Your Color Vibe for Thursday 3/26

Thursday, March 26: Smokey Grey

Some days you want to live over and over, and some days you want to forget. There will be a lot happening today that falls into the forgetting category. That does not mean that things will be awful or empty, rather it means that there are revelations in the wind today that are merely intimations of what is moving forward for you. This is one of the building block kind of days. It is foundational, and as with every foundation, you know it is there but you do not see it nor do you really think about it. You forget it, but it is very necessary, and unless it is very strong and solid, the building will fall down. So foundational work is good for the day. Let your mind wander. Let your thoughts dream. Let your intuition live. There is much happening in a time of forgetfulness, and this is one of those days.


Consciousness & Energy

Consciousness – The Unified Field

by Zen Gardner

Keith R. Holden M.D

Consciousness – The Unified Field

What follows is a theoretical explanation of how energies interact in our universe to create what we know, and also what we don’t know. Some of the content is scientifically proven, while other parts of this essay are based on my intuition. This is not meant to be a purely scientific article, so bring your curiosity, and come along while I take a stab at explaining the unexplainable. Keep the parts that resonate with you, and leave the rest alone, but remember the take-home message at the end.

Energy of Consciousness – the Great Influencer

Energy is the fabric of the Universe, and all matter originates from energy. Energy is information, including thoughts, prayers, intentions, and beliefs. Regarding this, some of the highest energetic frequencies in consciousness are universal spiritual truths found in all of the sacred texts.

Consciousness is the omniscient information field that connects everyone and everything. The energy field of consciousness includes:

  • Subconscious and conscious thought forms of all humans
  • Consciousness of the soul – Higher Self
  • Consciousness of all that is created by the Divine – Universe
  • Consciousness of the Divine

Concepts in physics relating to energy are evolving based on new findings in the cosmos, which may require a complete rethinking of Einstein’s law of relativity.(1) Not only is the concept of energy shifting on the physical plane of mathematical laws as new discoveries are made in our universe, but a major shift is occurring in global consciousness. Researchers at the Institute of HeartMath say “Humankind is in the middle of a great paradigm shift from a mentality of competition to one of cooperation.”(2)

As the human race goes through the Great Change of transformation in consciousness to create new systems of cooperation and unity on earth, the energetic push comes from the frequencies encoded in your DNA. These frequencies include lower vibrational shadow frequencies associated with fear, and higher vibrational gift frequencies associated with love.(3) As you transcend your fears and come into a state of unconditional love, you transform your consciousness to a higher frequency band that energizes your DNA creating profound healing in your body-mind. DNA is a biologic quantum field computer, and as such, connects you to the energies of the spiritual dimension and consciousness.(4)

All energies influence each other, sometimes in subtle, but more often in highly significant and unusual ways. If energy waves come together in coherence forming a constructive interference pattern, they create an energy wave of higher amplitude, thus increasing the amount of energy carried by the wave. Increasing the energy of a wave has the potential to amplify its effect on matter, including your body-mind.

Quantum coherence, or coherence of energy at a subatomic level, adds the quality of entanglement. Entanglement is the ability of energy particles, such as photons, to communicate even if on opposite sides of the universe. Einstein described this phenomenon as “spooky action at a distance.” Entangled energy particles, even when separated by great distances, don’t exist in a specific state until measured, but once measured, are able to communicate their state to each other instantaneously.(5) Einstein thought it was spooky because this happens faster than the speed of light, which violates his theory of relativity.(6)

Energy in many forms is constantly influencing your physical body. Epigenetics is the study of how your environment affects gene expression, or how genes are turned on or off. Energetic waveforms predominating in the body are the ones that potentially have the strongest epigenetic influence. Meaning if you are constantly in a state of anger or dissatisfaction, then that prevailing emotion experienced as an energetic thought form may create an overriding epigenetic influence on how your genes are expressed. Gene expression triggered by stressful emotions can be harmful, whereas gene expression triggered by thoughts and practices inducing relaxation can be beneficial.(7)

As a quantum intention, every thought has the potential power of prayer. This is because all energy contains information, and as an intention, it also contains consciousness. When an energetic waveform of a specific intention comes into coherence with another waveform, its impact on matter results in conscious creation. Learning how to transmute negative thought forms is a powerful way to positively influence your environment, especially your body-mind.

There are ways to create coherent waveforms in your body that positively influence core parts of you associated with intuition and non-verbal communication. The main regulator of these abilities is your heart’s energy field.(8) Regular practice of creating coherent energy fields in the heart through techniques developed by HeartMath®, much like practicing to play the guitar or learning how to speak a new language, can be honed. And with regular practice, it becomes second nature.

Fractals – the Great Stabilizer

So what stabilizes all of these energy waves flying through our universe? The answer could be found in fractals, which create an efficient and structured energetic highway upon which to travel. Fractals originate as an alignment of repeating energy vectors that provide for a stable interconnectedness of all energy systems in the universe. Since these fractals are energetic in origin, and since energy influences matter, they leave their mark in matter by creating repeating patterns seen throughout nature.(9) These repeating patterns are also found in the human body serving as a reminder that we all originated from the same source, and we are all connected.

Fractals display self-similarity with the ability for objects to exhibit the same type of structure in all scales, large or small. Fractals give sacred geometry and snowflakes their structure. You can also find fractal patterns in the branches of a tree, fronds of a plant, crystals, ocean waves, earthquakes, and even DNA.(10) Not surprisingly, since fractals originate as energy vectors, they are also observed in coherence patterns of brain function and in heart rate variability analysis.(11,12)

Dark energy existing in dark matter, consists of energy vectors creating repeating fractals, and is what gives our universe energetic stability through similarity in structure. On the earth plane, the energetic influence of fractals is represented mathematically, allowing for the actual measurements of the physical components of these fractals.

Mathematical expressions of fractals are seen in the Golden ratio, Penrose tiling, and the Fibonacci sequence. The Golden ratio is a number found by dividing a line in two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is equal to the whole length divided by the longer part. Roger Penrose, a professor of mathematics and physics, established that a surface could be tiled in an asymmetrical, non-repeating pattern using five-fold symmetry with two shapes based on the Golden ratio. This pattern named Penrose tiling, and was later discovered to exist in nature as the structure of quasicrystals. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, and is represented in nature by the petals of a flower and the bracts of a pine cone.

Nature includes the cosmos, so let’s consider the very controversial topic of astrology.

Astrology – the Language of the Cosmos

The entire cosmos has an energetic influence on you as an individual. While the moon’s gravitational force stabilizes the earth’s rotation and influences the watery tides, lunar cycles also influence our bodies.(13) But gravitational forces alone cannot account for all of the moon’s effects on human physiology. While the exact mechanisms of how the moon influences human physiology is unknown, its scientifically documented impact does make us consider how other parts of the cosmos may also affect us.

Astrologists say that the unique planetary alignment at the time of our birth provides a template upon which to base the potential impact that future planetary alignments may have on us. While many theories regarding astrology have been scientifically disproven, one must keep in mind that the laws used to disprove them don’t apply to all aspects of the cosmos. The classic example of this is how generally accepted laws of physics don’t hold true inside a black hole. This is like using the laws of physics to prove that God doesn’t exist. The laws of physics can’t account for all of the possible energies in the spiritual dimension, much less that of all the energies in our known universe.

Energy fields, including those created by planetary alignments, are made of tiny subatomic particles. Since all of the subatomic particles in existence haven’t yet been discovered, scientists and engineers built a massive particle collider, called the Large Hadron Collider, to flesh them all out. Because some subatomic particles are still unknown, science can’t mathematically account for all of the possible information- packed energies contained in astrological alignments. The poetic language of astrology is written so as to make sense of the symbolism inherent in the components of these cosmological alignments, such as trines and squares.

Consciousness, as a highly intelligent and powerful force, is the common influencer of energy in the spiritual dimension and in astrological alignments. Consciousness contains energetic information existing as multiple potentials for outcomes as far as how they may impact matter and other energies. These multiple potentials come into existence through the creation of coherence driven by consciousness. This is why people born on the same date and time can have different outcomes associated with astrological predictions based on specific planetary alignments. The unique aspects of our consciousness at any given time influences the outcome of astrological predictions due to specific resonating energy waveforms coming into contact at any point in time.

It is the combination of the unique energy contained in your consciousness that locks in the memory of the energetic combinations of the fractal energy vectors at the time of your birth. The information contained in that memory serves as the energetic template upon which the energy of future planetary alignments may potentially influence your life.

Coherence in Consciousness – the Great Facilitator

It is the energy fields of fractal vectors that provide the information highway upon which consciousness travels, and when coherence patterns are formed in these fields, you will experience deja-vu, synchronicities, and even miracles. Keep in mind that the energy of consciousness is the major player in helping to create coherence.

Human thought forms, as a part of energy in consciousness, are some of the most influential of all energies in our cosmos, much greater than that of the combined energy of all the suns in our universe. This is because thought forms always contain consciousness, and consciousness is part of the original source energy for the existence of all that is.

Learning to harness the power of your thoughts through practices like meditation, contemplation, and prayer, along with increasing high vibrational thoughts associated with unconditional love and compassion will facilitate the Great Change in global consciousness. This Great Change is simply a remembering of this universal truth – we are all One Love.

We all originated from the same source of Love that permeates everything, and beckons us to reunite to create a new energy on earth. This new energy that will make war, famine, poverty, and strife something we only read about in history books, and will make us wonder – Why did we wait so long?

Keith R. Holden, M.D.



Light Is Not a Metaphor

The following is excerpted from Gift of the Body, published by the Essential Light Institute. 


Light is real, more real in its being eternal than the temporary structures it shines down upon. If you want to live an authentically spiritualized life, you need to see and feel the need for the light so badly that it becomes the only thing that you can’t live without. With the light, everything is possible. Without it, nothing really matters. When you are living in the awareness of being constantly bathed in light, you will see that up until that point you had been living your life looking through a cloud. The cloud is composed of the energetic material of your mistaken belief that light is merely a metaphor, a poetic spiritual image or that if it really exists, Light is reserved only for saints or the tiny fraction of humanity that can be called enlightened. Or perhaps that He/She—the Divine Intelligence, God, the Numinous, the Great Spirit or whatever term you give to that ultimate power—is the owner of the Light, parcels it out sparingly, and that you with all your faults are an eternally unworthy supplicant of it. All lies.

In terms of our discussion on the emotional body, what is useful to know is that, when you connect directly with Divine Light, anything in your HEV which does not match the vibration of that light has two choices. It can raise itself up, or it can leave.

Energetic congestion is dense and slow without being calm. Light is fast and high without being shrill. When the two meet in your emotional body, the interface of the long-held denseness with the light will shake the emotional body. It can feel like a battle, when really it is just a serious conversation. One part is holding on. Depending on how enamored you are with your stubbornness, it will hold on more or less tightly. The light is calling, cajoling, demanding that stuck material to, “Come on, let’s go.” The dance between these two energies can throw you around for a while. You might feel worse for a time. You certainly will feel more emotional turbulence than you are used to. You might even get sick. It is like a stream that becomes temporarily dirtier than it usually is because the stuck garbage that was hidden along its banks is getting peeled away by a speeding up of the flow of the water. Soon the debris will be swirled away, leaving the stream clean.

When the interaction of the Light that you invited to do its thing in you meets your congestion (which for many years has been used to the homeostasis)—when that Light starts to bend its way into the hidden places of your pain, stuff starts to move for real. You cry more, you shake, you dream intensely, you cleanse in lots of ways, on lots of levels. (Remember that the emotional body is the drain for all the bodies.) This clearing process can last a while, which is why it’s best to do it with the help of people who are ahead of you in their own healing process, preferably professionals. But your friends, your family, and community all have a part in helping you to move through what can look and feel like dying.

What will in fact happen if you go through it, is that you will be re-born as a free person. But in the short run, you can doubt that you will get through and question whatever possessed you to make that prayer for light to come and free you. For a while, you need folks to tell you it’s going to be all right, to keep you calm and feeling safe, while you feel naked and unprotected, because the boulder of emotional material that you’ve carried was ballast and shield for you. After a while, you will start to feel way better.

Is it a strange process? You betcha. Is it worth it? Guaranteed. The process is necessary because everything that you are carrying in your emotional body that is causing you pain is from the past, and mostly the distant past. You have been an energetic sponge—or a vault with emotion locked inside, or a sponge locked inside a vault—full to bursting, but with nowhere to burst. You have collected, and then held on to, emotional forms that have kept you living in the past, and that have been making you sick. Because you want to make room for light, because you love truth, and because you seek pleasure, you come to see that what you may need to undergo in order to get free is ultimately worth it, and that the only way out is through.

The key to authentic healing is to love freedom with its risks more than convention with its safety, and to demand and cultivate the love of the sensation of freedom in your bodies. Freedom is not just a concept, and not just the absence of rules. It is a palpable force.

Congestion in the emotional body feels like being in solitary confinement. We have to break out of prison with the key of light. But light doesn’t just open the door to the cell. It also cleans the prisoner of what got him isolated in the first place. Getting out of prison is a huge step. Refusing the habits that would put us back behind the familiar bars, and creating new habits that serve us to stay clean and present, is called “walking the path”. We need protection, but not the protection that comes from being emotionally loaded.

Emotional cleansing, that is motivated by the desire for freedom and held in Light, is almost always accompanied by the release of spiritual attachments. These are energetic hangers-on, thoughts and emotions and entities that have actual energetic, non-physical form, that need to be gently but firmly conducted from your HEV into that Light, which will in turn take them to a type of cosmic recycling station where they can be transformed away from you. Again, this is not metaphorical, nor is it actually “woo-woo.” Every- body on earth that lives in open contact with nature, or who relaxes their death grip on materialism, understands that the non-material population of our planet far exceeds that in any kind of material bodies. There are worlds within worlds. There are such things as spirits, angels, helpers, guides, nature spirits, and tricksters. These all have what we can recognize as consciousness, even if most of us can’t see them. They interact with this material world within strict rules of engagement. They are the small voice that whispers a warning (that you may or may not listen to) when you are about to do some- thing particularly stupid. They are the inspiration out of nowhere that gives you the creative idea you’ve been waiting for that resolves the seemingly impossible problem you are facing. They are the radiation that comes through a healer’s hands. They are the celestial voice that comes from a singer’s mouth. They are the non-material protectors and advisors that stand by you, as you choose to do the things that you came to earth to do. And they are the ones that will trip you up time and time again, until you learn to pay attention—and to recognize what comes with love and what comes with fakery. They are the ones reported on by every religion or spiritual path of every stripe—usually rendered with ideological interpretations that turn them into something cartoonish—yet still manage to convey a pure truth concealed underneath for those whose inner eyes have been opened and whose powers of discernment have been sharpened.

The fact that some of these energies are attached to you and exaggerate your pain is not really a stretch to comprehend, unless you have narrowed your vision to such an extent that you believe that all there is to reality is what you can access with your most rudimentary senses. That limited, materialistic attitude puts you in a tiny category, in terms of the totality of people who have lived on earth through the ages in deep relationship with the natural world and the layers of energetic reality that compose it. Discounting what is the major part of reality might make you imagine that you are sophisticated and intelligent according to a narrow definition of what is rational, but the exclusive reliance on physical senses and scientific inquiry to define reality isolates you, cuts you off from your true connection to the natural world, from your own life force, and your own wonder-filled spiritual being.

In our modern, present-day world, this attitude is understandable given the lack of actual spiritual education available to most of us. But as my teacher, José Rosa, once said to me, “It’s a good thing reality doesn’t depend on your opinion.” It is my hope and intention that your vistas are being broadened a bit as you read this book. Don’t believe it because I say it. Those days are past. Check it out for yourself. To do that, you need to allow the unfamiliar, humble thought that what you know is tiny and narrow, and reality is huge and wide and deep. Then get quiet, inside and out. Wait for an internal space where you don’t care one way or the other what the answer is to your questions. You just want the truth, as much of it as you are ready to handle. And then ask whomever, whatever, whichever you relate to, to show you, tell you, intuit you the truth of the matter. Be patient, and don’t let the possibility of being surprised out of cherished notions deter you from the truth.

What I learned through that experience is that we all have guides, or whatever you choose to call the unseen presences that assist us and may possibly disturb us, or both. It may be your great-grandmother that you never met who comes to you in the twilight world between sleeping and waking; the almost-seen person who is there in every dream that you wake from knowing that this was more than just a dream. Or the voice that comes from the right or the left side of your head, that you know somehow is male or female, young or old, that is always there to test you, challenge you, maybe even to try and drive you crazy so you come to know yourself. These protectors, guides, entities, whatever you choose to call them, are each hooked into you somewhere. They literally (although not materially) live somewhere in your HEV. What they are there for is for you to discover through meditation, prayer, and the gradual process of awakening awareness called dis-identification. There is, in you, both “you” and “not-you.” By learning the discernment to know who is who, you learn who is you.

Some of these consciousnesses are there permanently as your companions on your life walk. They have been there all along. When you are done with this vehicle, they will be sitting in the seat next to you on the new conveyance that will bear you back home. Some are there because, when you were one or five or twelve years old, you had a need to survive a life situation that felt overwhelmingly threatening. You called out to the inner planes for help, and along came help in the form of a protector being. Along with keeping you from saying/doing/feeling what was dangerous for you to experience or express in that setting, they gave you a necessary “bonus”; they kept emotional material in your energy body from being naturally processed and released. So when you get to that stage of being ready to be free, and you call the light to free you, the light comes to clean and transform that material. And then those no longer useful functionaries of your past internal program get challenged with the opportunity to get a new job. Your savior has become a prison guard, habitually holding in the prisoner who has realized their parole is up to them. They are functionaries doing their job long after the job has become obsolete. Some of them just need to be gently directed to look up. They go happily with a wave good-bye. Some others grip on and make every excuse as to why you are making the biggest mistake of your life to let them go. You will learn a lot about who you are in the process of re-negotiating the contract you made with them.

And when they leave, there is a lot of emotional material that they have been holding back that will swirl out. Knowing it is just part of the process allows us to, so to speak, step aside and hold the door open for the releasing to proceed without too much of our involvement. It goes much faster that way. It is, after all, just e-nergy that has been put into motion. The flowing energy of emotion is meant to enliven and connect us with our environment and with each other. It is not intended to run the show, or to be a show. Constant indulgence of emotion, living one’s life only according to how the winds of feeling blow, acting out emotion under the excuse of freedom, is not fundamentally different than repressing it and acting that out. Those who make a huge deal out of emotion in their reaction to imposed repression, both familial and societal, are giving emotion a prominence that it was not intended to have.

The information that we receive from accessing what we want, what we desire, is not the same as accessing accurate intuition. Intuition tells us what is best for all beings, including ourselves. That is oftentimes at odds with what our lower self wants, in its pursuit of what will satisfy its hunger. Intuition has to feel right, but in the short run, sometimes it doesn’t feel good. Desire and intuition come from entirely different places in our bodies. One is not better than the other, but they have different agendas and will guide us to different ends. It’s useful to know who and what we are following, both externally and internally. This discernment is absolutely necessary for living a useful spiritualized life, guided by something other than ideology.

We can learn the art of literally transforming our emotional material— from being painfully stuck into vitally moving. Then we become enlivened, and a tiny but real portion of the energetic atmosphere of the planet is eased. When we join with others doing the same, we become examples of joyful aliveness and community healing, however that is expressed. People who love freedom in their own bodies also support freedom for others in theirs. And complementarily, people who really inhabit their bodies, who embrace their emotional body as the alive-making mechanism that it is, without blowing its importance out of proportion, are also respectful of boundaries, both personal and societal. This doesn’t mean that we accept boundaries without question, or that we don’t choose to push through them at times, or even bust them once in awhile. Living freely demands a constant re-evaluation, in order to overcome the tendency of matter to stagnate and institutions to become self-preserving parodies of their original intent. To be grounded in the reality of our true emotions takes us simultaneously into inner contact with ourselves, and makes us better able to see other people without distortion, as not just an extension of ourselves.

As such, the world is not just a stage for your emotional expression or repression. We see that everyone is swimming in the vast sea of energy; we see the need to help each other to avoid the rocks, to care for each other when we flounder or become hurt. The boundaries are seen and acknowledged and respected, even as they are questioned and stretched.

People who love Light, and come to recognize it and cherish it as the liberating force for themselves, as that which heals and guides them, also come to recognize where it is absent both inside them and out in the world, and where it is only pretending to be present. When we are aligned with Light, with what is real, we are less likely to be fooled by pretty words covering empty promises. If we are temporarily fooled by the mist of unresolved emotion rising up, or by the mind’s attachment to a particular storyline, our inviolable link to Light will shortly remind us (through our intuition) of what is true. By our connection to Light, we become healers in our families and communities, and better citizens, even as we continue our own healing in our own bodies. We live out the truth that Light is everywhere, that Light is free and freeing, and that abundance is the truth of the universe. How far beyond our individual lives and our small groups can that commitment to Light reach? The answer depends on how many of us link-up, what we create when we follow that Light, where it wants us to go and what it guides us to do.


Changing to Higher Frequencies

Heart Consciousness and the Body: Transforming the Physical Body to Higher Frequencies of Matter

February 19, 2015 

Heart Consciousness and the Body: Transforming the Physical Body to Higher Frequencies of Matter

by Peter Borys, Jr.

Heart consciousness fully unites the soul with the body in pure harmony through the spirit.  Through a heart-centered consciousness, our infinite and eternal being can be expressed within the physical body on Earth.  It is the fullness of love and creativity unhindered by the duality density of incarnate life.

We awaken, transform, and evolve to the higher consciousness of the true self in Divine unity by the intentional choices of the soul through the heart and mind.  While the interior consciousness of dimensions beyond the physical is the initiator and catalyst for all change in human consciousness, there are very real changes to the physical body.  The body receives a harmonic upgrade of its vehicle.  All systems of the body must be able to relay the information and consciousness of the multidimensional and beyond dimensional soul while expressing through the incarnate body. This is the importance of understanding the human energy field, chakras, heart, brain, nervous system, and endocrine system.  We learn of the importance of the heart’s nervous system and electromagnetic field, and all of the brain’s systems in mediating the consciousness of the soul in the body.  While the body is the vehicle for expressing the nonlocal and infinite soul, it forms a unity with the soul and spirit during incarnate expression of the soul’s evolution of its eternal cosmic and Divine being. Therefore, even though the soul transcends its physical organization as body, its being is one with the body for experience on Earth and other interdimensions of incarnation.

The fear-based consciousness of conflict, control, and separation has dimmed awareness of the multidimensional self that is peace, joy, love, and creativity.  The lower 3D duality consciousness has conditioned disharmonic blockages throughout the energy system of the body.  The result has been a conflict oriented frequency of matter that enables disease, separation, and disharmony.  Under this level of egoic 3D consciousness, the body is not able to be in resonance and carry the higher dimensional information of the heart and the full capabilities of the higher Divine mind, i.e., peace, joy, love, unity, intentional creativity, telepathy, harmonic cellular regeneration, and teleportation.

While incarnate, the heart is the center of life for multidimensional consciousness and how the soul experiences consciousness within the body.  In order to anchor in the fullness of heart consciousness, all restrictions of the bodymind throughout all chakras must be healed and released.  In choosing the practices that resonate for us which may include meditation, prayer, energy healing, introspection, self-observation, experiencing feelings and emotions, and service along the pathways of the many spiritual, metaphysical, esoteric, and scientific traditions, we open to the awareness of the higher self and Divine unity. All of these practices and paths are intended to be guides for our inner intentional consciousness in choosing to live our heart-centered unity of love and creativity.

It is only from this awareness and intention that the restrictions are healed, heart consciousness is anchored, and the higher mind capabilities restored. Throughout the entire process, the physical body is changing in order to receive and transmit the harmonic frequencies of the higher mind in the heart. From within this aspect of evolving consciousness, we see the transformation of DNA, the easing of the nervous system, coherence of the electromagnetic frequencies of the heart, increased frontal lobe brain activity, and entrainment of the pituitary gland, hypothalamas, thalamas, and pineal gland. Therefore, all of the physical changes are part of evolution and ascension, but they must be understood from the level of the soul and spirit that is enabling the change.

Thus, the frequencies and harmony of the physical body are critical for our Divine expression of love and creativity while our soul is incarnate. Our key context becomes the seeing of the physical body not from a linear 3D mechanisitc awareness as organizing consciousness with density, but as the vehicle for expression of consciousness, and even as consciousness itself vibrating along a continuum of frequency. When the body is understood from the centrality of consciousness from the infinite soul and mind beyond the physical, then the physical changes to the density of the body and the workings of the heart, mind, and brain fit well into the ascension process.

In awakening to unity consciousness of the heart, the bodymind restrictions are primarily released by the emotional work of integrating the false self defenses of the shadow and by forgiveness.  All this must be done with the clear intent to live a life of love and creativity.  In this process, the conditioning of the fight or flight trauma response and the improper use of the 3D thinking mind is changed.  These nervous system changes are necessary to open the heart by quieting the inharmonious noise of the 3D thinking mind.  Practices that are helpful here are the many types of meditation, harmonic sound frequency resonance of soul and body with 432Hz, and Divine energy transmissions such as the Oneness Blessing and Oneness Meditation.  They quiet the lower mind and move activity to the frontal lobes where frequencies of the higher unity mind are expressed.

All of these are preparatory steps of fully anchoring the organization of heart consciousness, and the evolution of the body to a less dense frequency of matter.  This will be a change to either a refined carbon structure or a shift to a more crystalline silicon structure.  All of these changes involve the Divine energy and soul evolving both the information sent to DNA and a transformation or activation of the DNA itself.

This brings us to the role of certain systems of the physical brain that transduce and mediate the higher mind in its support of the central consciousness organization of the heart.  The purely resonant properties of these physical systems are necessary for the fully harmonic functioning of the third eye and crown chakras through the pituitary, hypothalamas, thalamas, and pineal gland. A highly functioning nervous and hormonal system is key to resonance tuning for heart consciousness in expressing all its capabilities in the body.

The fully awakened heart supported by the higher mind through the fully functioning brain is vitally important for our interdimensional communication, remembering who we are, our mission, and our soul evolution while we are incarnate in the body on Earth. May we continue to progress in our understanding of our Divine Being as spirit and soul, and the role of the physical body in our ascension to a fifth dimensional and beyond consciousness.


Time Travel, Torsion Fields, & You

Time Travel Through the Eternal Now

Time Travel Through the Eternal Now20th February 2015

By Melissa Joy Jonsson

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once. ~ Albert Einstein

We are still here and now. Don’t worry. This article isn’t about literally going back to the future in a Lamborghini or forward to the past like a Star Trek episode. Practically speaking, the application of Time Travel is an effective strategy for expanding our resonance with limitless potential to manifest as experience.

In Matrix Energetics seminars, we thoroughly explain the physics of Time Travel. Because this is not an article on physics, we will not focus extensively on those theories. However, I will reference some basic principles in quantum physics and torsion-field physics as metaphorical constructs that will show you how to apply Time Travel to your everyday experiences.

Although these metaphors may not be absolutely true, and all are subject to interpretation, what is important is that all of them are potentially useful.

What Is Time?

The dictionary defines time as “a nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.”

Hmmm? Apparently irreversible succession? Perhaps this means that we don’t really know with any absolute degree of certainty what time is. What’s the story about time in quantum physics? Well, it depends on whom we ask and which theory is percolating at the moment. Physicists are all over the place with respect to time.

Many theories attempt to build upon the limitations of previous theories. Bear in mind that all the theories are based on initially incomplete and possibly false premises. Perhaps none of the theories are ultimately accurate. Maybe they are all just close approximations. It’s a bit like the time on our wristwatches. If we all watched them together, we would discover that they are not totally synchronized, and some are more accurate than others. As they say, even the broken watches are correct twice a day! Nonetheless, a general idea of what time might be helps us organize our awareness and track our experiences. Physics is the same way in terms of pointing a hand in the right direction.

Time as We Perceive It

Typically, we experience time as linear and unidirectional. We notice our lives through a series of experiences that are marked in our awareness by a seemingly forward progression of time. What apparently happened yesterday is considered the past. What may happen tomorrow is considered the future, and what appears to be happening now is considered the present moment. We have been led to believe that we cannot change the past because it is already gone, and some think we cannot impact the future because it is not yet here. Supposedly, all we can truly do is to live in the moment. Live in the now. Interesting enough, by the time we observe the present moment, it is the past and we are already in the future. However, we miss the future as the current now because we are busy noticing the past, which used to be the present. When we really consider time, it’s a fascinating quandary.

To better understand the nature of time, we could explore various theories of quantum physics. Many theories seem contradictory or involve so much math that they are unintelligible even to some physicists. Overall, the consensus about the true nature of time, at this time, is that we do not fully know or understand it. There is a general premise that the arrow of time only moves forward.

Regarding this premise, physicist A. Z. Jones has noted that:

while this is certainly true, the curious thing is that the laws of physics are time reversible, which is to say that the laws themselves look as if they would work perfectly well if the universe played out in reverse. From a physics standpoint, there’s no real reason why the arrow of time should by necessity be moving forward. [1]

A very applicable piece of information is the transactional interpretation of quantum mechanics (TIQM), proposed in 1986 by John G. Cramer at the University of Washington, which explores quantum interactions of time as follows: There is a standing wave that travels forward in time, referred to as a retarded wave, and also a standing wave that travels backward in time, referred to as an advanced wave. Where the waves intersect, a cancellation occurs, creating the present moment. Cramer claimed that there was no observer effect or collapse of the wave function, at all, but rather that time is an ongoing flow of intersecting standing waves. This work implies that time is bidirectional, not unidirectional. Cramer also did some pilot research with photons, demonstrating that photons could travel backward and forward in time. [2] Remember, we are made of photons!

Further research into the holographic universe theory provided even more puzzling pieces to the mystery of time. American author Michael Talbot elaborates on theoretical physicist David Bohm’s theory of time in The Holographic Universe:

In a holographic universe, even time and space could no longer be viewed as fundamentals. Because concepts such as location break down in a universe in which nothing is truly separate from anything else, time and three-dimensional space would also have to be viewed as projections of this deeper order. At its deeper level reality is a sort of superhologram in which the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously. This suggests that given the proper tools it might even be possible to someday reach into the superholographic level of reality and pluck out scenes from the long-forgotten past. [3]

David Bohm is not the only researcher who found evidence that the universe is a hologram. Working independently in the field of brain research, Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram also explored holographic theory relative to the mind. He concluded that memories are not stored in the mind. Rather, they are stored in a hologram.

Expanding upon principles of holographic resonance, combined with some compelling principles in quantum physics to enhance practical application, consider the possibility that every experience we have had is encoded holographically in our personal fields via intersecting standing waves that form nodal points.

What Is a Nodal Point?

A nodal point is a standing wave pattern. What is a standing wave pattern? Why is it standing, and whom is it waving at?

According to physicists:

…the wave pattern associated with the natural frequencies of an object is characterized by points that appear to be standing still. For this reason, the pattern is often called a “standing wave pattern.” The points in the pattern that are standing still are referred to as nodal points or nodal positions. These positions occur as the result of the destructive interference of incident and reflected waves. [4]

The body, as a hologram, has access to these nodal points at all times, whether the mind is conscious of them or not.

Simply speaking, if time were linear and mapped like a road, then nodal points of experience would be represented by the equivalent of speed bumps. Every nodal point has an address in the hologram. Encoded in each nodal point is information specific to an experience. It is not a memory per se. It is information locked in a specific configuration of consciousness expressed as a holographic nodal point. The nodal point itself may have a charge, but the encoded information is neutral.

Our continual resonance with information locked in nodal points that were encoded in the past keeps us seemingly stuck in perpetuating a pattern in the present. In other words, this may be why stuff doesn’t seem to change. Consider that almost all of our problems or patterns were not created right now. To change a pattern from the past in the now, we can leverage Time Travel to access the nodal point that is storing the information that we want to address, and open, and then release to reconfigure consciousness potential.

As a result, any experience encoded in the past can be resonantly imprinted for a different potentiality and can transform into something different. It is not only that our perception around any given experience may change, but also that we may find that we no longer even resonate with the experience. Sometimes, it is as though it didn’t even happen, at all.

Remember, change the resonance of the encoded information, and you can change the experience.

While it may seem somewhat nonsensical to our logical minds, playing with Time Travel is one of the most powerful ways to change our experience in the now, because most of the perceived now is a result of past resonance. Just because our logical, linear minds consider this a nonsensical notion, does not mean it is not true or possible. That it does not make sense may be because time, as we have come to know it, is geared toward linearity and forward direction. Our linear minds have been entrained to perceive the concept of time, through our awareness, as moving only in one direction.

Our rational minds, as logical linear processors, can observe only limited, successive sequences of events. Time is how consciousness keeps track of its movement. Similarly, if we wish to organize how a series of events might have happened or may happen, we leverage time as a marker for our awareness. For instance, each time something happens, the event creates a holographic nodal point in our personal field.

It occurs to me that time being nonlinear makes total sense to the intuitive brain, which is a parallel processor. The field of the heart also knows that linear time is merely one way that consciousness may observe itself as a construct that appears to travel from one moment to another. However, the dance of time is more accurately concentric or torsion-like in nature, and not actually linear, at all. The eternal now is forever in a tango with all possibilities simultaneously.

Time as Torsion and Torsion-Field Physics

Time is more closely an approximation of ongoing enfoldment and an expression of torsion fields. Consciousness is spinning. Perhaps this is how our individual awareness engages with torsion fields to create our perpetual experiences of time.

In 1913, Dr. Eli Cartan was the first to demonstrate clearly that the flow of space and time in Einstein’s general theory of relativity not only curves, but also possesses a spinning or spiraling movement within itself, which is known as torsion. [5] It is generally accepted that the space surrounding the Earth, and perhaps the entire galaxy, has what is called right-handed spin, which simply means that energy is influenced to spin clockwise as it travels through a physical vacuum. This torsion research was expanded by the work of Kozyrev in Russia. Using rotation and vibration in laboratory experiments, systematic research was able to demonstrate that torsion fields influence the flow of time. [6]

Now, let’s bring it back to ourselves. How does understanding that time is torsion affect us?

Heart Field as a Vehicle for Time Travel

The field of the heart is a torsion field. When we drop into the center of the field of the heart, we access the part of us that is limitless, distinctionless, and also timeless.

In my experience, the vortex of the field of the heart exists outside the continuum of space-time. It is a hyperdimensional, time-travel device, allowing access to all information, all-inclusively, and simultaneously. It also occurs to me that, as awareness moves distally from the vortex toward the outer rings of the torsion fields, we become more subject to linear space-time and the persistent, albeit illusory, law of cause and effect.

When we are in the field of the heart, we are in the flow and void of resistance. We are in a space of grace, where anything can happen, and where nothing takes time because everything is available to us instantly through the eternal-now. Consider the experience of being totally engaged in a creative process or immersed in an endeavor that enraptures your awareness so much that you lose all track of time. In terms of perceived linear time, hours may go by, and yet it feels like only a minute has passed. Or consider the experience of meeting someone for the first time and connecting so totally heart-to-heart that it feels like you have known them for years, or all your life, or even forever, when in fact, in linear time, you have known them for only a few moments.

Torsion Fields as Containers for Information

Every experience we have ever had is encoded in nodal points. These nodal points are, essentially, torsion fields of information. The individual torsion fields of experience are contained holographically within our personal fields and remain forever connected to the unified torsion field of the heart. Re-encoding prior experiences holographically via torsion fields of information is accessible to all of us who choose to playfully leverage the construct of Time Travel. While our minds access the information along the continuum of linear time, our hearts can follow these interconnected holographic torsion fields at all times.

Practical Play: Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime

Dropping down into the field of the heart, while also availing ourselves of linear time so that our minds can follow along in a familiar way, gives us access to various torsion fields of information that are encoded as nodal points of experience in our individual fields. These nodal points of experience are often in resonance with, and powered by, much larger morphic fields.

Through the act of observation, which entangles the observer with the observed, we are able to release nodal points of information encoded therein and return them back to pure potential to await further recognition as something different. Time Travel is an awesome way to change our resonance with past experiences or even establish resonance with a future potential to expedite the manifestation process.

While engaging in Time Travel may feel linear, initially, it is not linear, at all. The act of counting to observe time is not what creates a transformation. The change or transformation occurs as we identify the nodal point or torsion field of encoded information, while the act of counting is a construct for knowing where we are as we navigate through the field of consciousness potential.

Play is a key to Time Travel. Time Travel is not about being right or fixing stuff; rather, it is simply about dropping down into the field of the heart and being curious.

Anyone, anywhere, anytime…

  • Drop down: Drop down into the field of the heart.
  • Place intent: You can begin with the Two Point. Choose any two points on or off the body that get your attention. The points can be meaningless and appear random, or you can choose a point in awareness that represent a pattern you are experiencing and a point that represents the desired change.
  • Zero point: Following the two-point connection, think or state out loud your present age or the present age of the person you are playing with. This establishes a zero-point reference for time. It is akin to Dorothy clicking her heels three times and saying, “There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home,” and finding herself home. Home is where the heart is, and stating your present age while dropping into the heart is a useful reference point from which to begin navigating through the limitless playground of consciousness potential.
  • Count back: Beginning with the present age you stated, count backwards in increments of one to five years until you sense, perceive, notice, or feel a shift, either in yourself or with the person you have selected to play with.
  • Let go: Let go of attachment to what the change is supposed to be and to any assumptions around it.
  • Notice: Notice what is different instead of noticing what is the same. Anything you notice is useful. Change is change is change.
  • from:

2/19 New Moon Energies

New Moon in Aquarius and Pisces – The Dissolution of Reality


19th February 2015

By Simon Vorster

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Yes, the title of the article is correct. This is quite an interesting New Moon formation. The New Moon falls on 29 degrees Aquarius, however the formation then trickles over into Pisces, really setting the theme for this lunar cycle.

Since the start of 2015 we have been experiencing an incredibly heightened sense of energy flowing through our collective consciousness. The energetic vibration on the planet at this time is reaching a new peak; our journey along the river has reached the ocean. This dual New Moon formation between Aquarius and Pisces reflects a period of vast polarity and change. During this cycle, so much energy and forward momentum will be unleashed that unless you are ready to ride the wave, you will likely find yourself lost in chaos, searching for dry land.

This month’s new moon message comes with two very clear paths. Are you in total alignment, or out of alignment?

Happy Birthday Pisces! May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face.

The Neptune/Pisces Archetype (Universal Life Force)

Before we look at the planetary alignments for this New Moon, it will be beneficial to first understand the nature of the Pisces/Neptune archetype.

The archetype of Neptune/Pisces reflects the totality of creation; the universe. The whole universe can be described as the Neptune archetype. It is the manifested and the un-manifested — all that is and all that can be imagined. It is the unified field of consciousness.

From our human perceptive Neptune/Pisces reflects the totality of our collective unconscious. You know that feeling you have on Friday when everyone is collectively feeling the weekend experience? It is a shared experience by millions around the globe. Unity, oneness.

The Pisces/Neptune archetype is rooted in the process of creation itself. It represents the total experience of birthing something, and its culmination from source. The return to the ocean, the return to earth. The completion of a cycle. So, at a soul level, Neptune/Pisces is linked strongly with this is the gradual journey of aligning the soul with its spiritual truth. When we are faced with circumstances that are out of our control, we learn the ultimate lesson of surrender. Through that experience we re-align our subjective egos to the knowledge of a higher power; the source of creation.

I am sure many of you have been it situations in your lives where experience has been out of your control, and the words you say to yourself include things like “it’s now in god’s hands” or “we have to just pray it all works out”. This language, conditioned into our society’s vocabulary, recognizes something far more powerful than the human condition but at the same time, induces a sense of helplessness and separation from that power. A deep painful truth here is that this sense of being overwhelmed can lead to states in which we detach and create illusions that serve and protect our inner reality by helping us “escape” from the reality of our experience. Numb the pain.

The purpose of the Neptune energy really is to support our state of spiritual integration; to bring awareness of the spiritual nature along with the physical, and unify the unconscious and conscious experience. At present, Neptune is actually moving through its natural sign of Pisces – one reason why we are all resonating so much with this spiritual awakening.

Planetary Alignments for this New Moon

Saturn in Sagittarius Square Neptune in Pisces

This ongoing square is playing a major role as it reflects the deep psychological issues and collective pain we are collectively healing, created by belief systems that promote idealised external gods, cause mass alienation and teach of separation from source. This is an important cycle for us all. We are being asked here to see beyond the veils of deception and be very clear about what the nature of reality is really about. With that, the deceptions that authority figures propagate are becoming more and more apparent.

Personally I believe that this cycle brings with it incredible rewards as we collectively strengthen our knowledge of our true essence and thereby our connection to source. This is a time where you have to find your own personal connection to the higher self and begin integrating that inspiration into your life that leads to the fulfilment of direct knowledge and experience. This cycle is also deeply effecting the way we see reality and is slowly bringing about huge change. As these outer planets (and the energetic cycles they reflect) move relatively slowly, we have to be patient.

Jupiter in Leo Quincunx Pluto in Capricorn and Chiron in Pisces, and Trine Uranus in Aries

This alignment reflects to us the process of deconstruction and subsequent healing we are experiencing on earth right now, as alignment weaves through the collective consciousness, bringing to life the beautiful tapestry of source energy that is unfolding for us. This alignment is also a direct reflections of our karmic story.

As this alignment reflects in its connections to the Modal axis of the Moon, many souls on Earth at the moment are a part of two realities. This energetic push toward transformation really makes our individual reality go one of two ways — we are either experiencing the unfolding of madness in the world as we break away from the past and discover a new paradigm, or alternatively, we are experiencing the unrest and destruction of a collapsing civilization. We can either surrender to the process of deconstruction and healing, or fight it. Either way the underlying truth is being experienced; an ending of what has been.

On the deepest level this alignment is highlighting and giving us the opportunity to choose our perspective and experience of the way an entire era of Earth’s history culminates. We can either experience it as victims of an impending “end of the world” scenario and “pray to god” it will work out, or we can feel the revival of our personal sovereignty and actively walk the path of personal empowerment. This is a chance to cleanse the wounds of the past and leave behind 6,000 years of spiritual disempowerment. It is time to reclaim your right to be alive, to follow your dreams, and shine your inner light to the world. The world is waiting on your brilliance. Will you be a part of the change? What are you going to do to make tomorrow better, today? Only you know what to do.

Mars and Venus in Pisces

Both Mars (free will) and Venus (relationship to self and others) have been trudging through the swampy vibration that is Pisces energy. Mars has been moving slightly ahead of Venus and has been setting off all sorts of issues relating to hypersensitivity, feelings of absolute chaos, disorder and lack of direction, while Venus, tagging along in Mars’ wake, has been triggering off the feeling of brain fog, creating a spacey void were everything merges into one.

Although it has caused quite a stir for us, this particular movement of Mars and Venus through Pisces is actually very important for the direction humanity is heading into now. As April draws near, a new dawn relative to our collective consciousness will begin. A fresh and clear perspective will be available for all of us. We will experience the culmination of this phase of Mars and Venus in April, and when that comes about, we will be ready and revived waiting to take on life and follow our sense of destiny with the excitement and enthusiasm akin to a child waiting to open its presents on Christmas day.

Mercury Direct

The winged messenger Mercury moved into direct motion on the 11th of February. This marked the end of a significant retrograde cycle for Mercury. In synchronicity with Mars and Venus, as mentioned above, Mercury Retrograde brought up old karmic wounds that needed our very detailed attention. Now that Mercury is in direct motion again, he will revisit those scenarios with us again and give us the opportunity to react to them in a way that is self-empowering. Pay close attention to this opportunity as much healing is available for us here.

The New Moon’s Message

As the Sun and Moon connect to form a beautiful New Moon, the Universe and all its beauty will reflect to you one of the most amazing and inspirational months. This is the point in our collective evolution where the crest of the wave is about to start returning back to the ocean. The sheer force and power that will be flowing through us will be immense. Another way to describe the feeling is like the moment before a roller coaster sends you down the steep drop. The feelings of raw excitement, anticipation and chaos. The shear rush of adrenaline when the ride finally drops. Pure ecstasy.

Although, along with this adventurous journey comes the need for courage. That rush of our new reality can make us doubtful, if we allow it. Find the inner Lion and roar with great strength from this place of ecstasy and inspiration.

During the last couple of weeks we experienced Mars and Venus move through Pisces as mentioned above. This alignment brought up very powerful and deep aspects of our collective psyche that reflect spiritual disempowerment; feeling overpowered and victimised by life. This is an incredibly important part of our awakening that needs to be healed – awareness being the first step in this healing process. In our programmed “Matrix” culture we are constantly shown our disempowerment; constantly reminded of the absence of love; constantly shown that only certain people experience prosperity. We are lead along paths of deception that make us believe that this madness is inherent to our very humanity (original sin), and that we will only be saved from the madness by some external saviour. The last statement is the most disempowering of them all.

In contrast, the Pisces archetype reminds us that we are our own gods, each and every one of us. That we each belong to a collective consciousness that unifies everything. That the source of creation is the only thing, therefore everything that is a part of it is source itself, experiencing itself through you. Step back allow you vision to transcend the 3D and observe yourself as the multidimensional being that you are. Embrace your essence and allow a sense of sovereignty to guide your personal re-empowerment. Free yourself from the shackles of personal self-doubt and the effects of fear based propaganda. Decondition yourself and find the perfect harmony available with the Source.

Lastly, as the Sun moves through Pisces it will bring about the completion and ending of an entire cycle. That which began in April last year is closing. The zodiac has finished its year’s passage and is ready to dissolve the fabric of reality and begin preparing for a new chapter in our collective human experience. One that, I know, many of you are truly excited to begin.

Many can feel something big is on the horizon, and this month will reflect back for us the process of finding the ultimate meaning. The metamorphosis of our individual and collective consciousness is here. Our consciousness is ready to move from the chrysalis of its previous existence to emerge as a mesmerising butterfly ready to bless the world with its enchanting essence.

All the events this month will continue to unfold in one of two ways as the fabric of reality dissolves and dissipates. We can either be aligned with the process and merge with it, or we can hold on to the dissolving reality and feel the crisis and fear creep in. How we experience this polarity is up to us. What we have here is an opportunity to begin in April, as the new cycle in Aries begins, with a fresh sense of vitality and new direction.

New Moon Mantra

I have left behind so many layers of who I thought I was, and what I thought I knew. I have removed so much to find so much – my source. I have become a world citizen, unified yet unique, connected to the Earth and the Universe. I have learned to find flow and to allow life to guide me… to just be.

But now… I am feeling restless. Like there must be something more than this. Like something big is about to happen. I feel that it is just around the corner… urging me on. I know I must first let go… I am ready… to lose myself… to dive into the abyss.



Being in Total Alignment | Inner Security

Video by Raising Vibrations.

On Finding Community

Connecting with Your Tribe: 10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’

Connecting with Your Tribe - 10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’ insert14th February 2015

By Michele Peppler

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

In this era of new earth consciousness, people are ‘waking up’ at an exponential rate. If you’re one of these newly awakened souls, well, chances are you’ve outgrown your life.

Suddenly jobs, living situations, romantic relationships and even entire friendship circles seem foreign, so it’s an understatement to say you probably feel a little isolated. Especially when, as you are deep in the abyss of the big questions like ‘Why am I here?’, ‘Where did we actually come from?’, ‘What is my higher calling?’ and hey while we’re down the rabbit hole, ‘Just who the hell AM I anyway!?’, people around you are discussing who won X-Factor, which royal married what celebrity, or how much they hate their boss!

Rest assured, if you’re embarking on a spiritual journey, you are right where you are supposed to be, and finding your tribe is as fundamental a piece of the awakening journey puzzle as finding your calling.

The great thing is, it is not only possible to be a conscious creator in this realm, but to accelerate how this happens, who with and how to catalyse your growth, your visions and each other.

So today, I offer my top ten tips to consciously calling in ‘your people’ – the ones that fit with and will support you on this new journey.

10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’

1. Be Authentic

Quite simply ‘You gotta be real!’ Before you can create a soul community you must know who you really are and be living a life in alignment with your truth. Until YOU are clear on who you really are and act congruently with who that is, you ARE attracting like-minds – just ones who are matching what you are projecting out to the world about who you are. So if that’s a mask, you’re relationships are likely to be circumstantial at best.

2. Take Responsibility

Understand the roles that people in your life up until now, have played in your greater understanding and experience of self, spiritual growth and personal evolution from a place of personal empowerment and self-responsibility. Often blame justifies our current shitty situation and can be a wonderful excuse for not having or creating what we want in our lives. When we take full responsibility for our lives, the part we played in our past relationships and the role we are playing now in our current relationships we create a gateway for the authentic level of connection required to truly connect with our tribe – tribe won’t put up with your B.S – they’ll hold you accountable to being the best version of you, call you on your stuff and inspire you to evolve and expand or bring into being what you are here in this life-time to create.

3. Consciously Decide

Make a conscious decision about who you want to be for yourself and where you are headed in life, what you want and don’t want for your future, and create a life and people around you who support that – many times you know what you don’t want because you’ve experienced it, but we continue to complain about the experience rather than just focus on what we are now clear we desire.

4. Evaluate Relationships

Recognise old relationships that no longer serve who you wish to be for yourself – this doesn’t mean they are ‘bad’ or what they are choosing to do with their lives is wrong – it just doesn’t support who you want to be for yourself now. This takes a commitment to yourself to know what fosters the best version of you and what doesn’t and to create personal boundaries around who you chose to allow into your circle of influence.

5. Cultivate Relationships

Identify the kindred spirits already in your life that support your highest evolution and consciously cultivate those relationships.

6. Cut the Ties That Bind

Cut energetic ties that bind you to the past and to old ideas about who you think you are, and who others think you are. Allow yourself to be who you want to be from this moment forward and only create and sustain relationships that nourish and support this.

Connecting with Your Tribe - 10 Essential Keys to Calling in Your ‘People’ insert 2

7. Shine and Evolve

Shift blockages that lower your vibration and keep you attracting people into your life who mirror any negative beliefs around expectations of what you deserve. Give yourself permission to shine. This one may require re-educating some people about who you are as you evolve.

8. Raise Your Vibration

Call in your soul people by becoming a vibrational match for who and what you want to attract into your life. For instance, where are you not honouring your truth or fulfilling your potentiality? If I want creative people who respect me and share an aligned vision, ask: Am I expressing my creativity? Do I respect myself and am I clearly living my own vision?

9. Seek Higher Guidance

Ask for guidance from your ethereal wayshowers to connect you with people your soul-tribe. The law of non-interference or ‘free will’ means that unless we invite celestial help, everything in the universe is what we create for ourselves (or co-create with others), and since every person involved in co-creation has already given their consent to what is happening to them there is no need to mess with it. However, if you ask to be connected with your soul people with the caveat of it being for the highest good for all, it’s likely that the connection will be accelerated.

10. Recognize Your People When You Find Them

Understand how to recognise your soul people when you connect with them. Be brave, notice if someone feels good to you energetically and take action to follow up the connection. Hint – If someone keeps on coming into your consciousness, chances are there’s a reason.

Connecting with Your Tribe

See a lot of people feel they want like-minded people in their life and that they don’t have that.

The thing is though, generally they do – it’s just that what they are really seeking are their ‘soul people’, but who they are attracting is more consistent with the mask they have been wearing.

So if what you desire are kindred spirits who understand who you ‘really’ are; who are in ‘your conversation’; light you up, inspire you to be a better person; restore your faith in humanity and make you believe again that we are all connected in oneness; and help you feel alive, important, appreciated, valued, and deeply understood… get real – drop the veil, follow the tips above and your people will be waiting on the other side – promise!


Time to Awaken!

Reaching the Tipping Point – It’s Up to Each of Us

by Zen Gardner

14 88

by Zen Gardner

So many are asking, “What can I do? How can I make a difference? How do I go about helping to effect the changes the world so direly needs?”

Good questions.

I repeatedly say to people to get conscious and you’ll know what to do. What does that mean? Gain empowering knowledge and information for one. And if someone’s asking those questions they obviously know just where to find it. The exponentially growing body of information available on the internet is an opportunity of the ages. I don’t know if this happened in the time of Atlantis or other previous advanced civilizations or not, but how unique an opportunity can we get?!

Look, read and learn. Then act on it.

Admittedly, growing up in a truly enlightened culture one wouldn’t have to do all this searching and have so many lies and cover up and so much disinformation to get past. It is time and energy consuming, especially for young minds under a variety of social pressures.

But it’s our task to learn, and here we are, so let’s do it. And commit to it. Stop spending any unnecessary time giving the matrix our attention and energy. It’s bad enough if you have a job you don’t particularly like, especially if it’s helping to prop up this dying, vampiric system. Let’s “spend” our time being the difference. Remember, it’s the small things, small decisions, direction changes, little acts of love and kindness that change the world around us. The rest follows as we take on that awakened way of life and don’t succumb to the dumbing down mechanisms of the repressive matrix.

But don’t cry about what you can or cannot do and sit in front of the TV all day, or stay muzzled in your day to dayt life when you have an opportunity to speak up with what you already know. Check out The Full Circle Project being formulated as we speak and join the process. It’s time we find and empower each other!

Getting Conscious

When the information comes flooding in you will eventually develop a deep spirituality. The only way this vast Universe can possibly operate is by forces and powers outside our sensory perception. Call it what you will and religions have done a great job at trying to keep it in a box, but SOMETHING is behind all this and is way powerful and wonderful.

One long look at a clear night sky says it all.

Then develop that spirituality. As you venture into the worlds of esoteric knowledge the dots begin to connect, same as they do while you investigate what’s really behind the scenes running the show here on earth as far as manipulated society goes. Then act on it. Meditate if that’s an avenue that appears to have some validity for greater consciousness and awareness, but let it lead to action as well. Pray if you’re so inclined. Chant, dance, sing, laugh, cry, scream….but take constructive action in both intention and personal responsibility.

I remember reading a famous proverb, “The desire of a lazy man kills him, because his hands refuse to work”. Hit home? Has for me many times.

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. But now’s the time to take action. And as your consciousness grows and changes start to take place, the next step(s) will always make themselves manifest; be it writing a blog and networking on the net, attending or talking at gatherings, passing out flyers, hanging posters, talking to people you meet, joining or organizing intentional movements or communities, starting a youtube channel or blog or radio show, printing stickers or T-shirts, or just hugging and smiling and sharing love….or all of the above.

Be who you truly are. And help those already doing what you know is effective. It’s getting started that’s important.

“The boat has to be in motion for the rudder to take effect.”



It Matters – Every Bit Matters

Insignificance is a matrix illusion. Each of us is infinite potential and possibility. Each of us IS the Universe. Each of us IS eternal consciousness. Each of us IS connected to everything…everything. When we change, everything changes. A perfect illustration of this is the idea of the Morphic Field I wrote about some time back. [See Change the Morphic Field…Change the World!]

Mother Teresa succinctly put it this way: “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.” And look at her global impact just by her example.

Quantum physics has made this powerful vibrational effect phenomenon a virtually accepted fact. The inter-connectivity and creative ability of consciousness is profound…and needs to be implemented in our thinking and way of life. Once we know how powerful we each are and what a profound effect we each have gets you off your duff and doing everything you can!

The Tipping Point

This is another empowering bit of information that conveys the power of change. It came out of a technical University study and was an encouraging  discovery for those who were listening, and no doubt was an alert for social engineers who’ve been on to this stuff for a very long time.

According to this study, if just 10% of the population wake up (or what they call  “committed opinion holders” have a change) it would potentially turn society upside-down from its current paradigm.

I’ve included most of this entire article as it’s quite profound:



In this visualization, we see the tipping point where minority opinion (shown in red) quickly becomes majority opinion. Over time, the minority opinion grows. Once the minority opinion reached 10 percent of the population, the network quickly changes as the minority opinion takes over the original majority opinion (shown in green). Credit: SCNARC/Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always be adopted by the majority of the society. The scientists, who are members of the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) at Rensselaer, used computational and analytical methods to discover the tipping point where a minority belief becomes the majority opinion. The finding has implications for the study and influence of societal interactions ranging from the spread of innovations to the movement of political ideals.

“When the number of committed opinion holders is below 10 percent, there is no visible progress in the spread of ideas. It would literally take the amount of time comparable to the age of the universe for this size group to reach the majority,” said SCNARC Director Boleslaw Szymanski, the Claire and Roland Schmitt Distinguished Professor at Rensselaer. “Once that number grows above 10 percent, the idea spreads like flame.”

An important aspect of the finding is that the percent of committed opinion holders required to shift majority opinion does not change significantly regardless of the type of network in which the opinion holders are working. In other words, the percentage of committed opinion holders required to influence a society remains at approximately 10 percent, regardless of how or where that opinion starts and spreads in the society.

To reach their conclusion, the scientists developed computer models of various types of social networks. One of the networks had each person connect to every other person in the network. The second model included certain individuals who were connected to a large number of people, making them opinion hubs or leaders. The final model gave every person in the model roughly the same number of connections. The initial state of each of the models was a sea of traditional-view holders. Each of these individuals held a view, but were also, importantly, open minded to other views.

Once the networks were built, the scientists then “sprinkled” in some true believers throughout each of the networks. These people were completely set in their views and unflappable in modifying those beliefs. As those true believers began to converse with those who held the traditional belief system, the tides gradually and then very abruptly began to shift.

“In general, people do not like to have an unpopular opinion and are always seeking to try locally to come to consensus. We set up this dynamic in each of our models,” said SCNARC Research Associate and corresponding paper author Sameet Sreenivasan. To accomplish this, each of the individuals in the models “talked” to each other about their opinion. If the listener held the same opinions as the speaker, it reinforced the listener’s belief. If the opinion was different, the listener considered it and moved on to talk to another person. If that person also held this new belief, the listener then adopted that belief.

“As agents of change start to convince more and more people, the situation begins to change,” Sreenivasan said. “People begin to question their own views at first and then completely adopt the new view to spread it even further. If the true believers just influenced their neighbors, that wouldn’t change anything within the larger system, as we saw with percentages less than 10.”

The research has broad implications for understanding how opinion spreads. “There are clearly situations in which it helps to know how to efficiently spread some opinion or how to suppress a developing opinion,” said Associate Professor of Physics and co-author of the paper Gyorgy Korniss. “Some examples might be the need to quickly convince a town to move before a hurricane or spread new information on the prevention of disease in a rural village.”

Here’s an example for spreading opinions, my dear researchers: To wake up humanity to its true enslaved situation and its massive potential to absolutely thrive without these oppressive, death dealing manipulative overlords!

Try that one on! ‘Cuz we are!


The Awakening Point is Here and Now

Interestingly, as mentioned above about feeling insignificant, when the number of “different opinion holders” is below 10% there’s this innate sense of futility because the fact is, as they say, it would take virtually next to forever for the ideas to move against those of the majority, mathematically speaking.

However, by simply breaking that 10% barrier some dynamic takes place, a type of critical mass is reached, and it takes on a life of its own.

A lot of this has to do with the perceived “popularity” of beliefs. Which makes sense. But let’s play along, shall we?

What we do know is people are swayed by these pressures. No doubt. Therefore change the input and playing field.

Now look at this amazing phenomenon:

Pretty encouraging and compelling. This has been challenged as being verifiable but it so resonates with how the underlying web of vibrational information works. Tune in and put it out there and it goes to work. Again, even settled science has confirmed this phenomenon, known to sages through the ages.

But so exciting is this parallel consciousness factor as well as the vibrational change aspect we’re undergoing. While these study parameters are social pressures and societal mechanisms as they’ve identified them, in reality we’re talking multi-level and multi-dimensional influences at play to help effect these vast and unlimited consciousness changes.

In other words, we’re moving fast towards that tipping point as we speak! I can’t give you any numbers or percentages, but it’s happening, so many can attest to this just in their local worlds! And ironically enough the more TPTB try to suppress it the faster it’s growing! All part of the process.

Glorious, isn’t it? What more could we ask?

Now let’s get busy. The sooner this thing ignites in a blaze of wondrous glory the better! And you don’t have to worry about the overall, just you and your part, and me and mine.

Keep on!

It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Love always, Zen


Dealing with Worry

How to Stop Worrying: 9 Simple Habits


“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”
Leo Buscaglia

“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.”
Swedish Proverb


It starts with a nagging thought.

That creates another few thoughts.

And before you know it there is a storm brewing in your mind, making you think irrationally and zapping your mental and physical energy.

Your old friend is back, creating chaos within.

I am no stranger to it either and to the powerful negative effects it can have on life and the happiness in it.

But in the last decade I have found several habits that have helped me to greatly decrease my worrying and to more easily handle such thoughts when they pop up.

1. Most of things you worry about have never happened.

I love this quote by Winston Churchill:

“When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.”

I have found it to be very true in my own life.

So when you feel worries starting to pop up ask yourself this:

How many of the things I feared would happen in my life did actually happen?

If you are anything like me then the answer will be: very few. And the very few ones that actually happened were mostly not as painful or terrible as I had expected.

Worries are most often just monsters you build in your own mind.

I find that asking myself this question regularly and reminding myself of how little of the worries that actually came to life makes easier and easier to stay calm and to stop a worried thought before it becomes a big snowball of negativity.

2. Avoid getting lost in vague fears.

When fears feel vague in your mind, when you lack clarity then it is very easy to get lost in exaggerated worries and disaster scenarios.

So find clarity in a worry-inducing situation by asking yourself:

Honestly and realistically, what is the worst that could happen?

When I have answered that question then I follow it up with spending a bit of time on figuring out what I can do about it if that pretty unlikely thing happens.

In my experience, the worst that could realistically happens is usually not as scary as what my mind could make up when it is running wild with vague fears.

Spending a few minutes on finding clarity in this way can save you whole lot of time, energy and suffering.

3. Don’t try to guess what is on someone’s mind.

Trying to read someone’s mind usually doesn’t work too well at all. Instead, it can very easily lead to creating an exaggerated and even disastrous scenario in your mind.

So choose a way that is less likely to lead to worries and misunderstandings.

Communicate and ask what you want to ask.

By doing so you’ll promote openness in your relationship and it will likely be happier as you avoid many unnecessary conflicts and negativity.

4. Say stop in a situation where you know you cannot think straight.

From time to time when I am hungry or when I am lying in bed and are about to go to sleep I can become mentally vulnerable. And so worries can more easily start buzzing around in my head.

In the past this often lead to many minutes of time that where no fun.

These days I have become better at catching such thoughts quickly and to say to myself:

No, no, we are not going to think about this now.

I then follow that up with saying this to myself:

I will think this situation or issue through at a time when I know that my mind will work much better.

Like when I have eaten. Or in the morning when I have gotten my sleep.

It takes some practice to apply this one consistently and effectively but it also makes a big difference in my life.

5. Remember, people don’t think about you and what you do as much as you may think.

They have their hands full with thinking about what other people think of them. And with thinking about what is closest to their hearts like their children, pets, a partner or the job or school.

So don’t get lost in worries about what people may think or say if you do something. Don’t let such thoughts hold you back in life.

6. Work out.

Few things work so well and consistently as working out to release inner tensions and to move out of a headspace that is extra vulnerable to worries.

I also find that working out – especially with free weights – makes me feel more decisive and focused.

So even though working out helps me to build a stronger body my main motivation to keep doing it is for the wonderful and predictable mental benefits.

7. Let your worry out into the light.

This is one of my favorites. Because it tends to work so well.

By letting your “big” worry out into the light and talking about it with someone close to you it becomes a whole lot easier to see the situation or issue for what it really is.

Just venting for a few minutes can make a big difference and after a while you may start to wonder what you were so worried about in the first place.

Sometimes the other person may only have to listen as you work through the situation yourself out loud.

At other times it can be very helpful to let the other person ground you and help you find a more practical and useful perspective on the situation at hand.

If you do not have anyone to talk to at the moment about the worry bouncing around in your mind then let it out by writing about it. Just getting it out of your head and reasoning about with yourself either on paper or in a journal on your computer can help you to calm down and find clarity.

8. Spend more time in the present moment.

When you spend too much time reliving the past in your mind then it easy to start feeding your worries about the future. When you spend too much time in the future then is also easy to get swept away by disaster scenarios.

So focus on spending more of your time and attention in the present moment.

Two of my favorite ways to reconnect with what is happening right now:

  • Slow down. Do whatever you are doing right now but do it slower. Move, talk, eat or ride your bicycle slower. By doing so you’ll become more aware of what is happening all around you right now.
  • Disrupt and reconnect. If you feel you are starting to worry then disrupt that thought by shouting this to yourself in your mind: STOP! Then reconnect with the present moment by taking just one or two minutes to focus to 100% on what is going on around you. Take it all in with all your senses. Feel it, see it, smell it, hear it and sense it on your skin.

9. Refocus on the small step you can take to move forward.

To move out the worried headspace I find it really, really helpful to just start moving and taking action to start solving or improving whatever I am concerned about.

So I ask myself:

What is one small step I can take right now to start improving this situation I am in?

Then I focus on just taking that small step forward. After that I find another small step and I take that one too.

Source: “How to Stop Worrying: 9 Simple Habits,” from, by Henrik Edberg

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On Brain & Mind

The Nature Of Mind And The Holographic Brain
By: Brandon West

What is the true nature of mind, and what is the real function of our brains?

The purpose of this article is to provide evidence that strongly indicates that you are not your brain, or your body for that matter, and that the nature of mind, of memory, and of our brains may actually be vastly different than we have been lead to believe.

Since time immemorial, man has been fascinated by the mind, leading great thinkers from Hippocrates to Descartes to ponder the nature of mind with wonder. Fast forward to modern times and observe how the mind is still revered and is dominating our culture. We have a lot of firm beliefs about the nature of mind, and I believe the ego – our limited perception of ourselves – and thus human ignorance, is intricately tied in with these beliefs.

But the truth of the matter is that we only understand a fraction of the minds potential, i.e. it’s capability of rote memorization and other analytically orientated functions, and we use even less.

We know hardly anything about the brain let alone the nature of mind. Is it possible that we are missing crucial aspects of its function and entire areas of development and potential that simply slide under the radar because they are not accepted by modern thought?

In this article we will explore the idea that the brain itself, with its tissue and neurons that we have until now deemed the source of our thoughts and identity, is actually just a tool, a receiver of human intelligence and consciousness, but not its source; and that the human mind is not sourced in the brain any more than the internet can be found in your laptop or your modem.

“My brain is only a receiver. In the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” – Nikola Tesla

Projected Memory on the Screen of Consciousness

To begin I would like to delve into the work of a Canadian neurosurgeon named Wilder Penfield. Through his work with epileptic patients spanning from the 1930′s into the 1970′s he found that “stimulation of the human cerebral cortex with a gentle electrical current sometimes awakens specific memories, at other times dreams.” His work gave him insight into the function of the brain, memory, mind, and the interactions between them.

(This information on Wilder Penfield’s experiments is from his lectures The Mechanism of Memory, and Some Mechanisms of Consciousness Discovered During Electrical Stimulation of the Brain unless otherwise specified.)

During brain surgery once the brain was exposed, he found that by using an electrode that produced a “gentle” electrical current, he could stimulate areas of the brain and get specific, repeatable, intriguing and often times simply fascinating results. The patients were kept conscious throughout the procedure so that the doctors could carry out a conversation throughout the operation and receive immediate feedback on the nature of the experience these electrical currents would produce.

In one case an area he stimulated caused a man to not only hear a piano being played, but also to see the man sitting in front of him playing the piano. In another case a boy reported seeing men sitting on a chair and singing, and in yet another case the patient heard a complete orchestra. In each of these situations the individuals involved didn’t see fleeting shapes of people, or the wisp of a song, but they saw the image as vivid and clear as if they were actually there in the room.

One woman even heard a song, which turned out to not even have been one of her favorite songs, being played when an area of her brain was being stimulated. When stimulated at intervals without her knowledge (because the brain has no tactile sensation), the same song began playing again from the exact same spot.

The sound was so clear and flawless that she mistook a device in the operating room as a musical device that they were stopping and starting at intervals.

In all cases the patients recalled the events not like you would commonly recall a memory, which is usually as a fleeting mental image, but rather in such explicit detail that it was literally like they were reliving the event in question. Some patients literally saw people in front of them, and heard them just as clearly as if they were actually there.

As Dr. Penfield phrased it, it was like the mind was able to “project a memory or a dream upon the screen of consciousness.” Moreover he found that when he stimulated the brains of individuals and they remembered something, an image, or sound, or a feeling, those memories were always accompanied by the thought processes that accompanied them at the time. Therefore our brains record sensory data as a whole unit.

Holographic Memory and the Nature of Mind

In my article the unified field and the illusion of time, we explored some evidence supporting the understanding that all information is encoded directly into the field – the energy density of space/time – all around us (which unfortunately is beyond the scope of this article). But if we apply that understanding to the perception going on in this circumstance when Wilder Penfield stimulated the brains of his patients, what occurred was that his patients seemed to have perfect recall of past events and in visual cases, 3D or holographic memory.

This is not normal perception.

What if the stimulation of the brain itself caused his patients to project their memory onto the field? Or what if that information was already present in a holographic sense meaning that those images, and those songs and memories were encoded within the field, possibly recording directly into the field by the brain itself, and the stimulation by chance allowed them to perceive the memory directly in the field?

This not only suggests the possibility of holographic memory in human beings, but a very different understanding of memory itself (which we shall explore later).

The other thing that is interesting is that the events which were brought back were entirely mundane, meaning they were generally ordinary events of no significance. This suggests that our brains actually record every detail of our lives, even the mundane and ordinary, and that they are accessible to us if we could figure out how to access it, or in other words, how to tap into the full potential of our minds.

Wilder Penfield himself remarked that if the brain was indeed recording all of experience, then it is only natural that when dipping into this massive archive of information and memory that we happen upon ordinary events considering the vast quantity of information recorded in our lifetime (from How To Know God by Deepak Chopra).

In Deepak Chopra’s book How To Know God, he also cites how Wilder Penfield noted that the brain even retains memory while dormant, such as the fact that when patients are under deep anesthesia during surgery, about one percent of the population has a recollection of what the doctors were saying, and even some details of the procedure. It is interesting that…

“Under deep anesthesia, there are practically no higher brain waves at all, making it impossible for the cerebral cortex to accomplish anything so complex as remembering what a surgeon is saying.”(How to Know God, p. 217)

This is one of the reasons why Wilder Penfield concluded after nearly 40 years of research that the mind was an entity separate from the brain, and which did not rely on the brain to function.

Who Is The One Doing The Moving?

Deepak Chopra in his lecture series with Wayne Dyer entitled Living Beyond Miracles tells of another of Wilder Penfield’s experiments where he is stimulating the motor cortex of a patient’s brain which causes the patient to raise their arm in front of them. If we were to ask the man if it is him moving his are, he would reply that ‘No, I AM not.’

But when Penfield asked him to move his arm to the side the patient could move his arm, and he responded with something akin to ‘I AM moving my arm’, or ‘now I AM moving my arm’. Who is this I AM presence who is doing the moving? And why is it not activated when the body is moving on its own?

If our brain is the source of who we are, then any stimulation thereof which resulted in motion should give us the perception that it is us who is moving, but as Deepak Chopra states, because that is not the case this is indicative that our brain is not who we are, that the brain and body is only superficially related to who we are, and that the brain most certainly is not the source of who we are.

Brain Tissue Is Apparently Optional

Removing a hemisphere. Evidence for the holographic brain concept, and that our brain is only a recorder of experience and not the source of the mind can be found in a study done by Johns Hopkins University (J.H.U.) where they worked with brain-damaged children. They found that they could improve their level of intelligence and physical coordination by removing the damaged hemisphere of their brain. In essence, they literally cut out the damaged chunk of the children’s brain.

Within our current understanding of the brain this operation should significantly damage, if not irreparably hinder the child’s ability for memory and cognitive functions. From conventional understanding all of the functions which that hemisphere of the brain took care of would no longer be implemented leaving the child mentally deficient, or fragmented in some form.

If memories are stored in the brain, then after this operation those children should have lost those memories pertaining to the removed portion of their brain … if memories are stored in the brain. Yet the results were astonishing, and once again defied conventional thought.

Dr. Eileen P. G. Vining of J.H.U. studied 54 of the children who underwent the operation and she was simply astounded by the “retention of memory, and by the retention of the child’s personality and sense of humour.” A new version of the study was published in 2003 by John Hopkins University that dealt with 111 kids who had the operation between 1975 and 2003. Out of these 111 children 86% of them were seizure free or no longer needed medication (David Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations).

The mystery of hydrocephalus. For more evidence we move towards the work of Dr. John Lorber who is one of the world’s top experts on the condition known as hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is due to a problem with the flow cerebral spinal fluid which surrounds and cushions the brain, and when there is a blockage in this flow the pressure within the individual’s cranium is increased. Hydrocephalus means literally “water on the brain,” and brain swelling in this case leads to an oftentimes dramatic compression of brain tissue.

Dr. Lorber studied a total of 253 people with this condition. In the most severe cases, the pressure in the brain would increase to such a high level that the brain tissue would be compacted leaving the patient with only a fraction of their original amount of brain tissue. In Dr. Lorber’s study 9 people reached this severity with around only 5% of their total brain tissue left. That means only 5% of their neurons, brain cells, synapses, and so one were available in the patient’s brain.

Amazingly 4 out of 9 of those people with less than 5% of their brain tissue had an IQ over 100, and 2/9 had an IQ greater than 126. In other words 66.6% of them were fine. Given the drastic loss of brain tissue the obvious question is how is this possible? How can someone with almost literally no brain be intelligent at all, let alone above average?

Dr. Lorber was directed to a student at his university by his peers, literally based on the intriguingly large size of his head, they thought he may be of potential interest. This student had an IQ of 126 and had a “first-class honours degree in mathematics, and is socially completely normal.”

A brain scan was done on this individual with surprising results. It was found that out of the normal 4.5 cm of brain tissue, his condition had been compressed to only a few millimeters. In other words his head filled with cerebral spinal fluid, and only a few millimeters of brain tissue, yet he was still high functioning with above average intelligence (David Wilcock, The Source Field Investigations).

I have no technical understanding of how this is even possible except to simply suggest that possibly the conductivity and crystalline nature of water may be a contributing factor. Yet what this should clearly illustrate that we know very little of the true nature of mind, or the brain. Both of these once again demonstrate that the mind is independent of the brain.

The Nature of Mind-Brain Connection

This evidence raises some important questions:

What is the real function of our brains? Is it the brain tissue itself that creates our intelligence, or is it the electrical and conductive nature of the brain that allows us to connect to intelligence? More or less like a sophisticated antennae, just like Nikola Tesla observed of himself early in the 20th century.

All of this information so far creates a lot of friction with the current propagated understanding of the brain, if it doesn’t debunk it altogether. The information that Penfield discovered is suggesting that our brains are independent of our minds, and that all our memories are recorded in their entirety, and with the same detail that we experienced them. From where we do not yet know.

I also suggest that this is evidence that we have the potential for holographic memory. This hypothetically is a possible function of our minds where our memory is projected powerfully onto reality (onto the screen of the universal consciousness) so that we can experience and relive our memories in 3D. After all, this is what Wilder Penfield’s patients experienced.

As Johns Hopkins University, and John Lorber’s research found, it may not be that our brains are really that important. If children can have half their brains removed and retain their memories and personality, and if people can function with less than 5% of their brain tissue with above average intelligence, then what is the true purpose of the brain but as a vehicle for intelligence, not as the source of intelligence?

Like a highly sophisticated bio-technology that we use to experience this level of reality, create reality, and express ourselves. Like in the movie Avatar, maybe we are not actually our bodies but are just operating them.

Is our brain really where memories are stored? There is actually no evidence to support that even our memories are stored in the brain, and never has there been a memory discovered in the brain. This is because our brains are constantly changing and are not fixed structures.

The evidence is finally lining up with ancient spiritual truths from every culture which expressed explicitly that we are divine, and that our true nature is conscious awareness, and that we are merely a fragment of that divine consciousness expressed in physical form.


We may be vastly underestimating the power of our minds, and our true abilities to use them. If our minds can remember entire songs to perfection or orchestral performances that we only heard in passing then what is stopping us from accessing this on a conscious level?

It seems that every single detail of our lives is recorded with our brain, so the question I have is how do we access that information, and from where do we access it?

This evidence provides a truly exciting shift in the way we can view our minds, and more importantly our potential. If an electrode in our brain is able to stimulate such vivid recollection, is it not possibly that we can develop our imagination and our mental abilities to this point naturally so we can use that ability at will?

Is it not possible that there is much more going on during a simple thought process or recollection of an event than we give ourselves credit for? That is exactly what Wilder Penfield found which caused him at the end of his career to see the nature of mind as a field of energy or information which Deepak Chopra (I believe) termed the ‘mind-field’.

What if your essence is not in your brain, or in your body, but in a formless field of energy?

About the Author

Brandon West is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. Follow Project Global Awakening on Facebook, and Twitter.
