frank L. Baum intuited in his creation of the Wizard of Oz because our fictional movies (and literature) are very telling.) Remember, to go within and search and feel your heart for the heart holds the key, the heart is the sacred temple, the church within. Our Sacred Space, the Holy of Holies, lies within each and every one of us. Like Dorothy and her purity of spirit and nature of truth and justice, inner wisdom (i.e., to ask others for help if need be, and to ultimately listen to her own heart), are all messages from our subconscious self.
To further illustrate this point, each additional character within her journey represented an archetypal pattern within her that needed personal care, attention, acknowledgement and healing. The Scarecrow’s knowledge (left brain intellect, structure) were what she sought when she wanted to own her own gift of knowledge or left brained grasping of a situation. The Lion’s search for courage reminded her of her own need to be brave and face her fears with the nasty neighbor wanting to take away little Toto. Even the character of Toto’s free spirited romps were Dorothy’s inner need to be free and test her own inner (and outer) boundaries (worlds/realms). Each character in our own life’s drama, play and novel all represent an inner archetypal structure playing itself out for us to wake up one day and attend to (paying attention).
There are all kinds of people in this ascension. First, the three basic groups or categories of people are:
The awakened ones: Fully conscious and well into (aka taking action) their ascension
The awakening ones: The veil is thinning, they are nearing their consciousness
The sleeping ones: Veil? What veil? These folks are not aware there even is a veil (in order to ascend, if it is their divine will to do so at this go ’round, they will be receiving their appropriate triggering)
What is really interesting is discovering those you think are awake are actually sleeping and vice versa. In other words, sometimes the very least possible enlightened person is probably the most enlightened of all. So, never judge a book by its cover. How can we work with this? Have you noticed there are people in the world who are totally into one type of religious organization or another? Or perhaps they follow a traditional religion like some of the Christian religions? Or they are totally into Paganism? Religious/spiritual organizations attract all three of those groups listed above.
What about those of us that seemingly follow many paths at once, i.e., Pagan, Christ based, nature based, Native American, and Celtic? All rolled into one? What about those folks who are totally into and resonate with UFOs and ETs and star systems like Orion or Pleiades, Andromedan or Arcturus? I think there is even a “Who’s Who in the Universe” website that lists all types of known extraterrestrials and ultraterrestrials. What about those folks who believe they are “walk-ins” or “starseeds”? Where do all these players fit in?
The lists of players comes from an understanding of what happened long ago and there are many websites that have the answers. Use your intuition and wisdom to seek the best sources of information for in-depth identifying information on the aforementioned. Now, let’s break down these three categories even more …
Did you know there are three different basic properties that make up an ascending form/body? There are and once you understand this, things will make a whole lot more sense.
We are basically a mixture within our beings. We are magnetic, electric, and radioactive. The original humans however are like Mother Earth, purely magnetic. With the incorporation of so much electrical and radioactive signatures upon Mother Earth of late, we magnetic humans have incorporated all three aspects within. Radionuclides are found in nature all around us; in the air, water and earth’s rich soil. Radionuclides are even found in human beings which we produce naturally because of our environment.
When you begin your search, you may discover you are drawn to various entities, star systems, crystals, totem animals, or deities; you will begin to realize it all boils down to ancestry. What our ancestors did, who they were, where they came from, all play a part in our DNA. Within a magnetic humans’ structure lies the opportunity to become crystalline in nature once again – to ascend in the physical body. In order to do this we must transmute and release all karmic history (ours or otherwise) within this life as well as within our ancestors’ lives (even if we are adopted!). When this release commences, this gives our ascension a big, big boost.
Now, however, if you primarily resonate with electric-based beings, then you will ascend but will be sent to that particular star system or planet to do so. Likewise if you are a radioactive-based human. All will ascend in their own time. And if only a handful of magnetic humans ascend, the whole of the world’s magnetic humans and ancestors will be in their glorious company and will experience it concurrently. Marvelous.
We are the Many and the One … … we are the first and the last of ourancestral lineage therefore we must heal our lineage… because it is also us.
Now that you have an idea of the differences within us, can you see how difficult it is to judge someone? The only way I can explain this is by citing a personal example.
For twelve years, I was married to someone who is very electric by nature. I didn’t know this at the time. I was very naive, young and unaware. Although the relationship suffered from numerous other issues revolving around both our self-worth, self-honoring, and self-love, issues we could have worked through in time, the basic elements to the marriage were not copacetic from the relationship’s onset. In other words, we were not compatible. How well do you think mixing an electric being with a magnetic being will work?
When looking back at the drama of my life, its roller-coaster ups and downs, I can safely say that those events and people were there as divine guides and guideposts along my ascension path. And I can honor each and every experience, with an open and loving heart.
Where is the fear now? ‘Gone with the Schwinn!’ It’s history because I cannot judge what other people do to move along their own path, be it electric, magnetic or radioactive. Judgment is replaced with compassion – quite freeing.
As the new energies increase, allowing Mother Earth her own complete ascension, we all feel the her throes like childbirth and can experience them in grace or in pain. When Jesus walked the earth more than 2000 years ago, his message was to forgive. Forgiveness is an essential ingredient to our ascension. We must openly forgive our ancestors their atrocities as well as forgive our own. In so doing, we mark the path more clearly toward our ascension process. Thus paving a clearer way for our ancestors also.
When in prayer or meditation or whatever form you go within, focus on your ancestry. Look for the clues or synchronicities throughout the day, or your dreamtime, for these clues will assist you greatly. State to God/Goddess/Universe your intent to release your ancestors’ karma, your own karma, as well as karma that has been bestowed upon you that is not yours to own. Forgiveness lights the path with compassion.
“Be Still and Know that I AM God” God is within all things. On January 3, 2000, my veil was lifted. I saw and knew. In the knowing I experienced the truth about God. First and foremost, there is no separation. If you fall into step with people who separate God from man, then you begin to believe not in yourself but in a separate entity altogether. God made man out of his own likeness. God instilled in man a divine spark of himself. How then can we look outside of ourselves for God? Once you accept that all things are within, fully and completely, then you can feel the grandness of God and know that you are truly a divine being.
Notice I didn’t say ‘when’?! Interpretations of the Bible claim that “Jesus is coming” to rid the world of evil. Many religious organizations teach that there will be a return of the Messiah in human form and we are to diligently look for him, wait for him. Once again some people take it literally and look outside themselves for this “return of Christ.”
Another way to look at it, is that the return of Christ has already happened. It is already here. We are the living human form of the Christ consciousness or a compassionate awareness of inner Light. It is an embracing of God within. Jesus said, “All these things you can do, and more”. He wasn’t kidding. Our potential, once we realize our divinity, is his humble way of saying “You guys are awesome! You just don’t re-member. And when you do … watch out world! ” When we stop looking outside of ourselves for a savior or messiah, and look within to find that saving grace, we will see the fullness of God within
“Be Still and Know that I AM God” by repeating this phrase as a mantra, this can effect our sense of peace, our purpose, our well-being. We can then come from a state of unconditional love for all; like “Ohm-ing” whereby we are brought back to our natural frequency of balance.
In order to regroup, we must reground ourselves. Unplugging the computer and TV is a great start. Take long walks and get out with nature and relish the glory of our planet; the wonderful miraculous animals and beauty of Mother Earth. In this time of mass confusion and overwhelming media stimuli, many lightworkers (especially) are finding that experiencing nature and grounding ourselves within her, is all we need do in order to feel the fullness within. We experience her beauty and we know ourselves. We will once again feel ourselves as integral parts of the whole, and with forgiveness and compassion we shine brightly like stars filled with unconditional love.
I believe these ascension basics will be helpful to those who are searching. These are truths that have resonated with me for some time now. A reoccurring theme in this article and website is to get back to yourself, trust yourself, know your heart, listen to the still voice within. Energy/chi is power with which we all are gifted from our True Source/ God/dess. Staying centered, focused and clear will keep you from being effected by others attempting to negatively work out their karma with you or stealing your energy/chi. It is essential that centeredness and heart connection be your main focus. With these wonderful tools you will be well on your ascension path.
Our thoughts are everywhere. Sometimes they can be handy in figuring things out, or sometimes they can overcomplicate things when they don’t need to and many times they just can’t help but be there, including now as you read this article. The bottom line is: your mind always has something to say.
Although practices such as meditation can be great tools in quieting the mind from its rampant chatter, the greatest tool we can ever develop is to regain control of the roller coaster that our mind takes us on. No matter how often it has something to say, it’s ultimately always up to us in how we choose to react to what it has to say. Just like at an amusement park where we have the choice of which roller coaster we would like to ride, we also have the choice as to whether we let our life’s roller coaster be the 5 out of 5 intensity of the BEHEMOTH, or the 1 out of 5 Jolly Taxi.
Rather than always trying to quiet the mind, here are 6 thoughts that we can all implement right now to throw our mind for a loop and make us all instantly happier:
1) When Has Laziness Ever Gotten Me Anywhere?
We all have a lazy bone within us, and many times succumbing to that laziness can be a great experience and an awesome opportunity to unwind. The issue arises when that lazy bone holds us back from doing something that either needs to be done or involves something that we are passionate about. All of the world’s greatest thinkers, athletes, artists, builders, etc., all became that way because they refused to let laziness control their life.
“I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.” – Kobe Bryant
The bottom line is, in this life you are never going to be younger than you are right now, so if not now, when?
What to do if your mind objects: Rather than basking in the idea of how nice laziness can feel at times, and ultimately letting “I don’t feel like it” dictate your decision, choose to look at the other option. Think of how great it feels to accomplish or be a part of something once you get yourself engaged in it. Let that guide you to say “yes,” with the icing on the cake being how much better the relaxation will feel afterwards with the added incentive of having done something.
2) I Already Have Everything I Need
How many of you have ever heard someone say something like this to you? I’m going to start eating healthy and taking care of myself once I finish this project at work, break-up with the girl I’m dating and get my own place. This thought series -or any other one similar to it -I like to call the ultimate creator of being stuck in a limbo state. We identify a change we would like to make, something we are passionate about, but we choose to hold off on incorporating it until a handful of other cards all fall into place. The all too common end result? Those cards never line-up as we expect them to and years go by without us ever exploring the healthy life that we’ve always wanted to.
What to do if your mind objects: Remember that no matter how full our plate currently is, we can always make time to incorporate something that is important to us (think of how we always manage to make time to deal with emergencies.) Even if just in small doses at first -such as making one homemade lunch a week in the example above -these steps show our mind that we are choosing to take control and gets ourselves on a path to a happier version of our self.
3) I Choose To Focus On The Journey, Not The End Result
The world is a vast place with over 7 billion people. Rather than seeing this as a cool fact, many of us see it as a justification as to why we cannot do anything that will have a significant impact. Since our mind will obsess and compare with things of great magnitude, we will often choose to not even bother partaking in or initiating something that we are passionate about -something that if we did, would make us happier.
What to do if your mind objects: Keep two rebuttals in mind: (1) even the grandest things started small, (2) even the smallest thing has an impact on the entire world at a conscious level. We still have plenty of room to grow, but even Collective Evolution started as just 3 guys with an idea, an idea that slowly developed into the website, social media platform and film production company that it is today.
4) I Am Exactly Where I Need To Be
Comparison is at the core of many toxic thoughts, whether it be towards another person, a personal expectation or a socially developed norm. That being the case, our mind often loves to dwell upon the idea of being a failure to this point, which for many people can lead to “settling” or “rushing” to try and get themselves “there” as quickly as possible. Why not instead work on selling yourself on the idea that we are always exactly where we need to be?
What to do if your mind objects: Whether or not your mind chooses to agree with you being exactly where you need to, we can all agree that no matter what, there is nothing we can do to change the past. That being the case, choose to accept your life for what it has been, love yourself for who you are now and be present in the now, with no regard towards regrets. Choose to move forward rather than spend any more time thinking about how things could have gone differently.
5) I Can’t Please Everyone
The mind is a very powerful creator, and speaking from personal experience, one of the areas that it particularly loves to create within is the idea of how others will react to something that you do. It will often create and obsess to the point that many of us choose to hold ourselves back from doing something that we felt pulled to, just to avoid the potential ridicule or friction that may or may not come from others in our life.
What to do if your mind objects: The first thing to note is that more often than not, people are far too consumed with their own lives to ever carry through on the ridicule that your mind expected them to. But even if they do, is it really worth holding yourself back to avoid facing? When you choose to let the potential opinion of others dictate your life you ultimately choose to willingly place yourself in a “safety” box that will likely never expand to explore many of your passions. Does that sound like happiness?
6) I’m Beautiful Just The Way I Am
This is by far the most specific of the thoughts that I chose to put on this list, but I feel its placement is justified because of the superficially obsessed world that we live in. Whether we’re married, chronically single or have never been kissed it’s amazing how many of us regularly inflict the idea of being ugly upon ourselves -myself included. Whether it be focused on particular aspects of ourselves that we feel fall short, or our entire physicality as a whole we seem to love thrusting negative thoughts towards this awesome gift that we have the privilege of inhabiting.
What to do if your mind objects: Choose to opt out of the world’s “idea” of beauty and accept yourself for who you are. Whether or not the rest the world chooses to play along there is nothing more attractive than a person who is comfortable and confident in their own shoes. Be who you are and try throwing some nice comments towards yourself for a change.
The problem of studying what happens to consciousness when we die has plagued empiricists for millennia. How do we measure consciousness and how do we observe it once it leaves the body?
Researchers at the University of Southampton, UK, have found one way around this dilemma by examining the experiences of over 300 individuals from the U.S, U.K. and Australia who had undergone cardiac arrest and been declared ‘clinically dead’ before they were resuscitated and brought back to life. According to the study, published this week in the Journal of Resuscitation, nearly 40% of respondents reported some kind of ‘conscious awareness’ during the time that they were clinically dead.
Myth 1: Conscious Ceases to Exist When the Dody Dies
According to study lead investigator Dr. Sam Parnia, the brain can only stay alive for 20-30 seconds once heart stops beating. And yet, some respondents in this study reported conscious awareness that lasted for minutes after they were declared clinically dead, a finding that Dr. Parnia describes as “paradoxcial” when compared to accepted scientific beliefs.
In one particular instance, a 57 year-old male reported rising up out of his body and watching medical staff attempting to resuscitate him for minutes while he was clinically dead. Surprisingly, he recollected the event exactly as it happened, from the attempts of nursing staff to resuscitate him, right down to hearing two beeps from a machine that makes a noise every three minutes. These findings suggests that consciousness may continue to exist for some duration of time even after the heart and brain cease functioning.
Myth 2: Dying is an Instant and Immediate Process
Modern medicine traditionally assumes that death is a quick and immediate process: The heart stops, and within 20-30 seconds, the brain ceases to function and the body follows suit. Without blood pumping oxygen through the veins, a human life is over in only a few minutes.
However, these findings imply that death may be a much more gradual, slower process than scientists had previously considered. The fact that so many respondents continued to maintain conscious awareness after being clinically dead, even after being resuscitated minutes later, suggests that perhaps death does not happen quickly over the course of a few seconds, or even a few minutes. We simply do not know how long it actually takes for consciousness to leave the body after death.
Myth 3: Everyone Experiences Death The Same Way
According to this study, not everyone feels a sense of peace and sees a white light when they die (although some people do!) Respondents reported a wide variety of experiences and sensations while they were deemed ‘clinically dead.’ Twenty percent did feel peaceful, while one third felt that time either slowed down or sped up. Thirteen percent felt dissociated from their bodies, while another thirteen percent felt that their senses were actually heightened. Some respondents did see a bright white light, while others felt like they were drowning or being pulled underwater. It is also possible that other respondents had experiences they could not remember due to the effects of sedative drugs or brain injuries.
The results indicate that the experience of death may be one of the most subjective experiences of all.
Myth 4: The Visions Experienced During Death are Only Hallucinations
When we die, a large amount of Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), one the most powerful psychedelic substances in the known world, is secreted from the pineal gland in our brain. But this does not mean that the visions experienced during death are mere hallucinations, as has typically been assumed by medical doctors.
The case of the man who witnessed with exact clarity the nurses’ attempt to resuscitate him shows us that not every vision that happens during death is an illusion. In this case, the accuracy of the clinically dead man’s report indicates that it may be possible for our senses to continue to perceive reality even when our brain and body has shut off.
Is it possible that conscious awareness can persist even after the body is clinically dead because consciousness resides not within the body, but somewhere outside of it? The implications of this study are far reaching and certainly deserving of further thought and investigation.
Photo Credit: Dying by Alex Grey, Oil on Canvas, 1999
Life is a struggle. How much more then is the spiritual life, the fight to remain conscious in an illusory world where deviant forces vie for control more than caring, battering your very body and soul day in and day out on top of your struggle to survive . Oh, we’re going peacefully downstream in the conscious dimensions. There we learn to let go and follow the flow of the Universe and synchronicity. But in this physical, lower density world, we’re fighting directly upstream.
In addition, we’re living in a time of increasingly turbulent waters. Our kayaks hit all kinds of eddies and crosscurrents, never mind the rocks and rapids we have to navigate–all while idiots, enemies and doubters, prodded on by the propaganda whores, are screaming obscenities from the shore and trying to hit us with anything they can get their hands on!But alas, grasshoppers—we have powers they know not of!
The Call to Battle
We’re in a warfare, any way you look at it. Only it’s not a warfare of hate, but of love. It’s not a warfare of physical violence, but a spiritual one of intention and a Truth directed life. The inherent cause and effect of Universal consciousness is the dissolution of the ways born of ignorance and darkness by means of the all powerful exposing and enlightening weapons of Light, Love and Truth.
The medieval matrix, no matter how fancy and hi-tech it has become, is dissolving and losing its grip. We need to actively help it on its way to oblivion, identifying its lies and blatant agenda for control and subjugation.
Don’t forget, non-compliance is a decisive action, not inaction. Inaction is going with the current of the matrix.
There is no sitting still. We’re all doing one or the other. Complying, or rejecting and countering their flow.
That’s the choice. That’s the battle.
In A Time of Imbalance the Call to Rise is Natural
Similar to the poetic beauty of martial arts, the Truth warrior uses his weapons skillfully and with great discretion. While many argue we need evil for good to exist and all that esoterica, we happen to be living in a time of great imbalance.
Do you enjoy having lords of darkness rule over you and yours, exercising more death dealing, spirit quelling control over humanity by the day?
I didn’t think so. Will it collapse under its own weight? In many ways it has to. Will it do it all by itself? We have to play our parts. As long as we’re here we’re integral to the Great Design and clearly need to do our part.
All I know is that what I am finding out and tuning in to calls me to participate, as so many are experiencing. It’s as real as the sun and water hitting a seedling and the organism responding. If it’s not evident to you that our planet and civilization are under attack I do wonder how you got to this article. It couldn’t be any clearer. That’s why they direct the angst people are feeling, the knowing that something is wrong, towards fabricated “outside” enemies to divert attention from the real perpetrators and agenda. Hence the daily “scare” headlines, whatever they are.
Similar to how religion co-opts, steers and contains the human soul’s hunger for the spiritual, the Controllers arouse, channel and misdirect humanity’s sense that it is being attacked and they literally harness what they themselves have aroused, using it for their own parasitic, vampiric purposes.
Cattle prods and sheep dogs driving humanity into the slaughterhouse, mentally, spiritually and physically.
Sorry, not on our watch. It’s long been time to sound the alarm and awaken as many as we possibly can. The spiritual, mental and physical arousal has way more effect than we can begin to imagine. Only your mind and low level system programming diminish its importance.
Trust your heart.
There is No “They”…They Said.
The old “tell a big enough lie” ploy is at work here. Their biggest tool is to say there is no “they”. There are no dark forces according to mainstream understanding in this dumbed down world. In fact, we’re told the “they” are the good guys looking out for us. It reminds me of the adage that the biggest lie Satan ever told is that he doesn’t exist. Pretty clever these demons. Just laugh at them.
Yet their all usurping lie remains:
There is no negative, destructive, usurping parasitic force in the Universe other than far away safely distanced religious concepts. Most feel humanity just has other controlling humans to worry about. The powers that be are here to simply save us from each other then becomes the most believable option, and into the cattle chute they go.
After all, that’s the mantra of the anti-conspiracy camp. ” THEY? Are you crazy? You really think there’s some ‘secret cabal’ running things from behind the scenes? How insane are you? If that were the case we’d be hearing all about it in the mainstream media! No way they could hide something that big!”
Same old, same old.
A very dark time right now indeed. All the recent pandemic scares, terrorism stagings, and economic and phony political rattlings attest to it. And if those fade they’ll create some new ones.
Consciousness Calling
If you feel the call to participate more it’s consciousness calling, any way you slice it. Take your place on the great mandala and all that, but there’s a bulldozer headed for your house. Are you just gonna sit there?
No doubt you’ve given all of this serious thought. And I know many of you have activated and it’s absolutely beautiful. I’m proud to be associated with so many amazing, loving committed people. I think we just need to be adaptive and prepared for more. The winds are picking up and the battlefield is becoming more fluid, more challenging and more demanding.
And for those on the sidelines: It’s time to choose your course of action – or let it choose you.
I’m not gonna tell anyone what to do. If people don’t learn to choose for themselves, consciousness is not at work and back to the old paradigms we go. But do something. Get the boat in motion or the rudder can’t take effect. Find and take your calling seriously and step it up. We all have to.
Meditate, intend, pray, affirm, that’s great…but act! Change your life, change the etheric world around you by your loving actions and intentions. Try new consciousness technologies while changing your lifestyle. And perhaps move to a smarter and safer location away from this obvious steamroller coming at many of you. Why just sit there?
Meanwhile write, talk, show up, contribute, speak to groups, attend gatherings of active and motivated individuals or just get honest with your loved ones. Find the opening and jump in. The rest will follow. Time is too short to do otherwise.
Contribute we must. Hopefully with our whole lives. It’s all we have for all we’re worth.
It’s not a time to get frantic by any means, but take this as a loving alert, something I know many of you are also feeling. Our old views of just weeks and months ago are shifting and will continue to do so. It’s subtle, but it’s profoundly real. We have to step it up and yield to what consciousness is calling each of us to do and let go of the baggage holding us back.
Everything within this dense configuration of Reality that we call the Universe is interconnected. Through this interconnectedness, everything affects everything else. From the dawn of human spiritual experiences to present-day scientific discoveries, the reality of oneness and interconnectedness has continued to permeate as a recurring aspect of existence within the vastness of what we refer to as Reality. We are realizing, with a continuously-growing conviction, that change and transformation, whether it be in society, consciousness, or otherwise is directly affected by other elements of our universe; elements that we sometimes fail to realize have the ability to affect us in such transformational ways.
These connections, which many times are unable to be seen through the limited field of human awareness act as two-way portals and tunnels through which energy particles and fields travel through. This may seem like something out of a sci-fi story but has time and time again been proven to be a very genuine part of our reality. It was only in 2008 that it was publicly stated that there are magnetic portals that connect the sun’s magnetic field with the earth’s. A year earlier scientists uncovered an elaborate and vast web of cosmic filaments hundreds of millions of light years long that connect galaxies to each others. Not only are the sun and the earth linked with each other but so are galaxies light years upon light years away.
Distance is no obstacle for the interconnectedness of our universe.
Getting back to the sun and the earth, we come to a very significant and important realization…that solar flares have a direct effect on everything that exists on our blue marble…even human consciousness. Solar flares were found to directly affect the mental and physical state of humans in 2008 and three years later, we are seeing just how true that finding truly is. The sun has such incredible power that it is able to send solar flares shooting into the Earth’s atmosphere and affecting its electromagnetic energy field, as well as affecting each person’s electromagnetic energy field.
When looking at profound shifts in society and consciousness, we can find the pineal gland to be of particular importance. Yes, this tiny part of our brain that has been professed as being a DMT production laboratory acting as our gateway into more subtle planes and dimensions of Reality also regulates circadian rhythm and melatonin production… it is incredibly sensitive to magnetic fields.
The case for solar flares directly affecting human consciousness is of the utmost important right now, since we can see all around us and within our own lives the intense changes and transformations occurring. These changes are exasperated by the electromagnetic forces at play around us. The Russian scientist Tchijevsky put together the histories of 72 countries beginning at 500 BCE and culminating in 1922 within the present era. He constructed an Index of Mass Human Excitability, in which he found that 80% of the most significant human events occurred during a 5 year period surrounding the peak of solar activity. What this discovery shows us is that when solar-geomagnetic activity is changing the fastest, it has the greatest potential to affect our moods, behavior patterns, creativity and trends. We are in for quite an interesting next few years.
There is a positive side to the increase in sun activity. Periods of increased solar activity don’t just correlate with societal unrest, but also give rise to innovation and enhanced imagination in architecture, arts and science. The old social structures which are not helping humanity become more consciously evolved might be replaced with more suitable and sustainable models. Above all else, this is a time of opportunity and possibility and the chance to use these rushes of energy to create humanitarian advances and a sustainable living environment.
Something that each and every one of us can do is to increase the emotional balance and coherence within ourselves.Harmony is essential in times of chaos. This will enable us as individuals to use these influxes of energy to our advantage. When we raise our internal coherence, we can positively affect our personal relationships and our social environment, which will also be positively reflected in the collective consciousness of humanity.
We are all affected slightly differently by these cosmic forces, such as solar flares, which is why one person may be affected negativity whereas another in a more positive way. Those individuals who have compressed anger, fear, and jealousy will see their energy fields weaken. Our thoughts help shape and create our reality so it should be of little surprise that the toxic emotions and feelings that we may choose to marinate within our minds may result in the weakening of our energy fields, leading us to become more vulnerable to the negative effects of these electromagnetic solar energy influxes. In order for us to not get into such a downward spiral, we need to identify the negative emotions before we are able to resolve them. If our electro-magnetic energy field is weakened, we become more likely to be significantly affected by the increasing solar activity.
The increase in solar activity activates compressed jealousy, anger, and fear in our minds, no matter if we are conscious or unconscious of this process. If people have not been working on healing these issues, the issues become stronger and magnified when there is a period of increased solar activity as there is now. We are living in a difficult period of our timeline, yet we should not allow ourselves to become sad about the state of everything because we can use this period to our advantage. Let’s use this period of increased solar energy to create great opportunities for positive social transformation… the world desperately needs it.
Something that is not particularly widely known about the mind-body connection today is that, since the early 1940s, a genuine microbiological framework for understanding the power of suggestion, intention, and belief has been developing.
In this article we will look at some of this work as it relates to previously unexplainable “spontaneous” alterations to the genomes of living people — and the physiological and psychospiritual transformations that often accompany them. Moreover, we will cast an eye to the concept of systematic conscious intervention in our own evolution, using the transformative capacities of sound to re-write non-coding “junk” DNA, and return our consciousness to its natural harmonic state and unity awareness.
It is time to re-tune ourselves to the frequencies of wholeness, abundance, serenity, and bliss that are our birthright, but which our current mutant paradigm has veered us away from. Let us hack the Matrix with a sonic mind-virus of holistic consciousness.
If We Don’t Understand It, Then It’s “Junk”
As most readers would know, the vast majority of our DNA “text” is not used in the coding of proteins and enzymes; it is non-coding, and scientists generally don’t have any idea what its purpose is. Thus, in their infinite wisdom, they initially dubbed it “junk DNA”. How much of our DNA is junk? About 95 to 98 per cent (some scientific estimates go as high as 99 per cent) — rather a lot of waste for Nature to hang onto, I think you will agree.
Since it is not responsible for constructing our basic physical form, its purpose has remained mysterious to conventional mindsets until very recently. We now know that a large portion of that “junk” DNA is made up of mobile genetic elements (transposons and retrotransposons) or “jumping DNA”, which can rewrite and activate – or deactivate – certain genetic codes. Jumping DNA reportedly makes up as much as half of the total DNA nucleotides.[1]
Another major portion of the non-protein-coding regions of the genome is comprised of variable-number, tandemly repeating sequences known as “satellite DNA”. Microbiologist William Brown believes that through specific conformational arrangements, satellite DNA interfaces with the so-called “morphic field”; various conformations have specific resonances with the morphic field and can therefore tune into different information programs. Since satellite DNA is very specific to each person, each of us tunes into a distinct and unique morphogenetic pattern.[2]
It seems likely that both jumping DNA and satellite DNA interface with the morphic field, thus responding to alterations in one’s state of consciousness. Satellite DNA’s ability to expand its number of repeating sequences means an increase in the information-carrying capacity of DNA. As a fractal antenna, DNA interacts with the vacuum/aether (terms which are synonymous in this context with zero-point field/implicate order/time-space), transducing the zero-point energy which interacts with our consciousness. A greater interaction between our DNA and the torsion and/or scalar forces in the vacuum might equate to expanded consciousness, while a lesser interactivity would result in a contracted awareness. Thus, “certain modular arrangements of DNA would be more conducive to conscious awareness”.[3]
In the 1990s, a team of Russian linguists led by Dr Peter Gariaev discovered that the genetic code in “junk” DNA follows uniform grammar and usage rules virtually identical to those of human language. It turns out that the “junk” was laden with the intimations of intelligence, purpose and meaning – a perspective forbidden by fundamentalist Darwinism. This ground-breaking research followed Jeff Delrow’s discovery in 1990 that the four nucleotides (A, T, G and C) of DNA inherently form fractal structures closely related to human speech patterns.[4] Within non-coding DNA segments, scientists have found large numbers of “endlessly repeated sequences with no apparent meaning, and even palindromes, which are words or sentences which can be read in either direction”.[5]
More recently (June 2014), it was reported that scientists at the Wyoming Institute of Technology, working with linguists and philologists from Bob Jones University in South Carolina, had made further compelling linguistic breakthroughs. Linguistic professors at BJU were working on translating decoded DNA segments that WIT was providing. They discovered that the language in the “junk” was indistinguishable from ancient Aramaic, and parts of the script it contained were at times remarkably close in composition to verse found in the bible — and, at times, contained direct biblical quotes.
On the human gene PYGB, Phosporomylase Glycogen, a non-coding transposon holds a linguistic sequence that translates as “At first break of day, God formed sky and land”. This bears a stunning similarity to Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. Gene Bmp3 has a retrotransposon sequence which translates to the well-known 1 Corinthians 6:19 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own”.[6]
Thus, human language seems to have emerged from the grammatical and syntactical structures within our very own DNA — the massive “junk” portion, no less! — hence there is no substance to the notion that there was some kind of “natural” linear progression from the primitive form of pre-linguistic communication in the animal kingdom to human language. It was a quantum leap right out of the aether/vacuum/implicate order – possibly with some outside “help”.[7]
The Gariaev group’s pioneering DNA research accounts for the power of hypnosis (and potentially most other psi phenomena, or “hypercommunication”). One of the basic assumptions made by the Gariaev team is that “the genome has a capacity for quasi-consciousness so that DNA ‘words’ produce and help in the recognition of semantically meaningful phrases.”[8] Because the structures of DNA base pairs and of language are so similar, we can alter our own genetics by simply using words and sentences, as has been experimentally proven. Live DNA “will always react to language-modulated laser rays and even to radio waves, if the proper frequencies are being used. This finally and scientifically explains why affirmations, autogenous training, hypnosis and the like can have such strong effects of humans and their bodies”.[9]
One of the more famous cases of hypnotically induced genetic alteration was documented circa 1951 at the Queen Victoria Hospital in West Sussex, England. It involved the cure of Brocq’s disease in a teenage boy. His skin was dry, hardened and reptile-like, and it cracked and bled easily. Using hypnotic suggestion, anaesthetist and hypnotist Dr. Albert A. Mason remedied the condition in a matter of weeks — a miracle at the time. Since Brocq’s disease is a genetic condition, eliciting a cure meant that Mason had effectively reprogrammed the boy’s genes – which scientists of the time “knew” was impossible. The boy’s hardened skin fell away, exposing soft, healthy flesh which remained so thereafter.
Today we know that by using correct light and sound frequencies — as well as words — we can activate some of our mobile DNA to “re-code” certain portions of the genome, thus effecting a physical transformation at the most fundamental biological level.
DNA, Wormholes and Torsion Fields
During 1984–85, Gariaev made a startling discovery. He found that an in-vitro DNA sample in a test tube had the ability to attract and harness coherent laser light, causing it to spiral along the DNA helix. This alone was an unexpected (and paradigm-shifting) discovery, but it wasn’t all. After the DNA sample and all the apparatus were removed, the photons continued to spiral as if the DNA was still there. This was dubbed the “DNA phantom effect”, and it signified that some “new” scalar/torsion field structure had been excited from the vacuum/aether, and was entraining the light even in the absence of the DNA!
This effect has been observed to last for up to a month, showing that this new field structure possesses remarkable persistence and stability. Even after blowing the phantom away with gaseous nitrogen, it returns within 5–8 minutes. Gariaev et al. also remark that “sound waves radiated by the DNA molecules were registered in these experiments”, showing that DNA doesn’t only absorb and emit light (as is well established) but also radio frequencies and phonons as well.[10]
Our DNA harnesses both sound and light in its moment-by-moment operations, but, more than this, it “punches holes” in space-time, opening a window to time-space/the time domain. To put it another way, our DNA creates “magnetised wormholes” in the fabric of space — “tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.”[11] Most of us know this process as intuition or psychic insight. Ordinary human memory would also operate on similar principles, since available evidence indicates that our memories are stored not in our brains but in the aetheric/implicate/time-space field structures which envelop our bodies (a.k.a., the “auric fields”).[12]
Various researchers have theorised that the energy occupying time-space/aether which is responsible for these phenomena is twisting/spiralling torsion energy. The “magnetised wormholes” mentioned above could also be described as “torsion fields” or “vortices”. A torsion field is a self-sustaining vortex in the aether/time-space which is innately non-electromagnetic — though it can produce EM effects such as light. By spinning, a vortex can excite photons or virtual photons out of the fabric of space/aether, and static torsion/scalar fields can harness and store light within them (as we see with the DNA phantom effect).[13]
Sol Luckman, developer of the sound-based Regenetics healing and transformation method, considers qi/prana/orgone to be the light-based effect of torsion fields. In Conscious Healing, he describes torsion energy as “universal creative consciousness or subspace energy (Aether) experiencing itself in time… Torsion energy in the form of a ‘life-wave’… interfacing with and modifying potential DNA’s transposons is the driving force behind the evolution of human consciousness and physiology.”[14]
The first research generally credited with the discovery of this “fifth force” — torsion — is that that done in the late 1800s by Russian professor N. P. Myshkin.[15] Einstein’s colleague Dr. Elie Cartan first coined the term “torsion” in 1913 in reference to this force’s twisting movement through the fabric of space-time, but his important work was virtually buried by the rampant success and notoriety of Einstein’s theories.
In the 1950s — the same decade in which Dr. James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the helical structure of DNA — pioneering Russian scientist Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908–1983) conclusively proved the existence of this torsion energy, demonstrating that, like time (and not dissimilarly to DNA), it flows in a sacred geometric spiral,[16] as I detail in my book The Grand Illusion – Book 1. Russian scientists are reported to have written thousands of papers on the subject in the 1990s alone, and, more recently, award-winning physicist Nassim Haramein, along with his colleague Dr. Elizabeth A. Rauscher, has re-worked Einstein’s field equations with the inclusion of torque and coriolis effects.
Torsion Fields, Mental Intention, and Healing
If your “soul” is in fact a torsion field or vortex in the fabric of space, or a structure of multiple nested vortices as described by seers and mystics, then your consciousness, by definition, must survive the demise of your physical body; it existed in the aether/vacuum/time-space/implicate order/zero point field before you ever obtained a body. This is exactly the perspective shared by physicist Fred Alan Wolf, who refers to the vacuum of space as “the home of the soul” from which the material world was actually born.[17]
Interestingly, the work of scientists Gennady Shipov and Burkhard Heim “established that torsion generators allow us not only to replicate all ‘phenomena’ demonstrated by so-called ‘psychics’, but they were also able to demonstrate effects that were never demonstrated by any ‘psychic’.”[18] This “transcendent force” that is intrinsically unrestricted by the bounds of our space-time (and which, in the form of torsion/scalar waves, effectively operates billions of times beyond the speed of light) can account for the well documented remote healing phenomenon demonstrated in many studies, as well as more localized, short-range psychokinetic effects. (For a much more comprehensive exposition on such mind-matter interactions, check out my book.)
Cell biologist Dr. Glen Rein discovered experimentally that anger, fear and similar emotions have the power to contract a DNA molecule, compressing it. On the other hand, emotions such as joy, gratitude and love unwind or decompress DNA exposed to them. This effect could be created on samples up to half a mile away from the “sender” of the emotion.[19] Years earlier in Russia, remote-influence experiments with human targets presaged Rein’s results and proved that remote human intention could be used to affect physiological and conscious processes in a distant human target, as well as to send telepathic messages.[20]
Pertinently, in another series of Rein’s experiments, those with coherent electrocardiograms could wind or unwind DNA samples (not extracted from their own bodies) at will, while those with incoherent heart energy could not. Furthermore, in these experiments, simply feeling love-based emotions was not enough to affect the DNA samples: theintent to alter them had to be present. The effect was achieved up to half a mile away in an experiment using Lew Childre. Another experiment using Russian healer Valerie Sadyrin replicated the effect with Sadyrin stationed thousands of miles away in Russia (Rein’s experimental setup being in California),[21] thus indicating that, although coherent EM heart energy does act locally within the body, it also has a non-EM (torsion/scalar) component that acts nonlocally, entangling healers with their “healees” (via time-space/aether/implicate order). Ipso facto, DNA is a “torsion antenna”, a biological “bridge” between our space-time and time-space/aether.
Thus, Rein’s research links torsion to life-affirming emotions — in particular unconditional love, which propels both our individual and collective evolution. “Only the love-based emotions stimulate DNA to decompress so that messenger RNA can access codes for healing”. Negative emotional states compress the DNA helix, “severely limiting access to genetic information necessary for healing as well as evolution”.[22]
Sounds like DNA Activation
We have recently entered into what Larry Dossey, MD, has dubbed “Era III” medicine. Era III medicine is concerned with the primacy of bioenergetic consciousness in the sound domain (time-space/aether/implicate order) in healing and transformation, whereas “Era II” epigenetics was primarily restricted to the light domain of our space-time, and “Era I” was myopically based solely on physico-chemical considerations — a boon for Big Pharma.[23] Era III acknowledges that since consciousness is fundamentally non-local, not only can your thoughts influence your own physiology, but someone else’s as well, regardless of distance — as per the aforementioned early Russian remote-influence experiments and Rein’s more recent work.[24]
As the Gariaev group has shown, sound and light can be utilised to rewrite the genetic code. The group even went so far as to be able to turn frog embryos into salamander embryos by electronically recording one species’ DNA informational patterns and then re-transmitting them to the other species. The resulting salamanders could even mate and produce baby salamanders.[25]
Specific sound frequencies: herein lays the power of Luckman’s DNA activation method. Some of you may be aware that our mathematically structured DNA is “tuned” to the ancient Solfeggio scale; it is resonant with it. According to mathematicians Marko Rodin and Victor Showell, this scale constructs the entire universe. Len Horowitz, DMD, comments that the “creationistic dynamics of matter have their source in pure acoustic spirit”,[26] which is vividly demonstrated (analogically) by the work of the late Dr. Hans Jenny. By vibrating a mass of solid particles on a metal plate at certain frequencies, Jenny caused those particles to arrange spontaneously into specific geometric forms. Alternatively, the vibration of these loose particles suspended in a fluid could be seen to create nested geometric figures — the Platonic solids, in point of fact [27] — hence Horowitz’s point about matter being created by “sonic” frequencies in the “spiritual” domain. Because the ground of reality is fundamentally holographic, it assembles the manifest universe fractally in a self-referencing manner in which geometric forms such as the Platonic solids can be nested within one another.
By simply utilising the specific, correctly tuned vowel chanting technique — the most important ingredient — and a 528 Hertz Solfeggio tuning fork (as detailed in Luckman’s recent book Potentiate Your DNA), some of your mobile genetic elements can be activated to harness greater amounts of torsion energy in time-space/aether. With the Regenetics method, the activation of potential DNA occurs incrementally as one goes through the different stages of Potentiation, Articulation, Elucidation, and, lastly, Transcension.) Potentiation, the first phase of the Regenetics technique, specifically employs the “mi” note of 528 Hz, which has been used by molecular biologists to repair genetic defects [28] and is also known simply as “Love Hertz”. (Subsequent activations incorporate more of the Solfeggio tones.)
The result of this total process (the Regenetics Method), which unfolds over a minimum of 27 months, is a gentle and progressive kundalini awakening and healing of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies/layers of the psyche. Allergies disappear, old injuries repair, serious diseases may vanish, the body detoxifies, emotional baggage is purged, and a sense of peace and well-being develop. Some people begin to sense their fundamental interconnectedness with creation, a development that reaches its fullest fruition with the completion of the final stage, after the prefrontal lobes have been awakened through the third activation (Elucidation), which targets the emotional body.[29] This is apparently essential for a sense of “God realization” and the state of serenity and peace this brings.
A close friend of mine, whose Articulation (the second activation, which targets the mental body) I recently performed, showed immediate and profound alterations in her psychology that completely blew me away. With her mental body harmonically restored, her clarity and self-awareness bloomed. Without the usual mental frenetics and resultant stress/emotional rollercoaster, her ability to access her own wisdom skyrocketed, and she no longer suffers the dramatic ups and downs that plagued her for the last 20+ years.
For my part, immediately following my own Potentiation,[30] I noticed my damaged rotator cuffs felt subtly different. Within a few weeks, they had improved very significantly. Seven months later, I experienced virtually no pain in them and could comfortably lie on my side to sleep at night — something I had not been able to do for about 12 years previously, no matter how positive I tried to be or how determined I was to heal them myself. Before doing my own Potentiation, even swinging my arms back and forth across my chest caused sharp, stabbing pains in my shoulders — but no more. After several months I also experienced a spontaneous detox process (primarily through my sinuses), and my food sensitivities show some improvement.
With the DNA acting like a tuning fork and resonating with the vowel chant and Solfeggio frequency, the “errors” in the sonic torsion field blueprints (in time-space) for our biology are corrected. At the biological level, the jumping DNA shift to “rewrite” the gene code for the better, as previously dormant codons are switched on, while others may be switched off, in order to improve healing mechanisms and so on. Consciousness researcher Stephen Linsteadt has reported that, at the 528 Hz frequency, “the clustered water molecules that surround and support the DNA structure form a perfect six-sided hexagon”[31] —meaning that you are apparently generating your own internal cymatic effect as you perform your own Potentiation!
“In theory”, writes Horowitz, “phase-locking your body to [the] 528 Hz frequency sends the most powerful healing energy in the universe to your DNA’s amino acid sequence, which vibrates in a glycoprotein matrix of structured water, depends heavily on the 528 Hz frequency not just for its physical structure but also for its bioelectrical and bioacoustic functions.”[32]
A New Kind of Human?
Microbiologist Dr. Colm Kelleher has studied “junk” DNA for years. He states that transposons are known to be engines of evolution, explaining that the most plausible mechanism for initiating a rapid, large-scale change in physical structure, even the emergence of a new species, is a “simultaneous transposition burst”. He speculates that similar mechanisms might also be involved in a kundalini experience.[33]
Kundalini, a real physical energy, as I show in my book, has always been held in high esteem by mystics and seers because of its ability to awaken higher consciousness and vivify and restore the physical body. It upgrades the bioenergy system. The principal function of kundalini in occult development is reputedly to pass through the etheric chakras and vivify them so that they bring astral experiences through into the physical consciousness.[34] An enhancement of the chakras at the etheric level will naturally have positive physical side-effects, as the etheric body is an energetic duplicate of the physical and in fact is considered to be of the “physical” density in its own right (unlike the astral/mental/spiritual energies).
Retired theoretical physicist Dr. Amit Goswami states in Physics of the Soul that the raising of the kundalini seems to unleash the dormant capacities of consciousness for making new representations of the vital (etheric) body onto the physical body. “There is evidence. People in whom kundalini has risen and been properly integrated undergo extraordinary bodily changes (for example, the development of nodules on the body that [form] the figure of a serpent).”[35] Kundalini experiencers also often describe an incredible white light enveloping their consciousness, as the plasma-like kundalini rises up the spine and explodes into the head and the crown chakra. The result in the moment is often a state of expansive bliss.
One salient point to any researcher of these topics has to be that there are similar elements in the aftermath of DNA and kundalini activation as compared to the near-death experience (NDE). Aside from biophysical alterations (an effect shared by all groups), many near-death experiencers (NDEers) have reported that they experience a deeper sense of connectedness with all things, higher levels of empathy, decreased competitiveness and egotism, elimination of the fear of death, and a greater sense of peace and contentment. The spontaneous resolution or disappearance of serious diseases and allergies falls under the category of biophysical transformation, which is correlated with kundalini awakening as well as DNA activation. NDEer Mellen-Thomas Benedict, for example, had an inoperable brain tumour prior to his 90-minute NDE. Post-NDE, his cancer was simply gone: it had vanished.[36]
NDEers also find quite often that their psychic faculties are put into overdrive post-NDE, whether they like it or not! In her book Transformed by the Light, Dr. Cherie Sutherland offers the case studies of 50 Australian NDEers, at least one of whom reported that post-NDE they had become so telepathic that they were picking up on the internal monologues of people around them — totally unintentionally.[37]
Dr. Kenneth Ring hypothesised in the 1990s that NDEers actually do undergo a kundalini awakening, and he marshalled some impressive evidence in support of the notion in The Omega Project.[38] We might speculate whether the NDE can also spontaneously precipitate the sealing of the “fragmentary body” (the energy defect in the second chakra) by revealing to people their true nature as immortal “spirit” or infinite consciousness and an integral part of the cosmos, thus remedying their “separation consciousness” as well as other personal issues around self-loathing, guilt, and so forth. Certainly, the experience of contacting a force of cosmic love, compassion and total, unconditional acceptance is powerfully healing for many NDEers. Perhaps not surprisingly, many find that they spontaneously develop powerful healing faculties, even to the extent that they give up their careers to become energy healers!
This suggests the activation of previously dormant sections of DNA (codons) involved in the transmission and mediation of electromagnetic energy and torsion forces. In 1996, Kelleher cloned a stretch of human DNA from activated human T-cells and found it to consist of a tandem array of transposon sequences “arranged like beads on a string”. It was the perfect structure that he had envisioned for accomplishing “a large-scale speciation-type change”. Kelleher predicts that people who have undergone NDEs or have meditated for long periods “should have a higher transcriptional level of this transposon casette”.[39]
Available NDE case studies seem to support his contention. Many NDEers appear to represent a new kind of human being: one not just infinitely more metaphysically aware than the “average” person but one who is also more “switched on”, genetically and psychically speaking. Overall, NDEers seem to show an unusually high level of intuitive activation, not unlike kundalini-awakened individuals.
Additionally, I suspect that such people have actually activated a third (or more) strand of DNA, and no longer function on the bare minimum level of two strands (look where that has gotten us!). My partner Aimee, during her own Potentiation, experienced mental imagery that was very suggestive of a third strand being activated – or should we say re-connected? This is a notion I will return to in a future article elaborating on these important themes, which appear over and over in “New Age” material, including Barbara Marciniak’s compelling Bringers of the Dawn, which posits that we are supposed to be functioning on twelve strands (!) Not long ago, I met an innovative Australian scientist who had a DNA sample studied and was informed that he had at least six functional strands, which the stunned scientists in question had never seen before. This was kept quiet, obviously.
Speculative Conclusions and Visions for the Future
In 2003, the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (“Encode”) genome research project was launched. Pooling the resources of over 400 scientists over thirty-two laboratories throughout the UK, US, Spain, Singapore, and Japan, it is the largest research project into the human genome yet conducted. In early September 2012, scientists from the Encode project confirmed, after having analyzed all 3 billion pairs of genetic code comprising our DNA, that far more of it is biologically active than had been widely believed: at least 80% is in fact performing a specific function, confirming that most non-protein-coding “junk” DNA isn’t junk at all.
Perhaps more importantly in the context of the foregoing discussion, these scientists have also identified 4 million “switch genes”, which are sections of DNA that control when genes are switched on or off in cells. These can even be a long way from the actual gene they control (if you’re talking about an uncoiled DNA strand). Many switches are linked to changes in risk levels for various diseases and disorders,[40] and we have the field of epigenetics to thank for proving that local environmental triggers (including stress) are ultimately more important in determining the activation or silencing of certain genes – and therefore our biological health – than inherent genetic defects, which account only for about 5% of all diseases.
It is only natural to conclude that mobile DNA elements/transposons, comprising as much as half of our roughly 98% “junk” DNA, are involved in mediating the functions of at least some of these 4 million “switch genes”. In addition, mobile DNA (and satellite DNA too, if Brown is correct) appear to interface with our consciousness in the aether/time-space/implicate order. This means that Era III metagenetic modalities such as the sound-based Regenetics Method, where the facilitator can be located thousands of miles from the treatment recipient, can be effective in influencing genetic expression regardless of healer-healee proximity. In the time-space domain that consciousness occupies, distance is meaningless.
Thanks to the innovative work of researchers in fields as diverse as shamanism, epigenetics, thanatology, psychiatry, molecular biology, hypnosis, kinesiology, occultism and more, we may have identified four major ways to activate our latent jumping DNA to effect dramatic personal transformation and even conscious evolution: hypnosis, DNA activation with vowel chants and Solfeggio frequencies, kundalini awakening, and NDEs (the latter three all apparently involve kundalini activation to varying degrees, and reach deeper into the multiple levels of one’s being). This is to say nothing of the astrophysical processes which can influence planetary microbiology, over which we as individuals seemingly have little control — a tangent of discussion we lack space for here.
Thus, with the extinction of bottom-up Darwinian “DNA primacy”, we can and must relinquish the moribund notion that our genetic inheritance is a done deal which we can no more change than the Earth’s orbital pathway around the Sun. The various lines of research discussed herein reveal that in using vowels and targeted light and sound frequencies to deliberately change our genetic expression in a controlled fashion, we can also change our consciousness — and vice versa. We can change our consciousness and, in turn, alter genetic expression (more or less permanently) and the torsion field templates that underlie the light-based human auric fields. No longer can a human be conceived of as a powerless little Darwinian “meat computer” at the mercy of the random forces of “natural selection”. We can massively intervene in and accelerate our evolution on this Earth, and, using sound as our ally, evolve beyond ‘man’ into the next stage of humankind, as Nietzsche once implored us to do.
DNA is essential to any scientific understanding of life. One strand of the double-helix holds the complete code that is needed to clone an entire organism. The process of DNA formation is one that is now up for debate, as the fundamentals of quantum physics aim to explain how DNA begins as a wave-form rather than a molecule. This new idea suggests that the universe is composed of an invisible wave-pattern complex that forms matter by the exertion of micro gravitational forces. On a molecular scale, information in the form of waves pulls atoms and molecules in to create more complex structures, such as DNA. So if these wave patterns were visible, empty space would appear as a fluid geometric patterns, such as the shape of a DNA strand, and would pull in atoms to form a physical replica of the wave-pattern.
New research reveals some remarkable properties of DNA which suggests that a “hidden force” plays a role in the formation of life in the universe .
In a study published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry by London Imperial College Department of Chemistry, the idea of micro gravitational forces forming matter out of wave patterns was witnessed in person. Dr. Sergey Leikin placed different types of DNA in a salt water solution, and differentiated the various strands by coloring them. Remarkably, the colored DNA were drawn to one and another moving very far distances to find the corresponding matches, and in time every DNA strand was paired up correctly. Although Dr. Leikin equated the phenomenon with possible electrical charges, other research revealed that gravity was the likely culprit.
In an astonishing experiment performed by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier, DNA was randomly created out of nothing but sterilized water. The experiment used two separate sealed test tubes, one containing sterilized water and the other carrying both sterilized water and DNA. After electrifying both tubes and letting the tubes sit for eighteen hours, Dr. Montagnier was surprised to see that the tube that had originally contained nothing but water had produced tiny DNA strands. This was a shock for many reasons, mainly because water only contains hydrogen and oxygen and a DNA molecule is much more complex. How could something like this possibly happen? It seemed as though the DNA had “teleported” from one tube to the other, like they were connected by an unknown force.
Could this experiment reveal that forces of the universe are constantly trying to form life where ever it can by hidden micro gravitational waves? In 1984, a Russian scientist by the name of Dr. Peter Gariaev discovered another remarkable property of DNA, in which each strand had the naturally tendency to absorb and store hundreds to thousands of photons (light particles). Dr. Gariaev placed DNA inside a small quartz container, and to his surprise the DNA absorbed every photon in the room. Gravity is the only force that we know of that can bend light so therefore Dr. Gariaev’s experiment reinforced the idea of a hidden micro gravitational force.
Things got even stranger when Dr. Gariaev removed the DNA from the quartz container. To his amazement the photons that had originally been absorbed by the DNA stayed in the quartz container in the exact shape of the DNA. Anyone would have thought that the photons should have scattered, but there seemed to be an unknown force keeping the photons in place. Dr. Gariaev blasted the photons with nitrogen gas to disperse them, and within minutes the photons were drawn back to the same area and formed the same “phantom” DNA shape. This experiment suggests that gravity has a quantum structure and can exist without the presence of matter, permeating throughout the entire universe. If our DNA can store light, then could cosmic rays have an effect on the structure?
These discoveries could provide massive implications for science and our understanding of the universe. If gravity has quantum intelligent properties, then it could be proof that life exists or has the ability to form all throughout the universe. Further DNA studies revealed even more interesting abilities of the molecule when Italian scientist Pier Luigi Ighina was able to transform a living apricot tree into an apple tree by zapping it with DNA wave information. Ighina also zapped a rat with the DNA-wave of a cat, causing the rat to grow a cat-like tail within days. These experiments support the idea that DNA forms from information waves, and from this knowing we can suggest that our evolution may have been influenced by cosmic rays carrying encoded information from our Sun.
It is surprising that such astounding discoveries haven’t made it to the forefront of the mainstream media. These discoveries could change the foundation of physics and biochemistry as we know it. There is now evidence to suggest that an intelligent force is guiding the evolution of life throughout the universe which brings us another step closer to understanding the divine mysteries of our existence within the cosmos.