Committing to Moving Forward

Further – The Oft Neglected Path

by Zen Gardner

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by Zen Gardner

How many times have we been faced with the decision to move on to the next level of commitment to truth? How often has a new level of personal sacrifice been standing at our door, beckoning? How did we respond? Were we willing to go further, no matter the cost?

That’s pretty much what it takes in the pursuit of truth. A constant shedding of the old, no matter how attached we’ve become to our self image and familiar surroundings; to be relentlessly following the signal from this esoteric siren of love and a greater reality that we know awaits. Much like mountain climbing, the decision comes first, then the climbing. But each step of the way presents more decisions. Will we go on in spite of fatigue, doubts, discouragement and obstacles? Which path will I take at each upcoming juncture?

It’s not a one time thing. The decision to pursue quickly leads to a myriad of ensuing decisions along the way. We don’t decide once and for all and then on the truth train we chug up the mountain to a land of ecstasy and complete fulfillment. It doesn’t work that way. This is why so many faint along the way and give up. They become daunted with the often lonely and arduous task. They turn around and move back down to the security of the valley with all of its comforts and self assuaging reinforcement.

It happens to many and we’ve all been there. The initial rush of adventure wears off and the stark reality of the life and death endeavor of the nitty gritty pick and shovel work and climbing through thick and thin starts to dissuade the less determined. But in spite of the fatigue and humiliation, living  in foreign mental and spiritual surroundings in usually spartan and often excruciating living and social conditions, the real true seeker eventually faces, confronts and overcomes these mirage-like obstacles.

Opting Out for Comfort and Security and Its Many Levels

The previous life of relative comfort repeatedly calls the less committed back into the seemingly easy way inside the matrix of deceit and its delicacies. It’s a compromise, but so welcomed by the throngs waiting for us back in the valley who don’t want to hear there even is a mountain to climb, never mind see someone climb it.

This is not an easy saying for most. We’ve all compromised at one point or another. But those who’ve kept on know who they are, and the price they’ve had to pay. It’s really miniscule compared to the rewards, but it seems a daunting task to those with no truth seeking musculature, conveniently snipped and shorn in their formative years. They hear the distant call, but feel it’s not for them, especially since so few seem to hear and heed the call and have been so relentlessly conditioned against it.

 This is one of the worst travesties of our spiritually quenched and dumbed down societal condition.

Ignoring Is No Excuse

But there really is no excuse for ignoring the call. It is what drives the heart of man and is the natural draw of every living soul. This is why youth are so altruistic and idealistic until the educational system and societal “norms” start to clip their wings. And even those who begin the quest often opt out for convenient way stations on the climb to full-on truth. People park on their particular perch which they feel is sufficiently above the valley of deceit and think they have enough perspective to pass judgement on the rest.

The very fact of this judgmental, dishonoring attitude is a symptom of settling for partial truth, and a subconscious stance to protect one’s unwillingness to go all the way or remain open to new and even greater possibilities. However, that very openness to greater truth is the attitude we should each maintain.

Those still attached to their status, income, good deeds, moral high ground, or sense of superior intellect or spirituality in an exclusive and judgmental manner can be the worst enemies to full on truth and spiritual freedom. It takes on many forms and we all fall for these attitudes when in an unconscious or semi-conscious state. After all, it’s fiercely reinforced by the matrix and its tear down mentality.

They will dis and dismiss anything that surpasses their little ledge of advantage they think they’ve climbed to, and be quite militant and aggressive about it. If it doesn’t meet their criteria, it’s to be vigorously attacked as false information. A very sad psychological state to be in, but we see it in society at every level and have all experienced it from both ends.

The most obvious manifestation of this mindset is how anything contrary to the mainstream narrative is marginalized as “politically incorrect”, “conspiracy theory” and now even “terrorist activity”. But this permeates every level of information sharing, and is a huge hindrance to those seeking the full on clarity and empowerment awaiting anyone with the will to pursue it.

Hence the battle we all face and the very serious challenge of climbing the mountain to truth.

Such Is Our Challenge

The simple solution is to keep climbing. The distractions along the way are expected and endemic to our controlled society and upbringing, cloaked in the sheepskin of “normalcy”. Not just political correctness but social correctness are both very confining while appearing to be guiding principles to true freedom of speech and expression.

The question I wish to pose is – are you willing to go further? Even all the way, no matter the cost?

That’s a serious proposition. There are very real personal costs involved, including a complete forsaking of self. It requires sharing – of your thoughts and dreams and conflicts, even using your so called “assets” for the quest over personal security. The beauty is Universe meets us as we step out on faith and conviction. Those who care, give of themselves completely and unselfishly. Those who only think they care, don’t. They hang back, for whatever reason. Everything is conditional to them with all kinds of strings attached, a defense mechanism of matrix infected thinking. Again, we’ve all been there.

It comes down to heart vs mind in many ways. Where do we invest our time and energy? In things that reinforce our personal security and support our personal stance? Or in unselfish efforts that resonate with our own hunger for real truth and social justice for the betterment of all in an atmosphere of love? Are we willing to even lay our lives down? It happens one step at a time.

In Summary

Some things to consider. March on fearlessly. The battle rages, mainly to keep us from getting to the top of the mountain where clarity and boundless empowerment await. From there all becomes clear. But remember – we can’t take our baggage with us. And that’s not a sacrifice, that’s liberating!

Don’t stop. Every awakened soul is already where they need to be in many ways and we can operate in peace once we’re truly aware of what’s going on. But climbing on up even further as life’s signs call and synchronicity so frequently prods and confirms is absolutely imperative.

Further. Together. Now’s the time to step on the gas. We cannot leave the world they’re proposing for our children and grandchildren to inherit. It’s our time to take the stand – and keep climbing.

We’re in this together.

With much love, Zen


On Solitude

10 Amazing Things That Happen When You Learn to Enjoy Being Alone

10 Amazing Things That Happen When You Learn to Enjoy Being Alone

Story by: Tony Robinson (


Some people think of “being alone” as a bad thing. It either means you’re anti-social, or unwanted, neither of which are a good position to be in.

But actually, being alone isn’t’ necessarily a bad thing, as there are a handful of benefits that emerge once you learn to embrace solitude.

I’m not advocating you go all Tom Hanks in Cast Away, because no one can argue the benefits, and the joys, that come along with fulfilling relationships with other people.

But I am saying that once you learn to enjoy being alone, you’re going to grow as a person.

Below are ten amazing things that will happen in your life when you start to enjoy being alone.

1. Youll get to recharge.

Often times when we’re surrounded by other people, we’re expending a lot of energy. Trying to keep others happy, make them laugh, soothe their egos, read their emotions, and all of the other rigors that come along with regular interaction.

It can be mentally draining if you’re constantly connected to other people. A little alone time lets you recharge and take a break from the emotionally and mentally taxing job of constant interaction.

2. Youll reflect more often.

Your life is always moving at a crazy fast pace. So fast in fact, that it’s probably rare when you have a moment alone to sit and reflect on your life.

Being alone gives you the perfect opportunity for a little self reflection. Since you aren’t spending so much time processing the thoughts and feelings of others, it’s the best time to turn your focus inwards.

Solitude provides the perfect environment for reflection.

3. Youll get in touch with your own emotions.

Again, when you’re surrounded by other people all the time, you’re constantly trying to read, and cater to, the other persons’s emotions. So much so, that you could end up losing touch with your own.

When you start to enjoy being alone, you’ll gain a greater perspective for your own emotions. You’ll create a deeper understanding of what makes you happy, what upsets you, and what saddens you.

With that knowledge, it’s then easier to regulate your emotions. But it all starts with understanding how you feel, and that comes from a little bit of solitude.

4. Youll start doing things you actually enjoy.

When you’re constantly in the company of other people, you’re always making compromises in order to find solutions that the entire group can enjoy. And unfortunately, the things you want most, may not always line up with what the group wants.

So it’s easy to enjoy being alone once you realize that doing so gives you more freedom to do the things you actually want to do.

5. Youll become more productive.

Being in the company of other people can be fun and entertaining, but it can also seriously affect your productivity. There are times when the company of other people acts as nothing more than a distraction from getting your work done.

Time spent alone can be some of the most productive time in your life—mostly because there are less distractions, and you can just put your head down and get to work.

6. Youll enjoy your relationships even more.

When you spend time alone on a regular basis, and eventually start to enjoy being alone, you’ll come to find that you also enjoy your relationships with other people even more.

And that’s because the time spent alone gives you a greater appreciation for yourself.

But it also let’s you appreciate all the great things that come from your relationships with other people, most of which you were oblivious to before.

7. Youll feel more independent.

Once you enjoy being alone, you’ll feel more confident in your ability to actually be alone. And that naturally leads to you feeling more independent.

You’ll no longer feel that anxiety, or burning desire for company, once you learn to enjoy being alone. You won’t feel the need for constant interaction with other people, or the anxiety associated with looking around and seeing no one but yourself.

8. Youll get a break from constantly trying to keep other people happy.

Life is filled with relationships, and most relationships only last when both people are kept happy. And that can turn into a draining job depending who that relationship is with. Now, this does’t only apply to personal relationships, but every kind of relationship.

Once you’re alone, the only person’s happiness you have to worry about in that moment, is your own. You can treat yourself to thing that makes you happy, but may have upset someone else.

9. You wont have to apologize for anything.

When you start to enjoy being alone, you’ll quickly see that solitude means you don’t have to keep apologizing for what you’ve done. So often, we do things that end up upsetting other people, or hurting someone else’s feelings, and then have to quickly apologize for it.

But when you’re alone, you don’t have to apologize for anything. And that takes a lot of pressure out of most situations. You get to stop second guessing everything you say, or every move you make because you’re afraid someone is going to be offended, or saddened, and angered.

10. Youll stop looking for validation.

So often we feel we the need to get the “OK” from our friends and family before we take action. We constantly look to other people for advice on what we should do next.

Of course, there are times where it’s not only perfectly acceptable to ask for advice, but downright necessary. But there are also times where we’re perfectly capable of acting on our own, be we instead of looking to others for an answer.

When you start to spend more time alone, you’ll learn to trust your instincts and make decisions without any third party validation.


Making it Through the Bad Things

Why Bad Things Happen at Good Times

 Why Bad Things Happen at Good Times11th January 2015

By Nanice Ellis

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Life is going great. You are on top of the world. Things couldn’t be better! Then BOOM! You get sick, have an accident or some unexpected crisis comes to the forefront, bringing the “good times” come to a screeching halt. It makes no sense – you were doing everything right.

These events can leave us feeling insecure and doubting our ability to maintain a happy and healthy life. You might even start wondering if every great high has a corresponding low. Trying to make sense of things in this way often takes us on a negative downward spiral that gets us more of what we don’t want.

So, let’s rise above the negative and turn it all around.

Understanding the five primary reasons why “bad things happen at good times” will allow you to leverage the challenges, in order to reach even higher highs that can be maintained and lived.

1. The reality that we experience, on any day, is always a projection of past thoughts, beliefs and feelings.

When you go to the movie theater, there is a projector in the back of the theater that projects the movie onto the front screen. Have you ever considered that there is a time gap between the movie leaving the projector and landing on the screen? Life operates in very much the same way. There is a time gap between the energy that you project out into the world, with your thoughts, beliefs and feelings, and the manifestation of that energy in your life. What you are experiencing now is always a reflection of who you were in the past. So, even if you have changed your belief system in regards to a life issue, it takes a little while for life to catch up with your new belief system. Yes, it is possible to experience quick shifts in reality but the old story often plays out until it is complete.

The problem arises when we react to the old tape that is playing out and we go back to our disempowering beliefs that created that tape in the first place, thereby, generating more negative energy that will play out at a future date. Living in an unconscious state of reaction supports a vicious cycle of undesirable experiences. Your adverse reaction can fuel an ongoing soap opera.

When you are surprised by an unexpected event, pay attention but don’t give it your power. If you feed into it, you will create more of the same. Instead, be conscious, handle what needs to be handled, recognize the past story playing out and purposefully conclude the story.

2. Bad things may show up during good times when a part of us is not emotionally or energetically aligned with that goodness.

When you reach a higher state of vibration, everything must be in integrity with that high state. You could say that you can’t bring any low vibration baggage with you to a higher dimension. Because the old baggage must be released in order for you to live at a higher vibration, an issue may come up in order for you to identify that issue and release it. Let’s say that you just landed your ideal career and you just met the love of your life. Everything is going great and suddenly you get sick. The sickness causes you to slow down and reflect. When you look inside, you see that there is a part of you that questions your own worth. In order to enter your new life, you must release feelings of unworthiness and embrace your worth. In other words, you cannot take low self-worth into a high vibration life, because the energy is not aligned. Getting sick allows you to purge the old energy, and get into energetic alignment with the life that you desire.

Or, let’s say that you are about to launch your dream business and everything is lining up perfectly, and out of the blue, your car gets totaled. Immediately, you start beating yourself up with guilt and shame. From an asleep state, you could continue down this disempowering path and probably experience other problems as a result, or you could respond from an awake state, and use this opportunity to release guilt and shame that is still held from past experiences. In this case, the car accident brought up these dense feelings in order for you to recognize them and release them. In doing so, you free yourself from the past, and you align with your dream on an even higher level.

If things are going great, and something “wrong” comes out of the blue, take time out to understand where you might not be in integrity with the flow of goodness in your life. The gift of the presenting issue is in showing you where you are out of alignment. What old beliefs or stories might you still be holding onto – that just don’t fit into a more positive paradigm? If you pay attention to what your life is telling you, you may recognize disempowering beliefs, such as, you are not deserving of so much good, or if it is too good to be, it can’t be true. You can’t take the old outdated issues with you into a new life, but you can release them and be free to live your best possible destiny.

3. Sometimes “bad things happen at good times” in order to direct your attention to an area of your life that is not working.

When things are going good, it might be really easy to ignore an area of your life that is not working. A life-interrupting problem may occur in order to re-direct your attention to the place in your life that really needs attention. Remember, all your energy needs to be in integrity in order to maintain a high vibration. If one area of your life is not working, your energy is out of alignment. The unexpected challenge may be a spotlight on what is not working in order for you to shift your focus and heal the area of your life that requires this attention.

4. Sometimes negative events unfold because we have grown too big for our own good.

Maybe you have been working on self-improvement for a long time and you finally reach a space where you are feeling really good and powerful. You are ready to celebrate when all of a sudden the ground is swiped from underneath you. What happened? Chances are you are experiencing what I have learned to call “The Humbling.” There is no better feeling than discovering ones power, and feeling as if you really do have power over your life. But, it is easy for this sense of power to go to your head and artificially inflate you to a status of superiority.

This ego-based power is achievable but not maintainable because it’s a false power built on false ideals. The Humbling often unfolds as a remedy to taking down this false power. Let’s be clear here. It is not that we aren’t powerful – we are powerful beyond measure, but there is a big difference between the sense of power that comes from the ego, which desires to have power over people and things, and the power that comes from the very source of who we are. The ego is not real in the first place – so how can it have power over anything? Power built on illusion is illusion. So, when our sense of power comes from illusion, eventually it must crumble. This isn’t bad news, because when false power is humbled, it opens the way for us to discover True Power that is at the core of our being. This sounds like a small shift when described in words, but it is a monumental shift when experienced in life.

5. Challenges may occur in the midst of everything going right because we need to grow into a higher and stronger version of ourselves.

Challenges often provide the most powerful way to transition to the next level of our personal evolution. Inherent in all challenges is the opportunity for transmutation. If you have a dream or desire to fulfill but you are not energetically aligned with your goal, challenges may appear in order to help you bridge that gap. In overcoming those challenges, you grow and evolve in such a way that you become the future you who is already living that dream.
If you should be struck by challenges in the midst of life going well, be careful not to tell yourself disempowering or negative stories about your situation. Instead, rise above negative story-telling and look for the opportunity in the challenge. In overcoming the challenge, what gifts might be available to you, and who will you become?

No matter how things may seem, life is always conspiring on your behalf. Even with its stresses and strife, life is asking you to wake up, release the past, and align with your highest and best version of self. If you have the courage and insight to look beyond circumstance, you will discover a sacred invitation to embrace your intrinsic power, which can only come from a pure connection to who you really are. That is the point.


COnscious Creation via Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden – The 20 Keys Of Conscious Creation

Story by: John Sapp (

An excerpt from “The Divine Matrix: Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief” by Gregg Braden

20 Keys of Conscious Creation

Key 1) The Divine Matrix is the container that holds the universe, the bridge between all things, and the mirror that shows us what we have created.

Key 2) Everything in our world is connected to everything else.

Key 3) To tap the force of the universe itself, we must see ourselves as part of the world rather than separate from it.

Key 4) Once something is joined, it is always connected, whether it remains physically linked or not.

Key 5) The act of focusing our consciousness is an act of creation. Consciousness creates!!

Key 6) We have all the power we need to create all the changes we choose!!

Key 7)  The focus of our awareness becomes the reality of our world.

Key 8)  To simply say we choose a reality is not enough!!

Key 9) Feeling is the language that “speaks” to the Divine Matrix. Feel as though your goal is accomplished and your prayer is already answered.

Key 10) Not just any feeling will do. The ones that create are without ego and judgment.

Key 11)  We must become in our lives the things we choose to experience as our world.

Key 12) We are not bound by the laws of physics as we know them today.

Key 13) In a holographic “something” every piece of the something mirrors the whole something.

Key 14) The universally connected hologram of consciousness promises that the instant we create our good wishes and prayers, they are already received at their destination.

Key 15) Through the hologram of consciousness, a little change in our lives is mirrored everywhere in our world.

Key 16) The minimum number of people required to “jump-start” a change in consciousness is the /1% of a population.

Key 17) The Divine Matrix serves as the mirror in our world of the relationships we create in our beliefs.

Key 18) The root of our “negative” experiences may be reduced to one of three universal fears (or a combination of them): abandonment, low self worth, or lack of trust.

Key 19) Our true beliefs are mirrored in our most intimate relationships.

Key 20) We must become in our lives the very things that we choose to experience in our world.

Almost universally, we share a sense that there’s more to us than meets the eye. Somewhere deep within the mists of our ancient memory, we know that we have magical and miraculous powers within us. From the time of childhood, we fantasize about our ability to do things that are beyond the realm of reason and logic. And why not? While we’re children, we have yet to “learn” the rules that say miracles can’t happen in our lives.

Each of us has the innate power to heal ourselves completely from any mental issue, emotional wound, and physical disease we may be experiencing.  Despite what the majority of the world believes and has hypnotized you to think since birth, you have the natural ability deep within your being to consciously and permanently relieve yourself from any pain, illness or disease.  By intentionally connecting with a deep reservoir of healing energy buried inside your core, you’ll create a regenerating effect that spreads a healing reaction throughout your body and mind.

The moment you first touch and squeeze the nectar from this awesome internal energy, a deep wave of joy penetrates your body.  There are many delightful sensations secretly hidden inside your being.  It is only through this sacred meditation practice below that you can unlock these feelings and allow the release of healing to take place.  It is at this moment that you realize how divinely perfect this life actually is, and how powerful the mind and body truly are.

The first step to initiate your awesome healing transformation is to accept the possibility that you were born with the all-natural God given power to heal yourself.  You can instantly bring lightness and wholeness into the cellular memory of any dis-ease.  Once this idea is accepted, and fully embraced you have officially begun the journey of self-healing.


On Quartz & Kyanite

Crystals for Spiritual Upgrade & Light Code Integration

December 1, 2014 Meditation

Crystals for Spiritual Upgrade & Light Code Integration

by Adrienne Goff

Have you ever been in an altered state of consciousness, and all of a sudden you get a fleeting vision of symbols, geometry, complex mathematical equations, hieroglyphics, or something that looks like morse code?

I remember the first time I saw several lines of advanced math interrupting my meditation, I was worried that I was having flashbacks from trigonometry class!  According to Tashira Tachi-ren, author of What is Lightbody?, this is actually light language–an encodement or communication from the higher dimensions.  Think of these light codes as seeds of etheric instructions that take root and upgrade your bio-energetic system. This results in the awakening of your higher chakras, glands, subtle energetic circuitry, and psychic senses.  It is a mechanism that allows you to physically embody more of your higher self and soul gifts, so that you can rock this incarnation and achieve your spiritual goals.

If you aren’t seeing light language yet, don’t worry!  Everyone who is incarnated is going through this process, no exceptions. You can become more aware of these light codes and accelerate your spiritual growth by working with crystals and stones. Certain crystals can sharpen your psychic senses and awaken your third-eye vision.  They are amplifiers of energy and intention, and they can work multi-dimensionally as an interface between your consciousness and the higher planes to speed up your process.  If you are ready for a quantum leap, here is a formula of four magic minerals for downloading the next level of light codes.

Elestial Quartz is a master formation with an etched and layered appearance. Many specimens have multiple terminations all over the face and body. Crystal Expert, Robert Simmons, describes Elestial Elestial Quartz is a master formation with an etched and layered appearance. Many specimens have multiple terminations all over the face and body. Crystal Expert, Robert Simmons, describes Elestial Quartz in this way: “They are like crystalline switchboards linking multiple dimensions, times and levels of consciousness to one another.” If you are seeking a more vivid experience of light codes, look no further than Elestial Quartz! Quartz in this way:

“They are like crystalline switchboards linking multiple dimensions, times and levels of consciousness to one another.”

If you are seeking a more vivid experience of light codes, look no further than Elestial Quartz!  The first time I meditated with a large Elestial, I saw multiple rows of symbols made up of dots and lines.  It very much looked like an Arcturian light language that I saw at a conference earlier that year. Then my visual field was wiped clean and replaced with volumes of the most complex math equations I have ever seen in my life.  Most of them contained square root signs, parenthesis, and other math symbols that are meaningless to my conscious mind.  After this happened, I noticed a significant improvement in my healing abilities. So in my experience, Elestials really do act as a perfect medium for transferring energy patterns, codes, and information from the higher planes into the human auric field and experience.

According to Crystal Expert, Naisha Ahsian, Elestials connect to the full-spectrum of light. Then they structure and regulate this energy, adjusting it so that it is the perfect and highest level that you can easily absorb and integrate. In this way, they ensure that you are not overloading or frying your system. Elestials are also helpful in upgrading the brain and in healing brain damage. They can rewire your subtle energetic circuitry and create new neural pathways that align you with higher dimensional reality.  Elestials also clear blockages from all chakras, and they help you to see and release the root causes of disease and disharmony. They can purify and dissolve mental and emotional patterns that no longer serve you.

Another high vibration crystal that is known for bringing in the light codes is Lithium Quartz.  I am Another high vibration crystal that is known for bringing in the light codes is Lithium Quartz. I am often guided to place it over the third eye of my clients, and many report seeing light language for the first time. With Lithium Quartz, the kinds of light codes that you typically see are colorful energy fields, geometric patterns, and abstract symbols. I have also had the experience of holding a Lithium Quartz and watching etched triangles suddenly appear on the face of the crystal right before my eyes! Also known as records, these triangles represent coded information. According to one of my teachers, Katrina Raphaell, these records were deliberately programmed into the Quartz by ancient Atlanteans, and the information within has some connection with whomever ends up being the guardian of that specific crystal. often guided to place it over the third eye of my clients, and many report seeing light language for the first time. With Lithium Quartz, the kinds of light codes that you typically see are colorful energy fields, geometric patterns, and abstract symbols. I have also had the experience of holding a Lithium Quartz and watching etched triangles suddenly appear on the face of the crystal right before my eyes! Also known as records, these triangles represent coded information. According to one of my teachers, Katrina Raphaell, these records were deliberately programmed into the Quartz by ancient Atlanteans, and the information within has some connection with whomever ends up being the guardian of that specific crystal.

Due to the lithium content, Lithium Quartz is perhaps best known for its natural ability to calm and clear stress, anxiety, depression, and fear.  Lithium-bearing stones also activate the third eye and move you into a higher, meditative state of consciousness.  In addition to lithium, this powerhouse crystal contains manganese, iron, and kaolinite inclusions. All four of these minerals are powerful in their own right. And when they are combined in Quartz, their individual properties create a synergy and are greatly amplified.  The presence of manganese and iron gives this crystal a grounding and balancing effect on the physical, mental, and emotional bodies.  It also helps to anchor the incoming light codes into the body for easier integration.  Kaolinite is like water–it cleanses lower patterns and brings in a smooth flow of energy.  The combined effect is a sense of slowing down, coming to center, rising above emotional or 3-D discordance, and connecting to the higher flows. It’s as if this stone delivers the calming touch of the Divine, a gentle sensation that is also very powerful, easy to feel, and fast-acting.

Kyanite is an energy connector and a transmitter all in one, due to its striated structure.  A striated stone is one that has parallel grooves recessed down the length of the stone. These striations act as Kyanite is an energy connector and a transmitter all in one, due to its striated structure. A striated stone is one that has parallel grooves recessed down the length of the stone. These striations act as channels or pathways for light frequencies and codes to be downloaded from the higher realms into the human energy system. channels or pathways for light frequencies and codes to be downloaded from the higher realms into the human energy system. Kyanite is one of the top stones for meditation, helping you to ease into an altered state and to consciously retain more of the experience. According to Katrina Raphaell, this is because it activates the causal chakra, also known as the fourth eye.  Located at the back and center of the top of the head, the causal chakra is where your hair can create a spiral and where a baby’s soft spot is located.  This is the area where you to receive higher mental impressions from spiritual sources. It is the seat of the evolved mental body, the one that exists beyond lower mental static and that is attuned to the cosmic mind.  You know that this area is beginning to activate when you get fleeting visions during meditations that drift away as soon as you notice them. Sometimes you experience this in the twilight state, right before falling asleep. The amount and quality of light language and codes that you can perceive is directly related to the degree that the causal chakra is activated.  Working with Kyanite will open the door.

Kyanite has many other beneficial qualities, such as calming the emotions, rewiring neural pathways, enhancing channeling and telepathy, and protecting the aura.  But one of its most useful properties is that it powerfully clears all forms of lower energy.  It assists in removing blockages and negative energy from all chakras, energy pathways, and meridians. Placing a large Kyanite vertically between the heart and solar plexus chakras can create a bridge that connects all of the chakras and promotes flow through your entire central column.

Tiger Iron is a dynamic grounding stone that will serve to anchor all of the higher codes and frequencies of light that the previous three stones will usher in. It is a combination of Tiger Eye, Red Jasper, and Hematite that naturally strengthens the first three chakras. According to Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian, Tiger Iron enhances physical vitality, health, focus, and manifestation power. It helps to keep you protected, grounded, and feeling balanced in your body and in your life. Since it has a balance of electrical and magnetic energies, Tiger Iron can channel and integrate full-spectrum light into the physical body. The iron content in Tiger Iron connects you with the core of the planet and strengthens your grounding cord. This allows you to become a divine instrument, channeling light through your system and anchoring it into the Earth. Tiger Iron is a dynamic grounding stone that will serve to anchor all of the higher codes and frequencies of light that the previous three stones will usher in.  It is a combination of Tiger Eye, Red Jasper, and Hematite that naturally strengthens the first three chakras.  According to Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian, Tiger Iron enhances physical vitality, health, focus, and manifestation power. It helps to keep you protected, grounded, and feeling balanced in your body and in your life. Since it has a balance of electrical and magnetic energies, Tiger Iron can channel and integrate full-spectrum light into the physical body. The iron content in Tiger Iron connects you with the core of the planet and strengthens your grounding cord. This allows you to become a divine instrument, channeling light through your system and anchoring it into the Earth.

Now here’s how you put all four crystals together to create major upgrade of your system. Begin by cleansing the crystals and calling in your higher self to assist with this process. Lie down, and place the Elestial Quartz above your head at the crown chakra. It will open a multi-dimensional gateway and allow the perfect infusion of light codes to come in.  Next, place the Lithium Quartz at your third eye chakra to help you perceive the light codes and ground them into the higher chakras. Then place the Kyanite between your heart and solar plexus chakras to clear your chakric column and draw the codes through your body. And finally, place the Tiger Iron a few inches below your feet to anchor it all into your physical body and into the Earth. Now visualize a wave of clearing energy entering the crown and flowing through your entire body and auric field. Then hold this intention in mind: “I now receive the exact energies, downloads, and light codes that I need and can easily integrate for my spiritual growth and highest good.” Place your hands over the Lithium Quartz, and be open to seeing a light code (or several light codes) stream in. You might see symbols, geometry, mathematical equations, hieroglyphics, or other images. Or perhaps you will see colors or feel sensations. It might be big, or it might be very subtle. Just trust that you are receiving what is best for you at this time. Relax and meditate with the stones in place for at least fifteen minutes, and allow the synthesis to occur.  After some processing time, you might experience an upshift in your abilities or an awakening of brand new metaphysical gifts.

Welcome to the next level!


On Personal WOrthiness

Worthiness – a Key to Emotional Healing

Worthiness – a Key to Emotional Healing  Worthiness – a Key to Emotional Healing

30th November 2014

By Nanice Ellis

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Did you know that virtually every emotional wound is intertwined with issues of worthiness? In fact, feelings of unworthiness keep us from creating the lives we most desire. In order to heal our emotional wounds and consciously create, we must conquer our fears of unworthiness, but in order to do this, we must first understand why we are programmed to feel unworthy.

Like most “subconscious programs” the Worthiness Program is often passed down, unknowingly from our caretakers, but even, on the rare chance, that you did not inherit this program, by the time you are in first grade, the program officially begins.

On day one of first grade, we are taught that there is right and wrong, deserving and non-deserving, and passing and failing, all adding up to either worthy or not worthy. Year after year, with every test and evaluation, we must prove our worth. But not just worthy to move on to the next lesson, the next grade or to graduation, we are asked to prove that we are worthy of approval, acknowledgment, appreciation and even love.

If we do what we are told and we fit in with the group dynamic, we receive rewards and our emotional needs are met. However, if we think for ourselves, and we do not fit in, no rewards come; leaving us feeling emotionally punished by disapproval, disappointment and the withholding of love by those in authority. In other words, we are deemed unworthy.

Society teaches us that worthiness is directly connected to our future and ongoing success in the world. Therefore, we must possess worthiness in order to have purpose, make money, and attract a life partner; just as being poor, having no partner, or no direction in life directly relates to unworthiness.

By the time we go out into the world on our own, we are deeply programmed to believe that others must find us worthy in order for us to succeed. In fact, we believe that our survival depends on the world agreeing that we are worthy. Of course, infinite conditions dictate worthiness depending on environment, culture, religion and society. We might easily meet the conditions of one group, while missing the conditions of another; thereby being worthy to some, but not to others. Maybe we even alter ourselves artificially in different situations and relationships so that our worthiness quotient increases. Of course, the cost of pretending to be someone that we are not in order to please others, always involves some level of shame and secrecy.

If we always feel self-conscious about others’ expectations, albeit partners, parents or bosses, and we change our behavior accordingly in order to get approval and be deemed worthy, we must always be on guard. So even if we are authentic in some situations, we must be ready to alter or hide our real selves if the situation should suddenly change; for example if we run into a co-worker while on vacation or a parent drops by unexpectedly. In this way, we can never really let go and relax; we must stay in a constant state of underlying anxiety in order to be able to shift identities on the fly – just to be worthy in this moment.

If we don’t meet the real or imagined conditions that others place on us, we could lose employment, be abandoned or experience ridicule. In this way, being spontaneous or authentic in all areas of life could be the most dangerous thing one could do – in the eyes of worthiness.

Even if you succeed and find your worth in a career or a relationship, for example, you will always need that outside source to feel worthy – this places a great deal of dependence on something you cannot control, and so you live in fear, placing all sorts of stress on the other person or external situation.

The real problem lies in the impossibility of proving worth, because you cannot prove worth.

Your Worth is Unconditional

Worth cannot be proven or dis-proven because it resides at the core of every being. There is nothing that you can do in order to be more or less worthy than you intrinsically are. If you spend the rest of your life sitting on a rock, you are no less worthy. Your worth is unconditional and guaranteed. This is what they failed to tell you in school.

The mere act of attempting to prove worth keeps you in a space of experiencing unworthiness, because in the quest to prove your worth, you must first believe that you are unworthy. It is like chasing the carrot on the stick and never getting it. In trying to prove your worth, you are really running from the fear of unworthiness, and this keeps you trapped in the worthiness program.
Worthiness is the core issue for a long list of challenges in life

Feelings of unworthiness cause co-dependence, addiction, depression, illness, victim-hood, abuse, lack of confidence, poor communication, power issues, obesity, indecision, confusion, panic attacks, abandonment issues, trust issues, eating disorders, relationship issues and the list goes on and on.

Virtually every issue imaginable is entangled with the issue of worthiness. Healing a worthiness issue can be the ultimate cure for so many of life’s problems, including issues of health and prosperity.

There is a direct correlation between knowing your worth and your level of prosperity. People who do not know their worth often experience scarcity because they do not feel worthy of prosperity, while those who know their worth are able to attract unlimited abundance, simply because they feel worthy of it. At the core of all abundance issues is the issue of worthiness.

Worthiness is also directly tied to self-love.

We are told to love ourselves and that self-love is the answer to most of life’s problems, and this may be true, but you cannot love yourself if you do not feel worthy of that love. You also cannot allow others to love you if you do not feel worthy. This is the number one cause of relationship issues.

What if you could make a Quantum Jump and heal numerous issues with just one shift? That shift is turning off the Worthiness Program.

How to Turn Off the Worthiness Program

Subconscious programs are created when a series of strong beliefs are supported in reality through emotional experiences, and perpetuated over time. If the program goes unquestioned, like most do, it grows stronger and stronger. If everyone around you is being run by the same program, it strengthens the morphic field of the program and even makes the program seem “normal” – if everyone is the same, it must be normal.

The way to turn off a program is to claim your power over it. No matter how powerful something may seem, there is nothing that has power over you. You have the power to change anything in your life.

In order to turn off the worthiness program, you must stop acting like your worth is conditional – and you must stop believing that you need to improve or change in any way, in order to gain worth. Looking to the outside world of people or things for your worth keeps you trapped in a vicious cycle with no way out.

The outside world cannot give you worth!  In fact, no one can give it to you and no one can take it away. This means that you must stop making your worth dependent on anything or anyone. You must claim your worth once and for all, and own it forever – without conditions.

Even though it appears that the worthiness program is external, and it seems as if something is being done to you, this is not true. The worthiness program is an internal program, and it is fueled by your inner critic. In order to turn off the program, you must rid yourself of negative self-talk and self-judgment.

When you stop doing to yourself what the world does to you, the world will stop doing it to you. The outer world can only reflect the inner world.

To get off the worthiness wheel of fortune, you must release your fear of failure and embrace the courage to be different. Instead of judging yourself and waiting for the world to judge you, above all, love yourself and value yourself, whether you are wrong or right, whether you fail or succeed, whether you fit in or you are completely eccentric.

It takes courage to find yourself unconditionally worthy but you are the only one who can do it.

If you have difficulty claiming your worth, at the very least stop pursuing it. In fact, instead of spending the rest of your life trying to prove your worth, what if it was okay to be unworthy? What if you just gave in to unworthiness? This may sound like a silly thing to say but if you have the courage to give in to unworthiness by giving up the search for worth, the illusion of conditional worth will shatter, and you will likely discover that you are already worthy.

Owning Your Worth Changes Your Life!

When you are no longer pursuing paths or people in order to feel good about your-self, you become empowered. This means that no one has power over you, and your choices exponentially open up. If you no longer need others to find you worthy, you can do whatever you desire without having to worry about what the world says.

This also means that you free all the people who once had the power to give you worth or take it away. As you do this, your energy dis-entangles and you take your power back from everyone – and everything.

If you no longer need degrees, credentials or possessions to make you feel worthy, you are freed from a self-imposed prison. You can still have these things, but your worth is no longer contingent on any of them. Your worth is not dependent on anything – that is the point!

Discovering yourself to be intrinsically worthy allows you to heal all issues that manifested because you believed you were unworthy. The result is releasing worry, fear, stress and even depression, allowing you to become open, authentic, confident and happy. As you discover yourself to be unconditionally worthy, your level of prosperity increases and all your relationships improve, as you experience so much more love for yourself and from others.

Remembering that you are unconditionally worthy is a short cut to spiritual growth because you are no longer tied to the material world through needing it to give you worth. Unconditional worth also connects you to who you really are, while at the same time activating your intuition, allowing you to receive powerful inner guidance.

Owning your worth can be the magic key to an ultra-successful life. When you are no longer looking to the outside world for your worth, you are free to create what you desire. Free to love who you want to love, free to follow the path of your heart, free to express yourself and free just to be you – whoever that might be, and you might be surprised who that is. Knowing your worth allows you to tap into your power to consciously create the life of your dreams.

The thing is, there is nothing to do, and that is the point. Your worth is intrinsic. Right now, you can drop all your preconceptions about worth, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are worthy. As you say, I Am Worthy over and over again, a deep part of you begins to awaken, shaking loose the binds that kept you from emotional freedom. You have all the power to free yourself by owning and claiming your worth.

Your Gift of Worthiness to the World

Your mission in life is to find yourself worthy so that you can go out into the world and show others how to find it for themselves, just by modeling unconditional worthiness in the living of your life.

If you are raising children, be conscious of not hooking them into the worthiness program and teach them that they are unconditionally worthy – encourage them to think for themselves.

You can also help to release the people in your life from the worthiness program by loving them and accepting them exactly as they are. This means, as you rid yourself of negative self-talk, self-judgment, and self-criticism, you must also stop judging others, no matter what they do. Seeing everyone as 100% worthy right now creates the space for others to break free. This is the greatest gift you can give to any human being.

As you release the search for conditional worth and you embrace your birthright of unconditional worth, you naturally realign with a higher frequency of worthiness; a knowing grows inside you that shows you that we are all intrinsically perfect and worthy beings. As you discover yourself, and everyone else, to be unconditionally worthy, life as you once knew it, is transformed before your eyes, and you are free to live your life as it was meant to be. This is how we transform humanity into the New Dream of Peace and Harmony on Earth.


The Unity of Life & Consciousness

By Will Hart

In the early decades of the 21st century scientists, and various independent researchers, have been blazing trails into new frontiers. The mechanical models of the universe are being sloughed off and a fresh, revolutionary vision has emerged.

They are proving that we are physical, biological and electromagnetic (EM) beings, living in a tapestry of naturally generated, oscillating EM fields. Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries science mostly focused attention on the biochemical side of the human body and brain.

That paradigm, however, is changing quickly and radically.

There is an acknowledged, but as yet little understood, relationship between the solar wind, lightning, the ionosphere; and the Earth’s standing wave (Schumann Resonance) with human brainwaves and consciousness.

In fact, an amazing, interlocking synchronicity exists between these phenomena, which clearly reveals just how interwoven the threads of life, the earth’s EM pulse, and awareness truly are. A research team led by Australian university professor Irena Cosic published a paper the author herein quotes with permission.

 “A continuous extremely low frequency (ELF) process is present in the geomagnetic field. Resonant oscillations in the ionosphere of the Earth and oscillations in the plasmasphere and the magnetosphere are caused by the solar wind… ” (1)

To break the model down into easily understood graphic images, picture this: A bolt of lightning strikes the earth, (about 2000 thousand do every day producing 50 strikes per second) the lightning discharges hit the ground. Then the waves bounce up to the ionosphere and are reflected back to the ground creating an oscillating EM field, between the surface and the ionosphere.

lightningOver the course of geological time, the daily lightning strikes set up a standing wave — which Tesla suspected and actually measured first in 1899 — but today is called the Schumann Resonance after a mathematician who predicted the phenomenon existed, which researchers verified in the early 1950s.


This standing wave has an extremely low frequency (ELF), 7.8 Hz. Now here is where makes the bolt of lightning metaphor, for a stroke of genius, very real. The peak of the alpha brainwave is also 7.8 Hz. That means that the human brain is precisely tuned to the earth’s resonant EM field, generated by electricity.

It is very important to keep in mind the fact that this natural resonant, energy field has an extremely low frequency.  By contrast most artificial sources of electromagnetism operate in much higher frequency ranges. For example Tesla set the AC electrical grid to function at 60 Hz.  Radio, TV, microwave are much higher.

The ELF waves are very slow and very long compared to the higher wavelengths; from 1 to 100 Hz. These waves are subtle, which is illustrated by the fact that the range of frequencies that comprise human hearing extend from 20 to 20,000 Hz. We cannot hear the lower parts of the ELF band, though human brainwaves extend from 1 to about 30 Hz.

It is therefore interesting to discover that natural systems are based upon the ELF wavelengths. So far, we have examined the earth resonance — which our brains are in synch with — and found they are both attuned to an extremely low frequency rate.

Now we turn to another natural, earth current called the telluric current. While the Schumann Resonance is a standing EM wave oscillating between the earth’s surface and the ionosphere, the telluric currents are geo-magnetically induced waves that flow across large areas at or near the surface.
These currents appear to be caused by interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, as well as solar radiation effects on the ionosphere. The wavelengths of the TC currents are also in the ELF range.
Telluric currents have been used to measure the electric potential on the Earth’s surface at different points. This has allowed the calculation of the magnitudes and directions of theme, and at the same time helped to establish the Earth’s electrical conductivity.

If much of this is new information to you, it is a lot to assimilate, so let’s pause for a moment to reflect. Think about it. We humans are ELF receivers and transmitters, our brains are finely tuned to this naturally generated and sustained, global, electromagnetic field.


Next, alongside that we are generating an artificial EM field as well that is not in the ELF range. We will consider that more toward the end of this article. But first, let’s take this to an even deeper level in terms of the earth-brain resonance and human consciousness.

“The peaks of the resonant characteristic of the system…reside approximately on 100, 21, 14.1, 7.8, 5.7, 4, 1, 0.1 and 0.001 Hz [1]. The most common geomagnetic frequency is 7.8 Hz and plants, animals and humans living in such environment are known to benefit from it.”(2)

That paper was focused on a number of interesting phenomena, but the human brain-wave pattern was not its chief focus. The author’s noted the geomagnetic frequencies of the Schumann resonance quoted above; at this point I shall insert the fact that the human brainwave range precisely matches them.

In fact, the band extends from the Delta (brainwave) 1-3, Theta 4-6, Alpha 7-13, and Beta 14-21 (cycles per second).

Neurological studies tell us that the brain is made up of billions of cells, neurons, which use electricity to communicate with each other. The combination of millions of neurons sending signals at once produces a spectrum of intense, electrical activity in the brain.

That electrical activity is detected using sensitive medical equipment, i.e., an electroencephalogram (EEG), which measures the activity over areas of the scalp.  So in essence, an EEG takes readings of the voltage fluctuations, which are the product of ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain.

So what exactly does science mean by the term brainwave?

From the above we can see that EEG activity therefore reflects the summation of the synchronous activity of thousands, or even millions of neurons, that have similar spatial alignment. When the cells are thus moving in synch, their ions line up and create frequencies (brainwaves) which can be detected.


Picture waves on the ocean as they gather momentum, form and move in undulating, synchronized, rhythmic patterns. That is a rough analogy.

Several of these oscillations have characteristic patterns, all in the ELF band described above.  They have been identified from the lowest to highest: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Their differing spatial distributions are associated with different, and very specific states, of brain functioning.

Our brain activity is regulated by these well-defined brainwave patterns. In fact we have to cycle through them every day in order to maintain health and function in the world.

Brain Waves Graph

Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves as it is also the slowest, lowest band of the Earth’s (EM) resonant field outlined above. When you are in the delta frequency band, your body is resting, asleep, healing and resetting its internal clocks on the autonomic level.

Theta is the next level up the scale. We can identify this state as being semi-conscious, when we are falling asleep or in a light sleep. It also predominates during very deep relaxation, as in a trance or hypnotic state. The theta band is also conducive to a receptive mental attitude good for positive affirmations and subliminal, self-programming.

Alpha comes when we simply close our eyes and relax, much has been made out of “achieving” alpha, when in fact it is a completely, automatic brainwave state. Feel stressed…close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and alpha appears. As noted above, the alpha and Schumann Resonance peak(s) are in unison at 7.8 Hz.  Take a walk in nature, relax, alpha.

Beta Hz occurs when we open our eyes, have a cup of coffee and feel wide awake. This is the primary mental state most of us are in during the day and, in fact, all of our waking lives. This brainwave is where we reference ‘consensus reality’. It is the norm so we take it for granted but don’t underestimate its importance.

Keep in mind that you can’t lose these brainwave states or the conscious (unconscious) states they produce; each is an intrinsic feature of the brain as much as software is to a computer’s operating system. In fact, it would appear that the Earth’s EM field acted as the waveguide for the evolution of the human brain-consciousness.

We did not create these brainwave patterns, which regulate awareness and sleep. You can however, learn to be aware of and manipulate them through yoga, tai chi, and learning deep relaxation techniques.  It is interesting to note that we move up the brainwave scale from infancy to puberty.

There is a reason that infants and toddlers seem to be “spaced-out” and/or sleep a lot. It is largely due to the fact that their brains are mostly limited to the Delta and Theta ranges. Do not imagine that their brains are functioning just like yours, because they aren’t.

Even Alpha does not begin to predominate, in most kids, until about the age of eight. Yet in modern civilization we are forcing our children to read, write and intellectualize at earlier and earlier ages. Why…and is it really of benefit to them and to society in general?

In much earlier times children would not have been fully into Beta until puberty. As with our electrically-driven, high EM saturated industrial civilization we are imposing an artificial environment on our children´s development, and ourselves, at a very deep level.

A final point to bring into the intrinsic order of life and how we are embedded into it is phi, the Golden Ratio. When we examine the numerical series of the Schumann Resonance and corresponding human brainwaves, 1, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…we find the Fibonacci series.

This mathematical series was created by an Italian mathematician in the 13th century. What is of interest is that the formula for arriving at phi is contained in the series. When we divide 5 into the next number 8 we arrive at 1.6.

Thereafter each subsequent division of the lower into the next higher number moves closer to phi, which is an irrational number 1.618 similar to pi, 3.14. The importance here is that phi has been found throughout nature in such diverse things as the spiral whorls of sunflowers, the DNA helix and the shape of galaxies.

Biological life has always taken place in a sea of naturally occurring EM radiation of cosmic, atmospheric and geomagnetic origin, which can be categorized as terrestrial or extraterrestrial radiation…” (3)

This reveals that there is a deep connection, a universal unity to life, which human consciousness resonates with in a precise, measurable way. We could say that the earth-brain resonance, as reflected in phi, is God’s signature…


  1. Human Electrophysiological Signal Responses to ELF Schumann Resonance and Artificial Electromagnetic Fields, Irena Cosic, Qiang Fang,1 Emil Jovanov, Harry Lazoura
  2. Ibid
  3. Ibid

Copyright 2014 by By Will Hart
Presented with author’s permission


Selacia on TIme

Working with Time Distortions

The winds of change have shifted this month, allowing more forward movement and a reprieve from October’s erratic energies. If you’re not yet feeling like it’s smooth sailing, one reason is the time distortion we’re experiencing.

Clock time can tell you one thing, yet your own inner sense of time may have you feeling either behind time or urgently wanting to be ahead. The overall effect can be a sense that you aren’t quite in tune with where you need to be. You may simply want to stop the merry-go-round of time altogether!

You really cannot stop the march of time, of course, but there is plenty that you can do to keep your equilibrium. In fact, in this last stretch of 2014, it is essential that you discover how to make friends with time and change.

Divine Changemakers and Time

Your empowerment as a divine changemaker is integrally linked to mastery of the two connected energies of time and change. Empowerment, after all, is experienced as you become practiced navigating life’s fluctuations – increasingly finding your center and an inner place of calm regardless of circumstances. Only in a state of calm can you effectively meet the next surprise or challenge and respond in the highest way. Only by being present and in your heart can you have clarity about what you face and wisdom to know how to meet what you see.

3 Reminders about Time

Here are three reminders about time. Keep these in mind during this hectic season in order to have more inner peace.

First, realize there indeed is clock time and there are many practical reasons for synchronizing clocks – like to meet your friend for dinner or arrive at the airport before your plane departs.

Second, clock time is a linear measurement. You are a quantum being, so don’t measure your potentials by clocks – think bigger. Apply a quantum perspective to the hour you have before a meeting, allowing a vast reservoir of creativity to bubble up into your consciousness – doing in one hour what could have taken you all morning.

Third, consider the cycle or season. This time each year, holidays and end-of-year deadlines can distort the sense of time. There is often a flurry of activity, everyone around you busy with something, perhaps excited, and seeming in a rush. This comes with a palpable feeling and it can be catching!

3 Tips to Master Time

Here are three ways to master time in these moments. Work with these daily between now and the end of 2014 to become more resourced creating the life of your dreams!

First, do your best to ground and center several times a day. If you aren’t sure if you are grounded, you probably aren’t. Sitting or standing, focus on your heart and a line of red energy running down your body into the sacred Earth.

Second, when you consider timed activities, decide that you will approach the clock in a quantum way – this means you are both practical and respectful of self and others and also means you refuse to let your creativity be enslaved by time. You remember that your creativity and inner wisdom sourced from spirit come in unbounded ways!

Third, you remain mindful of pack mentality and the tendency to get caught up in the season’s senseless rushing. If something is truly urgent, of course, then apply your best efforts to attend to it with high importance. Remember, however, that many things really aren’t that big a deal!

On Consciousness & What’s Real

Choose Your Reality! Connecting to a New Consciousness

Choose Your Reality Artwork Contact by Ira Ratry Choose Your Reality! Connecting to a New Consciousness

14th November 2014

By Lisa Young

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

What would life be like if you could choose between two completely different experiences of reality in every moment?

Just like Neo in the movie “The Matrix” having to choose between taking the red pill or the blue pill; Imagine if each choice moved you into a different consciousness which brought you a vastly different reality.

How would you choose between the two? How would you discern which “reality” you were focused on in any given moment?

This is not just a story line from a cool science fiction movie. It is happening on the Earth right now. It is our planetary reality, a unique cosmic moment in time on our beautiful and beloved planet. TWO realities, TWO paradigms, TWO consciousness’, and in a sense, TWO Earths, are residing simultaneously but in different dimensions and frequencies. And we have the chance to experience it first hand consciously in every second. We are choosing the red or blue pill, or between these 2 realities, constantly, with our thoughts, intentions and where we choose to focus.

What Are These 2 Realities?

Let’s say the “red pill” is the old reality which has been the dominant consciousness on the planet for hundreds of thousands of years. This consciousness is based on frequencies and beliefs of fear, scarcity, competition, unworthiness and greed. We all know it very well and can still watch it express itself in our movies, on the news, in government, business, and in the policies of separation and fear present in all of our outmoded systems and structures of life.

The other “blue pill” we can choose is a new consciousness that is aligned with the entire Universe and the Divine Order of Creation. It is a consciousness of Love, Infinite Abundance, Divine Truth, Compassion for all, and a knowing of our Oneness. It holds the remembrance of who we really are and why we choose to come to this planet at this time. It is the Essence of all Life.

So, how do you discern which reality you are presently living in?

Notice How You Are Feeling

If you are feeling and vibrating in love, gratitude, truth, joy, possibility, and trust, you are in the “new” consciousness. If you find that you feel all is possible more frequently, and that you are supported in being yourself on the planet, you are in the “blue”, Universal Consciousness. If you are finding that you are often in a “Flow” and things seem to align for you with greater ease, you are in the New. If you find you are feeling trust in yourself and trust in the Universe, God to create the life you truly want, you are operating in the “new.

If you are feeling or speaking from fear, lack, worry, lots of stress and limitation, you are aligned with the old consciousness on the planet. This is where still a majority of the collective lives and vibrates, so it has a very strong magnetic and familiar pull to it. And perhaps even a comfortable familiarity in the pain. There is no judgement around where each of us is “living” in any given moment. This is ultimately about
awareness and choice to create every moment of your life as you would like it to be. This is the opportunity to truly harness the new consciousness in a powerful way and become your full, empowered and magnificent Self.

How do you move into this New Reality?

Choose the Reality You Want to Live In

This seems too simplified but it is actually the key. YOU are a creator of your life, and as a creator, your choices determine the direction of your life. In your meditation, prayers, thoughts, consciously choose to align with the new source consciousness that is permeating the planet. Ask your spirit family and guides to assist you in living more in this reality. Find meditations and music, friends and new thought that support you in this new alignment.

Become Conscious of Your Thoughts

Notice if your thoughts are ones taking you into places of hope, excitement, empowerment and love, or into feelings of fear and limitation. Catch your thoughts and ask to shift them into more positive energies and focus. Notice again. Catch and shift the limiting thought into a thought that feels expansive, free, joyful or at least hopeful. Practice shifting thoughts. It is a training and in time your mind begins to move into a new groove. Over time you lay new neural pathways that vibrate in self love, self-trust, possibility, and abundance.

Watch Your Words

Words are incredibly powerful. The old adage from 12 step of “fake it till you make it” works. Say what you want to feel and believe. Even if you are not quite there yet and even if you can’t fully feel it. Say it anyway. For example, rather than talk about the money you do not have, say: “I am opening to the infinite abundance that is flowing towards me now in ways I cannot even imagine.” And take a long, slow deep breath. Say it again. Say it to your friends and family. Watch it open up channels of support you never dreamed possible.

Quiet Your Mind

This is a tricky proposition for most people. The mind has run the show for a LONG time and can put up a bit of a freak show at first. Practice sitting for 10 minutes a day and just breathing very slow, taking long deep breaths. Inhale, “quiet and peace”, exhale out “all thought”. Say this to yourself. Breathe again. And again. Feel your body slow down. As your body settles, your mind will often follow with practice. Put your hand on your heart as you breath. This will help bring your focus out of your mind and into your Heart. Imagine that your hand is breathing.

Connect to Source/Divine Creator/Universe

The new consciousness is pure Source consciousness. We are made of this consciousness and energy. Yet, to align with it in its purest state it helps to connect directly to Source at the Center of the Universe. Depending on whatever word resonates for you, it is connecting directly to God, Divine Creator or the Intelligence of the Universe that is pure, direct and in perfect alignment with You. You may find some helpful guided meditations on my website under the “enlighten” section.

Follow Your Joy and Your Heart

What makes you sing? What inspires you? What makes you feel most like your real self? Alive? Follow wherever this leads. Listen to the whisperings of your Soul for in this lay your purpose and your happiness. This new consciousness aligns perfectly with who you really are and assist you in remembering it.

Move Toward Higher-Frequency People

Once you set the intention to align with the new consciousness, and follow the above steps, you will begin to notice when you are around someone who lives more from this reality as well. You will feel a resonance that is uplifting and possibly even exciting. You may find that you are drawn to certain activities, articles, music, and even movies that seem to be also aligning with and bringing in new expression of this Christ Consciousness. You will begin to recognize it showing itself all over the planet.

It is an extraordinary time to be alive on Earth offering a unique opportunity and experience in a physical form. How often are we alive on a planet that is undergoing massive transformation and upgrade? This time offers unprecedented options for huge consciousness expansion and awakening for all beings.

Somewhere along the way we decided we wanted to be here.

Let’s choose the Reality that allows us to thoroughly enjoy the journey.

With Great Love, Lisa

Experience Source and Raise Your Vibration

Here is a powerful and short musical meditation created by my talented friends, Dominique Lacroix and Frits Evelein, with specific frequencies and visuals to assist you in Connecting to Source and Raising Your Vibration. Relax into it, take some deep breaths and open into a deeper connection with Source and the Divine Creator.

  • Main image by Ira Ratry.
  • Video courtesy of Zero Universal.
  • from:

Ervin Lazlo on Cosmic Consciousness

Consciousness in the Cosmos

The following is excerpted from The Immortal Mind: Science and the Continuity of Consciousness Beyond the Brain by Ervin Laszlo with Anthony Peake, published by Inner Traditions, Bear and Company.

Your consciousness is not your consciousness.

It is the manifestation of the longing of the cosmos for itself.

It comes to you through you but not from you.*

*A paraphrase of Khalil Gibran’s words about children in The Prophet:

Your children are not your children.

They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.

They come through you but not from you.

The beyond-the-brain consciousness—the consciousness we encountered in our review of near-death experiences, after-death communication, medium-conveyed and instrumental transcommunication, past-life recollections, and in experiences suggestive of reincarnation—is not a material entity in the manifest world. It is an intrinsic element in the Akasha, the deep dimension of the cosmos.

The idea that consciousness belongs to a deeper dimension of reality is a perennial intuition. The great spiritual masters, poets, and even scientists have been telling us that consciousness is not “in” the brain and is not part of the world in which the brain exists. It is part of the mind or intelligence that infuses the cosmos. Consciousness appears in space and time as a localized (yet nonlocal) manifestation. Erwin Schrödinger said it clearly: consciousness is one—it does not exist in the plural.

Just as particles and systems of particles in spacetime are projections of codes and relations in the Akashic deep dimension, so the consciousness associated with living organisms is a manifestation—a holographic projection—of the unitary consciousness that does not merely exist in, but actually is, that dimension.

The Akashic Concept of Consciousness

If consciousness is a holographic manifestation of the unitary consciousness of the cosmos, it is present throughout space and time. Consciousness is present in the mineral kingdom, in the living world, and in the social and ecological systems constituted by human beings and other organisms. It is present at the level of quanta on the one end of the spectrum of size and complexity in nature, and on the level of galaxies on the other end.

But consciousness and the systems and organisms with which it is associated exist on different planes of reality. Particles and the entities composed of particles are part of the manifest world, whereas the consciousness that may be associated with them is an element in the deep dimension.

This insight explains otherwise unresolved puzzles. Among other things, it overcomes the problem of the “hard question” in consciousness research: how something material, such as the brain, can produce something immaterial, such as consciousness. This puzzle does not need to be solved because it rests on false premises. There is no need to account for how the brain produces consciousness because brain and consciousness are on separate planes of reality. The brain does not produce consciousness; it transmits and displays it.

Let us consider this proposition. The standard argument for the claim that the brain produces consciousness is the observation that when the brain is inoperative, consciousness ceases. There are ­several things wrong with this argument. In the first place, it is not true that consciousness always and necessarily ceases when the brain is not ­functioning. As we have seen in our review of the NDE, clinical studies show that people whose brain is clinically dead can have conscious experience, and sometimes this experience proves to be a veridical perception of the world.

Second, even if consciousness would cease when the brain is inoperative, this would not prove that consciousness is produced by the brain. When we shut down our computer, cell phone, TV, or radio, the information it displays disappears, yet the information itself does not cease to exist. Just as the information displayed by electronic instruments exists independently of these instruments, so the consciousness displayed by the brain exists independently of the brain that transmits it. Consciousness exists in the cosmos whether or not it is transmitted by a living brain.

Experiential Foundations

The claim that consciousness is an intrinsic element of the cosmic deep dimension has foundations in our own experience. We access consciousness in a fundamentally different way from the way we access things in the world. To begin with, consciousness is private: only “I” can experience it.

But unlike other things, I do not observe my consciousness, I experience it. The difference is not negligible. Observation is a third-person act: the observer is separate from the person, thing, or event that he or she observes. The brain, unlike the consciousness that is associated with it, can be observed in this mode. In observing the brain we see gray matter made up of myriad networks of neurons and subneuronal ­assemblies. But we do not and cannot observe the consciousness associated with them.

There is further support for the claim that consciousness is not part of the manifest spacetime world. It is the evidence—presented and ­discussed in Part 1—that consciousness exists not only in ­association with the brain but can persist beyond it. If consciousness were produced by the brain it would cease when the brain ceased to function. We have seen, however, that in some notable cases consciousness continues to exist beyond a functioning brain. This is not an anomaly. Consciousness is not part of the brain and is not produced by the brain. It is merely transmitted and displayed by the brain, and it exists whether or not it is transmitted and displayed by the brain.

The Principal Propositions of the Akashic Concept of Consciousness

Consciousness Is Transmitted and Displayed by the Brain

If consciousness is not in, and is not a part of, the manifest world, then consciousness is either in a transcendent spiritual realm described in the Abrahamic religions or is part of a non-manifest dimension of the cosmos. The Akashic concept is that consciousness is part of the cosmos, even a fundamental part. But it is not the observable spacetime part.

In contemplating this proposition let us return to the analogy of information transmitted by a radio or another instrument. We know that a radio reproduces the sounds of the symphony rather than producing that symphony. The symphony exists independently of its reproduction and continues to exist when the radio is turned off. Of course, when the radio is turned off we no longer hear the sounds of the symphony. But this does not mean that the symphony would cease to exist.

The Deep Dimension Is a Cosmic Consciousness

As suggested above, the deep dimension of the cosmos is a consciousness. It receives information from the manifest dimension, and it “­in-forms” the manifest dimension. In the perspective of the manifest world the deep dimension is an information field or medium; it “in-forms” things in the world. But “in itself,” this dimension is more than a network of in-forming signals. It is a consciousness in its own right.

This tenet is supported by the experience of our own consciousness. We noted that we do not observe our consciousness—we experience it. We also do not observe the Akasha (it is a “hidden” dimension), but we experience it: more precisely, we experience its effect on things we can experience: things in the manifest dimension. Let us suppose, then, that we could experience not only the manifest spacetime world but also the deep dimension itself. That would presuppose that we are a divine or supernatural being, co-extensive with the cosmos. If we were the cosmos, we could introspect on its deep dimension. Our introspection would very likely reveal what introspection reveals in regard to our own experience: not sets and flows of signals, but the qualitative flow we know as our consciousness. Our cosmic-level introspection would reveal a cosmic consciousness.

Cosmic Consciousness In-forms the Manifest World

Just how does consciousness in the deep dimension in-form things in the manifest world? This is a difficult question, as it concerns the physical effect of a non-physical agency. It is elucidated, however, by recent explorations at the frontier where quantum physics encounters neuroscience. The basic concept is the work of physicist Roger Penrose and neuroscientist Stuart Hameroff. They claim that their theory explains how a basically immaterial consciousness can enter into and in-form the material (or quasi-material) world.1

The relevant concept is Penrose’s “Orchestrated Objective Reduction” (Orch OR). This concept extends Einstein’s general relativity to the Planck scale, the basic level of spacetime. According to Penrose, a particle in one state or location is a specific curvature in spacetime geometry, and the same particle in another location is a curvature in the opposite direction. The superposition of the curvatures in both locations make for simultaneous curvatures in opposite directions, and these constitute bubbles or blisters in the fabric of spacetime.2 These bubbles or blisters are the quanta that populate the physical world. They are entangled and nonlocal, but they are unstable: they collapse on interaction into the fine-structure spacetime, assuming one particular state at one particular place and time.

Penrose suggests that each quantum collapse introduces an element of consciousness into spacetime. If this is the case, we would have a physics-based explanation of how consciousness in the deep dimension enters the manifest world. We have said that every quantum, every atom, and every multiatomic structure, including our own brain and body, are “in-formed” by the deep dimension. This “in-formation” occurs due to the sensitivity of the subneuronal structures of our brain to quantum-level fluctuations. They are responsive to the orchestrated objective reduction through which consciousness enters the manifest world at the level of the fine structure of spacetime.

Theories accounting for the presence of consciousness in the world will no doubt be further developed in coming years. But it is not likely that their further development would change the basic insight: that consciousness is not produced by the brain. Consciousness is a cosmic phenomenon merely transmitted and elaborated by the brain.

Consciousness is a cosmic dimension, and the brain is a local entity. The consciousness associated with the brain is a localized manifestation of the Akasha, the deep dimension of the cosmos.
